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Yeah eh yeah yeahI can feel a phoenix inside of meAs I march alone to a different beatSlowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeahI am ready for the road less traveledSuiting up for my crowning battleThis test is my own cross to bearBut i will get thereIt's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be calledStanding on the front line when the bombs start to fallI can see the heavens but I still hear the flamesCalling out my nameI can see the writing on the wallI can't ignore this warAt the end of it allWho am i living for?I can feel this light that's inside of meGrowing fast into a bolt of lightningI know one spark will shock the world, yeah yeahSo i pray for a favor like EstherI need your strength to handle the pressureI know there will be sacrificeBut that's the priceIt's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be calledStanding on the front line when the bombs start to fallI can see the heavens but i still hear the flamesCalling out my nameI can see the writing on the wallI can't ignore this warAt the end of it allWho am i living for?I can see the writing on the wallI can't ignore this warAt the end of it allWho am i living for?Who am i living for?At the end, at the endAt the end, at the endWho am i living for?Heavy is the head that wears the crownDon't let the greatness get you downHeavy is the head that wears the crownDon't let the greatness get you downI can see the writing on the wallI can't ignore this warAt the end of it allWho am i living for?I can see the writing on the wallI can't ignore this warAt the end of it allWho am i living for?At the end, at the endWho am i living for?At the end, at the endWho am i living for?

第一首是斯卡宝集市,第二首是brothers four的green fields 第三首是blowing in the wind 女版,应该是这个专辑,其他的有lady ,don't expect me to be your friend,黄丝带,家乡路,西特米尔,三藩市,love story,love me tender,puff,try to remember,islands in the stream,manday morning等等,别的具体我也记不清了,大致是民谣居多……

Stand In Front Of Me - Kelly RowlandHeSaidHe said stand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMy lifes become a fantasyI wake up your myManGive me the world and here you goJust by grabbing my handWatch you worry puzzles meAnd I love when you sayStand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleYou just do it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIll Be the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meSo Ill get downOn bend a kneeAnd grab you by theHandYour like oh no babeYou can't do thatIm like oh oh ooh yes I canOr we can just go back to cuddlingOr you could just sayStand in front of meStand in front of meFront of meI was asked somethingLong agoI couldn't answerAnd it bothered me a littleHowDoYou keep your manAnd I found the best answerIts simpleDo it do itMean itProve itThats how you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manHow you keep your manLadies do it do itMean itProve itOh you gotta have a planGotta take a chanceThatll keep your manThatll keep him sayingOHStand in front of meLet me pone that assShow emYour my girlAnd let it stayIllBe the kingAs long asYou stand in front of meIn front of meStand in front of meIn front of meMmNow I loveWhen my man talk to me like that

前面的都好多哦~我少一点,但是绝对经典,呵呵 ,背景是雨声,超唯美的. ,chris garneau的,很轻快很好听.. ,安静,好像是动漫里的歌. ,这首不是安静唯美的,但是也好听.. ,乡村田原歌曲,绝对好听..从头好听到尾.明快的感觉.. ,不是(不过这首也好听的),很安静..喜欢它的歌词.. ,这首歌开头部份特别好听. , 是Stratovarius的,怎么说呢,很悲壮很壮观的感觉,讲不来的啦,听了就知道.. ,开头有八音盒的感觉,简美妍的,整首歌听下来就觉得特别舒服,没有在大的起伏,有种安静的祥和感,呵呵..


You know me.

好好 一首给几分呢?hollywood is not Amrica 是美国偶像的一首歌two is better than one BoysLikeGirls和Taylor唱的(顺便说一下 BLG 他们的歌挺好听的 Go Thunder Real thing She's got a boy friend Holiday ...)Pack up Eliza Doolittle Doesn't mean anything Alicia Keys还有 疯狂英语杂志 有一期介绍过 Glee 你去看看 歌舞青春的电视剧版般的 里面的歌也很好听的哦再给你推荐几首 不是那里的 Down 吸血鬼日记里的Waiting outside the lines Greyson Chance的love like woe The ready set的 astronaut Simple plan的Say goodbye The click five的The gift of a friend Demi Lovato的No boundries 美国偶像里的 lz 我分很缺 你多给点分啊 这些歌都很好听的




网上很难找到下载的 不要费力气了 你可以尝试用电驴Emule 找下载





赫芬顿邮报(The Huffington Post)是一新闻博客网站,兼具有博客自主性与媒体公共性,通过“分布式”的新闻发掘方式和以WEB2.0为基础的社会化新闻交流模式而独树一帜。通过对赫芬顿邮报的报道内容进行分析,可以发现其在聚合网络社群,推动公共交流等方面的积极作用。


《赫芬顿邮报》(The Huffington Post)是美国著名的新闻博客网站,始创于2005年,提供原创报道和新闻聚合服务,着重于国内外时政新闻,每天的独立访问量达到2,500万,是美国当前影响力最大的政治类博客。



还真有,我就在用。是手机客户端app应用市场搜一下就有。下个“数字北京” 或者“数字城市”客户端,期刊杂志,图书,免费体验的。都是最新的杂志,历史杂志都有。200来种杂志都能看。



有道e读,这款软件可以根据你的英语水平推荐适合你阅读的资讯。. 它还支持导入功能,您可以在网上下载英文电子书。






读外刊时,应该注意以下两点:1.别读太难的文章,以现在的知识为起点,略高即可,从时尚、设计杂志入门是个不错的选择。2. 泛读开路,精细化深入。首先选择自己感兴趣的领域及题材,然后根据自己的阅读水平,选择难度适中的文章进行深入理解和细化学习。




《英语世界》更好,它上面的文章都来自外刊外报,语言地道而且还有中文译文,也可借此练习翻译,文章主题广泛,涉及文学、医学、经济、历史等等。《疯狂英语》更时尚,但我认为文章质量不如《英语世界》。另外,《英语学习》、《海外英语》也不错。当然最好是看外刊,如time,newsweek 之类。



疯狂英语杂志和什么李阳的东西不是一回事 疯狂英语杂志是在李之前就有的 疯狂英语原来是分磁带版 光盘版 精选的有声资源都是英美的地道发音 有时新闻中还有很多本地的实际口音 特别真实 里面内容特别丰富 英语国家概况 涉及文学方面 (比如开头) 历史方面 时政 时尚 电影 新闻听力 考试方面 等 而且很多部分末尾都是优美的英美音乐结尾 它还有有中学版 每月一期 好像还有半月一期 期期内容不同 这不是某个人的疯狂英语可比的


