
> 期刊发表知识库

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Hi, ### ### Thanks for your I have signed the offer and agreed with all the terms it It's my honor to work with you and I have determined to work for ???? It's ok for me to start my work on @#¥%…… Looking forward to having a bright future with @#¥%……Best Regards&×……&I think you mean received,if you want to refuse it,it is simple,just say that:I am so sorry/regret to say that I can't#@#@#$Above may be helpful to you!offerletter是什么?工作中有什么作用?所谓offerletter,目前还没有一个统一的名字,offer在法律上一般翻译为“要约”,根据《合同法》的规定,“要约”就是希望和他人订立合同的意思表示。这个意思表示应当内容具体确定,并且要约人一旦作出了承诺,就要受到意思表示的约束。因此offerletter一般应用为在与劳动者签订劳动合同前,向劳动者发出的一份有关录用信息的信函。在法律上应受民法、合同法调整,不受劳动合同法调整,不等同于劳动合同。一旦发出,对用人单位就产生法律约束,而劳动者可以选择接受或者拒绝。在人员录用比较规范的企业,offerletter中一般会向劳动者写明报到的时间、地点,薪酬福利以及职位等信息,并明确该录用信的有效期以及与劳动合同的关系,即劳动合同签订后,该录用信是作为劳动合同的附件,还是失去效力。劳动者收到该录用信函后,如果同意录用,则需要在指定的时间内将签名后的录用信寄至或传真至用人单位。

中英各一份吧,你这里的offer letter有点形式合同的作用,最好一式两份,中2英2,一份给他,一份留底。格式见-/Offer/html他签字与否没关系的,关键是要他回执确切收到你的letter,回信时要求他注明*年*月*日收到*公司发来的**,这样就OK了


Offer Letter Dear Wangjing: Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Project L We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the 1.Position: Project Leader 2.Commencement Date: J1 2014 3.Responsibilities: Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon 4.Reporting: You will report directly to General M 5.Salary: RMB 6000/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 12-month basis per year after A review of your salary will take place in MAY each 薪金: 您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。 每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。 6.Annual Leave: You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company 7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund: You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour L 8.Probationary Period: The probationary period is 3 months from commencement 试用期:从入职日起计算,前三个月是您的试用期。 9.Contract Period: The contract period is three years from commencement 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。 12.Hours of Work: Flexible working schedule according to business 根据公司业务需求实行弹性工作制。 We look forward to welcoming you to our If you agree to the above terms and conditions please formalize your acceptance by signing below and return the original offer letter to Yours faithfully, 公司名字 公司负责人签字+人力资源部章 入职员工签字: 日期: 参考:_UzbopCaOmaMms-96gJGsPPPkAA_rhFj6hRd51m6XJQD_Ixp4dXWQtH5tp4SGCKORwF9qUk94wp40o2V8qFLoIgf1lM2vNNOGlgmSNTS

中英各一份吧,你这里的offer letter有点形式合同的作用,最好一式两份,中2英2,一份给他,一份留底。格式见-/Offer/html他签字与否没关系的,关键是要他回执确切收到你的letter,回信时要求他注明*年*月*日收到*公司发来的**,这样就OK了


一般是这样的学校寄来的offer package里面有一个回执,需要你填了寄回去或者是填好扫描了email回去在学校的申请系统或者学校提供的网址里面登陆进去 确认接受ail回复学校说你确认接受你不清楚的状况下问一下学校应该怎么接受他们的offer但是绝大多数的学校确认接受offer是要同时付一个deposit的。这才算是正式接受了offer

letter of admission

Admission notice

Offer Letter Dear Wangjing: Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Project L We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the 1.Position: Project Leader 2.Commencement Date: J1 2014 3.Responsibilities: Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon 4.Reporting: You will report directly to General M 5.Salary: RMB 6000/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 12-month basis per year after A review of your salary will take place in MAY each 薪金: 您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。 每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。 6.Annual Leave: You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company 7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund: You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour L 8.Probationary Period: The probationary period is 3 months from commencement 试用期:从入职日起计算,前三个月是您的试用期。 9.Contract Period: The contract period is three years from commencement 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。 12.Hours of Work: Flexible working schedule according to business 根据公司业务需求实行弹性工作制。 We look forward to welcoming you to our If you agree to the above terms and conditions please formalize your acceptance by signing below and return the original offer letter to Yours faithfully, 公司名字 公司负责人签字+人力资源部章 入职员工签字: 日期: 参考:_UzbopCaOmaMms-96gJGsPPPkAA_rhFj6hRd51m6XJQD_Ixp4dXWQtH5tp4SGCKORwF9qUk94wp40o2V8qFLoIgf1lM2vNNOGlgmSNTS


实习聘用邀请亲爱的XXXX先生/小姐,在实习招聘过程中,你的表现得到我公司认可。谨此向你发出实习聘用邀请。以下是有关聘用的要点。工作日期:公司为员工准备的实习薪酬与福利:工作要求1、2、3、如果你接受此实习聘用邀请,请在一周内回函作为确认。传真有效,传真号XXXX。十分希望你决定加入我们公司,成为这个优秀队伍的一员。_________________________ 公司人力资源部负责人签名或盖章


offer letter 建议书;报价书;录用通知书 (给人工作的)letter of admission 录取通知书,入学通知书 (录取上学的)


