
> 期刊论文知识库

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Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am **** and my supervisor is ***. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is On Transformation of Parts of Speech in Translation. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speech. Each language has its own special structure. And there are no equivalent parts of speech between different languages. In order to make the target version more idiomatic and standard, the transformation of parts of speech is always used by translators. So the transformation of parts of speech is playing a more important role in English to Chinese based on different characteristics of English and Chinese. For the above facts, I select the subject of On Transformation of parts of speech as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this topic we can know the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in English to Chinese translation. Through transformation, we can get the better version and improve the translation skills.

The way of thinking and expressing is quite different between Chinese and English. English is a kind of static languages which tends to use more nouns. While Chinese is a dynamic one in which verbs are often used.

So when we make translation in English to Chinese, we should know this point and shift the parts of speech.

Part one presents an introduction to the basic concepts of parts of speech and two discusses the definition of translation and emphasizes the importance of transformation of parts of speech in the course of three gives four basic ways of transformation of parts of speech through illustrative examples. There are transformed English words into Chinese verbs, nouns, adjectives and four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the problems.

Part five draws some conclusions that transformation between parts of speech is necessary for us to achieve good translation. It is demonstrated that we can have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. In addition, we must continuously study and explore in all kinds of translation practices.

OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.

Good morning,

Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Welcome to attend the oral defense.) :

I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.

My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic s significance in the real society. And the second part is going to analyze the figures background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.

Thank you!

Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am xxx and my supervisor is her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.

Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .

This paper consists of six parts. Part one presents an introduction to the author William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works. Part four explains the three aspects of the gothic style in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily’s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the previous parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.

Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !

Good morning, appraises committee members and schoolmates. I come from class 08951, and I am Yu Lianfei.

Today, the title of my paper is On the Network Novels. In recent years, the network literature is developing rapidly. Network novel is one of the fast of them. In the middle schools, high schools and even universities, there is no lack of network novels' addicts. For the above facts,I select the subject of “on the network novels” as the title of my paper. Then, I will show it to you. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into four parts, as the concept of network novels, the classification of their authors, the development of network novels and the prospects of that.

The first part, the definition. Its concept can be divided into the generalized and the narrow. And it can also be divided into boys’ and girls’ in another way.

The second part, the classification of their authors. Generally speaking, there are four kinds of authors. The first kind is some people who have favor of literature, they are writing but not for fame. Then, there is some one has favor for literature and also be for fame. The third kind is some people who have explicit goals at the beginning of his writing. And the last kind are some people who just want to express their view, their viewpoint and their feeling with no desire of being published. They take up the most of the authors.

The third part, the development. The network novels’ development can not separate form the development of the net and the literature websites. Its developing process may be divided into three stages approximately. The first stage is from 1996 to 2000. This time's literary work often did not strive for (were also not aware of) the fame and fortune, and moreover received the control of tradition. The second stage is beginning of 21st century, mainly contains 2001 and 2002. In this period, the whole network presented the situation of “chaos”. The third stage is from May, 2003 and continues until now. In this period, many schools come into the world, and when a school became a hit there must be many people mimic it.

The last part, the forecast. Looking from the internal strength pattern, the outstanding writers in our country mainly hold one kind of critique and the pessimistic manner to the network novels at present. If each big literature website enlarges their own supervision, the vulgar works, the pornography and bad works like those things, meanwhile hanker for new person’s new article as well as depth ones, the network novels can be accepted by more people.

Not a low-level novel but a kind of enjoyment.

Teachers, good afternoon! My name is Chen Jing, the students of class xxx, my thesis topic is《 the power of the giver and the victim, foucault power interpretation theory perspective, the heroine in “the golden notebook, Anna》,thesis is completed under Wang Zhiqin teacher of meticulous guidance, here, I express my deep appreciation to my supervisor, to the teachers to take part in my thesis express our heartfelt thanks to you for, and for the past three years I have a chance to listen to the teachings, teachers say heartfelt I will this paper design the research background, significance and main content of the teacher made a report, please the teacher criticism guidance.

First of all, I want to talk about the research background and significance of the graduation thesis design.

Since the Golden Notebook involves comprehensive themes such as colonialism,feminism,racism,communism etc. and due to its severely fragmented writing forms,it has intrigued groups of both domestic and overseas critics. The research abroad could be roughly divided into three stages. The first comes about the biography of the author”],the general introduction and reading background of this novel,then a number of explorations over the themes of this book have been conducted, from the most popular one feminism,psychological featuresto the philosophical elements. Finally, critics shifted their concentration to the unique form or style applied by Lessing,for instance they analyzed the varied narrative techniques employed within ,the aesthetic value it displayed ,as well as its artistic nature generated by its messy it is worth mentioning that in 2006 Tapan has composed a specific collection of reviews on the Golden the study over this novel in foreign country has been quite fruitful and mature, the research in China is far lagging behind, most of them just emphasized the novel's multiplethemes such as feminism,eco-economic,psychology and modemism Thus more angels should be discovered by scholars at home, such as colonialism, religious and psychological exploration, and their research method should be more diversified,for instance,the potential inter-disciplinary study of this novel are waiting to be excavated, and seldomhave critics compared this masterpiece with other similar text.

Based on Foucault's power theory, this thesis is going to explore how the female protagonist Anna in Doris Lessing's the Golden Notebook, the producer and victim of power,fought against her catastrophic life. Through a close reading of the text, this thesis aims at making a Foucanldian interpretation on Lessing's motivation behind portraying such a schizophrenic female personality, convincing the reader that power permeates every capillary of the society mainly by exerting influence on power relations between individual. Sinceeverything concerns with the functioning of power, be it tragedy or comedy, Anna's destiny cannot be an exception, instead of restraining from the one-way suppress from men,Foucault's power theory enables us to put the heroine into a larger, more diverse cultural or social background where individual's identity could be perceived with much more plurality or heterogeneity. Ultimately, given Anna's gender attributes, the application of Foucault's power theory to the analysis of heroine can shed light on how women could wittedly deal with their counterpart, strike a balance between freedom and restriction, and thus heading feminism into a more reasonable and rational direction.

Secondly, I want to talk about the structure and main contents of this paper.

The author is going to divide this thesis into five chapters. The first chapter is a briefing about the research background of the Golden Notebook, which provides an overview on the fragmented content and complicated structure of this masterpiece. The second chapter is an introduction of the research status of this novel at home and abroad, at the same time,Foucault's power theory will be elaborated here as the theoretical framework. Chapter three concentrates on the text analysis of the female protagonist Anna's pursuit of the free woman identity, which will be conducted mainly from three perspectives, namely her political faith,marriage and love, as well we psychological status. Through asserting Foucault's power theory into the text analysis, we could get a clear view on how the heroine became the victim of the omnipresent power in contemporary social organizations, and also how individual resisted power via making explorations on the genealogy of the self. Chapter four gives two different interpretations of Anna's destiny, with each representing the common feminists'view and Foucault's version respectively. Via such comparison, the author attempts to find a correlation between Foucault's power theory and feminism, to tell in what ways Foucault'spower theory have modified parts of problems in current feminism, and how the formal convergent with the latter. The last chapter serves as a concluding part in which a summary of this thesis will be reached, and limitations as well as further implications will be point out.

Finally, I want to talk about the deficiency existing in this paper.

The limitations of this thesis cannot be regarded as the challenge to the relevance of Foucaxxlt's theory to feminism; on the contrary, it tells that the value of applying Foucault'spower theory lies precisely in his invitation to feminists to remain highly critical about their previous prejudices as well as their future trends. In order to make full use of Foucault's power theory in modifying feminism, we have to dig out more convergences they share with each other. With the idea that knowledge and truth are partial ones serving as a start,Genealogy is then an excellent perspective for farther explorations on the Foucauldian and feminist projects.

Thank you very much!

Good morning, Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis. My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic’s significance in the real society.

And the second part is going to analyze the figures’ background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes’ failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society.

Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part. Thank you!

1、答辩主持人宣布答辩学生姓名和论文题目,同时宣布下一位答辩学生的姓名,让其作好答辩准备。 2、学生作自我介绍 3、学生作毕业论文自述报告(论文基本思想和主要内容)。其中包括:A.选题思路 (原因)B.论文的框架及写作思路(总体结构)C.论证的主要问题有哪些?(提出问题)D.分析的主要问题 (分析问题)E. 论文小结 4、答辩老师针对学生的毕业论文提问,学生回答。要求:每个学生5-6个问题,每个问题的回答时间不超过2分钟,请抓住要点,结合论文的内容作简短回答。 5、答辩点评并指出论文修改意见。 6、答辩主持人宣布答辩结束。进入合议,成绩评定环节,学生离场回避,答辩小组初步评定答辩结论。

首先是你大致介绍一下你的论文的主要内容,里面最好包括论文的layout,不要紧张。介绍完毕之后,老师会根据你的论文提问题,我答辩的时候,老师就针对我论文里面的某一内容,让我介绍一下,并举例子,只要你对论文熟悉,这样子的问题是比较容易回答的。总之,我的经验是你要对你的论文的每一章节都很熟悉,你自己可以看着目录对每一部分都可以用英文简单介绍一下,并举例子。Good luck~


小学生刚接触英语,对于英语的学习有点迷茫,那么不妨通过多阅读英语短文的方式来学习英语。下面我和大家一起,学习小学英语短文。 小学英语短文篇一 One morning a fox sees a cock. He think,“This is my breakfast.” He es up to the cock and says, “I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?” The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox. They cry, “Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.” The cock says to the fox, “Mr. Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.” The fox opens his mouth and says, “The cock is mine, not yours.” Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree. 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,公鸡跑到了树底下。 小学英语短文篇二 My childhood was happy with my mother's love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind. But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn't know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew *** s also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on. 在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。 但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。 小学英语短文篇三 The fried-chicken restaurant where I was working had a big rush just before closing one day, leaving us with nothing to sell but wings. As I was about to lock the doors, aa quietly intoxicated customer came in and ordered dinner. When I asked if wings would be all right, he leaned over the counter and replied, "Lady, I came in here to eat, not fly." 一天,我工作的炸鸡店在关门前出现了一阵抢购狂潮,结果除了鸡翅外所有的东西都卖完了。当我正准备锁门时,一名喝醉了的旅客进来要进餐。我问他翅膀行不行,他从柜台上靠过身子来,回答道:“女士,我到这儿来是吃东西的,不是要飞!” 小学英语短文篇四 Juanita: Hello! My name's Juanita Read. What's your name? Song Yang: I am Song Yang. Juanita: Nice to meet you! Song Yang: Nice to meet you, too! Where are you from? Juanita: I'am from Oxford in England. What about you? Song Yang: Oh, I e from Xi'an in Shanxi. Can you speak Chinese? Juanita: I understand Chinese a little, but I don't speak it very well. Song Yang: Oh, I understand English a little, but I don't speak it very well! Juanita: Then let's speak Chinglish! Song Yang: Or Englese! 娟妮塔:你好!我叫娟妮塔.里德,你叫什么名字? 杨松:我叫杨松 娟妮塔:很高兴见到你 杨松:我也很高兴见到你。你从哪儿来? 娟妮塔:我来自英国牛津,你呢? 杨松:我来自陕西的西安,你会说中文吗? 娟妮塔:我懂一点中文,但我说得不是很好。 杨松:哦,我懂一点英语,但我说得也不太好。 娟妮塔:那我们来说中式英语吧~ 杨松:或者是英式中文!


People will make a lot of friends during their lifetime, the more friends they make, the more capable they are. Some young people are proud of having many friends, but only the true friends deserve us to care about. The person we make must be positive to life. He will set the good example to you and help you to be a better man. The bad friends will make you perverted, especially for the teenagers, they can’t make the right judgement and are easy to follow others, so the friends are very important part of their lives. Once they make the wrong friends, they will do the bad thing. So we don’t need more friends, just the right one.


There is a story that an old woman always feels unhappy, because when the sun comes out, she worries about her daughter’s business, because the girl sells umbrella. But when it rains, she stills feels unhappy for she worries about her another daugher’s business. People tell her to change his point of view, when the it is fine, she can feel happy about her second daughter’s business and when it rains, she can be happy about her first daughter’s businss. In that way, she will be a positive woman every day. We can’t change the fact, but we can treat things in another way, so that we can be positive all the time.


In English, the word about color can reflect different emotions. Blue and grey mean bad mood and red means vitality. A new research found that people are easily affected by the products that are in colors. For example, when students see the red color in the blackboard, they feel not eased. The candies which are packaged in green often not sells well and the food will not considered to be packaged in blue. The rule that color has something to do with people’s mood, so the wise manufacturers make use of this rule to catch people’s attention. They choose the color that pleases customers and make more profits.

在英语中,有关颜色的词可以反映出不同的情绪。蓝色和灰色意味着坏心情和红色意味着活力。一项新的研究发现,人们很容易受到产品不同颜色的影响。例如,当学生看到黑板上的红色,他们觉得不放松。包装是绿色的糖果往往不是很畅销,食物不会用蓝色来包装。颜色与人的情绪有关 这是规则,所以聪明的制造商会利用这个规则去抓住人们的注意力。他们选择颜色去取悦客户,创造更多的利润。

The products that are labelled with the words “ Made In China” can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural elements. Once these products were very popular around the world for the low price and excellent quality, but in most foreigners’ eyes, they treat these products with low end and low quality. With the development of Chinese economy, the government try to improve its image, so it is in need of creating our own brand. Made In China is the good choice, the government makes effort to improve the quality, so as to promote the international image.




第一篇:风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)

One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.

“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)

(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)


(“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

第二篇:Fox and cock狐狸和公鸡

One morning a fox sees a cock. He thinks," This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says, "I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?'' The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox. They cry," Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.'' The cock says to the fox," Mr. Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away .Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth and says," The cock is mine, not yours.' 'Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.






A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.

"Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?"

"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."

So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.

On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.

He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?

"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it."

"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."















Mike and Dick work in the same office. They don't like the cold weather. And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia. Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning. They had a good rest in a hotel.

The next morning they rented(租借) a car in the city and began their travel.

A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade trees(树荫) beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving. They had to stop to look around. Mike found a river and it was about half a kilometer away from them. They were both very happy and drove the car quickly. Soon they got to the river. Before they jumped into the water, Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree. He asked, "Are there any sharks in the river, boy?" "No, there aren't." answered the boy. So they began to swim in the river. After a while, Dick felt something hit against(碰撞) his leg. He told Mike about it. They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick asked loudly, "Is it true that there aren't any sharks in the river?"

"Yes, sir," said the boy, "There're a lot of crocodiles(鳄鱼) in the water.

All the sharks(鲨鱼) have swum away!"

(A)1. Mike and Dick went to Australia ______.

【详解】根据Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning. 看出他们是坐的飞机去澳大利亚。

A) by plane

B) by car

C) by train

D) by motorbike

(C)2. The two young men went to Australia to ______.

【详解】根据And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia. 可知他们去澳大利亚是度假。

A) swim in the river

B) study to drive

C) make a travel

D) find some work

(C)3. Mike and Dick couldn't drive any longer because ______.

【详解】根据文章 A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade trees(树荫) beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving.可知因为天气太热又没有树荫他们不能继续开车。

A) the sun was shining in the sky

B) the weather was very hot

C) there were no shade trees beside the road

D) they were too tired

(B)4. Dick became afraid because ______.

【详解】根据文章They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick asked loudly, "Is it true that there aren't any sharks in the river?" 可知Dick 感到害怕是因为他觉得水里可能有鲨鱼。

A) he saw a shark in the water

B) he thought that maybe a shark had hit against his leg

C) he saw the boy laughing at(嘲笑) them under the big tree

D) the boy had told them that there were some sharks in the river

(D)5. When they heard the boy's words, the two young men began to ______.


A) catch the crocodiles in the water

B) look for the crocodiles there

C) run to beat the Australia boy

D) come out of the river at once


Hi! My name is Tom and I'm 13 years old. I'm from America. It's our first time to come to China. Now I'm in a middle school in Beijing.

This is my family. My mum is a doctor. She works in a children's hospital.

My dad is a diplomat (外交官). He goes to many countries. He often tells me about his stories in those countries. My sister is a student. She is 15.

She is very good at math. My math is not good. She often helps me with it.

My sister and I love animals. We have a lovely cat in our home in America.

But we cannot bring it with us. So I give the cat to my good friend, Bob.

(B)1. How many people are there in Tom's family?


A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

(A)2. Where is their cat?

【详解】从"We have a lovely cat in our home in America. But we cannot bring it with us. So I give the cat to my good friend. Bob." (汤姆在美国有只猫,但他不能猫带到中国,就把猫给了自己的好朋友鲍勃)可知答案.

A) In America.

B) In China.

C) In Japan.

D) In England.

(C)3. Tom's dad is a ______.

【详解】从"My dad is a diplomat (外交官)."可知“汤姆的爸爸是个外交官”。

A) teacher

B) doctor

C) diplomat

D) worker

(D)4. Tom's friend's name is ______.

【详解】从"So I give the cat to my good friend. Bob."可知“汤姆的朋友叫Bob”。

A) Peter

B) Mike

C) Jim

D) Bob

(A)5. How old is Tom?

【详解】从"My name is Tom and I'm 13 years old"可知“汤姆今年十三岁了”。

A) 13

B) 14

C) 45

36。no,he comes fromm has big bule eyes and blond is tall,his shirt is red and my pants are does.



The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.

He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier.

( ) passed the shop______.

foot bus bike a car

( ) did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted______.

buy the shoes look at the shoes he liked

look at the shoes in the shop window

look at the shoes on the front row

( ) pair of shoes he liked was ______.

expensive cheap there sold yet

( ) went into the park because he______.

thinking how to tell his mother about it to see the boy

't want to make his mother worried felt sad

( ) the story we can know that Tom______.

new shoes very much his mother best

't want to go to school 't want to stay at home

I am a schoolboy. I have lessons from Monday to Friday. On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face and then go out to do morning exercises. It is about nine o'clock. After I eat my breakfast. I often go to the park with my parents. The park is not far (远) from our home, so we go there by bike. It takes us about ten minutes to get there by bike. There are many people in the park. They are men and women, old and young. Parents must look after their children. There is a big lake in the middle of the park. Some children are swimming, some are boating with their parents. I like boating very much. I want to boat, too. My parents buy three tickets. We have a good time there. How happy we are!

( )1、I have lessons ______days a week.

( )2、I often ______ on Sundays.

to school up early up late to bed late

( )3、On Sundays, there are _______ people in the park.

much little of

( )4、I like ______ very much.


( )5、I'm boating in the park with my ______.

friends and mother

Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn't free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.

Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.

Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup.

( ) 1. What's Mary?

A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher

( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday?

A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school

( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop?

A. by bus B. by train C. by car

( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese?

A. very good B. very bad C. very poor

( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need?

A. a cup B. a quilt C. books






【1】A Trip to the Forest

One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometres from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometres in such cold weather!

It was getting late. They rode on(一直骑) and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around(环顾四周). What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

( ) 1. John and his two friends went to the forest to ____.

A. build their camp

B. find their way home

C. enjoy the mountains in the snow

D. watch the trees in the forest

( ) 2. They could not find their way back because ____.

A. there was only one road to their camp

B. they couldn't decide which of the two roads led to their tents

C. there were no roads in the mountains at all

D. everything was covered by the white snow

( ) 3. It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to ____.

A. John's house B. the camp

C. the forest D. the mountains

( ) 4. The horses stopped because____.

A. it was getting late

B. they were tired after running for a long way

C. they knew that they had got to the camp

D. they had seen John's house

( ) 5. The story happened ____.

A. on a cold winter day

B. on a dark snowy evening

C. in a cold camp far from villages

D. at night when nothing could be seen


1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A


Mexico(墨西哥)'s neighbours are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to

the south. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States. Mexico has more than ninety million people. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the world's largest Spanish-speaking country.

Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7349 feet high (2240 metres). This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population, of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.

Mexico also has its specialities. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus (仙人掌) plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country.

( ) 1. Mexico is ____the USA.

A. on the south of B. on the north of

C. a part of D. as large as

( ) 2. Mexicans speak______.

A. English B. Spanish

C. French D. Latin(拉丁语)

( ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

B. The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.

C. Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population.

D. Mexico City is the highest city in the world.

( ) 4. Tomatoes were originally (最初) grown in ______.

A. America B. Spain

C. Tokyo D. Mexico

( ) 5. The best title (题目) of the passage is ___.

A. Mexico City B. Mexico's plants

C. Mexico D. Mexico's population


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C

【3】The fire

Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.

One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.

At last the fire was put out by the firemen(消防员). Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.

lived with his______.

night he found that______ beside the stove was burning.

table wood

door window

, so he could not put out the fire.

was asleep

couldn't shout loudly

kitchen was very big

was no water tap in the house

knocked on the doors of many houses______.

wake the people up

get some wate

find his classmates

visit them

in the fire.

in other houses were

's parents were





【4】It Doesn't Matter

Mr. Baker has two children. One is a boy called Peter and the other is a daughter called Rose. Peter is an eleven-year-old boy. He studies at school. Rose is four and stays at home.

One evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker managed(管理)their small shop and left their children at home. Peter had some homework to do. At five to nine he brought out his exercise-books. He began to do it in his father's study. About twenty minutes later his sister came in. she found a piece of paper and began to write something on it.

"What are you doing there, Rose?" asked Peter.

"I'm writing a letter," answered the girl. "Oh? To whom?" "To my friend Jo."

"How can you?" Peter said in surprise(惊讶地). "You can't write at all, you know."

"It doesn't matter," Rose said calmly(平静地). "Jo is as old as me. She doesn't read, either(也)!"

Question: 选择正确答案.

1. Mr. Baker is a ________.

A. shopkeeper B. bookseller C. conductor

D. policeman

2. Rose stays at home because ________.

A. she's a girl B. her parents are poor

C. she's ill D. she's too young

3. The word "study" in the second paragraph means ________.

A. 学习 B. 研究 C. 书房 D. 学科

4. Rose's friend Jo is ________ years old.

A. four B. five C. six D. seven

5. Peter was surprised because ________.

A. Rose can write a letter

B. Jo can read a letter

C. Rose said she was writing a letter

D. Rose said Jo couldn't read a letter




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