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我觉得写颜色的人很多啊几乎每届都有2 3个 关键还是看你自己的兴趣在哪里,要不然资源多了没兴趣的话,你反而无从下手.从兴趣出发吧,列出来几个再自己筛选

首先,确定毕业论文的题目,有的导师会给题目,有的导师会给范围,有的导师完全让你去自己选。那么,给范围的,可以在百度搜索某某学科毕业论文题目,一般都会出现很多题目。在百度文库内,有些代写中介也会将题目列出,为的是吸引客户。我们可以从中选择。完全没有思路的学生可以在百度学术,豆丁网,道客巴巴等网站搜索自己想要研究的关键词进行搜索。标题大概就是 浅析……浅谈…… 论……或者……研究等。














毕业论文(graduation study),按一门课程计,是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。

从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行 科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论文。一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行。学生须在教师指导下,选定课题进行研究,撰写并提交论文。目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力;加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练;从总体上考查学生学习所达到的学业水平。



严复的"信、达、雅"三个字精辟地概括了翻译的标准。这个标准要求译文既能忠实准确地表达原意,又能通顺流畅、文辞优美、可读性强。但在实践中达到这个标准,却不是一件容易的事。 汉英翻译中有两种倾向:一种是一味追求译文流畅、文辞优美,忽略乃至偏离了原意;另一种是过于拘泥原文字句,机械地从字面上"对号入座",译文不顺而且难懂。这两种倾向都不符合"信、达、雅"标准。在外事翻译中,后一种倾向更为常见。造成这一问题既有主观原因,如怕译文出政治差错,认为直译比较保险,因而不敢越雷池一步;另外也有客观的因素,政治、外交翻译政策性强,不仅要求内容准确、文字严密,而且时间性强,给翻译的时间有限,译者经常处于完成任务的匆忙之中,"该出手时就出手",难以从容地进行推敲润色,因而译文常常迁就中文,顾不得精益求精。我在四十年的翻译工作中,在限定时间内出手的译文常常留下一些永久的遗憾。 当然,我们的翻译工作一直在进步、在发展,尤其是改革开放以来的20年时间里,解决了大量出现的新问题、新词汇、新提法,在外交和对外宣传工作中发挥了巨大作用。但也不容忽视我们工作中存在的问题,特别是译文质量方面的问题。 提高译文质量需要多方面的努力,我感到今后最需要也是最难解决的问题之一,就是如何克服"中式英文",即"Chinglish"问题。 "Chinglish"是我上面所说后一种倾向的一个表现,它的存在导致某些译文生硬晦涩,使讲英语的读者敬而远之,影响了对外宣传的效果。还不能不引起我们的注意。 对"Chinglish",我们需要做一些理论上的探讨,但我认为更主要的是如何从实践中去求得解决。解决了这个问题,就可能使我们的译文更完美,更接近于"信、达、雅"这个标准。当然,这不是一朝一夕所能解决的,需要我们持续不懈地去努力。 由于中国与英语国家的历史背景、政治、经济、社会、文化以及价值观等不同,汉译英容易产生中式英文,就像英译汉容易出现欧式中文一样。因此,要求译者不仅精通汉语和英语,而且熟悉英语国家人们的生活背景、思维方式和语言习惯,时刻关注英语发展动态,多听外电,多读英文原著和原文,逐渐克服"Chinglish",使英译文读起来比较地道。现就有关"Chinglish"几个问题谈几点看法,与前辈和同行探讨。I、产生Chinglish的主要原因及其表现形式一、带有中国特色的词汇不断出现。改革开放以来,产生了不少新词汇、新提法,它们都是中国特有的,在英文里没有或一时找不到相应的译法,即使译出来也需要一定的磨合的过程。译文往往是解释性的,解释不了,就字对字译出,因而容易出现Chinglish。例如:(1)"三讲"(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)初译:emphasize the need to study, to have political awareness and to be honestand upright改译:emphasise on three things: study, politics and integrity初译是解释性的,显然没有原文简洁。改译简单明了,但也没完全摆脱中式英文的味道。另外,politics一字有时含贬意。(2)"经济法制化"manage economic affairs according to law或put economic operationon a legal hasis or within a legal framework"科研成果产业化"apply scientific research results to industrial production"国民经济信息化"build an information-based national economy"社会知识化"build a knowledge-driven society"国际关系民主化"Democracy should be practised in intemational relations汉语中经常出现"化"字,有的可直译,譬如:"经济全球化",现译成:economic globalization。但不能一律简单译成"ize",譬如把上句译成:Internationalrelations should be democratized。意思就走样了。上述便句均为解释性的译文,免不了中式英文的味道。二、搭配不当。由于受到汉语字面的影响,翻译中往往不是犯语法错误而是更深层次的搭配不当的问题。例如:(3)"我们将……在新的世纪里不断谱写建设有中国特色的社会主义的新篇章。"We will go on achieving fresh successes in building socialism with Chinesecharacteristics in the new century。"谱写新篇章"在有的上下文可以译成write a new chapter,例如:"在中泰友好交往的历史中,谱写了新的篇章。"可译为:we havewritten a new chapter in the annals of Sino-Thai friendship。而在例句(3)中就不能这样译,因为writea chapter与building socialism是不能搭配在一起的。(4)若干一般常见的搭配不当的例句:"来信写道"译为the letter writes属搭配不当,也是拟人化,应为:the letter reads"取得成就"make achievements应为:score或"attain achievements"革命接班人"successors to the revolution 应为:revolutionary successors"革命事业接班人"successors to the revolutionary cause应为:successors in the revolutionarycause有的词句尽管搭配不当,但因长期使用而被英语国家接受,可谓约定俗成,例如:"把中国建设成为"build China into属Chinglish,应译为:turn China into。但在克林顿欢迎江主席的讲话中就用了build San Francisco into a thriving cosmopolitan city。可见英语也在吸收外来语,也在不断发展。三、重复和累赘。汉语和英语对名词、动词、形容词和副词的用法不同,所以对重复强调的用法也不一样。汉语中经常出现重复使用名词的现象,而英语则较多地用代词、短语或省略来表达。例如:(5)"为了开好本次大会,邮联大会中国组委会全力以赴做了大量的准备工作。中国政府和北京市政府均对本次大会的筹备给予了大力支持。很多国家政府和邮政主管部门也为中国筹备本次大会提供了有益的帮助。在此,我谨向所有支持本次大会筹备工作的国家、部门和朋友们表示最衷心的感谢!"初译:The Chinese Organizing Committee of the postal Union Congress has goneall out to make preparations in order to make the Congress a success. TheCentral Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have renderedunfailing support to the preparatory work of the Congress. The Governmentsand competent postal departments of many countries have furnished kindassistance to China’s preparatory work for the Congress. Here I’d liketo express my most sincere thanks to all countries, departments and friendsthat have given us support to the preparatory work for the Congress.在这句话中,"大会",出现了五次,初译在英文中也出现五次。"筹备"一词在汉语中出现三次,在英译文中也出现了三次。译文句子非常累赘,有Chinglish的味道。改译:The COC has gone all out and done a lot of preparatory work for thePostal Union Congress to make it a success. Both the Central Governmentand the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered unfailing supportto its preparations. The Governments and competent postal departments ofmany countries have provided China with kind help in the work. Here I wishto express most sincere thanks to all the countries, departments and friendsthat have given us support in this regard.改译后,"大会"和"筹备"都只出现过一次,句子简练一些。(6)"为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。"初译:To promote the development of China-US relations, China needs to knowthe US better and the US also needs to know China better.改译:To promote China-US relations, China needs to know the US better andvice versa.改后译文避免了重复,英文较顺。(7)"依法治国……建立社会主义的法制国家"初译:govern the country by law…and build the socialist country ruled by law累赘且费解。改译:exercise the rule of law…and turn China into a socialist country withan adequate legal system这样避免出现两个"country",层次比较清楚。四、过多使用修饰词。汉语中经常用很强的副词修饰动词和形容词,用形容词修饰名词,以加重语气。而译成英语时需要斟酌,不能一字一字地照译,否则往往强调过头,效果相反,削弱了原文的力量。例如:(8)"我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心。我们要继续坚定不移地推进改革开放。我们要继续坚定不移地保持社会稳定。我们要继续坚定不移地贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策。"a. We will continue to unswervingly focus on economic will continue to unswervingly press ahead with reform and will continue to unswervingly carry out the independent foreign policyof . We will steadfastly focus on economic development, resolutely pressahead with reform and opening-up, persistently maintain social stabilityand unswervingly pursue the independent foreign policy of . We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead withreform and opening-up, maintain social stability and pursue the independentforeign policy of peace.四个"坚定不移地"全译成unswervingly,这样的英译文不仅不能加重语气,反而弱化并显得累赘。如果译成不同的副词也不可取,给人以副词堆砌的感觉。只用一个副词修饰四个动词应该就可以了。再如:"彻底粉碎"completely smash, "smash"本意就是break completely,已经包含了"彻底"的意思,加上completely语气反而弱化。"完全征服"completely conquer, "conquer"不可能是partly。"极为可耻"extremely shameless,"shameless"已是最高级。"伟大的历史性转变"This is a great historic change。在英语里,historic已经包含了great的意思。五、不适当的省略。有时汉语简洁,但译成英文必须补缺。(9)"农业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。"初译:if agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, thenthe 500million people will feel secure。改译:If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting,…前半句主语和动词都是单数,后半句主语是多数,因而必须据此加一复数动词而不能省略。(10)"人的意志想要避免,也不可能。"It cannot be avoided even if people want to 必须加avoid it。前半句avoided是被动,而后半句avoid是主动,因而不能省略。六、拟人法。这种现象在汉语中经常出现。而在译成英语时,往往因受汉语字面影响使译文有Chinglish的味道。(11)"中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪地驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。"a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and wavesand sail to the glorious destination of modernization。"ship"没有生命,而搞modernization的主语应当是人。b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship bravingthe wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.(b)例译文并不理想,但克服了拟人化,比(a)略有改进。(12)"世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。"a. 不能译成:At the turn of the century, China’s diplomacy is most acitive.因为diplomacy 是没有生命的,active 的主语应当是人。现译The turn of the century finds Chinamost active on the diplomatic arena.就解决了拟人化的问题。(13)"创新是一个民族进步的灵魂"初译:……innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress.改译:……innovation sustains the progress of a 是有生命的,而innovation则没有,两者在一起是拟人化,改译纠正了这一点。七、没有注意词类转换。汉译英有时不能完全按照原文是什么词类就译成什么词类,而需要根据情况对词类进行调整和转换。(14)"我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友而且成为兄弟。"a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friendsbut also . Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friendsbut also as brothers.例句b吃透了原文的精神,转换了词类,使用了英语的表达方法,英语味道比前一例句要强。(15)"轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。"a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products haveincreased and their quality has continued to improve。翻译时词类完全按照中文,因而有Chinglish的味道。b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designsand quality and in richer variety。b比a 例有明显的改进。(16)"中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。"a. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threatto any . A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose on threat to anycountries.例a是字对字翻译,例b比较自然。II.如何避免Chinglish,使译文读起来像地道的英文一、首先要吃透中文的精神,摆脱中文字面的束缚,从英语读者的角度出发,按照英语习惯,对句子进行重组,以清晰的文字表达原文的意思。(17)"维护世界和平是大有希望的。"a. To maintain world peace is very . There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace.这两句基本上是字对字翻译。c. The prospect for world peace is very . The prospects for world peace are very encouraging indeed.后两句英文比较通顺。(18)"同时,也从一个角度反映了他们心怀祖国,放眼世界的精神面貌和文化生活。"初译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mentaloutlook of having the whole country in mind and the whole world in viewas well s their cultural life.改译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mentaloutlook, their love for the motherland and wide-ranging interest in theworld as well as their cultural life.初译句子用了套语,比较臃肿,不好懂。改译后比较通顺易懂。二、在工作中有意识地记录常用语和老大难的译例。多听外电、大量阅读英文原著原文,尤其是关于中国的文章,看看外国人对同一个词、同一个事物以及成语如何表达,进行比较研究后"择优录取"较贴切的用法,为我所用。(但在借用这些词汇和表达方法时,一定要注意其政治倾向和不同的上下文)例如:(19)"新世纪即将到来之际",外报、外电中有很多说法,搜集起来,用时就方便了。As the new century approachesOn the verge of the new centuryAt the dawn of the new centuryAt the threshould of the new centuryAs the new century is just round the corner(2)"……增长百分之几十,有的成倍增长"increase by double-digit percentages or in some cases several-fold如果有具体数字,譬如:增长了百分之,翻译不会有任何困难。但"百分之几十"则不好表达,既然外报有这种表达法,而且与中文也恰好吻合,我们拿来用就是了。(21)bring out the best in people,"人尽其才"通常译为:put people’s talents to thebest use,而现英文句型更生动地表达了"充分发挥人的能力"的意思(Tichets, priced from…to…)are far out of the reach of the ordinary workers,"望尘莫及"If…, all the other problems would melt away."迎刃而解"A special one-time case"下不为例"Visitors who overstayed their pemnits"客人住宿证明过期"Downsizing for efficiency or cut payroll to increase efficiency "减员增效"上述这些英文说法用的都是小字、短字、简单字,都比较形象,均可为我所用。二、阅读英译汉文章时,注意搜集常用的词、短语、句子,查阅英语原文是如何表达,利用reverse or back translation的办法,不断积累地道的英语词汇和句型,也就是:英-汉-英。(22)"我最近常常想到你和贵国"You and your country have been much in my thoughts recently。这个用法比haveoften thought of you地道。(23)"你目睹了中国和世界在本世纪走过的非凡历程"You have witnessed the sweep of a remarkablecentury, both in China and abroad.这里sweep即是"历程",它比course更为形象,而且有"走过"的动作。(24)"大力继承这些遗产并发扬光大"…are dramatically building on this legacy 比inheritingand carrying forward this legacy简练贴切。(25)"经济改革改变了中国的面貌和人民的日常生活"Economic reform…has transformed China’s landscapeand its people’s daily 的用法可以效仿。(26)"美籍华人独特的文化和……勤奋观念加强了我们社会的凝聚力。"Chinese Americans’ unique culture and values of … hard work have strengthenedthe fabric of our society. Fabric的用法值得学习。(27)"每个国家都得根据自己的传统寻找发展方案。"Each country has to look for development approacheswithin its own traditions. "Within"可以译成"根据",那么在类似情况下,"根据"也可译成within。(28)"在零售和烹调行业方面,家办企业的买卖完全超过了国家办的。"In the retail and catering sectors, householdoperations have completely outmarketed the state. "household operations"和"outmarket"都可拿来为我所用。四、天下无难事,只怕有心人。培训对语言的浓厚兴趣,随时随地学习以英语为母语的人在不同场合对不同事物的表达方式。从中吸收对我有用的东西。(29)我们在许多不同的场合都用"辛苦了"一词,而英语国家的人则随着情况的变化而变换说法。譬如,客人刚抵达时,主人可以说:Did you havea good trip?某人辛勤工作后,就可以表扬他:Thank you for your hard work.或You’ve been workinghard!但这次江主席在检阅部队时说,"同志们辛苦了!"(还有"同志们好!")怎样翻译,我没有把握。至于"同志们好!"显然不能译成Hello或How areyou之类。是否可以译成:Salute!也许需要问问外国朋友。再如:客人们抵达后,外国主人问道,"Would you like to make yourself comfortable?"我想,这正是我们平时所说"想方便一下么?"(30)会谈对英方人员说,We have to consult the opinions of a wide cross-section ofpeople。这正是我们所说的"我们必须广泛听取各界人士的意见。"(31)"凭票入场"外国人用"Admission is by ticket only。"我们可以举一反三,将"凭柬上一号观礼台"译成"Admissionby card only"or "Please present this card。"Venue: Reviewing Stand 总之,各种各样的英文材料、广告、路标、宣传品等等都可作为学习材料。最后一点,要跟上飞速发展的时代,不断学习新出现的词汇和知识。仅举几个例子。(32)Quickionary 扫描器字典Telephovision 电视电话A not -for -profit group 非赢利集团Megatrends Asia 《亚洲大趋势》Quantum Fund 量子基金Hedge Fund 对冲基金 如果要从根本上来解决,还需要提高译者的综合素质,尤其是语言素质和修养,不仅汉语要好,英语尤要精通,而且知识面要广。一般说来,译者英语的造诣越深,其译文中的Chinglish就越少。

我梦想中的工作是在国际上最大的会计师事务所当一名会计师。我想要成为会计师因为我非常喜欢数学和商务。 而且,当一名会计师能够让我探索商务知识,让我在商业圈里有广阔的人际网(或者人脉)。为了达到目标,我需要做很多事。首先,我必须拿到大学学历。然后,我可以去考研,拿更高的学位,或者参加注册会计师考试。 有了注册会计师的资格证,我就有更好的机会进入会计师事务所工作了。最后,有了在会计师事务所的工作经验,我就可以去国际会计师事务所谋一个会计师的职位。



额 建议多查些资料吧图书馆的资源不要浪费了

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

无机械时滞时间分辨泵浦-探测实验的超快激光脉冲触发反应与一第二脉冲以引起的变化的一个快照。通过改变相对于泵的脉冲刺激过程中可以遵循的时间脉冲到达时间。通常情况下,探针脉冲延迟与机械泵脉冲延迟线。虽然该方案已在过去的几十年中得到广泛应用,但仍有一些明显的缺点。这些缺点可以通过使用略有不同的两个同步的激光器克服但稳定的脉冲重复率。该方法避免了机械延迟线需要被称为异步光取样(阿索波斯)。时间分辨率下可达10 ns的时间测量窗口100 FS可以达到。在下面我们会解释和描述这种方法和实验结果的应用。本系统,一个领先开发商和高精度计量仪表的全球供应商,成立于2001为分拆量子光学的马克斯普朗克研究所。著名的诺贝尔奖的光学频率梳技术,根据公司提供的基于在工业和研究应用超快激光器和同步电子完整的解决方案,慕尼黑。我们所有的产品都是根据精益制造标准制造。我们认为,精益生产支持我们的力量在听客户的制造在一个快速和有效的方式。用脉冲持续时间可达几个飞秒短脉冲激光的发明(1 FS = 10-15秒)打开这个时间尺度上测量不同样品的超快动力学的可能性。在超快时间分辨光谱反应是由飞秒激光脉冲也被称为泵的脉冲触发。第二激光脉冲的脉冲,称为探针,用于探测样品性质的变化(例如,吸收,反射,荧光,等。)。通过改变相对于泵的脉冲激发过程可以在时间[ A. Zewail,随后的探针脉冲的到达时间的诺贝尔讲座,1999 ]。这样,在样品的过程可以用在激光脉冲的持续时间的顺序的时间分辨率。通常情况下,在一个时间分辨泵探针实验两个泵和探针脉冲源于同一激光除以每个激光脉冲输出为两个独立的脉冲。探针脉冲延迟与机械延迟线[泵脉冲例如j-c. Diels,W.鲁道夫,“超短激光脉冲现象”,学术出版社,爱思唯尔]。采纳哟 亲!

严复的"信、达、雅"三个字精辟地概括了翻译的标准。这个标准要求译文既能忠实准确地表达原意,又能通顺流畅、文辞优美、可读性强。但在实践中达到这个标准,却不是一件容易的事。 汉英翻译中有两种倾向:一种是一味追求译文流畅、文辞优美,忽略乃至偏离了原意;另一种是过于拘泥原文字句,机械地从字面上"对号入座",译文不顺而且难懂。这两种倾向都不符合"信、达、雅"标准。在外事翻译中,后一种倾向更为常见。造成这一问题既有主观原因,如怕译文出政治差错,认为直译比较保险,因而不敢越雷池一步;另外也有客观的因素,政治、外交翻译政策性强,不仅要求内容准确、文字严密,而且时间性强,给翻译的时间有限,译者经常处于完成任务的匆忙之中,"该出手时就出手",难以从容地进行推敲润色,因而译文常常迁就中文,顾不得精益求精。我在四十年的翻译工作中,在限定时间内出手的译文常常留下一些永久的遗憾。 当然,我们的翻译工作一直在进步、在发展,尤其是改革开放以来的20年时间里,解决了大量出现的新问题、新词汇、新提法,在外交和对外宣传工作中发挥了巨大作用。但也不容忽视我们工作中存在的问题,特别是译文质量方面的问题。 提高译文质量需要多方面的努力,我感到今后最需要也是最难解决的问题之一,就是如何克服"中式英文",即"Chinglish"问题。 "Chinglish"是我上面所说后一种倾向的一个表现,它的存在导致某些译文生硬晦涩,使讲英语的读者敬而远之,影响了对外宣传的效果。还不能不引起我们的注意。 对"Chinglish",我们需要做一些理论上的探讨,但我认为更主要的是如何从实践中去求得解决。解决了这个问题,就可能使我们的译文更完美,更接近于"信、达、雅"这个标准。当然,这不是一朝一夕所能解决的,需要我们持续不懈地去努力。 由于中国与英语国家的历史背景、政治、经济、社会、文化以及价值观等不同,汉译英容易产生中式英文,就像英译汉容易出现欧式中文一样。因此,要求译者不仅精通汉语和英语,而且熟悉英语国家人们的生活背景、思维方式和语言习惯,时刻关注英语发展动态,多听外电,多读英文原著和原文,逐渐克服"Chinglish",使英译文读起来比较地道。现就有关"Chinglish"几个问题谈几点看法,与前辈和同行探讨。I、产生Chinglish的主要原因及其表现形式一、带有中国特色的词汇不断出现。改革开放以来,产生了不少新词汇、新提法,它们都是中国特有的,在英文里没有或一时找不到相应的译法,即使译出来也需要一定的磨合的过程。译文往往是解释性的,解释不了,就字对字译出,因而容易出现Chinglish。例如:(1)"三讲"(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)初译:emphasize the need to study, to have political awareness and to be honestand upright改译:emphasise on three things: study, politics and integrity初译是解释性的,显然没有原文简洁。改译简单明了,但也没完全摆脱中式英文的味道。另外,politics一字有时含贬意。(2)"经济法制化"manage economic affairs according to law或put economic operationon a legal hasis or within a legal framework"科研成果产业化"apply scientific research results to industrial production"国民经济信息化"build an information-based national economy"社会知识化"build a knowledge-driven society"国际关系民主化"Democracy should be practised in intemational relations汉语中经常出现"化"字,有的可直译,譬如:"经济全球化",现译成:economic globalization。但不能一律简单译成"ize",譬如把上句译成:Internationalrelations should be democratized。意思就走样了。上述便句均为解释性的译文,免不了中式英文的味道。二、搭配不当。由于受到汉语字面的影响,翻译中往往不是犯语法错误而是更深层次的搭配不当的问题。例如:(3)"我们将……在新的世纪里不断谱写建设有中国特色的社会主义的新篇章。"We will go on achieving fresh successes in building socialism with Chinesecharacteristics in the new century。"谱写新篇章"在有的上下文可以译成write a new chapter,例如:"在中泰友好交往的历史中,谱写了新的篇章。"可译为:we havewritten a new chapter in the annals of Sino-Thai friendship。而在例句(3)中就不能这样译,因为writea chapter与building socialism是不能搭配在一起的。(4)若干一般常见的搭配不当的例句:"来信写道"译为the letter writes属搭配不当,也是拟人化,应为:the letter reads"取得成就"make achievements应为:score或"attain achievements"革命接班人"successors to the revolution 应为:revolutionary successors"革命事业接班人"successors to the revolutionary cause应为:successors in the revolutionarycause有的词句尽管搭配不当,但因长期使用而被英语国家接受,可谓约定俗成,例如:"把中国建设成为"build China into属Chinglish,应译为:turn China into。但在克林顿欢迎江主席的讲话中就用了build San Francisco into a thriving cosmopolitan city。可见英语也在吸收外来语,也在不断发展。三、重复和累赘。汉语和英语对名词、动词、形容词和副词的用法不同,所以对重复强调的用法也不一样。汉语中经常出现重复使用名词的现象,而英语则较多地用代词、短语或省略来表达。例如:(5)"为了开好本次大会,邮联大会中国组委会全力以赴做了大量的准备工作。中国政府和北京市政府均对本次大会的筹备给予了大力支持。很多国家政府和邮政主管部门也为中国筹备本次大会提供了有益的帮助。在此,我谨向所有支持本次大会筹备工作的国家、部门和朋友们表示最衷心的感谢!"初译:The Chinese Organizing Committee of the postal Union Congress has goneall out to make preparations in order to make the Congress a success. TheCentral Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have renderedunfailing support to the preparatory work of the Congress. The Governmentsand competent postal departments of many countries have furnished kindassistance to China’s preparatory work for the Congress. Here I’d liketo express my most sincere thanks to all countries, departments and friendsthat have given us support to the preparatory work for the Congress.在这句话中,"大会",出现了五次,初译在英文中也出现五次。"筹备"一词在汉语中出现三次,在英译文中也出现了三次。译文句子非常累赘,有Chinglish的味道。改译:The COC has gone all out and done a lot of preparatory work for thePostal Union Congress to make it a success. Both the Central Governmentand the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered unfailing supportto its preparations. The Governments and competent postal departments ofmany countries have provided China with kind help in the work. Here I wishto express most sincere thanks to all the countries, departments and friendsthat have given us support in this regard.改译后,"大会"和"筹备"都只出现过一次,句子简练一些。(6)"为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。"初译:To promote the development of China-US relations, China needs to knowthe US better and the US also needs to know China better.改译:To promote China-US relations, China needs to know the US better andvice versa.改后译文避免了重复,英文较顺。(7)"依法治国……建立社会主义的法制国家"初译:govern the country by law…and build the socialist country ruled by law累赘且费解。改译:exercise the rule of law…and turn China into a socialist country withan adequate legal system这样避免出现两个"country",层次比较清楚。四、过多使用修饰词。汉语中经常用很强的副词修饰动词和形容词,用形容词修饰名词,以加重语气。而译成英语时需要斟酌,不能一字一字地照译,否则往往强调过头,效果相反,削弱了原文的力量。例如:(8)"我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心。我们要继续坚定不移地推进改革开放。我们要继续坚定不移地保持社会稳定。我们要继续坚定不移地贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策。"a. We will continue to unswervingly focus on economic will continue to unswervingly press ahead with reform and will continue to unswervingly carry out the independent foreign policyof . We will steadfastly focus on economic development, resolutely pressahead with reform and opening-up, persistently maintain social stabilityand unswervingly pursue the independent foreign policy of . We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead withreform and opening-up, maintain social stability and pursue the independentforeign policy of peace.四个"坚定不移地"全译成unswervingly,这样的英译文不仅不能加重语气,反而弱化并显得累赘。如果译成不同的副词也不可取,给人以副词堆砌的感觉。只用一个副词修饰四个动词应该就可以了。再如:"彻底粉碎"completely smash, "smash"本意就是break completely,已经包含了"彻底"的意思,加上completely语气反而弱化。"完全征服"completely conquer, "conquer"不可能是partly。"极为可耻"extremely shameless,"shameless"已是最高级。"伟大的历史性转变"This is a great historic change。在英语里,historic已经包含了great的意思。五、不适当的省略。有时汉语简洁,但译成英文必须补缺。(9)"农业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。"初译:if agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, thenthe 500million people will feel secure。改译:If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting,…前半句主语和动词都是单数,后半句主语是多数,因而必须据此加一复数动词而不能省略。(10)"人的意志想要避免,也不可能。"It cannot be avoided even if people want to 必须加avoid it。前半句avoided是被动,而后半句avoid是主动,因而不能省略。六、拟人法。这种现象在汉语中经常出现。而在译成英语时,往往因受汉语字面影响使译文有Chinglish的味道。(11)"中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪地驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。"a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and wavesand sail to the glorious destination of modernization。"ship"没有生命,而搞modernization的主语应当是人。b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship bravingthe wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.(b)例译文并不理想,但克服了拟人化,比(a)略有改进。(12)"世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。"a. 不能译成:At the turn of the century, China’s diplomacy is most acitive.因为diplomacy 是没有生命的,active 的主语应当是人。现译The turn of the century finds Chinamost active on the diplomatic arena.就解决了拟人化的问题。(13)"创新是一个民族进步的灵魂"初译:……innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress.改译:……innovation sustains the progress of a 是有生命的,而innovation则没有,两者在一起是拟人化,改译纠正了这一点。七、没有注意词类转换。汉译英有时不能完全按照原文是什么词类就译成什么词类,而需要根据情况对词类进行调整和转换。(14)"我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友而且成为兄弟。"a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friendsbut also . Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friendsbut also as brothers.例句b吃透了原文的精神,转换了词类,使用了英语的表达方法,英语味道比前一例句要强。(15)"轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。"a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products haveincreased and their quality has continued to improve。翻译时词类完全按照中文,因而有Chinglish的味道。b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designsand quality and in richer variety。b比a 例有明显的改进。(16)"中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。"a. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threatto any . A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose on threat to anycountries.例a是字对字翻译,例b比较自然。II.如何避免Chinglish,使译文读起来像地道的英文一、首先要吃透中文的精神,摆脱中文字面的束缚,从英语读者的角度出发,按照英语习惯,对句子进行重组,以清晰的文字表达原文的意思。(17)"维护世界和平是大有希望的。"a. To maintain world peace is very . There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace.这两句基本上是字对字翻译。c. The prospect for world peace is very . The prospects for world peace are very encouraging indeed.后两句英文比较通顺。(18)"同时,也从一个角度反映了他们心怀祖国,放眼世界的精神面貌和文化生活。"初译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mentaloutlook of having the whole country in mind and the whole world in viewas well s their cultural life.改译:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mentaloutlook, their love for the motherland and wide-ranging interest in theworld as well as their cultural life.初译句子用了套语,比较臃肿,不好懂。改译后比较通顺易懂。二、在工作中有意识地记录常用语和老大难的译例。多听外电、大量阅读英文原著原文,尤其是关于中国的文章,看看外国人对同一个词、同一个事物以及成语如何表达,进行比较研究后"择优录取"较贴切的用法,为我所用。(但在借用这些词汇和表达方法时,一定要注意其政治倾向和不同的上下文)例如:(19)"新世纪即将到来之际",外报、外电中有很多说法,搜集起来,用时就方便了。As the new century approachesOn the verge of the new centuryAt the dawn of the new centuryAt the threshould of the new centuryAs the new century is just round the corner(2)"……增长百分之几十,有的成倍增长"increase by double-digit percentages or in some cases several-fold如果有具体数字,譬如:增长了百分之,翻译不会有任何困难。但"百分之几十"则不好表达,既然外报有这种表达法,而且与中文也恰好吻合,我们拿来用就是了。(21)bring out the best in people,"人尽其才"通常译为:put people’s talents to thebest use,而现英文句型更生动地表达了"充分发挥人的能力"的意思(Tichets, priced from…to…)are far out of the reach of the ordinary workers,"望尘莫及"If…, all the other problems would melt away."迎刃而解"A special one-time case"下不为例"Visitors who overstayed their pemnits"客人住宿证明过期"Downsizing for efficiency or cut payroll to increase efficiency "减员增效"上述这些英文说法用的都是小字、短字、简单字,都比较形象,均可为我所用。二、阅读英译汉文章时,注意搜集常用的词、短语、句子,查阅英语原文是如何表达,利用reverse or back translation的办法,不断积累地道的英语词汇和句型,也就是:英-汉-英。(22)"我最近常常想到你和贵国"You and your country have been much in my thoughts recently。这个用法比haveoften thought of you地道。(23)"你目睹了中国和世界在本世纪走过的非凡历程"You have witnessed the sweep of a remarkablecentury, both in China and abroad.这里sweep即是"历程",它比course更为形象,而且有"走过"的动作。(24)"大力继承这些遗产并发扬光大"…are dramatically building on this legacy 比inheritingand carrying forward this legacy简练贴切。(25)"经济改革改变了中国的面貌和人民的日常生活"Economic reform…has transformed China’s landscapeand its people’s daily 的用法可以效仿。(26)"美籍华人独特的文化和……勤奋观念加强了我们社会的凝聚力。"Chinese Americans’ unique culture and values of … hard work have strengthenedthe fabric of our society. Fabric的用法值得学习。(27)"每个国家都得根据自己的传统寻找发展方案。"Each country has to look for development approacheswithin its own traditions. "Within"可以译成"根据",那么在类似情况下,"根据"也可译成within。(28)"在零售和烹调行业方面,家办企业的买卖完全超过了国家办的。"In the retail and catering sectors, householdoperations have completely outmarketed the state. "household operations"和"outmarket"都可拿来为我所用。四、天下无难事,只怕有心人。培训对语言的浓厚兴趣,随时随地学习以英语为母语的人在不同场合对不同事物的表达方式。从中吸收对我有用的东西。(29)我们在许多不同的场合都用"辛苦了"一词,而英语国家的人则随着情况的变化而变换说法。譬如,客人刚抵达时,主人可以说:Did you havea good trip?某人辛勤工作后,就可以表扬他:Thank you for your hard work.或You’ve been workinghard!但这次江主席在检阅部队时说,"同志们辛苦了!"(还有"同志们好!")怎样翻译,我没有把握。至于"同志们好!"显然不能译成Hello或How areyou之类。是否可以译成:Salute!也许需要问问外国朋友。再如:客人们抵达后,外国主人问道,"Would you like to make yourself comfortable?"我想,这正是我们平时所说"想方便一下么?"(30)会谈对英方人员说,We have to consult the opinions of a wide cross-section ofpeople。这正是我们所说的"我们必须广泛听取各界人士的意见。"(31)"凭票入场"外国人用"Admission is by ticket only。"我们可以举一反三,将"凭柬上一号观礼台"译成"Admissionby card only"or "Please present this card。"Venue: Reviewing Stand 总之,各种各样的英文材料、广告、路标、宣传品等等都可作为学习材料。最后一点,要跟上飞速发展的时代,不断学习新出现的词汇和知识。仅举几个例子。(32)Quickionary 扫描器字典Telephovision 电视电话A not -for -profit group 非赢利集团Megatrends Asia 《亚洲大趋势》Quantum Fund 量子基金Hedge Fund 对冲基金 如果要从根本上来解决,还需要提高译者的综合素质,尤其是语言素质和修养,不仅汉语要好,英语尤要精通,而且知识面要广。一般说来,译者英语的造诣越深,其译文中的Chinglish就越少。


第一段:In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich autumn. imagery ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory image such as the first section:" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music" [3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"". The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his , forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. : The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a fall of all things mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of beauty.

In this poem the poet\u0026#39;s use of specific visual images, images of taste, smell imagery, tactile imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers experience the scene as the body, feel the rich autumn. 1. Visual imagery (Visual image): This poem describes the use of many visual images of specific things, such as the first section, the fourth line, the seventh line of the \u0026quot;round the thatch-eaveS\u0026quot;, \u0026quot;to be: nd withapples\u0026quot;, \u0026quot; to swell the gourd \u0026quot;,\u0026quot; plump

AbstractFinance lease is essentially a transfer of the ownership of assets and all the risks and rewards of leasing, can be achieved extension of the financing of the project, is a modern market economy in a more popular mode of financing novel is the lessor under the lessee on the leasehold and the choice of suppliers or approval, will be obtained from the supplier to the rental of the contractual lease to the lessee possession, use, the tenant of a rental payment transactions. Finance leasing operations is to maximize protection of the interest of the lessee formulated by the lessee to obtain the necessary funds and equipment; At the same time, enterprises can be seen as a lessee can be obtained through the leasing of capital equipment financing, increase the mobility of their own assets, and promote the technological transformation of enterprises and ease the debt burden of benefits. This paper mainly from the point of view adopted by the lessee on Accounting Treatment methods, the introduction of case, focusing on the lessee did not confirm the nature of the financing costs and accounting methods to explore, analyze the existence of the defect, made recommendations for Lessee;Financial Leasing;No finance charge

In this poem the poet used concrete visual image, taste, olfactory, tactile imagery imagery imagery and auditory imagery. Through a series of images, so that readers such as the history of its king, feel rich autumn. imagery ( Olfactory image ) : the case of the second section of the third lines of" Drows ' dwith thefume ofpoppies" we seem to smell the field of poppies strong fragrance, has the beautiful olfactory image such as the first section:" sweet kernel" and" ripeness to the core" we seem to enjoy the autumn day ripe apples are sweet and delicious sweet and hazel nuts, give a person with taste of beauty, enables the reader to see at the same time, it also enjoy the autumn fruit. These gustatory image inspires readers to Feng Shuo autumn desire and image ( Tactile image ): this poem has many touch sense words and phrases. Such as" load and bless"," bend","""," SweH"," plump"," soft - lifted"," winnowing wind"," sound asleep, borne aloft", when the reader this poem, autumn day is no longer abstract, it becomes visible, touchable concrete autumn, deepen the readers of autumn scenery visual image ( Auditory image ): rhythm and sound together we call poetry music" [3 ] ( P 180) [3 ] Laurence Perrine . Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry [M ]. Harcourt: Brace & World Inc, 1991 poets spectrum gave us a beautiful autumn song. As of third the last seven lines, the poet describes the " gnats iilourn"," full - grown lambs loud bleat"," H tge crickets sirIg"," the red breast whistle gathering swallows twitter. '"". The autumn come into many specific biological: insects, flock, crickets, Robin and group flying swallow, in the bright autumn light, seems to have heard the sad bird, creatures of nature who bemoans the fact that autumn day is short and the winter near near. Multiple voices appear alternately, as poetry adds a layer of deep beauty of artistic conception and the hazy beauty of color .... An outstanding poet will make the sound to his , forming a sound style ( if it can be phrased it). No doubt, the sound has the amazing power, it can make the image is stamped in the reader's mind." [6 ] ( P 105 [6] The Correspondence of Alexander Pope [M ]. Vol. : The Clarendon Press, 1956 and Keats is so. These auditory imagery to a song of autumn passed to the reader's ears, so that readers such as I by the image ( Visual image ): the poem with many describing specific things the visual imagery, such as the first day, fourth lines, seventh lines in the" round the thatch eaveS"," to be: Nd withapples"," to swell the gourd"," plump the hazel sheHs", a fall of all things mature full picture unfolds before our eyes. In the second section, third lines fourth lines" a 'nee sittin careless Oil ] a granary floor, hair soft, hhed by by the winnowing wind;" the poet described as if let us to see a woman sitting in a barn on the ground, with the wind blowing hair to the king as, produce the visual enjoyment of beauty.


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.








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