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建筑工程管理毕业论文参考题目1. XX工程项目筹资与投资管理的研究2. 混凝土项目工程造价管理的研究3. 建设工程造价控制问题与对策4. XX项目房地产市场营销策划编制5. 论“定额计价模式”向“工程量清单模式”的转换6. 论工程索赔和控制及其费用的确定7. 论优化设计与工程建设投资控制8. 论工程合同在工程建设中的作用9. XX建设项目投资控制实证分析10. 工程造价咨询机构实施项目管理探讨11. 论工程变更对造价管理的影响12. 工程建设投资、质量和进度三大目标的新内涵13. 基于保险公司的建筑工程一切险的理赔14. 论房地产开发企业的多项目管理15. 论价值工程与低碳建筑的结合16. 浅谈BOT项目融资方式的适用范围与特点17. 论建筑企业人力资源管理面临的挑战与机遇18. 论建筑工程管理的全寿命周期管理19. 对我国推行工程总承包模式的探讨与思考20. 论建筑市场信用体系的构建与维护21. 施工阶段全过程造价控制的范围及实施22. 论建筑工程竣工结算的审计23. 论公共工程建设的社会责任和企业目标的结合24. XX建设项目管理信息系统25. XX房地产项目的银行贷款可行分析











我想其中一点就是要正确理解现代建筑的多元性。 2、现代建筑文化的多元性建筑文化的多层次性。 人类实践过程中所创造的建筑物质财富和建筑精神财富的总和可谓建筑文化。它是人类建筑活动方式和建筑产品的总和,是社会文化中的一个局部...

岭南建筑是中国建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,有着鲜明的地方特色和个性特征,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。近年来,关于岭南建筑艺术特征的探索正从各个层面展开,得到学界的广泛关注和日益重视。本文仅就岭南建筑的界定及其人文品格作一管窥蠡测,以期抛砖引玉。 一 岭南建筑的由来与界定 1949年建国以前,直至建国后的头10年,建筑界虽偶有广东建筑的称呼,但尚无岭南建筑的提法。岭南建筑的称呼是伴随着新中国建筑的发展与广东建筑突出成就的取得而逐渐为人们所接受的。建国之初,百业待兴,中国建筑迎来了大发展的良好机遇。50年代中期,当时的建筑界盛行复古主义,刮起一股“大屋顶”之风,产生了“凡建筑须盖大屋顶”的无形规定。面对滚滚而来的复古主义潮流,深受岭南文化熏陶、“敢为天下先”的广东建筑师们并未随波逐流、人云亦云。他们在行动上表现出灵活的变通性(如由林克明先生设计1956年落成的广东科学馆、由夏昌世先生设计于1954年落成的现华南理工大学二号楼在屋顶形式和斗拱运用上就作了变通处理),在思想上开始有意识地探索广东建筑的地方特色和艺术特征。1959年,时任我国建筑工程部部长的刘秀峰同志在全国建筑艺术座谈会上提出“要创造中国的社会主义的建筑新风格”的要求和倡议。自1960年开始,广东建筑界围绕“新建筑”、“新风格”展开了热烈、认真的讨论。讨论的中心话题是:广东建筑是否应有自己的特色?大家在讨论中一致认为,广东有自己的特点,广东建筑也应该有自己的特色,即应有岭南建筑的特点。与此同时,广东建筑界也开始尝试着对以往建筑实践进行总结和归纳。 从学理层面上说,正式提出“岭南建筑”的时间是在1957年。其标志是时任华南工学院(1988年更名为华南理工大学)建筑系教授的夏昌世先生1957年在《建筑学报》上发表了题为《通风、隔热、遮阳》的论文。夏昌世教授指出:岭南建筑应有自己的特点,满足通风、隔热、遮阳的要求。首次论述了岭南建筑(广东新建筑)的特点。这是岭南建筑的学理渊源。此后,岭南建筑渐渐地为人们所知晓、接受和承认,知名于全国建筑界,并成为广东新建筑的代名词。“岭南”本意指地理上的五岭(越城岭、都庞岭、明渚岭、骑田岭、大庾岭)之南的广大地区,但“岭南建筑”,从其被提出的学理初衷和被认可的时代背景来看,即指建国以后的广东建筑,或称广东新建筑。正是在这个意义上,广东古建筑被称为岭南古建筑,1840~1949年的广东近代建筑被称为岭南近代建筑。就广东建筑而言,其重点是广府语系的珠江三角洲地区。故此,以广州为中心的珠江三角洲建筑成为岭南建筑的最主要内容。 由于广东在地理条件、历史条件、经济条件、人文条件等方面的独特性和优越性,广东建筑在新中国的各个建设时期往往开全国风气之先,如50~60年代的“矿泉别墅”、“广州友谊剧院”,70年代的“广交会”、“白云宾馆”,80年代的“白天鹅宾馆”、“国贸大厦”,几度出现引领全国建筑界的建筑创作的繁荣局面。 随着广东新建筑的创作繁荣和成功实践,国内建筑界一方面对这种实践的成功经验进行学习和总结,另一方面也开始了关于以上述建筑为代表的广东新建筑的地域性、时代性和文化性的理论争鸣和学术探讨。在这场方兴未艾的探讨争鸣中,其中一个最具根本性的问题就是关于岭南建筑的学术界定。对此,目前学术界主要有三种观点。一是“地域论”。这种观点从“岭南”的地理概念出发,认为岭南建筑即建在岭南地区的建筑,包括广东、海南、港澳以及福建南部、广西南部、台湾南部等区域的建筑。二是“风格论”。持此论者认为,岭南建筑即具有独特的岭南文化艺术风格的建筑,这种风格特征主要表现在适合岭南气候地理条件的平立面设计、建筑部件结构与造型以及富于岭南地域文化内涵的建筑装饰。三是“过程论”。与前面两种观点不同,过程论者着眼于建筑艺术的创作主体及其创作实践活动,认为岭南建筑是指在岭南地区这块特定的土地上所开展和进行的求新、求变、不断探索的建筑创作实践活动。换言之,岭南建筑即岭南建筑创作实践活动的简称。 我们认为,上述三种观点都有其相对的合理性和借鉴意义,但也都存在着一定的局限性,难以说明岭南建筑丰富的本质内涵。“地域论”强调建筑的地域性,有助于揭示岭南建筑的地域特征和某些方面的技术个性。但是,“岭南建筑,是一个有自己追求和风格的建筑创作流派。正如并不是所有岭南的绘画都可归于‘岭南画派’一样,并不是所有建在岭南地区的建筑都可以称之为‘岭南建筑’”。“风格论”更接近于对岭南建筑的艺术特征的揭示,强调建筑的文化性,有助于把握岭南建筑的文化和艺术本质。然而,为了强调建筑的艺术性而否定建筑的技术个性,不但有悖于建筑是技术与艺术的结合这样一个客观事实,而且也难以真正阐释建筑的风格问题。因为建筑的艺术风格有赖于对建筑材料的技术处理,甚至,建筑的技术水平与发展在很大程度上决定了建筑风格的形成与演变。“过程论”强调建筑是一种纯粹的创作实践活动,无视建筑的地域性和文化性的理论探索和经验总结,流露出一种“建筑创作无需理论指导”的非理性倾向,无益于岭南建筑创作及发展,不利于岭南建筑的理论研究。鉴此,我们提出“文化地域性格”的新观点来界定岭南建筑,以表示对目前关于岭南建筑“地域论”、“风格论”、“过程论”的学术借鉴和理性鉴别。建筑审美属性的最高标准在于建筑的地域性、文化性、时代性的三者统一。“文化地域性格”论的意义在于对岭南建筑的地域性、文化性、时代性这三者的综合揭示。“文化地域性格”论诠释了岭南建筑的三大层面的内涵,即岭南建筑的地域技术特征、文化时代精神、人文艺术品格。岭南建筑,作为审美对象而激起人们的审美情思、赋予人们审美享受,往往是以其地域技术特征为表、文化时代精神为里、人文艺术品格为核的。夏昌世和莫伯治二位前辈,作为岭南建筑的先驱者,在论述岭南庭园时指出,岭南地区包括了“广东、闽南和广西南部� 这些地区不但地理环境相近,人民生活习惯也有很多共同之处”。正是岭南地区的自然、社会和人文环境,影响着岭南建筑的形成和发展�铸塑了岭南建筑的技术个性与人文品格。 二 岭南建筑的人文品格 建筑的人文品格主要是指通过建筑布局、风格造型、空间组合和细部处理等建筑形象要素所表现出来的艺术哲理、设计思维、文化精神和审美情趣。建筑的人文品格是以建筑的技术个性为基础的。建筑的技术个性指建筑的平面布局、立面造型、空间组织、细部处理等方面的技艺表现手法和特征。而建筑的技艺表现,从建筑的平面布局到立面造型,抑或空间组织和细部处理,都必须遵循建筑的客观适应性原理①。建筑是人为且为人的居住环境,所以,在“人为”即进行建筑的设计建造时,一方面要认真思考当地的气候特点、地形地势来考虑建筑的布局和造型,另一方面又要坚持以人为本的原则,始终不忘建筑为人所用,满足人们的实用和审美需要的双重目的,从而实现“回归自然、回归环境、回归人性”的建筑设计理想,以便显露建筑的技术个性和人文品格。岭南建筑于此有其独到之长,涌现出无数建筑佳作,赢得人们的普遍赞誉。建筑的人文品格是隐性的、间接的、抽象的,而建筑的技术个性是显性的、直观的、形象的。建筑的人文品格和技术个性的有机结合,共同构成建筑美生成的客观条件。 建筑的人文品格是一个民族、一个地区、一个时代的文化精神的具体体现,岭南建筑的人文品格也反映了岭南文化的本质特征和基本精神。概括起来,主要有以下几个方面。 一是兼容并蓄的开放品格。岭南建筑兼容并蓄的开放品格是岭南文化融通性和开放性的一种外在表现。岭南文化本身就是许多不同特质的文化融汇而成的,开放、融通性是其重要的文化机制。岭南文化的形成过程本身就是一种交融、一种综合、一种凝炼。尤其是岭南近代文化,“经过对爱国的情感和追求进步的理性之间的冲突进行合理的调适之后,岭南地区的文化精英以开放而健全的心态,在融汇中西优秀文化传统的基础上,不仅实现了创造性的文化转换和文化重构,而且也完成了由‘得风气之先’向‘开风气之先’的飞跃,孕育了推动中国文化向近代形态转变的岭南近代文化精神。”岭南建筑的兼容并蓄的开放品格在岭南近代的园林、民居等多种建筑类型中得到鲜明的表现。如建于1926年的开平立园,“是旅美华侨谢维立以西洋建筑的特点,结合中国园林优美雅致的风格,按照《红楼梦》中的大观园的布局兴建的。”又如1934年建成的广东梅县白宫镇的联芳楼,是一座中西合璧、富丽堂皇的客家民居建筑。该建筑的平面布局基本维系客家民居“三堂四横”的传统模式,但立面造型则洋气十足,正立面在柱头、柱顶处采用西方的巴洛克、洛可可等风格的浮雕。在装饰内容题材中,既有中国式大鹏展翅、狮子滚绣球之类的题材,又有透露出西方文化气息的内容。现当代岭南建筑以更强的自觉意识融贯中西,以求继承创新,综合发展。

中国古代建筑美【摘要】:介绍了中国建筑的发展过程,古代建筑的美学特征,以及古代封建体制对中国建筑的影响【关键词】:建筑美学 美学特征 中国传统文化 中国古代各朝代建筑特色 皖南古村落 自然和谐 中国建筑,具有悠久的历史传统和光辉的成就。从陕西半坡遗址发掘的方形或圆形浅穴式房屋发展到现在,已有六、七千年的历史。修建在崇山峻岭之上、蜿蜒万里的长城,是人类建筑史上的奇迹;建于隋代的河北赵县的安济桥,在科学技术同艺术的完美结合上,早已走在世界桥梁科学的前列;现存的高达米的山西应县佛宫寺木塔,是世界现存最高的木结构建筑;北京明、清两代的故宫,则是世界上现存规模最大、建筑精美、保存完整的大规模建筑群。至于我国的古典园林,它的独特的艺术风格,使它成为中国文化遗产中的一颗明珠。这一系列现存的技术高超、艺术精湛、风格独特的建筑,在世界建筑史上自成系统,独树一帜,是我国古代灿烂文化的重要组成部分。它们象一部部石刻的史书,让我们重温着祖国的历史文化,激发起我们的爱国热情和民族自信心,同时它也是一种可供人观赏的艺术,给人以美的享受。从古代文献记载,绘画中的古建筑形象一直到现存的古建筑来看,中国古代建筑在平面布局方面有一种简明的组织规律,这就是每一处住宅、宫殿、官衙、寺庙等建筑,都是由若干单座建筑和一些围廊、围墙之类环绕成一个个庭院而组成的。一般地说,多数庭院都是前后串连起来,通过前院到达后院,这是中国封建社会“长幼有序,内外有别”的思想意识的产物。这种庭院式的组群与布局,一般都是采用均衡对称的方式,沿着纵轴线(也称前后轴线)与横轴线进行设计。比较重要的建筑都安置在纵轴线上,次要房屋安置在它左右两侧的横轴线上,北京故宫的组群布局和北方的四合院是最能体现这一组群布局原则的典型实例。这种布局是和中国封建社会的宗法和礼教制度密切相关的。它最便于根据封建的宗法和等级观念,使尊卑、长幼、男女、主仆之间在住房上也体现出明显的差别。 和欧洲古代建筑艺术比较,中国古代建筑的审美价值与政治伦理价值高度统一;植根于深厚的传统文化,表现出鲜明的人文主义精神;总体性、综合性很强。具体表现为: (一)重视环境整体经营 从春秋战国开始,中国就有了建筑环境整体经营的观念。中国的堪舆学说起源很早,除去迷信的外衣,绝大多数是讲求环境与建筑的关系。古代城市都注重将城市本体与周围环境统一经营。秦咸阳北包北坂,中贯渭水,南抵南山,最盛时东西达到二三百里,是一个超级尺度的城市环境。重要的风景名胜,如五岳五镇、佛道名山、邑郊园林等,也都把环境经营放在首位;帝王陵区,更是着重风水地理,这些地方的建筑大多是靠环境来显示其艺术的魅力。 (二)单体形象融于群体序列 中国古代的单体建筑形式比较简单,大部分是定型化的式样,孤立的单体建筑不构成完整的艺术形象,建筑的艺术效果主要依靠群体序列来取得。一座殿宇,在序列中作为陪衬时,形体不会太大,形象也可能比较平淡,但若作为主体,则可能很高大。 (三)构造技术与艺术形象统一 中国古代建筑的木结构体系适应性很强。这个体系以四柱二梁二枋构成一个称为间的基本框架,间可以左右相连,也可以前后相接,又可以上下相叠,还可以错落组合,或加以变通而成八角、六角、圆形、扇形或其他形状。屋顶构架有抬梁式和穿斗式两种,无论哪一种,都可以不改变构架体系而将屋面作出曲线,并在屋角作出翘角飞檐,还可以作出重檐、勾连、穿插、披搭等式样。单体建筑的艺术造型,主要依靠间的灵活搭配和式样众多的曲线屋顶表现出来。此外,木结构的构件便于雕刻彩绘,以增强建筑的艺术表现力。因此,中国古代建筑的造型美,很大程度上也表现为结构美。 (四)规格化与多样化统一 中国建筑以木结构为主,为便于构件的制作、安装和估工算料,必然走向构件规格化,也促使设计模数化。建筑的规格化,促使建筑风格趋于统一,也保证了各座建筑可以达到一定的艺术水平。中国古代建筑单体似乎稍欠变化,但群体组合却又变化多端,原因就是规格化与多样化的高度统一。 中国建筑的文化特征 中国古代建筑在中国古代传统文化大土壤中生长、发展,具有鲜明的民族文化特色。 中国古代的建筑比之外国建筑多了一些人文色彩。虽然建筑的形式语言很抽象,常用雄伟、高大、轻巧、秀丽等来形容它们。但是,先人们赋予了其以人为的寓意。比如,不同的屋顶、匾额、楹联等有着不同的含义,象征着不同的社会意义、等级制度等。读懂古建筑所作的注解,我们可以领悟比建筑自身丰富得多的内涵。 中国古代建筑在平面、空间上都是以"间"为单位,这就带来了一种灵活性,人们可以随着使用过程改变其形态、功能,可随意拆、移、挪。 外国建筑多数很讲究形式外观,而中国古代建筑有些虽然外形简单,比如四合院,进院后却发觉极为丰富,不论是视觉、心理感受或是内涵。再比如苏州园林,也是这样,曲折回转,别有洞天。 丰富多采的艺术形象 建筑不仅仅是技术科学,而且是一种艺术。中国古代建筑经过长时期的努力,同时吸收了中国其他传统艺术,特别是绘画、雕刻、工艺美术等造型艺术的特点,创造了丰富多采的艺术形象,并在这方面形成了不少特点 ,富有装饰性的屋顶 ,衬托性建筑的应用 等等。 基于与自然高度协同的中国文化精神,热爱自然、尊重自然,建筑镶嵌在自然中,仿佛是大自然的一个有机组成,而与其他建筑体系更强调人工与自然的对比不同。这在中国各建筑类型中都有明显的 。 在没有学建筑美学时,我一直不能理解建筑的美,在听过课后,我才渐渐的了解,中国的建筑是要以整体来看的,那种整体的结构,就像皖南古村落的美。西递、宏村的村落选址、布局和建筑形态,都以周易风水理论为指导,体现了天人合一的中国传统哲学思想和对大自然的向往与尊重。那些典雅的明、清民居建筑群与大自然紧密相融,创造出一个既合乎科学,又富有情趣的生活居住环境,是中国传统民居的精髓。西递、宏村独特的水系是实用与美学相结合的水利工程典范,尤其是宏村的牛形水系,深刻体现了人类利用自然,改造自然的卓越智慧。







Uniaxial stress–strain relationship of concrete confined by various shaped steel . Susantha, Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami *Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, JapanReceived 31 May 2000; received in revised form 19 December 2000; accepted 14 February 2001AbstractA method is presented to predict the complete stress–strain curve of concrete subjected to triaxial compressive stresses caused by axial load plus lateral pressure due to the confinement action in circular, box and octagonal shaped concrete-filled steel tubes. Available empirical formulas are adopted to determine the lateral pressure exerted on concrete in circular concrete-filled steel columns. To evaluate the lateral pressure exerted on the concrete in box and octagonal shaped columns, FEM analysis is adopted with the help of a concrete–steel interaction model. Subsequently, an extensive parametric study is conducted to propose an empiricalequation for the maximum average lateral pressure, which depends on the material and geometric properties of the columns. Lateral pressure so calculated is correlated to confined concrete strength through a well known empirical formula. For determination of the post-peak stress–strain relation, available experimental results are used. Based on the test results, approximated expressions to predict the slope of the descending branch and the strain at sustained concrete strength are derived for the confined concrete in columns having each type of sectional shapes. The predicted concrete strength and post-peak behavior are found to exhibit goodagreement with the test results within the accepted limits. The proposed model is intended to be used in fiber analysis involving beam–column elements in order to establish an ultimate state prediction criterion for concrete-filled steel columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. •2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights : Concrete-filled tubes; Confinement; Concrete strength; Ductility; Stress–strain relation; Fiber analysis1. IntroductionConcrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are becoming increasingly popular in recent decades due to their excellent earthquake resisting characteristics such as high ductility and improved strength. As a result, numerous experimental investigations have been carried out in recent years to examine the overall performance of CFT columns [1–11]. Although the behavior of CFT columns has been extensively examined, the concrete core confinement is not yet well understood. Many of the previous research works have been mainly focused on investigating the performance of CFT columns with various limitations. The main variables subjected to such limitations were the concrete strength, plate width-to- thickness (or radius-to-thickness) ratios and shapes of the sections. Steel strength, column slenderness ratio and rate of loading were also additionally considered. It is understandable that examination of the effects of all the above factors on performances of CFTs in a wider range, exclusively on experimental manner, is difficult and costly. This can be overcome by following a suitable numerical theoretical approach which is capable of handling many experimentally unmanageable situations. At present, finite element analysis (FEM) is considered as the most powerful and accurate tool to simulate the actual behavior of structures. The accurate constitutive relationships for materials are essential for reliable results when such analysis procedures are involved. For example, CFT behavior may well be investigated through a suitable FEM analysis procedure, provided that appropriate steel and concrete material models are available. One of the simplest yet powerful techniques for the examination of CFTs is fiber analysis. In this procedure the cross section is discretized into many small regions where a uniaxial constitutive relationship of either concrete or steel is assigned. This type of analysis can be employed to predict the load–displacement relationships of CFT columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. The accuracy involved with the fiber analysis is found to be quite satisfactory with respect to the practical design present, an accurate stress–strain relationship for steel, which is readily applicable in the fiber analysis, is currently available [12]. However, in the case of concrete, only a few models that are suited for such analysis can be found [3,8,9]. Among them, in Tomii and Sakino’s model [3], which is applicable to square shaped columns, the strength improvement due to confinement has been neglected. Tang et al. [8] developed a model for circular tubes by taking into account the effect of geometry and material properties on strength enhancement as well as the post-peak behavior. Watanabe et al. [9] conducted model tests to determine a stress–strain relationship for confined concrete and subsequently proposed a method to analyze the ultimate behavior of concrete-filled box columns considering local buckling of component plates and initial imperfections. Among the other recent investigations, the work done by Schneider [10] investigated the effect of steel tube shape and wall thickness on the ultimate strength of the composite columns. El-Tawil and Deierlein [11] reviewed and evaluated the concrete encased composite design provisions of the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318) [13], the AISC-LRFD Specifications [14] and the AISC Seismic Provisions [15], based on fiber section analyses considering the inelastic behavior of steel and this study, an analytical approach based on the existing experimental results is attempted to determine a complete uniaxial stress–strain law for confined concrete in relatively thick-walled CFT columns. The primary objective of the proposed stress–strain model is its application in fiber analysis to investigate the inelastic behavior of CFT columns in compression or combined compression and bending. Such analyses are useful in establishing rational strength and ductility prediction procedures of seismic resisting structures. Three types of sectional shapes such as circular, box and octagonal are considered. A concrete–steel interaction model is employed to estimate the lateral pressure on concrete. Then, the maximum lateral pressure is correlated to the strength of confined concrete through an empirical formula. A method based on the results of fiber analysis using assumed concrete models is adopted to calibrate the post-peak behavior of the proposed model. Finally, the complete axial load–average axial strain curves obtained through the fiber analysis using the newly proposed material model are compared with the test results. It should be noted that a similar type of interaction model as used in this study has been adopted by Nishiyama et al. [16], which has been combined with a so called peak load condition line in order to determine the maximum lateral pressure on reinforced concrete , previous researches [17,18] indicate that the stress–strain relationship of concrete under compressive load histories produces an envelope curve identical to the stress–strain curve obtained under monotonic loading. Therefore, in further studies, the proposed confined uniaxial stress–strain law can be extended to a cyclic stress–strain relationship of confined concrete by including a suitable unloading/reloading stress–strain . Theoretical . Characteristic points on confined concrete stress–strain curveReferring to Fig. 1(General stress–strain curves for confined and unconfined concrete.), the following characteristic points have been identified to define a complete stress–strain curve when concrete is confined by surrounding steel tubes. The notation in the figure is as follows: f ’c is the strength of unconfined concrete; f ’cc is the strength of confined concrete; εc is the strain at the peak of unconfined concrete; εcc is the strain at the peak of confined concrete; εu is the ultimate strain of unconfined concrete; fu is the ultimate strength of unconfined concrete; εcu is the ultimate strain of confined concrete; and αf ’cc is the residual strength of confined concrete at very high strain levels. The expression for the complete stress–strain curve is defined as suggested by Popovics [19], which was later modified by Mander et al. [20] and given by where fc and ε denote the longitudinal compressive stress and strain, respectively; Ec stands for the tangent modulus of elasticity of concrete. It should be noted that Eq. (1) has been defined even for the post-peak region, in this study, it is utilized only up to the peak point. The post-peak behavior is treated separately by assuming a linearly varied stress–strain relation as will be discussed in Section 4. 【1-4 Fig. 1】. Confinement action in circular CFT columnsIn short CFT columns with relatively thick-walled sections designed for seismic purposes, failure is mainly caused due to concrete crushing. The mode of failure is governed by the individual behavior of each component. The behavior of concrete in CFT columns under monotonically increasing axial load can be explained in terms of concrete–steel interaction. The confinement effect does not exist at the early stage of loading owing to the fact that the Poisson ratio of concrete is lower than that of steel at the initial loading stage. At this level of loading, the circumferential steel hoop stresses are in compression and the concrete is under lateral tension provided that no separation between concrete and steel occurs (., the bond between two materials does not break). However, as the axial load increases, the lateral expansion of concrete gradually becomes greater than the steel due to the change of the Poisson ratio of concrete, and therefore a radial pressure develops at the concrete– steel interface. At this stage, confinement of the concrete core is achieved and the steel is in hoop transferring from the steel tube to the concrete occurs at this stage. It is observed that the load at this stage is higher than the sum of loads that can be achieved by steel and concrete acting the triaxial stress state the uniaxial compressive concrete strength can be given by 【5】 where frp is the maximum radial pressure on concrete and m is an empirical coefficient. In the past a lot of extensive experimental studies have been carried out to determine a value for coefficient m and it is found that for normal strength concrete, m is in the range of 4–6 [21]. In this study m is assumed to be . The radial pressure, fr, can be expressed by the relationship given in Eq. (6), which is easily derived by considering the equilibrium of horizontal forces on a circular section: 【6】Here, fsr, t and D denote the circumference stress in steel, the thickness and the outer diameter of the tube, . Evaluation of confinement in various shaped CFT . Circular sectionDetermination of the confinement level in circular tubes is found in the method proposed by Tang et al. [8]. In this method, the change of the Poisson ratio of concrete and steel with column loading is investigated. An empirical factor, β, is introduced for this purpose and subsequently the lateral pressure at the peak load is given by 【7】 Factor β is defined as 【8】 where νe and νs are the Poisson ratios of a steel tube with and without filled-in concrete, respectively. Here, νs is taken as equal to at the maximum strength point, and νe is given by the following expressions: 【9 10】 Here, t, D and f ’c are the same as previously defined and fy stands for the yield stress of steel. The above equation is applicable for (f ’c/fy) ranging from to where most of the practically feasible columns are found within. A detailed description of the method can be found in Tang et al. [8]. It is clear that frp given by Eq. (7) depends on both the material properties and the geometry of the column. Subsequently, frp calculated from Eq. (7) is substituted into Eq. (5) to determine the confined concrete strength, f ’cc.摘要部分的翻译:各种断面形状钢管混凝土的单轴应力应变关系. Susantha , Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami*土木工程学院,名古屋大学, Chikusa-ku ,名古屋 464-8603, 日本收讫于2000年5月31日 ; 正式校定于2000年12月19日; 被认可于2001年2月14日¬¬摘要一种预测受三轴压应力混凝土的完全应力-应变曲线的方法被提出,这种三轴压应力是由环形、箱形和八角形的钢管混凝土中的限制作用导致的轴向荷载加测向压力所产生的。有效的经验公式被用来确定施加于环形钢管混凝土柱内混凝土的侧向压力。FEM(有限元)分析法和混凝土-钢箍交互作用模型已被用来估计施加于箱形和八角形柱的混凝土侧向压力。接着,进行了广泛的参数研究,旨在提出一个经验公式,确定不同的筒材料和结构特性下的最大平均侧向压力。如此计算出的侧向压力通过一个著名经验公式确定出侧向受限混凝土强度。对于高峰之后的应力-应变关系的确定,使用了有效的试验结果。基于这些测试结果,和近似表达式来推算下降段的斜度和各种断面形状的筒内侧向受限混凝土在确认的混凝土强度下的应变。推算出的混凝土强度和后峰值性能在允许的界限内与测试结果吻合得非常好。所提出的模型可用于包括梁柱构件在内的纤维分析,以确定抗震结构设计中混凝土填充钢柱筒的极限状态的推算标准。 •版权所有2001 Elsevier科学技术有限公司。关键词: 钢管混凝土;限制;混凝土强度;延性;应力应变关系;纤维分析这是当年毕业时我的翻译,因为原文有图表等原文也超过10000字,没法在这里发,如需要原文(pdf版及word版)及全部翻译(5000字,中文),请留下邮箱。

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building types and designA building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in .As classified by their use ,buildings are mainly of two types :industrial buildings and civil buildings .industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling ,employment ,education and other social activities .Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds ,in such fields as the mining industry ,the metallurgical industry ,machine building ,the chemical industry and the textile industry . factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones .the construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings .however ,industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used .Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings .residential buildings should suit family life .each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms : a living room ,a kitchen and a toilet .public buildings can be used in politics ,cultural activities ,administration work and other services ,such as schools, office buildings, parks ,hospitals ,shops ,stations ,theatres ,gymnasiums ,hotels ,exhibition halls ,bath pools ,and so on .all of them have different functions ,which in turn require different design types as well. Housing is the living quarters for human beings .the basic function of housing is to provide shelter from the elements ,but people today require much more that of their housing .a family moving into a new neighborhood will to know if the available housing meets its standards of safety ,health ,and comfort .a family will also ask how near the housing is to grain shops ,food markets ,schools ,stores ,the library ,a movie theater ,and the community center .In the mid-1960’s a most important value in housing was sufficient space both inside and out .a majority of families preferred single-family homes on about half an acre of land ,which would provide space for spare-time activities .in highly industrialized countries ,many families preferred to live as far out as possible from the center of a metropolitan area ,even if the wage earners had to travel some distance to their work .quite a large number of families preferred country housing to suburban housing because their chief aim was to get far away from noise ,crowding ,and confusion .the accessibility of public transportation had ceased to be a decisive factor in housing because most workers drove their cars to work .people we’re chiefly interested in the arrangement and size of rooms and the number of bedrooms .Before any of the building can begin ,plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like ,the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be important point in building design is the layout of rooms ,which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relation to the purposes for which they are intended .in a dwelling house ,the layout may be considered under three categories : “day”, “night” ,and “services” .attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas .the “day “rooms generally include a dining-room ,sitting-room and kitchen ,but other rooms ,such as a study ,may be added ,and there may be a hall .the living-room ,which is generally the largest ,often serves as a dining-room ,too ,or the kitchen may have a dining alcove .the “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms .the “services “comprise the kitchen ,bathrooms ,larder ,and water-closets .the kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms .It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms ,and those most in use should preferably face south as possible .it is ,however ,often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements ,both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads .in resolving these complex problems ,it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities ,density of population ,height of buildings ,proportion of green space to dwellings ,building lines ,the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood ,and so on .There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations .the modern trend is towards light ,airy factory buildings .generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction ,a factory can be given a “shed ”type ridge roof ,incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare .翻译:建筑类型和设计建筑物与人们有着紧密的联系,他为人们提供必要的空间,用以工作和生活。根据适用类型不同,建筑物可以分为两类:工业建筑和民用建筑。工业建筑包括各个工厂或工业生产所使用建筑,民用建筑是指那些人们用以居住,就业,教育和其他社会活动的建筑场所。工业建筑的厂房可用于采矿业,冶金工业,机械制造,化学工业和纺织工业等各类领域的加工和制造。厂房可分为两种类型:单层的和多层的。工业建筑也属于建筑的一种。但是,工业建筑与民用建筑所用的材料和建筑方式不同。民用建筑按使用可分为两大类:住宅建筑和公共建筑。住宅建筑要适应家庭生活。每个单位应包括至少三个必要客房:起居室,厨房和厕所。公共建筑可在政治,文化活动,管理工作和其他服务,如学校,写字楼,公园,医院,商店,车站,剧院,体育馆,宾馆,展览馆,洗浴池,等等。他们都有着不同的职能,这反过来又需要不同的设计类型。房屋是用以住人的. 其基本功能是提供住房的内容,但今天人们需要更多的住房内容。一个家庭在进入一个新的社区后将知道,现有住房不仅要符合其安全,健康和舒适等标准。还要考虑其附近是否有相应的配套设施,如食品市场,学校,商店,图书馆,电影院,以及社区中心等。在60年代中期住房最重要的价值是足够大的空间和方便的出入交通。大多数家庭会首选约半英亩面积土地的家庭住宅,这样将提供足够的空间的用以业余活动。在高度工业化的国家,许多家庭的首选是那种尽可能远离市中心商业圈的住房,即使距离上班地点不得不有一段距离。相当多的家庭首选是郊区的住房,因为他们的主要目的是要远离噪音,拥挤和混乱。拥有方便的公共交通使得距离不再是一个决定性因素,因为大多数人都是开着自己的汽车去上班了。人们现在主要感兴趣的是户型,房间的大小和卧室的数目。在工程项目开始之前,要做好建筑设计和施工流程,让人提前知道该建筑建成后是什么样子以及下一步应该做什么。在建筑设计中要特别重视房间的布局,其目的是提供最大的便利与可能的用途。在一个住宅建筑设计中,布局可考虑以下三个方面: “白天” , “夜晚”和“服务”。必须注意这些空间区域之间的连通交流。 “白天”房一般包括餐厅,起居室和厨房,但其他房间可能会增加,如书房,并有可能成为一个大厅。起居室通常是最大的,往往是一个餐厅,也或可能有厨房、凹室等。 “夜间”房间包括卧室、客房。“服务”用房间包括厨房,浴室,储藏室 ,和厕所等。厨房和储藏室需设置在一起,以方便其房间功能的使用。此外,还必须考虑各种客房的朝向问题,当然最好尽可能的将那些经常使用的房间朝南设置。然而,在考虑到周围的环境和地点、道路等多方面因素,往往很难达到最佳要求。在解决这些复杂的问题,还必须按照当地城市规划条例所涉及的对公共设施,人口密度,建筑物高度,绿化面积,建筑红线等的要求,还要考虑到有相邻建筑的情况,等等。尽管工业建筑需要符合当地城市规划条例但很少有标准化的工业楼宇。现代厂房建筑的趋势是轻质、通风。一般的钢筋混凝土结构或钢结构的工厂,可以得到一个“跌”型脊屋顶,把窗户开向北以便使分布均匀的自然采光不会直射进来造成刺眼。


