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By Washington Post, adapted by Newsela staff


难度:(满分10分)      字数:830


You're mostly stuck inside, you are home from school and the coronavirus pandemic is making the future seem less certain by the day. The coronavirus is a flu-like illness that first arose in China. The virus has now infected people around the globe. Like 27 percent of Americans, you might seek comfort in a familiar place: the refrigerator.

Food can be one of the easiest and most immediate ways to make ourselves feel better in stressful times. While enjoying our food is a good thing, experts say emotionally eating lots of food with little nutritional value can weaken our immune systems and worsen our moods at a time when it's especially important to stay positive and protect our bodies.

"If we want to be able to feel better, given the situation that we're in, we have to think about how we want to fuel our body in ways that we can stay more at ease," said Eva Selhub, a doctor with expertise in stress, resilience and mind-body medicine.

Why do my eating habits matter right now?

Selhub says that people may feel guilty or shameful for eating highly processed foods with a lot of sugar. Eating these foods can also cause inflammation in the body that increases fatigue, anxiety and depression. Selhub added that our bodies have various ways of connecting our stomachs to our brains, so eating nutritious foods can help control our moods.

How can I tell if I'm eating because of emotion and not because of hunger?

Eating as a result of stress tends to be an automatic instinct, such as putting your hand into a bag of potato chips without thinking about it, said Deanna Minich, a nutritionist with the American Nutrition Association. By contrast, physical hunger lasts longer and can be resolved with a variety of foods, rather than just foods with little nutrition.

How can I prevent or limit emotional eating in this uncertain time?

Food makes us feel better by releasing two chemicals called dopamine and serotonin in our brains. The release of these chemicals creates a feeling of pleasure, but Selhub says the effect wears off quickly. To stop emotional eating, she suggested doing a gut-check before you reach for a snack. Ask yourself, "Am I about to eat because I'm physically hungry, or because I feel stressed or sad?"

If the answer is the latter, Selhub said you should consider turning to other sources of comfort. Try breathing exercises, movement, spirituality, social interactions, hobbies or time in nature, which can all help relieve those feelings. Stick to your normal eating schedule of two or three meals a day, even if your daily routine has changed, she said.

"Whether you're alone or with other people, make it a ritual of nurturing —  that you're nurturing yourself, that you're fueling yourself," Selhub said.

If you want extra help for staying on track or managing your weight, Selhub suggests finding or making an online support group.

What if anxiety has the opposite effect on me and I struggle to eat enough?

Although many people eat extra when they feel anxious, you may have trouble eating at all. Stress can put your body into an elevated state as if you were facing an immediate danger, such as early humans may have felt when being chased by a lion, Selhub said.

To digest food properly, we need a relaxed digestive system, Minich said. Warm teas can help your body loosen up, while protein shakes and electrolyte packets provide energy.

At the very least, Minich said you should drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. To return to regular eating patterns, though, she said it's important to address the underlying stress by physically moving or doing a simple meditation.

What should I be trying to eat during this public-health crisis?

Making good food choices starts when you're scanning the grocery-store shelves and deciding what to take home, Minich said. Buy fresh, colorful foods as much as possible, she said.

If buying fresh produce and meat is not possible, Minich says frozen foods are usually more nutritious than canned food. Frozen food is preserved in close to its original state and usually has little interaction with the plastic it's stored in, she said. Canned food, on the other hand, touches its metal container and the plasticizer used to seal it. Canned food is also usually stored in a high-salt or high-sugar solution.

Minich also suggested using spices to reduce inflammation caused by stress and eating foods with vitamin C to strengthen your immune system. Now is a good time to share recipes with friends and family, she said. Make sure you're also paying attention to other aspects of your health, such as moving your body and getting enough sleep.

Ultimately, Minich said eating well improves our sense of well-being, increases our curiosity and makes us happier.

"And I think this is the time that we need more well-being and happiness," she said.











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大学生 英语阅读 能力的培养是外语教学的重要内容之一。下面是我带来的大学英语 文章 阅读,欢迎阅读!


希拉里最爱的11本书 它们塑造了我的思想

1. "The Brothers Karamasov" by Dostoevsky


During her tour in New Hampshire, Clinton named Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" as her favorite book.


Also recommended by Albert Einstein, Vladimir Putin, mentioned in 5 Good Books To Read According To Haruki Murakami. This is of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. Throughout are themes of love, law, and duty, which makes this one of the best Dostoyesky books to read besides Crime and Punishment.


2. "The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance" by Edmund de Waal


Q:What was the last truly great book you read?


Hillary: I can't stop thinking about "The Hare With Amber Eyes," by Edmund de Waal; "The Signature of All Things," by Elizabeth Gilbert; "Citizens of London," by Lynne Olson; and "A suitable Boy," by Vikram from interview to The New York Times


In the 1800's, the family of Ephrussis bankers lit up the Parisienne and Venetian world in similar fashion to the Vanderbilts and Morgans of the Roaring '20s. History students who enjoy a mixture of royal and peasant life stories will want to read this multiple award-winning account.


3. "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert


Gilbert took over a decade to write an award-winning novel of love, science, and the lure of knowledge. A winter-born ugly duckling child named Alma is born in Philadelphia to a wealthy titan who made his fortune on exotic plants. As Alma becomes dissatisfied with unfulfilling social life and fascinated with her own internal contradictions, she begins a tour of exotic locations to discover that the plant world can speak to the world of humans.


4. "Citizens of London" by Lynne Olson


If you've ever wondered about Winston Churchill's inner circle, this 2010 Amazon Best Book of the Month will reveal the bold souls who forged an Anglo-American alliance before the public came on board.


5. "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth


In 1950's India, it is most important that a lovely Indian girl have an arranged marriage with an impressive groom. This novel of magical realism weaves together the lives of four families, and has been described as a Dickensian work meant for 20th Century readers.


6. "Our Divided Political Heart" by E. J. Dionne


Q:What are the best books about Washington, Is there one book you'd recommend to someone planning to move to or work in the capital?

提问:有关华盛顿市的最好的书是什么?有没有一本书你想推荐给打算移居首都或者来此工作的人?- from interview to The New York Times

Hillary:"Our Divided Political Heart," by . Dionne, shows how most everybody has some conservative and liberal impulses, but just as individuals have to reconcile them within ourselves, so does our political system if we expect to function productively.


What is truly the soul of America – a rugged individualism or a balance of individual and communalstrengths? From former President Bill Clinton to Hendrik Hertzberg and Rachel Maddow, Dionne has stolen our divided American hearts.


7. "After the Music Stopped" by Alan S. Blinder


"After the Music Stopped," Alan Blinder's account of the financial crisis, is clear in its analysis and recommendations."- from interview to The New York Times


The positive aftermath of the 2007 financial crisis, or credit crunch, was to show the fragility andinterconnected threads binding global governments and businesses together. This book explains complex and world-affecting financial trends such as Quantitative Easing without requiring its readers to become professors of economics or history.


8. "The Color Purple" By Alice Walker


"Alice Walker tackles some of society's most vexing issues—race, gender and violence—through amemorable protagonist named Celie. The story of her growing up as a victim of abuse, and her ongoing journey of self-discovery, is a brutally honest assessment of human nature at its best and worst."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine

“艾丽斯·沃克触及到了一些社会上最恼人的问题——种族、性别和暴力,而这一切是通过令人难忘的主角茜莉的视角写出来的。作为一位受虐者,她的成长 故事 以及不断进行的自我探索之旅,赤裸裸地展现了人性最好的一面和最恶的一面。”——摘自《奥普拉杂志》中希拉里·克林顿的话

For a book titled after a royal color, there seems to be no hint of greatness or glamor about Celie's life. Celie and Nettie’s struggle to live as worthwhile human beings in a world that tries to reject them, andforge a future, is inspirational.


9. "Little Women" By Louisa May Alcott


"Like many women of my generation who read this novel growing up, I felt like I lived in Jo's family. This book was one of the first literary explorations of how women balance the demands of their daily lives, from raising families to pursuing outside goals. The book was written more than a century ago, but its message resonates today."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine


The adventures of Meg, Amy, and Beth were inspired by Alcott's real-life sisters; one married a fellow play-actor, one died of scarlet fever, and one showed her paintings at the Paris Salon. The result of their literary sister’s efforts has been made into countless plays and films, and even a ballet.


10. "The Clan of the Cave Bear" By Jean M. Auel


"This novel about life in prehistoric times is a rich blend of imagination and information about everything from plants that were used for medicine to the rituals and taboos of Neanderthal man. It is also about Ayla, a little girl who is orphaned when her parents are killed in an earthquake. Maybebecause I'm a mother, I was very moved by the story of her survival and growing up."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine


This novel could be termed 'Ayla and the Ice Age', since these are the primary protagonists of the story of disaster and survival. This is the first novel in a five-part Earth Children series.


11. "West with the Night" By Beryl Markham

柏瑞尔 ·马卡姆著《夜航西飞》

"I can't get over the amount of daring, courage, self-confidence and determination it took to accomplish what Beryl Markham did in 1936, when she became the first person to fly solo, east to west across the Atlantic Ocean. This is a beautifully written life story of one of the greatest woman adventurers of all time, from her growing up in sub-Saharan Africa to her exploits as a pilot."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine


First written in 1942, the 2010 reprint has captured the timeless appeal of man versus nature…only in this case, the plane-flying daredevil is female. Though Markham eventually spent her years as a horse trainer in Kenya, in her younger years, she became famous as the first female to fly nonstop across the Atlantic. Her courage would do credit to Ernest Hemingway's determination to face internal fears; she met him on safari.

这本书最早作于1942年, 2010年重印版本中捕捉到了不会因时间流逝而褪色的人与自然对抗的无穷魅力……只是这一回,无畏的飞行员是一位女性。尽管马卡姆最终在肯尼亚作了数年驯马师,但在她年轻的时候,她还是因成为第一位不间断飞越大西洋的女性而闻名于世。她的勇气要归功于厄内斯特·海明威面对内心恐惧的决心;她曾在非洲游猎中遇到他。


4种 方法 让迷失彷徨的你找到方向

We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of confusion can cause us to feel that we are stuck in a never-ending, foggy web of uncertainty.


To those who are currently caught up in the web of confusion, this may not make sense just yet, but stick with me.


Here is what you can do to overcome your confusion and find the joy:


1. Accept where you are.


Accept the fog, accept the confusion and accept the feelings of "stuckness." This is usually a sign that more information needs to be delivered before you can move forward.


2. Take a deep breath.


Center yourself, and firmly state, "I don't know what to do, and that is okay." When you firmly state your uncertainty, you move out of the fog. The more you focus on your certainty, the more at peace you will feel with where you are at.


3. Focus on what you know.


When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and no beginning. To clear this, start focusing on what you know and what you feel sure about. When you do this, it will automatically help to weaken the cloud of confusion over your life.


4. Be patient.


Being confused is a sign of change and you may need to let the journey unfold a little bit more before you make a decision. Be at peace with that, and be at peace with the fact that you don’t have all the answers. Just accept the way things are and trust that inspiration will reach you when the time comes to make a decision.


The beauty about being stuck and confused in life is that there really is no wrong turn or wrong path.


Every road traveled is a blessing in some way, so take the stress out of life's decisions and trust that all roads really do lead home.






双语杂志有:China Daily、疯狂英语 、 英语广场 、 空中英语 、 英语世界(比较权威,多种文体,短小精湛) 、英语学习、 英语角、 高中生用英语画刊不错,偏难点的就是英语沙龙也值得推荐!我觉得最好的就是:疯狂英语!在高中阶段我对这份真的就如所说的疯狂了,定期去图书馆阅读~我的英语的破冰之路也就是从这本杂志开始的,词汇增加不少!希望我的回答能帮助你,也祝你英语成功、学业进步!另外我也推荐一份报纸:高中版21世纪报,如果坚持阅读提高英语能力是必然,这是我的经验!




