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Electronic Data Processing (EDP) ManagersCalifornia Occupational Guide Number 348Interest Area 111995 THE JOBIn every industry there is need for managers to plan and direct the activities of all organizational Industries that use computers employ ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (EDP) MANAGERS to control the various activities related to the operation of the firm's mainframe computer or its client-server network, as well as all of the peripheral Major users of EDP systems are banks, public utilities, transportation and insurance companies, large manufacturing firms, and government and educational Computer equipment manufacturers and independent computer service firms also operate computer centers on a fee or contract While the EDP unit often operates as an independent center, serving all departments of the establishment under an executive officer, it is often attached to another department, such as In some firms, an EDP Manager may be responsible only for computer production: data entry, data control, equipment scheduling, and quality In such firms, another EDP Manager takes care of programming, program maintenance and systems analysis Frequently, however, the EDP Manager is in charge of all of these As head of computer production units, EDP Managers plan and direct the operation of the electronic data processing equipment, and select, train, supervise and evaluate the work of the computer operations In planning the work of the department, EDP Managers evaluate the relative importance of various projects and determine job They review the requirements of each project, assign machine time and personnel to complete it, and coordinate all projects to produce a continuous work flow and meet deadlines established by management of user Since idle machines are expensive to the organization, one of the prime responsibilities of the EDP Managers is the effective utilization of all data processing equipment through When their departments encompass programming and systems analysis, EDP Managers generally review and approve all systems charts and programs prior to their They may also spend much time with the analysts working out the requirements of a proposed job, defining the problem and developing the If the EDP Manager is not directly responsible for new programs, he/she is usually consulted about the data operations or other aspects of a new program, and may confer with programmers and analysts regarding program problems that arise during a machine WORKING CONDITIONSEDP Managers work in well-lighted and well-ventilated However, the temperature where the data processing equipment is located is kept lower than normal in order to counteract the heat generated by the machine EDP Managers are exposed to noises in the room from the low hum of the tape or disc drives to the high-speed sound of the Meeting deadlines, satisfying the demands of user departments, and solving personnel problems are potential causes of stress in this occupation; therefore, EDP Managers should have emotional stability and patience as well as organizational Effective job performance generally requires that EDP Managers be able to stand and move about with ease and have mobility of arms and Good vision is essential since this job demands considerable reading and other close EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOKThe following information is from the California Projections of Employment published by the Labor Market Information D It includes Engineering, Mathematical and Natural Sciences MEstimated number of workers in 1990 53,040Estimated number of workers in 2005 64,830Projected Growth 1990-2005 22%Estimated openings due to separations by 2005 14,230(These figures do not include self-employment nor openings due to )Even though more organizations are acquiring computers or enlarging their existing facilities, refinements in equipment and production methods which increase the output of the machines, may actually lessen, rather than increase the need for The trend of large firms to consolidate their activities into regional service centers will also limit the growth of this However, because of industry expansion, there will continue to be a need for EDP Managers, especially those who stay abreast of technological Most of the openings that will occur will be filled from within the WAGES, HOURS, AND FRINGE BENEFITSEDP Managers' salaries tend to vary widely in line with such factors as the nature and size of the employing establishment, the level of the position and the degree of responsibility Salaries also vary depending upon the type of installation, , utilizing a single computer manufacturer's line or using various computers manufactured by different Beginning salaries start at approximately $2,500 to $4,000 per Those with experience may earn from $3,700 to $6,500 or more per Highly experienced individuals may earn up to $8,500 or more per Managers working for the State of California start at about $4,000 per month, and may promote to manager IV, which has a maximum salary of $6,404 per Those who have the higher salaries are generally responsible for directing programming and systems analysis as well as EDP The work week is nominally 40 hours; however, most data processing managers find it necessary to work overtime to handle peak workloads and to compensate for unavoidable delays in the regular Fringe benefits usually include paid vacation a year, paid holidays, sick leave and health Some organizations provide a retirement and profit-sharing ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TRAININGMost employers require EDP Managers to have a bachelor's degree in business administration, engineering, or computer Three to five years experience in data processing is usually required of EDP M Demonstrated supervisory ability, along with the required experience and training is highly Managers should be familiar with program languages such as COBOL or FORTRAN In most establishments, a broad knowledge of the firm's activities, gained through experience in accounting production, inventory control, or other specialized activities is considered an asset when combined with EDP ADVANCEMENTBecause of the evolving nature of EDP programming and equipment, it is important that the EDP Manager engage in continuing self- Several lines of advancement may be open to the EDP Manager depending on the organizational structure of his Where systems and procedures functions are separate from machine operations, management of this overall planning unit may constitute a If the EDP unit is a part of the accounting department, the manager may advance to chief accountant or controller provided he has the necessary accounting Elsewhere, the EDP Manager may be in line for promotion to other managerial or administrative posts since directing data processing activities provides the opportunity to become familiar with most of the firm's Furthermore, as the job of the EDP Manager grows in complexity and scope, these constitute an upgrading in itself with no reassignment of

开题报告的格式(通用) 由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题说清楚,应包含两个部分:总述、提纲。 1 总述开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法、必要的数据等等。2 提纲开题报告包含的论文提纲可以是粗线条的,是一个研究构想的基本框架。可采用整句式或整段式提纲形式。在开题阶段,提纲的目的是让人清楚论文的基本框架,没有必要像论文目录那样详细。3 参考文献开题报告中应包括相关参考文献的目录4 要求开题报告应有封面页,总页数应不少于4页。版面格式应符合以下规定。开 题 报 告 学 生: 一、 选题意义 1、 理论意义 2、 现实意义 二、 论文综述 1、 理论的渊源及演进过程 2、 国外有关研究的综述 3、 国内研究的综述 4、 本人对以上综述的评价 三、 论文提纲 前言、 一、1、2、3、�6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1二、1、2、3、�6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1三、1、2、3、结论 四、论文写作进度安排 毕业论文开题报告提纲一、开题报告封面:论文题目、系别、专业、年级、姓名、导师二、目的意义和国内外研究概况三、论文的理论依据、研究方法、研究内容四、研究条件和可能存在的问题五、预期的结果六、进度安排



会计电算化对会计工作方法的影响探讨 摘 要:会计电算化是会计学进入信息时代的发展,它是会计学、电脑与信息技术、企业管理及经济计量学等学科相互交叉结合后产生的综合性学科。其实质是将电子计算机为主的当代信息技术应用到会计工作中,即是用电子计算机代替人工记账、算账与报账,以及部分代替人脑完成对会计信息的分析、预测和决策的过程。本文通过以下几个代表性问题进行探讨,从而对会计电算化在会计工作方法中存在的一些问题提出规范性的解决方法。关键词:会计电算化 会计工作方法影响前 言会计电算化的普及和应用, 这个巨大飞跃也给会计工作带来很大的影响。不仅仅是会计核算工作的现代化,实现会计电算化的过程也是促进会计工作标准化、制度化、规模化的过程,是促进会计、会计工作改革和发展的过程,同时也是一个观念更新、推进企业管理现代化的过程。会计电算化的实施,大大提高了会计信息处理的速度和准确性,能为用户提供及时、准确的会计信息,是会计事业发展史上一次史无前例的飞跃。一、会计电算化的概述(一)会计电算化的基本概念 要探讨会计电算化对传统手工会计的影响就必须先搞明白会计电算化的一些基本概念,即什么是会计电算化?ERP是什么样的软件?网络会计又是怎么回事?只有搞清楚这些概念我们才能明白我国会计电算化得现状以及未来发展方向,使我们搞清楚我们的会计电算化处于什么样的经济环境下,以及将来将会进行如何改革。科学联系实际才能称之为科学,否则我们将无从对会计电算化对传统手工会计的影响进行探讨,即使进行了探讨也无法将其应用于实际。会计电算化 会计电算化的概念有广义和狭义之分。狭义的会计电算化是指以电子计算机为主体的当代电子信息技术在会计工作中,主要是应用计算机代替人工记帐、算帐、报帐以及代替部分由大脑完成的对会计信息的处理、分析和判断的过程;广义的会计电算化是指与实现会计工作电算化有关的所有工作,包括会计电算化软件的开发和应用、会计、电算化人才的培训、会计电算化的宏观规划、会计电算化的制度建设、会计电算化软件市场的培育与发展等。(二)会计电算化的作用提高会计数据处理的实效性和准确性、提高会计核算的水平和质量、减轻会计人员的劳动强度;提高经营管理水平。使财务会计管理由事后管理向事中控制、事先预测转变,为管理信息化打下基础推动会计技术,方法,理论创新和观念更新,促进会计工作的进一步发展。二、我国会计电算化发展的状况以及发展趋势(一)发展状况人类正在步出工业社会,而进入一个崭新的时代-信息时代。信息时代的到来,无疑对社会经济的方方面面,当然包括会计在内,必将产生巨大的冲击,并对传统会计模型提出新的挑战。从理论上讲,会计模型中的所有规则都应当与其所存在的客观社会经济环境相适应,然而所有这些规则的建立,却又都不能超越其在信息技术上实现的可能性。 从会计电算化工作的开展程度、组织管理和会计软件开发等因素综合分析, 我国会计电算化的发展可以概括为三个阶段。1983年以前的缓慢发展阶段;1983年到1987年的自发发展阶段;1987年以财政部发布的第一个全国性会计电算化的行政法规《会计核算软件管理的几项规定(试行)》为标志的有计划的稳步发展阶段。相应的会计电算化软件的开发应用也可以分为三个阶段, 20 世纪80 年代中期以前, 基本上我国会计电算化的发展,处于各自为政、闭门造车的局面。盲目、孤立地投资开发会计软件, 不仅投资大、周期长、见效慢, 而且极大地影响了会计软件的市场基础。到80 年代后期, 财政部在全国范围内进行了调查研究, 认为仅有会计软件的规范化和通用化还不够, 必须实现会计软件的商品化和服务的社会化, 并解决低水平重复开发的问题。进入90 年代, 财政部先后发布了一系列的有关会计电算化系统开发、评审、实施等管理规章, 大批由业务主管部门主持开发的软件或商品化会计软件得到广泛应用。到目前为止,我国的会计电算化已成为一个相当成熟而又市场广阔的领域。ERP软件的不断发展让我们看到会计电算化软件正顺应时代潮流的发展。但是,我们又必须清醒地看到,目前国内的会计电算化并没有全面实现。全面的、完整的电算化会计系统应为电算化会计数据处理子系统,电算化会计理子系统和电算化会计决策支持系统。它凭愧会计数据处理来反映企业的经营活动情况;通过会计管理来监督企业的经营活动情况并通上会计决策来参与企业管理。只有三个子系统书辅相成、共同作用,才能真正实现会计的反映监督和参与决策的职能。应当看到,我国目前会计电算化水平,尚处于电算化会计工作的弟一步—会计核算的电算化,即把原来由会计人员处理的会计核算业务,原样移植到计算机中,由计算机模拟、替代人工处理,远没有真正发挥计算机运算速度快、精度高、存储量大的优点。(二)发展趋势目前因为我们有基本现成的会计核算模式,而财务或企业管理工作则比较复杂且没有成型的模式,会计核算的输人/输出数据比较规范且容易组织,我们已形成一套固定的会计核算过程和方法,所以设计并实现电算化会计核算系统比较容易,因此只能先搞核算电算化。 然而当今社会财务和企业管理计算机化是会计电算化最有拿义的战略决战阶段,建立并实际运行以管理为重心的、网络化的、完整的会计或企业管理信息系统将显著提高企业财会管理水平,会计电算化长期的、隐含着的经济效益和社会效益将大量地迸发出来在这个阶段将实现财会和企业管理现代化。此时会计电算化已融人到整个企业管理现代化的洪流之中,可能称其为会计及企业管理信息化、计算机化等。这个阶段的系统必然是网络化的,系统化的和以管理为重心的 。三、会计电算化对会计工作方法的影响(一)对会计核算的影响编制会计凭证会计凭证是记录经济业务和明确经济责任的书面证明,是记账的依据。手工条件下,会计凭证按照填制程序的不同分为原始凭证和记账凭证两种。记账凭证根据审核后的原始凭证编制,实行会计电算化后,这一基本程序仍不会改变,会计人员仍然是根据审核后的原始凭证将有关数据输入计算机,完成记账凭证的填制。但是,电算化的实行对手工条件下凭证的填制与审核产生了影响,表现在如下方面:①原始单据承载的信息量加大。在手工方式下信息的提供可以从不同的途径获得,而在计算机系统中,原始单据将成为资料的惟一入口。原始单据的录入,将满足各层次信息需要者的要求,这就要求原始单据中,承载更多的信息量。②记账凭证添加了“科目代码”栏。手工条件下,编制记账凭证时直接写出科目名称即可,而在向计算机中录入凭证时可以直接录入各个科目的代码,计算机根据代码自动产生相应科目的名称,这就大大提高了录入速度。另外,电算化条件下,凭证要素和格式都是由会计人员事先按会计制度设定好,只要与制度不符合的凭证,计算机就会拒绝接受,这样会促使会计凭证规范化程度得以进一步提高。③凭证中各数据项根据类型、范围和勾稽关系可以进行有效控制,从而使一些不合规范的录入不能输入到计算机中。在电算化条件下,凭证借贷方金额必须相等才能保存,在初始化设置中应事先确定凭证中供方或贷方必有或必无科目、非法对应科目等,编号可以自动连续,日期可以限制顺序等。通过这些,在电算化条件下对于会计凭证的填制与审核,可以使会计凭证更加规范化,同时也可以降低会计凭证的差错率。④手工条件下, 会计凭证的生成都是由人工书写来完成的,在电算化会计中会计凭证输入模块中一般的凭证处理都是由人工录入来完成的,类似于手工条件下的处理。但是,大多数会计核算软件都提供自动转账功能,即由计算机根据程序设计可自己生成所需凭证,它主要用于定期结转损益、结转有关税金的账务业务处理。⑤在记账凭证发生错误时,两种条件下的处理也有所不同,结账前的处理类似,没有太大的区别。在结账后,手工条件下可采用划线更正的方法,并需使原有字迹仍可辨认。在电算化条件下,有些核算软件提供了反结账的功能,可对已发生的错误凭证进行修改,并能删除原错误凭证,或采用补充登记法或红字冲销法进行修改,我们提倡使用后面的两种方法进行修改,而一般情况下不使用反结账的方法修改。⑥键盘操作较之手工处理的“笔误”更容易发生“误操作”,因而“凭证填制”在操作功能上分为“填制”、“修改”、“删除”等步骤以进行正确性控制。⑦填制好的凭证同样需要审核。由于在电算化会计中凭证是全部资料的惟一入口,即一般情况下只要凭证输入正确,账、表资料则一定正确对待,所以对于凭证的录入、审核就显得非常有必要。对对账在手工会计登账时,总账由一名会计人员根据凭证汇总进行登账,明细账由另一名会计人员根据凭证平等登记入账,月末检查两者是否相等。由于两名会计在登记入账时有可能发生错误,平行登账就可以检查错误。但在电算化会计中,总账与明细账均来源于记账凭证,其他的处理均由计算机内部来完成的,而计算机的内部运算一般情况下是不可能发生错误的,所以在电算化会计中总账恒等于明细账,平行登账的校验功能在电算化会计中失去了在手工体条件下所起的作用,取而代之的是对数据输入阶段的控制,以保证数据处理的结果是正确可靠的。(二)对会计监督的影响第一、会计电算化对政府监督工作的影响。第二、会计电算化对社会监督工作的影响。第三、会计电算化对单位内部控制工作的影响 。(三)会计电算化对传统会计的影响联系(1)目标与理论一致。两者都对企业的经济业务进行记录和核算,最终目标都是为了加强经营管理,提供会计信息,参与经营决策,提高企业经济效益。两系统都要遵循基本的会计理论和方法,都采用复式记账原理。都要遵守会计和财务制度,以及国家的各项财经法纪,严格贯彻执行会计法规,从措施、技术、制度上堵塞各种可能的漏洞,消除弊端,防止作弊。(2)功能相同。任何一个信息要达到系统目标,都应具备信息的采集输入、存贮、加工处理、传输和输出这五项功能。作为会计信息系统的输出,会计信息档案必须妥善保存,以便查询。(3)编制报表。两系统都要编制会计报表,并且都必须按国家要求编制企业外部报表。比较差异典型电子商务的支付应该是在网上完成支付的,网上支付通过信用卡支付和虚拟银行的电子资金划拨来完成,而实现这一过程涉及网络银行玉网络交易客户之间的协议、网络银行与网站之间的合作协议以及安全保障问题。因此,需要制定相应法律,明确网上支付的当事人之间的法律关系,制定相关网上支付制度。(1)系统初始化。手工会计的初始化工作包括建立会计科目,开设总账,登录余额等;会计电算化的初始化设置工作则较为复杂,且带有一定的难度,其内容主要有会计系统的安装,账套的设置,网络用户的权限设置,操作员及权限的设置,软件运行环境的设置,科目级别与位长的设置,会计科目及其代码的建立,最明细科目初始余额的输入,凭证类型设置,自动转账分录定义,会计报表名称、格式、数据来源公式的定义等。在手工会计中,由于手工核算的限制,将账户分设为总账和明细账,明细账大多仅设到三级账户,此外,再开设辅助账户以满足管理核算上的需要;科目的设置和使用一般都仅为中文科目。而在会计电算化中,计算机可以处理各种复杂的工作,科目的级数和位长设置因不同的软件而异,有的财务软件将科目的级崐数可设置到6级以上,完全满足了会计明细核算方面的需要;科目的设置上除设置中文科目外,仍应设置与中文科目一一对应的科目代码,使用科目时,计算机只要求用户输入某一科目代码,而不要求输入该中文科目,但在显示打印时,一般都将中文科目和与之对应的科目代崐码同时显示。(2)账务处理。手工会计根据企业的生产规模、经营方式和管理形式的不同,采用不同的会计核算形式,常用的账务处理程序有记账凭证核算形式、科目汇总表核算形式、汇总记账凭证核算形式、日记账核算形式等,对业务数据采用了分散收集、分散处理、重复登记的操作方法,通过多人员、多环节进行内部牵制和相互核对,目的是为了简化会计核算的手续,以减少舞弊和差错。而在会计电算化中,一般要根据文件的设置来确定,常用的是日记账文件核算形式和凭证文件核算形式,在一个计算机会计系统中,通常只采用其中一种核算形式,对数据进行集中收集、统一处理、数据共享的操作方法。四、会计电算化的利弊分析(一)会计电算化在会计工作中的积极作用科学的计算机数据处理过程大大加速了会计核算工作。在手工作业下,会计人员日复一日、年复一年地从事着记账、算账、对账、手工编制报表等简单、重复、繁杂的事务性工作,耗费了大量的时间与精力。由于手工计算速度极其缓慢,无法及时、准确地为各级管理阶层提供管理决策所需的信息,造成会计工作严重滞后的局面,使财务部门不能发挥领导决策的参谋作用。会计电算化的有效开展,将在这方面给会计实务工作带来根本性的改善。手工条件下, 会计核算工作要由许多人共同完成;实现会计电算化后,输入一张会计凭证,会计电算化系统可自动对其进行记账、汇总、转账、结账、出报表等一经济业务,系统还可以调用常用凭证、常用摘要、系列工作,对于大量重复出现的自动转账等固定的模式自动生成。对于编制会计报表,可运用电子表格UFO,根据自己的需要设置好计算公式,从总账模块中自动抽取数据,随时按照自己的要求输出不同类型的报表,这样不仅使复杂的会计核算工作变得简单、迅速,而且大大提高了会计运算过程中数据的准确性, 确保了会计核算工作更精确、更及时地满足经营决策层对不同财务信息的需求。进一步提高会计核算的正确性,有效防止人为造假等现象。在手工记账条件下,一笔经济业务需要经过很多人重复记账、制单、制表等,因此数据记录时难免发生计算及登记错误;而采用电子计算机进行会计核算,计算精度高,只要按程序正确输入财务数据,便可确保会计信息的正确性,而且符合国家规定的会计软件本身必须具备可靠性、安全性、保密性的特点。另外在使用软件过程中,可以根据本单位工作岗位、工作职责设置相应软件的管理权限,增设个人密码,遵循财务相互牵制制度。财务人员只能使用,不能篡改程序,确保会计信息系统真实、准确、安全、可靠。会计电算化改变了会计核算方式、数据储存形式、数据处理程序和方法,扩大了会计数据领域,提高了会计信息质量,而且改变了会计内部控制与审计的方法和技术, 推动了会计理论与会计技术的进一步发展完善,促进了会计管理制度的改革。会计电算化成就了会计信息的及时传递,为企业经营决策奠定了可靠的基础。在信息高速发展的今天,会计信息对社会经济发展和企业经济效益提高起着越来越重要的作用。现代信息技术和会计电算化能够将社会全部的经济活动按自己的要求精确地记录、保存和传播。会计信息是决策者进行决策的重要依据。传统会计方式下,反映会计信息主要靠每月会计报表和年终的财务决算,时效性较差,其他会计信息的取得则更为不易,会计工作始终处于滞后状态,因而难以实现会计信息的共享。而在电算化环境下从根本上改变了这种局面,它充分提高了会计信息的利用效率,单位之间可以通过网络相互查询,各级领导也可以随时从网上调阅所需要的经济信息,实现了信息共享。因此在电算化环境下,会计信息可以随时取得。(二)会计电算化在会计实际工作中暴露出的一些问题会计人员缺乏计算机理论知识,遇到计算机故障不能及时处理。一般会计人员所掌握的知识、理论仅能满足手工会计核算,而会计电算化的应用对会计人员提出了新的要求,即会计人员不仅要掌握一定的会计专业知识,还要掌握相关的计算机知识、财务软件使用技术以及保养和维护知识。通常在使用微机过程中,除了开机使用财务软件之外,对微机的软硬件知识了解甚少,一旦微机出现乱码、死机等故障,财务人员便会束手无策;既使最初参加了一些会计软件的应用培训,也无法避免在上机时遇到难以处理的一些故障,一旦出现问题,可能就会使自己很长时间的工作成果付诸东流,使系统数据丢失,严重的将导致系统崩溃。如在日常工作中,会计人员正在录入数据,计算机突然出现黑屏或一些无法理解的其他图案,按回车键或其他键,异常情况仍然无法消除,最后,只好实施“ 热启动”结束任务。但在这种情况下,往往都以会计数据丢失甚至应用程序损坏为最终代价,使辛辛苦苦的劳动一瞬间化为乌有。无疑这种现象直接影响到会计工作的正常有序。实现会计电算化的同时也面临着财务数据的安全隐患。会计电算化实现了会计信息资源的共享,但同时也带来了一系列财务风险,如:系统密码被非法盗用,致使企业财务数据外泄、货币资金账户资金被转移;网络传输中,各企业之间的经济交易、经济结算同样也面临着安全风险;计算机病毒无止境地生成,不断破坏数据库,造成系统无法正常运行;财务数据的保存,既使数据的多次备份,也很有可能出现备份介质的自然损坏而导致数据丢失等。(三)会计电算化工作中应采取的一些措施转变观念,强化认识,不断提高财务人员的综合素质。会计电算化事业的发展依赖于电算化会计理论的发展,财务人员要从思想上打破常规,把会计知识与计算机知识有机结合起来,因此,电算化会计理论是指导、推动会计电算化在新的基础上不断完善和发展的实践指南。会计电算化给会计工作增添了新的内容,电算化会计下的人员不仅要掌握会计专业知识,更应掌握计算机相关知识,形成复合型人才。要提高会计人员计算机业务素质,必须大力加强人才培训的力度。积极组织所有会计人员系统地学习会计电算化的理论知识,维护软件正常运行,掌握计算机先进技术,为建立高效的会计信息系统创造条件。避免风险,杜绝隐患,确保财务数据安全完整。财务上的数据往往是企业经营的重要资料,在很大程度上关系着企业的生存与发展。因此会计信息系统的安全性尤为重要,主要包括:实体安全控制、硬件安全控制、内部控制、软件安全控制、网络安全控制、病毒的防范与控制和加强审计监督等。防范病毒最为有效的措施是一方面加强安全教育,建立健全防范病毒管理制度;另一方面采取一些安全措施,具体内容包括:软件、软盘及计算机系统的采购和更新要通过计算机病毒检测后方可使用;专机专用,绝对禁止在工作机上玩游戏、看电影。同时也要防止计算机之间软盘的乱拷贝;安装适时的杀病毒软件,并且定期、定时地清除计算机病毒。由于现在许多病毒是通过网络进行传播的,所以还应设置适当的网上防火墙,防止病毒的侵袭。最后应做好会计资料的保存与收集工作,要定期把计算机系统中的所有会计数据拷贝存储到磁性介质或光盘上,并采用双份备份,且存放在两个不同的地点,定期对其进行检查、复制,这样才能保证计算机硬件系统损坏后能在最短的时间内、在最小的损失下恢复原有的会计电算化系统。(四)会计电算化的深远意义1.会计电算化为充分发挥会计的职能作用创造了有利条件,实现会计电算化后,将会计人员从传统的抄写、计算、记账等繁琐的工作中解脱出来,从而可以把工作重点和主要精力转向对经济活动的分析、预测和日常管理方面, 更好地完成会计反映和监督生产经营活动的各项任务,充分发挥会计的职能作用。会计电算化不仅减轻了财会人员的工作强度,提高了会计工作的效率,而且促进了会计工作的规范化,从而提高了会计工作的质量。由于在编制会计电算化软件的过程中,将对会计数据的来源提出一系列规范化的要求,在很大程度上解决了手工操作中的不规范、易出错、易疏漏等问题,使会计工作的质量得到进一步的保证。会计电算化能够快速、及时、大量和精确地处理各类数据,扩展了会计工作的领域,为实现整个管理工作现代化奠定了基础。实现会计电算化后,可以把复杂的数学方法与会计工作紧密地结合在一起,不仅使成本计算更加精确,在分析、预测和决策中借助各类数学模型,可以更好地认识和掌握经济活动发展变化的规律,并将促使会计核算的方式、方法、内容以及理论研究发生巨大的变化,促进了会计学科的发展与飞跃。综上所述,会计电算化的普及和应用不仅仅是会计核算工作的现代化,也是促进会计标准化、制度化、规模化的过程,同时也是促进会计工作改革和发展、观念更新的过程。在这个过程中出现的一些问题应当引起高度重视并及时解决,这样会计电算化改革的步伐才会迈得更大。结 论电算化会计产生和发展的过程,是突破传统会计观念,对现行会计理论和方法提出新问题、新课题,以及研究和确立新的理论和方法的过程。从长期看,随着电子技术的飞速发展和电算化信息系统的普及应用,新的问题和新的课题将不断出现。对新课题进行深入研究,必将形成新的会计理论和方法,而新的会计理论和方法的确立,又将使电算化会计在新的基础上获得进一步完善和发展。电算化会计理论应当研究实现电算化后的会计信息系统的组织、会计核算的程序和管理制度、会计核算的方法,以及用计算机作为主要的核算工具后对会计理论、会计制度的影响和会计工作的新特点。电算化会计理论的基本问题研究透彻了,会计软件的研制就有了明确的方向和目标,才能更符合会计工作的实际要求。因此,我们必须加强电算化会计理论的研究,建立较完备的电算化会计理论体系,以适应会计电算化迅速发展的需要。重视并及时解决会计电算化进程中的这些问题,对提高会计工作水平和会计信息的质量,提高各级企、事业单位的现代化管理水平和经济效益都会起到极其重要的作用。致 谢本论文是在老师悉心指导下完成的,论文的选题、构思、撰写直至最终定稿,都饱含着导师的心血,老师渊博的学识、严谨的治学态度、和善豁达的为人,将使我终身受益。值此论文完成之际,向老师对我的帮助和关怀表示诚挚的感谢和崇高的敬意!向所有在本人学习期间教育和培养过我的老师们表示衷心的感谢!向与我一起学习了四年,在生活和学习上都给予我很多帮助的同窗好友表示衷心的感谢!最后,我要感谢我的父母和朋友,他们对我的无私的爱和支持是我完成学业、奋发向上的最大动力! 感谢所有关心、帮助我的人! 参考文献 [5] 新会计电算化 [EB/OL] [2009-5-1] [6] 作者:郭剑锋 会计电算化对会计工作的影响 中国高新技术企业 2009[7] 中华人民共和国财政部 企业会计制度2001经济科学出版社,2001[8] 作者:贾杰 会计电算化教材 中国财政经济出版社 2005[9] 作者:孙红侠 浅谈会计电算化对审计的影响 中国管理信息化(综合版),2006(1)[10] 作者:白晓军 会计档案中存在的问题与策划 1


会记电算化原文,是英文,如下:China's accounting work of the late start from the 1970s until the end of the year, try going through the stages of development and self-organized and planned way stage of steady development, the current management accounting software-development In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely Many accounting software development has been toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of the network, the rapid rise of e-commerce and so on, a number of advanced, modern things keep cropping up on the accounting system, a higher demand, so that the establishment of modern Enterprise development needs of the new financial system has become Since the accounting is a systematic project, in the process of development there is much work to do, there are many issues to be resolved in a timely manner or face serious obstacle to China's accounting to a deeper This article on China's accounting process and must be resolved on a few First, people's thinking to solve problems Computerization of China's cause of a late start, people thought the idea has not yet fully aware of the significance and importance of Most units are used in computerized accounting in place of hand, is only alleviate the burden on the accounting staff and improve efficiency of the accounting aspects, it does not recognize the establishment of a complete accounting information systems for enterprises, so that the existing accounting information provided Timely and effective decision-making and enterprise management At the same time, software updates and hardware investment in areas such as lack of support, not to mention the establishment of enterprise local area network as well as the registration of their Web site, did not make use of the advantages of information technology to improve the operational efficiency of Accounting for this understanding is very detrimental to the Accounting is the accounting work in computer applications in the short to the computer is represented by modern data-processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks, such as new theories and technology used in accounting Accounting and financial management work to improve the management of accounting and economic benefits, and the realization of the modernization of We must recognize that accounting is not only changed the accounting method in the form of data storage, data-processing procedures and methods to expand the areas of accounting data to improve the quality of accounting information, but also changed the accounting and internal control audit methodology and technology, Thus promoted the theory of accounting and accounting for the further development of technology to improve and promote the accounting management system reform, is the study of accounting theory and accounting practice a fundamental On the face of it, accounting only applies to the computer accounting work to reduce the labor intensity of accountants, accounting to improve the speed and accuracy to the computer to replace manual In fact, accounting is not only accounting tools and methods to improve accounting, and would doubtless have been a division of accounting and personnel changes, and promote the quality of personnel and accounting knowledge structure, accounting efficiency and quality of the all-round improvement Accountants to save time and energy, changing the functions of accounting, accounting theory and accounting to promote technological progress, raise the level of accounting work, a significant increase in economic efficiency of enterprises, accounting theory and practice so that all aspects will be unprecedented in-depth C For example, with a focus on data storage and management features of the "Computerized Accounting", the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, data classification has focused on storage, the total abolition of a variety of accounting and reconciliation operation, the various statements of the data Able to share data through timely and accurately Second, attention should be paid to accounting theory research Theory is the precursor of action, accounting dependent on the development of computerized accounting theory of the development of computerized accounting theory behind the study, will be restricted accounting software maturity and development, computerized accounting The theory is to guide and promote the new accounting on the basis of constant improvement and development of practice In a sense, the emergence and development of the computerized accounting process, but also break the traditional concept of accounting, the current method of accounting theory and new issues, new issues, as well as research and the establishment of new theories and If the computerized accounting system in the design, work organization, information processing and accounting procedures to deal with ways and means to change itself to the current accounting theory and methods and improve the Although in the short term, the impact of these is the gradual, but in the long run, with the rapid development of electronic technology and computerized information systems of universal application, new problems and new issues will arise, such as: information-processing network After the establishment of enterprises will not only how to achieve the legitimate provision of accounting information in a timely manner, can the effective protection of trade secrets; accounting of the two sub-systems combine to achieve, how to improve the existing financial reporting; information on existing economic theories and methods of accounting have any effect on the And so On the subject of a new in-depth study will become a new accounting theory and methods, and new accounting theory and methods to establish and make computerized accounting on a new basis for further improvement and Traditional accounting theory of how to use the main computer system by hand, and the system did not have higher requirements of the characteristics of its own, this is not Computerized Accounting theoretical research that is the realization of the computerized accounting information systems, accounting procedures and management systems, accounting methods, as well as the use of the computer as the main tool for accounting after the accounting theory, the impact of the accounting system and accounting The work of the new Computerized Accounting theoretical study to determine the electronic accounting information system the basic functions of the system, regulate the operation and characteristics of the interface audit, accounting files, and other basic requirements, it is consistent with the basic requirements of the accounting manual, at the same time, with their own Some of the Computerized Accounting fundamental question of thorough


会记电算化原文,是英文,如下:China's accounting work of the late start from the 1970s until the end of the year, try going through the stages of development and self-organized and planned way stage of steady development, the current management accounting software-development In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely Many accounting software development has been toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of the network, the rapid rise of e-commerce and so on, a number of advanced, modern things keep cropping up on the accounting system, a higher demand, so that the establishment of modern Enterprise development needs of the new financial system has become Since the accounting is a systematic project, in the process of development there is much work to do, there are many issues to be resolved in a timely manner or face serious obstacle to China's accounting to a deeper This article on China's accounting process and must be resolved on a few First, people's thinking to solve problems Computerization of China's cause of a late start, people thought the idea has not yet fully aware of the significance and importance of Most units are used in computerized accounting in place of hand, is only alleviate the burden on the accounting staff and improve efficiency of the accounting aspects, it does not recognize the establishment of a complete accounting information systems for enterprises, so that the existing accounting information provided Timely and effective decision-making and enterprise management At the same time, software updates and hardware investment in areas such as lack of support, not to mention the establishment of enterprise local area network as well as the registration of their Web site, did not make use of the advantages of information technology to improve the operational efficiency of Accounting for this understanding is very detrimental to the Accounting is the accounting work in computer applications in the short to the computer is represented by modern data-processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks, such as new theories and technology used in accounting Accounting and financial management work to improve the management of accounting and economic benefits, and the realization of the modernization of We must recognize that accounting is not only changed the accounting method in the form of data storage, data-processing procedures and methods to expand the areas of accounting data to improve the quality of accounting information, but also changed the accounting and internal control audit methodology and technology, Thus promoted the theory of accounting and accounting for the further development of technology to improve and promote the accounting management system reform, is the study of accounting theory and accounting practice a fundamental On the face of it, accounting only applies to the computer accounting work to reduce the labor intensity of accountants, accounting to improve the speed and accuracy to the computer to replace manual In fact, accounting is not only accounting tools and methods to improve accounting, and would doubtless have been a division of accounting and personnel changes, and promote the quality of personnel and accounting knowledge structure, accounting efficiency and quality of the all-round improvement Accountants to save time and energy, changing the functions of accounting, accounting theory and accounting to promote technological progress, raise the level of accounting work, a significant increase in economic efficiency of enterprises, accounting theory and practice so that all aspects will be unprecedented in-depth C For example, with a focus on data storage and management features of the "Computerized Accounting", the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, data classification has focused on storage, the total abolition of a variety of accounting and reconciliation operation, the various statements of the data Able to share data through timely and accurately Second, attention should be paid to accounting theory research Theory is the precursor of action, accounting dependent on the development of computerized accounting theory of the development of computerized accounting theory behind the study, will be restricted accounting software maturity and development, computerized accounting The theory is to guide and promote the new accounting on the basis of constant improvement and development of practice In a sense, the emergence and development of the computerized accounting process, but also break the traditional concept of accounting, the current method of accounting theory and new issues, new issues, as well as research and the establishment of new theories and If the computerized accounting system in the design, work organization, information processing and accounting procedures to deal with ways and means to change itself to the current accounting theory and methods and improve the Although in the short term, the impact of these is the gradual, but in the long run, with the rapid development of electronic technology and computerized information systems of universal application, new problems and new issues will arise, such as: information-processing network After the establishment of enterprises will not only how to achieve the legitimate provision of accounting information in a timely manner, can the effective protection of trade secrets; accounting of the two sub-systems combine to achieve, how to improve the existing financial reporting; information on existing economic theories and methods of accounting have any effect on the And so On the subject of a new in-depth study will become a new accounting theory and methods, and new accounting theory and methods to establish and make computerized accounting on a new basis for further improvement and Traditional accounting theory of how to use the main computer system by hand, and the system did not have higher requirements of the characteristics of its own, this is not Computerized Accounting theoretical research that is the realization of the computerized accounting information systems, accounting procedures and management systems, accounting methods, as well as the use of the computer as the main tool for accounting after the accounting theory, the impact of the accounting system and accounting The work of the new Computerized Accounting theoretical study to determine the electronic accounting information system the basic functions of the system, regulate the operation and characteristics of the interface audit, accounting files, and other basic requirements, it is consistent with the basic requirements of the accounting manual, at the same time, with their own Some of the Computerized Accounting fundamental question of thorough


开题报告的格式(通用) 由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题说清楚,应包含两个部分:总述、提纲。 1 总述开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法、必要的数据等等。2 提纲开题报告包含的论文提纲可以是粗线条的,是一个研究构想的基本框架。可采用整句式或整段式提纲形式。在开题阶段,提纲的目的是让人清楚论文的基本框架,没有必要像论文目录那样详细。3 参考文献开题报告中应包括相关参考文献的目录4 要求开题报告应有封面页,总页数应不少于4页。版面格式应符合以下规定。开 题 报 告 学 生: 一、 选题意义 1、 理论意义 2、 现实意义 二、 论文综述 1、 理论的渊源及演进过程 2、 国外有关研究的综述 3、 国内研究的综述 4、 本人对以上综述的评价 三、 论文提纲 前言、 一、1、2、3、�6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1二、1、2、3、�6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1三、1、2、3、结论 四、论文写作进度安排 毕业论文开题报告提纲一、开题报告封面:论文题目、系别、专业、年级、姓名、导师二、目的意义和国内外研究概况三、论文的理论依据、研究方法、研究内容四、研究条件和可能存在的问题五、预期的结果六、进度安排


会记电算化原文,是英文,如下:China's accounting work of the late start from the 1970s until the end of the year, try going through the stages of development and self-organized and planned way stage of steady development, the current management accounting software-development In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely Many accounting software development has been toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of the network, the rapid rise of e-commerce and so on, a number of advanced, modern things keep cropping up on the accounting system, a higher demand, so that the establishment of modern Enterprise development needs of the new financial system has become Since the accounting is a systematic project, in the process of development there is much work to do, there are many issues to be resolved in a timely manner or face serious obstacle to China's accounting to a deeper This article on China's accounting process and must be resolved on a few First, people's thinking to solve problems Computerization of China's cause of a late start, people thought the idea has not yet fully aware of the significance and importance of Most units are used in computerized accounting in place of hand, is only alleviate the burden on the accounting staff and improve efficiency of the accounting aspects, it does not recognize the establishment of a complete accounting information systems for enterprises, so that the existing accounting information provided Timely and effective decision-making and enterprise management At the same time, software updates and hardware investment in areas such as lack of support, not to mention the establishment of enterprise local area network as well as the registration of their Web site, did not make use of the advantages of information technology to improve the operational efficiency of Accounting for this understanding is very detrimental to the Accounting is the accounting work in computer applications in the short to the computer is represented by modern data-processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks, such as new theories and technology used in accounting Accounting and financial management work to improve the management of accounting and economic benefits, and the realization of the modernization of We must recognize that accounting is not only changed the accounting method in the form of data storage, data-processing procedures and methods to expand the areas of accounting data to improve the quality of accounting information, but also changed the accounting and internal control audit methodology and technology, Thus promoted the theory of accounting and accounting for the further development of technology to improve and promote the accounting management system reform, is the study of accounting theory and accounting practice a fundamental On the face of it, accounting only applies to the computer accounting work to reduce the labor intensity of accountants, accounting to improve the speed and accuracy to the computer to replace manual In fact, accounting is not only accounting tools and methods to improve accounting, and would doubtless have been a division of accounting and personnel changes, and promote the quality of personnel and accounting knowledge structure, accounting efficiency and quality of the all-round improvement Accountants to save time and energy, changing the functions of accounting, accounting theory and accounting to promote technological progress, raise the level of accounting work, a significant increase in economic efficiency of enterprises, accounting theory and practice so that all aspects will be unprecedented in-depth C For example, with a focus on data storage and management features of the "Computerized Accounting", the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, data classification has focused on storage, the total abolition of a variety of accounting and reconciliation operation, the various statements of the data Able to share data through timely and accurately Second, attention should be paid to accounting theory research Theory is the precursor of action, accounting dependent on the development of computerized accounting theory of the development of computerized accounting theory behind the study, will be restricted accounting software maturity and development, computerized accounting The theory is to guide and promote the new accounting on the basis of constant improvement and development of practice In a sense, the emergence and development of the computerized accounting process, but also break the traditional concept of accounting, the current method of accounting theory and new issues, new issues, as well as research and the establishment of new theories and If the computerized accounting system in the design, work organization, information processing and accounting procedures to deal with ways and means to change itself to the current accounting theory and methods and improve the Although in the short term, the impact of these is the gradual, but in the long run, with the rapid development of electronic technology and computerized information systems of universal application, new problems and new issues will arise, such as: information-processing network After the establishment of enterprises will not only how to achieve the legitimate provision of accounting information in a timely manner, can the effective protection of trade secrets; accounting of the two sub-systems combine to achieve, how to improve the existing financial reporting; information on existing economic theories and methods of accounting have any effect on the And so On the subject of a new in-depth study will become a new accounting theory and methods, and new accounting theory and methods to establish and make computerized accounting on a new basis for further improvement and Traditional accounting theory of how to use the main computer system by hand, and the system did not have higher requirements of the characteristics of its own, this is not Computerized Accounting theoretical research that is the realization of the computerized accounting information systems, accounting procedures and management systems, accounting methods, as well as the use of the computer as the main tool for accounting after the accounting theory, the impact of the accounting system and accounting The work of the new Computerized Accounting theoretical study to determine the electronic accounting information system the basic functions of the system, regulate the operation and characteristics of the interface audit, accounting files, and other basic requirements, it is consistent with the basic requirements of the accounting manual, at the same time, with their own Some of the Computerized Accounting fundamental question of thorough



