
> 学术发表知识库

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一、发表的英语是publish,音标英 [ˈpʌblɪʃ]、美 [ˈpʌblɪʃ]。


vt.& vi.出版,发行;发表,宣布(结婚等);公布,颁布;出版…的著作

John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose.


三、第三人称单数: publishes

四、现在分词: publishing

五、过去式: published

六、过去分词: published

七、记忆技巧:publ 人民 + ish 使… → 使…进入人民当中 → 出版;公开


v. (动词)





v. (动词)

publish, announce, declare, proclaim


1、从主语上说, proclaim的主语只能是权力机关或政府首脑; announce, declare和publish则既可以是权力机关或政府首脑,也可以是普通个人。

2、从宾语上说,即宣布的内容上说, announce指公众关心的,特别是具有新闻性的事件。例如:

The rise of prices of grain was announced in the papers.粮价上涨已在报上公布。


The government declared rubber a strategic and critical material.政府宣布橡胶为重要战略物资。


The founding of the United Nations was proclaimed in 1945.1945年联合国宣告成立。

3、从宣布的方法上说, announce, declare, proclaim既可指口头地,也可指书面地; 而publish则主要指印成文字地。

4、从宣布的目的上说, announce, proclaim, publish在于使众所周知; 而declare则在于使人明白。例如:

The arrested man declared himself innocent.被捕的人声称自己是无罪的。

5、从使用场合上说, proclaim用在正式场合; declare主要用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合; announce则不如proclaim和declare正式庄重,可以用于一般场合,也可用于官方正式公告。

send out.send out 发出;发送;长出;散布 词典释义issuen.问题;(报刊的)期,号;发行物;流出emitvt.发出;发射;颁布;发表send out 发出;发送;长出;散布give out分发;公布;停止运行;停止起作用delivervt.交付;发表;递送;使分娩


make a speecheg:I have to make a speech tomorrow at school. 明天在学校我要发表一篇演讲。有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

speech的读音:英 [spi:tʃ];美 [spitʃ]


短语:speech recognition语音辨识;freedom of speech言论自由

speech signal语言信号;speech act言语行为;make a speech发表演讲

free speech n. 言论自由;speech contest演讲比赛;figure of speech修辞;比喻说法

例句:1.The mayor made a speech at the opening.


2.The speaker will soon wind up his speech.演说者就要结束他的讲话了。

3.I had to give a speech to the press club.


您好,可以说:deliver/give a speech(发表演讲)满意速采纳,谢!


关于公益演讲活动的正能量句子(篇一) 1.爱心是蓝天,飘动美丽的云朵;爱心是云朵,化成滋润的雨水;爱心是雨水,汇成条条的小河;爱心是小河,流淌梦幻的海洋。 2.让爱永驻人间。 3.慈善献爱心,情系千万家。 4.慈善献红心,真情华夏人。 5.让爱心汇成海洋,让真情放飞期望。 6.爱心是一泓清泉,洗净你我的心灵。 7.播洒爱心,成就未来。 8.因为有爱,明天才会更完美。 9.奉献您的爱心,成就孩子梦想。 10.期望在孩子心头,职责在你我肩头。 11.付出一份爱心,收获一生幸福。 12.不会宽容别人的人,就不配受到别人的宽容。 13.只要人人都献出一点爱,这世界将变成完美的人间。 14.爱心是出此刻沙漠的泉水,使面临绝境的人重新看到生活的期望。 15.爱能融化冰雪,爱能打开心扉,爱能使人温暖。只要我们用爱心去关爱他们,爱会给予我们欢乐与力量。 16.一点一滴汇成大海,一分一角凝聚期望。 17.一切真挚的爱,是建筑在尊敬上头的。 关于公益演讲活动的正能量句子(篇二) 18.当我们伸出双手,多少无望的眼睛从此看到光辉; 19.别人欢乐,就是我的欢乐,帮忙别人,欢乐你我。 20.献出一份爱心,点亮一份期望。 21.用我们的爱心托起明天的期望。 22.慈心为民,善举济世。 23.你帮,我帮,大家帮。 24.爱心是头顶温顺美丽的阳光,使黑暗的角落撒满阳光;爱心是脚下一条条通向家的石子路,使离家的孩子感受到家的温暖;爱心是满天迷人的星星,使迷途的旅人找到家的路。 25.爱心是阳光,照射飘浮的云朵;爱心是云朵,编织绚丽的彩虹;爱心是彩虹,架起真情的桥梁;爱心是桥梁,沟通心灵的隔阂。 26.见你所见,爱你所爱,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。 27.心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。 28.爱心是春风,吹醒了朵朵熟睡的鲜花;爱心是鲜花,散发着阵阵沁人的清香;爱心是清香,引来了只只美丽的蝴蝶;爱心是蝴蝶,布满了个个温暖的角落。 29.把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。 30.关爱有约,爱心无限。 31.爱心是风,在炎热的时候,带来一丝凉意;爱心是雨,在久旱的时候,滋润一块方土;爱心是水,在干渴是时候,获得一线期望;爱心是火,在寒冷的时候,得到一烘暖意……爱心是数以万计的璀璨繁星,能点出美妙绝伦的无限天际。爱,像空气,每一天都在我们身边。 32.大手牵小手,爱心伴着行。 33.爱心就是关爱呵护那些需要帮忙的人。 社会公益活动正能量宣传标语 社会公益活动正能量宣传标语(篇一) 1.人不知感恩,无异于没有灵魂。 2.只要人人都献出一点爱,这世界将变成完美的人间。 3.公益在线,爱心无限。 4.爱心,与生命相生相伴;爱心,与生活息息相关。有人说,爱心如阳光似春风;有人说,爱心是压力是动力;有人说,爱心是负担是无奈,把你从生活中观察的关于爱的故事说给我们 5.献出一份爱心,点亮一份期望。 6.慈善融真情,爱心无止境。 7.爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,它使贫病交迫的人分外感到人间的温暖;爱心是一泓出此刻沙漠的泉水,它使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的期望。 8.阳光雨露雪中炭;真爱慈善人间情。 9.只要人人都献出一份爱,这个世界将会变得更完美。残疾人是多么的需要帮忙。来吧,让我们手牵手,将爱传递给每一个人。 10.爱心大舞台,有你更精彩。 11.扶残济困,有你有我。 12.爱是无私的,爱是纯洁的,爱是真诚的。让我们把更多的爱心献给更多的人。残疾人--社会上的弱势群体,不正需要我们用爱心来帮忙吗?请大家行动起来,把你我的爱心献给他们。 13.无论是朋友或是生人遭到了危险,我们都要大胆地承担下来,尽力帮忙人家,根本不研究自我要付出多大的代价。对待同志要像春天般的温暖。 14.爱心你我她,真情靠大家。 15.爱心是一汩流淌泉,使燥热不寐的人领略诗一般的恬静。 16.致力公益事业,爱心成就未来。 社会公益活动正能量宣传标语(篇二) 17.一点一滴汇成大海,一分一角凝聚期望。 18.点亮一盏灯,温暖一颗心。 19.爱心是美的化身,因为有她的存在,世界才会变得更加美丽。爱心是搭起友谊的桥梁,是人们心中永恒不变的璀灿明珠。 20.帮他们有个属于自我的书包,你愿意吗? 21.当我们敞开胸怀,多少无助的心灵从此告别伤悲; 22.奉献您的爱心,成就孩子梦想。 23.爱是一盏灯,黑暗中照亮前行的远方;爱是一首诗,冰冷中温暖渴求的心房;爱是夏日的风,是冬日的阳,是春日的雨,是秋日的果 24.爱心助学,点燃期望。 25.我之所以成为贝多芬是靠我自我,你之所以是公爵是因为你偶然的出身。公爵以前多的是,此刻多的是,将来多的是,而贝多芬仅有一个。 26.我们把爱心奉献,世界会变得越来越美! 27.我们把爱心奉献,愿人人幸福欢乐!年年岁岁! 28.爱心是一股撞开冰闸的春水,使铁石心肠受到心灵的震撼。 29.爱意无限,真情永在。 30.爱心万人行,万人献爱心。 31.慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。 32.公益献爱心,真情暖人心。 鼓励孩子坚强独立的正能量短语句子五十三条 鼓励孩子坚强独立的正能量短语句子(篇一) 1.不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不作出决定。 2.最好不是在夕阳西下的时候幻想什么,而要在旭日东升的时候即投入工作。(作者:谢觉哉) 3.无论你昨晚经历了怎样的泣不成声,早上醒来这个城市依旧车水马龙。 4.就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙,别忘了山谷中寂寞的角落深处,野百合也有自己的春天! 5.人生中有些事是不得不做的,于不得不做中勉强去做,是毁灭,于不得不做中做的好,是勇敢。 6.请记住,你的公主在等你! 7.如果没有勇气远离海岸线,长时间在海上孤寂地漂流,那么你绝不可发现新大陆。 8.尽管也曾有消沉的时候,我还是过得佷好。 9.没有理所当然的成功,也没有毫无道理的平庸。 10.幸运所需要的美德是节制,而逆境所需要的美德是坚忍。 11.亲爱的,你要记住:这个世界上你只能靠自己,你要变得更坚强,这是你的命,不要怨天尤人,你只能接受。哭泣是你自己的事,软弱不要让别人看到。在别人面前要做的事只有微笑。 12.  书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无著力处。(作者:泰戈尔) 13.  合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。(作者:朱熹) 14.眼泪很幸运地没有从我眼眶掉下来,雨已经停息了,窗外漂浮着湿润的空气,房间突然安静了下来,安静得只剩下呼吸缓慢的吐息。 15.胜利属于坚韧不拔的人。(作者:爱因斯坦) 16.人生是在进行着无数次入围与淘汰的比赛,无论入围还是淘汰,都应该有一份超越自我心,挑战自我之心,战胜自我之心。以及一份不甘落后,顽强拼捕的精神。 17.意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。(作者:歌德) 18.我喜欢坚强的面对,勇敢的欢笑,因此我的生活也更加的多姿多彩。不必强求什么,也不必刻意在乎什么,人生不如意十之八九,何不让幸福细水长流呢?当无情的打击到来时,我们的笑靥就是最好的回击;当命运的不公降落时,我们的坚强就是最棒的奇迹! 鼓励孩子坚强独立的正能量短语句子(篇二) 19.  知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果。(作者:宋庆龄) 20.人总爱跟别人比较,看看有谁比自己好,又有谁比不上自己。而其实,为你的烦恼和忧伤垫底的,从来不是别人的不幸和痛苦,而是你自己的态度。 21.谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。(作者:莎士比亚) 22.  生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。(作者:李嘉诚) 23.  离离原上草,一岁一枯荣,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。(作者:白居易) 24.  千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。(作者:刘禹锡) 25.我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。 26.我是你转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎年华到天涯 27.付出是应该的;得到是暂时的;人生总有一种情感,只能用心去感受;有一种美,只能用心去享受;有一种情,只能用心去珍惜;有一种爱,只能用心去储藏。只有用心去生活,生活才能更美好、更幸福、更快乐、更灿烂。 28.  浪花愈大,凝立的磐石在沉默的持守里,快乐也愈大。(作者:拿破仑) 29.目中有人才有路,心中有爱才有度。 30.如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。 31.生活中可以没有诗歌,但不能没有诗意;行进中可以没有道路,但不能没有前进的脚步;工作中可以没有经验,但不能没有学习,人生中可以没有闪光,但不能有污迹。 32.一个华丽短暂的梦,一个残酷漫长的现实。 33.希望在最好的年华遇见一个人,可往往是遇见了一个人,才迎来最好的年华。 34.人生不在于拥有多少,而在于你如何看待自己的拥有。 35.人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 36.咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。 鼓励孩子坚强独立的正能量短语句子(篇三) 37.听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡。 38.从文天祥的“自古人生谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”的千古绝唱到秋瑾的“秋风秋雨愁煞人”的壮烈豪言;从邱少云的视死如归到夏明翰的“杀了夏明翰,自有后来人”;从张海迪的中国“保尔”到桑兰的微笑着承受一切;从贝多芬的到海伦·凯勒的,哪一个不是坚强面对挫折的。(作者:丘吉尔) 39.要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流。 40.生处万类,知识最为贤。(作者:苏轼) 41.英雄就是对任何事都有全力以赴,自始至终,心无旁骛的人。 42.一个人,一颗心,一生等待。一个人,一座城,一生心疼。一个人,一条路,一生孤单。 43.有坚强的意志,才有伟大的生活。 44.勇敢的人以生命冒险,不以良心冒险。 45.到了热血沸腾、理智允许的时候还不敢挺身向前的人,就是懦夫;达到了预想的目的后还在冒进的人,就是小人。 46.生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。 47.你想有所作为吗?那么坚定地走下去吧!后爱退只会使你意志衰退。(作者:赫里克) 48.做好自己,世界就美丽了。保持内心的安静与善良,不要因为诱惑和欲望,而扭曲自己的心灵和本性。让灵魂拥有一种自由,不去患得患失,不去小心翼翼,更不要活得战战兢兢。 49.别为小小的委屈难过,人生在世,注定要受许多委屈。一个人越是成功,他所遭受的委屈也越多。要使自己的生命获得极值和炫彩,就不能太在乎委屈,不能让它们揪紧你的心灵、扰乱你的生活。你要学会一笑置之,超然待之,要学会转化势能。智者懂得隐忍,原谅周围的那些人,让我们在宽容中壮大。 50.不要质疑你的付出,这些都会一种累积一种沉淀,它们会默默铺路,只为让你成为更优秀的人。 51.快乐不是因为拥有的多,而是计较的少。 52.勇猛、大胆和坚定的决心能够抵得上武器的精良。 53.勇气是人类最重要的一种特质,倘若有了勇气,人类其他的特质自然也就具备了。 让人感到开心快乐的正能量短句通用四十三条 让人感到开心快乐的正能量短句【篇一】 1.生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进。 2.没有一个人是完美的,但是却有追求完美的人,因此变得坚强。 3.第一千次摔倒了,就第一千零一次爬起来。 4.只要我不认输,就有机会取得成功。 5.生活中每个人都有自己的主见和意识,没有人总会依照别人的想法去做事,一个人的生存也不是为了只满足于他人,这就需要对他人有一个理解和过度,尽量减少对他人的挑剔,多给一点理解和宽容。自私的人容易犯一个低级的错误,就是自己做什么都是对的,而别人做什么都是错的,这种低级的想法,会把自己逼向另一个极端。 6.应该是一颗树,在缄默中伫立,既能接受阳光,也能包容风雨。 7.尝试去把别人拍过来的砖砌成结实的地基,生活就不会那么辛苦了。 8.幸福就是走路的方式,而沃克在夜晚会去光线,我要去路上的道路。 9.试着放纵自己,却总牵绊于过多的束缚,依循着规律生活的只是一具失去灵魂的躯壳。 10.人生的挑战,无处不在,满怀信心,轻装上路,明天永远是充满希望的战场。 11.这世界从来没有什么救世主,你弱了,所有困难都强了,你强了,所有阻碍都弱了! 12.人要有良心,良心是什么,就是善待他人….只要以诚相待,人与人之间就没有融化不了的坚冰。加油,早安! 13.冲动少些,烦恼就会少些,要不怎么说冲动是魔鬼嘛。我们虽然不能手捧莲花,至少心中有莲花,微笑看世界,那世界应该更美好,烦恼也会更少些。 14.快乐是一片浮云,喜欢自由自在的流浪,没有任何的意识派别,不计较钱财与回报,它喜欢简单的人与事,喜欢微笑与单纯, 15.昨天只是今天的记忆;明天却是今天的梦想。 16.遥远的一方,我借助一束明亮的月光,真诚的为朋友祈祷祝福,祝福朋友身体健康平安幸福! 17.失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样对我有价值。 18.学会忘记,善忘是一件好事。要乐观,要积极,要笑。你看,你一开心,世界就变得美好了! 19.同是一件事、一句话,如果用和气谦虚的态度说,往往会帮助我们达到目的;反之,盛气凌人之下就算费了很大力气,不但无法达到目的,甚至可能引起大家误会,造成反弹。 20.不妨承认一下,认识到自己的软弱比假装坚强要有用的多。所谓的成长,就是越来越能接受自己本来的样子,也能更好的和孤单的自己,失落的自己,挫败的自己相处。谁都会有低落的时候,不要让它影响你向前就好,接受这些,然后去面对。 21.在一天真正结束之前,打开自己的心门和自己来一次平和的对话吧,不论是倾诉,还是劝诫,都是自己可以为自己做的事情。 22.生活就是一只看不见的储蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不会白费。 让人感到开心快乐的正能量短句【篇二】 23.世间的很多痛苦来自自己的心,心若安稳,处处都是乐土。 24.风雨人生,给自己一个微笑。 25.生活就是改变。有时痛苦,有时精彩。但大多数时候,两者兼有。 26.幸福并不是一味得到自己想要的,而是珍爱自己拥有的。 27.经过努力,得到自己想要的东西,这是一件非常快乐的事情。 28.痛苦着并成熟着,快乐着并丰满着,人生原本就是由酸酸甜甜组成。用一颗感恩的心去感谢生活赠与我们的一切,用坚强造就你独一无二的人生,面对逆境,潇洒走一回,一切都无所谓,这何尝不是一种领悟? 29.态度决定成功,而不是成功之后改变态度。 30.幸福只是一种感觉,存在于我们的心中,触摸,就像含羞草,我醒了。 31.别人拥有的,你不必羡慕,只要努力,你也会拥有,自己拥有的,你不必炫耀,因为别人也在奋斗,也会拥有,多一点快乐,少一点烦恼,不论富或穷,地位高或低,知识深或浅,每天开心笑,累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。 32.人生那个指引你走上光明大道的人,就是你的良心。 33.快乐似浮云,浮沉在每个人的天空。 34.朋友,不要让那美丽的鲜花迷惑了你的眼睛,那只不过是短暂的成功,只有你不断的努力,不短的学习,你才能跟上时代的步伐,你才能真正取得成功。 35.人真的要自己争气。一做出成绩来,全世界都会和颜悦色。 36.我的风信子开花了,整个房间都充满了春天的味道,Iloveit。这是我第一次养花,好开心!枕着花香说晚安,晚安哟! 37.你笑,全世界都跟你笑;你哭全世界只有你一个人哭。 38.这个世界上有百分之五十的烦恼都是通过好好睡一觉就能解决的,至于剩下的一半,等睡醒再去想。 39.只有走好脚下的路,才能实现自己最为期望的目标。 40.当初有胆量去选,同样该有勇气承受后果。 41.我开始努力每天都改变自己一点,哪怕只有一点点,我看的见足矣。 42.汗水浇灌了干涸的土地,顶着火辣的太阳,那是辛勤的农民,无论我们的身份有多高贵,地位有多显赫,都不能忘记他们! 43.真朋友越来越少,假交情越来越多,能陪在身边的就是最好的,能对你真心的才是最贵的。不要拿忙和累当借口,一次次冷落对你好的人,不要把钱和利看得重,一遍遍把真心的人辜负。 “关于公益演讲活动的正能量句子【收藏】三十三条”的句子,经典而让人回味。希望这些正能量句子让您增加克服困难,迎接挑战的勇气。多读读“ 爱心公益口号 ”的句子,让自己保持好心情。

1、speech 英[spi&20;t&43;];美[spit&43;]n. 演讲;讲话;语音;演说 例:His speech became increasingly thick and nasal.他说话变得越来越带口音且鼻音越来越重。例:He could imitate in speech or writi...



在伦敦夏季奥运会是迄今为止数量最多的主办城市。也是历史上的第一次三座城市申办奥运会以来首次:1908年伦敦奥运会;第二次:1948年伦敦奥运会;第三次:2012年伦敦奥运会。下面是我精心整理的关于奥运的英语短文章,希望能够帮到大家! 篇【1】 The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: "Swifter, higher, stronger." The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 篇【2】 This simple ten words, give infinite power of Chinese people, especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage, this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings. The Chinese people's Olympic game to 2008 Pekings is total to take a kind of expectation.Remember at the beginning process of bid for the Olympic game, the Chinese mittee of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic games to hold the power with difficulty.This time the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings, for China is a develop of a fair show, is also a fair show that emerges the Chinese magic power toward international munity. The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features.The characteristics of Peking and Olympics exercise the chemical element handiness bine.Red, in China always is to represent the good luck pleased to celebrate the color.Meeting the badge adoption red, represented the Chinese people to the international munity of fine wish the wish." Chinese Peking, wele the friend of the world-wide locations" adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style, design special.Explain out without reserve the calligraphy magic power that China spreads fame the overseas. China is an everyone's court for harmonize, we are living under the environment that dulcify thus, everybody is a happy child.The mascot" the FU WA" of the Olympic game also just represented us this is happy.Innocent child. The FU WA is be"ed face"" clear and bright"" the NINI" of" the shell shell" by" the HUANHUAN" five be filled with the Chinese race special features of doll constitute.The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is wele you".This expressed the Chinese people's amity to the people in the world again.The color of the FU WA also acts in cooperation the Olympics at the right moment five yellow turquoise blue of red orange of wreaths, expressed perfect annotation of Olympics to spirit of Olympics of Peking. The Olympics of 2008 Pekings, the dream of a Chinese, bears in the applause of the world and the tears of the Chinese nations.Be a member of the Chinese nation, I will use the most sincere voice, saying loudly: " Bless you, belong to China, belong to Peking, belong to our 2008!" 篇【3】 summer Olympic Games in London is by far the highest number of host cities. Is also the history's first three cities hosting the Olympic Games for the first time: 1908 London Olympic Games; second time: the 1948 London Olympic Games; third time: the 2012 London Olympics. In July 2001 they lost to Beijing, missed the 2008 Summer Olympics. However, they soon recovered from the shadow of defeat came, confidently announced to the 2012 Olympic Games bid. In the five candidate cities, they are considered the largest popular cities. After waiting a period of nearly suffocated people, after a 13-year-old ethnic Chinese Singaporean girls to put the oute of the letter handed over to Roger. Rogge thanked the host, the people of Singapore, after the application of national and five candidate cities, to the world loudly announced: the 30th Summer Olympic Games are in London.

英语短文写作是大学英语教学的重要组成部分,也是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的标准。下面是我带来的英语短篇 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


11 Body Hacks that You Should Know About

Have you got any tiny itchy issues with your body sometimes but don’t know how to deal with them? Say how to kill the brain freeze or what to do when your limbs fall asleep? The following 11 body hacks will help you get the issues fixed.

1. To lessen the pain when you have an injection from the doctor, cough!

Studies have shown that the act of a sudden cough cause less pain to a person while having the injection.

2. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and press a finger between your eyebrows if you want to clear a stuffy nose or relieve the sinus pressure.

This causes the vomer bone to rock and your congestion will be loosened.

3. Lay on your left side if you want to sleep after having a big full meal.

The stomach is higher than the oesophagus when you sleep on your right; thus allowing food and stomach acid to go up to your throat.

4. If you have a toothache, rub some ice on the on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger.

By numbing your hand, your pain intensity will be reduced.

5. When you have a nosebleed, put some cotton on your upper gums behind the small dent below your nose and press on it.

By giving pressure on the gums, the supply of the blood to the nose can be blocked.

6. If your throat is a little itchy, scratch your ear.

By doing so, you stimulate the nerves in the ear and create a reflex in the throat which causes a muscle spasm that kills the itchy feeling.

7. Use your right ear to listen to the phone or hear people talk at a party.

Your right ear picks up words better while your left ear picks up sounds/music better.

8. If you start to feel dizzy and drunk, put your hand on something hard and stable.

Putting your hand on a stable subject help you feel more balance.

9. Putting your tongue flat against your mouth’s roof can prevent brain freeze.

This is because brain freeze happens when the nerves in your mouth’s roof get too cold.

10. If your hand falls asleep, move your neck and head.

The compressing nerves in your neck causes your hand to fall asleep, so move it side to side can relieve that.

11. If you feel nervous, try to blow your thumb.

Blowing cool wind to your thumb can slow down its pulse and calm you down eventually.


15 Things You Might Have Misunderstood About Introverts

Introverts are a misunderstood bunch. Compared to extroverts, they think differently, act differently, and even look differently when they interact with people. But there are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be “introverted.” Here are 15 of them:

Misconception #1: Introverts are shy.

Being “shy” and “introverted” are two completely different things. Introverts are not necessarily shy or afraid of people. They don’t just don’t prefer talking for the sake of talking.

Misconception #2: Introverts are unemotional.

Introverts may not show emotion with their facial expressions and gestures, but this doesn’t mean they’re not interested in what you’re saying. Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them. Although someone who’s introverted may not appear engaged, this is usually not the case.

Misconception #3: Introverts don’t like working in groups.

Introverts often do their best work alone, so co-workers may misunderstand them and think they don’t want to partake in group work. While introverts do have a tendency to shut down in larger groups of people when they feel like their voice isn’t being heard, introverts excel in small group situations and enjoy working in these types of environments, as long as their opinion is valued.

Misconception #4: Introverts don’t like talking.

It’s not that introverts don’t like to talk, it’s that they prefer to listen before they talk. Introverts choose their words carefully and they think small talk is a waste of time. But, they’re more than willing to engage you in a deep conversation about topics they’re passionate about.

Misconception #5: Introverts are scared to look you in the eye.

In general, introverts may not make eye contact with you as much as extroverts. This is because they don’t feel the need to partake in social norms and rituals as much as extroverts, not because they’re “scared.”

Misconception #6: All introverts are poor public speakers.

Some introverts may not like speaking in large group settings; however, many introverts are naturally gifted speakers. And, introverts generally spend more time preparing for speeches and presentations rather than “flying by the seat of their pants.”

Misconception #7: Introverts just want to be left alone.

While it’s true that introverts prefer to “re-charge” with some quiet time reading or reflecting, they also crave human interaction and enjoy the company of others.

Misconception #8: Introverts over-analyze everything.

Introverts like to analyze situations and consider all possible scenarios before making decisions. Sometimes this can lead to “analysis paralysis,” but in general, it’s a positive trait that allows them to make tough decisions with a rational stream of thought.

Misconception #8: Introverts don’t like to go out in public.

False. Introverts may not be comfortable in crowded spaces, but they love experiencing new places, people, and things.

Misconception #9: Introverts are high strung.

The opposite is actually true. Introverts tend to be much more even-keeled and level than extroverts. They are able to objectively view all scenarios, even during times of stress.

Misconception #10: Introverts are underachievers.

Because we have such an affinity for the charismatic, personable, extroverted leader, some people assume that introverts are underachievers compared to extroverts. However, there are millions of successful introverted scientists, artists, physicians, writers, and philosophers. Achievement is not necessarily related to personality type.

Misconception #11: Introverts can “break out of their shell” and become extroverts.

Introversion is an inborn personality type that you can’t change. Many people falsely believe that introverts can (or want to) “unlearn” their quiet, passive tendencies.

Misconception #12: Introverts are rude.

Introverts get a bad rap because they don’t show emotion like extroverts do. This causes people to misunderstand them and mistake their stone-face demeanor for rudeness, which isn’t the case.

Misconception #13: Introverts are no fun.

Introverts are all about having a good time–they just prefer environments that are quieter and more low-key. They don’t mind going to parties, but they prefer to spend time socializing in their inner circle of friends.

Misconception #14: Introverts don’t make good leaders.

Introverts can be quiet but confident leaders. They are particularly effective at managing extroverts because they’re good listeners and don’t compete with them.

Misconception #15: Extroverts are happier than introverts.

Happiness has nothing to do with one’s personality type. There are happy and unhappy extroverts just like introverts. Personality type does not pre-dispose you to be unhappy.

Have you ever been misunderstood because of your personality type? If so, I’d love to hear from you below!


Introverts are a misunderstood bunch. Compared to extroverts, they think differently, act differently, and even look differently when they interact with people. But there are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be “introverted.” Here are 15 of them:

Misconception #1: Introverts are shy.

Being “shy” and “introverted” are two completely different things. Introverts are not necessarily shy or afraid of people. They don’t just don’t prefer talking for the sake of talking.

Misconception #2: Introverts are unemotional.

Introverts may not show emotion with their facial expressions and gestures, but this doesn’t mean they’re not interested in what you’re saying. Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them. Although someone who’s introverted may not appear engaged, this is usually not the case.

Misconception #3: Introverts don’t like working in groups.

Introverts often do their best work alone, so co-workers may misunderstand them and think they don’t want to partake in group work. While introverts do have a tendency to shut down in larger groups of people when they feel like their voice isn’t being heard, introverts excel in small group situations and enjoy working in these types of environments, as long as their opinion is valued.

Misconception #4: Introverts don’t like talking.

It’s not that introverts don’t like to talk, it’s that they prefer to listen before they talk. Introverts choose their words carefully and they think small talk is a waste of time. But, they’re more than willing to engage you in a deep conversation about topics they’re passionate about.

Misconception #5: Introverts are scared to look you in the eye.

In general, introverts may not make eye contact with you as much as extroverts. This is because they don’t feel the need to partake in social norms and rituals as much as extroverts, not because they’re “scared.”

Misconception #6: All introverts are poor public speakers.

Some introverts may not like speaking in large group settings; however, many introverts are naturally gifted speakers. And, introverts generally spend more time preparing for speeches and presentations rather than “flying by the seat of their pants.”

Misconception #7: Introverts just want to be left alone.

While it’s true that introverts prefer to “re-charge” with some quiet time reading or reflecting, they also crave human interaction and enjoy the company of others.

Misconception #8: Introverts over-analyze everything.

Introverts like to analyze situations and consider all possible scenarios before making decisions. Sometimes this can lead to “analysis paralysis,” but in general, it’s a positive trait that allows them to make tough decisions with a rational stream of thought.

Misconception #8: Introverts don’t like to go out in public.

False. Introverts may not be comfortable in crowded spaces, but they love experiencing new places, people, and things.

Misconception #9: Introverts are high strung.

The opposite is actually true. Introverts tend to be much more even-keeled and level than extroverts. They are able to objectively view all scenarios, even during times of stress.

Misconception #10: Introverts are underachievers.

Because we have such an affinity for the charismatic, personable, extroverted leader, some people assume that introverts are underachievers compared to extroverts. However, there are millions of successful introverted scientists, artists, physicians, writers, and philosophers. Achievement is not necessarily related to personality type.

Misconception #11: Introverts can “break out of their shell” and become extroverts.

Introversion is an inborn personality type that you can’t change. Many people falsely believe that introverts can (or want to) “unlearn” their quiet, passive tendencies.

Misconception #12: Introverts are rude.

Introverts get a bad rap because they don’t show emotion like extroverts do. This causes people to misunderstand them and mistake their stone-face demeanor for rudeness, which isn’t the case.

Misconception #13: Introverts are no fun.

Introverts are all about having a good time–they just prefer environments that are quieter and more low-key. They don’t mind going to parties, but they prefer to spend time socializing in their inner circle of friends.

Misconception #14: Introverts don’t make good leaders.

Introverts can be quiet but confident leaders. They are particularly effective at managing extroverts because they’re good listeners and don’t compete with them.

Misconception #15: Extroverts are happier than introverts.

Happiness has nothing to do with one’s personality type. There are happy and unhappy extroverts just like introverts. Personality type does not pre-dispose you to be unhappy.

Have you ever been misunderstood because of your personality type? If so, I’d love to hear from you below!














I have a new classmate.She is Huang Jie.She is girl.She is twelve years old.She has long hair.She has big eyes and small nose.She is tall.My classmate likes reading book,playing computer games,listening to music,but sometimes she likes playing sports.

This is my classmate,What about you.

























Good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends,

Suppose you are in a dark cave alone now. Maybe you can not find any hope, you are trembling and frightened. What will you do? What will you say? Will you give up? (……) No we should not give up. We should try our best to find hope. So today, I am honored to stand here to share my opinion with you---- Let’s say NO to Give UP.





这是发生在我们身边的事情:20xx年7月广西灌阳的一位年仅14岁的学生因为过量吸食而死亡,而在今年的5月20日,湖北麻城一男子因吸食 精神失常闯入当地一小学持菜刀砍伤8名小学生。这都是因为给带来的后果。听到这些,亲爱的同学们,我们是不是要从他们身上吸取教训,珍惜我们宝贵的生命呢?



Now we are facing two problems of global warming and a shortage of natural resources, both of which are getting more and more serious day by day. Thus, it is important for us to promote a low-carbon lifestyle.

Low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspect of our life like transportation, traveling, home-heating, and so on. In order to promote a low-carbon life, some plans must be carried out as follows. Firstly, don’t waste any electricity and water. Remember to turn off the lights and water taps unless we use them. Secondly, we had better take the subways or bus to work, so as to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. Thirdly, we should use cloth bags for shopping instead of plastic bags, and use recyclable bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones, for it can not only save resources, but also reduce pollution. What’s more, it is of great significance to plant more trees, since trees can balance the carbon dioxide emissions.

In a word, if we live a low-carbon life from now on, we will have a better environment and more resources left for our descendants.















Our common destiny

“ We are made wise not by the recollections of the past but by our responsibility for the future”

----George Bernard Shaw

China is faced with some enormous challenges as it enters the 21st century. In order to ensure the prosperity of our nation and its future generations we must confront and ultimately solve these challenges.

Some of the more pressing issues facing China are universal. These include environmental degradation, over population and the effects of globalization.

To overcome some of the things we need to implement include:

Enhancing our scientific and industrial technologies in such areas as IT, Bio- tech, AI and Cybernetics.

Further develop public infrastructure in under developed regions.

Promote education reform at all levels.

Introduce sustainable development initiatives.

The implementation of free trade agreement between China and ASEAN.

The benefit to China in introducing these initiatives will be significant and far-reaching. It is important to realize that these initiatives need to filter down through all elements of the society in China. For instance, cutting edge technologies and intellectual properties; the development of e-commerce based economy; an education system that encourages innovation and creativity; increased foreign investment; higher living standards; more efficient use of natural resources.

It is important for us to realize these reforms are both essential and necessary. These will help China to fulfill its vast and unrealized potential on the world stage. It will also contribute more to a globalized world of the new century.

As for the future our task is not to foresee but to enable.



























I like English very much. If I am really elected, I will try to service for you. I can help you study English well



Believe me, I can do it!





change the ingredients of your life

change the ingredients of your life

this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.

if kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

so my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients. three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. it was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. she said “ my dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. by choosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world. so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.


Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I'd like to start with a group of pictures.

“Modern and advanced”This society forgets, and ignores the other two thirds of human beings. It's far from the ideal! We call ideal as a utopian, a place where reality does not exist. A few people still look forward to the ideals. We make fun of them, considering they are naive. Will we still be content to live in such a society, if misfortune drops to us? No! Of cause not!

When we feel the warmth of the sun, these people, endure great sorrows and pains. Can we imagine that? They are our brother and sisters!

Facing them, will we still complain about our own misfortune?

Facing them, will we still have the mood shouting for our own freedom? Facing them, will we still want to have more and more unnecessary stuff?

They are unable to meet their needs, even the basic needs of survival! Everyone, as a member of humanity, shouldn't feel ashamed? Our luxury deprived their lives, our indifference violated our soul, and our barbarity destroyed human civilization!

What's the ideal society? It's a society no one worries about their living, a society no one is refused from education, a society everyone can pursue his/her own happiness! The ideal society is filled with love, joy and kindness. In that society, we can touch the other's hearts, we can share our dreams and most important, we can just be the true men!

Let's break the ethnic divide, bridge the gap between rich and poor, hand in hand, to build a Great wall, protecting us from evil; to construct a steady bridge, connecting reality to the ideal society! Let's pursue for that, that's the only way to the bright future! They are watching us! Thank you!

Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organisation.

According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately five million deaths worldwide every year.

Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed.

Heart attack and stroke.

UK studies show that smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non'smokers.


On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, “The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.” The hall After that, they had another item.

This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:“The dog stands out among a group of chickens.”

Then we all sang and played games until it was eleven o'clock at night. The old man on night watch came to turn off the lights. We had to tear ourselves away from the party.

From this activity, I discovered that many of our classmates are really talented singers.


Hello, everyone

My name is Billy, I am ten years old. I am from Pei Yuan Primary School. Today, I want to introduce my family.

There are three people in my family, my father, mother and I. we live in Yixing.

My father works in the Bank of China. He is busy, so he often gets home very late, but he will come to my bedroom and say “good night” to me everyday whenever how late.

My mother is a beautiful middle-aged woman. She has short hair and wears a pair of glasses. I love my mother, because she does most of the housework in my home and she does everything for me. Every day she spends some time with me on my study. She is a good teacher as well as my dear mother.

I am thin and not tall, but I like sports. I can skate, play badminton and swim. My favorite sport is playing badminton. I usually play it with my mother every Sunday. I believe playing badminton will bring me good health.

This is my family, father, mother and I. I love my family very much, because “be it every so humble, there is no place like home.”

At last I am going to sing for everyone, “you are my sunshine.”


Some say growing up in rich family promotes children's personality and character. Some think otherwise. What's your opinion? Why?

Well, it's quite a question argued by people all the time. I think a person's personality has little relation to his family economic level. It's commonly said that a child in rich family will has more chances and better choice for his study. However, if the kid himself isn't aware of this, that is all in vain. It's not unusual that many children from rich family are quite rude and conceited although they are always receive the best education. Then, how about the poor family's children? There is another saying that adversity cultivates heroes. To be honest, I disagree with it too. Poor children should learn harder and catch every chance to strengthen themselves. However, the reality is often not like that. Subjectively speaking, poor children are easy to feel inferior and thus can't study well. Even if they study well, they hardly do well in practicing ability. Objectively speaking, poor children can hardly receive good and plentiful education because of the economic limit. That will cause deficiency in some literal or artistic talent such as music or dance. Therefore, I think children's personality have little relation to their family situation.


