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On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,

AbstractFor China real estate, although the history of its development has gone through thirty years, but it has undergone periodic changes starting, development, adjustment. The market has gradually from the chaos into transparent and standardized state, especially in the current macroeconomic regulation and control, the real estate market is experiencing a profound transformation. In the next few years, the real estate industry Chinese competitiveness will be from the original resource competition into the strategic competition, the survival of the fittest elimination rule will be more obvious. Taking the standardization and intensive management mode, the enterprise can survive and develop in the competitive environment. Do strong enterprises is a strategic problem, closely related to the enterprise strategy and the competitive advantage of enterprises and sustainable development. At present, the domestic commercial housing development such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first tier cities has become saturated degree, the whole profit space of land continuously reduced and the government regulation increasingly intensified, real estate development in the first-line, second tier cities have entered the competition, slow growth stage. In view of this, many forward-looking real estate developers will look will adopt the method combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis from the hot first-tier cities transfer to three line city in this paper, with the dawn of holding group as the research object, based on resources and capabilities of dawn holdings group strategy, comprehensive assessment, combined with the domestic and international current second, city planning, construction, development experience, system related problems in the basic theory and the development trend of the development of real estate industry in the three line of the city, and the use of strategic management theory analysis of dawn Holdings Group real estate development strategy facing the internal and external environment, advantages and disadvantages, draw the dawn holdings should be the future work transferred to the three line of the city strategic planning, formulate a set of suitable for dawn holdings of the three line of the city real estate strategic goals, intentions and concrete strategic measures, aiming to provide useful reference for the construction and development of the dawn Group Holdings of real estate.

题目翻译如下Retail development of banking business in terms of the commercial bank。内容翻译如下The commercial bank retail business is commercial bank important business field and the invisible income source. In developed country commercial bank invisible income, the retail business occupies decisive position at present. But, the commercial bank of our country retail business still is in the junior stage , develops relative lagging , there exists a lot of problem. The finance job opens our country in 2006 to the outside world completely , the competition coming from a foreign bank gradually fierce , how to accelerates the important problem developing the commercial bank retail business becoming our country commercial bank existing and developing. Therefore, study commercial bank retail business present situation and have the problem, discuss the have reality and far-reaching countermeasure general plan significance that the retail business develops. Have problem has started off in the main body of a book being developed mainly from our country commercial bank present situation sum , has answered our country commercial bank developing retail business important strategy significance, measure waits for a series of problem as well as every commercial bank competing for middle , our country in gradually fierce bank ought to adopt.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

机译Riemerella bacilli (Riemerella anatipestifer RA) serotype complex epidemic in our country Riemerella Bacillus serotypes reported to 1 majority.Preparation for a high-strain-free serum for the clinical diagnosis and classification of great significance. This experiment will be a 1 Riemerella Bacillus strains were cultured to expand enrichment bacilli and InvernessFreund's adjuvant and incomplete Freund's adjuvant Adjuvant Emulsion Preparation of inactivated oil emulsion vaccine and Freund's incomplete adjuvant inactivated oil emulsion vaccine for the immune rabbits. Immunization procedures are as follows: the first two fin-free injection using Freund's complete adjuvant inactivated oil emulsion vaccine 1ml / only-free after the first 10d and 20d again 3.0ml / only six injections incomplete Freund's adjuvant RA inactivatedOil-emulsion vaccine for the Second-free, three-free. C-free for 10 days after the blood test titer was 1:100, that is free to continue to carry out four in the first 31 days, 33 days, 35 days, respectively, along the vein of rabbit ears NotesRadio RA bacilli 0.1ml / only, 0.3ml / only, 0.5ml / only. Fourth, after the 9th day of free blood test to achieve the most efficient price of 1:1600, the cardiac blood serum separation. After laboratory tests and clinical applications proved that anatipestifer Riemerella 1-free serum with high antibody titer and high specificity.





Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


He read through the papers and made an abstract of their contents.


papers 论文 ; 文件 ; 报纸 ; 纸 ; 文献 ; 纸张 ; 贴壁纸 ; paper的第三人称单数和复数。

made …制造的 ; 制作…的 ; 制造 ; 做 ; 组装 ; 写 ; 出产 ; 制订 ; 铺床 ; make的过去分词和过去式 ; …制的 ; 拼成的 ; 虚构的 ; 体格…的。

abstract 摘要 ; 抽象派艺术作品 ; 概要 ; 抽象的 ; 纯理论的 ; 把…抽象出 ; 提取 ; 抽取 ; 分离。

their 他们的 ; 她们的 ; 它们的 ; 在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替his或her。

contents 目录 ; 内容 ; 所容纳之物 ; 所含之物 ; 目次 ; 主题 ; 知足 ; 使满意。



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vt. 消化;吸收;融会贯通

vi. 消化

n. 文摘;摘要


He read rapidly but did not digest anything.



adj. 纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的

n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品

v. 摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉


His abstracts are held in numerous collections.




abstract 的基本意思是抽象的,观念上的,理论的,可与个别情况相对,也可与具体经验相对。多指品质或特征,而不指物体或事实。有时意味着脱离现实,而且缺乏对实际事物的专门实用性,引申可作难懂的,过于深奥的意思。abstract用于艺术作品时可指抽象派的。



abstract常用于短语in the abstract中,意思是就一般而言,抽象地,在理论上,abstract前的定冠词the不可遗漏。


你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!!学校的格式要求、写作规范要注意,否则很可能发回来重新改,你要还有什么不明白或不懂可以问我,希望你能够顺利毕业,迈向新的人生。 (一)选题毕业论文(设计)题目应符合本专业的培养目标和教学要求,具有综合性和创新性。本科生要根据自己的实际情况和专业特长,选择适当的论文题目,但所写论文要与本专业所学课程有关。(二)查阅资料、列出论文提纲题目选定后,要在指导教师指导下开展调研和进行实验,搜集、查阅有关资料,进行加工、提炼,然后列出详细的写作提纲。(三)完成初稿根据所列提纲,按指导教师的意见认真完成初稿。(四)定稿初稿须经指导教师审阅,并按其意见和要求进行修改,然后定稿。一般毕业论文题目的选择最好不要太泛,越具体越好,而且老师希望学生能结合自己学过的知识对问题进行分析和解决。不知道你是否确定了选题,确定选题了接下来你需要根据选题去查阅前辈们的相关论文,看看人家是怎么规划论文整体框架的;其次就是需要自己动手收集资料了,进而整理和分析资料得出自己的论文框架;最后就是按照框架去组织论文了。你如果需要什么参考资料和范文我可以提供给你。还有什么不了解的可以直接问我,希望可以帮到你,祝写作过程顺利毕业论文选题的方法: 一、尽快确定毕业论文的选题方向 在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从毕业论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。大学生应根据自己的志趣和爱好,尽快从上述两大类中确定一个方向。二、在初步调查研究的基础上选定毕业论文的具体题目在选题的方向确定以后,还要经过一定的调查和研究,来进一步确定选题的范围,以至最后选定具体题目。下面介绍两种常见的选题方法。 浏览捕捉法 :这种方法就是通过对占有的文献资料快速地、大量地阅读,在比较中来确定论文题目地方法。浏览,一般是在资料占有达到一定数量时集中一段时间进行,这样便于对资料作集中的比较和鉴别。浏览的目的是在咀嚼消化已有资料的过程中,提出问题,寻找自己的研究课题。这就需要对收集到的材料作一全面的阅读研究,主要的、次要的、不同角度的、不同观点的都应了解,不能看了一些资料,有了一点看法,就到此为止,急于动笔。也不能“先入为主”,以自己头脑中原有的观点或看了第一篇资料后得到的看法去决定取舍。而应冷静地、客观地对所有资料作认真的分析思考。在浩如烟海,内容丰富的资料中吸取营养,反复思考琢磨许多时候之后,必然会有所发现,这是搞科学研究的人时常会碰到的情形。 浏览捕捉法一般可按以下步骤进行: 第一步,广泛地浏览资料。在浏览中要注意勤作笔录,随时记下资料的纲目,记下资料中对自己影响最深刻的观点、论据、论证方法等,记下脑海中涌现的点滴体会。当然,手抄笔录并不等于有言必录,有文必录,而是要做细心的选择,有目的、有重点地摘录,当详则详,当略则略,一些相同的或类似的观点和材料则不必重复摘录,只需记下资料来源及页码就行,以避免浪费时间和精力。 第二步,是将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题,材料可按纲目分类,如分成: 系统介绍有关问题研究发展概况的资料; 对某一个问题研究情况的资料; 对同一问题几种不同观点的资料; 对某一问题研究最新的资料和成果等等。 第三步,将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有或部分没有;哪些体会虽然资料已有,但自己对此有不同看法;哪些体会和资料是基本一致的;哪些体会是在资料基础上的深化和发挥等等。经过几番深思熟虑的思考过程,就容易萌生自己的想法。把这种想法及时捕捉住,再作进一步的思考,选题的目标也就会渐渐明确起来。

兽医专业是指从事防治动物疾病的行业或人。其主要研究内容是家畜家禽疾病的诊疗、防治、检疫及畜产品卫生检验等。 下面小编整理了一些兽医毕业论文题目,供广大学子参考!1、鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒PCR检测方式的建立和应用2、草分枝杆菌及其在兽医领域的应用研究进展3、H9亚型禽流感病毒变异的研究进展4、东北农业大学动物医学专业实践教学设计效果分析5、大连地区麻鸡呼吸道病多病原检测分析6、高职畜禽环境卫生课程教学改革与探索7、鸡霉菌毒素中毒与新城疫混合感染的诊治8、羊小反刍兽疫及其综合防治9、水貂源乳杆菌及双歧杆菌的分离鉴定10、关于当前新疆肉羊养殖业发展中兽医工作的几点建议11、鸡毒霉形体检测方法的研究概况12、巴里坤县羊肝片吸虫病感染情况调查13、农区肉羊集约化养殖防疫体系的建立14、小反刍兽疫疫苗免疫注意事项15、且末县肉羊饲养场疫病防疫要求16、兔瘟的诊断与防控措施17、浅谈兽药职业技能鉴定现状及对策18、奶牛围产期常见疾病的临床诊断与防治19、兽医实验室如何进行仪器设备的管理20、浅谈奶牛乳滞及其防治21、家禽养殖中疾病预防的综合措施22、云南家兔皮肤真菌病的流行原因及控制结果调查23、孔雀奇异变形杆菌的分离鉴定及遗传进化分析24、不同禽源里氏杆菌分离鉴定及同源性比较25、盘县羊布氏杆菌病血清学调查及防控措施26、瓮安县畜牧兽医技术服务专业合作社运行情况调查27、黔东南州狂犬病防控知识调查28、种养间循环模式中病死畜禽无害化处理29、加强动物卫生监督执法 为畜牧业健康发展保驾护航30、新疆乌鲁木齐周边地区牛结核病的监测结果与分析31、动物治疗合理用药注意事项分析32、浅析动物卫生监督工作中存在的问题与对策33、动物检疫常见问题及改进对策分析34、平武县重大动物疫病集中免疫工作存在的问题和对策35、当前动物防疫工作的现状及对策36、加强基层动物防疫体系建设的思考37、新形势下动物检疫存在的问题及对策38、规模养殖场动物防疫存在的问题和措施39、动物疫病防治现状及解决措施分析40、基层畜牧兽医技术推广体系建设41、兽用抗生素的应用及监管对策42、乡镇动物及其产品检疫工作之弊端43、在基层工作中提高兽药标准品对照品管理办法的建议44、兽医临床对抗生素的规范使用45、畜禽疾病诊治中的常见误区及控制建议46、基层兽医在畜禽疾病防治中存在的误区及对策47、畜牧养殖动物疾病控防技术措施研究48、中兽医对母猪产后疾病的治疗分析49、中西兽医结合对牛瘤胃臌气的治疗效果分析50、畜牧养殖中动物常见疾病的发生与防治51、新疆南疆牛乳头状瘤病毒鉴定与基因分型52、牛结核分枝杆菌株快速培养方法的对比53、浅谈动物疫病监测及我区动物疫病监测工作中存在的问题和建议54、农村养猪场综合防疫体系的建设及完善建议略述55、关于开展动物疾病防控工作的研究56、动物疾病防治工作反思57、兽医微生物学实验教学改革58、麻疹病毒属病毒反向遗传研究概况59、云木香根提取物在控制鸡粪臭味的应用研究

兽医专业毕业论文可以写具体的某个家禽病症。我写的是《H7N9禽流感疫情对东莞家禽经营环节公共卫生安全的影响及思考》,当时也是没数据,还是学长给的雅文网,很快就帮忙搞定了从农业部设立兽医局看我国兽医体制改革为“兽医卫生”正名中国农业文摘—兽医分册著录情况亟待建立中兽医史学喜读《民间兽医本草》甘肃省中兽医经验交流会在兰召开河北省中兽医研究工作协作会议农牧渔业部座谈兽医教育和实验动物工作我国执业兽医的现状与发展——农业部兽医局张仲秋局长在第二届中国兽医大会上的讲话改革创新 通力合作 推进兽医行业健康发展北京市执业兽医管理现状及措施兽医体制改革的方向和措施余姚市禽类养殖人员人禽流感相关知识知晓情况分析暴发高致病禽流感疫区鸟类禽流感的血清学调查禽流感H5N1亚型病毒感染恒河猴模型的建立及禽流感发病机制初探养禽与禽病防治教学结构模式初探禽霍乱弱毒菌苗紧急预防接种的免疫效果及禽霍乱的综合防制特种经济禽类饲养管理技术——第一讲 国内外特禽饲养业动态2010—2012年南宁市职业暴露人群血清学和环境高致病性禽流感监测分析2009—2011年湖南省禽流感外环境监测结果分析农村散养家禽禽流感防治要点北京市成年人群对人感染H7N9禽流感认知的快速调查人感染H5N1禽流感的流行与防治禽流感防制进展安徽省2008年预防人禽流感健康教育效果评价珠江三角洲活禽市场外环境甲型流感病毒核酸监测禽流感警钟再响 防控工作任重道远哈尔滨地区高致病性禽流感免疫效果的监测与评估某部加强高致病性禽流感防控工作的做法禽流感给我们的启示北京市城区居民对禽流感认知态度的调查人禽流感的致病性及应对策略禽流感流行特点及其未来控制方略对禽流感的反思及养殖业工厂化的探讨预防高致病性禽流感

肺癌肿瘤标志物与中医辨证分型相关性研究 乳腺增生病肝郁血瘀证血流动力学的相关性临床研究 慢性肾脏病继发高血压患者中医证候及病理要素的分析 《内经》耳鼻咽喉科学理论探析及临床 舒天宁冲剂治疗偏头痛的临床与实验研究 三维正脊手法治疗脊柱小关节紊乱引起相关病症的临床研究 儿童紫癜性肾炎的中医证型与凝血功能及病理类型的相关性研究 EGFR与


AbstractFor China real estate, although the history of its development has gone through thirty years, but it has undergone periodic changes starting, development, adjustment. The market has gradually from the chaos into transparent and standardized state, especially in the current macroeconomic regulation and control, the real estate market is experiencing a profound transformation. In the next few years, the real estate industry Chinese competitiveness will be from the original resource competition into the strategic competition, the survival of the fittest elimination rule will be more obvious. Taking the standardization and intensive management mode, the enterprise can survive and develop in the competitive environment. Do strong enterprises is a strategic problem, closely related to the enterprise strategy and the competitive advantage of enterprises and sustainable development. At present, the domestic commercial housing development such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first tier cities has become saturated degree, the whole profit space of land continuously reduced and the government regulation increasingly intensified, real estate development in the first-line, second tier cities have entered the competition, slow growth stage. In view of this, many forward-looking real estate developers will look will adopt the method combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis from the hot first-tier cities transfer to three line city in this paper, with the dawn of holding group as the research object, based on resources and capabilities of dawn holdings group strategy, comprehensive assessment, combined with the domestic and international current second, city planning, construction, development experience, system related problems in the basic theory and the development trend of the development of real estate industry in the three line of the city, and the use of strategic management theory analysis of dawn Holdings Group real estate development strategy facing the internal and external environment, advantages and disadvantages, draw the dawn holdings should be the future work transferred to the three line of the city strategic planning, formulate a set of suitable for dawn holdings of the three line of the city real estate strategic goals, intentions and concrete strategic measures, aiming to provide useful reference for the construction and development of the dawn Group Holdings of real estate.

元照英美法译文,流畅精准!research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development. so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business. this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin. 英美法流畅标准!

With the continuous development of computer network technology and network education and traditional pen and paper test format has been unable to adapt to the current development needs, computer online examination is gradually replacing the traditional test, to a certain extent reduce the effects examination of human subjectivity, while reducing the workload of teachers. Design of online examination system based on this design.This in first chapter main described online examination system of research background and research meaning; second chapter described has the system of needs sexual analysis, including on system of configuration, system by needs of features and system of needs analysis; third chapter describes has system of system structure and database in the table of structure; fourth chapter put background features stopped has figure, while with has related of core code, and added has corresponding comments. Fifth chapter describes the relevant elements of system testing用ie浏览器的Bing翻译不错,我一直就用这个。虽然IE浏览器没有内置翻译的功能,不过我们也可以通过简单的设置,在IE浏览器中添加Bing翻译,一键实现网页快速翻译的功能。而且很多用户认为微软的Bing翻译比Google翻译和其它的在线翻译都更加准确、贴近原意。

On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,






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