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8%。期刊接受率的定义是投稿到Scientometrics的所有文章中最终被接受发表的比例。根据Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System数据分析,Scientometrics的最新接受率为8%。Scientometrics由匈牙利科学院于1978年创刊,是国际科学计量学与信息计量学领域最早创刊和发文规模最大的期刊,也是该领域国际影响力最大的期刊之一。该刊为SCI和SSCI双检索期刊,现由国际著名出版机构施普林格·自然出版社(Springer Nature)和匈牙利科学院出版社(Akadémiai Kiadó)联合出版,每年12期,主要刊登科学计量学、信息计量学、科技评价和科技政策等领域理论、实践的最新研究成果。最新JCR影响因子238,CiteScore影响因子2。张琳长期从事科学计量学、科技评价和科技政策等相关领域的研究,现任国际科学计量学与信息计量学学会(ISSI)理事,是该学会的首位中国理事。自2018年起,她担任Scientometrics副主编。由于其在副主编职位上的出色表现,期刊和出版社向其发出出任共同主编的邀请。2022年1月起,张琳与ISSI学会理事长、科学计量学与信息计量学领域国际最高荣誉“普赖斯奖”获得者、比利时鲁汶大学WolfgangGlnzel教授共同担任期刊主编。


中国人力资源开发杂志 中国新时代 人力资源杂志 人力资源开发与管理杂志 新人力杂志 中国企业家杂志 HR经理人杂志 培训杂志 职业杂志 中外管理杂志 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部推荐114种管理类外文期刊1 Academy Of Management Journal2 Academy Of Management Review3 Accounting Review4 ACM Transactions on information Systems5 Administrative Science Quarterly6 Annals of Operations Research7 Asia―Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Business Histories 9 California Management Review10 Concurrent Engineering―Research and Applications11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery12 Decision Sciences13 Engineering Optimization14 European Journal of Operational Research15 Finance and Stochastic16 Financial Management .17 Fiscal Studies18 Forbes19 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory20 Geneva Papers Oil Risk and Insurance―Issues and Practice21 Governance-an International journal Of Policy and Administration22 Harvard Business Review23 Human Factors24 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing25 Human Relations26 Human Resource Management27 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management28 IEEE Transactions on information Theory29 IIE Transactions30 Information & Management .31 Information Systems Journal32 Information Technology and Libraries33 International Journals of Finance & Economics34 International Journal of Human―Computer Studies35 International Journal of Product on Research36 International Journal of Technology Management37 1Ssues in Science and TeChn010gY38 Journals of Accounting Economics39 Journal of Accounting Research40 Journal of Business4l Journal of Business and Psychology42 Journals of Business Ethics43 Journal of Consumer Research44 Journals of Engineering and Technology Management45 Journals of Environmental Economics and Management46 Journal of Finance47 Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis48 Journal of Global Option49 Journal of Information Science50 Journals of International Business Studies5l Journal of Management52 Journals of Management Studies53 Journals of Manufacturing Systems[54 Journal Of marketing[55 Journal of Marketing Research[56 Journal of Money Credit and Banking57 JOurn2l of Operations Management58 journals Of Optimization Theory and Applications59 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management60 Journals of Policy Analysis and Management 61 Journal of Product innovation Management ?62 Journal of Productivity Analysis63 Journal of Quality TechB010gy64 Journals of Real Estate Finance and Economics65 Journals of Risk and Uncertainty66 Journal of Scheduling67 Journal Of SocialP01icy ,68 Journal of the Operational Research Society69 Leadership Quarterly70 Long Range Planning71 Management Science72 Marketing letters 73 Marketing Science74 Mathematical Finance75 Mathematical Programming76 Mathematical Programming77 Mathematics of Operations Research78 MIS Quarterly79 MIT Sloan Management Renew80 National Tax Journals81 Naval Research Logistics82 Networks83 Operation Research84 Operators Research Letters85 Optimal Contr01 Applications & Methods86 Organization Science87 Organization Studies88 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes89 Organizational Dynamics90 Public Administrations91 Public Administrations Review92 Quality & Quantity 93 Qualities and Reliability Engineering International94 Quantitative Finance95 Queuing Systems96 R&D Management97 Ramiro-Operations Research98 Real Estate Economics99 Real Estate Taxation100 Reliability Engineering L System Safety101 ResearchP01icy102 Research―Techn010gyMariagement103 Review of Financial Studies104 Safety Science105 Scientometrics106 Strategic Management journal107 Systems & Contr01Letters108 Technological Forecasting and Social Changes109 Technimetrics110 Technovation111Transportation Research part B-Methodological112 Transportation Science113 World Bank Economic Review114 Would Economy


信息计量学也叫情报计量学,最初是由前联邦德国学者奥托 纳克在1979年提出的。该术语一提出立即受到情报学家们的欢迎,很快在情报学期刊上得到广泛应用。在其后的文献中很快就出现了与之对应的英文术语Informetrics。情报计量学不但同时兼容文献计量学与科学计量学的方法,目标各异的研究领域,更考虑到由于现代信息技术发展而不断产生的知识表达及传播的新型非文献形式,因此是一个有广阔应用前景的新术语,将得到越来越多学者的重视。文献计量学里有三大经典定律:布拉德福定律、齐普夫定律、洛特卡定律。另外还有两个有关文献资源动态特征的定律——文献老化定律和文献增值定律。科学计量学的核心期刊是《scientometrics》。



Science Citation Index Expanded 的意思科学引文索引扩展例句:Out of the work on the science citation index ( sci) has come the field of scientometrics and the ability to quantify the impact of specific papers or 我在科学引文索引(science citation index)方面的工作逐渐延伸到科学计量学领域,而且具备将特定论文或期刊的影响力进行量化的能力。News articles, blog posts and e-mails often lack a systematic reference list that could be used to make a citation 新闻报道,博客文章以及电子邮件都缺乏系统查阅清单,无法为引文索引所检索。A closer look at the us institute of supply management survey shows that the employment index expanded for the first time in over a 进一步审视美国供应管理学会(institute of supply management)的调查结果就会发现,就业指数一年多来首次出现扩张。如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


重新启动后异常终止( 09年2月20号22点22分59秒)标签: 杂谈标签: 杂谈 If a job terminates abnormally, the checkpoint/restart facilities allow you to restart the job, as follows:如果工作异常终止,检查/重新启动设施让您重新启动的工作,具体情况如下: * Automatic step restart, that is, restart by the system from the beginning of a job 自动重新启动的步骤,也就是重新启动该系统从一开始的工作步骤。 * * Automatic checkpoint restart, that is, restart by the system from a checkpoint within a job 自动检查点重新启动,也就是重新启动了系统内的一个检查站的工作步骤。 * * Deferred step restart, that is, restart at a later time from the beginning of a job 递延步骤重新启动,也就是说,重新启动在稍后时间从开始工作的第一步。 * * Deferred checkpoint restart, that is, restart at a later time from a checkpoint within a job 递延检查站重新启动,也就是说,重新启动在稍后的时间内从一个检查站的工作步骤。 *Restarts are controlled by:重新启动控制: * RD parameters on JOB and EXEC 路参数对工作和主管的发言。 (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RD parameter on the JOB statement for a started ) (重新启动,不支持开始任务;不使用的RD参数就业声明的开始工作。 ) * * Checkpoints, if 检查站,如果书面。 Each time a CHKPT macro is executed, a checkpoint is 每一次CHKPT执行宏观调控,是写一个检查站。 * * The job journal, which is only required for an automatic 杂志的工作,只需要自动重新启动。 In a JES3 system, the programmer can code a JOURNAL parameter on the JES3 //*MAIN statement to control whether JES3 creates a journal for the 在JES3系统,程序员可以代码期刊参数对JES3 / / *主要发言控制是否JES3创造了杂志的工作。 * * In deferred restarts, a RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for the restarting job and a SYSCHK DD statement to identify the data set containing the checkpoint written in response to the CHKPT 递延重新启动,重新启动参数对就业报表重新就业和SYSCHK日的声明,以确定数据集包含检查书面响应CHKPT宏。 (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for a started ) (重新启动,不支持开始任务;不使用参数重新就业的声明开始的任务。 ) *Use of Restart : Either form of restart saves having to execute the job from its 使用重新启动 :任何形式的重新启动节省了执行工作从一开始。 If the job is long, restarting can save a lot of time and computer 如果是长期的工作,重新启动可以节省大量的时间和计算机资源。For more information about restarting, see DFSMS/MVS Checkpoint/Restart 欲了解更多有关重新启动,见DFSMS /泡点/重新启动 。Examples : 例如 : //J1 JOB ,'B MORRISON',RD=RNC / / J1工作, '湾莫里森'路=基站 //J2 JOB ,'H MORRILL' / / j2环球通信工作, '阁下莫里尔' //S1 EXEC PGM=TESTING,RD=R / /一Exec的铂族金属=测试,路= R //S2 EXEC PGM=TESTED,RD=NC / /二Exec的铂族金属=测试,路=数控

1537-744X 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版) SCI影响因子(2010) Impact Factor: 524 ; Rank: 3432 属于open access SCI。


