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摘 要随着计算机网络通信技术和Interne的飞速发展,基于因特网的计算机网上远程教学已经开始成为一种全新的教学手段,并且越来越受到人们的关注。由于网上教学具有时效性、共享性、交互性和个别化等诸多特点,因此它有着传统教学模式无法比拟的优点,它创造了一种全新的教学模式,打破了传统教学模式在时间、空间上的限制,采用了先进的教学手段和教学方法,可以大大提高教学效率和教学效果,使教学活动上了一个新台阶。蓬勃兴起的网上教育以其全新的高科技教学手段为解决我国当前资源严重短缺而教育需求日益扩大的矛盾提供了一种投资少、见效快、优质高效的解决方案,它必将成为我国未来教育发展的重要方向。本文依据设计出来的计算机组成原理教学网站,做了全面系统的介绍。全文共六章,按照前期的开发顺序,从系统分析与研究开始,逐一对开发过程做了全面的介绍。在详细设计这一章中的系统实现部分省去了烦琐的程序代码,用比较直观易读的流程图来表示,增强了文章的可读性。关键字:信息系统,B/S,计算机组成原理AbstractWith the computer network communication technology and the rapid development of Internet and Internet-based computer online distance learning has started to become a new teaching methods, and more and more people's attention. As online teaching is time-sensitive, sharing, interactive and individual, and many other features, it has a traditional teaching mode incomparable advantages, it has created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model in terms of time, Space constraints on the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, can greatly improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness of teaching, so that teaching and learning activities on a new level. The rise of online education flourishing in its new high-tech teaching methods to solve the current serious shortage of resources and educational needs of the growing contradictions provides a small investment, quick, quality and efficient solutions, it will become China's future education The important direction of paper designed based on the principle of teaching computer site, and done a comprehensive and systematic introduction. The full text of a total of six chapters, in accordance with the development of pre-order, starting from system analysis and research, one by one of the development process to do a comprehensive introduction. In this chapter, the detailed design of the system to achieve some of eliminating the cumbersome procedure code, a more intuitive accessibility to the flow chart that enhance the readability of the :Information Systems, B / S, computer components Principle


















随着信息时代的来临,21世纪校园网络的规模和应用水平将是体现学校教学环境和科研力量的重要组成部分,本论文主要是以某院校校园网络的建设为主要内容,着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的组网方案设计原则和所需的网络技术选型,网络设备选择以及对于组建校园网最重要的综合布线等关键问题,对网络安全问题也进行了论述,并针对这一具体院校给出了具体的设计方案,给出具体的网络拓扑结构示意图,能够使读者清晰的了解到网络建设的全过程,通过对具体案例的设计能让读者对校园网络的建设有一个比较全面的认识。 With the advent of the information age, the 21st century the size of the campus network and application level will be teaching and learning environment of schools and scientific research an important part of this paper is a major institution-building campus network as the main content, focused on Campus Network Design and Construction of the process of establishing the goal of building campus network, a network of campus network design principles and the necessary network technology selection, network equipment and the choice of the formation of the most important campus network cabling, and other key issues of comprehensive, Network security issues were also discussed, and for this specific institutions are given the specific design, given the specific structure of the network topology, so that readers can clearly understand that the whole process of building networks through the specific case of Design allows readers to the campus network building a more complete understanding. 目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源、提高了教育效率。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,校园网的安全问题也日益突出,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的技术方案设计,信息资源建设,应用软件的开发,网络管理与安全五个关键问题。 At present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues.


建议你用ASP语言,是动态网页设计里面最简单的语言。ASP必须运行在WindowsNT或Microsoft的IIS(InternetInformationServer)。ASP技术的推出,使开发Web应用成了一件很容易的事,即使是初学者,往往也只要知道几个语句就可以设计出一个完整的功能应用。ASP脚本是一种服务器端的解释脚本,其后缀为.asp。在该文件中可以有以下元素:文本、HTML、代码、ASP脚本命令,其中ASP脚本命令是用""定界符加以区别的,在该定界符内的代码都将被Web服务器以ASP脚本的形式加以解释执行。当客户端访问一个后缀为.asp的URL时,该URL请求就被发送到Web服务器上,Web服务器调用相关的ASP引擎将该脚本加以解析。提供一些基本模式吧...全部照抄对你也没好处.根据以下内容自己来写吧.一、建设网站目的及功能 1 、目的:由于是个人网站,主要目的是用来学习、交流。 2 、功能:通过自己的网站能让大家进一步认识自己,同时通过留言板功能达到交流、探讨学术方面的问题。 二、网站技术解决方案。 1 、网站采用的是租用虚拟主机,今后完善后也可以用自主服务器。 2 、网站设计采用的操作系统是 Window2003server 。网站在初级阶段投入的成本不多,申请的免费的 ASP 空间、使用虚拟主机稳定性和安全性问题比较有保障。 3 、网站完全自己开发,基本模板来自互联网。 4 、网页程序使用 ASP 、 JSP 、 CGI 、 PHP 、 ACCESS 数据库程序等。 三、网站内容规划 1 、根据网站的目的和功能规划网站内容:网站是完全的个人主页,网站以思念为主题,同时通过自己的介绍让大家了解我的基本信息,通过外部链接使访问者得到更多的信息,建立的留言板和讨论区使访问者能够相互交流、学习。 心情日记主要用来记录自己的内心感想,会不定时更新自己最新的心情。 照片匣子存放自己和自己喜欢的照片,图象等信息,让访问者能和我共同欣赏。 网路素材提供方便的外部链接,提高网站的访问量,方便访问者访问更多更好的网站。 我的作品用来展示自己创作的不同作品,也许不是最好的,但也是自己满意的。 关于自己的功能就不用多说了,希望大家了解我的基本信息。 左邻右舍是一个留言板,我希望听到,看到大家左邻右舍的心声。 我的地图是用来提供用户注册,是一个交流平台,通过交流,学习我会更加完善我的网站,希望大家多支持,人越多我的信心就越足噢! 2 、网站提供会员注册、了解访问量,制定进一步的制作方案,希望大家提出宝贵意见。 3 、由于网站功能还不完善,难免会有另访问者不满意的地方,我会根据大家意见改进的。 四、网页设计 1 、网页设计美术设计要求:网页背景采用拼接的方式组合而成,这样有利于加快网页的读取速度,利用了 DREAMWEAVER 的强大功能使主页各个链接比较协调,自己对背景和美化也十分满意,希望大家喜欢。 2 、在网页技术的采用上主要用到了 ASP , PHP 等技术,由于面向的对象多数是和我年龄相仿的学生或朋友,操作起来应该不会有太大的困难。 3 、网页在改版计划的实施方面时间是一个问题,应该说网站内容的更新是比较快的,整体方面改变应该不大。 五、网站维护 1 、由于采用虚拟主机和空间,访问不会有太大问题,只是难免会有维护的时候,如果暂时无法浏览,请大家原谅,希望自己以后能有自己的服务器,能为大家提供更好的服务。 2 、数据库维护是一个问题,我会及时做好备份和更新,尽量不出现不应有的问题。 3 、内容的更新方面会根据自己的情况而定,有什么好的内容一定展示给大家。 六、网站测试 1 、虚拟主机的稳定性、安全性都比较可靠。 2 、程序及数据库方面由我自己来调试,由于学过这方面知识,难度不会太大。 3 、网页兼容性方面,一般的的主流浏览器访问都没有问题的。 4 、如果大家浏览是发现问题可以及时向我联系,我会做进一步测试。 七、网站发布与推广 1 、网站的推广主要靠访问者的互相介绍,希望大家喜欢我的网站。 2 、通过 WEB 服务器发布。 八、网站建设日程表网站建设主要靠自己的知识和技能,希望能更多的支持。 九、费用明细目前网站的建设基本不需要太多的费用。



1.统一使用A4纸,单面打印;2.封面:封面栏目要求打印;3.字体全部用宋体;主标题行要求用小二号字加黑,次标题用三号字加黑,再次标题用小三号字加黑,以此类推。正文内容要求用小四号字;行距为单倍;页边距左为3㎝、右为2㎝、上为㎝、下为㎝;4.用阿拉伯数字连续编排页码,页码放在右下角,由正文首页开始编排,封面封底不编入页码;5.题目:简要、明确,一般不超过20字;6.中英文摘要和关键词:中文摘要一般不超过300字;关键词为3~8个,另起一行,排在摘要下方,词与词之间以“;”分隔;英文摘要和英文关键词要求与中文摘要和中文关键词一致;摘要和关键字用小四号字;7.目录:由论文的章节以及附录、参考文献等的序号、题名和页码组成(课程论文不列入);8.结构层次序数的表示方法:第一层为“1”,第二层为“”,第三层为“”,第四层为“”,正文中序号用“①”表示,不分段;9.附表与插图:附表要有表号、表题;插图要有图号、图题;所有的图表都应具有“自明性”,即不阅读正文,就可理解图表的意思;10.致谢:在正文后对单位和个人等表示感谢的文字(课程论文不列入);11.附录:是正文主体的补充项目,并不是必需的。下列内容可以作为附录:(课程论文不列入)(1)为了整篇材料的完整,插入正文又有损于编排条理性和逻辑性的材料;(2)由于篇幅过大,或取材于复制件不便编入正文的材料;(3)对一般读者并非必须阅读,但对本专业人员有参考价值的资料;12.参考文献:(1)参考文献的标注方法:采用顺序编码制,即按照文章正文部分(包括图、表及其说明)引用的先后顺序连续编码;标注的符号为“[ ]”,作为上标,在标点符号前使用;(2)参考文献的写作格式为:①参考文献是连续出版物时,其格式为:[序号] 作者.题名.刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):引文所在的起止页码②参考文献是专著时,其格式为:[序号] 作者.书名.版本(第1版不标注).出版地:出版者,出版年.引文所在的起止页码③参考文献是论文集时,其格式为:[序号] 作者.题名.见(英文用In):主编.论文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年.引文所在起止页码④参考文献是学位论文时,其格式为:[序号] 作者.题名:〔博士、硕士或学士学位论文〕.保存地点:保存单位,年份⑤参考文献是专利时,其格式为:[序号]专利申请者.题名.专利国别,专利文献种类,专利号.出版日期(3)参考文献著录中需要注意:个人作者(包括译者、编者)著录时一律姓在前,名在后,由于各国(或民族)的姓名写法不同,著录时应特别注意,名可缩写为首字母(大写),但不加编写点(•)。另外,作者(主要责任者)不多于3人时要全部写出,并用“,”号相隔;3人以上只列出前3人,后加“等”或相应的文字如“et al”。“等”或“et al”前加“,”号。装订格式1.课程论文一律左边装订成册;2.装订顺序为:封面、题目、论文摘要与关键词、正文、参考文献。


摘 要随着计算机网络通信技术和Interne的飞速发展,基于因特网的计算机网上远程教学已经开始成为一种全新的教学手段,并且越来越受到人们的关注。由于网上教学具有时效性、共享性、交互性和个别化等诸多特点,因此它有着传统教学模式无法比拟的优点,它创造了一种全新的教学模式,打破了传统教学模式在时间、空间上的限制,采用了先进的教学手段和教学方法,可以大大提高教学效率和教学效果,使教学活动上了一个新台阶。蓬勃兴起的网上教育以其全新的高科技教学手段为解决我国当前资源严重短缺而教育需求日益扩大的矛盾提供了一种投资少、见效快、优质高效的解决方案,它必将成为我国未来教育发展的重要方向。本文依据设计出来的计算机组成原理教学网站,做了全面系统的介绍。全文共六章,按照前期的开发顺序,从系统分析与研究开始,逐一对开发过程做了全面的介绍。在详细设计这一章中的系统实现部分省去了烦琐的程序代码,用比较直观易读的流程图来表示,增强了文章的可读性。关键字:信息系统,B/S,计算机组成原理AbstractWith the computer network communication technology and the rapid development of Internet and Internet-based computer online distance learning has started to become a new teaching methods, and more and more people's attention. As online teaching is time-sensitive, sharing, interactive and individual, and many other features, it has a traditional teaching mode incomparable advantages, it has created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model in terms of time, Space constraints on the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, can greatly improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness of teaching, so that teaching and learning activities on a new level. The rise of online education flourishing in its new high-tech teaching methods to solve the current serious shortage of resources and educational needs of the growing contradictions provides a small investment, quick, quality and efficient solutions, it will become China's future education The important direction of paper designed based on the principle of teaching computer site, and done a comprehensive and systematic introduction. The full text of a total of six chapters, in accordance with the development of pre-order, starting from system analysis and research, one by one of the development process to do a comprehensive introduction. In this chapter, the detailed design of the system to achieve some of eliminating the cumbersome procedure code, a more intuitive accessibility to the flow chart that enhance the readability of the :Information Systems, B / S, computer components Principle

As the rapid development of society and the advent of the high-tech information age, the rhythm of people's living is speeding gradually. Now the internet has become the important way to get 、distribute and transfer the imformation .Absolutely it becomes the indispensable part of people's mordern information on the network is mainly through the website to realize. The construction of the website become important part in Informatization want to express my love of to YiMeng through the production of yimeng website. also through the website to introduce this beautiful place to people .This paper mainly introduces the software tools which was used in the production of the YIMeng website and the design thinking during the production .

随着信息时代的来临,21世纪校园网络的规模和应用水平将是体现学校教学环境和科研力量的重要组成部分,本论文主要是以某院校校园网络的建设为主要内容,着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的组网方案设计原则和所需的网络技术选型,网络设备选择以及对于组建校园网最重要的综合布线等关键问题,对网络安全问题也进行了论述,并针对这一具体院校给出了具体的设计方案,给出具体的网络拓扑结构示意图,能够使读者清晰的了解到网络建设的全过程,通过对具体案例的设计能让读者对校园网络的建设有一个比较全面的认识。 With the advent of the information age, the 21st century the size of the campus network and application level will be teaching and learning environment of schools and scientific research an important part of this paper is a major institution-building campus network as the main content, focused on Campus Network Design and Construction of the process of establishing the goal of building campus network, a network of campus network design principles and the necessary network technology selection, network equipment and the choice of the formation of the most important campus network cabling, and other key issues of comprehensive, Network security issues were also discussed, and for this specific institutions are given the specific design, given the specific structure of the network topology, so that readers can clearly understand that the whole process of building networks through the specific case of Design allows readers to the campus network building a more complete understanding. 目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源、提高了教育效率。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,校园网的安全问题也日益突出,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的技术方案设计,信息资源建设,应用软件的开发,网络管理与安全五个关键问题。 At present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues.

Computer network technology and the rapid development of information technology, the impact of rapid spread to the education sector, as a database of information resources, distance learning and new ways of supporting learning environment, the role of the Internet more and more attention to the education sector. Both education experts, scholars and the wave of exposure to educational reform for teachers and students are trying a new web-based educational philosophy, teaching methods and learning styles. Teaching Website is in this context bred and produced. Teaching is both a network of educational information resource site an important part, but also a new type of education, learning support platform. Teaching site is the use of modern network technology to build up, has a teaching function of the website the birth of teaching sites and teaching web site design came into being, business website design and analysis of theoretical guidance in the design of commercial websites which is particularly important points, from the point of commercial website design and surface visual cents psychological factors Use, and commercial site design psychological factors in the use of color vision, business website in today's network is relatively common, commerce dynamic Web site design principles and the principles of interaction, business website, use of visual process of psychological factors are also important , There are three-dimensional page and the details of the deal, commercial web interface more clearly the design and web: design ,visual psychological factors,constituent elements,Visual process


现代经济就是信用经济,在信用经济下越来越多的企业更多的采用了信用销售的方式进行交易,而在这种更适合企业发展的交易方式中也存在着它的弊端,表现最突出的则是应收账款风险的问题,由于很多企业在信用交易的方式中缺乏对应收账款的足够重视,缺乏对应收账款科学合理的管理,加大了本企业的应收账款风险,为企业带来了更多的财务风险压力。本文就人人乐集团应收账款管理问题作一个浅度分析,希望在研究中能找到人人乐集团应收账款管理方面的弊端,并能够提出合理化建议。关键字:应收账款 信用经济 人人乐集团 The modern economy is actually a credit economy. Under the environment of the credit economy, more and more enterprises are using this sale approach to do their business and it is the more suitable way for enterprise devopment but also has its flaws. The most obvious problem is the risk of the accounts receivable. Because of many enterprises not paying enough attention to the credit transaction's accounts receivable, lack of scientifc and reasonable management on the accounts receivable, which has created the risk of accounts receivable for the enterprises, bringing more financial risk pressure for them. This paper is carrying out a shallow degree analysis based on Everybody Is Happy Group's (Ren Ren Le Group's) problems of the accounts rceiavble management. Hope that the research would be able to find their accounts receivable management's shortcomings and could put forward a reasonable suggestion. 关键字: 应收账款 Accounts recevable / receivable accounts 信用经济 Credit economy 人人乐集团 Everybody Is Happy Group / Ren Ren Le Group

With the growing of national enterprise competition, whether the multinational corporations into China or Chinese companies to become multinational companies to the world, we need a high degree of executive power with a management team to support the enterprise to obtain long-term, highly competitive And development potential. Despite the ongoing multinational corporations around the world localization process, from the management localization, production and R & D localization, localization and other aspects of staff tireless efforts, but in practice the results proved that multinational companies are still faced with the brutal execution of lack of middle managers Problem. Multinational corporations in corporate personnel management, business decision management, faced with lack of execution, have resulted in an important reason for these difficulties is the corporate middle managers due to lack of execution lead to problems, to the execution of multinational companies to bring a very Challenge. Based on the special nature of transnational corporations and middle managers to perform as a research focus, this article tries to find middle-level managers for multinational companies to improve the execution of the measures. Finally, a summary of the hope that these studies can improve the middle managers of multinational implementation force generation reference.

(英文)In internet high speed development today, the website is becoming the school, the company, the enterprise, the government and the association carries on the image demonstration, the information issue, the service development, the customer service, internal communication critical position, not only it has the characteristic which, does not have quickly is away from and may renew anytime and anywhere, can provide some interactive function, like the message center, the member make, discussion area and so on, causes the website fill vitalities, lets the human feel urgently school website construction is the school edition informationization construction important aspect, is adapts the modern education technology and the information technology development, enlarges the school foreign exchange and propaganda dynamics, enhances the teaching, the scientific research, the management efficiency important way; The school website is the school foreign propaganda window, also is demonstrated the entire school teacher and student ability, strengthens to the extracurricular relation, studies mutually, the communal development position, the school website construction goal is promotes the teachers and students and the school communal development, therefore, needs the entire school teachers and students to participation together, works together heart and soul constructs the school website.绝对正宗,English相信我,没错的,希望楼主多给点分。这么多,打下来,啊~~~~酸死了!





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