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Don't forget to mention in your essay the popular meaning of "BMW"---------Be My Woman.


Along with the development of economic globalization, the development of multinational company growing, the competition between each other 百度来的,仅供参考!

公司章程(英文版) 法律The Article Of Association of Guangdong XXX company of limited libiability (drafted by lawyer LuYu) Chapter 1 General Principles Article 1 The article is formulated according to the provisions of china-foreign cooperative enterprises law of people's republic of china(hereinafter refered to as cooperative enterprises law), Company Law of the People's Republic of China(hereinafter refered to as company law) and other relevant laws and administrative regulations. Article 2 Where the Article Of Association conflicts with the provisions stipulated by the state laws and regulations, such provisions shall apply. Article 3 The Type of Business is limitied liability company jointly invested by investors from mainland of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan province. Chapter 2 the title and the domicile of the company Article 4 The title of the company is Guangdong XX company of limited libiability(hereinafter refered to as the company) . Article 5 The domicle of the company shall be Chapter 3 Business scope Article 6 The business scope of the company is limited in ………. Chapter 4 The total investment and the registered capital Article 7 The total investment of the company is ……HK dollars and the registered capital is …HK dollars. Chapter 5 the name (or title) of the company and the registered place Article8 The two collaborators of the company are: (1) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party A) registered in china with a legal representative named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ……… (2) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party B ) registered in Hongkong with a authorized signatory named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ……… Chapter 6 The Type Of Investment Or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit Article 9 The type of investment or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit shall be: (1) The party A shall be responsible for going through the formalities of transportation permit for the vehicles and corresponding responsibilities. (2) The party B makes its captical contributions by contributing RMB XXX yuan in currency and by contributing non-currency property as material objects which takes up XX percent and XX percent of the total registerd capital respectively. The said captical contributions shall be Fully paid once in six months after the establishment of the company. Article10 The conversion between the foreign currency conducted as the registered captal and RMB or between different kinds of foreign currency shall be accounted according to the middle price of the exchange rate, made known to the public by the central bank, of the day on which the investment is made. Article 11 The Chinese and foreign partners shall perform the obligations of making a full contribution and providing cooperation conditions as scheduled according to the provisions of the laws and regulations and the agreements of the contract. Where either of the parties fails to perform the contributive obligations the Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce shall set a restricted duration for them to perform and the examination and approval authorities shall handle and punish it where it fails to ferform during the restricted period in accordance with relevant regulations of the state. Chapter seven Equity Transfer Article 12 The permit and the approval shall be obtained from the other party and the examination and approval authorities before where the transfer will occur between the parties and between one party of the cooperators and a third party and such transfer shall go through a formality of change registration. Chapter 9 Organizational Structure Article 13 The cooperative company shall has a board of directors which is the organ of power making decisions on the major issues in accordance of the article of association of the company. Article 14 The board of directors shall be composed of three persons, two of them shall be appointed or replaced by party A and the other one by party B. Each service term for a director may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. Article 15 The meeting of the board of directors shall be convened at least once a year and the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board, where the chairman can not perform the duties for special cause the chairman shall appoint a vice chairman or one of the other members of the board to convene and preside over the meeting. The meeting may be convened upon proposal made by directors presenting more than one-third of directors of the board. The meeting of the board of directors can be held only when more than two-thirds of the directors attend. And an authorized man shall be entrusted in writing form by the absent director to attend and vote as the representative of him. Any decision made by the meeting requires affirmative votes by more than half of all the directors. Where a director who neither attends nor entrusts a delegate to attend the meeting shall be deemed as having attended the meeting and waived his right of voting in resolving. A notice shall be made to all the directors ten days before the meeting is convened. The meeting of the board of directors may make decisions by means of communication. Article 16 Any of the following resolutions may be adopted only when a affirmative votes is made by all of the directors presenting the meeting. (1) to adopt resolutions on amending the articles of association of the company; (2) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company; (3) to adopt resolutions on dissolving the company; (4) to adopt resolutions on setting a mortgage on the assets of the company; (5) to adopt resolutions on matters such as merger, division and transformation of the company; (6) to adopt resolutions on other matters agreed by the parties. Article 17 The board of the directors has one chairman delegated by party A and has two vice chairman delegated by party B. Each service term for them may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. The chairman of the board shall be the legal representative of the company. Article 18 The company has a general manager who is in charge of the daily affairs of the company operation and management and shall report to the board of directors. The general manager shall be appointed and dismissed by the board. Appointed by the board of directors the directors may hold a concurrent post as the general manager or other senior officer. The board of the directors may adopt a resolution on dismissing the general manager and other senior officers if they are unfit for the job, conduct malpractices or neglect their duties. And they shall bear legal liabilities according to the law where any loss is caused thus. Article 19 The company has no board of supervisors but has two supervisors, delegated by party B, whose service term may not exceed 3 years but they may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. Here the directors, senior officers or the finance manager may not hold a concurrent post as a supervisor. Article 20 The supervisors shall exercise the following functions and powers: (1) to check the company fiance; (2) to supervise the conducts of implementation of the company office of the directors and the senior officers, and to put forward the proposal of removal where a director or a senior officer breaches the law, administrative regulations or the articles of association. (3) to ask the directors or senior officers to rectify their conducts where the conducts of the directors or senior officers cause damage to the company. (4) to bring an action against the directors or senior officers according to the provisions of the article 152 of the company law; The supervisors may sit in the meeting of the board of directors and may bring up a interpellation or a proposal to the resolutions adopted by the booard of the directors. Article 21 The qualifications for the position of directors, supervisors and senior officers shall meet the requirements stipulated(provided) by the company law. Chapter 8 The Share Of The Incomes, Products, Risks And Losses Article 22 The style of the cooperative enterprise shall be a company if it meets the qualifications of a Chinese legal person. The parties of the cooperation shall be liable for the company’s debts to the extent of their respective investment or the cooperative conditions except as otherwise agreed by the contract. Article 23 The share of the parties of the incomes, products, risks and losses shall be …………………………………. And the party B shall pay the party A, on the basis of the number of the vehicles obtaining the entrance permission, a fixed profit per vehicle monthly. Chapter 9 The duration, dissolving and liquidation Article 24 The duration of the cooperation shall be XXX years which shall be counting from the date when the business license issued. Article 23 If both of the parties agree to extend the duration of cooperation, an application shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority 180 days in advance before the expiration of the contract after the a resolution to the matter has been adopted by the board of directors. Article 25 The cooperative company may be dissolved for any one of the following reasons: (1) the term of cooperation expires; (2) the cooperative company suffers serious losses in operation or incurs a big loss for force majeure and thus makes it difficult to continue the operation; (3) it is difficult for the cooperative company to continue the operation for one or more parties fail to perform the obligations provided by the contract or the articles of association; (4) any other causes for dissolution prescribed by the cooperative contract or the articles of association has occurred; (5) or the cooperative company has been ordered to terminate for the reason of breach of the laws or administrative regulations. Article 26 A liquidation procedures shall be carried out when the term of the cooperative company expires or when it is dissolved in advance. The assets of the cooperative company shall be distributed by the cooperative parties according to the agreements of the contract. An application for company de-registration shall be submitted to the administrative agency for industry and commerce where the cooperative company expires or dissolves in advance. Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions Article 27 The matters such as………………………, herein not referred to, shall under the govern of the laws and administrative regulations of the people’s republic of China. Party A (signature and seal): Date: Party B (signature and seal): Date:




公司章程(英文版) 法律The Article Of Association of Guangdong XXX company of limited libiability (drafted by lawyer LuYu) Chapter 1 General Principles Article 1 The article is formulated according to the provisions of china-foreign cooperative enterprises law of people's republic of china(hereinafter refered to as cooperative enterprises law), Company Law of the People's Republic of China(hereinafter refered to as company law) and other relevant laws and administrative regulations. Article 2 Where the Article Of Association conflicts with the provisions stipulated by the state laws and regulations, such provisions shall apply. Article 3 The Type of Business is limitied liability company jointly invested by investors from mainland of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan province. Chapter 2 the title and the domicile of the company Article 4 The title of the company is Guangdong XX company of limited libiability(hereinafter refered to as the company) . Article 5 The domicle of the company shall be Chapter 3 Business scope Article 6 The business scope of the company is limited in ………. Chapter 4 The total investment and the registered capital Article 7 The total investment of the company is ……HK dollars and the registered capital is …HK dollars. Chapter 5 the name (or title) of the company and the registered place Article8 The two collaborators of the company are: (1) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party A) registered in china with a legal representative named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ……… (2) The……company (hereinafter referred to as party B ) registered in Hongkong with a authorized signatory named ……, and which is domiciled in ………with a business license numbered ……… Chapter 6 The Type Of Investment Or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit Article 9 The type of investment or Conditions for Cooperation and the corresponding time limit shall be: (1) The party A shall be responsible for going through the formalities of transportation permit for the vehicles and corresponding responsibilities. (2) The party B makes its captical contributions by contributing RMB XXX yuan in currency and by contributing non-currency property as material objects which takes up XX percent and XX percent of the total registerd capital respectively. The said captical contributions shall be Fully paid once in six months after the establishment of the company. Article10 The conversion between the foreign currency conducted as the registered captal and RMB or between different kinds of foreign currency shall be accounted according to the middle price of the exchange rate, made known to the public by the central bank, of the day on which the investment is made. Article 11 The Chinese and foreign partners shall perform the obligations of making a full contribution and providing cooperation conditions as scheduled according to the provisions of the laws and regulations and the agreements of the contract. Where either of the parties fails to perform the contributive obligations the Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce shall set a restricted duration for them to perform and the examination and approval authorities shall handle and punish it where it fails to ferform during the restricted period in accordance with relevant regulations of the state. Chapter seven Equity Transfer Article 12 The permit and the approval shall be obtained from the other party and the examination and approval authorities before where the transfer will occur between the parties and between one party of the cooperators and a third party and such transfer shall go through a formality of change registration. Chapter 9 Organizational Structure Article 13 The cooperative company shall has a board of directors which is the organ of power making decisions on the major issues in accordance of the article of association of the company. Article 14 The board of directors shall be composed of three persons, two of them shall be appointed or replaced by party A and the other one by party B. Each service term for a director may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. Article 15 The meeting of the board of directors shall be convened at least once a year and the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board, where the chairman can not perform the duties for special cause the chairman shall appoint a vice chairman or one of the other members of the board to convene and preside over the meeting. The meeting may be convened upon proposal made by directors presenting more than one-third of directors of the board. The meeting of the board of directors can be held only when more than two-thirds of the directors attend. And an authorized man shall be entrusted in writing form by the absent director to attend and vote as the representative of him. Any decision made by the meeting requires affirmative votes by more than half of all the directors. Where a director who neither attends nor entrusts a delegate to attend the meeting shall be deemed as having attended the meeting and waived his right of voting in resolving. A notice shall be made to all the directors ten days before the meeting is convened. The meeting of the board of directors may make decisions by means of communication. Article 16 Any of the following resolutions may be adopted only when a affirmative votes is made by all of the directors presenting the meeting. (1) to adopt resolutions on amending the articles of association of the company; (2) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company; (3) to adopt resolutions on dissolving the company; (4) to adopt resolutions on setting a mortgage on the assets of the company; (5) to adopt resolutions on matters such as merger, division and transformation of the company; (6) to adopt resolutions on other matters agreed by the parties. Article 17 The board of the directors has one chairman delegated by party A and has two vice chairman delegated by party B. Each service term for them may not exceed 3 years and the director may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. The chairman of the board shall be the legal representative of the company. Article 18 The company has a general manager who is in charge of the daily affairs of the company operation and management and shall report to the board of directors. The general manager shall be appointed and dismissed by the board. Appointed by the board of directors the directors may hold a concurrent post as the general manager or other senior officer. The board of the directors may adopt a resolution on dismissing the general manager and other senior officers if they are unfit for the job, conduct malpractices or neglect their duties. And they shall bear legal liabilities according to the law where any loss is caused thus. Article 19 The company has no board of supervisors but has two supervisors, delegated by party B, whose service term may not exceed 3 years but they may continue to serve his post if he is re-appointed by the relevant party upon the expiration of his term. Here the directors, senior officers or the finance manager may not hold a concurrent post as a supervisor. Article 20 The supervisors shall exercise the following functions and powers: (1) to check the company fiance; (2) to supervise the conducts of implementation of the company office of the directors and the senior officers, and to put forward the proposal of removal where a director or a senior officer breaches the law, administrative regulations or the articles of association. (3) to ask the directors or senior officers to rectify their conducts where the conducts of the directors or senior officers cause damage to the company. (4) to bring an action against the directors or senior officers according to the provisions of the article 152 of the company law; The supervisors may sit in the meeting of the board of directors and may bring up a interpellation or a proposal to the resolutions adopted by the booard of the directors. Article 21 The qualifications for the position of directors, supervisors and senior officers shall meet the requirements stipulated(provided) by the company law. Chapter 8 The Share Of The Incomes, Products, Risks And Losses Article 22 The style of the cooperative enterprise shall be a company if it meets the qualifications of a Chinese legal person. The parties of the cooperation shall be liable for the company’s debts to the extent of their respective investment or the cooperative conditions except as otherwise agreed by the contract. Article 23 The share of the parties of the incomes, products, risks and losses shall be …………………………………. And the party B shall pay the party A, on the basis of the number of the vehicles obtaining the entrance permission, a fixed profit per vehicle monthly. Chapter 9 The duration, dissolving and liquidation Article 24 The duration of the cooperation shall be XXX years which shall be counting from the date when the business license issued. Article 23 If both of the parties agree to extend the duration of cooperation, an application shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority 180 days in advance before the expiration of the contract after the a resolution to the matter has been adopted by the board of directors. Article 25 The cooperative company may be dissolved for any one of the following reasons: (1) the term of cooperation expires; (2) the cooperative company suffers serious losses in operation or incurs a big loss for force majeure and thus makes it difficult to continue the operation; (3) it is difficult for the cooperative company to continue the operation for one or more parties fail to perform the obligations provided by the contract or the articles of association; (4) any other causes for dissolution prescribed by the cooperative contract or the articles of association has occurred; (5) or the cooperative company has been ordered to terminate for the reason of breach of the laws or administrative regulations. Article 26 A liquidation procedures shall be carried out when the term of the cooperative company expires or when it is dissolved in advance. The assets of the cooperative company shall be distributed by the cooperative parties according to the agreements of the contract. An application for company de-registration shall be submitted to the administrative agency for industry and commerce where the cooperative company expires or dissolves in advance. Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions Article 27 The matters such as………………………, herein not referred to, shall under the govern of the laws and administrative regulations of the people’s republic of China. Party A (signature and seal): Date: Party B (signature and seal): Date:

Abstract: Under the condition of market economy, the merits of the compensation system is directly related to business performance. Enterprises to retain talent, have market competitiveness must be provided to workers' wages, when carries on the compensation system design should be a relatively fair internally, external competitive compensation system. Based on the actual situation of luliang and embellish energy co., LTD as the background, through the analysis of the problems existing in the enterprise existing compensation system, the use of human resource management in the relevant theories of salary design, the Suggestions to improve the compensation system of enterprises, in order to the enterprise to attract talents, retain talents, improve the level of human resource management. Based on the salary survey, understand the external compensation levels, enhances the market competitiveness of the enterprise; By piece rate, the design of the post merit pay, bonuses and other compensation, make the employees' salaries are tied with the company's benefit and individual performance, improve the staff's work : Compensation system, incentive, The sales staff



Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.

We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.

As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).

If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business

relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.



(成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.

If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business

relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.




Company Profile

Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Province,to a professional committed to the design, development and production of electric lift ergonomic desk children learning tables and other products of the company. Since its inception, we have consistently uphold: "customer first, service first, genuine" business philosophy, always uphold the integrity, innovation, development-oriented principle.

The company has experienced design team, industry-leading R & D capability and strong manufacturing strength, the product has a stylish look and feel, and always follow the current fashion trends emerging, high-quality, world-renowned.

Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd sales to United States, Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other countries, and we sincerely hope to establish friendly business relations with customers from all over the world.

The company's operating philosophy: adhere to customer-centric, technology and innovation as the fundamental, continued to improve the user experience, improve product and service quality.

The company's mission: to make children more healthy growth, so that work more easy and free.

The company's vision: "value-creating" leader. Through constant innovation and improvement of marketing value-added services, to continuously improve market share and customer satisfaction, so that we become Chinese lift tables industry "value-creating" leader.

The ultimate goal: to become the first Chinese brand lift tables industry. .

Company Profile

XxxxX Garments Co., Ltd. is a professional textile and garment production and export enterprises, the company was founded in 1998 , currently has a quick costume proofing centers, stock garment

manufacturing plant ; former has all kinds of imported advanced production equipment and clothing , after supporting equipment more than 100 pieces (sets ) , the annual production capacity of one million(bar) .

Currently co- management of the factory ( production management , quality management, safety and health management , employment conditions ) has passed the JCP ENNEY, TARGET companies such assessments.

Our main products : all kinds of knit tops , jackets, woolen , fashion and more. The products are sold to Japan, America, Europe, Korea, Hong Kong and other places.

Our company is Japan AS KNOW AS , Japan MUJI, Japan DIL

DILASH, USA KAVU, Europe CUBUS, South Korean BASIC HOUSE good clothing , fabric suppliers.

Our Company with high-quality products , good service and

competitive prices , customers establish a good reputation , sincerely welcome home and abroad to discuss cooperation.

Our general manager with the staff sincerely hope that the good reputation at home and abroad to establish long-term customer relations and mutually beneficial cooperation and common development .

Company address: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province China




XXXV 公司是专业的纺织服装生产、出口企业,公司创立于1998年,目前拥有快捷的服装打样中心,服装生产工厂;拥有各类进口先进服装生产设备及前、后道配套设备100多台(套),年生产能力100万件(条)。 目前合作工厂的管理(生产管理、质量管理、安全卫生管理、雇佣条件)已全面通过了JCP ENNEY、TARGET等公司的评估。


目前公司是日本优品株式会社、日本MUJI、日本DIL DILASH、美国KAVU、欧洲CUBUS、韩国百家好等公司的常年服装、面料供应商。






外贸行业介绍自己的公司,一般都会有中英两个版本。下面是我给大家整理了公司简介英问文版,供大家参阅!公司介绍英语 范文 模板1 Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. We have over (员工人数) employees, boast an annual sales figure that exceeds (销售额) and currently export (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enable us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家). If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。 公司介绍英语范文模板2 (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 对应中文翻译: ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。 如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。 公司介绍英语范文模板3 Founded in 1969, Dongfeng Motor Corporation (hereafter referred to as DFM), formerly named Second Automobile Works Co., is one of the 3 giant auto makers in China. Its main businesses include passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, engine, auto parts & components, and equipment. Through over 40 years of development, a set of R&D and manufacturing facilities have been established as well as an extensive distribution and after-sales network, which unfolds a business display of footed in Hubei while radiating the whole nation. The major business facilities are located in Shiyan, Xiangfan, Wuhan and Guangzhou. In addition, several branches are placed in Shanghai, Liuzhou (Guangxi), Yancheng (Guangxi), Nanchong (Sichuan), Zhengzhou (Henan), Urumchi (Xinjiang), Chaoyang (liangning), Hangzhou (Zhejiang), Kunming (Yunnan), etc. 东风汽车公司始建于1969年,是中国汽车行业骨干企业之一。公司主要业务分布在十堰、襄樊、武汉、广州四大基地,形成了“立足湖北,辐射全国,面向世界”的事业布局。公司总部设在“九省通衢”的武汉。主营业务涵盖全系列商用车、乘用车、发动机及汽车零部件和汽车水平事业。 As of 2007, DFM has gained an annual output of 1,137,000 vehicles, a sales income of ¥164,800,000,000, market shares and 121,000 registered employees. The company ranks 20th in TOP 500 of domestic enterprises and 5th in TOP 500 of domestic manufacturers respectively. In 2007, the domestic market shares of medium/heavy duty commercial vehicle and medium duty bus topped 1st; light duty commercial vehicle and SUV secured 2nd and car the 3rd. 公司现有总资产亿元,员工万人。2008年销售汽车万辆,实现销售收入1969亿元,综合市场占有率达到。在国内汽车细分市场,中重卡、SUV、中客排名第一位,轻卡、轻客排名第二位,轿车排名第三位。2008年公司位居中国企业500强第20位,中国制造企业500强第5位。 Aligned with the trend of auto industry development in world market, DFM has defined its position and set a goal to build a centennial DFM, which is capable of sustained growth, an internationalized DFM, which is world oriented, and an open DFM which is capable of independent development. And more aggressively, DFM is also looking forward to becoming the in China, internationally weighted auto maker in the world with convincing profit rate, sustainable development and constant value returning to shareholders, customers, employees and society. Currently, the corporate business has been on a fast-growth track to another achievement that will make greater contribution to Chinese auto industry. 经过40年的发展,公司已经构建起行业领先的产品研发能力、生产制造能力与 市场营销 能力,东风品牌早已家喻户晓。近年以来,在科学发展观的指引下,公司的经 营规模和经营质量快速提升,公司也相应确立了建设“永续发展的百年东风,面向世界的国际化东风,在开放中自主发展的东风”的发展愿景,提出了“打造国内最强、国际一流的汽车制造商,创造国际居前、中国领先的盈利率,实现可持续成长,为股东、客户、员工和社会长期创造价值”的事业梦想。如今,公司12万多员工正在为这一愿景和事业梦想而努力奋斗。展望未来,东风公司一定会在新的发展阶段,为广大用户提供更多的优质产品和服务,为社会、为国家、为中国汽车工业做出更大的贡献。 上海天凡药机制造厂位于风景秀丽的上海佘山国家森林公园、天马山园畔。始建于1978年由原上海天马制药机械厂(集团企业)改制后,原有的团队,核心技术工程人员组建而成。传承35年粉末压制成型成套机械设备制造、开发生产高新技术产品服务客户。 产品品种丰富,综合国内外同类产品和优点并相继开发专业自动化、数字控制化系统在压片机上的运用,提高公司产品符合GMP和FDA要求,提供了强有力的保证。产品畅销全国各地并远销美国、欧洲、中东及东南亚地区。 主要产品为各高、中、低速压片机和 其它 固体制剂设备,各类压片机及高速压片机型号齐全,其中高速压片机有GZPK680系列的四种规格,另外还有包芯压片机,大片径压片机、实验室智能压片机等十多种规格系列压片机,基本满足片剂制剂厂商的各种要求。公司开发的多款机型也是当今市场主流机型。 开发制造各类食品、化工、电子、电池磁性材料、粉末冶金等行业特殊压片机,在这些行业享有很大的市场份额。 本着科技为上、质量第一、诚信负责、永续经营的宗旨,创建正规化、国际化、持续化的卓越企业,让天凡致力成为中国首屈一指制药机械供应商,并最终成为国际制药机械粉末压制成型行业的主要品牌企业。 Shanghai Tianfan Pharmacy Machinery Manufactory, located beside beautiful Shanghai Sheshan National Forestry Park and Tianmashan Park, was established by its original work teams and core technological engineers in 1978 after the system reforms of Shanghai Tianma Pharmacy Machinery Fittings Factory (collectively-owned enterprise). The Company has continued to manufacture complete mechanical devices for powder press forming for 30 years and developed and fabricated hi-tech products to satisfy customers. With rich product varieties, the Company has integrated the advantages of the same products at home and abroad and successivelydeveloped professional automation and data control system to be applied on the tablet pressing machines, providing strong assurance to enable the products meet the requirements of CGMP and FDA. The products are popular in domestic markets and exported to USA, Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia as well. The Company mainly specializes in manufacturing tablet pressing machines of high speed, medium speed and low speed and other solid preparation devices. It boasts of various tablet pressing machines and high-speed tablet pressing machines, including GZPK 680 series high speed tablet pressing machines with four specifications, and tablet pressing machine series of over ten specifications such as core-spun tablet pressing machine, large-diameter tablet pressing machine and laboratory smart tablet pressing machine, which basically meet various requirements of troche preparation manufacturers. Many machine models developed by the Company become the mainstream models of current market. The Company have being developing and manufacturing special tablet pressing machines for such industries as food, chemical engineering, electronics, battery magnetic material and powder metallurgy, with large market share in these industries. With the philosophy of Technology Orientation, Quality First, Integrity and Responsibility, Sustainable Operation, the Company dedicates to establish an international enterprise with standard and sustainable operation capability, and turn Tianfan into a pharmacy machinery supplier in China, and finally a main brand enterprise in international powder pressing machine industry.



XXXX co., LTD is a professional design and production of sanitary products manufacturers, the main shower room, simple shower room, bath screen, shower screen, and other products, is a collection of product research and development design, production and sales in the integration of industry and trade 's wholly owned foreign enterprise, Norway's parent company in the field of wei yu product development design and sales have more than 25 years, has the very high popularity in the industry at home and abroad. Norway and Europe's product design ideas into the XX bath concept of designers and engineers, we in the research and design of shower room set off a revolution. Norway, meanwhile, the management and quality control system is deeply rooted in the domestic production and operation activities, make our products can satisfy any customer requirements for product is the life of the enterprise, this sentence has a XXX deeply rooted in everyone's heart. Standard of international and domestic clients fully understand and grasp the "is one of our advantages in the market, we according to the market requirements, in accordance with the access standards in different countries, chosen to meet the requirements of the market materials, to produce quality products to meet the requirements of the guests. Direct contact with the client and the consummation post-sale service enable us to better understand customer needs, producing products that meet the needs of the center covers an area of 60000 ㎡, have an independent office area, production workshop and warehouse logistics workshop. Within the enterprise based on the 6 s management, and gradually expand to the 7 s, 8 s. Clean and tidy work environment, equipment division and put orderly, open and orderly circulation of materials, planning and warehousing. Enable us to work in an attractive working environment and did you choose us? Perfect quality control syste


Nike, Inc. (pronounced /ˈnaɪkiː/; NYSE: NKE) is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the Portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel[3] and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$ billion in its fiscal year 2008 (ending May 31, 2008). As of 2008, it employed more than 30,000 people worldwide. Nike and Precision Castparts are the only Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the state of Oregon, according to The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight,[1] and officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978. The company takes its name from Nike (Greek Νίκη, pronounced [nǐːkɛː]), the Greek goddess of victory. Nike markets its products under its own brand, as well as Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike+, Air Jordan, Nike Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Cole Haan, Hurley International, Umbro and Converse. Nike also owned Bauer Hockey (later renamed Nike Bauer) between 1995 and 2008.[4] In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name. Nike sponsors many high profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of "Just do it" and the Swoosh logo.


Adidas is one of the world’s top sporting brands. It is based in Germany and includes other brands like Reebok in its group. The three parallel bars that form its logo is known worldwide. The company bought these “Three Stripes” from a Finnish sports company in the 1950s. Adidas has provided quality sporting goods for decades. They create a very strong brand loyalty among consumers. Many people wear Adidas clothes and shoes as a fashion statement. The company also manufactures other products such as bags, glasses and watches. Adidas is heavily into sponsoring sports stars and teams. It is involved in sponsorship deals with the top soccer, rugby and cricket teams all over the world. Its current marketing slogan perhaps sums up the company’s success - “Impossible is Nothing”.



PPT如何做惊艳 北大毕业论文答辩5min完美陈述的秘密 老师必问6大可怕问题超详细答辩流程

关于内容:1、一般概括性内容:课题标题、答辩人、课题执行时间、课题指导教师、课题的归属、致谢等;2、课题研究内容:研究目的、方案设计(流程图)、运行过程、研究结果、创新性、应用价值、有关课题延续的新看法等;3、PPT要图文并茂,突出重点,让答辩老师明白哪些是自己独立完成的,页数不要太多,30页左右足够,不要出现太多文字,老师对文字和公式都不怎么感兴趣;4、凡是贴在PPT上的图和公式,要能够自圆其说,没有把握的坚决不要往上面贴;5、每页下面记得标页码,这样比较方便评委老师提问的时候review 。关于模板:1、不要用太华丽的企业商务模板,学术ppt最好低调、简洁一些;2、推荐底色白底(黑字、红字和蓝字)、蓝底(白字或黄字)、黑底(白字和黄字),这三种配色方式可保证幻灯质量,个人觉得学术ppt还是白底好;3、动手能力强的大牛可以自己做符合课题主题的模板,其实很简单,就是把喜欢的图在“幻灯片母版”模式下插入就行了。关于文字:1、首先就是:不要太多!图优于表,表优于文字,答辩的时候照着ppt念的人最逊了;2、字体大小最好选ppt默认的,标题用44号或40号,正文用32号,一般不要小于20号。标题推荐黑体,正文推荐宋体,如果一定要用少见字体,记得答辩的时候一起copy到答辩电脑上,不然会显示不出来;3、正文内的文字排列,一般一行字数在20~25个左右,不要超过6~7行。更不要超过10行。行与行之间、段与段之间要有一定的间距,标题之间的距离(段间距)要大于行间距。关于图片:1、图片在ppt里的位置最好统一,整个ppt里的版式安排不要超过3种。图片最好统一格式,一方面很精制,另一方面也显示出做学问的严谨态度。图片的外周,有时候加上阴影或外框,会有意想不到的效果;2、关于格式,tif格式主要用于印刷,它的高质量在ppt上体现不出来,照片选用jpg就可以了,示意图我推荐bmp格式,直接在windows画笔里按照需要的大小画,不要缩放,出来的都是矢量效果,比较pro,相关的箭头元素可以直接从word里copy过来;3、流程图,用viso画就可以了,这个地球人都知道;4、ppt里出现图片的动画方式最好简洁到2种以下,还是那句话,低调朴素为主;5、动手能力允许的话,学习一下photoshop里的基本操作,一些照片类的图片,在ps里做一下曲线和对比度的基本调整,质量会好很多。windos画笔+ps,基本可以搞定一切学术图片。关于提问环节:评委老师一般提问主要从以下几个方面:1、他本人的研究方向及其擅长的领域;2、可能来自课题的问题:是确实切合本研究涉及到的学术问题(包括选题意义、重要观点及概念、课题新意、课题细节、课题薄弱环节、建议可行性以及对自己所做工作的提问);3、来自论文的问题:论文书写的规范性,数据来源,对论文提到的重要参考文献以及有争议的某些观察标准等;4、来自幻灯的问题:某些图片或图表,要求进一步解释;5、不大容易估计到的问题:和课题完全不相干的问题。似乎相干,但是答辩者根本未做过,也不是课题涉及的问题。答辩者没有做的,但是评委想到了的东西,答辩者进一步打算怎么做。建议一、要对论文的内容进行概括性的整合,将论文分为引言和试验设计的目的意义、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论、致谢几部分。二、在每部分内容的presentation中,原则是:图的效果好于表的效果,表的效果好于文字叙述的效果。最忌满屏幕都是长篇大论,让评委心烦。能引用图表的地方尽量引用图表,的确需要文字的地方,要将文字内容高度概括,简洁明了化,用编号标明。三、 1、文字版面的基本要求幻灯片的数目:学士答辩10min 10~20张硕士答辩20min 20~35张博士答辩30min 30~50张2、字号字数行数:标题44号(40)正文32号(不小于24号字)每行字数在20~25个每张PPT 6~7行 (忌满字)中文用宋体(可以加粗),英文用 Time New Romans对于PPT中的副标题要加粗3、PPT中的字体颜色不要超过3种(字体颜色要与背景颜色反差大)建议新手配色:(1)白底,黑、红、篮字(2)蓝底,白、黄字(浅黄或橘黄也可)4、添加图片格式:好的质量图片TIF格式,GIF图片格式最小图片外周加阴影或外框效果比较好PPT总体效果:图片比表格好,表格比文字好;动的比静的好,无声比有声好。四、(注意)幻灯片的内容和基调。背景适合用深色调的,例如深蓝色,字体用白色或黄色的黑体字,显得很庄重。值得强调的是,无论用哪种颜色,一定要使字体和背景显成明显反差。注意:要点!用一个流畅的逻辑打动评委。字要大:在昏暗房间里小字会看不清,最终结果是没人听你的介绍。不要用PPT自带模板:自带模板那些评委们都见过,且与论文内容无关,要自己做,简单没关系,纯色没关系,但是要自己做!时间不要太长:20分钟的汇报,30页内容足够,主要是你讲,PPT是辅助性的。 记得最后感谢母校,系和老师,弄得煽情点。



工地毕业实习报告是非常有参考价值的,实习报告凝聚了一个人一段时间内对于从学生到员工转变的看法。中达咨询就工地毕业实习报告和大家介绍一下。一.实习目的 转眼间,自己就成为了大四的学生,即将毕业的我在踏出校园前开始了我的实习生活。大学生活是短暂的,未来迎接我的是更具专业性的工作。不管社会是复杂也好还是充满诱惑也罢,我始终坚信,自己有一技之长才会在这个社会立足。通过三年的学习,我对工程管理有了基本的感性认识,我想对任何事请的认识都是通过感性认识上升到理性认识。专业实习将全面检测我们在学校所学的课本知识,以及在书本上学不到的更各方面的应对能力和适应能力。它关系到我们将来能否顺利的跨入这个充满挑战的社会,它也是我们建立信心、补充知识的最好途径。1.通过毕业实习,加深对所学知识的综合理解,同时结合毕业设计与毕业论文的具体要求提高其对某方面知识及其应用的熟悉和掌握程度,并根据需要丰富和扩大专业知识领域。 2.通过毕业实习,进一步培养独立地观察问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,为今后参加工作打下一定的基础。 3.通过毕业实习,培养社会活动能力,使其以积极的状态投入今后的工作中。 二、实习时间、实习单位及本人实习具体岗位与负责事务 实习时间:XX 实习单位:XX有限公司 实习具体岗位:预算员  负责事务:以实习预算员的身份参与建筑工程的计量与计价工作 三、实习主要内容 (一)实习单位简介 廊坊金辉工程项目管理有限公司成立于2001年7月,原名为大城县金辉工程建设监理有限公司。随着企业的不断发展状大,于2005年10月更名为廊坊金辉工程项目管理有限公司。监理资质同时晋升为房屋建筑工程乙级资质、市政公用工程乙级资质。可承担28层以下、36米跨度以下、3万平米以下的单项房屋建筑工程,及12万平米以下的住宅小区工程的监理任务。此外还可监理各类城市道路、单孔跨径40米以下的桥梁、3000万元以下的隧道工程、10万吨/日以下的给水厂工程、5万吨/日以下的污水处理厂工程、5m3/秒以下的雨水泵站,各类给排水管道工程、各类城市生活垃圾工程。公司现有全国注册监理工程师14人,造价工程师1人。取得河北省监理工程师上岗证人员42人,监理员15人。 (二)实习具体过程 在廊坊金辉工程项目管理有限公司项目部担任预算员参与建筑工程的计量与计价工作。 1.工程量计算与审核实习 (1)熟悉办公环境、了解公司期刊、了解单位的各项规章制度、和同事相互认识、初步了解,为以后的实习工作做准备。 (2)熟识图纸,收集资料(包括施工规范、设计文件、勘测资料和各种定额、验收规范等)。 (3)在计算相应分部工程量时必须熟读定额,掌握相应定额工程量的计算内容及方法和调整系数的关系等。 查看图纸: 图纸是做预算的主要依据,要通过看图纸,了解所做工程,做到心中有数,这样才能动手做下一步工作。要想读懂一套图纸,最基本的是你要知道图中的每一条线所代表的含义,这些在校期间已有学习,但仅凭这一点来读一幅图,太难了。在学习读图的过程中我也总结了一点读图经验。 读图步骤: (1)按线框分,对照投影。(由于主视图上具有的特征部位一般较多,故通常先从主视图开始进行分析。) (2)想出形体,确定位置。 (3)综合起来,想出整体。 一般的读图顺序是:先看主要部分,后看次要部分;先看容易确定的部分,后看难以确定的部分;先看某一组成部分的整体形状,后看其细节部分形状。我还记得我实习期间读的第一幅图,首先我读了图纸总说明,然后按照读图的基本步骤以及我在校期间所学的建筑制图的知识读懂了我的第一幅图纸,例如,图纸上的符号代表什么意思,什么是连续梁,梁板的配筋,锚固长度,吊筋是在两梁大小差距大时,在大梁中部应放置吊筋,承受小梁的荷载;面筋在板尽头,要过梁的二分之一面筋;一级钢,过梁中要弯钩,二级钢过梁中不需要弯钩。 2.熟悉造价软件 在实习期间,我接触最多的就是广联达软件了,特别是,用广联达软件算量,对广联达的操作更熟练。这次实习公司给我的任务主要是用广联达计价软件计算一栋小区(5#)的工程量。用软件算量之前首先要学会看图纸,熟悉图纸。在依据图纸把图画入软件中。5#楼为六层砖混结构,共有三个单元,建筑面积为平方米。抗震烈度为六度。更多关于工程/服务/采购类的标书代写制作,提升中标率,您可以点击底部官网客服免费咨询:

实习报告总结实习目的:实习是每一个大学毕业生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们在实践中了解社会、在实践中巩固知识;实习又是对每一位大学生专业知识的一种检验,它让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,既开阔了视野,又增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础,也是我们走向工作岗位的第一步。把所学的理论知识与实际操作结合起来,找出差距,看应如何处理所发现的问题。总结一下所学专业知识的不足之处,不扎实的地方,找出需要重新巩固的知识,会计是对会计单位的经济业务从数和量两个方面进行计量、记录、计算、分析、检查、预测、参与决策、实行监督,旨在提高经济效益的一种核算手段,它本身也是经济管理活动的重要组成部分。会计专业作为应用性很强的一门学科、一项重要的经济管理工作,是加强经济管理,提高经济效益的重要手段,经济管理离不开会计,经济越发展会计工作就显得越重要。lll实习的意义:正所谓“百闻不如一见”,经过这次自身的切身实践,我才深切地理会到了“走出课堂,投身实践”的必要性。平时,我们只能在课堂上与老师一起纸上谈兵,思维的认识基本上只是局限于课本的范围之内,这就导致我们对会计知识认识的片面性,使得我们只知所以然,而不知其之所以然!通过实现学会了和同事沟通,以及在社会工作中应该如何为人处事。提高了分析问题解决问题的能力和社会工作能力,培养劳动观点和协作精神,提高自身素质。ll实习的内容:先了解公司的发展史以及各个机构的设置情况,公司的规模、经济类型、人员数量等,做一些力所能及的工作,帮忙清理卫生,做一些后勤工作;再了解公司的文化历史,认识了一些同事,公司给安排了一个特定的指导人;然后在财政部看财务人员工作,看会计人员如何做,看了一下公司的总帐以及各明细帐、记账凭证、原始凭证和上期的会计报表(主要是资产负债表和利润表)最后是跟着会计实习,看会计如何处理业务。ll公司简介:彭州市利德家具厂是一家集专业研发、生产、销售、安装、服务为一体的国际性时尚家具定制企业,是“全屋家具定制”的倡导者。“锐意进取、全力发展、实现企业、员工、客户、社会的共赢”的企业理念,精良卓绝的完美品质,数码化精品整体家具量身定制,赢得了众多消费者的青睐和美誉,成就了盛特家具知名品牌!l利德家具厂拥有板式整体家具系列产品加工生产基地,也拥有先进的全自动生产设备,还有一批来自外资大型企业年轻、活力、富有创造力的营销精英、设计师和从事板式整体家具加工生产多年的专业技术人员,倾力打造中国高品质定制家具,以满足国内外不同消费者的需求。l公司拥有200多名员工,设置有销售部门、财务部门、人事部门、采购部门等等。l每月制造生产约800多套家具。ll下面是我实习期间学习到的:l1.会计的连通性、逻辑性和规范性。每一笔业务的发生,都要根据其原始凭证,一一登记入记账凭证、明细账、日记账、三栏式账、多栏式账、总账等等可能连通起来的账户。这为其 一。会计的每一笔账务都有依有据,而且是逐一按时间顺序登记下来的,极具逻辑性,这为其二。在会计的实践中,漏账、错账的更正,都不允许随意添改,不容弄虚作假。每一个程序、步骤都得以会计制度为前提、为基础。体现了会计的规范性,这为其三。2。登账的方法:首先要根据业务的发生,取得原始凭证,将其登记记帐凭证。然后,根据记帐凭证,登记其明细账。期末,填写科目汇总表以及试算平衡表,最后才把它登记入总账。结转其成本后,根据总账合计,填制资产负债表、利润表、损益表等等年度报表。这就是会计操作的一般顺序和基本流程。3.。怎么建立账簿及账簿类型l(一)按照商业会计制度规定,根据单位实际情况,确定帐簿种类、格式、内容及登l记方法。按照规定需要设置的会计帐簿有:总帐、明细帐、日记帐等。l(二)总帐一般采用“订本式帐簿”。l1、总帐格式主要:三栏式。l2、总帐开设:是根据“一级会计科目”开设的,用以提供资产、负债、所有者权益l费用、收入和利润等的总括的核算资料。l3、总帐登记依据:是根据每月“计帐凭证汇总表”记帐的。l(三)明细帐一般采用“活页式”帐页。l1、明细帐开设依据:通常根据总帐科目所属的明细科目设置的。l2、格式主要有:三栏式、数量金额式和多栏式。l3、明细帐记帐依据:按每月发生的业务,先后顺序编制计帐凭证,根明细帐据“计l帐凭证”登记明细分类帐。ll我在实习过程中总结的三点对会计工作的认识;l一,作为一个会计人员,工作中一定要就具有良好的专业素质,职业操守以及敬业态度。会计部门作为现代企业管理的核心机构,对其从业人员,一定要有很高的素质要求。 从知识上讲,会计工作是一门专业性很强的工作,从业人员只有不断地学习才能跟上企业发展的步伐,要不断地充实自己,掌握最新的会计准则,税法细则,法律知识及攻关经济动态。这样才能精通自己的工作内容,对企业的发展方向作出正确的判断,给企业的生产与流通制定出良好的财务计划,为企业和社会创造更多的财富。从道德素质讲,会计工作的特殊性使其可接触到大量的共有财产,所以作为会计人员一定要把握好自己办事的尺度,首先自己要做到安分守己,其次对于他人的威胁,诱惑,和指使要做到坚决不从。只有会计人员自身的道德素质提高,才能够走好职业生涯的每一步,只有会计人员全体道德素质提高,会计行业才能够得到更深的发展,市场经济的优势才能够发挥得更好。l 二,作为一个会计人员要有严谨的工作态度。会计工作是一门很精准的工作,要求会计人员要准确的核算每一项指标,牢记每一条税法,正确使用每一个公式。会计不是一件具有创新意识的工作,它是靠一个又一个精准的数字来反映问题的。所以我们一定要加强自己对数字的敏感度,及时发现问题解决问题弥补漏洞。三,作为一名会计人员要具备良好的人际交往能力。会计部门是企业管理的核心部门,对下要收集会计信息,对上要汇报会计信息,对内要相互配合整理会计信息,对外要与社会公众和政府部门搞好关系。在做好自己的本职工作外还要处理好同事间的关系,营造一个紧张而温馨的工作环境,工作起来才会比较愉快,效率才会有所提高。在于各个部门各种人员打交道时一定要注意沟通方法,协调好相互间的工作关系。工作重要具备正确的心态和良好的心理素质。学习到一句话叫做事高三级,做人低三分。l综上所述,在这次实习期间达到了预定的目的,既巩固了专业知识,又学会了社会知识,。通过这次实习,对会计等岗位有了一个深层次的认识。对于对会计岗位人员要求的耐心、细致有了切实的体会,对于自己浮躁的心里也需要调整,把心态整理好,对自己有正确的认识与评价才能清楚自己适合什么样的工作,明白自己需要努力的方向。学会了人与人沟通需要一定的技巧。这次实习为我们步入社会奠下了基础,为我们就业找工作指明了方向。ll会计实习周记(一)ll今天是周六,挑一个晴朗的早晨记下我第一周来的实习心得。实习,虽然不是真正的工作,但却是我工作生涯的一个起点,也是从学生过渡到工作人士的一个不可或缺的必经阶段。ll刚进入公司的第一天,一切都很陌生,也很新鲜。一张张陌生的面孔,不认识但是都面带微笑很友善。有一位很热心的同事,我叫她春春,带着我逛这逛那,带我参观了一下公司的整体结构和各个部门,还给我介绍了几个同事给我认识,很活泼的一个小女孩,我很喜欢她。ll第一天的快中午时,我被公司的领导带到财务科一位姓高的姐姐那,并被告知我以后就跟着她学,我很乐意,因为姐姐很热情地接待了我,还带着我和她一起吃了午饭,下午姐姐给我谈了一下她的工作概况和她的主要职责,我都记在了心里,因为这可能就是我将来要承担的职责。ll一周的时间很快就过去了,在这一周里,我尽量让自己更快地去适应环境,更快地融入这个大集体中,因为只有和上司、同事都处理好关系,才能有利于自己工作的展开。ll会计实习周记(二)ll时间过得真快,转眼第二周已经结束了,因为刚进公司的缘故,一些重要的事情我都没有涉及,但是我并没有灰心,也没有觉得大材小用。我想只有从最基本的开始干起,一点一滴地积累,做好我负责的每一件小事,让领导和同事放心,将来才能成就一番大事业。"不积跬步,无以致千里","江海不拒细流,方能成其大""一屋不扫,何以扫天下?"说的就是这个道理。ll早上,我基本能保证提前到公司,在开始工作的前一段时间,帮老师的桌子收拾一下,然后再拖一下办公室,让老师工作得更舒适,心情更愉快,也能多教我一些东西啊。ll中午的时候,我会帮同事一起订饭,按他们各自的口味叫了不同的饭菜,同事也对我订的饭菜挺满意。下午,公司有快递发的时候,我会负责联系快递,并填写快递单后及时发件,受到了领导的好评。ll这一周基本是在忙碌和琐碎中度过的,不过虽然是一些琐碎的小事,却和学校里一直和书打交道很不一样,我感觉有一种新鲜感,每一件小事都需要我亲历亲为,通过付出自己的劳动换来的成果很有价值,也很值得。ll会计实习周记(三)ll今天已经是第三周了,实习周期的三分之一已经过去了。我对公司的环境已经基本熟悉,同事的名字我也基本能叫上来了,我的办事效率也因此提高了不少,因为去一个地方找一样东西不用再东找西找东问西问了,看来融入环境对干好工作是很有帮助的。ll这一周我的工作和前两周没什么太大的变化。我主要负责接听客户的来电,订餐,购买办公用品,兑换零钱,收发快递,记录一些小额的开支,保管一些零钱等等。虽然工作内容没有太大变化,但工作效率却比以前提高了不少,带我的老师高岚姐姐也教了我一些新的东西,比如去银行要填哪些单子,填写的规范等等,但并没有让我实际操作,她说下周应该可以带我跑跑银行了。ll在这三周里,每一天我都过得很充实,因为我接触的人和事都是学校里未能接触过的,我也深深体会到把书本上的知识转化到实践中去的重要性。只有理论和实践相结合了,所学来的知识才不是纸上谈兵。我相信下一周我会过得更充实,也更有意义。会计实习周记(四)ll在慢慢的学习与进步中,我的实习周期也已经一个月了。在这一周里,我收获颇丰,不但把以前所干的事情干得越来越好,越来越熟练,和同事之间的关系也相处的越来越融洽了,另外,带我的高老师还带着我跑了银行,教我支票的填写规范,现金日记账,银行日记账的登记方式,填错后如何更正等等。虽然这些大学里的老师都有教过我们,但经过高老师边讲解边操作给我看之后,我掌握的更好,理解得更深刻了。ll这一周开始,我慢慢开始接触了一些真正意义上的会计知识,并将其转化到时间中去。我接触了现金日记账,银行日积账以及红字更正法的实际操作,但都是高老师在做,我在旁边慢慢地学。下周高老师说会让我实际操作。这周我还帮公司收发了很多快递,由于我及时地联系快递,正确地填写单子,为公司提高了办事效率,也受到了公司同事的赞许。ll这一周又是这么快过去了,每天忙忙碌碌却很开心。大家各忙各的,互相合作,每一个都是不可缺少的,各司其职,各尽其责,相处得也很融洽,我觉得很有收获。ll会计实习周记(五)ll又到了我记下我一周心得体会的时候了,到今天已经是第五周了,实习周期的一半已经过去了,真的是弹指一挥间。上一周的时间,高老师主要是指导了我如何登记现金日记账,如何登记银行日记账,如何填写支票,填错后如何改正等等。这周高老师说要让我单独操作,她发现问题的时候再给我指正,她问我有没有问题,我虽然心里有点虚,但还是拍拍胸脯说没问题。ll现金日记账,银行日记账虽然看似简单,但真正操作起来还是遇到了不少麻烦。比如要注意借方,贷方的登记方向,要注意"0"的个数,要注意小数点的位数等等。刚开始的时候,我由于不熟练,经常填错小数位,所以借方,贷方一直不平,我只好用红字更正法,但有时候红字更正法更正的次数太多,已经无法继续做账了,只好重做一张。还好有高老师在旁边耐心地指导我,不断地指正我的错误,我很感谢她。ll前四周都是在处理一些琐事中度过的,过得比较顺利,但这一周我就有点头大了,让我实际操作还是会出现很多问题,看来理论和实际是有差距的,我决定以后要多加操练,这样才能提高工作效率。ll会计实习周记(六)ll越是临近实习期结束,越会觉得时间过得飞快。这周已经是实习的第六周了,按照学校的要求,我的实习周期的一半已经过去了。回顾这过去的六周时间,我从一个对人对环境一切都很陌生的实习生慢慢地开始熟悉环境,熟悉周围的人和事并能独立处理一些事的人。刚进公司,我从擦桌子、端茶倒水,收拾办公室开始,到后来,经过高老师的指点和孜孜不倦的教诲,我渐渐地能够独立处理一些事情,并能够在某些方面独当一面,我觉得自己有了很大的进步,并以此感到非常地自豪。ll这一周我依旧跟着高老师学习一些出纳要做的工作。上一周,我在填写银行日记账,现金日记账时还经常出错,弄得手忙脚乱,但通过一周的操练和实践下来,我已经能基本保证不出错了,高老师也对我的进步感到比较满意。ll由于这一周是温习第五周的工作,经过一周的锻炼已经熟练很多了,所以也就比上一周轻松一点了,但是我并没有因此放松对自己的要求,而是趁着空闲的时间尽量多问问高老师我不懂的问题,觉得时间过得很快。期待下一周我能有新的收获。会计实习周记(七)ll还有三周时间我就要离开我实习的公司了,我感觉时间过得越来越快,越是对公司对公司的同事特别是带我的高老师有一种依依不舍的感觉。ll下周就是中国人最重视的节日春节了,因此公司里也需要布置一番,买一些春联,灯笼之类的东西增加节日气氛,这就免不了要从公司的备用金里取出一部分钱,由于已经在公司一段时间了,一些小额的现金是由我来保管的,所以购置装饰品的钱就是我来登记并把钱给了另一个同事让他买了拿单据回来报销。对于给出的钱,我都数两遍,确保无误,同事拿回的单据我也会核对,确保准确无误。ll虽然已经在公司快两个月时间了,但是我还是像刚来的时候坚持早上早点去公司,先扫一下办公室,再帮同事的办公室收拾一下,我知道任何事情都是贵在坚持,虎头蛇尾的话,不仅会给公司留下不好的印象,而且也会给学校造成不好的影响,连累了学校的声誉。所以,我每时每刻都要严格要求自己,为了给自己争气,也为了维护学校的声誉。ll在兢兢业业地完成自己的本分工作中,我又度过了难忘的第七周。ll会计实习周记(八)ll这周过去我的为期两个多月的实习就要结束了,非常地不舍得离开这家公司,也舍不得离开相处了这么久的同事,因为他们不但教我业务上的知识,也教了我很多做人得道理。ll这周高姐姐教我一些凭证的填制。一提到凭证,我想这应该是我的强项,因为以前在学校时做过会计模拟实习,所以对凭证的填制不以为然,觉得凭着我惊人的记忆加上大学里学的理论对于区区原始凭证可以熟练掌握。这种浮躁的态度让我忽视会计分录的正确填制,以至于高老师让我自己尝试制单时,我感到手足无措,这时才想.到高老师的良苦用心。ll因为白天自己的麻痹大意,导致自己的工作很失败。这一周时间,我每天回家都用功补课,我把《会计学原理》又拿出来复习了一遍,并把一些常用的会计分录又重新写了一遍,背到滚瓜烂熟为止。我一边学习公司的业务处理,一边试着自己处理业务。ll通过前几周的实习,我已经把前面的业务都很熟练了,但一接触新的业务,还是有一种挫败感。虽然在学校学习了那么多的理论知识,但真正运用到实践中还是需要一个过程的,我决定在仅剩的两周时间里赶紧练习。ll会计实习周记(九)ll这周已经是我实习周期的倒数第二周了,这周过去,只剩一周我就要回学校了。越是到最后,我越发现自己没有实习到的东西还有很多,真想再延长几周时间,但这是不可能的,因为还要回学校进行我的实习汇报。ll这么多周下来,我深切体会到了会计专业的特殊性,会计,是一门实用性、操作性很强的学科,如果不进行实际操作演练,而只是凭着书本上的一些理论性的东西去从事会计这门行业的话,你的工作将会非常地不适应,以至于在工作中出现意想不到的差错。可见会计的谨慎性有多么地重要。这周我还是从事上周原始凭证的填制,由于上周的教训和我后来偷偷地在宿舍恶补了一下书本上的知识,这周操作起来就比上周好多了。而且,我也加深了对红字更正法的实际体会,以前在学校里只要用红笔划掉,写上"作废"两字就可以了,但在公司里面,要用红笔划调,再盖上责任人的章,这样才能作废。对于数字的填写,高老师再三叮嘱我字迹一定要清晰清秀,按格填写,不能东倒西歪的,并且记账时要清楚明细分录和总账名称,我不敢有丝毫的马虎,因为这是关乎一个企业的业务。l这一周实习下来,从制单到记账的整个过程基本上有了一个大概的了解,并结合书本知识总结了一下手工做账的来龙去脉。通过自己的努力,我的实习变得越来越得心应手,我感觉很欣慰。l会计实习周记(十)l不想到的日子还是到了,本周是我实习周期的最后一周,我特别不想离开公司,离开我可爱的同事们,但天下无不散之筵席,我最后还是不得不选择离开。l在这短短的十周时间里,我每时每刻都告诫自己,我在公司里的表现不仅代表的是我个人的形象,还关乎着学校的声誉,所以我在各方面严格要求自己,我虚心向师傅们请教的态度得到了公司的认可,我临走的时候,我给高老师买了一件小礼物,以表达我对她十周来孜孜不倦的教导的感谢之情。ll回顾这十周以来所经历的点点滴滴,发觉实习真的是一种经历,只有亲身体验才知其中滋味。实习之前还对学校的安排抱有成见,但实习过去我能深深体会学校的良苦用心了。我知道了课本上学的知识都是最基本的知识,不管现实情况怎样变化,抓住了最基本的就能以不便应万变。这次实习,时间虽然很短,但我学到的却是四年大学中从未学到的。比如,如何与同事,与领导相处。人际关系是刚踏入社会的大学生需要学习的重要一课,在实习时,我经常会留心周围的同事是如何相处的,也尽量虚心请教,与同事们相处,不但可以放松神经,也学了不少为人知道。l终于要离开了,和公司再见,和可爱的同事们再见。ll会计实习周记文章来源:毕业论文网 作者:第一范文网整理 点击量:51982 会计作为一门应用性的学科,是一项重要的经济管理工作,是加强经济管理,提高经=济效益的重要手段,经济管理离不开会计,经济越发展会计工作就显得越重要。通过此次实习,将学校所学的会计理论知识与实际想结合起来,对整个会计核算流程有了详细的认识,熟悉了会计核算工作对象,利用真实的会计凭证、对一定期的经济业务进行了会计核算,认识并掌握了会计账簿登记的基本原理。并且认识到了自己的优势和不足。同时也了解到会计电算化对会计工作的影响。ll一 实习单位简介ll浙江巨化化工矿业有限公司隶属于巨化集团公司,位于浙江省龙游县,公司创建于1959年9月,是全国重点化学矿山。公司拥有固定资产8500万元,占地面积68公顷,建有精细化工厂、化学矿区两大生产基地,主要产品有三氯化铝、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、氯化石蜡、n-乙基乙二胺、n-乙基双氧哌嗪、蛋白胨和硫铁矿、氟石精矿等,产品质量上乘。企业先后获得无泄漏工厂、清洁文明矿山、省级先进企业、浙江省质量管理奖、化工部质量管理奖等荣誉。公司经营理念:质量第一,信誉至上,服务顾客,共谋发展,再创辉煌。ll二 实习的意义和目的ll实习是每一个学生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们在实践中了解社会,让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,打开了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础。而会计是指对具体事物进行计算、记录、收集他们的有关数据资料,通过加工处理转换为用户决策有用的财务信息。掌握会计工作不仅要学好书本里的各种会计知识,而且也要认真积极的参与各种会计实习的机会,让理论和实践有机务实的结合在一起,只有这样才能成为一名高质量的会计专业人才。ll三 实习进程和安排ll此次实习时间为共计45天,时间安排如下:ll第一周:1、对公司的财务情况以及人员设置进行了解ll2、了解公司的财务规程以及财务制度ll3、熟悉会计凭证的编制ll第二周:1、熟悉会计账簿的登记ll2、对现金日记账和银行日记账熟练掌握ll第三周:1、到生产单位了解产品的生产流程ll2、了解产品生产的主要原材料及辅助材料ll3、了解产品的成本构成ll第四周:1、对产品的生产材料核算进行实践ll2、对产品的成本核算进行实践ll3、辅助公司的会计人员进行工资核算ll4、辅助公司的会计人员编制会计报表ll5、辅助公司的会计人员编制生产月报表及销售量月报表ll第五周:1、在统计部门辅助做工作ll2、单独完成了公司XX年初至8月份销售无水三氯化铝包装桶回收情况一览表ll第六周:1、辅助公司财务门进行存货实地盘点ll2、辅助公司的会计人员进行电算化会计的操作,其中包括凭证的录入 、审核,出纳日记账的登记,各种明细账的登记。ll3、辅助总账会计编制江总表,总账的登记及期末会计数据处理。ll4、了解电子报表的编制。ll四 实习感悟ll(一)会计作为一门应用性的学科,是一项重要的经济管理工作,是加强经济管理,提高经济效益的重要手段,经济管理离不开会计,经济越发展会计工作就显得越重要。ll会计工作在提高经济在企业的经营管理中起着重要的作用,其发展动力来自两个方面:一是社会经济环境的变化;二是会计信息使用者信息需求的变化。前者是根本的动力,它决定了对会计信息的数量和质量的需求。本世纪中叶以来,以计算机技术为代表的信息技术革命对人类社会的发展产生了深远的影响,信息时代已经成为我们所处的时代的恰当写照。ll(二)在这个与时俱进的时代里,无论是社会经济环境,还是信息使用者的信息需要,都在发生着深刻变化。会计上经历着前所未有的变化,这种变化主要体现在两个方面:一是会计技术手段与方法不断更新,会计电算化已经或正在取代手工记账,而且在企业建立内部网情况下,实时报告成为可能。二是会计的应用范围不断拓展,会计的变化源于企业制造环境的变化以及管理理论与方法的创新,而后两者又起因于外部环境的变化。ll(三)根据实习安排,我专门到一家生产型企业进行了为期一个半月的实习,此次实习的具体内容如下:ll1. 据经济业务填制原始凭证和记账凭证ll2. 据会计凭证登记日记账ll3. 根据记账凭证及所附的原始凭证登记明细账ll4. 根据记账凭证及明细账计算产品成本。 根据记账凭证及明细账用逐步结算法中的综合结转法计算出产品的成本ll5. 根据记账凭证编科目汇总表ll6. 根据科目汇总表登记总账ll7. 对账(编试算平衡表)ll8. 根据给出的相关内容编制本月的资产负债表和利润表ll(四)会计电算化是会计史上崭新的一页。电子计算机的应用,首先带来数据处理工具的改变,也带来了信息载体的变化,电算化会计后对传统会计方法、会计理论都将发生巨大的影响,从而引起会计制度、会计工作管理体制的变革。会计电算化促进着会计的规范化、标准化,通用化促进着管理的现代化。实习单位是以半手工、半电算化方式进行会计核算的,手工核算的主要有材料的核算、产品成本的核算。工资核算及报表的编制通过数据的汇总主要以电算化来实现。ll(五)通过此次实习,不仅培养了我的实际动手能力,增加了实际的操作经验,缩短了抽象的课本知识与实际工作的距离,对实际的财务工作的有了一个新的开始。而且充分认识到自己的不足,由于电算化并不是每一个单位都可以普及,现在我国很多会计主体都是以半手工、半电算化的方式进行会计核算,所以在实习的同时对学校没有学到的珠算知识进行自学。



