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济南,地处山东省的中西部,南枕泰山,北临黄河,是一座拥有2600多年历史的古老城市,同时也是我首批历史文化名城之一,1999年被国家旅游局命名为“中国优秀旅游城市”,旅游资源较为丰富。 济南素有“泉城”之称,济南市地势南高北低,来自城南山区的地下水,流至济南城区喷涌而出,形成了济南市区的一百多个水泉,故又有“济南七十二名泉”之说,在众多的泉子之中,以趵突泉、珍珠泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭最为出名,其中的趵突泉更是有着“天下第一泉”的美誉。 喷涌不息的泉水在济南市的北边汇聚,形成了著名的天然湖泊——大明湖,而位于济南市区南部则是著名的佛教胜地——千佛山,一南一北,交相辉映,形成了济南独特的城市风景区,古时便有人赞其为“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”,风景秀美,而登上千佛山,可将“泉城”美景尽收眼底,令人流连忘返。 济南市文物古迹众多,有著名的海内古刹灵岩寺、早秦长城400多年的齐长城遗址、用于祭祀的墓前建筑孝堂山郭氏墓石祠,还有位于青龙山的四门塔,是我国现有最古老的单层石塔,是单层塔的早期建筑范例。 济南市的其它景观还有泉城广场、济南黄河公路大桥、五峰山风景区、野生动物世界、百脉泉公园、山东省博物馆、济南市博物馆等。Jinan, Shandong Province is located in the Midwest, South pillow Taishan, north of the Yellow River, is a 2600 years of history has the old city, but also one of my first batch of historical and cultural city in 1999 by the National Tourism Administration named "China's outstanding tourist city, "a more abundant tourism Jinan is known as "Springs," said, Jinan City, the low-lying south than in the north from the mountains south of groundwater flow to the Jinan City spewing out of the formation of the more than 100 springs in Jinan urban area, so there are "Jinan 70 2 spring ", which of the many children among the spring in order to Baotu Spring, zhenzhuquan, Heihu Quan, five Longtan the most famous of which is Baotu Spring has a" best in the world spring "in the Keep on spewing springs in Jinan City, the northern cluster, forming the well-known natural lakes - Daming Lake, and is located in the southern city of Jinan is a well-known Buddhist resort - Thousand Buddha Mountain, one south and one north, each other, they formed a unique Jinan scenic city in ancient times some people will praise it as "surrounded on three sides Lotus Liu, a city of mountains and a half city of lakes", scenery beautiful, but boarded the Thousand Buddha Mountain, you can "Springs" beautiful panoramic view, blow people Jinan City, a number of cultural relics, there is the famous temple of the sea off lingyansi, as early as the Qin Great Wall, more than 400 years the Great Wall of Qi site of the grave for worship buildings Xiao Tang Shan Kuo headstone Temple, as well as in the Qinglongshan the Four Gates Pagoda, China The oldest existing single-storey stone pagoda, is a single-storey tower early architectural Other landscapes are Jinan Spring Square, Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge, Wufengshan scenic areas, wild animals in the world, Lotus spring park, Shandong Provincial Museum, Jinan City M 济南市是中国东部沿海经济大省--山东省省会,全省政治、经济、文化、科技及教育中心,也是国家批准的副省级城市和沿海开放城市。全市总面积8177平方公里,市区面积3257平方公里。 济南地形复杂多样,南为泰山山地,北靠黄河,地势南高北低。济南地处中纬度,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,日照充分,年平均气温6℃,1月最冷,平均气温-9℃,7月气温最高,平均气温27℃。年平均降雨量614毫米。济南历史悠久,是国务院公布的历史文化名城。济南风景秀丽,泉水众多,被誉为"泉城"。济南的市树是柳树,市花是荷花。 截止2001年末,济南常住人口达到569万人,人口密度为696人/平方公里,人口自然增长率为84%。 济南具有2000多年的历史,是闻名世界的史前文化-龙山文化的发祥地,区域内新有石器时代的遗址城子崖,有先于秦长城的齐长城,有现在中国最古老的地面房屋建筑汉代孝堂山郭氏墓,单层古塔四门塔,有被誉为“海内第一名塑”的灵岩寺宋代彩塑罗汉等。济南山灵水秀,人才辈出,历代文人墨客多聚于此,唐代著名诗人曾在这里写下了“济南名士多”的佳句。济南自然风光秀丽,自古素有“泉城”之美称。尤以趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭、珍珠泉四大名泉久负盛名,自古享有“家家泉水,户户垂杨”之誉。济南拥有的泉水之多,流量之大,景色之美,独步天下这些泉,纵横分布,错落有致,既有趵突、黑虎、珍珠、五龙潭四大泉群,又有郊区泉群,誉称72名泉趵突泉为72名泉之首,泉水分三股而淌。泉北有宋代建筑“泺源堂”,西南是明代建筑“观澜亭”,池东为“来鹤桥”,桥南立木牌楼,横额上书“洞天福地”、“蓬山旧迹”。清高宗乾隆南下游览,观趵突泉后大为兴奋,当即题“游湍”,封“天下第一泉”,留《趵突泉游记》石刻碑文。趵突泉东北侧有金线泉。泉中金线忽 隐忽现,弯曲多变,明亮有光,奇妙有致。金线泉以东为漱玉泉,绿柳飘指,清 水碧波,金鱼戏水,十分优美。泉北,有幽雅恬适、翠竹婆娑的“李清照纪念堂”。漱玉泉东北,峡壁下奇石峭立中,马跑、浅井、洗钵泉等,似绿带携为一体。黑虎泉在金线泉东,深凹如洞穴,泉水汩汩上涌,幽深清澈,绿如翡翠,清似琼浆,叮咚过洞前石雕虎头三个,飞溅于方池。附近有琵琶泉,常年流水淙淙,似琵琶乐声不断,又有九天泉Jinan City is a major economic province in eastern China coast - the capital of Shandong Province, the province's political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational center and a state-approved sub-provincial cities and coastal open The city's total area of 8177 square kilometers, the urban area of 3257 square      Jinan, complex and diverse terrain, south of Taishan Mountain, north of the Yellow River, lying south than in the Jinan is located in mid-latitudes, belongs to warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone, four distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine, annual average temperature is 6 ℃, 1 Yue coldest, with an average temperature of -9 ℃, 7 Yue highest temperature, with an average temperature of 27 ℃ Average annual rainfall is 614           Jinan has a long history of the State Council announced historical and cultural Jinan, beautiful scenery and numerous springs, known as the "S" Jinan city tree is willow, the city flower is the      As of the end of 2001, Jinan resident population of 69 million people, a population density of 696 persons / sq km, the natural population growth rate of 84% Jinan has 2000 years of history, is the world-famous prehistoric cultures - the birthplace of the Longshan culture within the region there are Stone Age sites in the new Chengziya, there is the first YU Qin Great Wall, Great Wall of Qi, there is now China's most ancient Han Xiao-ground housing construction Tang Shan Kuo tomb, single ancient tower the Four Gates Pagoda, there are known as "the sea off the first plastic" in the Song Dynasty painted sculpture lingyansi Lohan, Jinan Shan Ling Shui Xiu, talent, ancient literati poly here, the famous Tang Dynasty poet once wrote here, "Jinan celebrities and more" S    Jinan, beautiful natural scenery, ancient times known as the "Springs" is Especially Baotu Spring, Heihu Quan, five Longtan, zhenzhuquan prestigious four famous spring, since ancient times to enjoy "every spring and every household Chueiyang" Jinan springs have as much traffic so great scenery beauty seen nowhere else in the These springs, vertical and horizontal distribution, patchwork, both sudden jump, black tiger, pearl, five Longtan four Quanqun, another suburb Quanqun, Yu said that 72 Baotu Spring for the first spring 72, spring is divided into three shares of the Spring north in the Song Dynasty Architecture "Lok Yuen Tong," Southwest is a Ming Dynasty building "Mission Hills Pavilion" pool east "to Crane Bridge" Bridge timber arches, banners and a letter to "Dongtianfudi", "mt old " Qianlong Qing Gaozong south tour and watch Baotu Spring, after much excitement, immediately entitled "roaming turbulence" closure "best in the world spring" and stay "Baotu Spring Journey" stone Baotu Spring northeast there is the golden thread Springs golden flickering, bending and changeable, bright light, a wonderful Gold wire spring east of Shu Yuquan, Luk Lau float refers to the Qing   Water, blue water and goldfish playing in the water, very Spring north, there are elegant Tianshi, bamboo swaying "Li Qingzhao Memorial H" Shu Yuquan Northeast, Qiao Li in the gorge walls, under rocks, horses running, shallow wells, wash bowl spring and so on, it seems to carry a green belt as a In the golden thread Heihu Quan Quan East, DEEP, such as caves, springs gurgle upwelling, deep clean, green as jade, like Qiong Jiang Qing, Guo-dong ding-dong before the stone tiger's head 3, splash in the pool Pipa near the spring, perennial water murmuring, like lute music constantly, another nine days spring

The Beautiful City JinanHello,everyone,have you ever heard of the beautiful northern city Jinan?Let me say something about Well,when talking about Jinan,we can't help thinking of its famous springs,of which 72 have their The Baotu Spring,letting out water all day long, is the largest of them,and is called the first spring in the The water is so cool and clean that it can be drunk without being Thanks to its famous springs,Jinan is known as the City of SThousand Buddha Mountain,lying in the south of Jinan,is the second tourist attraction I want to introduce to It's covered with thousands of trees and flowers,and the air there is The birds sing and the flowers come What beautiful The people from all directions go there for relaxitation and Friends,you must have learnt about the Daming Lake,one of the three treasures of Jinan,where all springs gather,lying in the north of the It's a quiet and beautiful place to You,together with a couple of your friends can go there for During the weekend,there are many visitors,coming from the neighbouring Jinan is a historical city with more than 2000 years' Under the leadership of the government and with the efforts of the Jinan people,it has developed into a modern and civilized city with a population of around six We believe Jinan will be developing rapidly and steadily and attracting more attentions from the people all over the That's all,thank you!

《旅游休闲》创刊于2001年,是一本中英文双语具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。《中国旅游》, 国际流行大16 开本,全部采用进口铜版纸彩色精印,中英文对照。美《国家地理杂志》旅游篇:中国概况及历史(中英双语)_《中国旅游》,中英文结合。具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。中国旅游出版社出版。《旅游休闲》创刊于2001年,是一本中英文双语具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。 杂志口号“行走世界,享受生活” 《旅游休闲GOLF》杂志创刊于2004年,是国内唯一一家集旅游、休闲、高尔夫为一体的双语杂志。

每日邮报 今日美国 泰晤士报 国家地理都有旅游版面~《世界》是专业的旅游杂志


Tourist magazine

中国国家地理 中国人文地理 中国美食地理 国家地理周刊 中国西部旅游这些都是国内比较有名气的,中国国家地理是我每月都会抽时间来看。  中国国家地理:价格:月刊 00元/期;详情:是中国大陆著名的有关地理的杂志。因该社隶属中国科学院,有一大批自然地理和人文地理的专家学者作为该社顾问,同时还有许多战斗在科考第一线的工作者与杂志社保持着密切的联系,因此具有很强的独家性和权威性。


中国生态旅游 10-1008/N 汉文 旅游学刊 11-1120/K 汉文 旅游 11-1341/K 汉文 中国旅游年鉴 11-3402/K 汉文 复印报刊资料(旅游管理) 11-4295/G3 汉文 时尚旅游 11-4898/K 汉文 中国航空旅游 11-6002/K 汉文 英文 旅游纵览 13-1138/K 河北旅游职业学院学报 13-1387/Z 中文 旅游时代 14-1308/K 当代旅游 23-1508/G 旅游天地 31-1129/K 旅游科学 31-1693/K 度假旅游 34-1271/G0 旅游世界 37-1263/K 以上杂志可以去看看应该会有喜欢的我所知道的国家地理出版的有:《时尚旅游》,《中国国家自然地理》,《国家人文地理》,《华夏地理》。这些杂志都是彩页的,其中《国家人文地理》跟《华夏地理》最侧重特色民俗。而《时尚旅游》的国内跟国外部分都很不错,而且有一些实际的问题解答,比如说关于出国啊要办哪些哪些手续的,现在又有那些旅游的优惠活动啊,酒店介绍啊。反正相对来说算是比较全面的了。而且里面介绍的旅游景观非常不错。另外还有两本:《旅游天地》,《Voyage新旅行》,但是我觉得不如国家地理出版的那几本,特色民俗内容相对少一些,感觉。如果你是广东人的话,还有一本《1/3当代旅游》,是专门介绍广东的旅游的,主要是广州,比较实际,那些酒店或者是餐厅什么的它会写明详细的地址和电话号码给你,方便寻找,这本也不错,可惜就只是广东范围的。价格的话都是在15—20元的,都是月刊。最好的?我觉得是《华夏地理》跟《国家人文地理》哦


《世界》杂志北戴河联峰山感怀不踏联峰麓,匆匆二十年;山灵犹识否,兰若自依然。勿假移文却,终当辟谷还;多情林外鹤,来往故翩翩。——明翟鹏《望联峰山》摩崖石刻 每个人心中都有一座山,我惟对故乡的联峰山情有独衷。山中注定是清幽而宁静的,当我在一个晴天只身来到山前,那一刻,就明白此番拜访,如同老友重逢。拾阶而上,就有风吹过来,这风中混合着近旁松的清音,混合着远处海的涛声,混合着掩映在参天树木中观音寺里的钟鸣,殿上的木鱼和檐下的铜铃。这就是山的笙歌,不慌张,不贪恋,自有一种质素和清透,它来得纯粹,分明有净化身心的妙用。或者你在其中沉醉,因为它们是清越而无掺杂的音律;或者你在其中清醒,因为它们是澄澈而无埃尘的话语。登山是修来的福气,这一片蓊葱的松林槐海,只属于你!这潮润的空气,明亮的光线,鸟雀的嬉戏,只属于你!从每一个脚步去接受自然的恩泽,从每一个高处去释散你情感的幻变。怡然,悠然,自然而然。远处的观音寺飞下撞钟的铮鸣,空山在宏阔的音波里传递着前世和今生。多奇妙的禅思!多圆融的心境!这一声宏钟,滤掉繁杂,包容万物,于心是一种智灵的开启,仿佛是看一场雨从开始下到天晴。但山中却也不只是一种感受,盘踪交错的树桠间掩映着山的脉骨,它也吐纳着人间的悲欢离合,诉说着,季节的变迁,诉说着,人事的缠绵。那一块独处的山石,可曾回想一对恋人的燕语?可曾寄托失意少年的低泣?其实这些感受无论甜美亦或忧伤也不会妨碍你欣欣然造访的心情,谁不想游走山中,去寻觅山的情韵,叩响心灵的慰藉;去倾听山的心语,靠近灵魂的梵净。就让新奇萦绕在你的身前,就让快乐跟随在你的身后。“万里波澜拍岸边,五云楼阁倚山巅;天开图画成乐土,人住蓬莱似列仙。暮卷涛声看海浴,朝飞霞翠挹山妍;东山月出西山雨,士女嬉游化乐天。”这是晚年的康有为淡淡地道出了此地魅力之所在。其实,人随山形,心安归处,亦大可不必把思想放得深远,把目光望得深邃。春风吻在你的脸上,不吹乱你的思绪,不惊动你的心事;春草铺在你的脚下,不阻拌你的脚步,不隐藏你的率真。你若在山的怀抱中徜徉,它的臂膀绝不缚束你灵活的姿态,它不是绳索,却牵引着你在移步换景中沾染青春的光泽。你的脚步是多么的轻盈,你的表情是多么的放松,你的内心又是多么的静定。调谐!比如山雀的交颈,松鼠的顾盼,草色的返青。调谐!比如明亮的光线,温软的气息,流淌的水波。在这里,每一块山石都赋予了情感;在这里,每一株草木都镌刻了性灵。一花一世界,一尘一天堂。我在联峰山的游历中以诗的语言,读懂了彼此相依,彼此相惜。果真如此,倘若不曾相见,又何谈留恋;倘若不曾留恋,又何谈想念。总有一首歌,让我们泪流满面,总有一座山,让我们魂萦梦牵,如果我们再也不可能还复从前,那就把命运交付给思念,把思念偿还给青山。人生如山,总要耐得住漫长的寂寞,倘若心身累了倦了,不妨走在山中,必定会有一个出处栖息你我的心灵。爱山之人,注定是孤独的,他禁得起风吹雨打,只在一座山的情怀里,细数淡定的光影。


《户外探险》是一本倡导健康的新生活杂志,内容以户外活动、自助旅行和登山探险三部分为主。也是国内第一本以介绍户外休闲生活为主的实用指南杂志。《中国国家地理》,原名《地理知识》,是中国一本关于地理的杂志月刊,由中国科学院、地理科学与资源研究所和中国地理学会主办。内容以中国地理为主,兼具世界各地不同区域的自然、人文景观和事件,并揭示其背景和奥秘,另外亦涉及天文、生物、历史和考古等领域。是中国大陆较为出名的一本有关地理的杂志。《Outside》于1978年在美国创刊,是美国发行量最大的户外杂志之一。2006 年《Outside》来到中国,中文名为《户外》。《户外》将继续秉承《Outside》“倡导积极健康生活方式”的理念,为中国读者提供全球同步的户外现象、行为、事件的客观报道,并涉猎人文地理、科学探险等内容。在讲述精彩有趣的户外故事和户外人的同时,我们努力传递一种乐观向上的价值观—— 梦想、勇气、自我实现、热爱自然、追求自由

travel magazines




内容 友谊 英语遍布全球 旅游 地震 尼尔森麦当娜 一位现代的英雄!

CONTENTS(内容或者是目录,根据语境你在看看哪个合适)1、Friendship友谊2、English around the world世界英语3、Travel journal旅游杂志4、Earthquakes地震5、Nelson Mandela-a modern hero纳尔逊·曼德拉--一名当代英雄

1、Friendship 友谊2、English around the world 世界英语3、Travel journal 旅游杂志4、Earthquakes 地震5、Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 纳尔逊·曼德拉--当代英雄CONTENTS 内容,目录

每日邮报 今日美国 泰晤士报 国家地理都有旅游版面~《世界》是专业的旅游杂志


