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= =||~science还是啥= =||~There is a science

Science Museum科学博物馆 Science and Technology Museum

科学博物馆的英文翻译_ 度翻译科学博物馆Science Museum 科学博物馆一直是十分吸引年轻人的地方。The science museum is always a big draw with




科学 博物馆

science museum

科技馆:英语:Science and Technology M


science museum


Science Museum 的音标是: /ˈsaɪəns/ /mjuˈziːəm/中文谐音:塞恩思 缪Z们。science    英[ˈsaɪəns]    美[ˈsaɪəns]        科学; 理科; 学科; 技术,知识;    [例句]The best discoveries in science are very 最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。[其他]    复数:sciences    扩展资料:museum    英[mjuˈzi:əm]    美[mjuˈziəm]        博物馆;    [例句]For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art 几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。[其他]    复数:museums    参考资料:百度百科:museum

科技馆:英语:Science and Technology M


science英 [ˈsaɪəns] 美 [ˈsaɪəns] 科学;理科;学科;技术,知识

computer science has led us into a new century


science / ˈsaɪəns; ˋsaɪəns/ n (a) [U] organized knowledge, esp when obtained by observation and testing of facts, about the physical world, natural laws and society; study leading to such knowledge 科学; 科学研究: an interest in science 对科学的爱好 * a man of science 科学家 * Science is an exact 研究科学可以锻炼人思维严谨 (b) [C, U] branch of such knowledge 某一门科学; 学科: the natural sciences, eg biology and geology 自然科学(如生物学和地质学) * the physical sciences, eg physics, chemistry 自然科学(如物理学、 化学) * the study of social science 对社会科学的研究 (c) [U] these sciences taken as a whole 自然科学(统称); 理科: I prefer science to the 我喜爱自然科学, 不喜欢人文科学 * more funding for science in the universities, ie for the work of those studying it 为大学的理科多提供些经费 * [attrib 作定语] a science teacher, textbook, subject 理科教师、 教科书、 科目 Cf 参看 art1 (a) [U] skill of an expert 专门技术或技巧: In this game, you need more science than 在这项比赛中, 技巧比力气更重要 (b) [sing] activity needing this 需运用技巧的活动: Getting these children to do what you want is a science, I can tell you! 我敢说, 要做到让这些孩子百依百顺那可是一门艺术! (idm 习语) blind sb with science =>> scientist / ˈsaɪəntɪst; ˋsaɪəntɪst/ n expert in or student of one or more of the natural or physical sciences 自然科学家; 研究自然科学的人# ,science `fiction (also infml 口语作 sci-fi) fiction often based on future or recent scientific discoveries, and dealing with imaginary worlds, space travel, or life on other planets 科学幻想小说



1、剪刀用英语表示为:scissors2、scissors的英式发音为:[ˈsɪzəz] ,美式发音为: [ˈsɪzərz]。  3、scissors其他意思有:剪刀;两腿前后错跃,剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿)。拓展资料 Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato  左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。 Cut the lobster shells into small pieces with heavy-duty  用粗剪将龙虾壳剪成小片。 She picked up a pair of scissors from the  她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀。 M Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a  海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。 Mishka got some nail scissors and started carefully trimming his  米什卡找到个指甲剪,开始仔细地修剪指甲。 These scissors are awfully  这把剪刀太沉了。 a pair of nail scissors  一把指甲剪 a pair of scissors  一把剪刀 That's not the right way to hold a pair of  那样拿剪子不对。 The woman stabbed at her attacker with a pair of  那个妇人手持剪刀向攻击者刺去 There is nothing new in the book, just a scissors - and - paste  书中没有什么新东西, 只是一部拼凑而成的作品 It's a penknife, scissors, corkscrew all rolled into  这集小折刀 、 剪刀和螺丝起子于一身 He took a pair of scissors and cut her  他拿起一把剪刀给她剪发 The scissors slashed his finger  剪刀将他的手指划开了一道伤口 We cut paper and cloth with  我们用剪刀裁纸和布

Paper-Scissor-Rock纸张 剪刀和石头



