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软薄的纱织品肿瘤的细胞学: 软薄的纱织品肿瘤的 Cytological 分类Manoj Kumar Choudhuri病理学部, B S 医生学院、 Bankura 、西的孟加拉, 印度仰赖存在知识,任何疾病的分类时常改变, 如同用软的薄纱织品肿瘤是情形。 软薄的纱织品肿瘤的世界卫生组织分类首先在 1969 年被出版而且在 1994 和 2002 年被校订两次。 下列各项是已经在最新分类方面发生的一些主要变化: [1],[2]纤维母细胞的肿瘤 / 所谓的 fibrohistiocytic 肿瘤 : 在这一个小组方面的醒目改变是有恶意的纤维 histiocytoma 已经遗失它的光荣而且已经被命令撤离到一 "相同 pleomorphic 肉瘤 ." Myxoid 纤维的 histiocytoma 已经与 " myxofibrosarcoma",表现年老的个体中最通常的软薄纱织品肉瘤一起代替。 使肌肉肿瘤和骨骼的肌肉肿瘤光滑 : 已经没有明显的改变在这一个小组中。 Adipocytic 肿瘤 : 区别良好的 liposarcoma 没有有恶意的潜能,因此,当肿瘤在极端和另外外科上听从的位置出现的时候, " 不合型 lipomatous 肿瘤 " 是优先的期限。 然而,期限, " 区别良好的 liposarcoma" 为在 retroperitoneum 和 mediastinum 中出现的肿瘤被保留。 不完全的切除术缺乏 dedifferentiation 甚至造成当地的再现。 Myolipoma 和 chondroid lipoma 是被包含在最近的分类之中的二个新的实体。 Pericytic 肿瘤 : 当 hemangiopericytomas 与 " 孤独的纤维肿瘤 " 没有差别的时候,一些肿瘤先前分类。 然而, sinonasal hemangiopericytomas 似乎真正是 pericytic 损害。 大群体的 pericytic/ perivascular 肿瘤已经被当做 " myopericytomas" 重新命名. 脉管的肿瘤 : 纱锭细胞 haemangioendotheliomas 已经被当做 "纱锭细胞 hemangiomas." 重新命名 我们全部感激热望仰赖式样承认的好针的诊断。 因此, cytological 肿瘤以主要的式样为基础的软薄的纱织品的分类。 Immunocytochemistry 为损害的较进一步的编目方法已经逐渐地被用于最近的过去。 软的薄纱织品肿瘤被进入五个小组 [3] 之内根据他们的 cytological 结果分类:

医学论文是医学科学研究工作的文字记录和书面总结,是医学科学研究工作的重要组成部分。医学论文报道医学领域领先的科研成果;是医学科学研究工作者辛勤劳动的结晶,是人类医学科学发展和进步的动力。尤其是SCI论文,能使成果向国际上展示,并有可能被人采用和传播,为人类造福,因此,更具有意义与价值,那么一篇好的英文SCI医学论文改怎么写呢?今天小编就为大家一步步分析。英文SCI医学论文应注意的几大环节:写前准备Preparation, 论文结构 Structure, 论文文题Title, 摘要Abstracts, 引言Introduction, 文章主体Body of Paper, 结论 Conclusion, 和致谢Acknowledgement。1、Preparation就是收集资料,找出灵感和方向,主要依靠的是期刊和文献journal in library。2、Structure是重点,文章的结构应该:选题要宽,研究方向要窄,然后最后的结论又发散开来。在文章主体前后都必须有声明(declarativestatement),用最少的字句表达出自己的观点,吸引读者。3、Title必须清晰简短(clear,short),以提升读者的阅读兴趣,然而文题中切记不能出现缩略语和自己的结论。4、Abstracts 是文章的一个缩影,一定要简明扼要(可为一段文字,篇幅<200字),按照文章顺序介绍主要研究对象(subject)、实验设计 (design)、实验步骤(procedures)以及最后结果(results),这种介绍必须让非专业的人员能够看懂。5、引言同样要保证简短,顺序是一般背景介绍、别人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作简介,其中介绍别人工作时只需介绍和自己最相关的方面,而对自己的工作介绍不用说明细节,因为这个要放到文章正文中去。不要忘记在介绍自己工作之前要有一个声明。6、Body部分可以分为方法methods、讨论discussion和结果result三个部分:(1) Methods,详尽的介绍自己的实验方案以便于他人能够重复自己的实验过程,对于通用的实验方案可以简略,重点要放到自己的独创方案上面,按照实验的先后顺序介绍,为了文章的阅读方便,不要使用过多层次的副标题subheadings。(2)Discussion,这个部分是为了以后的study ,在其中提出自己的 problem 或者是hypothesis,和别人的成果进行比较,暗示自己的主要收获,为后面的conclusion做准备。(3)Result,使用text、table、figure等手段表达出来,其中table不要使用过多,而 figure必须保证图线清楚、注解明确,必要的时候还要对于自己的结论进行解释说明。7、Conclusion中不要包含文章未涉及的信息,保持简洁;如果此文章只是项目的一部分,稍做说明。在写完之后回头看看是否有逻辑上的错误,是否考虑到了读者兴趣等。8、Acknowledgement,不要忘记,这个不仅反应了一个人的个人品质,还一定程度体现了研究水平。

对于医学工作者来说,发表医学论文是工作中的重要历程。由于平时忙于工作,不少医生会有疑问,医学SCI论文有哪些分类?又该怎么写呢?下面我们就来谈谈这个问题。一、医学SCI论文的分类1、按论文资料来源分类根据医学论文使用资料的来源,通常将论文分为原着和编着两大类。1)原着论文原着论文又称为原始论文,即着作的原本,是作者经过具体选题所进行的调查研究、实验研究、临床研究的结果和临床工作经验的总结,是作者的第一手资料(即直接资料)。其内容比较广泛,可以是实验研究、临床观察、调查报告、病历报告、病历讨论;也可以是医学理论上的创新间接和新的科研成果;还可以是某种新理论、新技术应用于实际所取得的新进展的科学总结。原着论文既是具体单位和个人科研水平的重要标志,又是医学科研工作者提出的某些假说和观点的主要载体。它的主要形式有论着、着述、短篇报道(如病历报告、技术革新成果、经验介绍)等,医学期刊杂志文章主要由原着论文组成。原着论文应有作者自己的见解及新的观点、新理论和新方法,以推动医学科学向前发展。2)编着论文编着论文的主要内容来源于已经发表的资料,即以间接资料为主,属于第三次文献。结合作者个人的部分研究资料和经验,把来自多种渠道的、分散的、无系统的、重复的、甚至矛盾的资料,按照个人的观点和体系串联起来,使读者能够在较短的时间内了解某一学科领域或某一专题的发展水平及进展情况。在医学图书中编着所占的比例较大(如教科书、参考书、专题讨论等),而在医学期刊杂志中的综述、讲座、专题笔谈、专题讨论等多属于编着之列,其中以综述为代表。编着性论着充满着新观点、新简介、新摄像、新资料。它为原着性论文提供大量最新信息。使医学某一领域或某一专题更加系统化、条理化、完整化和理论化,是医学论文的重要组成部分之一。上海基尔顿生物2、按论文写作目的的分类1)学术论文学术论文是对医学科学领域中的问题进行总结、研究、探讨,表述医学研究的成果和理论性的突破,并对科学实验或技术开发中取得新成就的文字总结,作为信息进行交流。学术论文类型多种多样,按表达方式可分为专题式、综合式、提出假说式、商讨式、比较式等;按内容可分为理论型和实验型。它是学术会议交流的主要内容,也是医学期刊杂志的主要内容。2)学位论文学位论文是为了用来申请授予相应的学位或某学科学术职称资格而写的论文。作为考核及评审的文件,用以表明作者从事科研取得的成果和独立从事科研工作的能力。可以说是单篇论文,也可以是系列论文的综合。学位论文包括毕业论文、学士论文、硕士论文、博士论文。3、按医学学科及课题的性质分类1)基础医学论文研究人体的解剖和生理功能、致病因素以及人体对致病因素的入侵和药物或其他治疗措施的干预所做出的反应,认识健康和疾病相互转化的规律成为基础医学。基础医学论文多数属于基础理论研究范围,包括实验研究和现场调查,少数属于技术交流范围,即介绍实验技术,有关仪器的设计、制造及使用等。2)临床医学论文临床医学是研究人体各系统疾病发生的机制、诊断和治疗,促进疾病向健康转化以及集中的学科。临床医学论文多为应用研究范围,可分为诊断、治疗、护理等方面,有理论研究和技术报告,目前属回顾性总结分析的论文较多。二、医学SCI论文怎么写那么,写医学SCI论文又该怎么写呢?其实,无论写哪种种类的医学论文,作者在写论文时都要注意以下三个问题。1、写什么性质的论文。如会议论文、期刊论文、letter、regular paper或者写的是综述(survey)、方法、理论等等。不同的论文的对象,载体,篇幅,侧重点是不一样的。比如,会议论文、短论文等对新的要求比较高,比较短,其他的次之,所以论文写作要集中在新的方面;而期刊论文等对新的要求之外,还要求完善、高质量,所以写作时候要系统性和创新性并重。2、写论文的目的是什么。第一,你想要发表的地方是什么,会议还是期刊。不同的地方有不同的要求,尤其是期刊论文。所以,在写论文之前,尽量确定要投的期刊或会议。然后,去阅读几篇最新的该期刊或者会议的论文,明确一下体例和内容大致规划。重要的是,你选择的题目和投稿对象的要求尽量切合。第二,你想要发表的时间,一定要有个发表的时间点。一方面,人都是有惰性的,你限制了时间点,就能很好的督促你,你可以多选择几个,这样你就会处于忙碌和兴奋状态,成果就会快而且好,否则非常容易消极怠工。另一方面,很多毕业生,需要在写大论文之前,需要得到论文的接收函。在时间规划上也是有要求的。如果想在时间上快一些,可以找一下相关刊物的special issue或者special section等,一般这特刊,出版的速度相对快些。一定要提前谋划,无论是会议还是期刊,一般要提前半年以上。3、写论文的方法。首先了解一下论文的结构。通常一篇论文包括7个大的部分,每页大概10段,每段大概4,5个句子。所以,一篇会议论文大概200-300个句子罢了。一小时写5句,一天写一页也就差不多了,一周也就写一篇论文吧,当然前提是idea什么都比较成熟后。其实,如果真的想明白了,差不多2-3天也就可以了。论文的7大组成部分的一些内容组成:(1)Abstract——对自己工作及其贡献的总结:a)阐述问题;b)说明自己的解决方案和结果。(2)Introduction——背景,以及文章的大纲、你的贡献:a)题X是重要的;b)前人的工作A、B曾经研究过这个问题;c)A、B有一些缺陷;d)我们提出了方法D;e)D的基本特征,和A、B进行比较;f)实验证明D比A、B优越;g)文章的基本结构,大纲。(3)Previous Work——说明自己与前人的不同:a)将历史上前人的工作分成类别;b)对每项重要的历史工作进行简短的回顾(一到几句),注意要回顾正确,抓住要点,避免歧义;c)和自己提出的工作进行比较;d)不要忽略前人的重要工作,要公正评价前人的工作,不要过于苛刻;e)强调自己的工作和前人工作的不同,最好举出各自适用例子。(4)Our Solution——描述自己的工作,可分成多个部分:a)从读者角度阐明定义和表示法;b)提供算法的伪码,图解和相应解释;c)用设问的方式回答读者可能提出的潜在问题;d)复杂的冗长的证明和细节可以放在附录中,这里关键是把问题阐述清楚;e)特例和例外应该在脚注中给予说明。(5)Performance Analysis——验证提出的方法和思路:a)合理地设计实验(简洁的实验和详尽的实验步骤);b)必要的比较,突出科学性;c)讨论,说明结果的意义;d)给出结论。(6)Conclusion——总结、前景及结文:a)快速简短的总结;b)未来工作的展望;c)结束全文。(7)References——对相关重要背景文献的全面引用:a)选择引文(众所周知的结论不必引用,其他人的工作要引用,经典的和新的论文要引用);b)与前文保持一致。





nursing speciality



What is it regarding skilled nursing facility care that affects mortality risk?


Degree required: Associate's or bachelor's degree from accredited nursingprogram


As with all conditions, please consult with a doctor, and take any medications asinstructed your healthcare professional.

这个时期里,哈克利博士培养的护理专业 毕业 生进步最大。

Dr. Hackley’s nursing graduates improved the most in the same period.


Learn how to prepare the pleats when ironing your shorts in this free clothingcare video from our professional wardrobe expert.

护理 专业英语 怎么说


Learn how to iron seam area on side when ironing your shorts in this free clothingcare video from our professional wardrobe expert.


The advanced nursing specialty aims to train the nurses with advanced nursingtechnology and strengthening nursing skills training is an extremely importantsegment in the process of the training.


Look for someone who has sought additional training in your specific condition orwho has a background in a health care profession, like nursing or physical therapy.


Our school makes giving priority to specialty characteristics in quality courseconstruction the objective for Pathology course for students majoring in advancednursing.


The most helpful courses among the nursing profession courses wereFundamentals of Nursing, Medical and Surgical Nursing, and Pediatric Nursing.


The national nurse practicing qualification examination is to evaluate whether anurse practicing qualification applicant has the professional knowledge andworking capacity of nursing.

看着一个 经验 丰富的专家在这个自由讨论关于地毯护理专业的在线视频地毯清洗机维修。

Watch as a seasoned expert discusses professional carpet-cleaning machinemaintenance in this free online video about carpet care.


Conclusion Self-esteem in nursing-sensitive male college students is a realproblem that requires attention in teaching.


The nurse participates in the profession's efforts to establish and maintain high quality nursing care.


And studies on the foreign clinical nurse specialist system can facilitate thedevelopment of nursing speciality in our country.


Results Although of students chose nursing as their specialty, their motivehad so much blindness in it, that 37% of them came from their parents' mind andonly were from their owe will.

方法 从天津市三所医学高校选取护理专业男大学生进行问卷调查。

Methods From Tianjin city three medical universities in the selection in the nursingprofession conducted a questionnaire survey in male students.


TO suit the development of nursing science, from the Grade 93. we started to add 《Diagno sis for Nursing》into the course for nursing specialty.

护理专业大学生应达到怎样的信息素质要求及何培养和评价她们的信息素质,将是护理 教育 者思考和研究的课题。

What information literacy should nursing undergraduate students be required of and how to prepare and evaluate their information literacy will be the researchsubject by nursing faculties.


Results Professional thought of the male nursing students were instable , andthey had comparatively large deviation of nursing occupation and large difficultyin learning and life.


Objective:To promote the development of nursing science, and to make the structure of middle level nursing education reliable.


Results Nursing professional male students in the only child had significance(P<).


Some eye care professionals say all that screen time has led to an increase inwhat they call computer vision syndrome.


Objective To investigate nursing interns' teaching and learning evaluation,evaluate the quality of interns' teacher and supply a base for improving practicequality.


Till now, ACU is still maintaining its leadership in nursing education and will continue to provide an accessibly practical learning environment for nursingstudents.


Conclusion Nursing students have higher level of anxiety, which in turn has somerelation to life events, negative coping and positive coping.


Objective To explore the educational objectives for postgraduate training ofnursing master degree based on present situation in China.

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕. In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and prognosis. By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, etc. care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough attention.希望对您有帮助 顺便给你介绍一个学习网站 中华医学学习网 上面有很多医学论文哦 你可以上去看看





中华医学会(Chinese Medical Association)成立于1915年。现有83个专科分会,出版中华系列杂志417种,并办有学会机关报《中华医学信息导报》。中华医学会的主要业务包括:开展医学学术交流;编辑出版123种医学、科普等各类期刊及100余种音像出版物。


中国生物医学文献数据库(China Biology Medicine disc, CBMdisc) 是由中国医学科学院医学信息研究所于1994年研制开发的综合性中文医学文献数据库,它收录1978年以来1600余种中国生物医学期刊,以及汇编、会议论文的文献记录。





这就属于你自己写论文的立意问题了吧?你必须到当地医院去考察一下,看看哪些标示存在瑕疵?比方说拼写错误,如某医院“急诊”的英文标识错拼写为“Eergency”(正确应为Emergency),王府井大街外文书店旁某商店把“数码相机”错标为“DigitCamer”(正确应为“Digital Camera”)等,让明白人看后感到不可理解。比方说用词不当、望文生义、口语化等等,比如“新中国”在上方主店名翻成了拼音“XinZhong Guo”,立柱标牌上是“NewChina”;“儿童”一词上方主店名翻成口语化的“Kid”,立柱上则是书面语的标准表述“Children”。标准医院词汇:medical department; department of internal medicine: 内科 surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科 department of obstetrics and gynecology : 妇产科 ophtalmology department: 眼科 dental department: 牙科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracic surgery department: 脑外科 department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科 registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部 in-patient department: 住院部 nursing department: 护理部 consulting room: 诊室 waiting room: 候诊室 emergency room: 急诊室 admitting office: 住院处 operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科 blood bank: 血库 dispensary; pharmacy: 药房 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室牤 Department of Nephrology 肾内科 Department of Chemotherapy 化疗科 Department of Radiotherapy 放疗科 Department of Endocrinology 内分泌科 Respiratory medicine 呼吸科 Rheumatology 风湿科 Hematology 血液科 Geriatrics 老年科 Neurology 神经科 Oncology 肿瘤科 Thoracic surgery 胸外科 Urology 泌尿外科 Neurosurgery 神经外科 Vascular surgery 周围血管外科 Gastroenterology 肠胃外科 Hepatobiliary surgery 肝胆外科 General surgery 普外科 Orthopedics 骨科 Cardiovascular surgery 心外科 Burns surgery 烧伤科 Hand surgery 手外科 Plastic surgery 整形外科 Pediatric surgery 儿外科 Obstetrics and gynecology 妇产科 Stomatology 口腔科 Ophthalmology 眼科 Infectious disease 感染科 Dermatology 皮肤科 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 耳鼻喉科 Nuclear medicine 核医学科 Psychiatry 精神科 Medical rehabilitation 康复科 Anesthesiology 麻醉科 Radiology 放射科 Ultrasonography 超声科 Pain management 疼痛科 Pharmacology 药理科 Internal Medicine 内科 建议你到这里来看看!


② 有人反对它,有人赞同。 ③ 我的看法 With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people. However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional. But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful. As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad effects. 议论文范文 2 As students, we always have a lot of exams/tests every term. Tests are used nowadays to check/examine/measure how well /effectively students study. Exams are a very useful and important educational tool of measurement. However, exams have some side effects of their own. First, some exams can’t reflect the real progress students make. Second, too difficult or too many exams force students to cheat in exams. Too many exams force students to study for the sake of exams only, to name just a few. In my opinion, advantages of exams far outweigh their disadvantages. Despite their side effects, exams can on the whole check and show how well students study scientifically and accurately. At least so far there has been not any method that take their place in education. Besides, exams seem to be fair to all students as they are objective and everyone is equal before test results. To conclude, exams may continue to exist in our education for a long time before they are replaced by some better measurement methods. 记叙文范文 Eye-witness account of a traffic accident 假如你在某日某地某时目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书如下: 1. 车祸发生的时间和地点 2. 你所见到的车祸的情况 3. 你对车祸原因的分析 I witnessed a traffic accident on the street at about . yesterday. Here is my account of it. It happened at . yesterday at the Xiao Zai intersection when I was on my way back to my school. A taxi ran into a cycling boy riding across Chang An Road near the crossroad. When the taxi pulled up abruptly after the driver realized what had happened, the boy was already lying on the ground, bleeding and crying aloud. In 5 minutes, an ambulance came and took away the wounded boy. There is no knowing how it came about. But I suppose it was because the boy ran the red light and the taxi driver took it for granted that there would be no pedestrian or cyclist would cross the road at that moment. This accident warns us of the danger of ignoring traffic regulations. 图表文范文 1. 描写该图并用数字说明 2. 分析其原因及未来的趋势 3. 结论 With the rapid economic growth in China, there has been an increasingly great demand for fuel resources. Among them, natural gas is clean, convenient and inexpensive. The above graph shows the output of natural gas in China between 1991 and 1995. As can be seen from the graph, there had been a steady increase in its output since 1991. In 1991, there was only billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China. After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by billion cubic meters. By 1995, the output had increased to billion cubic meters, an increase by about 13% over that of 1991. There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in its output. To name only a few, the greater industrial demand, demands from daily life, convenience and cleanness in itself, etc. stimulate its output increase. In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continue to increase in the foreseeable future because of the greater demands for it. Sample 5. A Letter of Complaint Directions: Write a letter of no less than 120 words to your neighbour, who lives above your apartment in the same building and makes a lot of noise recently at night. Your letter should be polite but tell him or her clearly that you want him/her to stop making noise at night and why. Write a letter in the space provided on the Answer Sir/Madam: I am your neighbor living downstairs under your apartment in the same building. I am writing you to make a complaint to you./I am writing you to complain of the noise you make during the night. Recently you are making noise during the night that has disturbed my rest. Almost every night, there comes some noise from your apartment just as I go to bed and am on my way to a dream. I wonder what the noise is. Are you repairing your furniture? Are you doing physical exercises? However, whatever you do at that time of the night, you have to take your neighbors and their rest into consideration. In a word, you are disturbing both your other neighbors and me. Therefore/So, please stop making noise at night. Take care. Yours friendly neighbor Sample 6. Natural Gas Output in China With the rapid economic growth in China, there has been an increasing demand for fuel resources. Among them, natural gas is clean, convenient and inexpensive. The above graph shows the output of natural gas in China between 1991 and 1995. As can be seen from the graph, there had been a steady increase in its output since 1991. In 1991, there was only billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China. After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by billion cubic meters. By 1995, the output had increased to billion cubic meters, an increase by about 13% over that of 1991. There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in its output. To name only a few, the greater industrial demand, demands from daily life, convenience and cleanness in itself, etc. stimulate its output increase. In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continue to increase in the foreseeable future because of the greater demands for it. Sample 7. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication. 1. 人人需要与他人交流 2. 人际交流的重要性 3. 结论 Entering the 21st century, man is now in an age of information and knowledge. In such an age, interpersonal communication plays an increasingly important role and all people have to communicate with others. Why is interpersonal communication so important? First, it helps people understand each other better. Second, it helps people get more information and knowledge. Third, without interpersonal communication, our life would become a desert of emotion and friendship. Last but not the least, communication between people makes our life lively, interesting and lovely. In a word, humans, as social animals, have to communicate with each other, the importance of which can never be overemphasized. Why is interpersonal communication so important? Interpersonal communication is just like a bridge of understanding between people. For example, it helps students to learn more effectively if one can communicate more with his teachers and classmates. In a family, communication makes the family members understand each other better and get closer. In the workplace, communication between the employer and the employed creates a friendly and helpful working 8 How to Study Effectively As students, we have to study almost every day. However, how can we study effectively? Probably not everybody knows. Have a look at the following graph and we may know better about this. This graph shows the relationship between the amount of study efficiency and the hours spent in studying in a day. From it, we can see that more hours of study do not necessarily result in better or higher study efficiency. In the graph, the best amount of efficiency or the optimum of efficiency comes when one has studied for about hours. However, the efficiency begins to drop as he studies longer than . By the time when one has studied for 10 hours in a day, his efficiency of study may become nothing or zero. In conclusion, there is always a maximum of efficiency and time for study in a day. More time spent in study doesn’t always mean better efficiency. This may tell us how we can study effectively.

医学论文是医学科学研究工作的文字记录和书面总结,是医学科学研究工作的重要组成部分。医学论文报道医学领域领先的科研成果;是医学科学研究工作者辛勤劳动的结晶,是人类医学科学发展和进步的动力。尤其是SCI论文,能使成果向国际上展示,并有可能被人采用和传播,为人类造福,因此,更具有意义与价值,那么一篇好的英文SCI医学论文改怎么写呢?今天小编就为大家一步步分析。英文SCI医学论文应注意的几大环节:写前准备Preparation, 论文结构 Structure, 论文文题Title, 摘要Abstracts, 引言Introduction, 文章主体Body of Paper, 结论 Conclusion, 和致谢Acknowledgement。1、Preparation就是收集资料,找出灵感和方向,主要依靠的是期刊和文献journal in library。2、Structure是重点,文章的结构应该:选题要宽,研究方向要窄,然后最后的结论又发散开来。在文章主体前后都必须有声明(declarativestatement),用最少的字句表达出自己的观点,吸引读者。3、Title必须清晰简短(clear,short),以提升读者的阅读兴趣,然而文题中切记不能出现缩略语和自己的结论。4、Abstracts 是文章的一个缩影,一定要简明扼要(可为一段文字,篇幅<200字),按照文章顺序介绍主要研究对象(subject)、实验设计 (design)、实验步骤(procedures)以及最后结果(results),这种介绍必须让非专业的人员能够看懂。5、引言同样要保证简短,顺序是一般背景介绍、别人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作简介,其中介绍别人工作时只需介绍和自己最相关的方面,而对自己的工作介绍不用说明细节,因为这个要放到文章正文中去。不要忘记在介绍自己工作之前要有一个声明。6、Body部分可以分为方法methods、讨论discussion和结果result三个部分:(1) Methods,详尽的介绍自己的实验方案以便于他人能够重复自己的实验过程,对于通用的实验方案可以简略,重点要放到自己的独创方案上面,按照实验的先后顺序介绍,为了文章的阅读方便,不要使用过多层次的副标题subheadings。(2)Discussion,这个部分是为了以后的study ,在其中提出自己的 problem 或者是hypothesis,和别人的成果进行比较,暗示自己的主要收获,为后面的conclusion做准备。(3)Result,使用text、table、figure等手段表达出来,其中table不要使用过多,而 figure必须保证图线清楚、注解明确,必要的时候还要对于自己的结论进行解释说明。7、Conclusion中不要包含文章未涉及的信息,保持简洁;如果此文章只是项目的一部分,稍做说明。在写完之后回头看看是否有逻辑上的错误,是否考虑到了读者兴趣等。8、Acknowledgement,不要忘记,这个不仅反应了一个人的个人品质,还一定程度体现了研究水平。

据学术堂了解,英文医学科研论文一般分为引言、方法、结果、讨论和结论等。今天给大家分享一些经验,笔者根据自身的撰写、审阅英文科研论文的经验,分析了此类论文的结构与特点,总结了英文医学科研论文主体部分的写作方法。1. 引言本部分一般采用漏斗式的顺序来撰写,从宽泛的研究话题逐渐过渡到本研究拟解决的关键问题。以传染病防控研究相关论文为例, 引言一般包括3部分:拟研究问题的重要性、必要性和研究目的。首先,阐述拟研究疾病的严重危害、主要分布和造成的影响等内容,突出该研究的重要性。然后,综述相关研究的进展,包括当前研究成果、存在的不足和未解决的问题,提出该研究的必要性和研究假说。最后,根据拟解决的问题提出研究目的并细化,分类别或分步骤提出拟实施的研究框架。例如,一篇有关某种疾病在某地区横断面调查的文章,其重要性一般需包括该病的定义、流行范围、全球疾病负担和该地区的疾病负担;必要性要描述该病流行病学相关研究的进展、存在问题和造成这些问题的原因,未解决问题(3—5个)或未调查过的区域;然后提出本研究拟解决的问题(1—2个)和调查范围,研究结果可能解决的现实问题(例如,为制定治疗方案提供科学依据),以此来揭示本研究的必要性,从而回答科学假说所需要开展的哪几方面研究,包括调查的范围和影响因素以及如何开展,引出后面的方法等部分。2. 研究方法这部分内容缺乏科学依据或表述不当是造成稿件被拒的主要原因之一。正确撰写研究方法的诀窍是按照一定的逻辑顺序尽可能详细具体地描述整个研究开展的条件和过程。研究方法的写作一般以时间顺序展开,首先提供一个总体研究框架,包括研究设计的内容、 实验流程或者现场调查过程。然后描述开展研究所需材料的详细信息或流行病学背景信息,如各种实验材料的供应商和联系方式,样本或参与者的相关信息等。接下来描述该研究的技术和步骤,如研究对象的选取方法、治疗方案、干预措施、实验或数据分析方法等,选择某一技术的理论依据或建模方法也需阐明。例如,要研究蚊类的各项生物学指标,就要说明这些指标的测量方法和总体数据的分析依据。如果方法中涉及实验设计,最好提供技术路线图,清楚简洁地表述研究设计全貌;如是现场研究,最好用地图标出研究地点。若方法部分较为复杂,可分部分来撰写,每个部分提供一个小标题。在研究开展过程中,需要充分考虑到医学伦理问题。如果研究涉及到人,需在方法部分提供研究对象知情同意的相关声明;若涉及动物,需在此部分陈述关于对此研究道德批准的声明。3. 研究结果以研究目的为导向,总结研究成果,阐明各分支研究的关系,描述发展趋势。撰稿人要高度凝练对实验或观察结果的描述,突出具有代表性和科学意义的数据。主要数据通常以图表的形式呈现,如使用配对图呈现临床试验中复杂患者样本的主要研究结果;运用基线对比描述几个对照组的数据。图表需具有自明性,可以在图表下附上说明性文字。以研究成果的重要性或产出时间为顺序,围绕研究假说和拟解决的问题,从方法部分的几个研究指标来陈述研究结果。例如,在某一疾病的横断面调查结果中,对数据的描述大致分为人群患病率、儿童新发病率、疾病三间分布(包括时间分布、空间分布和人群分布)以及流行因素等。如果涉及治疗内容,则对诊疗(包括内科、外科治疗等)指标都应该进行统计分析,这样才能统计出调查区域内需内科治疗或外科治疗的人数以及各占多少比例,为讨论治疗策略提供必要的证据。结果分析还可将某些指标变化进行不同时段或不同区域间的比较,这样使结果更为丰富。而现场实验研究则必须阐明样本数量,分散度指标和集中趋势指标等关键统计数据。4. 讨论和结论如果论文引言部分是点明某一研究的重要性和必要性,讨论部分则主要论证该研究结果的科学性与推广意义,主要分3步进行论证。首先,根据研究目的总结主要研究结果,解释这些结果的意义和重要性;然后与其他已发表结果进行比较或对比,解释本研究的不同之处和独特意义,说明本研究的局限性;总结回应研究的问题、假说或目的,表明本研究结果的实用价值,对实际工作的启示和对整个领域研究的影响。例如,疾病横断面调查结果若要为制定疾控政策服务,就需根据该疾病的患病率,引用已发表的论据,来判定其在全球范围内属于高、中、低的哪种流行区, 讨论造成这一流行强度的原因,也可讨论不同类型的疾病患病率高低的原因和潜在分布区域,与已发表的相关研究结果和实际作用相比较,出正确的推理,回答研究背景中提出的假说,为制定疾控策略提供科学依据。英文科研论文的结论部分更要围绕研究目的来总结,对研究目的作出明确的回应,重申研究成果及新增的科学意义,阐明应用价值或提出对今后工作建议。因此,结论需要简洁、明确、有针对性。



s why more and more people are being active in various kinds of sports and exercises.

If people follow these three ways of keeping fit. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise.

First, block the flow of blood, and therefore should be given up, walk or dance to music. This strengthens the heart. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.

Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health, it is essential to do the following. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis? Different people may give different answers to this question. Unfortunately few people follow this advice. Through sports and exercise, people bee healthier and stronger;s health a great deal. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one'. Fat can build up in the arteries. That'.

Getting rid of bad habits like *** oking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy, reduces the chance of heart attack. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day, and cause a heart attack or stroke. In the afternoon, others go in for gymnastics or track events,there are also many people keen on sports, and helps lower blood pressureHow to Keep Healthy

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy, they greatly improve their health, jog

All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legislation of medical put into place basic medical and health care systems covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure that every resident has access to safe。

The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits. 令人不安的现象引起了广泛的社会关注。



In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price. 在我看来,现在应该采取紧急措施来改善目前的形势了。首先,医生应该对病人的期望值,并把人的生命放在其他任何东西上面。


The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits.


In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price.


Campus Life 有关校园生活的英语作文

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has e true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me pany, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Inter.


My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is o characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is plex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system'e69da5e6ba903233363533362s requirement *** ysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS sofare is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, o needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a pletely aiding decision system are required.。


Objective To evaluate acute and long2term angiographic and clinical outcomes of longstent or multiple overlapped stents (length ≥ 20 mm) implantation for diffuse atherosclerosis lesions inoctogenarians. Methods Long stent or multiple overlapped stents implantation was performed on 111diffuse native coronary lesions ( Group O : 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians ; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patientsaged under 60) . Baseline demographic , lesion characteristic , angiographic and procedural details weresimilar in these 2 groups. Six2month clinical and angiographic follow2up was completed in all cases. In2hospital and long2term outcomes were evaluated. Results Procedure success was 100 %for both had in2hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) . There was no significant difference inangiographic binary restenosis ( ≥50 % diameter stenosis) rate between the groups at follow2up ( Group Ovs. Group Y, 1218 % vs1 1019 % at 32month , 2918 % vs. 2616 % at 62month , P > 0105) . The rates oftarget lesion revascularization and MACE at follow2up were less in Group Y, but it showed no statisticalsignificance (718 % vs. 1016 % and 816 % vs. 1114 % at 32month , 1516 % vs. 2314 % and 2017 % % at 62month , respectively , P > 0105) . Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse lesionsin octogenarians appears safe and feasible , with high procedural success and favorable long2term outcomes.



1、全文 word2000或word2003排版。论文标题:小二号字、黑体、居中。 2、作者署名 小四号字、楷体、居中;两个以上作者时,名字之间空2格。 3、中文摘要及关键词 小五号字、宋体,“摘要”和“关键词”加黑。关键词间空格隔开。 4、英文摘要 全部为timesnewroman字体;标题为小四号字、首字母大写,其余全小写;“作者姓名”五号字,汉语“姓名”译法采用“姓”前“名”后,在正文标题下的“作者姓名”为“姓”全部大写,“名”首字母大写,“名”为两个字时,中间加一短线;摘要正文小五号字体,“abstract”和“keywords”加黑,关键词间用“;”隔开。 5、首页脚注标识作者简介 注明第一作者姓名(出生年-),性别,民族(汉族可省略),职称,学历,学位及主要研究方向,电话,e-mail等。脚注一律用圈码。 6、量和单位 按国际标准中关于量和单位的规定和我国法定计量单位书写。数字和年份之间统一用“~”。计量单位要统一,采用国家标准规定的kg、hm2等。超过4位数的阿拉伯数字采用三位分节法,即在小数点左、右每三位数留出1/4字距的间隔。 7、正文 五号字、宋体;每段的首行缩进为两个汉字;两端对齐;正文单倍行距。 8、文中标题 一级标题:四号字、黑体、左对齐;用“1”、“2”、“3”等表示序号; 二级标题:小四号字、黑体、左对齐;用“”、“”、“”等表示; 三级标题:五号字、黑体、左对齐;用“”、“”、“”等。 所有标题后空一格,写标题名。 9、图片要求 图表题黑体、小五号字。表一律用三线表。excel作图要带数据源。图中所用文字一律用8号字(非“八号”字)。中文用宋体,英文、数字用timesnewroman。半栏图宽不超过;通栏图宽不超过;照片图需提供清晰照片。图按照在正文中出现的先后顺序来依次编号;随文排图、表;图设图序、图题;图题置于图形的下方。 10、参考文献编排格式 引用文献采用顺序编码制,著录顺序按在论文中所引用文献出现的先后连续编号。“参考文献”四字,四号黑体。参考文献小五号字,中文为宋体,英文、数字用timesnewroman;两端对齐;用“[1]”、“[2]”、“[3]”等表示序号。所有符号采用英文状态下半角格式。 (1)期刊:作者(列出所有作者,之间用“,”分开,下同),题目,期刊名(全称,勿缩写,英文刊名应为斜体),年,(卷期):起~止页。 (2)专著:著(编)者,书名,版次(初版省略),出版地:出版者,出版年份:起~止页。 (3)论文集:作者,题目,本文集的主编姓名,论文集名,出版地:出版者,出版年:起~止页。





M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章

J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告



①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;

②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。




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[2] Almarza, . Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In and (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. .








【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.




参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。


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注: 先英文后中文,以字母顺序排列。英文部分times new roman,小四;汉语部分:宋体 小四号;均倍行距,两行及以上悬垂缩进3个字符。参考文献要与文中夹注项对应。


