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以上内容参考 百度百科-杂志

国外知名英文杂志大全 社会类此类代表主要都是美国的,它们分别为:《人物》、《时代》、《财富》、《娱乐周刊》与《福布斯》等杂志。它们所属的杂志社实力雄厚,杂志资料权威,质量与设计有口皆碑,在人们的心目中占有很大的地位,所以将它们看作所有类杂志的代表亦无可厚非。 科学类科学类杂志有刊登论文、宣传科学与促进学术交流等一两个或全部方面的功能,即其有专业的和大众的之分。其中学术性的期刊有美国的《科学》杂志与英国的《自然》杂志,大众化的期刊有美国的《国家地理杂志》、《探索》与《大众科学》等杂志。 体育类如今体育运动已经深深融入世界各国人民的生活中,而且很多国家都有自身擅长的体育项目,这两个因素为体育运动的交流发展提供了很好的国际基础.相应的,体育类杂志也由此而发展壮大,成为杂志方面一个大项,其中以美国的《高尔夫文摘》、《高尔夫杂志》、《体育新闻》、《体育画报》和《ESPN杂志》为代表。 艺术类艺术作为一种文化现象,大多为满足主观与情感的需求,亦是日常生活进行娱乐的特殊方式。其根本在于不断创造新兴之美,借此宣泄内心的欲望与情绪,属浓缩化和夸张化的生活。文字、绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影等任何可以表达美的行为或事物,皆属艺术。所以艺术类杂志包含范围很广,这里提几个代表:美国的《滚石》、《首映》与英国的《帝国》杂志。综合类综合类英文杂志包含内容甚广,小到生活琐事,大到政坛要事及全球动态都有涉及。主要代表有:美国的《读者文摘》、《环球》及《现代文明》。




《中小学英语教学与研究》《小学教学设计(英语) 》 《中国英语外语教师 》《学英语.小学教师版 》,“订阅网”还有更多,登陆该网站看看吧~


一般直接找杂志社很难发表,看来你对这方面还不太了解。现在都找代理。要想找放心期刊,能在中国期刊网上查到的都是正规期刊。没必要非在本省期刊上发表。去看看 远航论论文发表,发表论文如何防上当? 文网 他们有这方面的代理!


不错,关键还是看业务 多说没用

恕我无知 我没有看过DM杂志 不知道DM主要是哪一种类型 若是综合类 需要多在一些大的杂志社学习 个人认为意林 读者 青年文摘的板块就很好 可以买几本来看看 也可以转载一些内容 若是小说类 可以连载小说 在一些大的小说网站上与作者签约 或专门聘请特约作者来把自己还未完成的小说放在杂志上 吸引读者 要做宣传 不需要铺天盖地的广告 可以让书店的老板帮忙宣传 给他一些利润 :进书时便宜一些。。因为有些买书的人并无主见 会问老板哪种好 也可以与学校联合 学生一般会在学校订杂志 哪怕市面上的便宜 。只要一个班有一个人订 就会有人借书看 这样也是一种宣传 现在看的杂志上 大多都有编辑与读者互动的内容 发短信互动或在网站上 或写信 被选上者赠一本杂志 等 也可以出一些测试的题 或征文 给一定的奖励 像每期【最小说】的后面,都会有一些编辑部内的趣事爆料 以及拍的照片 编辑部的人员评价 有的杂志会把主要写手 画者以昵称出现在书中 在一些纸张的边缘处来表达对某事的看法 某图的看法 。。。。 其他的暂时想不出来了 希望对你有帮助 虽然我只是一名初三学子


DM杂志有其自身的很多优点:DM杂志的优点: 1.发行 DM直投杂志,它区别于传统期刊的优势可能就是它的发行方式,免费赠阅。这种发行方式在期刊的运作上,其实是带着另一种优势的,就是你的杂志可以没有选择障碍地进入读者手里。因为免费赠阅,所以可以在内容策划或封面策划上,不必花传统杂志那么大的力气去想怎么做一场秀,吸引眼球购买;DM绕开了这一步,在内容运作上,DM要比传统期刊的特色要求简单得多。 2.目标 DM杂志不同于其他传统广告媒体,它可以针对性地选择目标对象,有的放矢、减少浪费。是对事先选定的对象直接实施广告推广。客户接受者容易产生其他传统媒体无法比拟的优越感,使其更自主关注所宣传的产品。一对一地直接发送,可以减少信息传递过程中的客观挥发,使广告客户效果达到最大化。 3.专业性DM杂志,读者对象明确,读者群也相对比较集中和稳定,因此采用点对点的定向发行手段更加有效。这也是DM杂志的特点,并不追求发行的绝对数量,而是追求发行的有效性。对于专业性较强的行业期刊,一般读者也很难看懂,想提高也不太可能,也没有必要。因为行业杂志的广告也是有效的,靠行业价值链上下游的供应商的广告存活,所以行业内的特定读者并且有一定的采购决策权和话语权的读者往往是客户最关注的,其他的读者再多也属于无效发行。而且现在随着印刷越来越精美,印制和发行成本往往高于发行收入,而达到一定发行量后广告量并不随发行量同比增长,所以很多DM杂志还要控制发行量,找到广告与发行的最佳平衡点,使效益最大化。 4.广告 DM直投杂志,形式和内容高度统一, 受阅率提高, 读者就是商品信息的接受者,直投广告这种形式丰富了媒体的层次, 起到引导消费的作用,DM广告目前占到我国广告市场近1%的市场份额, 与国外相比, 成长空间巨大,在广告已经成为媒体主要收入来源的今天,广告命中率极高的DM媒体将对广告主产生巨大的吸引力。 DM的有效投递 DM---一种新兴的商业媒体,是英文Direct Mail Advertising的省略表述,直译为“直接邮寄广告”,即通过赠送等形式,将宣传品送到消费者手中、家里或公司所在地。 在中国,则把派发传单、商业信函、对帐单、定期发布的固定形式印刷品广告、报纸夹页广告等,全部统称为DM,在日常生活中大家比较通俗的称呼是“广告宣传页”。 近年来,DM广告凭借其独有灵活的市场策略和本身的优势,正在与传统媒体广告抢占越来越多的广告市场份额,具业内人士估计,至2007年,仅上海市通过中邮专递、上海风火龙物流有限公司等通过报纸夹页、直投信箱、有址投递等发布的DM广告就可以从传统广告媒体抢到数亿元的营业额,体现出强大的市场竞争能力。 一般来说,DM广告能否发挥最佳广告效应,主要取决于DM制作水平、构思创意和投递方式。如果说前者能够紧紧抓住顾客的心,使DM广告商取得“丢了芝麻捡了西瓜”的效果,那么投递就是为DM广告商运送“西瓜”的必经桥梁,而建造这座桥梁的前提条件就是DM有效投递,有效的投递与策略的完善实施是赢得DM收获的关键。我们通常采用的投递方式有:(1)邮局邮寄;(2)报纸夹页;(3)人力直投。邮寄不但成本高昂而且很少有人观看,往往是信封不拆就扔进垃圾筐;报纸夹页目标受众率高,能一对一精准锁定相关报纸读者群,而且投递区域针对性积强,尽管报纸本身的垃圾广告多,可夹页广告因其独特的设计及时尚的外表,加上商家精彩详细的营销方案,从而决定它就是与普通报纸广告不一样,能更好的吸引读者眼球;而人力直投更是避免了邮局邮寄缺点,能够根据商家的促销需求及时调整发放区域和数量,直达目标受众用户,如高档社区、大型商圈、知名企业等,提高有效投递率,达到最佳广告效果 什么是有效投递?把一份DM送给广告商的一位目标受众就是有效投递。从这方面来说,大量盲目投递并不完全代表能吸引广告商的目标受众注意力。譬如,把汽车商把DM广告送给100个穷人或100个已经有好车的人,就是无效投递,因为穷人无购买能力而后者不需要再买车,他们不能为汽车商带来经济效益,不是目标受众;相对送给一位急购车或急需换车的白领,意义就大的多,就是有效投递。如此类推,只有具备消费条件且具备购买意向的人,才是广告商的目标受众——终端消费群。DM,是英文Direct Mail Advertising的简称,即直接邮递广告,也称直邮广告,是指通过邮政系统将广告直接送给广告受众的广告形式。英文Direct Mail Advertising,最早的中文名字叫“直接邮送广告”。早期的DM还有许多小名,如“邮送广告”、“直邮广告”、“小报广告”等,一般认为只有通过邮局的广告才可能称为DM广告。



日本杂志:GAL系1.《ViVi》2.《PINKY》3.《Sweet》4.《Scawaii》5.《Glamorous》6.《JELLY》 7.《Glitter》8.《WoofinGirl》9.《BOAO》10.《Blenda》11.《ElleGirl》12.《HappieNuts》少女街头系1.《nonno》2.《mina》3.《seventeen》4.《soup》5.《PS》6.《popteen》7.《zipper》 8.《mini》9.《ranzuki》10.《kera》11.《spring》12.《seda》13.《cutie》14.《egg》15.《cawaii》16.《nicola》17.《street》 18.《anan》19.《jille》20.《fruits》21.《looks》22.《love berry》23.《fine》24.《spy girl》25.《steady》26.《hanachu》27.《nadesico》28.《honey girl》29.《haco》欧美田园系1.《装苑》2.《smart》3.《vogue》4.《spur》5.《ginza》6.《figaro》 7.《elle》8.《fudge》9.《high fashion》10.《luire》11.《nikita》12.《意大利原版》13.《bazaar》优雅OL派1.《cancam》2.《ray》3.《more》4.《with》5.《oggi》6.《style》 7.《miss》8.《anecan》9.《classy》10.《baila》11.《voi》12.《luci》13.《grazia》14.《very》15.《saita》16.《voi prink》 17.《25ans》18.《lee》19.《in red》20.《domani》21.《image》22.《precious》23.《grace》24.《ミセス》25.《story》26.《rapty》 27.《ryuryu》男装系列杂志1.《smart》2.《mens nonno》3.《street》4.《ollie》5.《popeye》6.《fine boys》 7.《huge》8.《boon》9.《cool trans》10.《bidan》11.《invitation》12.《fine》13.《mens voi》14.《gq japan》15.《tune》16.《street jack》 17.《411》18.《mens ex》19.《begin》20.《warp》21.《uomo》22.《samurai》23.《mens club》24.《egg》25.《joker》26.《cazicazi》27.《cover》28.《mens brands》29.《mens digger》败金共和国1.《发型》2.《smart》3.《voce》4.《maquia》5.《bargain》6.《joy》 7.《美的》8.《anan》9.《ageha》10.《beas up》11.《nail max》12.《uresta》13.《hair mode》14.《chouchou》15.《chokichoki》16.《jewelry》 17.《brands off》18.《wedding》19.《裁剪》20.《纹身》21.《tattoo burst》22.《oz magazine》23.《tomotomo》24.《preppy》25.《monomax》26.《家庭画报》27.《fytte》28.《body》29.《婚纱》30.《nail up》31.《美人百花》32.《nailvenus》33.《美甲》34.《af imp》35.《时计begin》36.《cure》37.《style book》38.《内衣》39.《美容》韩国杂志比较有名的是:《ceci》《VOGUE》《Instyle》

Oriental Art Magazine东方艺术杂志Art & design magazineArt & design magazineArtnowmagazineMagazineArtSculpture MagazinePermaculture MagazineAesthetica cover, February/March 2010Aesthetica, est. 2002, United KingdomAfterall, est. 1998/9, London, United KingdomThe Aldine, 1869–1879, American art monthlyAmerican Art Review, est. 1972, American colonial era until the early 1970sAperture, est. 1952, quarterly photography magazine; based in New York, USAApollo, est. 1925, monthly, based in London, United KingdomARC Magazine, est. 2011, contemporary Caribbean art and cultureArt and Antiques, est. 1984, published out of North Carolina, USAArt and Architecture Journal, est. 1980, re-launched 2005; UK basedArt+Auction, owned by Louise Blouin MediaArt & Project, Dutch art magazine, 1968–1989Art in America, est. 1913; covers US and international art but concentrated on New YorkArt in Print, est. 2011, bimonthly art magazine and website on the history and culture of artists’ printsArt International, 1956–1984, published quarterly in Paris, FranceArt Monthly, est. 1976, UK-based coverage of contemporary artThe Art Newspaper, est. 1983, international coverage of news from the world of visual artsArt on Paper, 1996–2009, based in New YorkART PAPERS, based in Atlanta, Georgia, bimonthly contemporary art magazineArt Press, est. 1972 based in Paris, monthly bi-lingual (French/English) contemporary art magazineArt Press 2, est. 2006 based in Paris, quarterly contemporary art magazineArtAsiaPacific, covers contemporary art in Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle EastArtforum, est. 1962 in San Francisco, now based in New York, USArtibus Asiae, est. 1925 in Dresden, biannual academic journal specialising in the arts and archaeology of AsiaArtibus et Historiae, semi-annual journal of art historical research, published by the Institute for Art Historical ResearchArtillery, based in Los Angeles, covers US and international art but concentrated on CaliforniaARTINFO, owned by Louise Blouin MediaArtist Profile, est. 2007, Sydney, Australia, contemporary art quarterly covering Asia-PacificArtlink, founded in 1981, based in Australia, covers contemporary art of Australia and Asia-PacificArtlog, based in Brooklyn, NY, online onlyArtnet, based in New York, Berlin and ParisARTnews, founded in 1902, covering ancient to contemporary artArtNexus, leading Latin American contemporary art magazine, est. 1976, based in Bogota and North MiamiArtReview, est. 1949, international contemporary art magazine, based in LondonArts Magazine, monthly art journal published in New York by Art Digest, Co., 1926–1992Atlantica Revista de Arte y Pensamiento, Centro Atlántico de Arte de Moderno (CAAM), based in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, since 1990Australian Art Collector, est. 1997, quarterly magazine covering Australian contemporary art, including aboriginal artAustralian Art Review, Australian quarterly fine arts magazineBAK magazine, bilingual Turkish and English visual arts magazineThe Bear Deluxe, Portland, Oregon-based magazine dedicated to environmental writing, literature, and visual artBeautiful/Decay, began as a 'zine, currently a blogBedeutung, a quarterly British publication of philosophy, current affairs, art and literatureThe Blue Review, a London-based arts magazine, 1911–1913Blueprint, London-based magazine of architecture and designBOMB Magazine, a quarterly magazine edited by artists and writers, based in New York, est. 1981The Brooklyn Rail, a journal of arts, culture, and politics published monthly in Brooklyn, est. 2000The Burlington Magazine, est. 1903, based in London, England, longest running English-language art journalCommunication Arts, est. 1959 in Menlo Park, CaliforniaConstance, est. 2006, based in New Orleans, LouisianaContemporary, 1993–2008, monthly visual arts magazine based in LondonContemporary Art Philippines, bi-monthly magazine covering Philippine visual artsCulture Lounge, bi-monthly magazine, based in Columbus, Nebraska, founded in 2006Darling, independent, ad-free, women's magazine with a "no-retouching" policy, based in Los Angeles, founded in 2009Daruma Magazine, Japanese art magazine, 1994–2011Derrière le miroir (DLM), French art magazine published from 1946 to 1982, ParisDialogue, 1978–2002, based in OhioThe Drama, 2000–2007Esopus, semi-annual magazine, based in New York, founded in 2003esse arts + opinions, Montreal-based contemporary art magazine, published three times a yearFillip, contemporary art magazine, based in Vancouver, Canada, founded in 2004First American Art Magazine, quarterly magazine about indigenous art of the Americas, founded in 2013Flash Art, bimonthly contemporary art magazine, based in Milan, Italy,frieze, London-based contemporary art magazine, founded 1991, published eight times a yearHi-Fructose Magazine, a contemporary art magazineHigh Performance Magazine, a quarterly performance art and experimental art magazine 1978-1997Hunter and Cook, a contemporary Canadian arts and culture magazine, 2008–2011Hyperallergic, online magazine of contemporary art criticism, based in Brooklyn, founded 2009ImagineFX , magazine of digital art, est. 2006, based in Bath, UKDie Insel, 1899-1901, Munich, GermanyThe Jackdaw, British arts magazine, founded 2000Juxtapoz, monthly lowbrow art magazine, founded 1994KIOSK, art, design and architecture magazine, est. 2007, based in London, UKLens Culture, international art of photography, est. 2004Lodown magazine, bimonthly art, culture and lifestyle magazine featuring sculpture, photography, and graffitiMcJAWN, an art and culture magazine, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, defunctMetronome, founded in the 1996 by the Metronome Press in Paris, FranceMinotaure (1933-1939), surrealist-oriented; founded by Albert Skira in Paris, FranceMir iskusstva, est. 1899 in St. Petersburg, RussiaModern Painters, founded 1987, owned by Louise Blouin , est. 2005 in Berlin, GermanyMoving Art Magazine, international art magazine, est. 2007, based in The NetherlandsNew Art Examiner, 1973–2002, based in Chicago, USThe New&Bad, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, founded as a part of Maayan poetry magazineNictoglobe, founded in 1982, online : international feminist art journal, established in 1996, covering feminist art criticism and the work of contemporary women artistsNYArts, also known as NY Arts Magazine, 1995–2014[1]Parkett, from Zurich, SwitzerlandThe Pastel JournalPelican Bomb, online art review on contemporary visual arts in New OrleansPhotosho, showcasing Canadian photographers, defunctPLAZM, founded 1991Portfolio Magazine, 1979–1984Print Connoisseur, 1920–1932; Vol 1#1 to 12#2 (46 issues - all published)Professional Artist, the American art industry's foremost business magazine for visual artists, est. 1986Raw Vision, UK-based, devoted to outsider artRevolutionart, bi-monthly contemporary art online magazineRevue Noire, Paris, 1991–2001Sculpture, published by the International Sculpture CenterSensitive Skin Magazine, an online magazine of the artsStudio International, art and design magazine founded in 1893 under the name The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art, in print 1963–1994, presently online onlyTate Etc., art magazine published by the Tate, London, previously published under various namesThird Text, founded by Rasheed Araeen, LondonToby Room, founded by Jared Pappas-Kelley and Michael Lent in 2001, United StatesTradeArt, defunctTriple CanopyWallpaper*Watercolor ArtistWhite FungusX[edit]X, London, 1959-62X-TRA Contemporary Art Quarterly, Los AngelesZingmagazineReferences[edit]Jump up ^ Davis, Ben. "Pay-for-Coverage Magazine NY Arts Shuts Down". artnet news. artnet. Retrieved 4 February 2015.这里是一些能找到的杂志,关于艺术类的,有杂志名称,创办人和简单的历史介绍。





is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.时尚不光是一种外表,还是一种内在,时下流行的不一定都适合你,而是要根据自身的特点来打扮自己,看你属于那一种类型,成熟的,淑女的,还是简单自然的,还是清纯的,还是运动的,其实那一种都可以是时尚的。

, is a kind of aesthetic view. Brother is a punk, you satisfied 时尚,就是一种审美观。哥就朋克,你不服吗?

, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.嘻哈风、牛仔风、欧美风、职业风、皮草风、百搭、嘻皮、淑女、韩流、哈日,时尚到底是什么?时尚其实是都市特殊的标志,是都市人在纷繁芜杂的城市中特殊的心理需要。

people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.有人说孤独是可耻的,而时尚则是抵抗孤独的手段,这才是时尚的境界。

a blue skirt, microstrip wheat color skin looks so healthy, black hair like a waterfall vertically over the shoulders, with a reddish face.一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红。

color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids, always the confidence of cute expressions.小麦色的皮肤给人一种健康活力的感觉,穿着耐克的一整套的纯 白带粉色边运动服,微卷的褐色头发扎成一个轻松活泼的辫子,总是那自信可爱的表情。

to that fashion magazine, out is black dress this winter.


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ROSES are essentially chatons with flat backs, and so can either be used in fashion jewellery or pressed on fabrics and dresses as HOT-FIX STONES.


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