我知道那个bioinformatics 7页之内全黑白是免费的。BMC系列的(eg. BMC Biology)有些要交open access费,但是对发展中国家可以豁免。
大多数的SCI期刊是不收版面费的,但是论文发表之后,别人下载是要收费的!目前也有很期刊采取OPEN ACCESS的方式,这种方式下载文章不需要费用,可以提高论文的引用率,但是需要收取不菲的版面费!不过,期刊还是很仁慈的,可以申请减免版面费的:Dear Dr. or Prof. XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter), Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article) I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal). We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the moment. Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX). With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even waived. However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for us. Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, XXXX (name of the corresponding author) XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author
一页彩图免费,超出部分$650 to $1200 per additional page;免收版面费。
初次投稿到修回3月,规定修回时间90天,再次投稿到修回定稿2月,定稿1月后PROOF,3月后网络AT PRESS,1月正式出版。
1. 中国危重病急救医学 2. 中国医学影像技术 3. 中国临床康复(改名为:中国组织工程研究与临床康复) 4. 中华检验医学杂志 5. 中国超声医学杂志 6. 中国超声影像医学杂志 7. 中华物理医学与康复杂志8. 中华护理杂志 9. 临床检验杂志 10. 临床与实验病理学杂志 11. 中国康复医学杂志 12. 中国急救医学 13. 检验医学 14. 中华急诊医学杂志 15. 中国全科医学 16. 中国实用护理杂志 17. 中国医学影像学杂志 18. 中国输血杂志 19. 中国实验诊断学 20. 中国临床医学影响杂志 21. 护士进修杂志
具体如下。解放军护理杂志(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿) 简介 《解放军护理杂志》(月刊)创刊于1984年,是海军军医大学主办的全国性护理专业学术期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,卫生部人事司专业技术资格评审认定期刊。就版面费而言,综合医学类期刊平均起来比护理类还要贵很多。护理类统计源中解放军护理不要审稿费及版面费,现代临床护理的版面费也才两千元左右,其它的护理类统计源。
不收版面费,不是开源期刊期刊名字 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCE期刊ISSN 0022-510X 2015-2016最新影响因子 是否OA开放访问 No 通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 涉及的研究方向 医学-临床神经学 出版国家或地区 NETHERLANDS 出版周期 Monthly 出版年份 1964 年文章数 470
有啊,但是不好发,得教授级别的身份他们才给发。一般菜鸟的稿件编辑部看都不看就pass。国际有惯例、中国科协已认可、作者单位也支持。世界上经济发达国家一直将出版业作为信息产业, 在他们国家刊发论文收版面费已成惯例、是很正常的事情。实际上收取论文版面费具合理性、是符合国家有关规定的。科技学术期刊收取版面费的做法1988年就已得到中国科协认可。可以说现在我国大部分高校和科研院所已逐渐转变态度对交论文版面费给予支持,规定可以从科研课题经费中支付。如北京大学业已规定学术论文发表的版面费可在博士学位论文创新工作资助经费中支出。收取论文版面费是实现以刊养刊的重要途径,可使学术期刊走良性循环道路。论文版面费作为办刊经费的补充,可促使学术期刊提高办刊质量,扩大影响、吸引更多来投稿。学术期刊是一种特殊的商品,应遵循经济规律在投入产出方面得以良性循环实现可持续发展。所以创收补刊、逐步地以刊养刊是市场经济条件下学术期刊办刊的尝试。如地震科技期刊十几年来一直由财政拨款,大多数期刊的办刊经费每年只有三四万元,除上交行政管理费等费外所剩无几,只能靠增加版面费收入维持生存。刊发学术论文收取版面费主要原因还在于适应市场经济的转型。因为刊发论文的载体主要是学术期刊,它并非市场经济的产物。学术期刊处在市场经济下夹缝中步履维艰是实情。学术期刊和商业期刊不同,学术期刊市场定位的广义性及其消费人群的特殊性决定了学术期刊的经济支撑不可能仅限于靠纯粹市场回报的发行收入或广告收入。诸多学术期刊属阳春白雪、曲高和寡,办刊实际是篇篇赔钱、期期赔钱、年年赔钱的。市场经济支持收费。版面费渐获认可是正当其时。所以保证期刊的正常运作选择收取版面费这是市场经济形势所规定的。
具体如下。解放军护理杂志(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿) 简介 《解放军护理杂志》(月刊)创刊于1984年,是海军军医大学主办的全国性护理专业学术期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,卫生部人事司专业技术资格评审认定期刊。就版面费而言,综合医学类期刊平均起来比护理类还要贵很多。护理类统计源中解放军护理不要审稿费及版面费,现代临床护理的版面费也才两千元左右,其它的护理类统计源。
大多数的SCI期刊是不收版面费的,但是论文发表之后,别人下载是要收费的!目前也有很期刊采取OPEN ACCESS的方式,这种方式下载文章不需要费用,可以提高论文的引用率,但是需要收取不菲的版面费!不过,期刊还是很仁慈的,可以申请减免版面费的:Dear Dr. or Prof. XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter), Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article) I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal). We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the moment. Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX). With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even waived. However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for us. Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, XXXX (name of the corresponding author) XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author
international immunopharmacology期刊的影响因子为****。
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