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The innovative application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing design in Guizhou Province Summary:Guizhou Miao embroidery is one of the intangible cultural heritage in the world. It is a wonderful flower in the history of Chinese embroidery and has a unique artistic charm. Miao embroidery is a cultural product created by the people of Miao nationality who exert their wisdom and diligence in the life of nature. It is the carrier of Miao culture. The application of Miao embroidery innovation in Guizhou in modern clothing design is beneficial to the establishment of unique artistic style of modern clothing, the integration of traditional technology and modern design, and the inheritance and development of traditional technology.Key words:Guizhou Miao Embroidery; modern clothing design; innovative application IntroductionMiao embroidery in Guizhou Province is wonderful, but with the development of the times, Miao embroidery skills gradually decline, is facing the challenge of metamorphosis and regeneration. Designers in the new era should shoulder the responsibility of inheriting and developing the Miao embroidery techniques. The Miao embroidery is a source of inspiration for modern fashion design because of its rich and varied shapes, colors and techniques[1].In the new era, how to apply the innovation of Guizhou Miao embroidery to modern clothing design, how to inherit and innovate, how to collide traditional techniques with modern design to create new sparks, and how to make Miao embroidery glow with new vitality, etc. , it is worthy of our deep thought and study. 1. Main characteristics and distribution of Miao embroidery in GuizhouMiao embroidery in Guizhou is very particular. Different needlework methods should be considered according to the expression of different objects and artistic effects. Some needlework, some needlework, some needlework, and some needlework involve thread winding, weaving and knotting each other. Guizhou Miao embroidery mainly flat embroidery, lock embroidery, braids embroidery, seed embroidery, plate embroidery, broken thread embroidery, tin embroidery and so on, embroidery design texture rich three-dimensional sense. There are many branches of Miao ethnic group in Guizhou, and different regions have different representative types of embroidery: the most common flat embroidery, mainly distributed in southeast Guizhou Taijiang, Shidong, Rongjiang and Danzhai County. Flat embroidery single needle single thread, pay attention to even and even stitch. CREPE and braid embroidery are mainly distributed in Xi River and Leishan. It is one of the most unique traditional embroideries. The craft is complicated, first the silk thread weaves the small plait, with the traditional pattern pastes the cloth as the bottom, the small plait sews on the pattern, each sews a stitch to fold, causes the small plait drape three-dimensional, like the relief. Dazi embroidery is mainly distributed in Taijiang, Dazi is to wire around a few times and then insert the base cloth to play a knot in one heart, a Zhang Sengyou effect. Broken thread embroidery, mainly distributed in Taijiang, is a very special embroidery method in flat embroidery. Broken thread embroidery divides ordinary silk thread into 8 to 12 strands of fine thread, and then uses fine threads to make flat embroidery. It is exquisite, exquisite and luxurious. It is a fine work in Miao embroidery. Tin Embroidery is distributed in Jianhe. The Intelligent Miao people cut tin foil into thread and embroider it on cloth. The geometric pattern is the most fashionable style of embroidery[2].Miao embroidery in Guizhou Province is rich and colorful, with distinctive features, which congeals the national spirit and historical and cultural connotation of Guizhou. 2. Development Status of Miao embroidery in Guizhou ProvinceWith the development of social economy, there are fewer and fewer young people learning embroidery skills[3].Miao embroidery process innovation and age is proportional to the younger generation of the Miao is the carrier of process inheritance, lack of innovation will lead to Miao embroidery culture and environmental adaptability[4].The lack of innovation ability has become a big problem in the development of Miao embroidery technology.Colorful Guizhou has unique tourism resources. In recent years, the rapid development of Guizhou tourism industry has led to the development of tourism products, and the design of tourism products with Guizhou characteristics has become a hot spot, including the development of Guizhou Miao embroidery tourism products with Guizhou characteristics, for example has the Miao nationality embroidery clothing, the bag, the small ornament and so on. Since 2015, the international ethnic and folk cultural tourism products fair of Guizhou has been held, fully displaying the colorful and varied forms of Guizhou, displaying ingenious ethnic cultural products and unique ethnic cultures, to promote the protection, inheritance and scientific and reasonable industrial transformation of national folk arts and crafts, so as to promote Guizhou mass entrepreneurship and innovation, further enhance cultural self-confidence, and enhance the soft power of culture. The opening of the fair has brought a new opportunity for the innovation and development of Miao embroidery in Guizhou. 3. The application of Miao embroidery in costume design in Guizhou Province3.1The application of Miao embroidery in traditional dress in Guizhou ProvinceMiao embroidery is not bound by natural form, pay attention to emotional expression screen, rich in strong artistic appeal. Abstract methods are widely used in the modeling of Traditional Miao costumes. The image of virtual animals and plants of the Miao people in Guizhou Province means that in the long course of history, the Miao people have naturally transcended the process of imitating reality in the face of various external circumstances, the abstract form of the object in the Miao embroidery to provide a broad space for its creation.In the traditional costumes, the Miao people in Guizhou have rich and colorful embroidery colors and techniques, which are full of the unique artistic language of the Miao Culture. In traditional costumes, Miao embroidery uses unique embroidery techniques to decorate costumes, which are often decorated on the body, placket, collar, cuffs and Hem of traditional costumes, the texture effect in the decoration increases the layering, massiness and artistic sense of the dress. Women dress up, complex exquisite needle will focus on the collar, cuffs and other parts, highlighting the focus of clothing, and ensure the harmony and unity of clothing and accessories[5].3.2The application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing designThe modern clothing design uses the Miao nationality traditional color matching method for reference, the decorative color mainly gives priority to the bright color, forms the intense contrast color. Highlight the decorative patterns of clothing, traditional Miao costumes into modern clothing. In the modern clothing design, the traditional national cultural elements are increasing, the unique style of Guizhou Miao embroidery has created the traditional significance modern fashion works in the international modern clothing design application[6].In 2009, the famous domestic designer Lin Xuefei designed the evening dress with the Miao nationality characteristic by the tin embroidery element, and displayed it at the European wedding dress conference, which caused a great sensation overseas. Miaos'clothing elements are widely used in modern fashion design in European and American fashion shows. Modern women underwear design is often used embroidery techniques, highlighting the Miao embroidery close to the heart, showing the feminine soft and sexy[7].

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2008年参与教育厅课题《广西苗族服饰图案艺术研究》 2009年主持教育厅课题《广西民间艺术与现代动画研究》 2009年设计作品发表在《美术教育》期刊 2009年发表论文《广西壮族民间艺术在现代动画创作中的应用研究》于《传承》杂志 2010年参与省级教改课题“民族服饰图案在《服装设计》教学中的应用研究” 2010年参与广西教育厅课题《白裤瑶服饰文化研究》 2011年主持省级教改课题《动画教学中渗透民族文化元素的教学研究与实践》 2012年发表论文《试论苗族服饰纹样在数码服装设计中的应用》于《河池学报》 2012年发表论文《广西东盟文化交流合作的现状、问题与对策》于《前沿》 2013年发表论文《“教改论文”民族服饰图案在服装设计教学中的应用》于《大舞台》 2013年发表论文《动画角色服饰艺术特征探析寻》于《大众文艺》 2013年发表论文《广西花山岩画在现代动画中的应用探析》于《美术教育研究》 2013年发表论文《广西花山岩画图符造型对现代动画创作的启示》于《大视野》 2013年发表论文《基于PHOTOSHOP CS3 的“苗之韵”服装设计及意义》于《艺术教育》 2014年发表论文《从美术片看广西本土动画的创作方向》于《芒种》 2014年发表论文《 广西壮族文化元素在动画教学中的应用探索》于《电影评介》 2014年发表论文《苗族服饰文化功能探析》于《作家》 2014年发表论文《动画教学中渗透民族文化元素的教学研究与实践》于《美术教育研究》 2014年发表论文《广西花山岩画的图像元素及其在现代动中的呈现》于《艺海》 2014年发表论文《广西傩文化元素在现代动画创作中的应用探寻》于《美术界》 2014年发表论文《广西壮族铜鼓纹样在现代包装设计中的应用》于《法制与经济》 2014年发表论文《广西壮族民族文化元素在包装设计中卡通化的应用探析》于《北方文学》 2014年发表论文《广西民俗文化在动画制作中的应用探寻》于《美术学刊》近三年主要获奖情况 2009年获评估先进个人称号 2009《广西第二届大学生艺术展演》优秀指导教师 2009年 获“正保教育杯第五届全国ITAT教育工程就业技能大赛”最佳指导老师奖 2010,课件《PPT课件艺术性与美工技巧》在第十届全国多媒体课件大赛优秀奖 2010,课件《PPT课件艺术性与美工技巧》获第六届全国高等学校计算机教学成果二等奖 2010获“全国第四届构建和谐社会大学生先行数字艺术设计(公益)作品大赛”最佳指导老师 2010获第六届全国高等学校计算机教学成果二等奖 2009-2010学年度教学工作优秀奖 2011年获四届全国大学生(文科)算机设计大赛优秀指导教师2011年获本年度广西师范学院优秀班主任 2011年获广西师范学院教学工作优秀奖 2011年全国第七届全国计算机课件评比大赛一等奖 2012年获五届中国大学生计算机设计大赛优秀指导教师2012年获教学工作优秀奖 2012年获广西师范学院“教书育人党员优秀示范岗” 2012广西师范学院“三育人”先进个人 2012年第12届全国多媒体课件大赛一等奖 2012年第八届全国计算机课件评比大赛一等奖 2012年第12届广西高校多媒体教学技能大赛一等奖、最佳艺术奖 2009—2012年广西师范学院优秀教师2013年广西师范学院优秀教师



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