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期刊名 materials & design 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 材料科学:综合分类下的 2 区期刊 近四年影响因子2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2011年度 171 913 2 694 这个杂志对审稿人的邀请一般如下:Given your expertise in this area, I would appreciate your comments on the above I have included the abstract of the manuscript below to provide you with an If you accept this invitation, your comments will be due by 时间, If you are unable to act as a reviewer at this time, I would greatly appreciate your suggestions for alternative 这个杂志的主编给审稿人的时间是2周一般评审内容包括下面几条:For each question, please use the following scale to answer (place an x in the space provided): "To what extent does the article meet this criterion?"0 Fails by a large amount1 Fails by a small amount2 Succeeds by a small amount3 Succeeds by a large amount4 Not applicableThe subject addressed in this article is worthy of 0 __1 __2 __ 3 __4The information presented was 0 __1 __2 __3 __4The conclusions were supported by the 0 __1 __2 __ 3 __4Is there a financial or other conflict of interest between your work and that of the authors?YES __ NO__Please give a frank account of the strengths and weaknesses of the article:





(1)JPCA,因子虽然比较低,但在化学物理、物理化学领域,特别是涉及到比较内核的研究,如分子动力学等,是比较公认的好期刊,reviewer特专业,仅仅是花架式,会被批的体无完肤的(2)JPCB,相对更为偏软物质,高分子等,没有JPCA内核,但属于分子更高层次,如聚集态、超分子等,偏机理、机制,但还有Macromolecules,Soft Matter的竞争,现在因子不高,编辑也在想办法,投稿难度增加。(3)JPCC,大家更为熟悉了吧, 不多解释了,偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料,属于Nano领域的中档期刊。前两个期刊属于公认的中档期刊,作为代表作不丢人的。但现在ACS大力发展JPCL,因子上6了吧。但若非要比较,分个一二三四,我个人认为排序时是:A,B,C期刊的about the journal如下,请参考!A Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of *B:Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ranks #1 in total citations with 107,337 total The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of *C:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C increased in ISI Impact Factor to 224 (from 396 in the previous year) The journal received 25,129 total cites and published 3,045 articles




属于第一梯队的期刊。Springer中文名字叫做施普林格。其实从官网的about上,我们基本就可以知道这个出版社出版的相关期刊。1842年,在柏林成立,是一个总部位于德国的世界性出版公司,它出版教科书、学术参考书以及同行评论性杂志,专注于科学、技术、数学以及医学领域。一个重磅的消息就是,在2015年出版业两大巨头 Springer 和 Nature 完成合并,合并后的新公司叫 “Springer Nature"。有了nature的加持,Springer显然就是巨无霸了。《Nature》是世界上历史悠久的、最有名望的科学杂志之一,首版于1869年11月4日。  与当今大多数科学论文杂志专一于一个特殊的领域不同,其是少数依然发表来自很多科学领域的一手研究论文的杂志(其它类似的杂志有《科学》和《美国科学院学报》等)。在许多科学研究领域中,很多最重要、最前沿的研究结果都是以短讯的形式发表在《自然》上。


看期刊的scopeJMCA Artificial photosynthesisBatteriesCarbon dioxide conversionCatalysisFuel cellsGas capture/separation/storageGreen materialsHydrogen generationHydrogen storagePhotocatalysisPhotovoltaicsSelf-cleaning materialsSelf-healing materialsSensorsSupercapacitorsSustainable materialsThermoelectricsWater splittingWater treatmentJMCBAntifouling coatingsBiocompatible materialsBioelectronicsBioimagingBiomimeticsBiomineralisationBionicsBiosensorsDiagnosticsDrug deliveryGene deliveryImmunobiologyNanomedicineRegenerative medicineScaffoldsSoft roboticsStem cellsTherapeutic devicesTissue engineeringJMCCThe journal welcomes research spanning all material types, for example nano, 2D, smart, carbon, and multifunctional materials, with applications including those in the following areas:Display technologies such as LEDs and OLEDs, and liquid crystalsSensors such as chemical and optical sensing technologiesPrinting such as inkjet, screen, 3D, electronics and securityOptics such as nonlinear optics, photonics, and electro- and photochromicsElectronics such as photovoltaics, transistors,semiconductors, thermoelectrics, and plasmonicsMagnetics such as spintronics, ferroelectrics and mulitferroicsInformation storage technologies such as memory devices


