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基于ASP的网上考试系统摘要: 网上考试系统是基于B/S模式,前台应用DreamweaverMX2004软件,后台结合ASP编程技术开发出来的。论文主要阐述一个功能比较强大的网上考试系统的后台操作过程及一些关键技术。系统考生信息主要由数据库直接输入,考试时考生输入警官证号和密码,核对正确后进入考生界面,考生界面主要有选择科目、成绩查询、考试新闻组成,关键实现了考生在选择科目后进入考试窗体,考试计时,考试时间到,系统强制考生退出,及考完后对客观题的自动评分、存档。管理员进入管理员界面,管理员界面主要由科目管理、题库管理、试卷生成、信息发布、用户管理等模块组成,管理员的新闻界面实现一般新闻和系统提示两部分,系统提示部分显示未审批的考试计划和新闻信息以及作废的操作链接。领导登陆后实现新闻标题下面多了一个系统提示部分,该部分显示未审批的考试计划或者新闻以及还未批改的主观题信息,并附有审批及批改等操作链接。通过这些功能实现了企业的低成本投入,高效率办公的宗旨。关键词:ASP;B/S;网上考试系统On-line examination System Based On ASPAbstract: On-line examination system is developed on the basis of B/S model, with DreamweaverMX2004 operating at the present view and combing ASP program backside. This thesis mainly discusses the backside operating process and key technology of a well-functioned online examination system. The information of examination-takers is directly input by database. Inputting the number and password checked by the system, the attendance can go to the examination interface. This part is composed of three models: subject choosing, result checking and examination news. The system realizes the examination timing, time-up alarming, exit enforcing and automatic judging and restoring of the objective questions after the attendance chooses the subject and enters the examination view. The management interface is composed of five models: subject management, questions management, examination-paper output, news publicizing and users management. The news interface for the manager is composed of common news and system automatic reminding which shows the unauthorized examination plan and news and abolished links. When the leader logs in, under the news headline there is system automatic reminding, which shows unauthorized examination plan and news and unchecked subjective questions, and links to the checking operation interface. By making use of these functions, the enterprise can realize low-cost but high-efficient office Server Pages;Browser/Server; On-line examination System1 绪论 考试系统发展状况及前景近年来,随着电脑的普及和应用,电脑已经悄悄地走入了我们的生活,慢慢地改变着我们的生活方式。自从计算机发明以来,它以独特的优势诠释着自身的价值,为人类带来越来越多的便利。随着网络技术的飞速发展,现在很多国外的大学和社会其他部门都已经开设了远程教育,通过计算机网络实现异地教育和培训。现在,计算机硬件技术的发展已经达到了相当高的水平。但是,远程教育软件的开发目前还处于起步阶段,随着这项技术的不断深入发展,就要求有更好、更完善的软件系统应用到远程教育当中去,这就给软件设计人员提出了更高的设计要求。远程教育包括很多环节,例如教学系统、答疑系统和考试系统等等。其中很重要的一个环节就是在线考试系统,同时它也是最难实现的环节。在我国,虽然远程教育已经蓬勃地发展起来,但是目前学校与社会上的各种考试大都采用传统的考试方式,在此方式下,组织一次考试至少要经过五个步骤,即人工出题、考生考试、人工阅卷、成绩评估和试卷分析。显然,随着考试类型的不断增加及考试要求的不断提高,教师的工作量将会越来越大,并且其工作将是一件十分烦琐和非常容易出错的事情,可以说传统的考试方式已经不能适应现代考试的需要。随着计算机应用的迅猛发展,网络应用不断扩大,如远程教育和虚拟大学的出现等等,且这些应用正逐步深入到千家万户。人们迫切要求利用这些技术来进行在线考试,以减轻教师的工作负担及提高工作效率,与此同时也提高了考试的质量,从而使考试更趋于公证、客观,更加激发考生的学习兴趣。例如目前许多国际著名的计算机公司所举办的各种认证考试绝大部分采用这种方式。 研究目标和意义 研究目标:利用ASP网络编程技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术实现B/S模式下的网上考试,主要完成题库管理、科目设置、试卷信息设置、新闻发布、考场控制等功能,以便形成一个完整的有机统一的考试系统。研究意义:相比传统的考试方式,网络考试系统的主要好处是一方面可以动态地管理各种考试信息,只要准备好足够大的题库,就可以按照要求自动生成各种试卷;另一方面,考试时间灵活,可以在规定的时间段内的任意时间参加考试;另外计算机化的考试的最大特点是阅卷快,系统可以在考试结束时当场给出客观题考试成绩,计算机阅卷给了考生最大的公平感。网络考试系统极大地提高了教学的灵活性,现在在许多领域已经有了广泛的应用。最有影响的案例就是ETS(美国教育考试中心)举办的GRE(美国研究生入学考试)的计算机化考试,它使考试由原来的每年只能有两1 Introduction Test System and the prospects for the development of In recent years, with the popularization and application of computers, the computers have quietly entered our lives, slowly changing our way of life. Since the invention of the computer, it has the advantage of a unique interpretation of the value of its own, in order to bring more and more human convenience. With the rapid development of network technology, many foreign universities and other sectors of society have been set up distance education, through computer networks to achieve remote education and training. Now, the development of computer hardware technology has reached a fairly high level. However, distance learning software development is still in its infancy, with the deepening of the technology development, it requires better, more comprehensive software system which is applied to distance education to which software designers to make a more high design requirements. Including many aspects of distance education, such as the teaching system, answering system and examination systems. One very important aspect is the online examination system, at the same time it is also part of the most difficult to achieve. In China, although the boom in distance education has been developed, but the schools and the community are a variety of test methods using the traditional test, in this way, the organization at least one examination to go through five steps, namely, artificial questions, candidates examination, artificial marking, assessment and test results analysis. It is clear that with the ever-increasing types of test and examination requirements of increasing the workload of teachers will have bigger and bigger, and their work will be a very cumbersome and very error-prone things can be said that the traditional methods of examination already can not meet the needs of modern examinations. With the rapid development of computer applications, web applications continue to expand, such as distance education and the emergence of virtual universities, etc., and these applications are moving into the tens of thousands of households. It is an urgent requirement to use these technologies to conduct online examinations, in order to reduce the workload of teachers and improve productivity at the same time improve the quality of the exam, so that examinations have become more civil, objective, and more to stimulate students interest in learning. For instance, many of the world's leading computer companies in hosting a variety of certification exams in this way the vast majority. Research objectives and significance of Study objectives: network programming using ASP technology and SQL SERVER 2000 database technology to achieve B / S mode, online exam, the main questions to complete the management of subjects setting, test message settings, press releases, site control and other functions in order to form a complete the organic unity of the examination system. Significance: Compared to traditional methods of examination, the network test system on the one hand, the main advantage is to manage a variety of dynamic test information, as long as ready for the question bank is large enough, it can be automatically generated in accordance with the requirements of the various papers; On the other hand, examination time flexible, can be provided for any period of time to participate in the examination; other computerized exam scoring the biggest feature is fast, the system can spot the end of the examination questions are given an objective examination results, the computer scoring of the candidates to the largest sense of fairness. Network Test System has greatly improved the flexibility of teaching, in many areas now have a wide range of applications. The case of the most influential is the ETS (Educational Testing Center) organized by GRE (Graduate Record Examination USA) computerized test, which can only be a year from the original test two


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在程序设计生涯混了10几年,最反感的就是形式主义,朋友,当你有扎实的编程技术,不要拘泥于形式,当然,你现在也是没有办法,现实是这样,建议你到学校图书馆,或者书店,自己去看看,程序这东西,并不是看书可以解决问题的,需要实战. 还有一点,不要认为asp落后了就不好好学,编程学的是一种思想,当你精通一门语言,其他语言,可能3-5天就可以学会了,好好努力吧.

Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages. It was initially marketed as an add-on to Internet Information Services (IIS) via the Windows NT Option Pack, but has been included as a free component of Windows Server since the initial release of Windows 2000 Server. Programming ASP websites is made easier by various built-in objects. Each object corresponds to a group of frequently-used functions useful for creating dynamic web pages. In ASP there are six such built-in objects: Application, ASPError, Request, Response, Server, and Session. Session, for example, is a cookie-based session object that maintains variables from page to page. Web pages with the ".asp" or file extension use ASP, although some Web sites disguise their choice of scripting language for security purposes. The ".aspx" extension is not an ASP page, but an page, another server-side scripting language from Microsoft, based on a mixture of traditional ASP, and Microsoft's .NET ASP pages are written in VBScript, but any other Active Scripting engine can be selected instead by using the @Language directive or the