沈 阳 工 程 学 院毕业设计(论文)开题报告锐钛型纳米二氧化钛粉体制备方法系 部: 能源与动力工程系 专 业: 应用化学 学生姓名: 张雨 指导教师: 马姗姗 开题时间: 年 月 日 一、总体说明在开题报告中要求给出你对课题的理解,类似的研究在国内外的进展情况,你对系统设计的初步设想,主要需要解决的技术难题和解决思路,同时应给出课题的时间安排。二、开题报告内容1.毕业设计(论文)课题的目的、意义、国内外现状及发展趋势2.课题主要工作(设计思想、拟采用的方法及手段)3.完成课题的实验条件、预计设计过程中可能遇到的问题以及解决的方法和措施4. 毕业设计(论文)实施计划(进度安排)5. 参考文献三、撰写要求1.报告字数不少于3000字2.报告内容一律用A4纸打印3. 上交时间为毕业设计第三周周末。一、毕业设计(论文)课题的意义、国内外现状及发展趋势(可加附页)1.意义纳米二氧化钛主要有两种结晶形态:锐钛型(Anatase)和金红石型(Rutile)。锐钛型二氧化钛在可见光短波部分的反射率比金红石型二氧化钛高,带蓝色色调,并且对紫外线的吸收能力比金红石型低,光催化活性比金红石型高。在一定条件下,锐钛型二氧化钛可转化为金红石型二氧化钛。纳米TiO2还具有很高的化学稳定性、热稳定性、无毒性、超亲水性、非迁移性,且完全可以与食品接触,所以被广泛应用于抗紫外线材料、纺织、光催化触媒、自洁玻璃、防晒霜、涂料、油墨、食品包装材料、制造工业、造纸工业、航天工业中、锂电池、光隔离器和光环行器中。纳米二氧化钛是具有屏蔽紫外线屏蔽功能和产生颜色效应的一种透明物质。由于它透明性和防紫外线功能的高度统一,似的它一经问世,便在防晒护肤、塑料薄膜制品。木器保护、透明耐用面漆、精细陶瓷等多方面获得了广泛应用。特别是在80年代末期,这种能产生诱人的“随角异色”效应的效应颜料被成功地用于豪华型高级轿车后面漆之后,引起了世界范围的普遍关注,发达国家如美、日、欧、等国对此研究工作十分活跃,相继投入了大量人力、物力,并定制了长远规划,在国际市场竞争激烈迄今,他们已取得许多令人惊异的成果,并已形成高技术纳米材料产业,生产了这种附加值极高的高功能精细无机材料,收到良好的经济效益和社会效益,纳米氧化物材料也正式为中国产业世界关注的热点。随着纳米材料研究的深入,纳米组装体系、人工组装合成的纳米结构的材料体系越来越受到人们的关注,这意味着纳米材料的研究已可以按照人们的意愿设计、组装、创造新的体系,更有目的地使该体系具有人们所希望的特性,技术上的飞跃,为纳米材料的应用进一步打开市场的大门,在广泛的领域形成了一大批高技术产品。如信息与通讯方面的磁性存储器、光学存储器、液晶显示、光学方面的功能性薄膜;电子方面的原件开发,能源方面的太阳能电源,热敏绝缘体,测量与控制技术方面的传感器;陶瓷方面的结构陶瓷,功能陶瓷以及其他方面的抗老化橡胶、功能油漆、光催化降解剂、保洁抗菌材料、超高磁能衡土水磁体等。又纳米材料集成度高的特点,在光信号的发射、放大、传输、路由等方面有应用前景,具有科学研究意义和应用价值。 2.国内外现状及发展趋势由于纳米TiO2在光隔离器和光环行器等方面具有广阔的应用前景,我国在光隔离器、光环行器和光准直器等方面也有一些进展。光隔离器单级的最小隔离度为30dB最大插入损耗为; 双级的最小隔离度为45dB最大插入损耗为。光环行器的插入损耗≤隔离度≥45dB。光准直器有P级和A级两种典型插入损耗为和回波损耗分别≥65dB和≥60dB。 2. 发展趋势 随着全光通信网络技术的发展对大端口数矩阵光开关的需求会逐渐增加。这种光开关目前在国外的研究也刚刚开始主要是采用光子集成技术的微电子机械开关(MEMS)和热光式开关。这需要光子集成器件、光交换技术以及光纤与波导耦合技术等各方面大力协同努力攻关。同时,在国外技术比较成熟、形成批量生产能力时可以考虑进行技术引进。纳米TiO2是一种新型的无机功能材料,其粒径在1~100nm之间,具有比表面积大、表面活性高、分散性好等特点,表现出独特的物理化学性质[1]。纳米TiO2最初的应用是在精细陶瓷、屏蔽紫外线、半导体材料、光催化材料[2]等方面,由于具有光催化活性高、稳定性好、对人体无毒、价格低廉等优点,其应用领域至今扩展至有机废水降解、重金属离子还原、空气净化、杀菌、防雾等诸多领域[3]。因此,通过控制材料合成条件,开发先进生产工艺,制得纯度高、粒径小、力度分布窄的纳米TiO2已成为当前相关交叉学科研究中最活跃的领域之一。目前,国内外纳米TiO2的合成工艺根据其反应物系的物理形态一般分为气相法、液相法和固相法等三类[4]。本文对目前全世界研究最多、应用最广的纳米TiO2制备技术进行了详细的分析和比较,并展望了该领域今后的发展方向,以期为相关的研究工作提供参考。1气相法气相法一般是通过加热等手段先将金属钛的卤化物、金属有机钛化合物等前体气化,使其在气相条件下发生物理或化学变化,然后在冷却过程中成核、生长,最后形成纳米TiO2。主要包括化学气相沉积法、物理气相沉积法和化学气相水解法。2液相法液相法是以可溶于水或有机溶剂的金属盐类为原料,使金属盐溶解后以离子或分子状态混合均匀,再选择一种合适的沉淀剂或采用蒸发、结晶、升华、水解等过程,将金属离子均匀沉淀或结晶出来,再经过脱水或热分解制得粉体。该法是目前国际上纳米TiO2颗粒制备领域最主要、研究最多的方法,具有原料价格低、来源广、易操作、设备简单等优点,这使得其在实验室研究中被广泛采用。液相法分为溶胶-凝胶法、胶溶法、沉淀法、水热合成法和微乳液法等。3固相法固相法是依靠机械力的作用对固体材料进行研磨粉碎,通过固相到固相的变化来制备TiO2粉体,具有工艺简单,成本低,产率高,可大批量生产等优点[19],但早期存在难制得1μm以下的超细粉体,过程易引入杂质等缺点,限制了该法的发展。近年来随着机械工艺的改进,固相法在制备纳米材料领域逐渐引起了大家的关注。纵观国外纳米TiO2的生产,存在着以下特点:生产原料主要为四氯化钛、硫酸氧钛,生产方法主要有气相法和液相法,气相法主要有以四氯化钛为原料的氢氧火焰水解法,而液相法主要是以四氯化钛和硫酸氧钛为原料的化学沉淀法,且多数生产厂家为钛白粉生产厂,充分利用了原有氯化法和硫酸法生产装置的中间产物、生产技术、公用工程和生产管理方面的经验。总之,纳米TiO2因其具有的特殊的物理、化学性质及其广阔的应用前景,必将拥有巨大的市场需求。尽管在我国纳米TiO2的市场刚刚形成,但是随着纳米产品的普及以及人们消费观念的改变,以及纳米技术和对纳米TiO2产品应用的不断深入、市场的不断规范和发展,纳米TiO2必将迎来广阔的市场发展空间并带来巨大的社会和经济效益。二、课题预期目标及主要工作(设计思想、拟采用的方法及手段)(一)预期目标1、撰写毕业论文2、得到二氧化钛试验产品(二)主要工作该设计制备过程是将四氯化钛加入到盐酸溶液中,得到四氯化钛的盐酸溶液;然后将四氯化钛的盐酸溶液加入到碱性物质的水溶液中,控制体系的PH值为7-8,生成白色的氢氧化钛沉淀,过滤,清洗,得到沉淀产物氢氧化钛;再将其转化为有机盐,之后控制煅烧温度及时间得到锐钛型型纳米二氧化钛。本设计涉及溶液的配制与浓度标定、沉淀反应合成、过滤、洗涤、煅烧、分析、表征。训练学生应用化学基本理论进行化学分析、化学合成、化学实验的能力。主要研究内容包括:TiCl4溶液的配制与标定;碱性溶液的配制;沉淀反应合成;过滤、清洗、干燥、煅烧与分析表征。具备实验场所,购买相关药品和器皿;外协分析。(三)主要实验流程:1.步骤钛源(100ml/组)→加到盐酸溶液得到四氯化钛的盐酸溶液,其中四氯化钛为溶质,盐酸为溶剂,得到溶液的浓度为:1mol/L。(原理:四氯化钛遇到水会剧烈水解,加到盐酸溶液中是为了降低反应的剧烈程度,Ticl4+H2O↔Ti(OH)4+Hcl,加入盐酸反应逆向进行,从而减少四氯化钛的水解程度。)→加入碱性物质氨水水解生成氢氧化钛。(若不加碱性物质会使生物颗粒不均一,而且得到的颗粒非常细而无法结晶和过滤,加碱性物质相当于加成核剂,其反应原理: Ticl4+H2O↔Ti(OH)4+Hcl;Ti(OH)4↔Ti4++4OH-,若使Ti4+完全沉淀需要加OH-促进反应反向进行生成沉淀。其浓度可根据氢氧化钛的离子积Ksp=[ Ti4+][ OH-]4来计算,当使氢氧化钛完全沉淀时Ti4+浓度小于或等于10-5mol/dm-3,从而计算出需要加入OH-的浓度,可以确定加入氨水的量。)→洗涤和过滤(加三遍酒精和三遍纯净水交替洗涤。原因:生成Ti(OH)4的溶液中含有大量的cl-和NH4+,结晶后的氯化铵也易在水中溶解,用水和酒精能够清洗掉。)→用硝酸银滴定滤液,检测氯离子是否清洗干。2.实验具体条件(1)溶解四氯化钛所用的盐酸溶液的摩尔浓度为3mol/L。调节pH所用的碱性物质为氨水,氨水与钛的质量比初定为。过滤时先用酒精再用清水交替清洗三遍。煅烧:在600摄氏度下煅烧两个小时得到产品锐钛型型纳米为氧化钛。(2)仪器 100mL烧杯、500mL烧杯、滴管、玻璃棒、移液管、光催化反应器、500mL 容量瓶、25mL容量瓶、研钵、瓷坩埚、马弗炉、烘箱、天平、磁力搅拌器、离心机、722型分光光度计、紫外可见分光光度计、X射线衍射仪、透射电镜。(3)药品钛源(四氯化钛)、盐酸、氨水酒精、硝酸银、有机酸。3.本实验的侧重点是对所用钛源(四氯化钛)提纯后的纯度分析。由XRD来分析样品的晶型与颗粒大小;由光催化实验来确定所制备纳米二氧化钛的催化性能,从而确定出最为合适的制备方法。最后对该制备方法进行差热分析,并对所制备的样品进行透射电镜分析,从而可以深入理解该方法最为优良的原因三、预计设计过程中可能遇到的问题以及解决的方法和措施1.有机酸的选取及其浓度的确定是比较关键的一项,在这里我初步将其定为甲酸,而对于浓度的选取还需在试验中进一步完善2、四氯化钛被氧化。在隔绝空气的条件下将四氯化钛加到盐酸溶液中,可以采用注射器抽取四氯化钛溶液加到盐酸中。3、四氯化钛与盐酸的混合液pH控制不合理。采用不同的碱性试剂来调节。如用氢氧化钠、氨水、碳酸钠或有机碱性试剂。4、得到的氢氧化钛沉淀量较少或得不到沉淀。从新调节pH值,或改变陈化条件观察得到白色沉淀量的变化。5、得到的氢氧化钛沉淀过滤非常困难。采用不同的碱性试剂,或与碱性试剂反应时的温度或者搅拌速度。6、得到锐钛型型二氧化钛粉体不符合产品规格要求。调节控制煅烧温度,和与碱反应的温度,或者增加清洗过滤沉淀的次数。四、进度安排第一周:阅读文献确定实验思路,列出所用器皿和药品明细。第二周:撰写开题报告,翻译英文资料(不少于3000字)。第三~五周:根据实验思路分析资料,进行初步试验,对实验溶液进行配置和标定。第六~十周:制备锐钛型型纳米二氧化钛,对制备工艺和影响因素进行研究和调整。第十一周:准备论文所需要的材料,撰写毕业论文。第十二周:答辩。五、参考文献(1) 钛乙醇盐合成以其水解制备微分的研究,功能材料。, , 278-281(2) 纳米二氧化钛的制备及其表征,纳米技术与精密工程。, (2005), 19-21(3) 溶胶凝胶法合成多孔二氧化钛粉体及光催化性能的研究,化工技术和开发,, (2011), 13-15(4) 液相水解法制备纳米二氧化钛粉体及其工艺研究,应用化工,, (2007), 1-3(5) 相转移法制备二氧化钛粉体的工艺研究,沈阳工程学院院报,, (2012), 362-364(6)张立德,牟季美. 纳米材料和纳米结构[M] . 北京:科学出版社,2001六、指导教师意见指导教师签名:年 月 日
1、物理气相沉积技术在建筑装饰材料中的应用2、建筑装饰工程施工管理过程质量控制3、建筑装修材料与室内空气质量4、建筑装饰工程造价管理与控制研究5、论建筑装饰装修工程施工质量控制6、高层建筑装饰中水电安装质量存在的问题7、中国建筑装饰艺术文化源流8、论建筑装饰节能减排的发展及意义9、基于工业化模式的建筑装饰装修施工项目管理体系研究10、建筑装饰企业技术管理探索11、藏传佛教建筑装饰艺术初探12、试论中国传统建筑装饰的民俗文化特征13、魏晋南北朝建筑装饰研究14、GB 50210-2001 建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范15、当代我国建筑装饰的发展16、硅锌结晶釉在建筑装饰陶瓷上应用研究展望17、由徽州古民居建筑装饰引发的思考18、中国传统建筑装饰的形式内涵分析19、传统建筑装饰元素在现代建筑设计中的运用20、我国建筑装饰材料的发展趋势(学术堂提供更多论文知识)
编译 冯维维
Science , 23 July 2021, Vol 373, Issue 6553
《科学》 2021年7月23日,第373卷,6553期
天体物理学 Astrophysics
Peta–electron volt gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula
作者:The LHAASO Collaboration
The Crab Nebula contains a pulsar that excites the surrounding gas to emit high-energy radiation. The combination of the pulsar's youth and nearby location makes the nebula the brightest gamma-ray source in the sky. Cao et al. report observations of this source at energies of tera– to peta–electron volts, extending the spectrum of this prototypical object. They combine these data with observations at lower energies to model the physics of the emission process. The multiwave-length data can be explained by a combination of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering.
Upper mantle structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
作者:Amir Khan, Savas Ceylan, William B. Banerdt, etc.
他们发现了一种与低速带相容的结构,该低速带与热岩石圈比地球上厚得多,这可能与远震距离上的弱s波阴影带有关。通过结合地震约束和地球动力学模型,作者预测,相对于原始地幔,地壳的产热元素更丰富,是原始地幔的13 - 20倍。
For 2 years, the InSight lander has been recording seismic data on Mars that are vital to constrain the structure and thermochemical state of the planet. We used observations of direct (P and S) and surface-reflected (PP, PPP, SS, and SSS) body-wave phases from eight low-frequency marsquakes to constrain the interior structure to a depth of 800 kilometers. We found a structure compatible with a low-velocity zone associated with a thermal lithosphere much thicker than on Earth that is possibly related to a weak S-wave shadow zone at teleseismic distances. By combining the seismic constraints with geodynamic models, we predict that, relative to the primitive mantle, the crust is more enriched in heat-producing elements by a factor of 13 to 20. This enrichment is greater than suggested by gamma-ray surface mapping and has a moderate-to-elevated surface heat flow.
Thickness and structure of the martian crust from InSight seismic data
作者:Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Mark P. Panning, Felix Bissig, W. Bruce Banerdt, etc.
行星的地壳见证了行星的形成和演化 历史 ,但对于火星来说,还没有对地壳厚度的绝对测量。作者利用火星地震记录和周围波场确定了洞察号登陆点下方地壳的结构。
通过分析在地下界面反射和转换的地震相,他们发现观测结果与模型相符,至少有两个界面,也可能有三个界面。如果第2个界面为地壳边界,厚度为20 5公里;如果第3个界面为地壳边界,厚度为39 8公里。
A planet’s crust bears witness to the history of planetary formation and evolution, but for Mars, no absolute measurement of crustal thickness has been available. Here, we determine the structure of the crust beneath the InSight landing site on Mars using both marsquake recordings and the ambient wavefield. By analyzing seismic phases that are reflected and converted at subsurface interfaces, we find that the observations are consistent with models with at least two and possibly three interfaces. If the second interface is the boundary of the crust, the thickness is 20 5 kilometers, whereas if the third interface is the boundary, the thickness is 39 8 kilometers. Global maps of gravity and topography allow extrapolation of this point measurement to the whole planet, showing that the average thickness of the martian crust lies between 24 and 72 kilometers. Independent bulk composition and geodynamic constraints show that the thicker model is consistent with the abundances of crustal heat-producing elements observed for the shallow surface, whereas the thinner model requires greater concentration at depth.
Seismic detection of the martian core
作者:Simon C. Stähler, Amir Khan, W. Bruce Banerdt, Suzanne E. Smrekar
一颗行星的地质 历史 线索包含在它的内部结构中,尤其是它的核心。作者利用“洞察号”地震数据探测到来自火星核-地幔边界的地震波反射,并将其与大地测量数据进行反演,将液态金属核的半径限制在1830 40公里。
Clues to a planet’s geologic history are contained in its interior structure, particularly its core. We detected reflections of seismic waves from the core-mantle boundary of Mars using InSight seismic data and inverted these together with geodetic data to constrain the radius of the liquid metal core to 1830 40 kilometers. The large core implies a martian mantle mineralogically similar to the terrestrial upper mantle and transition zone but differing from Earth by not having a bridgmanite-dominated lower mantle. We inferred a mean core density of to grams per cubic centimeter, which requires a substantial complement of light elements dissolved in the iron-nickel core. The seismic core shadow as seen from InSight’s location covers half the surface of Mars, including the majority of potentially active regions—., Tharsis—possibly limiting the number of detectable marsquakes.
粒子物理学 Particle Physics
Coherent manipulation of an Andreev spin qubit
作者:M. Hays, V. Fatemi, D. Bouman, J. Cerrillo, S. Diamond, K. Serniak, T. Connolly, P. Krogstrup, J. Nygård, A. Levy Yeyati, A. Geresdi, M. H. Devoret
To date, the most promising solid-state approaches for developing quantum information-processing systems have been based on the circulating supercurrents of superconducting circuits and manipulating the spin properties of electrons in semiconductor quantum dots. Hays et al. combined the desirable aspects of both approaches, the scalability of the superconducting circuits and the compact footprint of the quantum dots, to design and fabricate a superconducting spin qubit (see the Perspective by Wendin and Shumeiko). This so-called Andreev spin qubit provides the opportunity to develop a new quantum information processing platform.
Inhibited nonradiative decay at all exciton densities in monolayer semiconductors
作者:Hyungjin Kim, Shiekh Zia Uddin, Naoki Higashitarumizu, Eran Rabani, Ali Javey
由于激子发生非辐射湮灭,单层过渡金属二卤族的光致发光量子产额在高发射强度下普遍下降。作者指出,这一过程在这些材料中通过它们的联合态密度的van Hove奇点共振放大。
然而,小的机械应变(约)的应用改变了van Hove奇点,抑制了非辐射过程。在剥离的硫化钼、硫化钨和硒化钨单分子层以及化学气相沉积的厘米级硫化钨单分子层中,都可以看到高激子密度下的近统一光致发光量子产额。
The photoluminescence quantum yield in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides generally drops at high emission intensities because the excitons undergo nonradiative annihilation. Kim et al. show that this process is resonantly amplified in these materials by van Hove singularities in their joint density of states. However, application of small mechanical strains ( ) shifted the van Hove singularities and suppressed the nonradiative processes. Near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield at high exciton densities was seen in exfoliated monolayers of molybdenum sulfide, tungsten sulfide, and tungsten selenide, as well as centimeter-scale tungsten sulfide monolayers grown by chemical vapor deposition.
Atomically resolved single-molecule triplet quenching
作者:Jinbo Peng, Sophia Sokolov, Daniel Hernangómez-Pérez, Ferdinand Evers, Leo Gross4, John M. Lupton, Jascha Repp
这种单分子长寿命三联体的电寻址,结合原子尺度的操作,为控制和研究局部自旋-自旋相互作用提供了以前未 探索 的途径。
The nonequilibrium triplet state of molecules plays an important role in photocatalysis, organic photovoltaics, and photodynamic therapy. We report the direct measurement of the triplet lifetime of an inpidual pentacene molecule on an insulating surface with atomic resolution by introducing an electronic pump-probe method in atomic force microscopy. Strong quenching of the triplet lifetime is observed if oxygen molecules are coadsorbed in close proximity. By means of single-molecule manipulation techniques, different arrangements with oxygen molecules were created and characterized with atomic precision, allowing for the direct correlation of molecular arrangements with the lifetime of the quenched triplet. Such electrical addressing of long-lived triplets of single molecules, combined with atomic-scale manipulation, offers previously unexplored routes to control and study local spin-spin interactions.
生态学 Ecology
Innovation and geographic spread of a complex foraging culture in an urban parrot
作者:Barbara C. Klump, John M. Martin, Sonja Wild, Jana K. Hörsch, Richard E. Major, Lucy M. Aplin
社区科学报告的空间网络分析揭示了通过 社会 学习,鹦鹉打开从澳大利亚郊区的3个垃圾箱到悉尼市区44个垃圾箱的地理分布。对160个直接观察结果的分析揭示了个体风格和特定地点的差异。
The emergence, spread, and establishment of innovations within cultures can promote adaptive responses to anthropogenic change. We describe a putative case of the development of a cultural adaptation to urban environments: opening of household waste bins by wild sulphur-crested cockatoos. A spatial network analysis of community science reports revealed the geographic spread of bin opening from three suburbs to 44 in Sydney, Australia, by means of social learning. Analysis of 160 direct observations revealed inpidual styles and site-specific differences. We describe a full pathway from the spread of innovation to emergence of geographic variation, evidencing foraging cultures in parrots and indicating the existence of cultural complexity in parrots. Bin opening is directly linked to human-provided opportunities, highlighting the potential for culture to facilitate behavioral responses to anthropogenic change.
生命科学 Life Science
Enterically derived high-density lipoprotein restrains liver injury through the portal vein
作者:Yong-Hyun Han, Emily J. Onufer, Li-Hao Huang, Robert W. Sprung, W. Sean Davidson, Rafael S. Czepielewski, Mary Wohltmann, Mary G. Sorci-Thomas, Brad W. Warner, Gwendalyn J. Randolph
在各种肝损伤模型中,肠道高密度脂蛋白的丢失加重了病理。相比之下,提高肠道高密度脂蛋白的药物可改善疾病结果。HDL - 3在门静脉血液中富集,提示肠内HDL可能是治疗肝病的靶点。
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is important for cholesterol metabolism and may have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Although HDL is mainly produced by the liver, the intestine is also a source. Han et al. show in mice that intestinal HDL is not routed to the systemic circulation. Rather, in the form of HDL3, it is directly transported to the liver through the hepatic portal vein. There, it sequesters bacterial lipopolysaccharide from the gut that can trigger inflammation and liver damage. In various models of liver injury, loss of enteric HDL exacerbated pathology. By contrast, drugs elevating intestinal HDL improved disease outcomes. HDL3 is enriched in human portal venous blood, suggesting that enteric HDL may be targetable for the treatment of liver disease.
Retinal waves prime visual motion detection by simulating future optic flow
作者:Xinxin Ge, Kathy Zhang, Alexandra Gribizis, Ali S. Hamodi, Aude Martinez Sabino, Michael C. Crair
As a mouse runs forward across the forest floor, the scenery that it passes flows backwards. Ge et al. show that the developing mouse retina practices in advance for what the eyes must later process as the mouse moves. Spontaneous waves of retinal activity flow in the same pattern as would be produced days later by actual movement through the environment. This patterned, spontaneous activity refines the responsiveness of cells in the brain's superior colliculus, which receives neural signals from the retina to process directional information.
编译 | 冯维维
Nature , 10 March 2022, VOL 603, ISSUE 7900
《自然》 2022年3月10日,第603卷,7900期
物理学 Physics
AGN as potential factories for eccentric black hole mergers
J. Samsing, I. Bartos, D. J. D’Orazio, Z. Haiman, B. Kocsis, N. W. C. Leigh, B. Liu, M. E. Pessah & H. Tagawa
There is some weak evidence that the black hole merger named GW190521 had a non-zero eccentricity. In addition, the masses of the component black holes exceeded the limit predicted by stellar evolution. The large masses can be explained by successive mergers, which may be efficient in gas disks surrounding active galactic nuclei, but it is difficult to maintain an eccentric orbit all the way to the merger, as basic physics would argue for circularization. Here we show that active galactic nuclei disk environments can lead to an excess of eccentric mergers, if the interactions between single and binary black holes are frequent5 and occur with mutual inclinations of less than a few degrees. We further illustrate that this eccentric population has a different distribution of the inclination between the spin vectors of the black holes and their orbital angular momentum at merger, referred to as the spin–orbit tilt, compared with the remaining circular mergers.
Ultra-narrow optical linewidths in rare-earth molecular crystals
Diana Serrano, Senthil Kumar Kuppusamy, Benoît Heinrich, Olaf Fuhr, David Hunger, Mario Ruben & Philippe Goldner
Rare-earth ions (REIs) are promising solid-state systems for building light–matter interfaces at the quantum level. This relies on their potential to show narrow optical and spin homogeneous linewidths, or, equivalently, long-lived quantum states. This enables the use of REIs for photonic quantum technologies such as memories for light, optical–microwave transduction and computing. However, so far, few crystalline materials have shown an environment quiet enough to fully exploit REI properties. Here we report on europium molecular crystals that exhibit linewidths in the tens of kilohertz range, orders of magnitude narrower than those of other molecular systems. We harness this property to demonstrate efficient optical spin initialization, coherent storage of light using an atomic frequency comb, and optical control of ion–ion interactions towards implementation of quantum gates. These results illustrate the utility of rare-earth molecular crystals as a new platform for photonic quantum technologies that combines highly coherent emitters with the unmatched versatility in composition, structure and integration capability of molecular materials.
Structure of the moiré exciton captured by imaging its electron and hole
作者:Ouri Karni, Elyse Barré, , Julien Madéo, Felipe H. da Jornada, Tony F. Heinz & Keshav M. Dani, etc.
Interlayer excitons (ILXs) — electron–hole pairs bound across two atomically thin layered semiconductors — have emerged as attractive platforms to study exciton condensation, single-photon emission and other quantum information applications. Yet, despite extensive optical spectroscopic investigations, critical information about their size, valley configuration and the influence of the moiré potential remains unknown. Here, in a WSe2/MoS2 heterostructure, we captured images of the time-resolved and momentum-resolved distribution of both of the particles that bind to form the ILX: the electron and the hole. We thereby obtain a direct measurement of both the ILX diameter of around nm, comparable with the moiré-unit-cell length of nm, and the localization of its centre of mass. Surprisingly, this large ILX is found pinned to a region of only nm diameter within the moiré cell, smaller than the size of the exciton itself. This high degree of localization of the ILX is backed by Bethe–Salpeter equation calculations and demonstrates that the ILX can be localized within small moiré unit cells. Unlike large moiré cells, these are uniform over large regions, allowing the formation of extended arrays of localized excitations for quantum technology.
化学 Chemistry
Vertical MoS2 transistors with sub-1-nm gate lengths
作者:Fan Wu, He Tian, Yang Shen, Zhan Hou, Jie Ren, Guangyang Gou, Yabin Sun, Yi Yang & Tian-Ling Ren
Ultra-scaled transistors are of interest in the development of next-generation electronic devices. Although atomically thin molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) transistors have been reported, the fabrication of devices with gate lengths below 1 nm has been challenging. Here we demonstrate side-wall MoS2 transistors with an atomically thin channel and a physical gate length of sub-1 nm using the edge of a graphene layer as the gate electrode. This work can promote Moore’s law of the scaling down of transistors for next-generation electronics.
Electron-catalysed molecular recognition
作者:Yang Jiao, Yunyan Qiu, Long Zhang, Wei-Guang Liu, Haochuan Mao, Hongliang Chen, Yuanning Feng, Kang Cai, Dengke Shen, Bo Song, Xiao-Yang Chen, Xuesong Li, Xingang Zhao, Ryan M. Young, Charlotte L. Stern, Michael R. Wasielewski, R. Dean Astumian, William A. Goddard III & J. Fraser Stoddart
电子在分子识别中作为催化剂的使用将激励化学家和生物学家 探索 可以用于微调非共价事件的策略,控制不同长度尺度的组装,并最终创造复杂物质的新形式。
Molecular recognition and supramolecular assembly cover a broad spectrum of non-covalently orchestrated phenomena between molecules. Catalysis of such processes, however, unlike that for the formation of covalent bonds, is limited to approaches that rely on sophisticated catalyst design. Here we establish a simple and versatile strategy to facilitate molecular recognition by extending electron catalysis, which is widely applied in synthetic covalent chemistry, into the realm of supramolecular non-covalent chemistry. As a proof of principle, we show that the formation of a trisradical complex between a macrocyclic host and a dumbbell-shaped guest—a molecular recognition process that is kinetically forbidden under ambient conditions—can be accelerated substantially on the addition of catalytic amounts of a chemical electron source. It is, therefore, electrochemically possible to control the molecular recognition temporally and produce a nearly arbitrary molar ratio between the substrates and complexes ranging between zero and the equilibrium value. Such kinetically stable supramolecular systems are difficult to obtain precisely by other means. The use of the electron as a catalyst in molecular recognition will inspire chemists and biologists to explore strategies that can be used to fine-tune non-covalent events, control assembly at different length scales and ultimately create new forms of complex matter.
Au–Pd separation enhances bimetallic catalysis of alcohol oxidation
作者:Xiaoyang Huang, Ouardia Akdim, Mark Douthwaite, Kai Wang, Liang Zhao, Richard J. Lewis, Samuel Pattisson, Isaac T. Daniel, Peter J. Miedziak, Greg Shaw, David J. Morgan, Sultan M. Althahban, Thomas E. Davies, Qian He, Fei Wang, Jile Fu, Donald Bethell, Steven McIntosh, Christopher J. Kiely & Graham J. Hutchings
In oxidation reactions catalysed by supported metal nanoparticles with oxygen as the terminal oxidant, the rate of the oxygen reduction can be a limiting factor. Here we show that by separating the gold and palladium components in bimetallic carbon-supported catalysts, we can almost double the reaction rate compared with that achieved with the corresponding alloy catalyst. We demonstrate this using physical mixtures of carbon-supported monometallic gold and palladium catalysts and a bimetallic catalyst comprising separated gold and palladium regions. Furthermore, we demonstrate electrochemically that this enhancement is attributable to the coupling of separate redox processes occurring at isolated gold and palladium sites. The discovery of this catalytic effect—a cooperative redox enhancement—offers an approach to the design of multicomponent heterogeneous catalysts.
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