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Perhaps because of the sound of the little girl's voice, Dykstra was stirred to 可能是因为那个小女孩的声音,戴克斯特拉 被鼓励着恢复了意识。

It will breed a class 这将会培养出一种阶级意识。 For Marx, social class was determined by and coterminous with, economic 马克思认为社会阶级取决于经济阶级,并与经济阶级具有紧密联系。 When's the next class? 下一次上课什么时候? 你的认可是我解答的动力,请采纳

1 My mother is angry with 2 I like eating fruits, for example, 5 She tries to do her homework without asking her 6 We should try our best to get a good result in 7 The mouse is connected to the 8 Did you hear about the news of an earthquake?

I am angry with my mother because I have make mistakeFor example ,we can listerning tapes 给分再告你


consciousness 英['kɒnʃəsnəs] 美[ˈkɑnʃəsnɪs] 意识,观念;知觉;觉悟;感觉 名词复数:consciousnesses [例句]And what is consciousness anyway?conscience 英['kɒnʃəns] 美[ˈkɑnʃəns] 良心;道德心 名词复数:consciences [例句]I suggest you start a support group for bankers with a


consciousness[英][ˈkɒnʃəsnəs][美][ˈkɑ:nʃəsnəs]意识,观念; 知觉; 觉悟; 感觉; 复数:consciousnesses易混淆单词:Consciousness 例句:The first reflection of awakened consciousness in men told them that they were 对自己的觉醒意识的初次反思,人们发现他们自身是裸体的。



你好楼主,根据你所给的汉语句子,下面给出一个参考答案,He was honored for his tremendous achievements in scientific 希望楼主采纳。

原句:scientific research中文翻译:科学研究希望对你能有帮助!


我长大了打算学习计算机科学I'm going to study computer science when I'm

We had all things in common in those 那时我们共同分享一切东西。 As for my desert, I'd like a chocolate milk 甜食我要巧克力牛奶冰淇淋。 This lesson adds to the value of the 这一课增加了这本书的价值。Here is the fried beef with green 这是洋葱炒牛肉。 Held the race in Florida; hold a yard sale在佛罗里达举行比赛;举办旧货出售The destination of my study is the computer science 我打算学计算机学。 I'm only a part time teacher in the 我只是这个学院的兼职教师。 We will encourage academic exchanges, including student exchange programmes with overseas institutions so as to give our students a better appreciation of other cultures and a global 我们会促进学术交流,包括与海外院校合办交换生计划,使本地学生能够放眼世界,加深对各地文化的认识。 As you make your bed so you must lie on 自食其果。 Of those poll, seven out of ten said they preferred brown 那些被调查者中70%说他们比较爱吃黑面包。 The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre high walls and a 52-metre wide 紫禁城,四面环有高10m的城墙和宽52m的护城河。 The god said that everybody in the world have something in 上帝说世上的每个人都有共同点Juliet made a great difference in the film 朱莉为电影界做出了巨大的贡献.Small Q got around to find his lost tool but never found 小Q四处寻找它的玩具但是再也没见到它了.You cannot compare your mother to mine,they are in different 你不能把我妈妈和你妈妈来对比,她们处于不同的生活中.This pen is differ from the one I lost in the meeting, it's much 这支笔不是我在聚会上丢的那支,我那支更好看些.

I am going to study science computer when I grow

computer science has led us into a new century


用these造句不难,These后面加be, 如These are apples which we harvested from garden These are the issues we need to 和The company needs to improve performance in all these 还有These problems are all in your mind, you

英文原文:scissors 英式音标:[ˈsɪzəz] 美式音标:[ˈsɪzɚz]

these造句:The company needs to improve performance in all these 公司需要在所有这些方面改善业绩。These problems are all in your mind, you 你知道,这些问题都只是你的凭空想象而已。These statistics are important from an ecological point of 就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。

the Bund was so beautiful that it left me a good memorythe scissors is shapener than that onewe were sit on the bench from moning to nightthe message mentions a impontant newshe is a man who have a good buildthe middle-aged women is my mother


