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The second one is As science and technology develops,It is also correct to say:With the development of science and technology,'with science and technology development' is Chinese English'as developing science and technology' is wrong!

一般情况下用 (along) with science and technology developing

Geographical environment is a people's culture a prerequisite factor in the formation of some China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent, the east is the sea, north-west is the mountain, most of the territories are in a closed In such a relatively closed continental geography formed a separate sports and cultural Grand unification is a major feature of the historical Thus, stability has become the mainstream of Chinese society, unlike Western society is full of smoke of In such a relatively peaceful environment for the formation of human culture is the pursuit of the Chinese sports harmony, Chung-light-wu, entertaining strong sports Second, the abundant water resources, fertile land of the Yellow River basin for those engaged in agriculture provided the unique natural conditions, the ancient ancestors of China is relying on this natural advantage, totally not worried about the invasion and interference of foreign nations, the conduct of leisurely farming Therefore, in this particular geographical environment is different from the Greek form of commercial civilization, natural economy of self-sufficiency of small People and land deep combine to form such a survival mode to make the Chinese-speaking harmony, joy and stability in life of the national Under the influence of this mentality, seeking harmony and joy, heavy regimen of physical fitness values are respected and Due to the unique social environment, the impact of sport in China has not been the mainstream of society emerged and developed, it is only in a derivative of social development, social development in the supporting Therefore, China's sports culture has important human relations, promote moderation, light competition, and emphasis on the cultural tendency of the text of light      West, the birthplace of the ancient Greek sport, reaching peak brilliance is also the G Greece's geographical environment on the development of sports in the West have a fundamental Greece is located in the southern Balkans to do so, the Mediterranean coast, in this region, numerous islands, shoreline setbacks, and numerous natural However, in mountainous and poor soil, not suitable for farming, the special geographical environment caused by the diversity of their national way of life, while the geographical environment of the poor has resulted in their national character and fight sense of adventure, striving hard to open up their survival needs of the community to reflect on that in sports, the pursuit of human power, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility and other physical fitness, demonstrate the perfect life, "higher, faster, stronger" in sports in Western sports culture As the geographical narrow, many city-states, wars frequently, the West the early development of sports in itself is filled with the smoke of The ancient Greeks, very early use of the sea's strengths, develop business and marine industry, and constantly conquest of the sea, to conquer nature, actively seeking avenues to expand its territory, in order to conquer nature, to conquer opponents, have a strong physique, the Western form of sports Zeyi to start in pursuit of a stronger, more Chuang purpose, advocating physical, physical, physical fitness as the main After the 17th century, Western countries have been completed and the industrial revolution, Europe entered the industrial Enormous changes in The capitalist countries continue to expand outwards, in such an environment developed in the West Sports and capitalist competition and developed close ties with science and technology, it seems that "competition" has become a national 因此 Western's sports culture is competitive, utilitarian cultural


