
> 期刊发表知识库

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高中英语整体教学设计是推进高中英语课程改革的必然要求1.高中英语教学整体设计是基于模块教学的英语新课程体系的需要。模块教学是英语新课程有别于传统教学、体现新课程理念时代性、基础性和选择性最显性的特征之一。模块作为英语新课程中教学组织内容的基本单位,是围绕一定的主题形成的,因此基于模块的教学设计首先要考虑教学内容的整体安排,即一个模块的整体内容对应的36课时需要作出相对的时间划分,以保证课程内容的实施。因此,在进行某一模块的教学前,必须首先对该模块的教学进行整体设计,确保该模块教学内容在教学时间上的整体分配。2. 高中英语教学整体设计是实现英语新课程目标的有效保证。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》指出“高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力;形成有效的英语学习策略;培养学生的综合语言运用能力。”新课标同时提出,综合语言运用能力包括:语言知识 、语言技能、学习策略 、情感态度、文化意识。由此可以看出,高中英语课程目标已不再是传统意义上的语言知识的传授和语言基本技能的提高,而是着重培养综合运用英语的能力。如果沿袭传统的按课时或单元为单位的线性备课方式,英语新课程五维目标是难以实现的。只有基于模块的整体教学设计,才能有计划、有目的、有步骤的将各项目标分解在具体的教学环节中。3. 高中英语教学整体设计符合语言教育的整体性原则传统意义上的英语教学,从教材到教法,从教学设计到课堂实施,大多围绕所谓的语言知识“重点”和“难点”进行呈现和讲解,注重对语言点如词汇、语法项目、句法结构的分解考察,而忽略对学生英语综合运用语言能力的培养,忽视知识与技能的完整统一以及各个技能之间的完整统一。根据语言学科的特点和二语习得理论,语言在本质上具有整体性。语言是由语音、词汇、语法、语用组成的不可分割的整体,其整体性表现为语言作为社会现象和言语这种个体现象的整体统一,知识能力和语言应用能力的整体统一。高中英语教学整体设计符合语言教育和语言学习的整体性原则。二、高中英语教学整体设计的原则根据高中新课程目标的要求,我们在进行高中英语教学整体设计时,必须遵循以下六个原则。1、面向全体学生,为学生的终身发展奠定共同基础。高中英语教学整体设计要面向全体学生,不但要了解学生的生理和心理特点,而且要考虑学生的语言能力及学习方式等方面的差异,帮助学生打好高中英语课程的共同基础,形成持续的学习动机和初步的自主学习能力以及综合语言运用能力。2.有利于学生优化英语学习方式,提高自主学习能力。整体教学设计要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以综合语言能力发展为目的的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、和探究等方式,发展听说读写的综合语言技能。要为学生留有空间和时间,使学生有机会提高联想、思维和归纳等思维活动,用英语思考问题、分析问题和解决问题,获得深刻的、真实的、有效的语言体验。通过设计丰富多样的课内外活动,使学生在参与交际的过程中形成交际策略。3.关注学生的情感,全面提高人文素质,确保宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。在进行教学整体设计时,要特别关注学生的情感。一方面根据各单元主题内容,确定人文教育主题,设计切合主题的教育方式,增进跨文化理解和跨文化交际的能力,树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。另一方面,创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习、互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神,建立融洽的师生交流渠道。4.有利于发挥学生的创造力和想象力。整体教学设计时要改变以教师为中心、单纯传授书本知识为目的的传统教学设计模式,根据学生的学习实际和单元学习主题,增加开放性的任务型活动和探究性的学习内容,着力发展学生的探究知识的能力、获取信息的能力和自主学习的能力,充分发挥学生的创造力和想象力。5.利用现代教育技术,拓宽学习和运用英语的渠道。在进行整体教学设计时,要改变传统、单一、机械的教学手段,充分利用计算机和多媒体软件等现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生的学习方式,提高学生的学习效率。6.提倡合作备课,共同开发课程资源,创造性地完成教学任务。基于模块的整体教学设计要求教师间形成开放的教学和研究的工作方式,经常开展教师间的合作和研究,共同反思,相互支持,共同学习,根据课程的要求,对教材进行分析,对学生的需求和水平进行深入了解,并根据自身的教学条件和教学环境,补充和调整教材的内容,创造性地完成课程标准中提出的教学目标和任务。三、高中英语新课程整体设计的策略以《牛津英语模块8》为例,分三个层次,探讨高中英语整体教学设计的策略。1、 基于模块的整体教学设计在新课程模块背景下,教学内容以模块为整体,这与传统的以课为单位的教学内容安排不同。模块不再细分为一课一课的与固定的单位时间相对应的内容,而是以一个模块的内容整体对应36课时。所以在进行每一个模块的教学前,首先要对该模块的教学内容进行整体的设计,保证该模块教学内容在教学时间上的合理分配。高中英语模块8(文学和艺术)的教学建议(课时分配)Unit Welcome totheunit Reading Word power Grammar and usage Task Project Self-assessment1Thewritten world Appreciating literature Literature Negativestatements Writing a literary Reciting a poem2Theuniversal language Turandot in Beijing Parts of orchestra Ellipsis Making an exhibition about a composer Making a web page3TThe world of cocolocolours and light Visiting the masters Painting Inversion Reporting on a visit to an art exhibition Making a book about universal pictures4Films and film events ImportantFilm events Film industry Emphasis Writing a speech about the film industry Writing a film interviewp 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 22、 基于模块的单元教学整体设计在新课程标准下,每一个模块都是由相对独立又相互关联的若干个单元组成的。对每一个单元的教学设计既要体现本模块的主题,又要体现单元教学设计的整体性。高中英语模块八单元一设计方案P Topic Skills and strategies culture Activities Unit1 9 Classic literature Appreciating literatureGetting informationAbout classic literature,Four skills Classic CharlesDickens and his Robert and his poems Picture talkingGroup discussionSurfing the Internet: Seeing film Writing a literary review Welcome to this unit 1 Favouritebooks Differencesbetweene-books& books in About literature Oral EGettingsomeinformation about Discussionrelated to literature English literature Picture talking 2Surfing the IRefering to reference Discussion Reading 2 Appreciating classic literature Ways to read a persuasive essayWays to get informationWriting skillsOral English English literatureCharles DickensGreat expectations Searching on the Internet or in books about classic literature , Charles Dickens and his Reporting to the Seeing the film of Great Expectation Word power 1 Categoriesof Literary figures Learning more words and expressions about literature Literature Surf the Internet to get some information about different categories of English and some literary figures G 1 Negative statementTask 2 Writing a literary review Learning:howto listen for key words, how to ask for and give opinions how to write a literary review literature Listening for key Asking for and giving opinions writing a literary review Project 2 Reciting a poem Learning how to cooperate by doing the project; more about classic Skimming for main idea Robert Burns and his poems;Other great poets and their works Reading the report on the poetry of Robert burns :main idea ,structure, more information about Robert Recite the poem“A Re d Red Rose” Unit test 2 Checking the progress they have made Vocabulary, grammarinformation about classic literature ,a literary review Competition or a test3、 基于模块的课时教学整体设计尽管模块教学的整体教学设计更多地体现在单元和主题教学设计的整体性,但课时教学作为执行课程最基本的单位和方式仍然讲究课堂教学设计的整体性。Unit 1 “ Project ”版块的整体教学设计Project: reciting a poemPurpose: help students learn and use English through doing a projectPeriod 2Procedure :Ⅰ Getting and sharing information Reading:Skim for the main idea Analyze its structure Get important detailsA Rearrange the events in the order of time B Get more information about Robert BurnsTime Event 175017591794179618701877Year of birthPlace of birthYear of deathFamily statusHis first loveMain worksRomantic movementⅡ Class activitiesGroup work : Divide the class into 9 groups and do the following: Language learning : group members try to help each other smooth away language difficulties in the reading material and in the poem, referring to dictionaries or reference books ,or asking the teacher for help where A group competition: each group completes in the following:(1)Best version for A Red, Red Rose: encourage each group to translate the poem into Chinese by working together and try to win the best version for the (2)Reciting A Red, Red Rose: all group members are required to recite the poem as soon as (3)Reciting as many English poems as possible: encourage each group to surf the Internet or refer to any books in print they can (This work can be prepared after class) ⅢHomework: Group work: A wall newspaper titled English P

大学英语教学论文有很多新颖的题目,学术堂整理了十五个供大家进行参考:  1、模糊语言在大学英语课堂教学中的功能  2、浅析以素质教育为导向的大学英语教学改革  3、浅谈将文化导入大学英语的词汇教学的几种方式  4、就大学英语词汇知识框架理论与教学探讨  5、在大学英语听说教学中培养跨文化交际能力  6、浅议独立学院大学英语教学改革  7、大学英语多媒体教学的利弊分析  8、大学英语口语教学的现状和探究  9、浅析大学英语教学中的英美文化渗入  10、大学英语交互式教学模式的探索  11、大学英语教师专业发展对大学英语教学改革的影响  12、高校大学英语中的多媒体教学与传统教学  13、大学英语教学中的文化导入的意义和方法  14、浅谈大学英语词汇教学  15、运用“层次结构”教学法提高大学英语教学质量




小学英语教学案例分析一、教学设计Step 1 Warm up 热身ing2 sing a song finger familyT: Do you like to sing a song? Ss: YAsk students to sing the song togetherS P introduce “hat, pen” to the students by using a hat that is filled with pens…Hat (new word)T: Now, look, what’s this?Ss: A T: Yes, it’s a (1)to teach the word “hat”Let students read the word as they touch the T: There is something in my Can you guess what they are?(Put the pen under the hat on purpose)Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler…(After the students’ guessing)T: Oh, where’s my pen?Ss: It’s under the To teach “where’s my pen?It’s under my ”Where’s my pen?It’s under my T: Where’s my pen, now?Ss: It’s under the To teach “Where’s my hat? It’s on my ”Use the same way to teach “It’s in my ”Play the radio and let them read after the To learn the textRead the text Let four groups have a train Read it one by 5 ames(1) To play the first game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”T: Do you like games?Ss: YT: Now, let’s play a (2) to have a rest by doing exercise “up and down”(3) to play the second game to practice the textT: Now class, we will play the louder Do you like it?Ss: YT: Ok, let’s Who wants to have a try?(To hide a pen in a student’s hat)Ss: Where’s my pen? Where’s my pen?Step3 PracticeTo divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competitionStep4 Check-upTo finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students Step5 SummaryWhat we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning?Step6 HomeworkTo read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents二、 设计说明(一)话题 小学新标准英语第一册Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”(二)课题 本课的教学内容方位与学生日常生活密切联系。教学重点是掌握三个方位词 “in, on, under”(三)课时说明: 本案例是第十模块第一单元的第一课时。本模块是整册书的最后学习内容,学生在前面已经学习了文具等内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。(四)学情分析通过对第七模块的学习,同学们对文具已经有了较好的掌握,这为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容方位词与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合,拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。三、教学详细案课题名称:Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”Teaching materials: 教材分析This lesson is taken from New Standard English for primary school students, which includes three parts as listen, point and find “in, on, under”, listen and say, In part 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “where’s my pen?” In part two, it is the extending of part While the third part focuses on the Teaching aims: 教学目标Knowledge aims: 知识目标1 To enable the students to master the new words and the sentence To let them understand the text and use them in real Ability aims: 能力目标to cultivate their ability of distinguishing the positions “in, on, under”Emotional aims: 情感目标 to foster the students’ interest of learning ETeaching methods: 教学方法In this lesson, I mainly use such teaching methods as Task-based Language Teaching Method and Communicative Teaching M在本节课中主要运用任务型教学和小组合作教学,充分体现学生的主体地位。剪子包袱锤的游戏和寻找物品的游戏充分体现了学生的主体地位;而分组朗读课文则充分体现了学生的合作意识。The difficult and important points: 教学重难点The difficult points are the use of the sentence to speak in daily life; while the important points are the mastering of the new words and 教学重点主要是让学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学英语句子;而难点则是课文单词及句型的学习。The teaching procedures: 教学过程Step1 Warm-up 热身In this step, I use a song “Finger Family” related with this This step is employed to foster the students’ interest of learning E以与本课有关的歌曲导入课堂,激发学生学习兴趣Step2 Presentation 呈现和操练 to play a song to introduce the word “where’s”Let them sing the song finger family, and guess the meaning of the word “where’s” ,通过歌词引入本节重点单词 “where’s” to introduce the new word “hat” and the text by showing a hat filled with pens, pencils…Let them watch the hat that I prepared to master the word “hat” Then let them guess the things in my The proposing of this process is to review the words that we have learned and introduce the 通过向学生展示自制魔术冒,教授新单词 “hat”,通过让学生猜测帽子里装的东西复习以前学过文具的单词,新旧知识结合。同时引出本课课文。 to learn the Let the students learn to read this text by listening to the tape and read after 让学生听录音并跟读,学习课文。 to play a game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”通过玩剪子包袱锤的游戏,来加深本节课新授单词的学习。 to have a rest做课间操,使学生得到短暂的休息,以便达到更好的学习效果。 to play the louder game to enhance their understanding of the text通过让学生玩声音由大到小的游戏练习课文,加强朗读。Step3 Practice 练习To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition 通过分组的竞赛的形式让学生朗读课文,获胜的小组奖励他们一颗星星。Step4 Check-up 检测To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students 练习一以课件的形式展示,师生共同完成,主要是针对课文第一部分而设计,练习二以学案的形式,让学生连线(图片与句子连线),本练习把知识扩展到课文第二部分,学生独立完成后,同桌互相检查,最后师生通过课件共同检查。Step5 Summary 总结What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning? 总结本节课所学重要知识。Step6 Homework 课后作业To read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents熟练朗读课文,争取背诵;和父母一起玩练习三的游戏Step7 Blackboard design 板书设计I divide the blackboard into two One part is used to write the main points of the text; the other part is used to show the ppt to the 把黑板分成两部分,左边板书课文及重要单词,右边向学生展示课件。四、Self-reflection 教学反思本堂课开展的活动符合一年级孩子心理,适合他们对语言的学习;课堂气氛活跃,能调动学生学习英语的积极性;教学步骤上处理恰当。回头看这堂课的教学,我觉得还有一些有待改进的地方:鼓励学生的语言少,对学生要求过于严厉;巩固单词这一环节游戏时间过长,导致巩固句子时间过短;课堂时间分配不够合理;教学环节设计的还是不够完善,不能灵活自如的衔接;上课过程中应尽量用全英,培养孩子的语感;开火车的游戏在英语课堂当中应该换成英语的说法,比如何凤老师在课堂中运用的snowball(滚雪球)。


小学英语教学案例分析一、教学设计Step 1 Warm up 热身ing2 sing a song finger familyT: Do you like to sing a song? Ss: YAsk students to sing the song togetherS P introduce “hat, pen” to the students by using a hat that is filled with pens…Hat (new word)T: Now, look, what’s this?Ss: A T: Yes, it’s a (1)to teach the word “hat”Let students read the word as they touch the T: There is something in my Can you guess what they are?(Put the pen under the hat on purpose)Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler…(After the students’ guessing)T: Oh, where’s my pen?Ss: It’s under the To teach “where’s my pen?It’s under my ”Where’s my pen?It’s under my T: Where’s my pen, now?Ss: It’s under the To teach “Where’s my hat? It’s on my ”Use the same way to teach “It’s in my ”Play the radio and let them read after the To learn the textRead the text Let four groups have a train Read it one by 5 ames(1) To play the first game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”T: Do you like games?Ss: YT: Now, let’s play a (2) to have a rest by doing exercise “up and down”(3) to play the second game to practice the textT: Now class, we will play the louder Do you like it?Ss: YT: Ok, let’s Who wants to have a try?(To hide a pen in a student’s hat)Ss: Where’s my pen? Where’s my pen?Step3 PracticeTo divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competitionStep4 Check-upTo finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students Step5 SummaryWhat we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning?Step6 HomeworkTo read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents二、 设计说明(一)话题 小学新标准英语第一册Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”(二)课题 本课的教学内容方位与学生日常生活密切联系。教学重点是掌握三个方位词 “in, on, under”(三)课时说明: 本案例是第十模块第一单元的第一课时。本模块是整册书的最后学习内容,学生在前面已经学习了文具等内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。(四)学情分析通过对第七模块的学习,同学们对文具已经有了较好的掌握,这为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容方位词与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合,拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。三、教学详细案课题名称:Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”Teaching materials: 教材分析This lesson is taken from New Standard English for primary school students, which includes three parts as listen, point and find “in, on, under”, listen and say, In part 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “where’s my pen?” In part two, it is the extending of part While the third part focuses on the Teaching aims: 教学目标Knowledge aims: 知识目标1 To enable the students to master the new words and the sentence To let them understand the text and use them in real Ability aims: 能力目标to cultivate their ability of distinguishing the positions “in, on, under”Emotional aims: 情感目标 to foster the students’ interest of learning ETeaching methods: 教学方法In this lesson, I mainly use such teaching methods as Task-based Language Teaching Method and Communicative Teaching M在本节课中主要运用任务型教学和小组合作教学,充分体现学生的主体地位。剪子包袱锤的游戏和寻找物品的游戏充分体现了学生的主体地位;而分组朗读课文则充分体现了学生的合作意识。The difficult and important points: 教学重难点The difficult points are the use of the sentence to speak in daily life; while the important points are the mastering of the new words and 教学重点主要是让学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学英语句子;而难点则是课文单词及句型的学习。The teaching procedures: 教学过程Step1 Warm-up 热身In this step, I use a song “Finger Family” related with this This step is employed to foster the students’ interest of learning E以与本课有关的歌曲导入课堂,激发学生学习兴趣Step2 Presentation 呈现和操练 to play a song to introduce the word “where’s”Let them sing the song finger family, and guess the meaning of the word “where’s” ,通过歌词引入本节重点单词 “where’s” to introduce the new word “hat” and the text by showing a hat filled with pens, pencils…Let them watch the hat that I prepared to master the word “hat” Then let them guess the things in my The proposing of this process is to review the words that we have learned and introduce the 通过向学生展示自制魔术冒,教授新单词 “hat”,通过让学生猜测帽子里装的东西复习以前学过文具的单词,新旧知识结合。同时引出本课课文。 to learn the Let the students learn to read this text by listening to the tape and read after 让学生听录音并跟读,学习课文。 to play a game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”通过玩剪子包袱锤的游戏,来加深本节课新授单词的学习。 to have a rest做课间操,使学生得到短暂的休息,以便达到更好的学习效果。 to play the louder game to enhance their understanding of the text通过让学生玩声音由大到小的游戏练习课文,加强朗读。Step3 Practice 练习To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition 通过分组的竞赛的形式让学生朗读课文,获胜的小组奖励他们一颗星星。Step4 Check-up 检测To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students 练习一以课件的形式展示,师生共同完成,主要是针对课文第一部分而设计,练习二以学案的形式,让学生连线(图片与句子连线),本练习把知识扩展到课文第二部分,学生独立完成后,同桌互相检查,最后师生通过课件共同检查。Step5 Summary 总结What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning? 总结本节课所学重要知识。Step6 Homework 课后作业To read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents熟练朗读课文,争取背诵;和父母一起玩练习三的游戏Step7 Blackboard design 板书设计I divide the blackboard into two One part is used to write the main points of the text; the other part is used to show the ppt to the 把黑板分成两部分,左边板书课文及重要单词,右边向学生展示课件。四、Self-reflection 教学反思本堂课开展的活动符合一年级孩子心理,适合他们对语言的学习;课堂气氛活跃,能调动学生学习英语的积极性;教学步骤上处理恰当。回头看这堂课的教学,我觉得还有一些有待改进的地方:鼓励学生的语言少,对学生要求过于严厉;巩固单词这一环节游戏时间过长,导致巩固句子时间过短;课堂时间分配不够合理;教学环节设计的还是不够完善,不能灵活自如的衔接;上课过程中应尽量用全英,培养孩子的语感;开火车的游戏在英语课堂当中应该换成英语的说法,比如何凤老师在课堂中运用的snowball(滚雪球)。


小学英语教学案例分析一、教学设计Step 1 Warm up 热身ing2 sing a song finger familyT: Do you like to sing a song? Ss: YAsk students to sing the song togetherS P introduce “hat, pen” to the students by using a hat that is filled with pens…Hat (new word)T: Now, look, what’s this?Ss: A T: Yes, it’s a (1)to teach the word “hat”Let students read the word as they touch the T: There is something in my Can you guess what they are?(Put the pen under the hat on purpose)Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler…(After the students’ guessing)T: Oh, where’s my pen?Ss: It’s under the To teach “where’s my pen?It’s under my ”Where’s my pen?It’s under my T: Where’s my pen, now?Ss: It’s under the To teach “Where’s my hat? It’s on my ”Use the same way to teach “It’s in my ”Play the radio and let them read after the To learn the textRead the text Let four groups have a train Read it one by 5 ames(1) To play the first game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”T: Do you like games?Ss: YT: Now, let’s play a (2) to have a rest by doing exercise “up and down”(3) to play the second game to practice the textT: Now class, we will play the louder Do you like it?Ss: YT: Ok, let’s Who wants to have a try?(To hide a pen in a student’s hat)Ss: Where’s my pen? Where’s my pen?Step3 PracticeTo divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competitionStep4 Check-upTo finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students Step5 SummaryWhat we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning?Step6 HomeworkTo read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents二、 设计说明(一)话题 小学新标准英语第一册Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”(二)课题 本课的教学内容方位与学生日常生活密切联系。教学重点是掌握三个方位词 “in, on, under”(三)课时说明: 本案例是第十模块第一单元的第一课时。本模块是整册书的最后学习内容,学生在前面已经学习了文具等内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。(四)学情分析通过对第七模块的学习,同学们对文具已经有了较好的掌握,这为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容方位词与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合,拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。三、教学详细案课题名称:Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”Teaching materials: 教材分析This lesson is taken from New Standard English for primary school students, which includes three parts as listen, point and find “in, on, under”, listen and say, In part 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “where’s my pen?” In part two, it is the extending of part While the third part focuses on the Teaching aims: 教学目标Knowledge aims: 知识目标1 To enable the students to master the new words and the sentence To let them understand the text and use them in real Ability aims: 能力目标to cultivate their ability of distinguishing the positions “in, on, under”Emotional aims: 情感目标 to foster the students’ interest of learning ETeaching methods: 教学方法In this lesson, I mainly use such teaching methods as Task-based Language Teaching Method and Communicative Teaching M在本节课中主要运用任务型教学和小组合作教学,充分体现学生的主体地位。剪子包袱锤的游戏和寻找物品的游戏充分体现了学生的主体地位;而分组朗读课文则充分体现了学生的合作意识。The difficult and important points: 教学重难点The difficult points are the use of the sentence to speak in daily life; while the important points are the mastering of the new words and 教学重点主要是让学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学英语句子;而难点则是课文单词及句型的学习。The teaching procedures: 教学过程Step1 Warm-up 热身In this step, I use a song “Finger Family” related with this This step is employed to foster the students’ interest of learning E以与本课有关的歌曲导入课堂,激发学生学习兴趣Step2 Presentation 呈现和操练 to play a song to introduce the word “where’s”Let them sing the song finger family, and guess the meaning of the word “where’s” ,通过歌词引入本节重点单词 “where’s” to introduce the new word “hat” and the text by showing a hat filled with pens, pencils…Let them watch the hat that I prepared to master the word “hat” Then let them guess the things in my The proposing of this process is to review the words that we have learned and introduce the 通过向学生展示自制魔术冒,教授新单词 “hat”,通过让学生猜测帽子里装的东西复习以前学过文具的单词,新旧知识结合。同时引出本课课文。 to learn the Let the students learn to read this text by listening to the tape and read after 让学生听录音并跟读,学习课文。 to play a game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”通过玩剪子包袱锤的游戏,来加深本节课新授单词的学习。 to have a rest做课间操,使学生得到短暂的休息,以便达到更好的学习效果。 to play the louder game to enhance their understanding of the text通过让学生玩声音由大到小的游戏练习课文,加强朗读。Step3 Practice 练习To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition 通过分组的竞赛的形式让学生朗读课文,获胜的小组奖励他们一颗星星。Step4 Check-up 检测To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students 练习一以课件的形式展示,师生共同完成,主要是针对课文第一部分而设计,练习二以学案的形式,让学生连线(图片与句子连线),本练习把知识扩展到课文第二部分,学生独立完成后,同桌互相检查,最后师生通过课件共同检查。Step5 Summary 总结What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning? 总结本节课所学重要知识。Step6 Homework 课后作业To read the text skillfully and try to reciteTo practice part 3 with their parents熟练朗读课文,争取背诵;和父母一起玩练习三的游戏Step7 Blackboard design 板书设计I divide the blackboard into two One part is used to write the main points of the text; the other part is used to show the ppt to the 把黑板分成两部分,左边板书课文及重要单词,右边向学生展示课件。四、Self-reflection 教学反思本堂课开展的活动符合一年级孩子心理,适合他们对语言的学习;课堂气氛活跃,能调动学生学习英语的积极性;教学步骤上处理恰当。回头看这堂课的教学,我觉得还有一些有待改进的地方:鼓励学生的语言少,对学生要求过于严厉;巩固单词这一环节游戏时间过长,导致巩固句子时间过短;课堂时间分配不够合理;教学环节设计的还是不够完善,不能灵活自如的衔接;上课过程中应尽量用全英,培养孩子的语感;开火车的游戏在英语课堂当中应该换成英语的说法,比如何凤老师在课堂中运用的snowball(滚雪球)。


