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The aging of the population in the 21st century the major social problems, the international community of the hot issues of common concern of China's social, economic and overall development with the major strategic In recent years, China's traditional family and community-based old-age pension services, both in the event of significant Now, on this issue with the international experts and counterparts to exchange some (A) At present, China is the world's most populous country in the elderly, accounting for about one-fifth of the world's elderly Since the end of 2000, the elderly population over the age of 60 to 2 percent average annual growth rate last year, China's water for more than 60 elderly people have reached 136 million, accounting for 10 percent share of the total population of more than the aging of the population to enter the More prominent is that the elderly over the age of 80 has reached 13 million and an average annual rate of 4 The middle of this century, 60 years old or older will reach about 400 million, when one in four elderly China's population age structure into old age by the adult type, date from 1982 to 2000, only 18 years, compared with some developed countries, the speed of the base of the large number of the elderly population is an unprecedented Population aging in the process of development, although the growth rate of China's rapidly aging population, but from the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese economy will achieve the development objectives of the third step, 30 to 21 years, the working population the proportion of the total population has remained more than 60%, with a long time in China's labor resources are still relatively abundant and low age of the older population accounts for 70% of healthy Therefore, the aging of the population on China's prospects, they do not have to worry, can not be negligent, as long as doing a good job, governance of China's population aging, we are full of It is worth noting that at the turn of the century about the importance of 20-year historical period, China's social and economic structure of many areas will face a "transition" process, and its future, will include old-age pension system, including the future of China's economy have a profound impact on the One change from the scores of the planned economy era of planned economy to market economy and the coexistence of two-track, and then to a fairly complete socialist market economic system reform, China has demanded the establishment of the pension system and reform the idea of a variety of market economy should be closely the pulse of development in line with the requirements of the development of a market economy, constrained by the laws of the The second change, China has continued for more than a decade of rapid economic growth, the turn of the century will be As to China's overall national strength has increased substantially and the national economy and employment structure of the industrial structure will be significant changes to speed up the urbanization Owing to the large number of rural surplus labor transfer to the second and third industries, and from rural areas moved to cities, rural areas will depend in large measure the traditional shake the foundation of the family The third change in the turn of the century, China's aging population has entered the ranks of Elderly population in absolute numbers and in the total population increase in the proportion will change the age structure of the population, adding to the burden of social Of social labor market supply, the national economy, the proportion of accumulation and consumption and so on have a profound The transformation of socio-economic structure, the decision of China's pension system will also be going through a "transition" process, leading from the main domestic economic leader in the social old-age pension to the However, taking into account in the 21st century for a long period of time, China's existing urban-rural dual economic structure will continue to Therefore, at present, China's pension system, the basic framework can be broadly summarized as follows: conform to their social, economic and demographic changes in the structure of the family old-age pension and track both the overall framework of the gradual transition to the social (B) China's old-age pension, currently mainly family-based old-age People's Republic of China since the founding of the "Constitution", "Marriage," "People's Republic of China Law on the Protection of the rights and interests of older persons" such as laws, they affirmed the legal status of family pension, of which 29 August, 1996 promulgated " Old Age Law "clearly provides that" the elderly mainly depend on old-age home, family members should be the concern and care for older maintenance of older persons should carry out to support the economic, social care and spiritual comfort of the obligations of the special care of the elderly " China's family old-age model, has also aroused the concern of the international Held in Vienna in 1982, the United Nations World Assembly on Aging, the General Assembly, the Secretary-General pointed out: "with China as the representative of the Asian way to solve the problems of the elderly is the world's " The so-called Asian way, that is, refers specifically to the way of family In China, such a large population, the economy is not yet well-developed developing countries, to play the role of family pension, a very far-reaching Moreover, adhering to and developing the tradition of old-age home for the aging of the population of developing countries to solve the problem, there will be a certain From the social development, the family pension is not only reflected the inter-generational economic reciprocity between the mutual aid and, more importantly, embodies the spirit of mutual support the two sides No matter what kind of goods to the level of economic development, regardless of people's thinking, values and how the family structure changes, the traditional ethics of the Chinese nation still maintain the basic norms of a normal Because, in the family as a result of the formation of a common life and harmonious family relations, social relations, any other can not be However, the progress of society, the times are changing, China is not the old model can not be Overall, China's old-age, elderly, whether rural or urban, 70% of the elderly have been relatively good And the mobilization of all levels of government rely on the strength of all sectors of society to take a variety of old-age pension, so as to enable the broad masses of the spirit of the basic needs of the However, some elderly people to old-age pension is also not Not satisfied with the proportion of claims for different, and some that are not satisfied with the 22 percent of people, some 19% of the people that are not satisfied with, and some that are not satisfied with 26% of the In short, one-third of the elderly believe that the issue of the elderly more prominent pension of old-age pension is not satisfied with the This is because the emergence of new family pension, the new Its a common question is: the concept of family pension, old-age sense of desalination; "parents, not Travel" has been completely shattered the fetters; senior citizens more and more elderly, more and more empty-nest elderly, a growing elderly family more; rural old-age security has not been fully established, the rural collective economic base is weak, no more funds to address the issue of protecting the livelihood of the elderly; elderly family status has changed Old-age traditional family has faced unprecedented In the cities, increasing family size reduced, the core of the family, empty nest families, the elderly will be increasing number of "Family changes in trend analysis of Shanghai," Shanghai article pointed out that the main characteristics of the family: the family is always in continuous growth (the early 80s, the city's families a total of 3,146,000, the early 90s rose to 4,153,000, 10 in an increase of 007 million); families increasingly shrink the average population (the city's family size to 91 persons in 1949 to 1982, the city's average family size has dropped to 6 people, the current average is less than 3 per person); single families, elderly households showed the trend of rapid growth (the city's 39 million households in the elderly over the age of 65 accounted for 4 percent of households than in 1990 increased by 5 percentage points), the example of Shanghai, in a sense, reflects China's cities with the issue of The above shows that with the historical development, social change, the family faced a series of new problems in old-age pension, old-age traditional family has become the aging of the population not meet the needs of the From China's economic, political, cultural traditions and the elderly and families for tolerance, it is necessary to ensure the dignity of older persons, both now or in the future, take the family old-age pension and social combination of roads, is to resolve the issue of China's old-age of a way (C) of the Chinese elderly people in urgent need of the community old-age pension of service to the Community refers to a certain geographical-based community social life, which includes a certain geographical region, the region of a variety of material and cultural resources, as well as through the blood, such as geopolitical relations linking people with common interests and Urban communities in China, generally refers to an office area or Community to serve the community of old-age pension is community-carrier-led community-based organizations play a government, communities, families and individuals a wide range of power, the full mobilization of community resources, material and human resources for the elderly, elderly, old-age provide a full range of support to the elderly according to their own desires to continue to stay at home and stay in a familiar environment, and pro-people familiar with the neighbors and friends with China's community service pension starting from the 80's, after 20 years of development has begun to take shape, at present, most large and medium-sized cities have begun to take shape the facilities and services, fixed services and door-to-door services as the main form of service, and form of life care, health care, mental health, culture and entertainment, participation and protection services as the main contents of the pattern of community service In recent years, the Chinese government attaches importance to promoting community service to the community, and has introduced a "speed up the development on the views of community services" and "accelerate the achievement on the socialization of social welfare " In some places on the promotion of community service to the community of old-age have also been actively exploring in the full use of various social forces to mobilize the community of human, material and financial resources, the establishment of multi-channel services to the cause of old-age community has made initial Such as Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong and other provinces and municipalities have issued the relevant policies and regulations, social forces organized for the cause of social welfare has created a favorable policy environment, greatly improving the enterprises and institutions, social groups and individuals, as well as Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and even foreign organizations to run social welfare initiatives to quicken the social and pension Up to now, China's community-based elderly care facilities has reached 200,000, community service organizations, 70,000 volunteers, community service more than 800 million volunteers, run more than 750 social welfare At present, China's endowment of the community social services to the main contents include: (A) the diversification of investment Given China's current level of economic development, the Government can not do all the community facilities and services for the elderly, should be taken to the state, collectives and individuals shared responsibility Part of government investment funds, the main force of the elderly services for the demonstration projects, and through preferential policies and encourage the community to draw on the strength of older facilities and services set up in order to greatly accelerate the community-the pace of development of elderly services to meet the growing elderly The demand for services and (B) community-based management Arranged to change the way old-age welfare facilities, services and facilities, as appropriate, will be part of services to civil society groups to the operation and management, the Government has given some preferential policies, the adoption of policies and regulations at the same time monitoring and guidance, social service to the community to (C) the community of Community services and old-age pension is not only simple facilities for the elderly or a small number of the Home object, but for all communities in need of the Units and corporate services and facilities for the elderly to all elderly people should be community-oriented, to achieve resource (D) community-based The professional services and volunteer activities, a wide range of community residents and area units for the elderly community obligations, to cover In addition, the level of China's social security than the western developed countries is still relatively low, for the welfare of the elderly care situation of growing demand, a number of urban communities to establish a time saving system to encourage young people to provide care for the elderly care for the elderly, for their own future care needs of the time


