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《 Float 》 , is my favorite the beauty of si brave strong, like the rui especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the meilanrui soft inside the beauty of si this person thing, my felling is self-contradict, is to dislike the but again and have to respect and admire is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding she understands the rare gift of a, that she will not love him;If she understands the rui especially, that she will not lose always is to be ungrateful to the rui especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- a who make track for oneself's in a is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of a have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of a put on, being in love with him and fact is, she love just that her, I am to have to admire of, admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own life contain a few souls, an is her mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, , is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- a rare ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .She the rare to a gift persists have a, is the meilanli .More than ten years that struggle together in, the meilanli has already become her life in the indispensability of a feel that the beauty of si is like a child, persisting to the thing that oneself want unusually, but to the thing that oneself own but disdain to on attend at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward beauty of si is loving is a rare gift of a , but,a rare gift but don't want like the rui to especially say of, the rare gift of a is a gentleman, just wasing born in an and he inharmonious still uses the rules of the game of the old world life, will bump only beauty of si doeses not understand the a to hope the gift, so she loves him, think that exhausted whole wayses get him, but when she recognize pure he, she did not love him any beauty of si is a contradictory body, can have again who not is a contradictory body?She is in the life of road up all the way walk, be when she face the difficulty, she chooses the accolade, be when she face the responsibility, she chooses to carry, can be she face loving choice is, at first, he choose to hoodwink the oneself, being her to recognize finally pure, to face, but is already the hour already she, at incapable is a dint, will tell the oneself, tomorrow is new day, everythings will like tomorrow, the Tomorrow is another is all an in the whole story full of fire, be filled with the person of the will to enjoy most of, would be her this" Tomorrow is another day.".Was filled with the hope forever, be filled with the will to fight, can never give up, can never spirit, the most worthy of I , whenever I meet the difficulty, mood not good, I will tell the oneself then:" Tomorrow is another day.".The another in book make the female that me admire very, would be the meilanli .She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can if the rui especially says of, she is a that a handful of expensive madam that he saw is strong, she is patriotic, she uses her heart love nearby all her husband fight, she silent in the rear guard the hon, do the business of her what lies in one's power, be the north guy to beat in the city and she again soon about to deliver child, she still the town settle, being the next stem of the her body infirmity and nobodies to live soon didn't When the rice eat, she similar to beauty of si , let go of past education for be subjected to and sense of superiorities, trail weak of body next stem live, be she see the beauty of si kill a north guy, she did not be rattled, but help to bury the corpse, searching the money, wiping the blood stain, being the war finally end, north guy soldier whom she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid heart, his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as well as is ground, return and don't go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that.《飘》,是我最喜爱的书。喜欢斯佳丽的勇敢坚强,喜欢瑞特的机智果断,喜欢玫兰妮的外柔内刚。对于斯佳丽这个人物,我的感觉是矛盾的,是讨厌却又不得不敬佩她。她是个非常有个性的人物,她一生中爱了两个男人,而她却没一个是了解的。如果她了解阿希礼,那她就不会爱他;如果她了解瑞特,那她就不会失去他。她一直以来是辜负瑞特的,她只是不停追寻着自己梦中的王子——阿希礼。她只是把自己爱的特点认为阿希礼有,她只是做了一件华丽的衣服,让阿希礼穿上,而后爱上他。而事实是,她爱的只是那件衣服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。她生命有几个灵魂,一个是她的母亲。他的母亲是一位非常能干、温柔的典型贵夫人,是她最敬佩的人。可是,母亲为了救人而被传染伤寒,去世了。另一个,是她十几年来最爱的人——阿希礼。她能在逆境中站起来,有很大一部分原因就是阿希礼。她对阿希礼是异常执着的。还有一个,就是玫兰妮。在一起奋斗的十几年里,玫兰妮已经成为她生命中不可缺少的一部分了。我觉得斯佳丽就像个小孩子一样,对自己想要的东西异常执着,而对自己所拥有的东西却不屑一顾。一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。斯佳丽爱的是阿希礼,可是,阿希礼却不要她。就像瑞特说的,阿希礼是个君子,只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活,只会撞得一鼻子灰。斯佳丽不了解阿希礼,所以她爱他,想尽一切办法得到他,而当她认清他时,她再也不爱他了。斯佳丽是个矛盾体,可又有谁不是矛盾体呢?她在生命的道路上一路走来,当她面对困难时,她选择迎接,当她面对责任时,她选择担负,可当她面对爱的抉择是,起初,他选择蒙蔽自己,当她终于认清,要面对时,却已为时已晚。而她,在无能为力时,就会告诉自己,明天是新的一天,明天一切都会好了,Tomorrow is another day。她在整个故事中,都是个充满生气、充满斗志的人。我最欣赏的,便是她的这句“Tomorrow is another day.”。永远充满了希望,充满斗志,永远不会放弃,永远不会绝望。这份精神,是最值得我学习的。所以,每当我遇到困难、心情不佳时,我便会告诉自己:“Tomorrow is another day.”。书中另一个使我十分佩服的女性,便是玫兰妮。她是个外柔内刚的女性,她几乎拥有了女性所能拥有的一切美德。正如瑞特说的,她是他所见过的少数贵夫人中的一个。她是坚强的,她是爱国的,她用她的心爱身边所有的人。当她丈夫打仗时,她在后方默默守侯,做她力所能及的事,当北佬打进城而她又快要临盆时,她依然镇定,当她身体虚弱而没人下地干活快要没饭吃时,她和斯佳丽一样,放下过去所受的教育和优越感,拖着虚弱的身体下地干活,当她看到斯佳丽杀了一个北佬时,她没有惊慌失措,而是帮着掩埋尸体,搜查钱财,擦拭血迹,当战争终于结束,她痛恨的北佬士兵来到她门前要求照顾而她们自己也没有过多粮食时,她还是尽她所能地帮助他们,因为她希望在远方也有一个好心的北佬女人给她正在回家的丈夫一口饭吃。如此一位坚强的女性,却又是如此的温柔善良和善解人意。她执着地相信斯佳丽和阿希礼,即使有人亲眼看见他们搂在一起,也执着地相信他们,保护斯佳丽。她明知自己的身体无法再承受生育的痛苦,却执着地要再为阿希礼生个孩子,最终离开了她爱了一辈子的亲人们。真的是太伟大了,看着玫兰妮,使我想到许许多多的中国古代女性,她们也是如此的善良,任劳任怨,相夫教子,然后默默无名地老去、死去。整部书中,我最为喜欢的人物就是瑞特。他勇敢、执着,他能那么深地爱着斯佳丽十几年不变。他想保护斯佳丽,宠爱斯佳丽,照料斯佳丽,让她事事称心,而斯佳丽却拒绝了。他说过,再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候,而他的爱,是被斯佳丽,被阿希礼,被斯佳丽愚蠢的固执磨光的。他的心,死了。当他女儿离开他时,他的心,再也回不来了。他说过,他从来没有那个耐心把剪碎的裤子缝好,再告诉自己这就和新的一样,自欺欺人罢了。碎了就是碎了,再也回不去了,即使修好,上面仍然留有裂缝,再也不是原来那条了。瑞特是个复杂的人,他有良好的家世,但却仍和旧时代格格不入,他有锐利的眼睛,可以在乱世找到自己的处身之道,他对国家有热情,即使他明知必败无疑,却仍在最后关头入了军。他爱斯佳丽,但他更了解斯佳丽,所以他从不说,只是通过行动表达,而斯佳丽却从来不想去了解他。最后,他绝望了,一次又一次的失望使他再也没有勇气再去尝试,他累了。《飘》绝对是部值得再三品味的好书,文字优美,情节跌荡起伏、扣人心弦,虽然其中由于作者的主观因素,对于美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这绝对是一部绝世佳作,值得一看。备注:中文后几段英文好像没有翻译,宁外《飘》英文名应该是《go with wind》

论文的题目是一篇论文的灵魂,好的题目可以吸引人们的眼球。下面是我带来的关于美国文学方向论文选题的内容,欢迎阅读参考! 美国文学方向论文选题(一) 1. 从《在路上》看五六十年代美国社会价值观 2. 评希思克利夫被扭曲的心路历程 3. 试论马克·吐温短篇小说的幽默特色 4. 惠特曼的死亡哲学 5. 论《呼啸山庄》--原始古朴与文明理性的交错色彩 6. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“二元主角”手法的运用 7. 透过小说《威廉·威尔逊》和《黑猫》看艾伦·坡的善恶观 8. 从《飘》看内战对美国文学的影响 9. 论《美国丽人》一片中人物的两面性 10. 论海明威小说中的死亡主题 11. 浅析艾丽丝·沃克的《紫颜色》 12. 女性作家的共性 13. 《倾城之恋》与《飘》的女权意识比较研究 14. 《失乐园》 与《圣经》中撒旦形象的对比 15. 《老人与海》与《鲁宾逊漂流记》的比较研究 16. 哥特式风格在《弗兰克斯坦》中的体现 17. 浅议反讽手法在《蝇王》中的运用 18. 分析麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征主义 19. 艾略特早期诗歌中的人物形象分析 20. 《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的女性形象分析 美国文学方向论文选题(二) 1. 从《简爱 》看早期女权主义的理想和追求 2. 十九世 纪英国小说家笔下的真、善、美 3. 英国十 八世纪浪漫主义诗人的自然观 4. Romanticism in Mark Twin's works 5. 批评方法之我见 段燕 6. 浅谈泰戈尔的生命 段燕 7. 浅谈《红字》中珠儿形象的作用 8. 论《 红字》中的道德主题 9. 论海丝特·白兰的性 格发展 10. 《红字》中象征手法的运用 11. 论霍桑《红字》中“A”的象征意义 12. 象征意向在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用 13. 论《了不起的盖茨比》的艺术特点 14. 伍尔夫创作中的女权主义立场 15. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女权思想 16. 伍尔夫女 性视角中的女性形象分析 17. 流派研究 18. 世纪美国浪漫主义与英国浪漫主义 19. 超现实主义 20. 魔幻现实主义 21. Jane as a narrator and as a character 22. Character Analysis of Nancy, the “criminal” in Oliver Twist 23. Virginia Woolf and Modern Feminine Independence 24. An Analysis of Charles Dickens' Great Expectation 美国文学方向论文选题(三) 1、 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观 2、生与死的抗争--《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读 3、浅谈“欧·亨利式结尾”及其文学影响 4、从宗教角度解读简爱的多重性格 5、从女权主义角度剖析《小妇人》中的乔 6、 “英雄”的陨落--悲剧美学角度分析《老人与海》 7、 从《菊花》中看女主人公Elisa实现自我价值的障碍 8、奉献与宽容---浅析《双城记》中的仁爱精神 9、 《格列佛游记》中对理性的反思与批判 10、浅析《警察和赞美诗》的戏剧化特色 11、一场失败革命的反思---论《动物庄园》中所表现的象征意义 12、论詹姆斯·乔伊斯《阿拉比》的精神顿悟 13、从后印象主义角度解读《到灯塔去》中的双性同体观 14、 从中西方道德观差异谈《伊利亚特》与《封神演义》人物品德 15、 韦伯《猫》中的女性主义 16、 浅析《儿子与情人》中的心理冲突 17、浅析中西方喜剧文化---以《武林外传》和《老友记》为例 18、从女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 19、《瓦尔登湖》中自然主义的现实意义 20、 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识 猜你喜欢: 1. 英美文学方向毕业论文 2. 文化方向论文题目 3. 英美文学方向论文 4. 美国文化学术论文格式 5. 美国文化学术论文格式要求


水火交融的“乱父亲是爱尔兰人,性格开朗、热情、随便,不喜欢被规则所束缚,但渴望了解其他社会和文化。她的母亲出身世佳人”斯佳丽出生于十九世纪中期,生活在美国南部佐治亚州的一个富裕的庄园主家庭高贵,系优雅端庄的法兰西贵族,她高贵、典雅、娇柔。他们一个有着豪爽仗义的爱尔兰农民精明朴实的血统,一个有着极富教养的法国海滨贵族血统,斯佳丽就是这两种血统的交汇。加上其生活的佐治亚州是美国南方一个开化较晚、不拘礼仪的地区,那里有节的人们,这样的环境为斯佳丽性格的形成提供了自由的空间。于是特殊的家庭和特殊的社会环境造来。她怀着准备与维希礼私奔的念头,表现出“上等人”所不具备的勇气,直截了当地说出了她渴望得到的东西———维希礼的爱情!从她的行为举止中,我们已看不到任何所谓淑女的矜持与风范,感受到的是一颗火一般热烈的少女的心。可是维希礼拒绝了她,她遭受到前所未有的失败,她的自傲受到强烈的打击,于是她扇维希礼耳光,砸碎了碗,正如她父亲当年“因无名火起杀人”一样,而“她母亲家世中素有的教养,天大的事都能默默忍受”的温柔贤淑的美德在她身上已无影无踪,我们看到的是一个因得不到想要的爱情而气急败坏的野蛮少女。虽然从斯佳丽的心理成长、性格发展可以看出那独特的如火一般刚烈的爱尔兰个性占据了她性格的主导地位,但她同时又是爱伦的女儿,爱伦的圣母玛利亚般圣洁的光辉也时刻影响着她,牵动着她。2 物质追求与精神追求斯佳丽一生都在追求两样东西:一是维希礼的爱,一是有很多的钱。前者是精神的,后者是物质的。斯佳丽就了其特殊的性格,即水一般的温柔与火一样的热烈。初次亮相表面的优雅和性情的率真让我们看到斯佳丽身上那种如她父亲般刚烈的爱尔兰人性格已占上风。她向往自由自在的生活,她想像田野里的风,不受任何束缚地想吹到哪儿就吹到哪儿。唯我独尊,想干什么就干什么的本性在她一见钟情就喜欢上维希礼时淋漓尽致地展现了出着独特的历史人文背景,孕育了一代具有极为浓厚的“南方性”情

因为“每个人的心理世界中,都存在着形而上和形而下的欲求,即自然欲求和精神欲求,从而形成双向的生命内驱力互相矛盾拼搏的张扬力。这种拼搏形成人的痛苦,形成人的性格的二重组合形态和各种丰富复杂的性格特征。[4]之所以把斯佳丽对瑞德的感情放在她的物质追求方面来讲,是因为到故事结局以前,斯佳丽一直把瑞德的深情厚爱只当作一种类似物质享受的需要,就如同她喜欢的一件漂亮衣服。她并非把它当作爱情来看待,尽管这是实实在在的爱情,是真真切切的灵的吸引,而斯佳丽却傻瓜般地没有意识到,直到最后,她才真正意识到:在噩梦中拼命寻找的“安全之地”就是瑞德的爱,他那里有她想要的一切,安全感、虚荣心�6�8�6�8于是,她拼命地、坚定地奔向家的方向,因为那里有瑞德!3水火交融的悲剧———斯佳丽性格的最终解析在斯佳丽的故事情节发展中, 她是由一个无忧无虑的享受者因战争变成痛苦的受害者再因性格变成了勇敢的战斗者———即我们简称的“乱世佳人”,这一步一步的变化、一个情节一个情节的过渡正是斯佳丽的性格得以形成的过程。战争的爆发促成了斯佳丽成为乱世中的佳人, 而乱世的各种应接不暇的变革又促成了斯佳丽性格中水与火的矛盾对立,最终形成其悲剧性的结局。斯佳丽在战争爆发前过着任性幸福的时光,战争爆发后她过去的人生观价值观已经转变成为现实的拜金主义,成了一个彻头彻尾的现实主义者。生活使她懂得了“适者生存,弱肉强食”的法则,她清楚地明白那些充满魅力的传统文化、让人敬仰的优雅礼仪是不能当饭吃、当衣服穿的,所以她抛弃了一切甚至人性道德,义无返顾地成为一个名副其实的资本家。可是,白天自信、勇敢、不知疲倦的为生存和金钱拼命的斯佳丽到了夜里,却时常忍受着噩梦的困扰,梦魇中的她总是孤寂地、恐怖地在迷蒙的浓雾中拼命地奔跑,寻找那块“安全之地”,却又总是寻而不见。这种梦魇中的情绪常常在现实中偷偷地侵袭她,暗暗啃噬她的心,这正是斯佳丽意识深处执拗追求的“灵魂的归宿”和“精神的家园”的象征符号,它的反复出现证实了斯佳丽在得到物质追求的同时,一种潜意识层的精神层面的追求的丧失。这一得一失造就了斯佳丽心理的不平衡。其实这是潜藏在斯佳丽心底的精神追求与物质追求的搏斗,这一搏斗的结果是通过最能反映她精神层面的爱情来体现的。“爱是人性王国的核心,是这个王国中最活泼最美丽的,充满生命的根本因素,是人类文明积淀程度的一面镜子。因此作家要表现人性的深度,就应当真切地表现爱的真实过程,表现爱的痛苦、挣扎与升华过程。[4]斯佳丽的爱情是最能体现她人性的一面镜子。代表着具有浓厚“南方情节”的维希礼从斯佳丽一见钟情地爱上他时,就被迫穿上她为他套上的漂亮衣服———英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、正直优雅、温柔浪漫,充分闪烁着传统文化和价值观念的光芒。这套衣服的美丽无比使斯佳丽对维希礼的爱那么坚定不移、一往情深,那么真挚执着,甚至成为她生命的动力。由此可见,在斯佳丽的叛逆心理中,传统文化和价值观念对她仍有一定的影响,以至于心灵的天平常常在震颤中不自觉地倾斜到传统一面。正因为如此,无论现实中的瑞德�6�1巴特勒如何魅力无限、如何那般般配地适合她的“口味”和兴趣、如何地疼她爱她满足她,她都视而不见、不屑一顾甚至大加讽刺,因为瑞德较于维希礼是一个完全对立的人物,他不仅是一个众人唾弃的奸商和无赖,还是一个冷酷残忍的叛国者,根本与“南方情节”沾不上边,所以斯佳丽一直瞧不起瑞德。而事实上,斯佳丽同瑞德是不相上下的,两个人的价值观人生观是差之毫厘、臭味相投的,是与维希礼截然相反的。这种梦幻般的感觉直到媚兰去世她才在悲痛至极中清醒过来,才明白瑞德的爱正是她一直追求的那个“安全的地方”,这才猛然间醒悟似地发现瑞德那浓情似海的爱是那般的不可或缺。可是已经晚了,被她撕碎心而心力交瘁的瑞德已决定弃她而去。她的精神追求最终是一个大败笔,尽管她再次拿出塔拉农场惯用的法宝———“不管怎样,明天又是崭新的一天!”来安慰和鼓励自己,可是正如瑞德所说:“最深厚的爱也会有被耗尽的时候!”斯佳丽的这两种追求的对立冲突,既是人性中所谓“灵与肉”的冲突,也是新旧两种文化、两类价值观之间的对立冲突。因为追根溯源,精神的价值观是一种传统的观念和意识,而物质的价值观是一种现代的观念和意识。结果,斯佳丽在这种冲突中获得了整个世界却失去了灵魂。斯佳丽的悲剧是矛盾对立的性格发展到极端的体现,也是物质追求与精神追求应在人的心理中保持平衡的有力印证,她的悲剧值得我们深思

里面的人物性格特征很明显 像思嘉 在那个年代她作为一个女性能为自己的土地争取到最大的利益 我很佩服她 瑞德的个性是个不适合在那个年代的 不过他可以为了自己的女儿和那些表面上虚伪的人称兄道弟斯佳丽除了有智慧外还有责任心 负担着四五口人 她本质上是个小女孩即使在战后历经磨难瑞特把注意力转移到邦尼身上 她后来对钱十分渴求 心理学上称为追求安全感 战争之苦让她没有安全感 所以她总会做身处迷雾的梦 而最后她才发现瑞特是她梦中的谜底失去了才懂得珍惜,我很可怜这个女人,却不能对他的一些做法苟同.在那个时代,他能够坚强的活下来 确实不易,然而爱情决不是一个人可以任意挥霍的资本! 当爱情就在你身边的时候,记得要认清 要珍惜 要呵护!最后的结局让我很失望也感到失落,当失去的时候才知道谁才是自已真正爱的人,真爱往往就在身边,却失之交臂in her eyes,nothing is more important than him .She could run through the war,but she hasn't grown up by didn't know what she want,and always run after the thing she couldn't get,and was never satisfied with her result is terrible ,she lost what she had !after all tomorrow is another day !中文名:飘英语名:Gone with the wind法语名:Autant en emporte le vent导演:Victor Fleming原著:《飘》(玛格丽特·米切尔著)出品:米高梅公司主演:Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie McDaniel等1936年,美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的畅销小说《飘》问世了。好莱坞制片人大卫·O·谢尔兹尼克出五万美元买下了拍摄权,并先后动用十八位编剧将这部三卷集的小说改写成电影剧本。《乱世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好莱坞影史上最值得骄傲的一部旷世巨片,影片放映时间长达4小时,观者如潮。其魅力贯穿整个20世纪,因此有好莱坞“第一巨片”之称。影片当年耗资400多万美元,历时三年半完成,其间数换导演,银幕上出现了60多位主要演员和9000多名配角演员。在1939年的第12届奥斯卡奖中一举夺得八项金像奖,轰动美国影坛。这部耗资巨大,场景豪华,战争场面宏大逼真的历史巨片,以它令人称道的艺术成就成为美国电影史上一部经典作品,令人百看不厌。1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐郝思嘉爱上了另一庄园主的儿子艾希利,但艾希利却选择了表妹——温柔善良的韩媚兰为终身伴侣。郝思嘉出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了韩媚 兰的弟弟查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。艾希利和查尔斯作 为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着艾希利。一天,在一次举行义卖的舞会上,郝思嘉和风度翩翩的商人白瑞德相识。白瑞德开始追求郝思嘉,但遭到她的拒绝。郝思嘉一心只想着去追求艾希利,结果也遭到拒绝。在战争中,美国南方军遭到失败,亚特兰大城里挤满了伤兵。 郝思嘉和表妹韩媚兰自愿加入护士行列照顾伤兵。目睹战乱带来的惨状,任性的郝思嘉成熟了不少。这时,从前线传来消息,北方军快打过来了,不少人家惊惶地开始逃离家园。不巧韩媚兰要生孩子了,郝思嘉只好留下来照顾她。在北方军大军压境之日,郝思嘉哀求白瑞德帮忙护送她和刚生 下孩子的韩媚兰回塔拉庄园。白瑞德告诉郝思嘉他不能目睹南方军 溃败而不去助一臂之力,他要参加南方军作战,他留下一把手枪并 和郝思嘉拥吻告别。郝思嘉只好独自勇敢地驾驶马车回到塔拉庄园, 这时家里已被北方军士兵抢先洗动一空,母亲在惊吓中死去。不久,战争结束了。生活依然困苦。北方来的统治者要庄园主 缴纳重税,郝思嘉在绝望中去亚特兰大城找白瑞德借钱,但得知他 已被关进监狱。归来的途中,郝思嘉遇上了本来要迎娶她妹妹的暴 发户弗兰克,为了要重振破产的家业,她取弗兰克和自己结了婚。郝思嘉在弗兰克经营的木材厂非法雇用囚犯,并和北方来的商人大做生意。此时,白瑞德因用钱贿赂而恢复了自由。两人偶然碰面,再次展开爱恨交织的关系。弗兰克和艾希利因加入了反政府的秘密组织,在一次集会时遭 北方军包围,弗兰克中弹死亡,艾希利负伤逃亡,在白瑞德帮助下 回到韩媚兰身边。郝思嘉再次成为寡妇。此时,白瑞德前来向她求 婚,她终于与一直爱她的搞私运军火和粮食致富的白瑞德结了婚。 婚后,夫妻二人住在亚特兰大的豪华大宅。一年后,女儿邦妮出生, 白瑞德把全部感情投注到邦妮身上。郝思嘉偶然翻阅艾希利的照片 被白瑞德发现,终于导致了二人感情的破裂。其后,在艾希利的生日会前夕,郝思嘉与艾希利相见时热情的拥抱引起旁人非议,但韩媚兰不相信他们之间有暧昧关系。白瑞德可不这样想。当郝思嘉告诉白瑞德她已经再次怀孕时,白瑞德怀疑地问那是谁的孩子?郝思嘉在羞怒之下欲打白瑞德,却不慎滚下楼梯引起流产。白瑞德感到内疚,决心同郝思嘉言归于好,不料就在他俩谈话时,小女儿邦妮意外坠马摔死了。与此同时不幸的事也在另一个家庭里发生,韩媚兰终因操劳过度卧病不起。临终前,她把自已的丈夫艾希利和儿子托付给郝思嘉,但要求她保守这个秘密,郝思嘉不顾一切扑向艾希利的怀中,紧紧拥抱住他,站在一旁的白瑞德无法再忍受下去,而转身离去。面对伤心欲绝毫无反应的艾希利,郝思嘉终于明白,她爱的艾希利其实是不存在的,她真正需要的是白瑞德。当郝思嘉赶回家里告诉白瑞德,她是真正爱他的时候,白瑞德已不再相信她。他决心离开郝思嘉,返回老家去寻找美好的事物, 被遗弃的郝思嘉站在浓雾迷漫的院中,想起了父亲曾经对她说过的 一句话:“世界上唯有土地与明天同在。”她决定守在她的土地上 重新创造新的生活,她期盼着美好的明天的到来。本片在第十二届奥斯卡金像奖中荣获八项大奖:最佳影片奖、最佳艺术指导奖、最佳编剧奖、最佳导演奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳女主角奖、最佳女配角奖和最佳剪辑奖。永恒的战争与爱情的主题,永远的《乱世佳人》。

哪里有写《飘》的毕业论文用的参考资料根据我搜集的一些网站来看,建议看看这个,要做毕业论文以及毕业设计的,推荐一个网站 ,里面的毕业设计什么的全是优秀的,因为精挑细选的,网上很少有,都是相当不错的毕业论文和毕业设计,对毕业论文的写作有很大的参考价值,希望对你有所帮助。别的相关范文很多的,推荐一些比较好的范文写作网站,希望对你有帮助,这些精选的范文网站,里面有大量的范文,也有各种文章写作方法,注意事项,应该有适合你的,自己动手找一下,可不要照搬啊,参考一下,用自己的语言写出来那才是自己的。 如果你不是校园网的话,请在下面的网站找:毕业论文网: 分类很细 栏目很多毕业论文: 毕业设计: 开题报告: 实习论文: 写作指导:


可以往女性主义上靠 起码我当年是这样写的

你好! 请参考:《飘》是美国当代女作家玛格丽特•米切尔的一部十分优秀的长篇小说,作品以美国的南北战争为历史背景,深刻地描绘了那一个特定的历史时期美国社会的真实图景。小说自1936年出版发行后,受到了读者的一致好评,经久不衰。作品中的女主人公郝思嘉也一度成为美国人民心目中理想的妇女形象。作者着力刻画郝思嘉这一形象,使其形象光彩夺目,充满传奇色彩,自其诞生半个世纪以来,她的魅力仍不减当年,成为世界文学史中一颗璀璨夺目的明珠。本文分析了这一艺术形象性格形成原因,揭示了其性格的复杂性,郝思嘉这一艺术形象是现实主义与浪漫主义的相结合,交织了坚强,叛逆和痴情.并探讨了这一艺术形象魅力经久不衰的原因。【关键词】郝思嘉;坚强 ;叛逆; 痴情 希望可以帮到你!

《 Float 》 , is my favorite the beauty of si brave strong, like the rui especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the meilanrui soft inside the beauty of si this person thing, my felling is self-contradict, is to dislike the but again and have to respect and admire is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding she understands the rare gift of a, that she will not love him;If she understands the rui especially, that she will not lose always is to be ungrateful to the rui especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- a who make track for oneself's in a is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of a have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of a put on, being in love with him and fact is, she love just that her, I am to have to admire of, admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own life contain a few souls, an is her mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, , is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- a rare ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .She the rare to a gift persists have a, is the meilanli .More than ten years that struggle together in, the meilanli has already become her life in the indispensability of a feel that the beauty of si is like a child, persisting to the thing that oneself want unusually, but to the thing that oneself own but disdain to on attend at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward beauty of si is loving is a rare gift of a , but,a rare gift but don't want like the rui to especially say of, the rare gift of a is a gentleman, just wasing born in an and he inharmonious still uses the rules of the game of the old world life, will bump only beauty of si doeses not understand the a to hope the gift, so she loves him, think that exhausted whole wayses get him, but when she recognize pure he, she did not love him any beauty of si is a contradictory body, can have again who not is a contradictory body?She is in the life of road up all the way walk, be when she face the difficulty, she chooses the accolade, be when she face the responsibility, she chooses to carry, can be she face loving choice is, at first, he choose to hoodwink the oneself, being her to recognize finally pure, to face, but is already the hour already she, at incapable is a dint, will tell the oneself, tomorrow is new day, everythings will like tomorrow, the Tomorrow is another is all an in the whole story full of fire, be filled with the person of the will to enjoy most of, would be her this" Tomorrow is another day.".Was filled with the hope forever, be filled with the will to fight, can never give up, can never spirit, the most worthy of I , whenever I meet the difficulty, mood not good, I will tell the oneself then:" Tomorrow is another day.".The another in book make the female that me admire very, would be the meilanli .She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can if the rui especially says of, she is a that a handful of expensive madam that he saw is strong, she is patriotic, she uses her heart love nearby all her husband fight, she silent in the rear guard the hon, do the business of her what lies in one's power, be the north guy to beat in the city and she again soon about to deliver child, she still the town settle, being the next stem of the her body infirmity and nobodies to live soon didn't When the rice eat, she similar to beauty of si , let go of past education for be subjected to and sense of superiorities, trail weak of body next stem live, be she see the beauty of si kill a north guy, she did not be rattled, but help to bury the corpse, searching the money, wiping the blood stain, being the war finally end, north guy soldier whom she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid heart, his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as well as is ground, return and don't go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that.《飘》,是我最喜爱的书。喜欢斯佳丽的勇敢坚强,喜欢瑞特的机智果断,喜欢玫兰妮的外柔内刚。对于斯佳丽这个人物,我的感觉是矛盾的,是讨厌却又不得不敬佩她。她是个非常有个性的人物,她一生中爱了两个男人,而她却没一个是了解的。如果她了解阿希礼,那她就不会爱他;如果她了解瑞特,那她就不会失去他。她一直以来是辜负瑞特的,她只是不停追寻着自己梦中的王子——阿希礼。她只是把自己爱的特点认为阿希礼有,她只是做了一件华丽的衣服,让阿希礼穿上,而后爱上他。而事实是,她爱的只是那件衣服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。她生命有几个灵魂,一个是她的母亲。他的母亲是一位非常能干、温柔的典型贵夫人,是她最敬佩的人。可是,母亲为了救人而被传染伤寒,去世了。另一个,是她十几年来最爱的人——阿希礼。她能在逆境中站起来,有很大一部分原因就是阿希礼。她对阿希礼是异常执着的。还有一个,就是玫兰妮。在一起奋斗的十几年里,玫兰妮已经成为她生命中不可缺少的一部分了。我觉得斯佳丽就像个小孩子一样,对自己想要的东西异常执着,而对自己所拥有的东西却不屑一顾。一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。斯佳丽爱的是阿希礼,可是,阿希礼却不要她。就像瑞特说的,阿希礼是个君子,只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活,只会撞得一鼻子灰。斯佳丽不了解阿希礼,所以她爱他,想尽一切办法得到他,而当她认清他时,她再也不爱他了。斯佳丽是个矛盾体,可又有谁不是矛盾体呢?她在生命的道路上一路走来,当她面对困难时,她选择迎接,当她面对责任时,她选择担负,可当她面对爱的抉择是,起初,他选择蒙蔽自己,当她终于认清,要面对时,却已为时已晚。而她,在无能为力时,就会告诉自己,明天是新的一天,明天一切都会好了,Tomorrow is another day。她在整个故事中,都是个充满生气、充满斗志的人。我最欣赏的,便是她的这句“Tomorrow is another day.”。永远充满了希望,充满斗志,永远不会放弃,永远不会绝望。这份精神,是最值得我学习的。所以,每当我遇到困难、心情不佳时,我便会告诉自己:“Tomorrow is another day.”。书中另一个使我十分佩服的女性,便是玫兰妮。她是个外柔内刚的女性,她几乎拥有了女性所能拥有的一切美德。正如瑞特说的,她是他所见过的少数贵夫人中的一个。她是坚强的,她是爱国的,她用她的心爱身边所有的人。当她丈夫打仗时,她在后方默默守侯,做她力所能及的事,当北佬打进城而她又快要临盆时,她依然镇定,当她身体虚弱而没人下地干活快要没饭吃时,她和斯佳丽一样,放下过去所受的教育和优越感,拖着虚弱的身体下地干活,当她看到斯佳丽杀了一个北佬时,她没有惊慌失措,而是帮着掩埋尸体,搜查钱财,擦拭血迹,当战争终于结束,她痛恨的北佬士兵来到她门前要求照顾而她们自己也没有过多粮食时,她还是尽她所能地帮助他们,因为她希望在远方也有一个好心的北佬女人给她正在回家的丈夫一口饭吃。如此一位坚强的女性,却又是如此的温柔善良和善解人意。她执着地相信斯佳丽和阿希礼,即使有人亲眼看见他们搂在一起,也执着地相信他们,保护斯佳丽。她明知自己的身体无法再承受生育的痛苦,却执着地要再为阿希礼生个孩子,最终离开了她爱了一辈子的亲人们。真的是太伟大了,看着玫兰妮,使我想到许许多多的中国古代女性,她们也是如此的善良,任劳任怨,相夫教子,然后默默无名地老去、死去。整部书中,我最为喜欢的人物就是瑞特。他勇敢、执着,他能那么深地爱着斯佳丽十几年不变。他想保护斯佳丽,宠爱斯佳丽,照料斯佳丽,让她事事称心,而斯佳丽却拒绝了。他说过,再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候,而他的爱,是被斯佳丽,被阿希礼,被斯佳丽愚蠢的固执磨光的。他的心,死了。当他女儿离开他时,他的心,再也回不来了。他说过,他从来没有那个耐心把剪碎的裤子缝好,再告诉自己这就和新的一样,自欺欺人罢了。碎了就是碎了,再也回不去了,即使修好,上面仍然留有裂缝,再也不是原来那条了。瑞特是个复杂的人,他有良好的家世,但却仍和旧时代格格不入,他有锐利的眼睛,可以在乱世找到自己的处身之道,他对国家有热情,即使他明知必败无疑,却仍在最后关头入了军。他爱斯佳丽,但他更了解斯佳丽,所以他从不说,只是通过行动表达,而斯佳丽却从来不想去了解他。最后,他绝望了,一次又一次的失望使他再也没有勇气再去尝试,他累了。《飘》绝对是部值得再三品味的好书,文字优美,情节跌荡起伏、扣人心弦,虽然其中由于作者的主观因素,对于美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这绝对是一部绝世佳作,值得一看。备注:中文后几段英文好像没有翻译,宁外《飘》英文名应该是《go with wind》





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《 Float 》 , is my favorite the beauty of si brave strong, like the rui especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the meilanrui soft inside the beauty of si this person thing, my felling is self-contradict, is to dislike the but again and have to respect and admire is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding she understands the rare gift of a, that she will not love him;If she understands the rui especially, that she will not lose always is to be ungrateful to the rui especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- a who make track for oneself's in a is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of a have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of a put on, being in love with him and fact is, she love just that her, I am to have to admire of, admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own life contain a few souls, an is her mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, , is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- a rare ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .She the rare to a gift persists have a, is the meilanli .More than ten years that struggle together in, the meilanli has already become her life in the indispensability of a feel that the beauty of si is like a child, persisting to the thing that oneself want unusually, but to the thing that oneself own but disdain to on attend at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward beauty of si is loving is a rare gift of a , but,a rare gift but don't want like the rui to especially say of, the rare gift of a is a gentleman, just wasing born in an and he inharmonious still uses the rules of the game of the old world life, will bump only beauty of si doeses not understand the a to hope the gift, so she loves him, think that exhausted whole wayses get him, but when she recognize pure he, she did not love him any beauty of si is a contradictory body, can have again who not is a contradictory body?She is in the life of road up all the way walk, be when she face the difficulty, she chooses the accolade, be when she face the responsibility, she chooses to carry, can be she face loving choice is, at first, he choose to hoodwink the oneself, being her to recognize finally pure, to face, but is already the hour already she, at incapable is a dint, will tell the oneself, tomorrow is new day, everythings will like tomorrow, the Tomorrow is another is all an in the whole story full of fire, be filled with the person of the will to enjoy most of, would be her this" Tomorrow is another day.".Was filled with the hope forever, be filled with the will to fight, can never give up, can never spirit, the most worthy of I , whenever I meet the difficulty, mood not good, I will tell the oneself then:" Tomorrow is another day.".The another in book make the female that me admire very, would be the meilanli .She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can if the rui especially says of, she is a that a handful of expensive madam that he saw is strong, she is patriotic, she uses her heart love nearby all her husband fight, she silent in the rear guard the hon, do the business of her what lies in one's power, be the north guy to beat in the city and she again soon about to deliver child, she still the town settle, being the next stem of the her body infirmity and nobodies to live soon didn't When the rice eat, she similar to beauty of si , let go of past education for be subjected to and sense of superiorities, trail weak of body next stem live, be she see the beauty of si kill a north guy, she did not be rattled, but help to bury the corpse, searching the money, wiping the blood stain, being the war finally end, north guy soldier whom she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid heart, his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to says, he has always been to have no that patience shear the ground pants and sew and like, then tells the oneself this is similar to lately, just deceive yourself as well as is ground, return and don't go to any further, even make allies, the top still stays the crack, is not originally any further that.《飘》,是我最喜爱的书。喜欢斯佳丽的勇敢坚强,喜欢瑞特的机智果断,喜欢玫兰妮的外柔内刚。对于斯佳丽这个人物,我的感觉是矛盾的,是讨厌却又不得不敬佩她。她是个非常有个性的人物,她一生中爱了两个男人,而她却没一个是了解的。如果她了解阿希礼,那她就不会爱他;如果她了解瑞特,那她就不会失去他。她一直以来是辜负瑞特的,她只是不停追寻着自己梦中的王子——阿希礼。她只是把自己爱的特点认为阿希礼有,她只是做了一件华丽的衣服,让阿希礼穿上,而后爱上他。而事实是,她爱的只是那件衣服。对于她,我是不得不佩服的,佩服她的坚强,佩服她对土地的执着,佩服她能在那中环境下放下以前所受的教育下田干活,佩服她能不顾社会上的言论而开创自己的事业。她生命有几个灵魂,一个是她的母亲。他的母亲是一位非常能干、温柔的典型贵夫人,是她最敬佩的人。可是,母亲为了救人而被传染伤寒,去世了。另一个,是她十几年来最爱的人——阿希礼。她能在逆境中站起来,有很大一部分原因就是阿希礼。她对阿希礼是异常执着的。还有一个,就是玫兰妮。在一起奋斗的十几年里,玫兰妮已经成为她生命中不可缺少的一部分了。我觉得斯佳丽就像个小孩子一样,对自己想要的东西异常执着,而对自己所拥有的东西却不屑一顾。一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。斯佳丽爱的是阿希礼,可是,阿希礼却不要她。就像瑞特说的,阿希礼是个君子,只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代。他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活,只会撞得一鼻子灰。斯佳丽不了解阿希礼,所以她爱他,想尽一切办法得到他,而当她认清他时,她再也不爱他了。斯佳丽是个矛盾体,可又有谁不是矛盾体呢?她在生命的道路上一路走来,当她面对困难时,她选择迎接,当她面对责任时,她选择担负,可当她面对爱的抉择是,起初,他选择蒙蔽自己,当她终于认清,要面对时,却已为时已晚。而她,在无能为力时,就会告诉自己,明天是新的一天,明天一切都会好了,Tomorrow is another day。她在整个故事中,都是个充满生气、充满斗志的人。我最欣赏的,便是她的这句“Tomorrow is another day.”。永远充满了希望,充满斗志,永远不会放弃,永远不会绝望。这份精神,是最值得我学习的。所以,每当我遇到困难、心情不佳时,我便会告诉自己:“Tomorrow is another day.”。书中另一个使我十分佩服的女性,便是玫兰妮。她是个外柔内刚的女性,她几乎拥有了女性所能拥有的一切美德。正如瑞特说的,她是他所见过的少数贵夫人中的一个。她是坚强的,她是爱国的,她用她的心爱身边所有的人。当她丈夫打仗时,她在后方默默守侯,做她力所能及的事,当北佬打进城而她又快要临盆时,她依然镇定,当她身体虚弱而没人下地干活快要没饭吃时,她和斯佳丽一样,放下过去所受的教育和优越感,拖着虚弱的身体下地干活,当她看到斯佳丽杀了一个北佬时,她没有惊慌失措,而是帮着掩埋尸体,搜查钱财,擦拭血迹,当战争终于结束,她痛恨的北佬士兵来到她门前要求照顾而她们自己也没有过多粮食时,她还是尽她所能地帮助他们,因为她希望在远方也有一个好心的北佬女人给她正在回家的丈夫一口饭吃。如此一位坚强的女性,却又是如此的温柔善良和善解人意。她执着地相信斯佳丽和阿希礼,即使有人亲眼看见他们搂在一起,也执着地相信他们,保护斯佳丽。她明知自己的身体无法再承受生育的痛苦,却执着地要再为阿希礼生个孩子,最终离开了她爱了一辈子的亲人们。真的是太伟大了,看着玫兰妮,使我想到许许多多的中国古代女性,她们也是如此的善良,任劳任怨,相夫教子,然后默默无名地老去、死去。整部书中,我最为喜欢的人物就是瑞特。他勇敢、执着,他能那么深地爱着斯佳丽十几年不变。他想保护斯佳丽,宠爱斯佳丽,照料斯佳丽,让她事事称心,而斯佳丽却拒绝了。他说过,再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候,而他的爱,是被斯佳丽,被阿希礼,被斯佳丽愚蠢的固执磨光的。他的心,死了。当他女儿离开他时,他的心,再也回不来了。他说过,他从来没有那个耐心把剪碎的裤子缝好,再告诉自己这就和新的一样,自欺欺人罢了。碎了就是碎了,再也回不去了,即使修好,上面仍然留有裂缝,再也不是原来那条了。瑞特是个复杂的人,他有良好的家世,但却仍和旧时代格格不入,他有锐利的眼睛,可以在乱世找到自己的处身之道,他对国家有热情,即使他明知必败无疑,却仍在最后关头入了军。他爱斯佳丽,但他更了解斯佳丽,所以他从不说,只是通过行动表达,而斯佳丽却从来不想去了解他。最后,他绝望了,一次又一次的失望使他再也没有勇气再去尝试,他累了。《飘》绝对是部值得再三品味的好书,文字优美,情节跌荡起伏、扣人心弦,虽然其中由于作者的主观因素,对于美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这绝对是一部绝世佳作,值得一看。备注:中文后几段英文好像没有翻译,宁外《飘》英文名应该是《go with wind》

你好! 请参考:《飘》是美国当代女作家玛格丽特•米切尔的一部十分优秀的长篇小说,作品以美国的南北战争为历史背景,深刻地描绘了那一个特定的历史时期美国社会的真实图景。小说自1936年出版发行后,受到了读者的一致好评,经久不衰。作品中的女主人公郝思嘉也一度成为美国人民心目中理想的妇女形象。作者着力刻画郝思嘉这一形象,使其形象光彩夺目,充满传奇色彩,自其诞生半个世纪以来,她的魅力仍不减当年,成为世界文学史中一颗璀璨夺目的明珠。本文分析了这一艺术形象性格形成原因,揭示了其性格的复杂性,郝思嘉这一艺术形象是现实主义与浪漫主义的相结合,交织了坚强,叛逆和痴情.并探讨了这一艺术形象魅力经久不衰的原因。【关键词】郝思嘉;坚强 ;叛逆; 痴情 希望可以帮到你!


