
> 期刊发表知识库

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Dear Sir or Madam,  I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a I would like you to consider me for the   My name is Li M I am twenty-three years I am studying business management in Xiamen U I will graduate this I am familiar with computer operation and officesoftwares, which can help me do the office work very And I have learned English for ten In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my My grades come out top in my What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite   Thank you for your I look forward to hearing from    Li Min更多优秀英语作文尽在:分享君英语作文网 原文带翻译网址:

Dear Lihua, Congratulations and By your outstanding overall skills and impressive knowledge application on human resource management, you have now been recruited to be our senior manager in this particular Firstly, Maggot-dick Idiot Corporation is honored to have found According to your well-designed resume and great improvisation in the interview, your capability of applying your theoretical knowledge to practical use regarding many aspects of HR is Our company is currently in the stage of expanding business Recruitment of valuable employees is of tremendous Your opinions will be seriously considered along with other senior managers' decisions on our employment for the next Your job is to analyze the info gathered in the form of resume, to funnel out those who may be suited to work in our company especially benificial for our international You and the other managers will conduct the interviews and recruit valued employees before their further training and development to help them get better acclimatized to their The training programs are already What you need to do is to optimize it after discussing with your colleagues and submitting to the Your payment will be discussed in our next We wish you luck on your new job and again, welcome to Maggot-dick Idiot Corp!不知道字数是不是差不多~公司名字你自己替换吧,可别把原文里的写上去。哈哈。其他如果有追问可以问哈~。很高兴能帮助到你~

Hey Dear **,How's everything going? Well, you wanna know my f**king school life of Twelfth grade? Umm, as a matter of fact, it sucks! You know in China especially in the mainland, we gotta prepare for the hell University Entrance Exam, so we do nothing but reading and doing For the time management? Ooh, f**k it! We never consider of it ever 'cause that is our school's And speaking of our study, it really sucks, don't you think we like studying? come on, we are gonna mad but we have to learn the subjects that we don't need and we don't like! We are happy and enjoy the Twelfth Grade life??? That's bullshit!!! Yep, this is the truth and this is exactly what I wanna let you know! Ok, waiting for you letter and I can imagine your surprise when you read this!!LOL, whatever, I'm an honest man who just tell the truth and don't like other hypocrites who say they are loving study or say they are just fine in Twelfth GBest Regards,XXXX


Dear Lihua, Congratulations and By your outstanding overall skills and impressive knowledge application on human resource management, you have now been recruited to be our senior manager in this particular Firstly, Maggot-dick Idiot Corporation is honored to have found According to your well-designed resume and great improvisation in the interview, your capability of applying your theoretical knowledge to practical use regarding many aspects of HR is Our company is currently in the stage of expanding business Recruitment of valuable employees is of tremendous Your opinions will be seriously considered along with other senior managers' decisions on our employment for the next Your job is to analyze the info gathered in the form of resume, to funnel out those who may be suited to work in our company especially benificial for our international You and the other managers will conduct the interviews and recruit valued employees before their further training and development to help them get better acclimatized to their The training programs are already What you need to do is to optimize it after discussing with your colleagues and submitting to the Your payment will be discussed in our next We wish you luck on your new job and again, welcome to Maggot-dick Idiot Corp!不知道字数是不是差不多~公司名字你自己替换吧,可别把原文里的写上去。哈哈。其他如果有追问可以问哈~。很高兴能帮助到你~



XX has XX company, hope XX December 30 to report our This is to certify

xx is hired by xx C Please report to our company before D It is hereby to be

Dear Lihua, Congratulations and By your outstanding overall skills and impressive knowledge application on human resource management, you have now been recruited to be our senior manager in this particular Firstly, Maggot-dick Idiot Corporation is honored to have found According to your well-designed resume and great improvisation in the interview, your capability of applying your theoretical knowledge to practical use regarding many aspects of HR is Our company is currently in the stage of expanding business Recruitment of valuable employees is of tremendous Your opinions will be seriously considered along with other senior managers' decisions on our employment for the next Your job is to analyze the info gathered in the form of resume, to funnel out those who may be suited to work in our company especially benificial for our international You and the other managers will conduct the interviews and recruit valued employees before their further training and development to help them get better acclimatized to their The training programs are already What you need to do is to optimize it after discussing with your colleagues and submitting to the Your payment will be discussed in our next We wish you luck on your new job and again, welcome to Maggot-dick Idiot Corp!不知道字数是不是差不多~公司名字你自己替换吧,可别把原文里的写上去。哈哈。其他如果有追问可以问哈~。很高兴能帮助到你~


How's everything going? Well, you wanna know my f**king school life of Twelfth grade? Umm, as a matter of fact, it sucks!

Dear Lihua, Congratulations and By your outstanding overall skills and impressive knowledge application on human resource management, you have now been recruited to be our senior manager in this particular Firstly, Maggot-dick Idiot Corporation is honored to have found According to your well-designed resume and great improvisation in the interview, your capability of applying your theoretical knowledge to practical use regarding many aspects of HR is Our company is currently in the stage of expanding business Recruitment of valuable employees is of tremendous Your opinions will be seriously considered along with other senior managers' decisions on our employment for the next Your job is to analyze the info gathered in the form of resume, to funnel out those who may be suited to work in our company especially benificial for our international You and the other managers will conduct the interviews and recruit valued employees before their further training and development to help them get better acclimatized to their The training programs are already What you need to do is to optimize it after discussing with your colleagues and submitting to the Your payment will be discussed in our next We wish you luck on your new job and again, welcome to Maggot-dick Idiot Corp!不知道字数是不是差不多~公司名字你自己替换吧,可别把原文里的写上去。哈哈。其他如果有追问可以问哈~。很高兴能帮助到你~



The passage mainly describes the interpersonal relation in the real In fact, nowadays the economics is more developed and the people are richer than before, but the communication among the people has reduced much As the passage says that we reached the moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our We have conquered the utter space, but not our inner

We need native English teachers who is healthy and have experience in teaching,our school is located in the city center which has beautiful environment and convenient traffic conditions,


