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名词,科学;自然科学;理科。拓展:science fiction科幻小说,scientific形容词科学的,scientist科学家



My home has four sides and ever since I was little to the mysteries of nature filled with strong interest, after graduating from high school, I chose fuzhou university of biological science and engineering college as my further studies on biological and between the existing counless connection pedal, here I met many friends and knowledgeable scholars, including WangZhongLai professor influence on me the most profound, in teaching "data processing" this discipline the process, WangZhongLai professor humorous style of conversation, science novel teaching way and amiable manner let me deeply Then, in the third year, the choice university tutor, I don't hestitate of chose WangZhongLai professors as my mentor, as a research subject "low temperature plasma in liquid in the processing of relevant application" assistant further Although the subject and I learn professional slightly, but the experimental process discrepancies also needs to use part of major area of biological engineering knowledge, such as detecting processed sample liquid bacteria survival, After 2 years of experiment, I with the subject of the basis of the experimental data, has other related material is complementary, completed his graduation After graduation, I'm going to enter the country biological relevant departments, and started undertake officeholder exam But several attempts failed, I gradually found himself theory extra In order to supplement my experience aspect insufficiency, I decided to start from the bottom, then entered the fuzhou lion health products C, LTD Engaged in god based Because of the health foods production workshop requirement high cleanness, this lets me about microbial related knowledge to I often take time to go to quality testing laboratory and qc predecessors learning study concerning production health each key In such daily learning enrich life that I spent one year, but for various reasons I left god lion, but where experience will be my life and precious Now, our country is developing rapidly, and the quality of people's life are All sorts of 2d and 3d of the news media in the reports of various biological high-tech edge technology at the same time also frequently to expose some biological science related industries such as biological pharmacy, chemical, biochemical, etc exist the various As a only believe myself eyes have seen people, I hope I can to some real scientific and technological strength of place used to continue to learn, and use their eyes to identify those so-called to verify the existing


Before " very long time, Singapore in-situ named pale horse tin, also is 水镇 Afterwards, had one comes from the Indonesian Sumatra's prince to navigate passes through the pale horse tin, mistook one tiger is the lion, changed name the pale horse tin for Singapore, in the Indian language (at that time, area Southeast Asia signal presented Hinduism) center, Singapore's meaning was the lion England in order to contend with Holland in Southeast Asia's influence, sends the Lai luck gentleman to pursue one harbor In 1819, the Lai luck gentleman with accompanied 登入 Singapore, from this time on changed Singapore's 19th century, England developed Singapore is one harbor and the trade city, Singapore occupies China and India (at that time is England's colony) between, also because harbor and trade brought each place immigrates, were most by the C The Second World War, England tries take Singapore as the base with the date armed force contends with, finally the English armed force routs, Japan 以少胜多, seized the Singapore three years eight The Singapore person finally realizes only has the independence only then may In 1965, passed through many repeated difficulties, Singapore finally establishes the Singapore republic in under the Li brilliance After, Singapore also transforms into one from one trade harbor country take the industry as the main economical prop, service industry and the trade for the vice- economical powerful In the history most early concerns Singapore the record is in the AD 3 At that time the Chinese was called Singapore 蒲 in Luo (Italy is " end peninsula islands") At that time, the people knew to Singapore are really This fact actually covered the Singapore varied multi- colors To 14 Singapore has become formidable Sri the Vijayan empire one part, the people call it the pale horse tin (Temasek) (Italy namely " Haicheng") □□□□ this name and the 3rd century name is similarly Since long ago, unceasingly has the Chinese sailing ship, the Indian ship, the Arabic alone mast sailing ship, the Portugese battleship and the military 吉士 person's vertical sailing ship visits is located south the Malaya peninsula the end, must pass through it place as the navigation S □□□□ in 14 centuries, this had the important 战略位置 islet obtains one new name -- Singapore pulls ("Singa Pura") or 狮子城 ("Lion City") According to the fable, one visit Sri the Vijayan prince saw one wild animal in here, mistook it is one lion, from this has today Singapore Hereafter, the English artificial this Singapore story increased important one 18th century, they urgently need one strategy " the stopover station " in order to provides the service, the military supplies and the protection for day by day the formidable empire fleet, thus suppresses the Dutch in this local The history Dan luck Lai Buddha gentleman (Stamford Raffles) knight is molds Singapore take this political background as one trade Singapore's free trade policy attracted Asian each place, even American and Middle East's To 1824, after namely modern Singapore had been established 5 years, the local population has increased suddenly from 150 people to 10, 000 □□□□1832 the year, Singapore becomes Penang, the horse six armor as well as the Singapore channel plants the people place the administrative In 1869, The Suez Canal cleared as well as the telegram and steams 汽船 the invention strengthens Singapore takes the East and West trade center the □□□□14 the century, Singapore is involved in 暹 patrols (presently Thailand) fights for the Malaya peninsula with Java's Majapahit empire in the struggle, therefore its territory became the battlefield one after □□□□5 the century, Singapore is involved in the Second World W Although it was once considered was the impregnable fortress, but or was seized in 1942 by the J Postwar, Singapore becomes England subordinates the □□□□ along with the nationalism mood unceasing growth, the autonomous government was tenable in On August 9th, 1965, Singapore obtained the Geography position - □□□□ Singapore is one tropics island country, is composed by one main island and 63 Its temperature change is not big, the rainfall amount is sufficient, the zoology and botany multiplyd, manifests the tropics islands Singapore locates the geography position is one world The advantageous geography condition causes it to develop into one main trade, the communication and the traveling It locates the equator by the northern 8 kilometers, the east longitude 103° 38 ' to the east longitude 104°6 ', north latitude 1°09 ' to 1°29 ' □□□□ the Singapore main island from the east to the west approximately 42 kilometers, from the south to the NATO 23 kilometers, includes all sizes islands in inside, the total area is 682 square Outside the main island other islands, bigger have the German light island (4 square kilometers), the crow sensitive island (2 square kilometers) and the saint washes the sand island (5 square kilometers)

Perfect! I appreciate with


名词 科学, 自然科学; 科学研究; 自然科学的学习与研究; 理科 This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of 这个发现在科学界

science[英][ˈsaɪəns][美][ˈsaɪəns]科学; 技术,知识; 学科; 理科; 复数:sciences例句:Few voters understand the 很少有选民相信科学。 At the bronx high school of 在bronx区的理科中学读书。


science 是科学


scissors剪刀 剪刀;剪式跳法 剪开;删除(scissor的第三人称单数)

scissor的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 及物动词 用剪刀剪以下结果来自互联网网络释义 剪刀和煦精粹 - 实验室常用仪器名称中英文对照剪刀scissor




Science: 科学;理科;科学业部分;科学杂志科学最新研究指出,要做买房子或买车子这种复杂的决定时,需要仔细、意识清醒的审慎思考、这与2006年科学(Science)期刊中发表的研究结果完全不同,2006年的报告显示,快速决定与无意识的思考(象是睡觉时想到方法)是解决难题的最佳方法。理科 总之,属于文科(ARTS)的感性,浪漫,激情,愿景之类的我不缺乏;属于理科(SCIENCE)的理性,规划,严谨,科学之类的急需得到训练。所以,去考一下GMAT也许能够进一步了解自己,用理科的方式。科学业部分应聘职位名称翻译精选 Subcontractor(Programming) 承包商 Technical Engineer 技术工程师 Science (科学业部分)Science Writer 科学作家 Zoologist 动物学家 科学杂志在美国「科学杂志」(Science)即将出刊的研究报告,13位科学家呼吁废除这个有漏洞的管理规则,因为所有生质能源排放出来的二氧化碳,无论原料为何,都可免责。-Leadership Science: 领导科学;率领科学;科学;领导艺术领导科学2440门大学课程中英文对照大汇集(8) 零件设计 Element Design 领导科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 率领科学机械制造系统论文 大学课程中英文对照(二) 零件谋划 Element Design 率领科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计划及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 科学2000个行业术语翻译大全-人文词汇 零件设计 Element Design ****科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 领导艺术0302254 德育管理专题研究 Monograph Study on Moral Education Management 2 0302255 领导艺术 Leadership Science 2 0302256 宣传心理学 Psychology of Propaganda 2 -medical science: 医学;医学科学;医科学専攻;医学


名词,科学;自然科学;理科。拓展:science fiction科幻小说,scientific形容词科学的,scientist科学家

science 是科学


