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plant cell 审稿流程如下:文章投稿成功后,编辑部一般会进行登记,并交给相关栏目的编辑进行初审。 编辑初审是指编辑人员对论文稿件进行初步审查和评价,以决定是退稿、退修、或者送专家评审。扩展资料:plant cell即《植物细胞》,是美国植物生物学家学会出版的生命科学领域学术刊物。即《植物细胞》,是著名学术刊物,影响因子10左右,在SCI植物类非评论性杂志中排名第一。SCI所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字。

其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!


需要。 对于Cell出版的期刊来说,给予了通讯作者对等的权利和义务。通讯作者需要确保所有的作者都知道:稿件已经被提交,并有机会出版。还要整理每个作者可能的利益冲突,并确保每位作者都看到。审查的时候要保证论文中所有数据的真实性。扩展:《CELL》(《细胞》)是一种美国爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行的关于生命科学领域最新研究发现的杂志。2018年1月25日,克隆猴“中中”和“华华”登上学术期刊《细胞》封面,这意味着中国科学家成功突破了现有技术无法克隆灵长类动物的世界难题。2018年9月,世界顶尖科学期刊《Cell》发表文章称,新的两项研究表明,服用益生菌不仅没有好处,还可能对人体有害。2019年,Cancer Cell最新刊登了一篇文章,研究人员发现在禁食状态下使用二甲双胍可以显著抑制肿瘤生长,并提出PP2A-GSK3β-MCL-1通路可能是肿瘤治疗的新靶点。

其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!


其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!



cell杂志投稿一般三天到一周就会回复你了。如果你通过了,他会回复你通过了。如果没通过,他也会通知你 所以不用担心

cell cycle是细胞生物学分类下的 3 区期刊,一审速度一般在4-6周。 landes bioscience的期刊一般比较快。Cancer Biology & Therapy也是这样。 5分以上的杂志,对PAPER的要求很高,尤其是对格式上的要求细致入微,建议严格按照INSTRUCTION编辑。总体感觉偏基础,有动物实验的PAPER不多。要用基础研究的思路来写,分子生物学的实验数据要多些。 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 LANDES BIOSCIENCE 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1538-4101 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Cell Cycle is not just about cell division. We cover topics from man to virus, from DNA to RNA, from ageing to development, from cell senescence to stem cells, from adhesion to autophagy, from cancer to immunity, from neurobiology to molecular therapeutics, from theoretical biology to therapy.

需要。 对于Cell出版的期刊来说,给予了通讯作者对等的权利和义务。通讯作者需要确保所有的作者都知道:稿件已经被提交,并有机会出版。还要整理每个作者可能的利益冲突,并确保每位作者都看到。审查的时候要保证论文中所有数据的真实性。扩展:《CELL》(《细胞》)是一种美国爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行的关于生命科学领域最新研究发现的杂志。2018年1月25日,克隆猴“中中”和“华华”登上学术期刊《细胞》封面,这意味着中国科学家成功突破了现有技术无法克隆灵长类动物的世界难题。2018年9月,世界顶尖科学期刊《Cell》发表文章称,新的两项研究表明,服用益生菌不仅没有好处,还可能对人体有害。2019年,Cancer Cell最新刊登了一篇文章,研究人员发现在禁食状态下使用二甲双胍可以显著抑制肿瘤生长,并提出PP2A-GSK3β-MCL-1通路可能是肿瘤治疗的新靶点。


一、 本刊欢迎各类栏目的专题文章。分别为述评、论著、临床研讨、经验交流、药物与临床、继续医学教育、综述、讲座、基层医生园地、短篇与个案报道等。二、 文稿应具有科学性和逻辑性,文字精练通顺。论著应在3000字以内(含图表及参考文献);综述及讲座须先与编辑部约稿,字数在4000字以内;其他文稿1500字以内。三、 文稿请列出3~5个关键词,请参照中国医学科学医学信息研究所1992年编译的《医学主题词注释字顺表》及国际MeSH标准列关键词。如果最新版MeSH中尚无相应的词,处理办法有:(1)可选用直接相关的几个主题词进行组配;(2)可根据数状结构表选用最直接的上位主题词;(3)采用习用的自由词并排列于最后。关键词中的缩写词应还原为全称,如:HBs Ag应标引为已型肝炎表面抗原。每个英文关键词第一个字母大写,个词汇之间用分号;分隔。四、 在关键词下请写出该文的中图分类号,请参照北京图书馆出版社1999年编《中国图书馆分类法(第四版)医药卫生R部分撰写。五、 来稿请将作者姓名写与文题下,作者间用逗号隔开。一般每篇文稿的作者不超过6位。作者应是:(1)参与选题和设计,或参与资料的分析和解释者;(2)起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其他主要内容者;(3)能对编辑部的修改意见进行核修,在学术上进行答辩,并最终同意该文发表者。以上3条均需具备。集体署名的文章必须明确通讯作者,通讯作者的姓名、工作单位和邮政编码脚注于论文题名页;整理者姓名列于文末;协作组成员在文后、参考文献前一一列出。作者中若有外籍作者应附其本人同意的书面材料。单位名称写于作者名下,并写明地区及邮政编码。同时在首页下角附第一作者简介,即姓名(出生年 ~ )、性别、籍贯、职称、学历、主要从事专业及年限。六、 来稿请用16开300字方格稿纸正楷手写或方格稿纸微机打印。节段序号按:一、1、(1)层次逐级书写。每节起始应空2格。数据应准确,图表应列出图题、表题、附图用另纸墨笔绘制一式两份。照片须清晰,层次分明,并用另纸写明图题及注释,注明上下向。正文与图表内容尽量避免重复。凡不符合上述要求以及字迹潦草的稿件一律退回。七、 医学名词以1989年及以后由全国自然科学名词审定委员会审定公布,科学出版社出版的《医学名词》为准;简化汉字以国务院1989年10月15日公布的《简化字总表》规定书写;中文药物名称应使用1995年版药典(法定药物)或卫生部药典委员会编辑的《药名词汇》(非法定药物)中的名称,英文药物名称则采用国际非专利药名,不用商品名。八、 用法定计量单位。血压用kPa(mmHg)两种表示。单位名称与单位称号不可混合使用,如.kg-1.天-1 应该为.kg-1.d-1;单位符号中表示相除的斜线多于1个时,应采用负数冥的形式表示,如:ng/ng/min应采用.kg-1。min-1是形式。组合单位中斜线和负数冥不可混用,如上述形式不能写成ng/kg.min-1形式。九、 数字用阿拉伯数字。表示年份,须写全称,如1999年不能写成99年;表示百分数的范围和偏差,前一个数字的百分符号不能省略,如20% ~ 30%不能写20 ~ 30%;附带尺寸单位的数值相乘,按3cmⅩ4cmⅩ5cm方式书写,而不能写成3Ⅹ4Ⅹ5cm 。十、 参考文献应以亲自阅读的文献为限,论著10条,综述20条以内,按引用的先后顺序排列于文末,并于正文内引用处以方括号注明。参考文献中的作者。


《云南社会科学》的投稿方式:《云南社会科学》电话:,有问题可以打电话进行咨询。投稿采用纸质投稿和电子邮箱两种方式,电子稿的发送邮箱: 经济、企业管理 : 政治、历史 : 民族、宗教、社会: 哲学、文学: 法律 : 地址:昆明市环城西路577号 邮编:650034《云南社会科学》是云南省社会科学院主办的向国内外公开发行的社会科学综合性学术理论期刊,于1981年5月创刊。其较强的学术性、理论性以及可读性一贯为学界所目。主要栏目设政治、哲学、经济、社会、宗教、历史、文学等主要栏目。明确坚持以马列主义为指导、为中国的社会主义现代化建设服务、为繁荣社会科学事业服务的。



