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城乡规划学科调整为一级学科进行建设,促进城乡统筹、区域协调和社会和谐稳定,具有重要的现实意义。 下面是由我整理的关于城乡规划的论文范文,谢谢你的阅读。




Abstract: in recent years the rapid development of social economy and the advancement of urbanization, make our country to enhance competitiveness. Adjust urban and rural planning for the level 1 discipline construction, this to solve the plight of subject development is restricted, for promoting the development of the contemporary China's urban and rural planning theory and practice of promoting urban and rural, regional coordination and social harmony and stability as a whole, has important practical significance.

Keywords: urban and rural planning theory

中图分类号:F592.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2013)



区域协调是城市和区域可持续发展的重要组成部分,少数一些区域协调可以依赖法律实施,但大部分的情况是自愿的合作。在这样的组织中,规划或公众参与完全是志愿的,决策者和规划师遵从这样一种方式工作,这样可以得到更多的来自公众的支持。这种自愿的合作组织在协调区域不同城市的利益过程中会发挥一定作用,帮助城市做出更好的决策,在某种程度上鼓励公众参与。但某些情况下会有来自地方的反对和阻力,确实需要强制实施。可持续城市是指城市中经济发展、社会发展和环境资源相协调在规模(人口、用地、生产)、结构、等级和功能等方面能够持续变化和扩大,能够进行自我升级、改善并实现结构的持续性转变。建设可持续城市是以城市的社会、经济状况、环境和资源等因素为基础,在资源最小耗用的前提下,通过均衡的分布农业工业、居住区、交通等城市活动,做出科学的城市总体设计,促使城市新的结构、功能与原有结构、功能及其内部的和谐一致,使城市在发展过程中,数量、规模和结构由小到大、由不协调到协调、由非可持续性到可持续性变化。 可持续发展离不开地方文化的延续和创新。发展中国家在快速城市化进程中城市面貌和人们观念迅速改变,这种发展模式的可持续性受到西方学者的怀疑。在发达国家,文化对可持续发展的作用被不断挖掘和利用。尤其在1980年代以后的西欧,城市决策者本着利用艺术、传统和其它文化资源吸引旅游、创造就业机会的目的,发掘地方文化的多样性、独特性。如在德国鲁尔区,文化产业的发展被认为是实现地区可持续发展的途径之一,文化特色的发掘、保持和创新为这一老工业区带来新的发展动力


在国家发展战略规划、区域和城市发展规划,以及城市设计、详细规划等各个层次的规划都需要关注可持续性,以保证发展战略落实到各个空间层次。可持续发展的城市规划与设计首先应从本质上理解城市自然过程的意义,并将其作为城市开发建设的指导,做到根据生态原则来利用土地和开发建设,协调好城市内部结构与外部环境的关系,在空间利用方式、强度、结构和功能配置等方面与自然生态系统相适应。在可持续发展的机制中,构筑城市设计框架的目标将重点强调自然资源和建成环境的保持。这就需要采用有效的方法将建成区改造成更富有吸引力的生活和工作场所。可持续的城市设计原则将对现状建筑、基础设施和道路的接受和再利用以及可循环建材的再利用放在了首位。其次,可持续发展鼓励对自然资源、野生动植物以及景观的保护。任何新的建材应当从可持续的资源中获取,像木材就应当从管理良好的可持续森林中获得。 第三,在新建成地区,建设的模式要将分散的活动区之间消耗能量的出行减少到最少,同时还要减少建筑内部运行消耗的能量。 未来的发展必须满足国民对食品、矿物、住宅以及其他建筑的需要 不过,重要的是,这种发展应当遵从环境的目标,并符合可持续发展原则所确立的准则。任何新的建筑应当通过灵活的规划设计以适应其使用年限中不同的使用要求。交通系统服务与新的城市结构,将不得不“在服务经济发展和保护环境、维护未来生活质量之间寻求平衡”。对城市环境进行重新整理以满足可持续发展的需要,对城市设计专业是一个独特的挑战。同样,经济增长也面临相同的前景,它必须在提高生活水准的同时使城市更富可持续性。

三. 城乡交通和市政基础设施规划
















1.标题 一般不超过 20 个汉字(副标题除外)。


3.摘要 学术论文应提供摘要,用第三人称写法(不以〝本文”、〝作者“等为主语,可用〝文章〞),不超过200字。

4.关键词 3-6个,中问用分号相隔。

5.基金项目 获得基金赞助的论文应注明基金项目名称,并在圆括号内注明项目编号。

6.作者简介 作者姓名、出生年、性别、供职单位全称及职称。比如:刘某某,(1976.10)男,籍贯:山东高密(具体到县),副教授,研究方向:城市规划。

1 defers to "the State Council about To strengthen City and countryside To plan Management by supervision Notice" (country to send the [2002]13 number) and "the Ministry of construction Notice" (constructs the gauge [2002]204 number) the request, for the standard our province each kind of urban planning compulsory content, the basis ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", formulates this regulation. 1.1 establishes the urban planning compulsory content the guiding ideology is: The realization science development view, the implementation “four insistences”, namely the insistence economic development is a center, persisted serves for the most general populations, persisted the sustainable development, persisted realistic, emphasizes the actual effect, does what one can.Regulates and stops each kind effectively the construction development behavior which does not adapt with “four insistences”, guaranteed city each kind of resources the reasonable use, guides our province urbanization the healthy development.1.2 urban planning compulsory content, is refers to in the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan involves the region coordinated development, the resources use, the environmental protection, scenery scenic spot aspect and so on resource management, nature and cultural heritage protection, public benefit and public security contents. The urban planning compulsory content is the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan necessary content. 1.3 urban planning compulsory content must conform to the country, province each kind of related standard, the union local urban planning management technology stipulation research formulation. 1.4 cities system plan, the overall plan already authorized, had to supplement consummated the compulsory content.The new establishment plan, specially the detailed plan and the near future will construct the plan, will have to be clear about the compulsory content.Must have the accurate mark on the blueprint, has in the text is clear about, the standard indication. The urban planning compulsory content is carries on the surveillance inspection to the urban planning implementation the basic basis.The plan definite compulsory content needs to announce to the society. 2 cities system plan compulsory content: 2.1 needs to protect strictly region and control development region and control target.2.1.1 nature protection areas: Is clear about the nature protection area branching location, the protectorate rank and the main protection object, delimits the nature protection area scope demarcation line.The natural conservation regionalization divides into the core area, the buffer and the experimental plot, is clear about the limit and the prohibition development construction content, the plan control standard as well as the management measure correspondingly. In the core area the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction and production management which has nothing to do with with the resources conservation. In the buffer may be engaged in by the authorization, the non-destructive scientific research, the teaching practice and specimen gathering.Does not have to construct any production facilities. In the experimental plot may be engaged in by the authorized scientific experiments, the teaching practice, the visit inspects, the traveling, as well as the domestication, the reproduction rare and precious, is in imminent danger activities and so on wild animals and plants.Does not have to construct the pollution environment, the destruction resources and the landscape production facilities. 2.1.2 scenery scenic spot area: Is clear about the scenery scenic spot area branching location, the nature, the main function and the scenery scenic spot area rank, delimits the scenery scenic spot area scope demarcation line.Delimits the core protectorate (including ecology protectorate, natural landscape protectorate and historical site protectorate) the extent of protection, is clear about the protection key and the protective measures.According to “the strict protection, the unification management, the reasonable development, continues forever uses” the principle, is clear about in the scenery scenic spot area the limit and the prohibition development construction content and the management request. In the core protectorate the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction which has nothing to do with with the resources conservation.In the scenic area, the classical botanical garden and in the periphery control area, does not have to construct the industry and mining enterprise, the warehouse, the hospital and so on has nothing to do with and the destruction landscape with the scenery and the tour, the pollution environment, the hindrance tour project and the facility. Delimits in the scenic area scope and the plan in the natural environment retention region, does not have the newly built guesthouse, the boarding house, the country club, the sanatorium organization, the management structure, the quarters and other big-scale work facility. If any new items of basic construction nature, the layout, the building modelling, the amount of space occupied, highly and the color and so on, should locate the environment coordinates. 2.1.3 other ecology sensitive areas: Is clear about the large-scale lake, the wetland, the water source protectorate, divides the flood detention area, takes back from agriculture also the forest (also grass, also lake) the area, the basic farmland protectorate, the underground mineral resource distributes the area and so on each kind of protection and controls the region the position and the scope.Is clear about the related local protection and the government goal, the control target, the limit and the prohibition development construction content. In the region development, avoids the ecology sensitive area as far as possible, reduces to the wild animals and plants destruction, completes the conservation of water and soil work, enhances the afforested coverage fraction, guaranteed certain water surface rate, the enhancement wetland protection, does not have to reduce the ecology sensitive area the area. Should take the protection measure to the water resources, the control shore water district construction, carries out aspect the strictly and so on water pollution preventing and controlling and water source water quality protection stipulations. Does not have to destroy the ecology sensitive area the flood prevention, drains waterlogged land ability and from only ability, does not have to destroy the biological resources and the ecological environment. In ecology sensitive area any construction, must control severely, maintains the natural style environment, the maintenance ecological equilibrium. 2.2 regional characteristic significant infrastructure layout: Is clear about the regional characteristic significant infrastructure the position and moves towards, the corresponding control standard. The regional characteristic significant infrastructure must be clear about the coordinated request with each related city relation, controls the correlation to use.2.2.1 is clear about the highway, the level road, the second-class road, the region track transportation (city border railroad, region passenger transportation track transportation) the trend; Is clear about the harbor, the airport, the physical distribution center position. 2.2.2 is clear about the large-scale hydro-junction project, the region flood prevention, the flood detention backbone project position, the region water supply, the accent water project trend; Is clear about position which the regional power plant, 500KV (or 300KV) the transformer substation, the natural tire valve stand, 500KV (or 300KV) high tension grid and natural gas branch tube trend; Is clear about the regional information key position the position, the communication line trend. 2.2.3 is clear about the neighboring city to be connected the waters the water environment function control request and the related target; Is clear about the city intake, the city sewage discharge outlet controls the waters scope, the regional characteristic altogether constructs the water works, the sewage treatment plant, the large-scale garbage disposal plant position; Is clear about the regional characteristic each kind of infrastructure the protection request. 3 city overall plan compulsory content: 3.1 is clear about the limits to have to protect and the control development region strictly.Including: Scenery ecology sensitive areas and so on scenic spot area, large-scale lake, wetland, water source protectorate, basic farmland protectorate, underground mineral resource distributed area. 3.2 urban constructions use: 3.2.1 is clear about in the plan time the urban construction with the place development scale, the development direction, in the limits plan time the urban construction uses the place the scope; 3.2.2 uses according to the construction to appraise the determination land use restrictive regulations, delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line; 3.2.3 is clear about city each kind of park and the green space position, the scope and the index of correlation and the plan request. 3.3 city infrastructure and public service facilities: 3.3.1 is clear about the city primary and secondary yang or male principle trend, the city track transportation line trend; Is clear about the railroad and the station yard, the harbor, the airport, the mass transit key position, the large-scale parking lot position.3.3.2 is clear about the city intake and the protectorate scope, the power plant, the 110KV above transformer substation, the natural tire valve stands, the large-scale fuel gas gas storage stands as well as facility and so on trash and sewage treatment positions; Is clear about for the water and the draining water branch tube, the natural gas branch tube trend, the position, the underground utilities common ditch moves towards and the influence scope, the high-pressured power line corridor, the microwave channel and receives the sending a letter area extent of protection. 3.3.3 is clear about the culture, the information, the education, the health, the sports and so on each kind of public service key facility scale, the position and the related technical specification and the plan request. 3.4 historical city protection: 3.4.1 determination historical city protection general goals and protection key.Overall considered the old city the protection, manifests specifically in the historical river lake river system, the traditional spool thread, the old city city gallery, the building highly, city aspect and so on landscape line, old tree famous wood protection requests and the concrete control target, the stipulation. 3.4.2 is clear about all levels of key cultural relic preservation organ, the historical culture protectorate, the historical architectural complex, the important underground cultural relic disposal area concrete position, the demarcation line.Delimits the extent of protection, the construction control region, is clear about the protective measures, the control target and the stipulation. 3.5 city disaster prevention project: 3.5.1 is clear about the city flood control standard, the flood-dam trend. 3.5.2 is clear about the city earthquake resistance and the fire prevention disperses the backbone channel. 3.5.3 city main civil air defense facility, fire facility position. 3.5.4 is clear about the geological disaster to protect the stipulation. 3.6 cities will construct the plan in the near future: 3.6.1 will be clear about the city to construct key and the development in the near future uses the scale. 3.6.2 will be clear about the near future to construct uses the place the concrete position and the scope. 3.6.3 is clear about controls and guides the urban development the stipulation. 3.6.4 delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line and historical control areas and so on culture protectorate, scenery scenic spot area, is clear about the corresponding plan measure.4 city detailed plan compulsory content: 4.1 controllability detailed plans is clear about the division to be possible to use in developing the construction directly the land parcel, stipulated various land parcels use the nature, the building density, the building control highly, the volume fraction, the green areas coverage rate, the parking berth and other need disposition targets and so on public utility; Carries out the city “four” the plan control content, proposes maintenance main public space aspect and so on environment quality, visual landscape control as well as historical culture protection in view of the specific land sector plan requests. 4.2 construction detailed plan concrete determination plan construction, green space, path, square, parking lot, river lake water surface position and scope; Is clear about the road junction coordinates, the elevation, each kind of municipal administration public facility pipeline position, caliber, major control point elevation, as well as related facility and construction position. 5 plan planning board when establishes various levels urban planning must rest on the ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", the standard compulsory content, and to plans the achievement to take the comprehensive technical responsibility. 6 urban planning administration department responsible for the work provides the plan design conditions, the examination items of basic construction, the no violation whatsoever will permitted urban planning compulsory content.7 adjusts the urban planning compulsory content, must organize to prove, the adjustment necessity to the plan examination and approval institution proposed the report on a special topic, in which involves the public rights and interests, must carry on male shows, only then carries on the adjustment after the examination authorization.After the adjustment plan must defer to the stipulated procedure to examine and approve.中文版他们要钱.....对不住了


城乡规划学科调整为一级学科进行建设,促进城乡统筹、区域协调和社会和谐稳定,具有重要的现实意义。 下面是由我整理的关于城乡规划的论文范文,谢谢你的阅读。




Abstract: in recent years the rapid development of social economy and the advancement of urbanization, make our country to enhance competitiveness. Adjust urban and rural planning for the level 1 discipline construction, this to solve the plight of subject development is restricted, for promoting the development of the contemporary China's urban and rural planning theory and practice of promoting urban and rural, regional coordination and social harmony and stability as a whole, has important practical significance.

Keywords: urban and rural planning theory

中图分类号:F592.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2013)



区域协调是城市和区域可持续发展的重要组成部分,少数一些区域协调可以依赖法律实施,但大部分的情况是自愿的合作。在这样的组织中,规划或公众参与完全是志愿的,决策者和规划师遵从这样一种方式工作,这样可以得到更多的来自公众的支持。这种自愿的合作组织在协调区域不同城市的利益过程中会发挥一定作用,帮助城市做出更好的决策,在某种程度上鼓励公众参与。但某些情况下会有来自地方的反对和阻力,确实需要强制实施。可持续城市是指城市中经济发展、社会发展和环境资源相协调在规模(人口、用地、生产)、结构、等级和功能等方面能够持续变化和扩大,能够进行自我升级、改善并实现结构的持续性转变。建设可持续城市是以城市的社会、经济状况、环境和资源等因素为基础,在资源最小耗用的前提下,通过均衡的分布农业工业、居住区、交通等城市活动,做出科学的城市总体设计,促使城市新的结构、功能与原有结构、功能及其内部的和谐一致,使城市在发展过程中,数量、规模和结构由小到大、由不协调到协调、由非可持续性到可持续性变化。 可持续发展离不开地方文化的延续和创新。发展中国家在快速城市化进程中城市面貌和人们观念迅速改变,这种发展模式的可持续性受到西方学者的怀疑。在发达国家,文化对可持续发展的作用被不断挖掘和利用。尤其在1980年代以后的西欧,城市决策者本着利用艺术、传统和其它文化资源吸引旅游、创造就业机会的目的,发掘地方文化的多样性、独特性。如在德国鲁尔区,文化产业的发展被认为是实现地区可持续发展的途径之一,文化特色的发掘、保持和创新为这一老工业区带来新的发展动力


在国家发展战略规划、区域和城市发展规划,以及城市设计、详细规划等各个层次的规划都需要关注可持续性,以保证发展战略落实到各个空间层次。可持续发展的城市规划与设计首先应从本质上理解城市自然过程的意义,并将其作为城市开发建设的指导,做到根据生态原则来利用土地和开发建设,协调好城市内部结构与外部环境的关系,在空间利用方式、强度、结构和功能配置等方面与自然生态系统相适应。在可持续发展的机制中,构筑城市设计框架的目标将重点强调自然资源和建成环境的保持。这就需要采用有效的方法将建成区改造成更富有吸引力的生活和工作场所。可持续的城市设计原则将对现状建筑、基础设施和道路的接受和再利用以及可循环建材的再利用放在了首位。其次,可持续发展鼓励对自然资源、野生动植物以及景观的保护。任何新的建材应当从可持续的资源中获取,像木材就应当从管理良好的可持续森林中获得。 第三,在新建成地区,建设的模式要将分散的活动区之间消耗能量的出行减少到最少,同时还要减少建筑内部运行消耗的能量。 未来的发展必须满足国民对食品、矿物、住宅以及其他建筑的需要 不过,重要的是,这种发展应当遵从环境的目标,并符合可持续发展原则所确立的准则。任何新的建筑应当通过灵活的规划设计以适应其使用年限中不同的使用要求。交通系统服务与新的城市结构,将不得不“在服务经济发展和保护环境、维护未来生活质量之间寻求平衡”。对城市环境进行重新整理以满足可持续发展的需要,对城市设计专业是一个独特的挑战。同样,经济增长也面临相同的前景,它必须在提高生活水准的同时使城市更富可持续性。

三. 城乡交通和市政基础设施规划





当前,城市设计已成为规划界、建筑界的热点研究领域。在理论上可谓百家争鸣,呈现出从未有过的繁荣局面; 在实践上,从南到北,全国上下,各种各样的“城市设计”项目如雨后春笋,特别是一些重大的国际竞赛、招标项目,更是把“城市设计”推上了一个新的高潮,使 “城市设计”正悄然成为一种时尚,城市设计的地位也日益提高。又由于城市设计自身兼有理论形态与实践形态的双重属性,并在长期的探索中形成了一定理论与方法,因此,城市设计“独立”的呼声日渐高涨。 人们经常可以看到类似“城市设计是一门独立的学科”的说法,在学科体系中把城市设计与城市规划并列等同; 同时,大量以“X X X城市设计”命名的工程项目及设计成果不断涌现。这种现象的出现,一方面说明重视城市设计的思想正日益深人人心,这对提高我国城市规划设计质量、改善城市空间环境无疑是十分有益的;然而另一方面,如果缺乏深人的思考和研究,片面强调城市设计独立于城市规划之外,不但不利城市规划学科体系和理论体系的完善,还可能导致城市设计流于表面化和形式化,反而不利城市设计积极作用的发挥。因此,必须明确城市设计在城市规划学科体系中的地位与作用,理顺其与城市规划的关系,才能切实达到指导城市建设的目的。 应该说,城市设计与城市规划一直都有着难舍难分的渊源关系。 从历史发展看,工业革命以前及其早期的很多城市规划理论与实践,用今天的眼光来看就是城市设计活动,可见,对于那一时期而言,城市规划与城市设计是同一行为的不同表述而已;即使是现代城市设计的产生,也与城市规划难分你我。现代城市设计论的倡导者沙里宁最初建议:“。,。…为了分析中避免引起误解,谈到城市的三维空间概念时,就避免使用‘规划’改用‘设计’这个名词……一,在不涉及到所讨论的问题时,同意接受‘规划’这个通称。” 由此可知,城市设计最初是承担了城市规划中某一领域(三维空间)或某一部分的工作,并为了把该部分工作加以强调而作的用词上的规定,目的是为了提起人们对该部分工作的重视。这主要是因为随着社会的发展,现代城市规划与建筑设计的分工,引起了城市空间设计的削弱,导致城市空间整体环境质量逐渐下降。人们为克服这一弊端,提出了城市设计的概念,使城市设计工作得到了恢复与发展。1965年美国建筑师协会出版的《城市设计—城镇建筑》一书中也提到,今日我们不得不使用城市设计(UrbanDesign)这个词汇, (与传统的城市设计Civ-ic Design相区别—笔者注),但“城市设计概念的建立,并非要去创造一个新的分离的领域,而是要防止这一基本的环境问题被忽视或丢弃。”可见,城市设计概念的提出,不是为了创建一个全新的学科,而是为了唤祝人们对环谙问颗的羊汁,为了恢复城市规划本身具有却被长期忽视的塑造、改善城市空间环境质量的职能,从而使城市规划更好、更全面地为城市建设服务。 从实际的操作层面上看,城市设计与城市规划也是紧密结合、密不可分的。 城市三维空间景观的塑造与城市平面布局是一种互为条件、相互制约的关系。城市规划在涉及城市的用地布局、路网结构、市政设施等诸方面的同时,必然包含了对城市空间特征塑造的思考,没有“纯二维”的规划,而且规划的思想观念和意图也必须最终投映在土地和空间中才能得以实现。城市设计和城市规划所要研究的对象都是人们所处的城市,只是侧重点有所不同,它们都以创造一种良好的、有序的生产、生活环境为目的,都要综合协调各项城市功能,安排城市各项用地,组织好交通和安排好各类工程设施,都要研究城市的社会发展,考虑城市的历史文脉等。 可见,它们之间交叉、重叠的领域涵盖了城市建设系统各个方面,两者统一于一个完整的规划过程之中。规划的平面布局图,也是城市设计进行城市三维空间环境塑造的基础依据和前提; 另一方面,对城市空问的塑造与安排,又可反馈回来对平面布局进行完善、补充和调整,从而使两者都趋于更加合理化。反之,城市设计与城市规划脱节,其交又的部分必不能取得统一,出现设计和规划之间改动很大的现象,造成时间、人力、物力、财力多方面的浪费;如果不进行改动,两个不同的方案对于同一城市或同一地块而言在实际中根本无法操作实施,规划设计的方案只能落个“图上画画、墙上挂挂”的结果。当前很多地方都是在还没有进行规划之前,就委托进行“城市设计”,这种没有规划原则指导的“城市设计”最终也只能停留在漂亮的模型和图纸上,很难说有多少现实意义。 另外,从我国的城市规划的实践来看,城市规划和城市设计也一直是融合在一起、互相渗透、密不可分的。我国城市规划的发展可概括为: 本世纪初学欧美,50年代学前苏联,80年代以来学欧美与建构我国城市规划理论并存(60^-70年代断层,无规划)。无论哪个时期,在规划程序上始终以总体规划设计(含分区规划)和详细规划设计进行阶段划分,如果“设计”观念不在全过程体现就无法达到整体效果上的完美。而且,在我国以往的规划实践中,普遍存在着注重物质形态规划、对可行性分析、经济与社会发展方面的研究相对薄弱的问题。对成果的评价也往往是认为图纸画得越漂亮,设计水平就越高;我国现行的规划教育体制仍未能突破形态规划的传统,使得学生对“形体”、“造型”的设计产生偏爱,而缺乏对理论研究的关注和热情。 因此,我国的城市规划无论从实践发展,还是从对规划的认识、规划的过程以及教育体制上,在对形体方面的关注不是提得不够,而是提得过多了,这与西方国家的情况是不一样的,有识之士早就开始呼吁:“超越形态规划”、“少些表现、多些研究”,在这种情况下,如果片面强调城市设计的独立性,很可能是为形体规划论打起了一把保护伞,使我们又回到只注重物质形态规划的老路上去,这一点应引起足够的重视。 “城市规划设计”一词反映了我国城市规划学科发展的历程,规划和设计相结合,反映了我国城市规划工作的特点和实际。对城市功能结构的合理安排布局与对城市空间环境的塑造,是一个完整的城市规划过程中不密不可分的指导城市建设的两个方面,若人为地将其分开,必然产生众多的、难以解决的矛盾。 城市设计只有与城市规划相结合,走一体化的道路,才能充分发挥其空间景观环境塑造的职能,才能真正实现设计价值观从以规划师为主体向以使用者为主体的转变。城市规划应将城市设计作为自己学科领域的一个组成部分。将城市设计纳人统一的城市规划过程,不仅因为它们所处理的内容和对象相接近或者衔接得非常紧密而无法明确划分开来,而且还完善了城市规划对城市社会整体的把握,同时也符合我国城市规划发展的实际。 即使在西方,60 年代以后城市设计的发展也并不是废弃了城市规划,而恰恰是城市规划发展的进一步深化。城市规划工作的重点向两个方向转移:一个是以Zoning为代表的法规文本体系的制定和执行,另一个就是以人为中心,通过城市空间环境塑造提高人们生活空间的环境质量和生活质量的城市设计。只有在这样的背景下,城市设计才有可能获得全面的发展。因此可以说,城市设计与城市规划是一个完整的城市规划过程中紧密结合的两个方面,两者互为条件、相互依存、相辅相承,共同为城市建设服务。只有走城市设计和城市规划一体化的道路,才能兼顾各方面的效益,使城市建设大系统达到最优化。










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