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Harnessing the Power of the SunWith rising fuel costs, climate change concerns and a growing demand for electricity, renewable energy resources such as solar power are becoming an increasingly valuable part of the world's energy mix. Around the globe, businesses and homeowners are harnessing the power of the earth's most abundant natural resource - sunlight - to provide energy using solar 's solar electric power systems and products offer high quality, reliable power generation for residential, commercial and industrial applications. By partnering with the sun, solar energy can supply local power for on-and off-grid applications with zero noise pollution and air emissions. 掌握太阳与不断上涨的燃料成本,气候变化的关注和对电力的需求日益增加,可再生能源资源,如太阳能发电正在成为越来越有价值的一部分,世界上能源结构。全球各地的企业和业主都掌握了地球上最丰富的天然资源-阳光-提供能源利用太阳能发电。 通用电气公司的太阳能电力系统和产品提供高品质,可靠发电的住宅,商业和工业应用。通过与太阳,太阳能可以提供当地的电力,供市民和离网应用与零噪音污染和废气排放。这个不行的话,你去这里看下,应该可以~
三相异步电动机做为一般场合下的驱动设备,其普及率是非常高的!因此针对该型装置的维修,也成为我们电工工作当中的一个范畴。 通常情况下,由于控制回路中对电动机的保护相当全面,从而导致其对人员的伤害概率较低,不过一种极端情况却应该引起大家的足够重视——断轴故障!除了电动机转子转轴因材质、加工工艺缺陷所致断轴故障外,因电控系统问题所致该型故障现象同样不容忽视。 一、某石材厂自制的碎石颚破装置中的75KW三相异步电动机,在投入使用不到一周时间后便出现了断轴故障,甩飞部分更是直接将一辆运输汽车的厢板击穿!事后经检查发现,该故障系控制电动机的软启动器与喂料口开启时间匹配不当所致——在电动机尚未完成启动过程时,由时间继电器控制的喂料口电磁阀便打开,继而导致电动机转轴因机械惯力冲击而断裂! 二、本地一家铁矿所用120KW提升绞车电动机,在某次经过控制系统检修后,发生了电机断轴事故,导致所提升的五节矿车侧翻,一人因此受伤!事后分析所得结果,更是让人颇为意外——在检修工作结束后,参与施工人员忘记将控制绞车电动机的变频器中“启动加速”时间参数恢复原值,导致电动机启动时间过短,近而造成故障现象发生! 三、隔壁一个体小作坊业主,参照相关视频资料,自行组装了一台拔套机(用以拔出套在某装置上的轴套)。但使用不久,该拔套机中的电动机便出现了断轴故障!经分析造成这种情况的原因有两个:一来选配电动机的功率偏小,存在小马拉大车现象;二来其操作中使用倒/顺开关进行切换太过迅速,未给电动机留出足够的停机时间! 四、某刹车片生产厂家发生的电动机断轴故障,更具普遍代表性:该厂一套使用22 KW三相异步电动机驱动齿轮箱的设备,在引入使用不到两天便发生了断轴故障!对此刹车片厂家同设备供货商之间吵得不可开交,而双方争执的焦点却出奇一致——该设备当中,用以防止电动机正/反转状态切换太过迅速,以免损伤电动机以及齿轮机构的过渡延时,究竟是该由设备厂家提前设置好,还是应由使用单位根据实际情况自主设置!
(1)电动机的原理是通电导体在磁场中受力,或者说通电线圈在磁场中受力转动. 生活中用到电动机的用电器很多,如:电风扇、排烟罩、洗衣机、剃须刀等. (2)运用控制变量法解释问题,在接触面粗糙程度一定时,通过增大压力来增大摩擦力的. 故答案为: (1)磁场;电风扇;(排烟罩、洗衣机、剃须刀等合理可) (2)自行车刹车时用力越大,车闸对车轮钢圈的压力就越大,在接触面粗糙程度一定时增大压力使车轮所受摩擦增大,所以停得就快.
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J——期刊文章 、D——学位论文、 R——报告。
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文献1:This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects power from the 125 KHz magnetic field generated by the base station, gathers information about the Tag ID and sends this information to the base station. The base station receives, decodes and checks the information available in its Database and Manchester code was used to send those information. The system performed as desired with a 10cm diameter antenna attached to the transponder. The Base Station is built by using the Popular 8051 family Microcontroller. It gets the tag ID and if the tag ID is stored in its memory then the microcontroller will allow the person inside. RFID Reader Module, are also called as interrogators. They convert radio waves returned from the RFID tag into a form that can be passed on to Controllers, which can make use of it. RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate. RFID systems use many different frequencies, but the most common and widely used Reader frequency is 125 KHz.全部内容及下载地址:文献2: Choose controller according to your requirements of program memory(flash), RAM, ADC, EEPROM. 16kB of flash is sufficient to implement floodfill algorithm. If you are thinking of implementing floodfill algorithm then 256 bytes are required to store Map of the maze and 512 bytes are required for processing so you need atleast 1kBRAM to implement floodfill. ATmega16,32 and PIC18f452 are some controllerspopularly used in micromouse. If you are thinking of building just a wall follower then simple 8051 based controller likeAT89s52 can also be used. Stepper driving:Please read a step by step stepper motor guidefirst. There are two types of motors a) unipolar b) bipolar. Unipolar stepper motors can be used as bipolar steppers so prefer unipolar whilepurchasing stepper. You can use simple ULN2803 IC the circuit can be found in 8051 microcontroller by Mazidi. ULN2803 has eight darlington pair in a single package. It hascurrent carrying capacity of 500mA. so it will get heated up frequently will get two ULN2803 can be connected in parallel to fix the problem but this is a chalta haiway of driving stepper. 全部见: 文献3:Stepper Motor Advantagesand DisadvantagesAdvantages1. The rotation angle of the motor isproportional to the input . The motor has full torque at stand-still (if the windings are energized)3. Precise positioning and repeat-ability of movement since goodstepper motors have an accuracy of3 – 5% of a step and this error isnon cumulative from one step tothe . Excellent response to starting/stopping/. Very reliable since there are no con-tact brushes in the the life of the motor issimply dependant on the life of . The motors response to digitalinput pulses provides open-loopcontrol, making the motor simplerand less costly to . It is possible to achieve very lowspeed synchronous rotation with aload that is directly coupled to . A wide range of rotational speedscan be realized as the speed isproportional to the frequency全文见:
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