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core plus heart这么简单都不会

core[kC:]果核, 中心, 核心CORE=Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会corecoreAHD:[kôr, k½r] DJ[k%8r, kour]KK[k%r, kor](名词)The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or pear, containing the 核:某些水果(如苹果或梨)的中心硬的纤维部分,含种子The central or innermost part:中心:中心,核心部分:the hard elastic core of a baseball; a rod with a hollow 棒球的弹性硬心;空心钓竿The basic or most important part; the essence:核心:基础或最重要的部分,本质:a small core of dedicated supporters; the core of the See Synonyms at substance 死心踏地拥护者中的小核心;问题的关键参见 substanceA set of subjects or courses that make up a required portion of a 基础课:一系列组成某一在纲要求的部分的科目或课程Electricity A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the 【电学】 铁心:包在线圈内或变压器中的柔软铁条,用于提供道路和加强由线圈曲转产生的磁场Computer Science A memory, especially one consisting of a series of tiny doughnut-shaped masses of magnetic Also called core memory 【计算机科学】 磁心存储器:尤指由一系列小当纳圈形的磁性材料组成的存储器也作 core memoryOne of the magnetic doughnut-shaped masses that make up such a Also called magnetic core 磁心:组成这种存储器的当纳圈形磁性材料中的一个也作 magnetic coreThe central portion of Earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and It is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner 地核:地球的中心部分,地幔以下,开始于深为2,900公里(1,800英里)的地方,大概含有铁和镍。它由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a 型芯:铸造模型中为铸件提供出口和形状的干沙块The part of a nuclear reactor where fission 活性区,堆心:核反应堆中发生裂变的地方A cylindrical mass drilled vertically into the earth and removed from it to determine composition or presence of oil or 钻心:圆柱形物质,用于垂直地钻入地下然后取出以测定石油或天然气的组成或存在The base, usually of soft or inferior wood, to which veneer woods are 心板:通常柔软或劣质的木板的中心板在它上面粘上胶合木片(及物动词)cored, ing, coresTo remove the core of:取出…的芯子:core 挖去苹果的果心Middle English 中古英语 CORECORE(略语)Congress of Racial E种族平等协会core来自古法语 cor<拉丁语 cor 心

core focusnucleusKernel

核心素养 key competencies; [例句]政治素养是公务员素养体系中的核心素养,对其它素养起着规范、制约的作用。Political accomplishment is the core part in accomplishment system of civil servants, which regulates and restrains other



是什么什么的核心What is the core of what是什么什么的核心What is the core of what

treat``` as nucleus /core



treat``` as nucleus /core


be centered on----/ be cored on---- / take----as the core

core course




science英 [ˈsaɪəns] 美 [ˈsaɪəns]科学; 理科; 学科; 技术,知识 The best discoveries in science are very 最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。



scissors[英]['sɪzəz][美]['sɪzərz]剪刀;两腿前后错跃剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿)复数: scissors双语例句a pair of nail scissors一把指甲剪a pair of scissors一把剪刀That's not the right way to hold a pair of 那样拿剪子不对。The woman stabbed at her attacker with a pair of 那个妇人手持剪刀向攻击者刺去。There is nothing new in the book, just a scissors-and-paste 书中没有什么新东西,只是一部拼凑而成的作品。

scissors 英 ['sɪzəz]     美 ['sɪzərz]     基本释义剪刀用作名词 ()Leonardo Da Vinci invented the 达芬奇发明了剪刀。We bought some new scissors 我们昨天买了一些新剪刀。


