(说明:关键词Key Words为加粗。冒号后加空格再接关键词,相邻词间用逗号分隔。每个关键词.的首字大写。从"摘要”开始到”参考文献”结束,所有正文的字体均为Times New Roman, 12磅;两端对齐。均采用倍行距)
范例:Abstract: Nida, a famous translator, says, "For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than master two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures."(Background information) This is to say, translation is
closely related with not only languages but also cultures. Studies of the cultural distinction in idiom translation are still relatively weak in the field of translation in China. Exclusive research on the translation of Chinese and English idioms is still incomplete. In the last twenty years,
idiom translation has mostly emphasized the level of inter-lingual communication, butcultural differences were rarely involved in it.(ldentify problem) This thesis analyses the cultural differences in Chinese and English idioms, then studies English-ChineseChinese- English idiom translation methods(Research subject) from the angle
of culture(Method) and points out some warnings concerning idiom translation: pay attention to context and choose the right version in line with the style and meaning of the original passage(Results); culture is a whole way of life, when new culture emerges, new idioms also appear, therefore idiom
translation should develop with the time.(Conclusion)Key Words: idioms; culture; translation
write thesis一般指毕业论文
古典文学常见论文一词,谓交谈辞章或交流思想。当代,论文常用来指进行各个学术领域的研究和描述学术研究成果的 文章 ,简称之为论文。那么,你知道论文的英语怎么说吗?
The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper.
There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher's office.
We are depending on you to finish the paper by Friday.
The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.
The treatise he wrote is excellent.
Our professor asked him to write a treatise on the subject.
论文最后简要 总结 了本论文的内容和不足。
The last chapter of the paper briefly summarizes the harvest and deficiency.
Staple one copy of the summary sheet on top of each copy of the solution paper.
We shall go through these papers together.
I finally popped that paper for Professor Li.
The professor has turned aside my paper for a month.
Is this you dissertation?
It is what you profess. Well, the thesis is also, another way to think of it, an answer to a question.
He offered to help me with my research paper.
Do you plan to submit any paper?
Several books and papers show how to use mock objects in unit testing. Thesedescribe the capabilities that mock objects should have and how to use them.
This is a general introduction to what the thesis is all about -- it is not just adescription of the contents of each section.
即便这样 这还是一片非常糟糕的论文如果让我审核的话它一定会被淹没在红墨水的海洋里去.
Yet it's an awful paper that I would have shredded in a sea of red ink if it hadcome to me.
Maya: Now you have to let me interview for my paper.
Here you list the contributions of new knowledge that your thesis makes.
In other words, this note should be helpful when you are just getting started inyour graduate program, as well as later when you start to write your thesis.
And his critics agree with him on one matter: the paper points to the importance ofreducing fertilizer use in China.
Then I really do have to grade term papers.
此外,论文的 方法 部分本来应该为其他人复制实验提供足够的信息,但通常情况都不是这样。
Moreover, the methods sections of papers are supposed to provide enoughinformation for others to replicate an experiment, but often do not.
在那个研讨会上,他交了一篇,论文,是为 其它 一些场合写的,是关于关心这个概念。
At the symposium, he submitted a paper which he had written for some otheroccasion on the concept of caring about.
But their paper is the most thorough.
When will you finish the term paper?
No matter whatever your term paper is about, they help you in selecting topicsand some offer a wide range of topics to choose from.
My opinion on copying others' homework
It is konwn to us all that some students copy others' homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.
In my opinion,copying others' homework is not good,because it's against the rules of the should be honest and work hard to get high we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates for their help.
Now it is common that students copy homework from their classmates. I think it is a terrible thing . Because homework is their own task and the check for what they learn in class.
If they copy others' homework , the teachers won't get the fact so they can't help the students to improve. Besides ,if the students can't finish their homework, they can't get the chance to go over their lessons so they can't make progress. So don't copy others' homework.
In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information.
They copy them without the fear that they might be a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.
So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.
在画中我们可以看到一位男子正在专心地在湖边钓鱼,在他身后有一位学者模样的人正从钓鱼人的鱼桶中偷鱼。显然,作这幅画的人是想揭示我国学术界的一个严重的问题—— 剽窃。近年来学术欺诈盛行,有不少研究生、学者“利用”别人的想法、文章和论文而不注明信息来源。
论文写作的基本要求1、论文的基本要求是对学术要有贡献。论文一定要有自己的创新,否则就是观点“综述”或者“学习笔记”。2、选题的基本原则是题目涉及的范围不要太大,可以搜集到相关的资料和有相关的研究手段。自己对所选的课题感兴趣也很重要。3、大量的阅读是必须的。它不仅可以拓展视野,提高你的学术水平,也可以让你对相关领域的已有研究状况有广泛的了解,避免重复研究。4、资料来源的要求是数据应来自权威的统计机构,而不是普通的媒体;引用的观点必须出自学术论文,而不是一般的讲话或报道。5、一定遵守知识产权的法律准则。对引用他人的观点和数据一定要做明确的标注。标注的方式和格式要根据不同出版物的要求来做。Words 在“插入”栏中给出了做“脚注”和“尾注”的十分方便的工具。6、语言的表达标准是客观、准确、简练是学术论文语言的基本要求。论文中应当使用正规的专业用语,避免俗语、政治宣传、情感表述和普通媒体语言,比如,加大力度、政策倾斜、矛盾冲突、一脉相承、强烈要求,等。7、正确地使用语法。一句完整的话应当有主语和谓语,也可以包含宾语、状语等结构。8、正确地使用标点符号不仅可以让文章内容清晰,也可以让写作变得更轻松自如。句号的使用标准的根据语法而不是根据语意。比如,句号是用来表示一个完整的语法结构的结束,而不是像一些小学语文课所讲的,用来表示“一个完整的意思”。在一个语法完整的陈述句的末尾应当使用句号。在防止句子中词语混淆时插入逗号或顿号。需要做进一步解释时使用冒号或破折号。在关系密切的排比句之间用分号。对引用的原文要加上引号。
这么w宽泛的题目,想必老师也e是个u。。。哎,个f人t建议吧,选定一q个d或者几x个k特定国家(含民族)的人r,介3绍下j他们的文3化7和谈判特点,写一o些自己x认5为4比7较适用的方8法。但是突出的主题则应该是,不m管对哪国或者哪个p公3司,自身的homework至关重要。你可以3结合如果做homework来写。 pヮ╔g瘠нl
相信读外文系或者主学英语的诸位同学们一定会修英文作文,也了解写英文作文有时便是天杀的不便及无趣。事不宜迟,我也长驱直入主题风格吧。 写一篇英文文章内容要先从写一篇好的英文段落开始,因此大家最先先学怎样写一篇好的段落。英语大家别名paragraph,而一篇英文论文一般带有五个paragraphs。 一个paragraph一般带有: topic中心思想-->发展趋势成中心思想语句topic sentence main idea(适用中心思想的关键论点论据): supporting sentences or supporting details(适用关键论点论据的语句,一般为客观事实举例说明句) conclusion(汇总前边所提及的事儿或者中心思想再阐述) 一般构建一个英文段落时必须这几类原素,而从上至下全是由普遍至细节方面的(事例:旅游-->锁匙球场-->洛杉矶-->TI这些...)。这就是写一个英文文章内容必须的逻辑性,要想说一口好英文也恰好是必须那样的思索方法。 1、假如我今日谈论到三个关键的事,那么我的旨就肯定是三个关键的事啊Three important things。再说便是要发展趋势成一个中心思想语句,那就得看你需要怎样发展趋势,一件事而言关键的事有三个there are three things that are very important to me。到这儿你也就完成了一个中心思想语句,下面便是开始表明哪三件事对你关键喽。 特别注意下列: 中心思想语句一般全是创作者的见解语句,而客观事实句通常全是用于prove见解语句的事例句。那要怎么辨别见解句跟客观事实句呢?简易,我是牛跟牛吃草你觉得哪一个是客观事实(假如你说起第一个是客观事实也是醉了)?自然是牛吃草喽!那见解句是我是牛,为何?就如同今日你跟别人说:『欸欸我是牛。』别人一定询问你为什么啊!由于这一就实属就是你自身的见解因此你需要阐述事例来适用你为什么是牛! 2、完成了中心思想语句下面便是关键论点论据main idea,你觉得对你而言关键的事有哪些?很有可能亲人啊!my family is important,如果你想起这个时候,你也就早已完成了main idea了。而一个文章段落必须三至四个main ideas(一般三就正好了,2个有点儿过少,四个有点硬塞)。 再说呢?大家说中文在讲话的情况下,最常讲的是否“随后”?随后啊这随后啊那的。大家在英文中称之为transitions用以变换语气、承揽早已句号的语句、相互连接含意不尽相同的ideas。而我们英文最普遍的自然便是First,second and third(第一如何。第二如何。第三如何);随后把她们放到每一个main ideas前面逗点Firstly,my family is ,....那样呢就完成了Main ideas喽! 3、再说便是supporting sentences喽!这实际上比较简单。我们在写国文优秀作文是否经常会举例说明吗?哪个在英文而言for example就可以用来当supporting sentence了。简易而言它能够述说大量的关键点来填补main idea: for example,they'll take care of me when I'm sick.那样就结束了supporting sentence了。 4、最终便是conclusion喽! conclusion 结果实际上便是中心思想语句的再批评。那一样大家必须个transition。Above all,all in all,In conclusion全是最典型性的末尾开始片语在汉语中就有点儿相近总而言之。那再批评呢?该怎么办? 再次阐述topic有二种方式。 第一,把文章段落中你所举的main ideas所有再次写一次all in all,my family,...and...are very important to me. 第二,再次造新的语句可是一样要有相当于topic sentence的含意。In conclusion,these are the three things that I cherish.这是我所爱惜的三件事。 简易说,是否对你而言关键因此才爱惜。因此在再次造句子是就可以把修饰词改为同样含意的别的一个字或者句式再次做编辑让它跟中心思想语句不一样可是却有一样含意。