本人第一篇SCI文章发表于2014年,是我硕士文章的翻译版。 由于学科专业为航空工程,没有影响因子很高的期刊,相比于其他专业来说,发表SCI文章相对困难。 我的文章发表很曲折,但结果还算好,最后发表在Aerospace Science and Technology上,影响因子2.05,在航空航天类中算是很高的期刊了。 研究生一年级边上课边科研,学期结束时基本已经把研究内容做完,也得出了一个比较好的结论,导师评价“世界前沿”。 研二整理结果,学校发表一篇EI期刊满足毕业要求,所幸很顺畅,两个月退修,一个月录用,可以毕业了。 研三很忙,出国申请、面试工作。导师看我每天心不在焉,说你再整一篇英文文章吧,加点研究内容,对你以后的职业发展或学术发展都有好处。 当时人整个很浮躁,恨不得立刻离开校园,导师想了个办法,拉一个博士师兄进来跟我一起做这个课题,文章我来当一作,师兄当通讯。 师兄人很好,毕业想留校,还差点东西。他跟勤奋,做东西很快,做完后每天都会催我整理结果。 我一看师兄这么玩命了,自己肯定不能懒惰,连着加班两个星期翻译完草稿,因为忙着毕业和工作,没跟导师商量,直接就把文章投出去,投给Acta Astronautica。 导师知道后也没说啥,静待消息呗。后来我拿到了美国大学的全奖offer,瞬间轻松下来,每天玩的不亦说乎。俩月后,文章悲剧,除了说创新性不太够,主要问题是语言不地道,语法太差。 自我感觉英语良好,说我英语不地道真的不能接受,去问老板,老板说文章写的确实不行。 本来期待老板给改改,那段时间老板在忙一个大本子,还经常出国,很没时间,让我自己找个语言润色机构,他给出钱。 不到一个星期,花了2000多,修改好,投出去。半年后录用,审稿意见很好,语言没问题后,文章的真正价值就出来了,再过几个月,成功发表。 其实第一篇SCI的文章成功发表,给人带来的主要是心理层面的鼓励:“没想到我也能发表不错的英文SCI!”打破这个心结后,第二篇、第三篇、第四篇文章就顺理成章了。 当然,第一篇文章有语言润色公司的帮助,自己心里其实是有不甘的,所以后面几篇文章全是自己整理、润色,质量都没问题,顺利发表。 从我这几年发表几篇SCI文章的经历来看,发表SCI不难,我自己也总结了几条心得体会,想与大家交流: 英语写作,可谓是很多人发表SCI期刊的最大拦路虎,基本要求是写作准确、表达简洁、用词地道。 在我几万字的英语写作后,有几点语法方面的经验,大家也可以参考: 先写这么多吧,等赞数上1000再增加,嘿嘿。 《一年6万美元,普通学渣如何拿到美国博士全奖》 《江歌案-别让民意越过了法律》 《我为什么反对减负和素质教育》 《战争与股市,人性贪婪最直观的展现》 《我喜欢的那个姑娘,像武藤兰》
原发布者: *** 亚
英文信开头的问候语【篇一:英文书信的开头问候语】请问英文书信的开头问候语有哪些私人书信的开头常用如下句子:howiseverything?一切都好吗?ihopeeverythingisallright.我希望(你)一切都好。howareyou?你好吗?howareyougettingalongthesedays?imissyouverymuch.你近来过得如何?我十分想念你。iwasveryhappytoreceiveyourletterofoctober10th.我很高兴收到你10月10日的来信。thankyouforwritingtome.谢谢你给我写信。yourlettercameintomyhandyesterday.我是昨天收到你的来信的。itsalongtimesinceigotyourlastletter.我收到你的信已经很长一段时间了。imsorryitooksolongtoreply.很报歉给你回信晚了。ihavebeensobusyrecentlythaticouldhardlyfindanytimetowrite.我最近挺忙,未能抽出时间给你写信。manythanksforthewonderfulpresentyousentme.谢谢你寄给我那么好的礼物。imsosorryfornothavingwrittentoyouforsuchalongtime.十分报歉,很久没有给你写信了。英语书信结尾常常写一些祝愿、问候他人、盼回信等等话语。常用的语句有:withbesishes.致以良好的祝愿。pleasewritetomeassoonhowareyou?howhaveyoubeen?ihopeeverythingisfinewithyou.hopeyouenjoyyourday.(或者)hereiamagain.it *** eagain.邮件比较频繁的话,
How do yo learn english?Learning english can be a very difficult task for most people,this is because we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write english.so i think the best way to learn english is by municating with others using the lagnguage itself and not just learn from the book.Im sure if you live in an environment such as a foreign country and were forced to speak and write english everyday then your english will imprve dramatically.Although we must agree that we need to read and write english from the book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic munication,this is essential but as i said,this is only a foundation,what you develop afterwards all depends on your ability to adapt to an environment and your courage.中文翻译:学习英语可以是一个非常艰巨的任务对大多数人来说,这是因为我们没有生活在一个环境下我们不得不说或写英文.所以,我认为最好的方式学习英语是沟通与他人使用语言本身,而不仅仅是学习这本书.进出口确保如果您的环境中生活,如国外,被迫说,写英语日常然后你的英语将成绩显着.虽然我们必须同意,我们需要阅读和书写英语的书籍,以便让基础,我们需要基本通信,这是必要的,但正如我所说,这只是一个基础,你的开发后,一切都取决于您的能够适应环境和你的勇气.你参考一下~。
My Father and Mother
The Story of Marry等等
万能开头 一篇文章通常可分为三个部分,即开头、正文和结尾。
这三个部分安排是否得体,直接影响到文章的质量。 文章的开头一般来说应尽量做到开门见山,用简单明白的叙述引出文章的话题,使读者了解文章要谈论什么,一下于引起读者的兴趣。
作文常见的开头形式大致有以下几种: 1.开门见山,揭示主题 文章一开头,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是: I Spent my last vacation happily. 下面是题为"Honesty"(谈诚实)一文中的开头:Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a "liar",and is looked upon by honest people. 2.交代人物、事情、时间或环境开头 在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。
例如"A Trip to Jinshan" (去金山旅游)的开头: The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us. 3. 回忆性的开头 用回忆的方法来开头。例如"A Trip to the Taishan Mountain"(泰山游)的开头是: I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday. 4.概括性的开头 即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。
如“The Happiness of Reading Books”(读书的快乐)的开头: People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power. 5.介绍环境式的开头 即开头利用自然景物或自然环境引出要介绍的事物。如“An Accident”(一场事故)的开头是: It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty. I was on my way back to school. Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner. 6.交待写作目的的开头。
在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个什么问题等。如 "Pollution Control" (控制污染)的开头: In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control. 万能结尾 1.活动类. Never before has xxx活动 been concerned much as it is today ! As far as I am concerned , it is high time we did something useful to improve ………… 2.好坏对比 Although every coin has its o sides, I think there are more advantages than disadvantages to cancel the long May Day holiday and shorten it into only one day. 3.父母帮助子女/老师帮助学生 As the old saying goes, “To give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; to teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”. As far as I'm concerned, parents should help their children to adapt themselves to society rather than shelter them from what's going on outside. 4. 关注家乡,关注国家的发展 Personally, I am sure we can see that China/ my hometown is getting richer and stronger and the people in our /my hometown /country will surely enjoy a happy life if all the measures above are to be taken effectively. 5. 感恩活动的意义/ I think this is a meaningful activity, which teaches us to learn to have gratitude for the people around us. Being grateful to others is a good feeling. With it we can know how to respect our parents, the elders and teachers. With it we can learn to care for others and five others. Only when we are always keeping a grateful heart to others can we harvest well-being and happiness. 6.社会公益活动的意义 From my point of view, xx活动 is obviously more than just learning; furthermore, it is helpful to broaden our horizon and improve our understanding of the world. That's why I'd like to take this opportunity and make the most of my special talents and interests. By doing so, I feel I can make a *** all contribution to society. 7.学生健康 1. To improve students' health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and meanwhile prevent themselves from being nearsighted. Poorer diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won't easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed, students can then keep in normal mental health. 学生健康 2. As far as I am concerned, we students should balance our physical exercise and studies. Just like a saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” without a sound body, one cannot achieve anything. However, too much attention has been paid only to studies. Therefore, I suggest we be given less homework and more time for out-of-classroom activities to solve all the problems. Only in this way can we lead a healthy life 8.环保类 As far as I am concerned , it is high time we 。
就开头空4到5个英语单词开始写 如果给了中文意思就逐句翻译,给了中文或英文关键词就自己编,有给表格或信息的就按这些写.题目中给出的一切信息都要在你的作文中表现出来.
一定要有开头和结尾.这个自己可以多看一些英语短文,就会写开头结尾了.看课本上的课文就可以.特别是结尾一定要有总结句.比如写自己理想职业的作文,开头可以写"Everyone has a dream.Do you want to know my dream?",结尾可以写"So I have to study hard in order to be a engineer in the future.What's your dream?".
英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn't do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn't performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.
第一步. 写文章的基本步骤 读题,分析题目。
列一个大纲最多就四五分钟,除非遇到很变态的题目要想很久。 写论文的时候,我不知道大家一般都在想什么,但我一般就写这一段主旨句的时候,脑子里就赶快想例子。
这样比较快! 最后,检查。有人有检查的习惯,我没有这个习惯,但是如果有时间的话,检查一下语法啦拼写啦之类会有好处。
第二步. 关于一篇文章的写作架构 说中国文章是八股文,但其实英文文章才是最八股的八股文。这一点经过过去一年狂读老外的论文得到了证实。
所以,要严格记住,一个文章的架构,要这样: 第一段:开头段:明确点名中心,必须有中心句 第二段:论证一段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第一个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第三段:论证二段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第二个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。
3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第四段:论证三段(反面论证) 1. 某东西重要,没有了某东西就会有怎样不好的后果,提出一个坏的后果,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,举一个没有了这个东西以后的坏结果的实例。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第五段:结尾段:明确重申中心,必须必须必须必须必须有结尾句!结尾句就是本篇文章中心句paraphrase! 这里说一下,这种结构里,第一段必须有,任何情况下都必须有!第二段到第四段,你想说几个理由就说几个理由,一般至少要两个理由,这两个理由可以是一正一反,也可以是两正,我鼓励大家写一个反的理由,主要是1.为字数考虑;2. 为论证逻辑的严密性考虑。
最后一段结尾段,一般国外大学写论文时,可以没有结尾段,但是如果考托福雅思GRE,那么时间允许的情况下,尽量要写出结尾段,这样可以让文章更完整。 第三步,如果字数不足 字数其实是很好凑的,一可以用例子来凑字,二可以用正反论证来凑字。
比如,如果你写了两个理由以后,发现两个自然段加起来字数还是不够,那么就可以写一个反的段落,两段变成三段,论证的是一个论点,字数也上去了。 第四步,文章的修改以及互改 对文章进行修改是一定能进步的,可以自己修改,可以找别人修改。
第五步. 关于例子 现在网上有很多那种作文论据例子集合啊、大全啊之类的,这种东西下载两三个,稍微背背就行了,永远要记住,例子不是关键,关键是你的论点和你论证的方式,例子只是让你的论点论证过程更充实更饱满,例子不等于全部。如果花了五个小时在背例子上,却花了30分钟写文章,那就不对了。
背一堆例子发现不会用,也是白搭。所以,不要总花很多时间逛论坛、并 *** 地以收集例子为借口,其实你就是 *** 地不想写不想下笔练习嘛。
两种方法都可以,哪个对你更有效就用哪个。 第六步. 写出来的东西过于简单,肤浅 四六级的东西不要怕简单,句子简单不代表一定很幼稚。
If the past has taught us anything,it is that every cause brings effect -- every actionhas a consequence.This thought,in my opinion,is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in this e ething simple can completely reshape your life.It's just like the Butterfly Effect and you never knopetition the human heart.
Ah, hoence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity.
We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.
Man's youth is a e to.
为什么如此?因为在青春时代,生活充满了奇特而辛酸的不可思议的事。我们在青春年少时带着悲喜交集的心情,十分强烈而不可名状地感受到人生的奇特辛酸、不 可思议的经历。其实质是什么呢?其实质是这样的:青春年少的时候,虽然殷实富足,却非常贫穷;虽然力气强大,却一无所有;世间的富贵荣华触目皆是,简直可 以呼吸到,闻到嗅到,还可以品尝到,心中的自信按捺不住,深切地感受到整个被陶醉了的生活——人类迄今为止所知道的最幸运、最富有的美好幸福的生活, 只要我们决定向前迈步,奋发努力,便立即归我们所有了,并将永远属于我们。然而,我们知道,我们真的永远不能抓到什么,永远不能获得什么,永远不能占有什 么。一切匆匆过去,荡然无存。我们一出手它就烟消云散,飘然而去,一去不复返了。于是,心中泛起阵阵隐痛,看到了自己真实的面孔,看到了自己未来生活的必 然走向。
A young man is so strong, so mad, so certain, and so lost. He has everything and he is able to use nothing. He hurls the great shoulder of his strength forever against phantasmalbarriers, he is a parison.
青年人非常坚强,狂热自信,但容易迷惘混沌,虽然机缘无数,却把握不住,虽然身强体壮,试图冲破重重虚幻的屏障,却如同一个波浪,最终还是无力地消失在旷 远浩淼的大海中央,他伸出手想要抓住斑斓的云烟,他想得到世间的万物,渴望主宰一切,最终却是一无所获。最后,他被自己的力量所毁灭,被自己的饥饿所吞 食,被自己的财富弄得贫穷潦倒。他对金钱或财富的积累不以为意漫不经心,然而最终还是被自己的贪欲所吞噬。
And that is the reason why, when youth is gone, every man will look back upon that period of his life with infinite sorrow and regret. It is the bitter sorrow and regret of a man who knows that once he had a great talent and wasted it , of a man who knows that once he had a great treasure and got nothing from it , of a man who knows that he had strength enough for everything and never used it.
Ah, beautiful paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the an outdoor concert nearby classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs. parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In paris the Music never ends.
Don't miss the highlight of paris evening: eating out. parisians are proud of their cuisine. And rightly so; it's s up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral. Here, you are standing in the center of France. All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame. Every road in France leads to her front door. All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks. Notre Dame is the heart ofparis and the heart of France.
Your visit in paris has only just begun. You've just started to discover the charm ofthis old city. May the rest of yourjoumey be unforgettable. pany,even panion that es home at night he cannot sit doy that the latter does, though it may be a more condensed form of it.
e to open war.ter if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live.The value of a man is not in his skin.
随着世界全球化、一体化趋势的发展,英语教学和学习变得越来越重要。本文是 七年级英语 小短文,希望对大家有帮助!七年级英语小短文:Spotlight on Hawaii 夏威夷风情 For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell with some little glimmer of awareness. Golden beaches and golden people. Sun, sand, sea, and surf... And somewhere between the blue skies and the palm trees... we're hooked. 对于大部分人来说,那些星星点点的关于夏威夷的印象,是以让我们沉浸于她的魅力。金色的海滩,金色的人们。阳光、沙子、大海、浪花......在蓝天和棕榈树之间,我们流连忘返。 The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long. It's a little warmer in summer, and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody. 夏威夷岛是世界上最美丽的地方之一。这里天气晴朗,气温整年在华氏60—90度之间变化。夏天稍暖,冬天稍凉,但对于某些人来说每天都是晒太阳的好日子。 The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust these islands three miles from the ocean floor. Wave action across endless eons of time created coral reefs, and then battered and broke them to create miles of white sand beach. 环境很舒适。夏威夷的自然美几乎是无与伦比的。几百万年前的火山活动将这些岛屿从海底三英里的地方挤推,形成了雄伟的高山。数亿年来,海浪翻滚汹涌,形成了珊瑚礁。之后海浪拍打着珊瑚礁,珊瑚礁被打碎了,形成了几英里长的白沙滩。 Our position at the center of the Pacific ensured that almost every plant and animal who would find a home here would come as an invited guest. 夏威夷地处太平洋的中心,使得几乎每一 种植 物和动物都可以来到这里找到一个家。 There are no strangers in Paradise. Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of our people. We call it the spirit of Aloha. It has allowed a melting pot ot cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places. 在这人间天堂没有陌生人。也许夏威夷人与生俱来的热情才是这里真正的魅力所在。我们将它称之为爱的精神。它是世界上最文明的地方之一,世界各地的 文化 都可以在这熔炉中找到共同点,生根发芽。 七年级英语小短文:Valentine's Day 情人节 February 14th is a complicated but interesting holiday. First of all, Valentine's Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. On Valentine's Day people ususlly send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The cards are called "valentines". They are very colourful, often decorated with hearts, flowers or birds, and have humorous or sentimental verses printed inside. The basic message of the verse is always "Be My Valentine", "Be My Sweet Heart" or "Lover". 2月14日是一个复杂而又有趣的节日。首先,情人节不是一个休假日。没人放假。在情人节这一天,人们爱谁或想得到谁的爱,就可给那个人寄去充满浪漫情趣的卡片。这种卡片叫“情人卡”。情人卡色彩鲜艳,常装饰有心、花或鸟,里面还印有幽默或感伤性的诗句。这些诗句传递的基本信息总是“做我的情人吧”、“做我甜蜜的心上人或情人吧”。 One of the symbols of St.Valentine's Day is the Roman god of Love, called Cupid. Cupid is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. He would shoot an arrow of love into a person's heart to make the person fall in love immediately, maybe with the first person to come along. Sometimes one arrow would go through two hearts, holding them together. So on February 14th not only do we have picture of the Christian St.Valentine but we also have pitures of the non-Christian Cupid, the Roman god of love. 情人节的标志之一是罗马爱神——丘比特。丘比特经常被印在卡片上,他是一个赤身裸体、长有翅膀的婴儿,手里拿着箭,摆出一副要射心的姿势。他把爱之箭射中一个人的心,这个人会很快坠入爱河,可能是和他(她)第一个见到的人。有时候,一支箭会射中两颗心,把它们穿在一起。所以在2月14日,我们不仅有基督的“圣·瓦伦登”的画像,还有非基督的罗马爱神丘比特的画像。 But it is from the Christians that we get the stories about Valentine's Day that most people have come to believe. One story is about a Christian man whose name sounded something like "Valentine." He lived around 250 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor Claudius refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoever. Christian couples came to Valentine to be married. So Valentine would marry them in a Christian way. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor. One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by making on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. And the leaves were shaped like a heart. 大多数人相信的情人节的 故事 来源于基督教。其中有个故事提到,有一个__的名字听起来像“瓦伦登”。他大约生活在公元前250年。那时罗马皇帝克劳狄乌斯禁止罗马士兵以任何借口结婚。信奉基督教的夫妇就去找“瓦伦登”主持结婚。“瓦伦登”以基督教方式为他们秘密举行婚礼,后来被罗马皇帝发现送进监狱。 传说 他在叶子上做标记给他朋友传递信息,然后把叶子扔出监狱的窗外。这些叶子的形状是心形的。 七年级英语小短文:Athens 雅典 Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games, and has a long history and cultural background. The history of Athens begins more than 3,000 years ago when during the prehistoric times its first inhabitants created their first settlement on the rock of the Acropolis. 奥运会的诞生地希腊,有着悠久的历史和文化背景。希腊历史起源于3,000多年前的史前时期,希腊先民的第一个居住点就建在雅典卫城的巨石上。 During thousands of years, Athens went through times of glory and times of decline. Finally it became the capital of Greece in 1834 mostly for its location and historical importance. Since then Athens grew to the city we know today, an important financial European capital. 此后的几千年间,雅典经历了辉煌的时期,也见证了衰败的历史。最后,因其优越的地理位置和重要的历史价值,雅典在1834年成为希腊的首都。之后,雅典逐渐成长为今天我们所认识的这座城市——重要的欧洲金融中心。 The historical centre of Athens is the most important area of the city for the thousands of tourists who are visiting the Greek capital in order to admire the shrine of Democracy, the Acropolis, the Parthenon, the museums and monuments and theatres from the glorious past of Athens. 对于成千上万的游客来说,雅典城最重要的区域是它的历史中心。在这里,他们可以瞻仰民主的圣地, 拜访 卫城、帕台农神庙,还有尽显希腊辉煌历史的各种博物馆、纪念碑和剧场。 Since the distances to most of the main sights of Athens are not long, walking is a good idea and a good way to get to know Athens. Athens has a lot of attractions that someone will need at least one week or more to explore. 雅典城中的主要景点都相距不远,步行不失为了解这座城市的一种好想法和好 方法 。雅典有如此多的名胜古迹,人们至少需要一周的时间来游览。 There are many museums in Athens like the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, one of the most important museums in the world. And, of course, don't forget the beaches and the famous nightlife of Athens equivalent with the nightlife of Paris and London. 城中有很很多的博物馆,比如,雅典国家考古博物馆,它是世界上最重要的博物馆之一。当然,千万不要忘记美丽的沙滩,还有著名的雅典夜生活,它绝不亚于巴黎和伦敦。 看了“七年级英语小短文”的人还看了: 1. 英语美文欣赏小短文初一 2. 关于7年级英语短文精选 3. 初一简单的英语短文欣赏 4. 初一英语演讲小短文大全 5. 初一优秀英语演讲短文
国内知名杂志有1.《英语学习》杂志 外语教育与研究出版社出版 中国第一本英语学习杂志2.《英语沙龙杂志》 世界知识出版社出版 国内最有人气的外语杂志3.《海外英语》 安徽教育出版社出版4.《大学英语》
1、语文:《课堂内外创新作文》、《读者》、《散文诗》、《满分阅读初中版》。 2、数理化类:《数学金刊》、《少年报》、《中学生数理化》(八年级数学·配合人教社教材)。 3、英语:《疯狂英语》、《忘忧草》、《英语沙龙》、《21世纪报》。
Amazing Intelligent Transportation According to the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau of Statistics data show that the rapid growth of motor vehicles is much higher than the construction of road traffic, then how to solve traffic congestion problems? Intensive family car trip 1-11 months of last year's vehicle sales exceeded 10 million, an increase of 42.39%. Motor vehicles in Beijing from 3 million to 4 million spent only two years and six months, this growth is the transportation construction in any case can not match. Yang, Tsinghua University, Research Associate, Institute of Transportation analysis of traffic jams formed Emerging Artists reasons that: "motor vehicle ownership and use of excessive growth, and road construction, traffic management, energy and talent development of the reserves can not keep up the speed of motor vehicles. In particular, the use of a motor vehicle, family car travel, Beijing, intensity (frequency and distance of travel) is 8 times the family without a car, so that relatively great pressure on road transport. " Frequency of use of motor vehicles is a very important factor, only "four million" figure does not tell the whole story. Sample survey data show that the frequency of use of each car 5 times higher than the U.S., which increases the likelihood of traffic congestion. According to deputy chief engineer of the Ministry of Communications Research Institute, Transportation Research Center, Jiang Yulin, director of sustainable development description: "The ownership of motor vehicles and road construction is unbalanced, and we are the construction of urban road space is constrained resource conditions, and only 10 % -15% of the urban space can be used for transportation construction. Beijing rapid rate of population growth, many of the current road network is compressed the original transform walking and bike paths, there are historical problems. "growth and use of motor vehicles is no doubt become the most direct reason for traffic jams. In fact, any international city has undergone a rapid growth as a result of motor vehicle traffic congestion stage. Data shows that the late 70s of last century, the Tokyo motor 300 million, far more than the current congestion in Beijing, known as the "commuter hell." 1995, Seoul, South Korea reached 2,000,000 vehicles, already crowded, almost to the extent could not leave. Currently, the total motor vehicles in Tokyo nearly 800 million, but the traffic is better in Beijing, this is why? Some experts believe that international experience shows that urban transport can be optimized through the management structure, differentiated charging policy to take reasonable limit car, the implementation of measures such as tail number limit line can ease the congestion to some extent. Intelligent Transportation to improve road traffic management is to improve the utilization efficiency of urban road system, an effective way. According to Jiang Yulin describes: "the major cities are using the latest information technology to build intelligent traffic management system, GIS system management bus lines, installation of the bus map, e-stops, visual query to achieve the bus." These technology to facilitate people's travel. Such as Chang'an new traffic probe, which can automatically measure traffic junctions, thereby controlling the traffic lights change, is the visual impression of intelligent transportation. Young Emerging Artists stressed: "Intelligent Transportation should be a full range of social services for the whole system, traffic data and related transportation information should be open to the entire community." Jiang Yulin who agree with this attitude, "The government should support intelligent transportation, cooperation on strengthening the management to change the public security and traffic situation of asymmetric information and data, better integration of traffic information and transit information. " However, the traffic problem is a matter of economic, social, cultural and administrative complex system problems, many structural problems can not simply rely on can not be resolved, such as information technology. Tongji Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Research Center, Yang Xiaoguang that "when the basic pattern of the city and traffic is determined, including the use of information technology to improve the traffic problems may well be one of the measures, but the technology is no different from drugs alone is not symptomatic . promote the Intelligent Transport System technology, to fully achieve the government, industry and academia combine attention to the service function of intelligent transportation systems and industrial properties. "
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity. But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition. In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring." And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee! Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
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