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Topic: Re-recognition of the value of school sportsmanshipAbstract: Physical education is the main vector for the physical act of open education activities, school sports and moral thinking in young people play an important role in the formation. Based on the current shortage of school education in sportsmanship, from building a harmonious society, unmarried children, and other aspects of the new curriculum for schools of education by the sportsmanship of the new requirements of research, believe that the value of the new school sportsmanship awareness and positioning, so that its adaptation to changing social needs and better qualified people to cultivate socialist words: schools; sports; ethics; value; sportsmanship; the value of sportsmanship加油。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Schools recognize the value of sportsmanship Abstract: Physical education is the main vector for the physical act of open education activities, school sports and moral thinking in young people play an important role in the formation. Based on the current shortage of school education in sportsmanship, from building a harmonious society, unmarried children, and other aspects of the new curriculum for schools of education by the sportsmanship of the new requirements of research, believe that the value of the new school sportsmanship awareness and positioning, so that its adaptation to changing social needs and better qualified people to cultivate socialist services. Key words: schools; sports; ethics; value; sportsmanship; the value of sportsmanship

论文答辩英文:(thesis) oral defense 论文英文:thesis; dissertation; treatise; paper discourse ;答辩英文:make open reply; reply (to a charge, query or an argument); reply in support of one's own idea or opinion; answer rejoin ;

论文答辩Oral defense


As things become increasingly frequent cultural exchanges and integration, as well as modern science and technology, culture, art, posters for the new concepts, posters increasingly focusing on the unique style of the rich character development and the design idea. Underwear modern poster design in the information ever want the market environment improving product visibility, do not forget to allow consumers to view, we must rely on "creativity." "Creative" advertising to target advertising for the creation of an unprecedented, fully reflect and meet certain people's emotional or substance of creative thinking. Through imagination, composition and creation process, will be targeting the potential for real property into the public can feel the concrete images. This paper first female to female consumer market and consumer psychology, conducted an investigation and analysis. Underwear bills creative inseparable from the market, the market is the source of creative inspiration. Only after sufficient market accumulation, there can be more collisions of thinking, creativity only have greater opportunities. Female underwear specific consumer products. posters in the design process must be fully aware of the group's structure and needs, the idea is to identify their characteristics, demand. Then according to the target consumer psychology to the point of seeking to design to meet the emotional needs of consumers. The article then focused on the analysis of contemporary underwear poster design status, creativity and cultural connotations. Now, China's underwear poster graphics performance of a single comparison, the majority of people-centered, but there are also unique. The bills reflect personality emerged. Unique underwear poster design must be based on the "new combination of old elements" of the creative principle, classical and modern combination do both compatible, "You are part of me, I have you." "Minimalism" graphics performance requirements, through such means for Reconstruction creation, to a strong visual impact results. Customized to the psychological feelings aroused their concern and sympathy, so as to achieve transfer product information, successful product marketing purposes. And the positioning of bills creative premise that only underwear bills positioning confirmed, to determine the content of the advertisements and advertising style. Advertising posters will be in the position to demonstrate the concept, given its deep cultural connotations, let the audience through advertising posters. understand where the author national and regional traditions, and understanding of traditional Chinese contain a modern design philosophy, truly "the only nation that is the world." Finally the article on graduation poster design process were discussed. From the point of design, design style, the tone design, the design performance practices, the way into the design and the design of the advertisement to conduct a detailed analysis, allowing readers to the author's creative concept of a deeper level of understanding and awareness.

毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英[ˈθi:sɪs] 美[ˈθisɪs] 。thesisn.论文,毕业论文;论点,论题;命题扩展例句1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination? 这个命题经得起推敲吗?3、He has finished his thesis. 他的论文完成了。4、She's finished writing her thesis. 她那篇论文写出来了。5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕. 请写一份这本书〔这篇论文〕的摘要。The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.文章论点、论据鲜明,但缺乏论证。

[Abstract] [words ... ... Will the summary and key words were written in English which ~~~ Thank you master Dual help translate, as follows : [Abstract : With the widespread use of computers. The rapid development of information and network technology to make our lives a startling change. However, in the full enjoyment of a wide range of convenience brought about by the information age, faster services, but it makes the personal information collection and use of data more easily and quickly. The face of the recent surge in the number of all types of networks through invasion of privacy case, the definition of Internet privacy. ways to more effectively protect the privacy of cyberspace, the law has become a hot topic. This extension of the traditional right to privacy and added that an effective legal mechanism to further improve the protection of privacy. will be a useful way. Key words : the right to privacy; Internet privacy; Infringement; Protection; Legislation;



Public health problem is a significant social problems, in relation to the crowd overall health and quality of life of the party and government, is an important part of the job functions. Public health emergencies directly related to public health, economic development and social stability, and increasingly become the hot issues of social universal attention. Therefore, further investigation public health emergencies cause and control countermeasures has important realistic paper mainly discusses the emergent public health event in order to deal with the basic situation, from now on policy decisions, financial analysis, and combines the present existing problems and to foreign emergency system, it summarizes and analyzes the reference in order to deal with the system defect, the article puts forward Suggestions to solve the problem, along with the social development of the industrialization of negative effect, make public health emergencies rise ceaselessly, the frequency also changed its category by modern civilization but also in facing the challenges of health hazard factors, the state department needs to be more closely to the public health emergency response system for the construction of people's livelihood, health, economic development and social stability and make further efforts.

Public health problem is a significant social problems, in relation to the crowd overall health and quality of life of the party and government, is an important part of the job functions. Public health emergencies directly related to public health, economic development and social stability, and increasingly become the hot issues of social universal attention. Therefore, further investigation public health emergencies cause and control countermeasures has important realistic significance. This paper mainly discusses the emergent public health event in order to deal with the basic situation, from now on policy decisions, financial analysis, and combines the present existing problems and to foreign emergency system, it summarizes and analyzes the reference in order to deal with the system defect, the article puts forward Suggestions to solve the problem, along with the social development of the industrialization of negative effect, make public health emergencies rise ceaselessly, the frequency also changed its category by modern civilization but also in facing the challenges of health hazard factors, the state department needs to be more closely to the public health emergency response system for the construction of people's livelihood, health, economic development and social stability and make further efforts. Public health emergencies Emergency system Social problems

Shaanxi Province is located in China's western region, but in recent years the country's western development aid policy support and its own resources, environmental advantages, through increasing economic structural adjustment efforts to promote producer services has been some development. However, compared with the developed areas in Shaanxi development of producer services is still relatively backward state, the equipment manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of Shaanxi Province in the west and the country occupies a very important position, research shows that producer services in Shaanxi Province and without the simultaneous development and manufacturing, producer services behind the level of development has been seriously hampered the development of manufacturing and upgrades. Inefficient manufacturing sector in Shaanxi Province is the reason for the development of producer services and manufacturing industry is not able to match the development of the manufacturing sector is not able to provide adequate services. Shaanxi Province in recent years, using panel data, combined with the impact of manufacturing efficiencies and other economic variables, the use of econometric models of producer services on manufacturing test efficiency. The results show that: the development of producer services not directly stimulate the manufacturing efficiency to enhance the level, but the effect achieved by adjusting the improved efficiency in manufacturing, scientific research and comprehensive technical services, transportation, storage and communications sector two sectors were on the level of economic development and technological innovation capability and manufacturing efficiency has a significant relationship between the regulation effect due to Shaanxi Province or traditional producer services, so the relationship between human capital and manufacturing efficiency and finance and insurance is right manufacturing efficiency regulation effect was not significant. Finally, to further enhance the productive service industry in Shaanxi Province to enhance manufacturing productivity positive role in promoting policy recommendations. Keywords: producer services; manufacturing productivity; equipment manufacturing



我国居民服务性消费与第三产业关系研究(Our residents service consumption and third industrial relations research) 消费本身是一种行为,不是一种产业,但消费会带动商业、服务业等第三产业的发展我国国民经济行业共分为20个门类,按三产业划分如下:第一产业(1个门类):指农、林、牧、渔业(包括农、林、牧、渔服务业)。第二产业(4个门类):包括⑴采矿业;⑵制造业;⑶电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业;⑷建筑业。第三产业(15个门类)是指除第一、二产业以外的其他行业。包括:⑴交通运输、仓储和邮政业;⑵信息传输、计算机服务和软件业;⑶批发和零售业;⑷住宿和餐饮业;⑸金融业;⑹房地产业;⑺租赁和商务服务业;⑻科学研究、技术服务和地质勘察业;⑼水利、环境和公共设施管理业;⑽居民服务和其他服务业;⑾教育;⑿卫生、社会保障和社会福利业;⒀文化、体育和娱乐业;⒁公共管理与社会组织;⒂国际组织。国家统计局1985年对三次产业的划分作了专门的规定,即:(1)第一产业是农业(包括林业、牧业、渔业等);(2)第二产业是工业(包括采掘业、制造业、自来水、电力、蒸汽、热水、煤气业)和建筑业;(3)第三产业是除上述各业以外的其它产业,它又包括四个层次:第一层次是流通部门,包括交通运输业、邮电通讯业、商业饮食业、物资供销和仓储业;第二层次是为生产和生活服务的部门,包括金融业、保险业、地质普查业、房地产业、公用事业、居民服务业、旅游业、咨询信息服务业和各类技术服务业等;第三层次是为提高科学文化水平和居民素质服务的部门,包括教育、文化、广播电视事业,科学研究事业,卫生、体育和社会福利事业等;第四层次是为社会公共需要服务的部门,包括国家机关、政党机关、社会团体,以及军队和警察部门等。据谢文蕙等的资料,1988年,第三产业内部这四个层次产业的比例关系是:发达国家为25:10:30:35;亚洲“四小龙”为30:15:35:20;印度和中国大体为35:25:25:15。第一、二层次为流通类,第三、四层次为服务类,发达国家是服务类比重大于流通类,亚洲“四小龙”是二者大体相当,而中国和印度则相反,呈流通类比重大于服务类,说明发展中国家和地区第三产业内部的新兴产业相对弱小。

首先我们先把题目里的每个单词翻译出来,这些单词均是CNKI翻译助手翻译的,CNKI翻译助手非常专业,每个词语的翻译均是各种论文中出现频率最高的那个词:奥运公园:Olympic Park 设计:Design OR Designing传统:Traditional山水画园林:Landscape garden特征:Characteristic运用:Application然后我们“串成”题目:《The Application of The Characteristic of Traditional Landscape Garden in the Olympic Park Designing》温馨提示:英语论文的标题专有名词(短语)首字母均要大写,连词和介词要小写,这个是现在的通用的写法。


1、Town land managementWith the development of urbanization construction in China, a large amount of land use management problem also will rise, and this will hinder the further development of urbanization. Make development plan, is well the premise condition of urban construction and basic work2、Town construction engineering quality managementConstruction engineering quality is engineering construction investment of the three major goals, quality fit and unfit quality, in relation to the lives and property of the people safe. Building engineering is a special kind of products, it can not like other industrial products that removed maintenance. Therefore, the construction engineering quality process control is very 、Regional development strategy researchStrategic management theory with the time continuous development and development. This article from the strategic management history evolution new trend, strategic management tools to the new development of the two aspects of the strategic management development new trend, hope for strategic management theory and practice plays a promoting role4、Regional economic characteristic analysisOur country is a vast, the development of a large population and areas around the great powers in the physical, economic, and social conditions, regional development no significant difference in China is to balance the basic national conditions.


问题一:通过论文答辩用英语怎么说 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 问题二:“如顺利通过论文答辩”用英文怎么说? 如顺利通过论文答辩 If the oral defense goes *** ooth, If I can pass the oral defense successfully, 问题三:“论文答辩”,“答辩论文”英语怎么说? the oral defense for a thes贰s the defensed thesis 问题四:博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说? plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis 问题五:国内毕业答辩的“答辩”,英文怎么表达 动词用 defend,名词用 defence。 问题六:“论文答辩”英语怎么说? 5分 oral defense 或者说thesis defense 问题七:毕业答辩,用英语怎么翻译?谢谢 Graduation defence oral defence of Ph绩 口语的话常说viva





After all of the committee members have approved the thesis, the oral defense will be officially scheduled by the Graduate Office.


从上面的句子中我们可以看到,“论文答辩”就是“(thesis) oral defense”。有时候也会用“Viva-voce”来表示,但是多数情况下“Viva-voce”只针对博士生论文答辩。论文答辩委员会是“Thesis Defense Committee”。比如说“硕士论文答辩委员会”便是“Thesis Defense Committee for Master Degree”。


论文答辩英文:(thesis) oral defense 论文英文:thesis; dissertation; treatise; paper discourse ;答辩英文:make open reply; reply (to a charge, query or an argument); reply in support of one's own idea or opinion; answer rejoin ;


