
> 学术论文知识库

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学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考:1. 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels)2. “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV)3. 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)4.《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice)5. 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice)6. 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)7. 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy)8. 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students)9. 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach)10. 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West)11. 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication)12. 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism)13. 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades)14. 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea)15. 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)

标题1:如何利用辞典学习英语 目的:找到利用辞典学习英语的方法。 内容:1、调查;2、查资料;3、写作;4、修改。 参考资料:1、国内期刊:《现代外语》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》;2、书籍;3、互联网。 标题2:英语口语练习中的语音训练 目的:探索语音训练的方法以提高英语口语。 内容:1、调查;2、查资料;3、写作;4、修改。 参考资料:1、国内主要期刊:《中小学英语教学》、《中国教育》、《外语界》、《外语教学》等;2、书籍;3、互联网。 标题3:英汉翻译中的“信”的原则 目的:了解英汉翻译练习的“信”的本质并遵循此原则。 内容:1、调查;2、查资料;3、写作;4、修改。 参考资料:1、国内期刊:《现代外语》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》;2、书籍;3、互联网。 标题4:幼儿英语教学中的智力开发 目的:探索幼儿学习英语与智力开发的关系。 内容:1、调查;2、查资料;3、写作;4、修改。 参考资料:1、国内主要期刊:《中小学英语教学》、《中国教育》;2、书籍;3、互联网。 标题5:新时代报刊阅读的特点 目的:了解新时代报刊的新特点并探讨如何更好地阅读报刊。 内容:1、调查;2、查资料;3、写作;4、修改。 参考资料:1、国内期刊:《现代外语》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》;2、书籍;3、互联网




















































顶! 迟点关闭 我关注着呢


关于英bai语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)

1、 “在中国做一年大使”项目外籍教师跨文化培训的设计与评价

2、 中国大学生使用英语空间动介构式的历时研究

3、 会话隐型含义的理论与实验语用学研究

4、 英汉交传中的译语过度冗余及应对策略——以《人类的明天》新书分享会为例

5、 汉英交传中笔记有效性不足及应对策略——以“产业政策思辨会”模拟会议为例

6、 在译前缺乏有关会议材料状况下应对术语策略探讨——以2018年苹果秋季新品发布会英汉同传为例

7、 中国历史人物传记英译项目中专名处理的难点及对策——以《九世班禅传》英译为例

8、 英语写作原则在汉译英中的运用——以《40人看40年》翻译项目为例

9、 外媒新闻报道翻译中涉华信息的准确传递——以一组国外时政新闻的英译中为例

10、 多媒体资源在旅行指南翻译中的辅助作用——以《孤独星球·美国》英译汉项目为例

11、 汉英交替传译中话语标记语的翻译及策略——以“‘朗润·格致’产业政策思辨会”模拟会议为例

12、 中文合同英译的法律术语误译原因及对策浅析——以一组房屋租赁合同英译项目为例

13、 从表演效果的角度看剧本翻译策略——以某影视培训项目的一组剧本为例

14、 机器翻译中译前编辑措施研究——以《2018全球城市论坛实录》翻译为例

15、 家具类产品手册英汉翻译的难点及对策——以北欧某家具品牌产品手册英译汉项目为例




Structure Features and Rhetorical Devices of English Newspaper Headlines Abstract: With the development of mass media, newspaper is one of the major media for us to get information all over the world. Nowadays English newspaper is very popular and read all over Chine. However, many people still have difficulty in understanding English newspaper headlines even for some English majors. This is because English newspaper headlines have their own special features, culture backgrounds and different from the daily English we used in many aspects. This paper will then focus on the lexical, structure features and rhetorical devices of English newspaper headlines, which can help us to have a better understanding when we are reading newspapers. Key words: Newspaper headline, Lexical features, Structure features, Rhetorical devices.

报刊阅读―提高英语能力的好方法======================================================================摘要:现代科技的突飞猛进使我们进入一个前所未有的信息时代。今天的又要培养学生摄取信息和处理信息的能力。应用报刊阅读进教育既要传播信息,行英语教学对于教育教学设备落后的边远地区不失为一种有效落实新课程的理想选择。要搞好这方面教学就要在英语教学中要激发学生的报刊阅读兴趣、在英语报刊阅读教学中要加强、合理利用课本,提高学生阅读能力。关键词:报刊阅读,阅读量,阅读技巧,小组合作,新课程理念 ,英语教学一、英语阅读诸变量对阅读的影响阅读理解是读者从语篇中获取信息的过程。著名语言学家Christine Nuttall认为,作者将自己头脑中的信息编码(encoding),形成语篇(text),读者再把语篇解码,获取信息。作者要把他头脑里的信息(一个主意,一个事实或一种情感)传达出去,让别人理解,首先必须把信息形诸于文字,即编码,作者一旦完成了编码过程,信息就以语篇的形式存在于作者的头脑之外。阅读过程是一个解码过程。作者要传达的信息进入读者头脑,交际过程随之完成。 信息从作者的头脑到达读者的头脑里的过程中,若干因素影响读者接受信息。这些因素被心理学家们称之为变量。阅读变量主要有三:,)读者变量(reader variables);,)语篇变量(text variables);,)作者变量(writer variables)。,)读者变量:以往人们认为,语篇的含义就像杯子里的水,而读者的头脑则象个容器。语篇含义可以直接倒入读者的头脑里,读者则像海绵一样毫无保留地吸收语篇含义。根据这一观点,读者在阅读中的角色是被动的,他只需敞开头脑,语篇含义就象水一样注入其中。“交互作用阅读理论”则认为,文字意义并非被动地存在于文本之中等待读者解码的语言符号,恰恰相反,文字意义是在读者与文本交互作用中产生的。所以,在阅读过程中,读者的角色是主动的,他只有全神贯注,努力挖掘文本的含义,才有可能获取文本中的信息。由此可见,相同的文本对不同的读者难易程度不同,原因在于读者个人知识结构的差异,这就是读者变量。读者变量是影响阅读的一个重要因素。,)语篇变量:语篇变量是指句子的结构、长度、词汇密度(vocabularyintensity),新概念的多寡、文章主题的难度和新颖度等。一个文本的难易程度在于读者与作者在以上诸方面重合部分之大小。重合部分愈大,文本愈容易,反之则愈难。事实上,完全的理解是不可能的,阅读理解的目的在于尽量挖掘文本含义,扩大重合面。毫无疑问,语篇变量对阅读理解影响甚大。,)作者变量:作者也是个变量。在写作之前,作者对读者的特点一定要心中有数,然后根据其特点,进行写作。这样,他所要传达的信息才会准确地传达给读者,否则就会出现误解或不完全理解,致使交际中断。阅读是人们获取信息的一种重要途径,也是人类社会文化交流的一种重要形式。提高中学生的阅读理解能力是中学英语教学的一个主要目标和要求。也是大面积提高中学英语教学质量的关键。但由于边远地区的教育教学设备落

Structure Features and Rhetorical Devices of English Newspaper HeadlinesAbstract: With the development of mass media, newspaper is one of the major media for us to get information all over the world. Nowadays English newspaper is very popular and read all over Chine. However, many people still have difficulty in understanding English newspaper headlines even for some English majors. This is because English newspaper headlines have their own special features, culture backgrounds and different from the daily English we used in many aspects. This paper will then focus on the lexical, structure features and rhetorical devices of English newspaper headlines, which can help us to have a better understanding when we are reading words: Newspaper headline, Lexical features, Structure features, Rhetorical devices.摘要:随着传媒的发展,报纸逐渐成为我们获取世界各地的信息主要媒介。现在,英文报纸的阅读更是非常流行。然而,许多人仍是很难理解英文报纸的标题,即使是英语专业的学生。这是因为英语报纸的标题有着它们自己独有的特点,文化背景和日常英语与我们在很多方面的不同。本文将重点放在词汇,结构特点和修辞在英语报纸中的特点,当我们在读报纸,它可以帮助我们有更好的理解。关键词:报纸的标题,词汇特征,结构特点,修辞。1. IntroductionEvery time we pick up a newspaper, what come into our sight will be lots of news headlines. A headline has become an indispensable part of newspaper. The editor means to attract the reader’s attention through headlines. As a result, news paper headlines are usually specially designed to be short, concise, and informative to convey different kinds of information. We may be confused by the headlines like “Cater’s War on Waste”, “UFO Sighted”, “Smugglers Get Jail and Fines”, “Weekly Mag for Stamp Lovers to Be Launched”, ect. Yet without some knowledge of news headline features, it is not easy for us to read English newspaper. This paper has summarized the study of newspaper development in recent years and presents the lexical features, structure features and rhetorical devices of English newspaper headlines in . Lexical Features of English Newspaper HeadlinesLexical features of English newspaper headlines can mainly include four parts. They are exemplified as follows.[1] AbbreviationAbbreviation, which is used in a large quantity in English newspaper, means “A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form”. Generally speaking there are 3 kinds of Abbreviations used in the newspaper.① Abbreviation for organizationsExamples: UNESCO = Uinted Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture OrganizationPLO = Palestine Liberation OrganizationIOC = International Olympic CommitteeNASA = National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAPEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ConferenceFIFA = Federation Internationale de Football Association② Abbreviation for profession and careerExamples: MP = member of parliament PM = prime ministerGM = general manager PA = personal assistant③ Abbreviation for our familiar thingsExamples: UFO = Unidentified Flying Object DJI = Dow-Jones IndexAIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeGMT = Greenwich Mean TimesLaser = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of RadiationRadar = Radio Detection and RangingSonar = Sound Navigation RangingTOEFL = Test of English as A Foreign LanguageIELTS = International English Language Testing System[2] ShorteningShortening of different words in newspaper aims to spare more space or to cut down the length of the : grad – graduate hosp – hospital cig – cigaretteCell – cellular Sec – second Reps – representativesInfo – information Int’l – international Deli– delicatessenHi-fi – high fidelity Hi-tech – high technology 3-D – three dimensionalG-7 – Group of seven A-bomb – atom bomb V-day – victory day[3] CompoundCompound words in English newspaper are usually formed by two or over two words. By compounding, we can make complicated structure simpler, what’s more, save : ① “Plan to aid school dropouts extended” ( China Daily, ). Here “school dropouts” refers to “the student who drops out of school”.② “Li stresses corruption fight” (China Daily, ). Here “corruption fight” refers to “fight against corruption”.[4] Informal and Small WordsNewspaper headlines are likely to use informal and small words because small words have more meanings than big words and can be used in many cases. In news English these words are refered to as “synonyms of all work”.Examples: aim——purpose, design, object intention, ——assembly, convention, congregation, exam,etc,pact——compact, contract,agreement,conventiondeal——negotiationm,transaction,bargain,. Structure Features of English Newspaper HeadlinesStructure features of English newspaper headlines can be divided into two aspects. They are as follows:[1] OmissionOmission is one of the major features of English newspaper headlines. Generally speaking, omission can be classified 4 types.① Omission of articlesExamples: Italian Ex-mayor Murdered ( = A Italian Ex-mayor Was Murdered )Tenth of British Mackerel Catch Ground into Feed(= A Tenth of the British markerel Catch Ground into Feed )② Omission of conjunction and pronounExamples: USA, Vietnam Resume Talks ( = USA and Vietnam Resume Talks )Have Dollars, Will Sell ( = If You Have Dollars, Will Sell )③ Omission of “be ” and auxiliary verbsExamples: Three Dead after Inhaling over Gas ( = Three Are Dead after Inhaling over Gas )Married Women to Get Care Allowance( = Married Women Are to Get Care Allowance )PNC’s world views praised ( = PNC’s world views were praised )④ Omission of verbsExamples: Ballots, Not Bullets ( = Algerians Want Ballots, Not Bullets )Pom peii Reported Seriously Damaged( = Pom peii Reported to Have Benn Seriously Damage)[2] Use Noun to Replace Adjective, Phrase, and VerbNouns are frequently used in newspaper Headlines to replace different words to form various structures. So nouns are the most animated words in news : Yugoslav pianist stirring music world( “music world” = “musical world” )Corruption Reports Against Police Rise( “corruption reports” = “reports on corruption complaints ”)Female axe murderer executed( “female axe murdered” = “ a female murderer who killed with an axe ” )Export growth to beat crisis( “growth” is used to replace “grow” )4. Rhetorical Devices Of English Newspaper HeadlinesRhetorical devices of English newspaper headlines mainly have six kinds. They are as follows.[1] ImitationExamples: The Son Also Rises To Save or Not to SaveThe Road That Must be Taken Do as Maoris DoThe Great Mall of China Candidate in the WindiPod, therefore, i am[2] MetaphorExamples: A Dove Taking WingWhitewater May Drown DemocratsTrouble Brewing[3] AlliterationAlliteration is the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables, esp. stressed : Pride and Prejudice Sense and SensibilityKill or Cure? Carrots and Clubs?Solitary Soldier Tiger Tied Virtual Villains[4] RhymeRhyme is the repetition of an identical stressed vowel sound, followed by identical consonant sound but preceded by different consonantsExamples: Masculine rhyme: Foe/toe meet/fleet make/brakeFeminine rhyme: Revival/arrival mountain/fountainEye rhyme: Brain Gain/Drain Dream Team Wheels and DealsBubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble It’s More Than a War[5] PunPun is an expression that achieves emphasis or humor by contriving an ambiguity, two distinct meanings suggested either by the same word or by two similar sounding : Why is the river so rich? It has two are monkeys as talkative as women? Each monkey has a tail(tale).Why is that female movie star so cool? She has many can run faster, heat or cold? Heat, because everyone can catch is the worst weather for mice?When it rains cats and is the bride always unlucky on her wedding day? Because she can never marry the best is mind? It doesn’t is the matter? Never mind.[6] IdiomExamples: Rome is not built in a time seven-year sum up, English newspaper headlines can use different kinds skills of lexical features, structure features and rhetorical devices to create many effects. Besides the features mentioned above, there many other features in English newspaper headlines for us to analyze. Understanding the headlines of the news is a gateway to understand the whole news, so news headlines is an area worthwhile for us to go deep into.


题目不要太大,也不要太小,太大了面太广容易泛泛,小了就无材料可查,没东西可写。写你熟悉的 资料好查的 参考

关于英bai语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)

关于英语专业的论文题目,学术堂整理了十五个好写的,供大家参考:1.《红字》中海丝特 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century。6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners’ Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet’s Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)14. 论腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——关于《雾都孤儿》的赏析 (The Purity in a Corrupt World—An Analysis of Oliver Twister)15. 论理智与情感之关系——对《理智与情感》的人物分析

学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语论文题目,供大家进行参考:1. 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen’s Life on Her Novels)2. “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV)3. 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)4.《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice)5. 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice)6. 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)7. 论格里高尔的悲剧 (An Analysis of Gregor’s Tragedy)8. 对大学生心理健康问题予更多关注 (More Attention to the Psychological Health of College Students)9. 文体学: 语言学习的科学 (Stylistics: A Scientific Approach)10. 佛教在西方 (Buddhism in the West)11. 非语言交际 (Nonverbal Communication)12. 国际反恐 (International Anti-Terrorism)13. 全球资金市场近期特征与走向 (The Character and Tendency of Global Capital Market in Recent Decades)14. 从《老人与海》中桑堤亚哥的性格可知——人是打不败的 (A Man Cannot Be Defeated—From the Character of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea)15. 南方的失落 (The Loss of the South)



很多外刊杂志其实在国内可以买到,去一些比较大的书店,外刊杂志种类很全。北京王府井外文书店就能买到很多种外刊,像是《The Economist 》,《Times》等等。最推荐买The Economist (经济学人),Newsweek (新闻周刊), News and World Report (美国新闻与世界报道),Times (时代周刊)这四本,考研英语80%的外刊都是出自这里。


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News Republic的工作人员不是正经的记者,而是一群有情怀的新闻爱好者。每天,他们从他们的供应商那里筛选数以万计的信息,然后提供给读者,可以说是“为信息过剩提供了解药”。

2014年,雅虎推出了其Summly新闻应用《雅虎新闻文摘》(Yahoo News Digest)。它每天从主要新闻源提取9个精选内容,并将其放在主页上。


Smart News在日本很受欢迎,它也是一个新闻聚合网站,拥有超过1000万的下载量。(对不起,你的沙发已经抢光了…)他们是高端的,使用学习算法来评估世界各地的新闻,并根据阅读量推荐你感兴趣的内容。我对现在的应用越来越满意了






读外刊时,应该注意以下两点:1.别读太难的文章,以现在的知识为起点,略高即可,从时尚、设计杂志入门是个不错的选择。2. 泛读开路,精细化深入。首先选择自己感兴趣的领域及题材,然后根据自己的阅读水平,选择难度适中的文章进行深入理解和细化学习。






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