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as的用法 as这个词看似简单,但用法却是很多的,对它的正确理解关系到英语应用能力的提高,因此我们有必要对其用法和搭配进行详细阐述。一、as作介词 区别as和likeas作为介词时,可以表示“像……”,这时它可以和like互用;as还可以表示“以……身份”或“作为……”,“当作……”,但like不能。 I) They lived and fought among the people as “fish in water” (as相当于like)II) As a scientist, he was dedicated to (致力于) the (这里不可以用like)II) They talked as old (他们确乎是老朋友。)à They talked like old (他们像老朋友一样。) as引导的介词短语在句中可以充当:a) 宾语补足语 I) She spoke of me as her dearest II) The plan struck me as very much III) You mustn’t think of me as (being) b) 主语补足语 I) She is well-known as being very II) He is sometimes portrayed as belonging to another III) That picture is looked upon as very 常用于这类结构的动词有:accept, consider, describe, elect, interpret (理解), look upon, perceive, recognize, refer to, regard, see, strike, take, think of, treat, view等等。二、as作连词 作“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句。注意与when、 while的用法区别。A when作"当……的时候"解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。 I)When he was at college, he could speak several foreign II) When the clock struck twelve, all the lights in the street went B while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生。 Work while you Play while you C 但属下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。1) 用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指“一边……,一边……”。I)The girl dances as she sings on the II) He looked behind from time to time as he went 2)表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,译为“随着……”。 I) As time went on / by, she became more and more II) As children get older, they become more and more interested in the thingsaround 3)表示两个短促行为或事件几乎同时发生。 I) I thought of it just as you opened your II) Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud 4) 后接名词表示某一年龄段时,用as。 As a young man, he was active in as=since, 作“既然”、“由于”解,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。 I)As / Since you’re not feeling well, you may stay at II) As he wasn't ready in time, we went without as=in the way that, 作“像”、“按照……的方式”解,引导方式状语从句。 I)He speaks English as Americans II) Remember, you must do everything as I 用于或not so/ 中,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。 I) They helped the old man as often as II) I don’t speak English so / as well as he 作“虽然”、“尽管”解,引导让步状语从句。常用倒装语序,即 / / + as +主语+谓语+主句。 I) Tired as they were, they walked II) Child as he is, he knows a (child前不用冠词)6.as引导类比从句,与so 连用,表示“正如……所以……”。 Just as French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their 如同法国人喜欢他们自产的葡萄酒一样,英国人喜欢他们自产的啤酒。三、as作副词1.表示同等程度、质量、数量等,作“一样地……”解释。 I) Steve runs fast, but I run just as 史蒂夫跑的很快,但是我跑的和他一样快。II) Tom has a lot of money, but I don’t have as 汤姆有很多的钱,而我的钱没有他多。2.用在形容词或者-ed形式的过去分词前,相当于形容词或过去分词作定语,但as仍然保留其原来的词汇意义。 I) In the dead of night I was suddenly wakened by a cry as made by a 在寂静的黑夜里,我突然听到了一声如同狼嚎一样的叫声。II) The old man began to describe the accident as seen through the eyes of a 这位老人开始描述这一起事故,如同是一个证人亲眼目睹了一般。四、作as作关系代词,引导定语从句,不仅可以代替一个名词,而且可以代替整个句子或一件事,通常译作 “正如这一点”,“如……一样”。 I) As is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every 如同大家所知道的一样,月亮每月围绕地球旋转一次。II) As has been said before, grammar is not a set of dead 如同以前说过的一样,语法并不是一套死规则。III) Such a clever girl as she can learn anything 像她这样聪明的女孩子学任何东西都很快。IV) It was absolutely bad manners to get into people’s room without knocking, as quite a few young people are doing every 不敲门就进入别人的房间绝对是不文明的行为,现在很多年轻人每天都这么干。五、as构成的固定词组1.as可以构成介词词组:as against(与……相比);as compared with(与……对比);as for / to(至于,关于);as from / of(自……起);as a result of(由于……的结果);as regards(至于); I) The output amounts to ten thousand dollars as against eight thousand last 和去年八千美元的产量相比,今年的产量达到了一万美元。II) There is no doubt as to who will be 至于谁会当选,这是毫无疑问的事。III) As a result of your carelessness, the whole project should be put off at least one 由于你的粗心,整个计划将要被推迟至少一个月。2.as可以构成副词词组:as above(如上);as a matter of fact(事实上);as a whole(就整体来说);as follows(如下);as good as(和……几乎一样,实际等于);as such(照其资格,其本身);such / so … as to(这样的……以至于……);as yet(尚,至今还)(用于否定句);as well(也); I) As a matter of fact, he didn’t have any interest in the 事实上,他对这个项目一点兴趣都没有。II) I am not so foolish as to make such a 我还没有愚蠢到会许下这样的承诺的地步。III) We are as good as 我们几乎要崩溃了。3.as构成词组作关系代词:as … go(就……一般情况来说);as it is / was(事实上,按现状);as it were(好像是); I) He is quite good, as boys 就一般男孩子而言,他已经很好了。II) I thought conditions would get better, but as it was, they were getting 我以为情况会好转,但事实上,却是越来越糟糕。4.as可以构成连词词组:according as(根据,按照……而);in as (so) far as(根据……程度); I) You may go or stay, according as you 你可以自己决定是去还是留。II)In as (so) far as we have known about the matter, we can make a decision after the 就我们对这件事情的了解程度,我们可以在会后作出一个决定。 转载

一、as作连词的用法   as的用法  as意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as+ / +as。例如:  (1)This film is as interesting as that 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。  (2)Your pen writes as smoothly as 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。  其否定式为not as/so +/ +as。例如:  This dictionary is not as/so useful as you 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。  若有修饰成分,如twice, three times, half, a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前。例如:  Your bag is twice as expensive as 你的袋子比我的贵一倍。  几个关于as的常见句型:  (1)as possible   Please answer my question as soon as 请尽快回答我的问题。  (2)as usual/before  She looks as pretty as 她看起来和以前一样漂亮。  (3)as long (引导条件状语从句)   It took us as long as three years to carry out the 我们花了长达三年的时间才完成这项计划。  (4)as far as   He walked as far as the railway station yesterday 昨天傍晚,他一直散步到火车站。  (5)as well as   She cooks as well as her mother 她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。  一些带有as结构的常见短语归纳:  as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙碌  as easy as ABC像ABC一样容易  as deep as a well像井一样深  as light as a feather像羽毛一样轻  as soft as butter像黄油一样软  as rich as a Jew像犹太人一样富裕   as用作连词引导时间状语从句  as与when,while都是引导时间状语从句的从属连词,含义都是"当……的时候"。但它们有区别:用when时,从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生;用while时,从句的动作为一过程,主句动作与从句动作同时进行或在从句动作过程中发生;用as时,主句和从句的动作同时发生,具有延续的含义。例如:  (1)It was snowing when he arrived at the construction 他到达工地时,天正在下雪。  (2)He was watching TV while his mother was 他母亲做饭时他在看电视。  (3) You will grow wiser as you grow 你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。   as用作连词引导原因状语从句  as,because,since都可以表示因果关系,连接原因状语从句,含义是"因为,由于",但它们有区别:because表示的语气最强;as一般放在句首,语气较弱,较口语化;since常常用在书面语中,表示多为对方已知的、或稍加分析便可得知的原因,有时可译作"既然"。例如:  (1) He will succeed because he is in 他一定会成功,因为他很认真。  (2) Since you are so sure of it he”ll believe 既然你对此如此有把握,他会相信你的。  (3) As rain has fallen, the air is 因为下过雨,空气比较清爽。   as作连词引导让步状语从句  as与although (或though),however (或no matter how)等都可以引导让步状语从句,含义是"虽然,尽管",但它们有区别:although语气稍正式些,可放在句首,也可放在句中,主句中不能再用but,但可以用yet;as所表示的语气较强,引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序;however引导让步状语从句时,它的后面可跟形容词或副词,也要用倒装语序。例如:  (1) Although he is quite old, he still jogs every 他虽然年纪相当大,仍然每天慢跑。  (2) Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the 这次意外虽然显得令人不可思议,却没有人受伤。  (3) However hard he may try, he will not attain his 无论他怎样努力也达不到目标。  二、as作关系代词的用法  关系代词as引导定语从句时,既可以单独使用,也可以与其他词连用,其用法要比that和which更为复杂。   as引导定语从句与其他词连用  ①用于the as结构中  This is the same book as I read last 这本书和我上周读的那本是一样的。  ②用于as结构中  I don”t like such books as he 我不喜欢他推荐的那些书。  ③用于"so + + a/an + (单数) + as "结构中  I am not so strong a man as I 我已经没有从前那么强壮了。   as单独引导定语从句  as单独引导定语从句时,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子或短语。例如:  (1) She is late, as is often the 她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句)  (2) To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is 对事实视而不见--你们好多人都是如此的愚蠢。(先行词是不定式短语)  三、as作介词的用法  as作介词,意思是"作为","以……身份"。例如:  He came to China as a tourist five years 他五年前以游客的身份来过中国。  四、as作副词的用法  to the same degree or amount; equally "相同地","同样地"。例如:  They don”t have as many 他们没有同样多的飞机。

as可用作连词,引导比较、时间、原因及方式等四种状语从句,应注意的是,引导的比较状语从句往往有省略;引导的时间状语从句一般用一般现在时而不用一般将来时;引导原因状语从句时与“Because”和“since”引导的从句比较起起来语气最弱。本题就是比较状语从句,是一种省略的用法。as作介词,意思时“作为”,“以……身份”。例如:He came to China as a tourist five years 而表示像…一样时,like通常作介词用,而介词后面通常接名词,代名词和动名词。as in Australia“和在澳大利亚一样”。As一词的词性通常为介词、副词和连词,其意思也较为简单,如:“象”,“像”,“作为”,“虽然”,“当时候,”“因为”,等等。但是,它的具体用法,对于广大考生来讲,在平时的学习中,成为一大疑难点,大学英语四级考试中,虽出现不甚频繁,但却是一拦路虎。试举一例:As_________announcedintodayspapers,theShanghaiExportCommoditiesFairisalsoopenonS(9701)A)beingB)isC)tobeD)been这一道题,很多考生认为该选A),其实不然。若选A),being单独使用就可以表示原因,如:Beingill,I我今天病了,没法去上课。而这里不表原因。而且,as单独使用也可表原因,如:Asyouarehere,既然你在,我们就聊聊。那么,as在这里的用法是什么呢?不是介词,不是连词,而是关系代词,等于“正如一样。”所以,该句应理解为:正如今天报子讲的那样,上海出口商品交易会也在礼拜天举行。答案为B。究其原因,在于学习方法不当,难以掌握用法。笔者分析了近十年的语法考题,试着以as在考试中的考法来巧记用法,希望对广大考生有所帮助。一、主要考固定搭配,如:suchas,solongas等。Studiesshowthatthethingsthatcontributemosttoasenseofhappinesscannotbebought,___________agoodfamilylife,(9706)A)asforB)inviewofC)incaseofD)suchas此题比较简单,应选Dsuchas在这里表示列举。Asfor主要用于谈话中,“至于。”常见的固定搭配还有:asregards关于asaresultof由于asarule通常serveas作为asfollows如下regardas把…看作consideras/lookonas把…看作beknownas以…著称asto至于aswellas/aswell和,也asfaras…concerned就…而言asthough虽然asyet到目前为止mightaswell还是…好not…somuchas与其说…不如说二、作为关系代词,用于关系从句中。Ihopealltheprecautionsagainstairpollution,_________suggestedbythelocalgovernment,A)whileB)sinceC)afterD)as此题较难,也往往是考试的重点。While作为连词,表示“当…时候”,也表示对比;Since表原因;as可表示“当…时候”,也表原因,但在这里却作为关系代词所以应选D。,“正如…一样”。三、As用于让步状语从句中,等于though,although,表示“虽然”,但结构不一样。As的结构为:形容词/副词 as 主语 谓语;though的结构为:Although/Though 主语 谓语。如:__________,(0006)A)AlthoughmuchhelikesherB)MuchalthoughhelikesherC)AshelikeshermuchD)Muchashelikesher此题也往往是考试的重点突破点在于分清二者的结构。答案为D。四、用于倍数表达中。ThediameteroftheSunismorethan100timesasbigasthatoftheE倍数的表达公式也是考点中的重点。由as构成的公式也是重点。Americanseat__________(9806)A)twiceasmuchproteinB)twiceproteinasmuchtwiceC)twiceproteinasmuchD)proteinastwicemuch由as构成的倍数表达公式为:倍数 asmuch/many 名词 as分句;数字 timesas 形容词/副词原级 as分句。所以此题应为A。五、As常用于同等级的比较句型中,要求as前后的结构一定要对等。TheboyspentasmuchtimewatchingTVashe_________(0201)A)doesB)hadC)wasD)did这种题型是考试中的难点。其基本结构为:asmuch/many 名词 as分句。因为as前的谓语为spent,as后的动词也应为过去时。所以答案为D六、As 形容词/副词原级 asThecomputerrevolutionmaywellchangesocietyas__________asdidtheIndustrialR(0001)A)certainlyB)insignificantlyC)fundamentallyD)comparatively答案为C。七、As作为连词,表示“当…时候”和when,while的区别。Ihadjuststartedbackforthehousetochangemyclothes________I(9706)A)asB)whenC)afterD)while在这里的用法,as表示伴随“”;while表示某一时间内进行的动作;when表示时间点。所以答案为B。又如:Whileshereadthepaper,I她看报期间,我打扫厨房。I他打来电话时,我跳了起来。Astheelectionapproached,随着大选临近,骚乱越来越凶了。八、和so/such搭配表示目的或结果。HI九、asitis和asitwereasitis表示“实际上”;asitwere“也可以说”。Wehadhopedtofinish,butasitis,weprobablywon’Heis,asitwere,amodernSherlockH


