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Electronic brakeforce distribution or EBD or EBFD is an automobile brake technology that automatically varies the amount of force applied to each of a vehicle's brakes, based on road conditions, speed, loading, etc. Always coupled with anti-lock braking systems, EBD can apply more or less braking pressure to each wheel in order to maximize stopping power whilst maintaining vehicular control.[1][2] Typically, the front end carries the most weight and EBD distributes less braking pressure to the rear brakes so the rear brakes do not lock up and cause a skid.[3]How ABS worksUnder heavy braking, vehicle wheels may lock-up. The anti-lock braking system (ABS) monitors wheel speeds and releases pressure on individual wheel brake lines, rapidly pulsing individual brakes to prevent lock-up. During heavy braking, preventing wheel lock-up helps the driver maintain steering control. Modern ABS has four individual brake lines for each wheel, enabling different braking pressure on different road surfaces. For example, less braking pressure is needed to lock a wheel on ice than a wheel which on bare asphalt. If the left wheels are on asphalt and the right wheels are on ice, during an emergency stop, ABS detects the right wheels about to lock and reduces braking force on the right wheels, helping to avoid lock-up and loss of vehicle EBD worksAs per SAE technical paper #920646 - Buschmann et al. "The job of the EBD as a subsystem of the ABS system is to control the effective adhesion utilization by the rear wheels. The pressure of the rear wheels is approximated to the ideal brake force distribution in a partial braking operation. To do so, the conventional brake design is modified in the direction of rear axle overbraking, and the components of the ABS are used. EBD reduces the strain on the hydraulic brake force proportioning valve in the vehicle. EBD optimizes the brake design with regard to: adhesion utilization; driving stability; wear; temperature stress; and pedal force."EBD may work in conjunction with ABS and Electronic Stability Control ("ESC") to minimize yaw accelerations during turns. ESC compares steering wheel angle to vehicle turning rate using a yaw rate sensor. "Yaw" is the vehicle's rotation around its vertical center of gravity (turning left or right). If the yaw sensor detects more/less yaw than the steering wheel angle should create, the car is understeering or oversteering and ESC activates one of the front or rear brakes to rotate the car back into its intended course. For example, if a car is making a left turn and begins to understeer (the car plows forward to the outside of the turn) ESC activates the left rear brake, which will help turn the car left. The sensors are so sensitive, and the actuation is so quick that the system may correct direction before the driver reacts. ABS helps prevent wheel lock-up and EBD helps apply appropriate brake force to make ESC work effectively.

Car partsEngine The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile. In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit A number of systems are necessary to make an engine work . A lubrication system is neededto reduce friction and prevent engine wear. A cooling system is required to keep the engine’s temperature within safe limits .The engine must be provided with the correct amount of air and fuel by a fuel system. The mixture of air and fuel must be ignited inside the cylinder at just the right time by an ignition system.Finally, an electrical system is required to operate the cranking motor that starts the engine and to provide electrical energy to power engine accessoriesLubrication System An engine has many moving parts which eventually develop wear,as they move against each other.The engine circulates oil between these moving parts to prevent the metal-to-metal contact that results in wear. Parts that are oiled can move more easily with less friction and hence power loss due to friction is minimized.The secondary function of lubricant is to act as a coolant and also as a sealing medium to prevent leakages.Finally,a film of lubricant on the cylinder walls helps the tings in sealing and thus improves the engine’s compressions.Cooling System Due to the combustion of fuel with air inside the cylinder,the temperature of the engine parts increases.This increase of temperature directly affects the engine performance and the life of the engine parts.The cooling system keeps the engine operating at the efficient temperature.Whatever the driving conditions, the system is designed to prevent both overheating and overcooling.Fuel System The main function of the fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the carburetor or injection system at a rate and pressure sufficient to meet engine demands under all conditions of load,speed and gradients encountered by the vehicle.The fuel system must also have enough reserve fuel for several miles of vehicle operation.Ignition System The purpose of the ignition system is to provide assistance for the combustion of fuel either by a high voltage spark or self-ignition in each of the engine’s cylinder at the right time so that the air-fuel mixture can burn completely. The fuel supplied to the combustion chamber must be ignited to deliver power.In a spark—ignition engine an electric spark is used for this purpose.The compression—ignition engine does not require a separate ignition system because the ignition is affected by compression of the mixture to a high pressure. Electrical System The engine’s electrical system provides energy to operate a starting motor and to power all the accessories.The main components of the electrical system are a battery,an alternator, a starting motor, ignition coil and heater.Frame The frame provides a foundation for the engine and the body of the vehicle . The flame is constructed from square or box-shaped steel members strong enough to support the weight of the body and other components. The automobile frame is usually made up of a number of members welded or riveted together to give the final shape.The engine is mounted on the frame with rubber pads which absorb vibrations and also provide damping of these vibrations.Absorption and damping of vibrations protects passengers from discomfort caused by shocks. The frame is supported on wheel axles by means of springs.This whole assembly is calledthe chassis. Suspension System The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types: (1)Rigid system(2)Independent systemIn the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars Power TrainThe power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive ShaftThe drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.DifferentialThe function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch. AxlesAxles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.WheelThe automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the SystemThe steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right. Braking SystemBrakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.汽车部件发动机发动机是一种动力机械设备.它为汽车提供动力。在大部分汽车发动机中.空气和汽油的混合气体产生的爆炸性能量驱动活动活塞运动。活塞使它们所连接的曲轴转动。曲轴的转动力量使汽车的车轮转动。一些汽车是由另外一种发动机提供动力的,这种发动机被认为是旋转气门、旋转燃烧或汪克尔发动机。转子发动机也是吸入空气和燃料的混合气,混合气被压缩和燃烧•在一个椭圆形的室内旋转的发动机连接着一个轴,这个轴将最终驱动后面的车轮。大部分汽车中,发动机是架在汽车的前面末端的,离台器和变速箱在它后面,发动帆、离台器和变速箱被装配成一个整体。发动机工作时有很多系统都是必要的。润滑系统可以减少摩擦并减轻发动机磨损。冷却系统被用来保持发动机的温度在安全范围内。发动机必须有燃油系统保证适当数量的空气和燃料供给。空气和燃油混合物必须由点火系统在适当的时间在气缸内被点燃。最后,电子系统被用来控制启动发动机用的电动机和为发动机附件提供电能。润滑系统发动机有许多最终会被磨损的运动部件,因为它们是相对运动的。发动机使润滑油在这些运动的部件间循环,以避免因金属与金属之间的接触而导致磨损。被润滑过的部件能够因为摩擦减少而容易运动,因摩擦导致的能量损失是最小的。润滑油的第二个功能是作为冷却液和防止泄露。最后,气缸壁上的润滑油薄膜有助于活塞环密封并因此提高发动机的压缩性。冷却系统 由于燃料与空气在气缸内燃烧,从而使发动机部件温度升高。温度升高直接影响发动机的性能和发动机部件的寿命。冷却系统使发动机工作保持在有效的温度。不管驾驶条件如何,发动机系统被设计成既能防止过热又能防止过冷。燃料供给系统燃料供给系统的主要功能是以一定的比例和压力给化油器或喷射系统提供燃料,并在汽车遇到的所有情况下,满足发动机对负载、速度和坡度的需要。燃料系统也必须为汽车行驶几英里保留足够的燃料。点火系统点火系统的作用是在适当的时间使燃料燃烧,不管是高压电火花还是在每个发动机气缸中的自燃,以便于气体混合物的完全燃烧。提供给燃料室的燃料必须被点燃以提供能量。在一个火花点火发动机中,电火花就是用于这个目的。压缩点火发动机不需要一个独立的点火系统,因为点火会受混合气压缩压力的影响。电气系统发动机的电气系统提供能量给起动电动机并给所有附件提供电能。电气系统的主要构件是蓄电池、交流发电机、起动电动机、点火线圈和加热器。车架车架为汽车发动机和车身提供了一个安装框架。车架用方刚或盒形钢铁制造,有足够的强度支撑车身和其他构件的重量。汽车车架通常由一些焊接或铆接在一起的零件构成,从而形成最后的形状。发动机和橡胶垫被圈定在车架上。橡胶垫可以吸收振动,也可以提供这些振动的阻尼减轻乘客由于振动产生的不适。悬架系统悬架系统的功能是吸收由于路面不平使车轮上下运动所产生的振动。弹性元件、连接装置和减振器组成了汽车的悬架系统。悬架系统有两种类型:(1)刚性悬架系统(2)独立悬架系统在刚性悬架系统中,弹簧被系在刚性横梁上,这种系统主要被用在商用车辆的前轴和所有类型车辆的车轴上。独立悬架系统没有一根坚硬的轴。每个车架可以自由做垂直运动而相对应的另一侧车轮没有任何反应。独立悬架系统主要用在小汽车上。传动系统传动系把发动机产生的能量传递给车轮。它包括离台器(汽车上用手动变速器)、传动系(一系列的齿轮,把由发动机产生的转矩增强.推动汽车)、驱动轴、差速器和后挢。离合器离合器用于手动变速的传动系统。用它暂时把发动机和车轮之间的动力传递分开。当换档或停车时,把传动系和发动机的连接断开是很必要的。变速籍变速箱的主要功能是通过发动机把各种必需的扭矩提供给车轮,这是通过改变发动机输出轴和驱动轴两者之阃的传动比来实现的。驱动轴驱动轴或叫推动轴与齿轮箱和差动器相连。驱动轴通常在末端具有万向节。差速器差速器的功能是把来自传动轴的能量分给后轿。当汽车转弯或掉沟时,它允许后轮以不同的逮度驱动。车轿车桥是指用来安装车轮的轴,通过这些车桥向车轮提供必需的驱动力。 车轮车轮支承着整辆车.并产生牵引力来驱动汽车。车轮也用于减速和停车。转向系统转向系统是用来改变汽车方向的,在任何转向机构中最主要的就是转向精确且容易控制,同时前轮在转向后又能自动回正。一个齿轮机构,通常认为是转向齿轮,在这个系统内用来增强由驾驶员提供的转向力,这个系统使得汽车转向非常容易,驾驶员不用费报大的力。不仅仅是在弯曲的公路上需要汽车转向,在交通拥挤的路上也需要巧妙地控制。转向系统使得汽车可以被控制向左或者向右转向。制动系统制动用来使车辆放慢速度或者停车。制动系统可以是机械制动或者液压制动。现在用的制动系统95%都是液压型的。所有的制动系统都包含两种元件,一种是旋转零件,另一种是固定零件,有各种各样方法使得这两个元件相接触而使车辆减速。制动系统的主要组成部分:制动踏扳、主制动缸、车轮制动、制动鼓、制动管路、制动蹄、制动装备和联动装置。随着汽车负载和车速的增大,目前制动系统的重要性也在增大,并且现在人们更喜欢助力制动。助力制动利用真空和空气压力来提供更好的制动力。

There will always be that when you own something when you do not think it would be valuable, but also do not see the value of it, but when you lose it when it come to repentance, but that at the moment when the lateness of the hour, too late for regrets and. I now have such a similar week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true. Wanted to be back in a week ago, then put in every day practice as seven hours to 27 hours use. This is true, this internship opportunities for me are too precious a this internship, I learned about auto engines knowledge, are ever at a lesson on what can not be compared. And I once again felt the profound theoretical and practical combination of the because of the arrangement to the engine of our components are Santana 2000 engine. First of all, for the automotive engine theory of knowledge, I understand that:Santana in Germany Volkswagen Ltd. 1982 products. The company entered Shanghai in 1983, to cooperate with the development of our country has been the development of three generations - four generations of production lines, and in 95 years will be Santana 2000 Electronic Fuel injection system into the main parameters of motor vehicles including technical parameters, the basic parameters, engine and chassis parameters parameters. Structure for the JV type engine, the combustion chamber for the ball flat, so that the function of strong squeezing gas area, to reduce fuel consumption and air pollution Valve for overhead camshaft type, camshaft push rod directly. Advantages of simple structure, the inertia of small parts, the system stiffness, and improve the effective engine speed. Valve for the hydraulic rod to mention, the automatic adjustment of valve clearance. Intake system has electric heaters and temperature control the intake valve, you can ensure that a smooth start and shorten the warm-up time. Closed water cooling system uses forced basic structure of the modern automobile engine from crank linkage, valve body, transmission system, lubrication system, cooling system, ignition system, start the Department of the composition. Linkage crank engines are energy conversion and transmission of power institutions. Valve bodies are engines of ventilators, ventilation process: on time and turn off the control valve to ensure full combustion gas mixed with gas and emissions. Supply lines are guaranteed to give a total cylinder fresh combustible mixture and export emissions, and in accordance with the different engine operating conditions the supply of different quantity and concentration of combustible gas mixture.中文翻译如下:人们总说,当你拥有一样东西的时候,你会不觉得的它的珍贵,也看不到它的价值所在,但是当你失去它的时候才恍然悔悟,此刻却以为时已晚,后悔莫及。我现在就有这么一种类似的感受。为期一周的汽车发动机拆装实习结束了,回忆这段时光,竟真的是恋恋不舍。恨不得能回到一周前,然后把每天实习的7个小时当成27个小时来用。确实如此,这次实习的机会对我来说真的是太珍贵了。在这次实习中,我学习到的关于汽车发动机的知识,是在以往任何一节课上都不能所比拟的。而我也再一次深刻感受到了理论和实践结合的必要性。由于老师的安排,我们组分到的发动机是桑塔纳2000型发动机。首先,对于汽车发动机理论知识的学习,我了解到:桑塔纳轿车是德国大众汽车有限公司1982年的产品。该公司于1983年进入上海,同我国进行合作开发,目前已发展为三代-四代生产线,并于95年将桑塔纳2000电控汽油喷射系统投入市场。汽车的主要参数包括技术参数、基本参数、发动机参数和底盘 参数。 发动机结构为JV型,燃烧室为扁球形,这样可以则功能强挤气面积,减低油耗和大气污染配气机构凸轮轴为顶置式,凸轮轴直接推动连杆。优点为结构简单、零件惯性小、系统刚度大、有效提高发动机转速。气门提杆为液压式,气门间隙自动调节。进气系统有电加热器和温度控制进气阀,可以确保汽车顺利启动和缩短暖机时间。冷却系统采用闭式水冷强制循环。现代汽车发动机基本结构由曲柄连杆机构、配气机构、传动系、润滑系、冷却系、点火系、启动系组成。曲柄连杆机构是发动机进行能量转换和传递动力的机构。配气机构是发动机的换气机构,换气过程:控制气门按时关闭,保证气配时充分燃烧混合气和排放废气。供给系是保证向气缸共给新鲜可燃混合气和导出废气,并按照发动机不同工况供给不同数量和浓度的可燃混合气。这篇挺好的啊,嘻嘻



毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.




一、毕业设计(论文)撰写要求1、学生毕业设计(论文)一人一题,不得中途随意变更。2、毕业设计(论文)要求观点明确,论据充实,数据可靠,条理清楚。3、毕业论文字数的要求一般不少于8000字。4、毕业设计说明书图纸可折合字数,但字数要求一般不少于4000字。5、工科学生的毕业设计应有一定量的设计图纸、实验线路或装置示意图、数据处理图表、程序流程图,要求图纸等应装订成册。6、毕业设计(论文)格式:(1)纸型:A4(2)页边距:上下左右均为(3)行距:倍(4)装订线:左装订1CM(5)页眉:使用“黑龙江交通职业技术学院”字样,宋体小五号(6)页脚:页码居中(正文页码用阿拉伯数字从前言开始排列)(7)首行缩进:二个字符(8)目录:标题与页码之前用点连接,页脚加页码如Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ等表示,目录使用倍行距。(9)字体设置: 一级标题:黑体二号 二级标题:黑体三号 三级标题:黑体四号 四级标题:黑体小四号 正文:宋体小四号 封皮按固定格式制作,不加页码。参见附件2。(10)文中未提及的均取默认值7、任务书应在下达给学生之前,请相关人员签字或盖章。8、成绩评定中答辩小组成员应由答辩老师本人签字。9、答辩手册书写格式(1)答辩手册第一页书写“专业名称”。(2)每次答辩开始之前,空一页写本次参与答辩的“班级名称”。(3)一个学生占一页,每页中应填写如下项点,每个项点另起一行。学生姓名:毕业设计(论文)题目:指导教师:答辩情况:1、自述情况评价2、回答问题评价(此处只写答辩老师自己提的问题的评价)3、最后一行靠右侧写答辩教师:某某某二、毕业设计(论文)文本结构规范① 摘要:扼要叙述本设计的主要内容、特点,文字要精练。中文摘要约200字左右;关键词要符合学科分类,一般5个左右,每个词均为专业名词(或词组),一词在6个字之内;② 目录:目录按三级标题编写(即:1.…、…、…),要求标题层次清晰。参见附件1。③ 正文:包括选题背景、方案论证、过程(设计或实验)论述、结果分析、结论或总结。 选题背景:说明本课题的来源、目的、意义、应解决的主要问题及应达到的技术要求;简述本课题在国内外发展概况及存在的问题,本设计的指导思想。 方案论证:说明设计原理并进行方案选择,阐明为什么要选择这个设计方案(包括各种方案的分析、比较)以及所采用方案的特点。 过程(设计或实验)论述:指作者对自己的研究工作的详细表述。要求论理正确、论据确凿、逻辑性强、层次分明、表达确切。 结果分析:对研究过程中所获得的主要的数据、现象进行定性或定量分析,得出结论和推论。 结论或总结:对整个设计工作进行归纳和综合,阐述本课题研究中尚存在的问题及进一步开展研究的见解和建议。④ 致谢:向协助完成设计工作,提供便利条件的组织或个人,提出建议和提供帮助的人致谢;向给予转载和引用权的资料、图片、文献、研究思想和设想的所有者致谢;向其它应感谢的组织或个人致谢。⑤ 附录:包括与论文有关的图表、计算机程序、运行结果,主要设备、仪器仪表的测试精度等。也可让源程序放在附录中,作为程序清单⑥ 参考文献:文后参考文献著录规则是论文的重要组成部分。所列出的文献,应当是作者亲自阅读或引用过的,不应转录他人文后的文献。在写资料的出处时,一定要亲自每篇核实,不要出现任何的差错。指导者与评阅者理应进行核实查对,以保证其真实、可靠。所引用的文献,应是公开刊物,内部刊物一般不引用。


按自己想的写 但是要正规哦!



制约我国汽车消费的原因分析及对策 摘要 汽车开始进入国内家庭,汽车消费已成为扭动内需新的极具活力的增长点,汽车消费市场的发展对国民经济发展的重大作用开始凸显。然而,我国还存在着汽车消费环境不佳的一些问题,限制和阻碍了国内的汽车消费。在当前世界经济下滑的形势下。这些现象与国家拉动内需的政策不相符合。针对问题,本文从9个方面提出了完善汽车消费环境的对策,其中包括汽车消费信用体系的建设、建立和完善汽车消费的服务体系、拓展汽车售后市场、完善消费者权益保障体系等。期望通过此文,消费者以积极、开放的姿态迎接汽车消费时代的到来。 关键词 消费环境;汽车消费;对策 我国汽车产业、社会经济的发展和产业结构的调整、完善,目前我国已经进入汽车消费时代,汽车消费将直接带动汽车产业的发展,并成为国民经济新的经济增长点。 目前我国私人汽车消费水平总体上仍然偏低。虽然私人汽车拥有量增长加快,但与国外相比,无论总量还是人均汽车拥有量都有明显差距。从国内一些城市横向比较来看,也存在着私人汽车的消费水平(每百户家庭的汽车拥有量)与经济发展速度、人均GDP水平和居民的实际收入不相符合的情况。这说明我国还存在着一些汽车进入家庭的消费环境障碍问题。家庭汽车消费潜能的释放在很大程度上取决于汽车消费环境与条件的改善。据在广州抽样调查显示,在目前没有购车的家庭中,有33%的计划在近5年内购车(其中大部分是计划在3年内购车),还有%的人表示“不确定”。计划购车和对购车计划“不确定”的家庭都可以看作是潜在的消费者。汽车消费环境的状况(包括用车费用、道路交通及停车条件、汽车服务体系等)对这一部分消费者的汽车消费计划有很大的影响。现阶段制约我国汽车消费市场发展的瓶颈问题得不到解决,汽车消费市场将不能按照市场演变的规律发展,这也将给我国社会经济的发展带来一系列负面的影响。同时,公务用车制度的改革也将成为私人小汽车市场重要的影响因素。 汽车消费环境是一个涵盖面很广的概念,涉及用车费用、汽车消费政策、汽车消费信贷、汽车售后服务、交通基础设施等有关汽车消费的各个方面。 一、我国汽车消费环境存在的主要问题 (一)用车成本高。汽车作为大宗消费品,与一般消费品不同的是它有各种使用成本。消费者的用车成本主要包括油费、养路费、路桥费、停车费、保险费、年检费、保养费、维修费、还有各种违章的罚款等。后两种费用情况比较复杂,我们这里谈的养车成本不包括在内。 市场典型调查表明,在广州市区内高档、中高档、经济型3种不同类型的家庭轿车的月平均养车费用是3800元。即使一辆上海大众生产的POLO这种比较省油的纯家庭用的轿车,一个月的养车费用也将近2500元。抽样调查结果也表明,在拥有汽车的居民中,平均每月的养车费是2235元。如果再算上购车的各种费用与折旧以及维修费,汽车的消费仍然是非常昂贵的。在有车族中普遍流行着“买得起车养不起车”的说法。 高昂的养车费已经成为我国家庭或个人汽车消费最重要的制约因素。抽样调查显示,在已买车的居民中有%的人认为养车费高。在没有买车的居民中,有%的人是因为养车费用太高。准备在5年内买车居民能接受的养车费用平均为1100元左右,与实际费用有较大的差距。 (二)汽车信贷体系建设滞后。一是贷款手续烦琐,由于个人信用体系没有建立,银行为规避风险,制定了一系列复杂的核查、担保手续。购车人必须先找一个有稳定收入和当地常住户口的人作为担保人,带上双方的身份证、户口薄、收人证明,才能到银行指定的汽车经销商处选车,在交付首纳金后,再要经销商派人到税务部门交纳汽车购置税才能提车。获得一份普通的汽车贷款至少需要经过银行、保险、税务、车管所等7个环节,需要近一个月时间。二是首付比例高,还款期短。一般首付30%,还款期为3年。三是担保方式少。由于保险公司退出车贷险,对汽车消费信贷影响较大。据在广州抽样调查表明,已经购车的居民中%的居民是选择一次性付款,在计划近年内购车的居民中%打算一次性付款,其中一个原因是信贷手续烦琐。 (三)消费者的权益保障体系不健全。主要表现在:一是消费者在汽车使用中遇到的许多问题,如信贷、保险、维修、交通事故等,有些问题投诉无门,或出了问题互相推诿。二是由于汽车维修市场良莠不齐,无证经营的维修店用假冒伪劣配件以次充好,损害消费者利益,甚至引发交通事故。三是有些保险公司在理赔上拖延时间,或在合同上做手脚。四是有的经销商不能履行卖车时承诺,甚至以次充好。五是有的停车场乱收费,甚至出现丢车。六是有些消费者出了交通事故得不到及时处理,或损害得不到赔偿等等。消费者合法权益不能得到有效保护,直接影响汽车消费市场的健康发展。 (四)汽车市场体系和售后服务体系不完善。汽车市场体系由新车交易市场、零配件市场、二手车市场、汽车租赁市场、汽车后市场(包括维修、维护等)组成。目前新车销售市场已形成一定的规模,但二手车市场、租赁市场、售后服务市场均显得滞后,整个市场体系没有建立起来。同时,售后服务需要健全的服务机制和保障制度,需要高素质汽车经纪人和维修技术人员,显然我国售后服务体系的建设跟不上汽车消费市场的发展需要。 二、完善汽车消费环境的对策 (一)降低汽车消费的成本和费用 要推动我国汽车消费市场的发展,首先要解决的是降低养车成本,让老百姓买得起车也养得起车。降低养车成本可从以下方面人手: (1)建议国家有关部门取消养路费和车船费,改收燃油费。去年底燃油税的实施已初见成效。 (2)降低路桥费。一方面降低市内路桥费,另一方面将已经收回投资的高速公路和大桥费用降低或取消。现在全国收费的路桥多,收费高,应该呼吁国家有关部门专门对这一问题进行研究。 (3)调整和降低停车场收费。降低停车场的收费标准应及早纳入物价部门的议事日程。应在广泛调查研究的基础上制订出合理的,即有利于消费者也有利于投资者的停车费的标准。在不同的时段,不同的地点,对停车位的需求不同,应细化停车场的收费标准,给消费者选择空间。同时,及时清理依附在停车场的各种收费,彻底取消那些不该收取的费用,切实减轻停车场经营者的负担。 (4)清理汽车消费其他环节的不合理或乱收费现象。 (二)加快汽车消费信用体系的建设 (1)加大汽车消费信贷的力度。汽车消费信贷对于汽车消费者而言,可以缓解资金压力,促进合理消费,对于汽车生产者可以减少资金占用,对于汽车经销商可以向银行转移欠款风险,对于银行则可以开辟新的业务。所以,汽车消费信贷被称作启动汽车消费市场的“金钥匙”。目前,全球汽车销售量中,70%是通过融资贷款销售的。近年来,我国个人汽车消费信贷呈迅猛发展态势,是仅次于个人住房贷款的第二大信用市场。但通过贷款销售出去的汽车占新车销售总额的比例不足20%,与国外的70%相距甚远。 各金融机构应该积极研究国家已出台的汽车消费信贷政策,根据市场需要不断创新信贷消费品种,拓展服务对象,加大汽车消费贷款的力度。要进一步简化程序,为消费者提供便捷的服务。在首付比例、担保方式上多为消费者提供选择。积极探索、开展二手车的消费信贷业务。 (2)整合“银行+保险+汽车经销商”的信贷链。1998年底国内保险公司推出了汽车消费贷款保证保险后,汽车消费贷款业务迅速发展,既加快了汽车消费的增长,也为国内保险业拓展了发展空间。但其风险也开始显露,主要来自一些人的恶意欠资和有预谋的,导致汽车消费信贷及保证保险陷入困境。有关数据显示,目前私车贷款约30%违约还贷,10%的汽车贷款难以收回,多数保险公司在车贷险上亏本,最终导致该业务停办。我国应加快“银行+保险+汽车经销商”信贷链的整合,加快制度创新与政策创新,以推动汽车消费信贷市场的发展。(3)加快个人信用体系的建设。目前,个人信用体系建设的滞后严重阻碍了汽车消费市场发展。在信用体系中,个人信用处于基础地位,是一种基本支撑力量。由于我国个人信用体系未建立起来,缺乏信用评价机制和对失信者的惩罚机制,无论是汽车消费贷款、车贷保险、二手车交易还是汽车租赁市场的发展都受到严重制约。从汽车消费信贷来说,消费者普遍抱怨的信贷手续烦琐、抵押登记过长、担保方式太少等等,从银行来说是为防范风险不得已的举措,因为没有健全的个人信用资料,银行很难掌握客户的综合信用情况,只能靠不断提高“门槛”来防范风险。车贷保险也遇到同样问题。同时,二手车交易、汽车租赁等市场的发展也受到个人信用体系的制约。 加快建立个人资信征集系统。建立个人资信的征集系统是个人信用体系建设中最重要也是最核心的问题。建立个人资信的征集系统必须靠政府来推动,因为构成个人信用的信息包括个人资产、个人收入、公用事业的付款记录、个人消费信贷、信用卡还款记录、诉讼记录等,分别掌握在银行、公安、公用事业单位、法院、人事等部门手中。现行的公民身份证、户口信息由公安户籍部门管理,房屋产权信息由房管部门管理,而汽车牌照等信息由公安车管部门管理。个人信用的信息还涉及到商检、海关、税务、教育、卫生保健等部门。所有这些信息资源都是一个个孤岛,无法在部门之间沟通和共享。政府应出台相关的法律法规,强制有关部门和社会有关单位将个人资信以商业化或义务的形式贡献出来。 同时,加快培育资信市场的主体。资信公司是社会信用体系的载体,它的任务是以市场运作的形式,汇总政府部门、金融机构和其他信用信息资源所拥有的信用信息,建立完备的信用信息数据库,对外提供信用相关的产品,并以市场化的方式形成全社会有效的自动惩戒机制。权威的资信公司出现,需要政府与金融机构共同努力。 近期,应尽快在公检法、工商、税务、金融等领域实施个人资信的资源共享。也可考虑,在汽车信贷业务中建立一个专门对汽车消费信贷风险进行管理的中介机构。这个机构可以通过专门收取服务费用,接受银行或保险公司的委托,对个人信用进行调查评价,并对信贷、保险合同的履行进行有效的管理。 (4)筹建汽车金融公司。我国汽车消费信贷的主体是商业银行,而在国外,汽车信贷服务的主体是专业性的汽车金融公司。汽车金融公司是一种专门从事汽车消费信贷业务并提供相关汽车金融服务的专业机构,已有近百年的历史。汽车与一般消费品不同,售前、售中、售后都需要专业的金融服务。汽车金融公司与银行最大的不同在于它的专业化,它的业务核心就是汽车金融服务,不仅为用户提供首期贷款购车、上牌照、保险等一条龙的服务,还能提供汽车保养、维修及远程求助等多项服务。汽车金融公司的重要作用还表现在它为汽车生产厂商拓展与维护销售体系、提供市场信息等,为汽车经销商提供存货融资、营运资金融资、保险等业务。汽车金融公司在整个汽车消费的链条上,成为联系各方的润滑剂。 (三)建立和完善汽车消费的服务体系。改善汽车消费环境,必须加快汽车消费的服务体系建设。汽车消费服务体系,涉及到汽车消费的整个过程,从售前的咨询服务到信贷、保险、上牌、技术咨询、售后服务、维修、保养等环节。目前大的汽车交易市场和汽车专卖店开始重视服务体系的建设。由于汽车消费的特殊性,培养高素质的服务人才显得非常重要。 一是培养高素质的汽车经纪人。汽车是很复杂的商品。专业性强,普通的汽车消费者很难具备这方面的知识,尤其是在汽车刚进入普及的时候。目前购车的消费者中有60%的人对汽车、购车环节和各种利益保障不熟悉,而大部分汽车销售顾问都达不到售前咨询,售中保险、信贷、上牌,售后的理赔、维修、保养、汽车俱乐部等方面的服务要求,接受过系统培训的汽车经纪人不到从业人员的1/4。因此,培养高素质的汽车经纪人,不仅是汽车制造商和经销商自身发展的需要,也是完善汽车消费的服务体系,推动汽车消费市场发展的需要。 二是提高汽车维修人员的技术水平。汽车是高科技的结晶,目前新车型的零部件大多是高科技的电子产品,修理时若不懂得控制原理,不懂得使用电脑手段来判断故障,寸步难行,特别是一些运用高科技系统的车辆。某汽车俱乐部年度满意度调查的数据显示,在汽车修理工人中真正掌握汽车故障诊断能力的优秀技工不足20%。快速提高汽车维修从业人员的整体素质是提高汽车售后服务水平的关键。 (四)完善消费者权益保障体系。随着汽车越来越多地进入家庭,随之而来的纠纷也凸显出来。关于汽车消费方面的投诉主要涉及到产品质量、售后服务的保障、配件交易的隐患,还有二手车市场中的欺诈行为、停车场管理混乱造成的问题等。据有关资料显示,由于维修质量引发的交通事故有80%来自配件,直接损害消费者的利益甚至是生命安全。完善消费者的权益保障体系,是改善我国汽车消费环境的重要方面。 建立消费者的权益保障体系,首先要使消费者投诉有门,当消费者的权益受到侵害的时候,有投诉的渠道。其次,建立信息反馈机制。三是建立有效的监督机制和惩罚机制。 (五)整顿和规范汽车消费市场的秩序。整顿和规范汽车消费市场的秩序,是保障消费者权益的重要方面。贸易、工商、公安、交通、质量监督、物价等部门要紧密配合,坚决打击走私进口汽车、拆解、拼装报废汽车等违法行为;加强对汽车配件销售、汽车清洗、汽车美容等行业的清理整顿;严厉打击不法企业以次充好,销售假冒伪劣产品,利用假冒、不合格配件进行汽车修理、服务等违法行为;规范汽车经销商的中介行为,查处和纠正汽车经销商在兼业代理保险、上户、按揭过程中的不合理收费、违规收费、自设项目收费等违法行为。 (六)拓展汽车后市场 (1)汽车后市场是一个潜力巨大的市场。所谓汽车后市场,就是指汽车实现销售以后,围绕使用和维修保养而形成的服务市场。有关专家指出,当消费一辆汽车时,购买汽车的费用只占整个汽车从购买到报废所需支出费用的20%,后续使用过程中还需要支付80%的费用。按这个比例计算,汽车后市场这块蛋糕的规模是汽车销售的4倍。随着汽车销售利润的不断下降,汽车后市场正在成为我国汽车市场的“第二桶金”,汽车生产企业的营销方式将从单一的产品推广向全方位、多层次的整体营销过渡,汽车后市场的竞争将加剧,世界一些大的汽车维修商、养护商,纷纷看好中国市场,有些已抢滩登陆。我国汽车消费市场的发展要充分重视汽车后市场,利用本土优势抢占市场先机,以战略眼光积极开拓这一潜力巨大的市场。 (2)提高汽车维修维护市场的规模和水平。国外汽车售后服务发展主流是4s形式,即整车销售、售后服务、零件供应、信息反馈四位一体,销售和服务是结合在一起的。售后服务的另一个趋势是从事后的修理转向汽车的定期维护保养,注重对用户的技术培训和技术咨询。在国外,汽车保养业已经形成了一套成熟而完善的服务和技术质量经营体系,形成了一个有着巨大市场和丰厚利润的行业。在上世纪80年代的美国,汽车养护企业已占到整个汽车保修行业的80%以上,年营业收入超过1000亿美元,减少车辆报废率达%。 (3)拓展汽车休闲、文化、娱乐市场。汽车消费是综合性的消费,并形成了独特的汽车消费文化,从而形成一系列有关汽车文化的产业。如汽车娱乐,包括音响系统、CD系统、电视接收系统、DVD系统、电子游艺系统等。汽车娱乐系统的营业额可能超过汽车本身,因为一套高档音响中心的价值就要超过汽车本身的价值,而人们驾车里程越多就越需要消遣。还有汽车俱乐部,汽车俱乐部有多种形式,如品牌俱乐部、车迷俱乐部、越野俱乐部、维修俱乐部、救援俱乐部等,在国内方兴未艾。汽车文化的范围非常广泛,包括汽车模型、汽车体育、汽车知识、汽车报刊、汽车书籍、汽车影视、民间风俗、国际交往、服装服饰、车迷、汽车与社会等。 随着汽车进入百姓家庭,内容丰富、形式多样的有关汽车休闲、文化、娱乐、运动的市场需求将日益显现出来,市场前景广阔。我国应该积极鼓励和扶持汽车休闲、文化、娱乐市场的发展。 (七)充分发挥汽车消费者协会等民间组织的作用。随着汽车消费群体的扩大,诸如汽车消费者协会、汽车俱乐部、私家车协会、驾驶员协会、旅行房车俱乐部、汽车维修工程师协会等民间组织已出现并且将会有大的发展。这些民间组织发展有利于消费者权益的保护,并在一定程度上承担了技术培训、交通安全教育、信息交流等职能,对于汽车消费市场的发展有重要的促进作用。如广州市私家车协会自2002年5月成立以来,已有会员4800多人,与42个汽车维修站签订了合同,会员可在签约的维修站享受优惠服务。对汽车消费者协会等民间组织应给予积极支持和引导,充分发挥这些民间组织在维护消费者权益、推动汽车消费市场发展方面的重要作用。 (八)制订鼓励和方便外籍人士购车的政策。目前外籍(包括港澳地区)人员在我国境内购车,需要办理暂住证,并且居住一年后才能购车。一些在境内工作的外籍人士感到购车不方便,有的采取变通方式如借用本地居民身份证购车。目前,世界500强跨国公司大多落户中国,有相当多的国家和地区客商在我国设立了多个办事机构和研发中心。在中国内地就业和生活的外国人以及港澳台同胞越来越多,这是一个消费实力很强的群体,如果在购车条件上有所放松,如放宽居住的时间,手续更简便,将有利于汽车消费市场的发展。 (九)逐步开展公务用车制度的改革。在计划经济时代,公款汽车消费占绝对主导地位,在我国现有的汽车消费群体中,公务用车仍然占主导地位。由于汽车的购置与使用均由公款包揽,各种费用都很高。公务用车虽然有定编管理,由于是财政出钱,各单位都千方百计争指标,公车消费队伍有不断扩大的趋势,财政负担越来越沉重。由于公务用车的管理体制不健全,公车私用、私车公养比较普遍,既加重了财政负担,也易滋生腐败。同时,日益庞大的公车消费队伍,也严重制约了私人汽车的发展。无论是从反腐倡廉的角度,还是从节约政府开支的角度,公务用车走向市场的意义重大。公务用车市场化也将成为轿车进入家庭的催化剂。 三、结语 在当前世界经济受到金融危机冲击的影响下,将汽车消费作为拉动我国内需新的增长点并将汽车消费市场发展纳入国民经济和社会发展规划具有十分重要的意义。坚持汽车消费市场与我国经济社会协调发展,坚持汽车消费与汽车生产和流通联动发展,做大做强我国汽车消费市场;建立和完善汽车市场体系,营造汽车消费市场发展的良好环境,促进汽车消费市场全面发展。





翻译如下:Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely应用. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters

Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely应用. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters.

Intelligent Transportation Systems is the world's leading-edge transportation research, automatic license plate recognition systems in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, a combination of image processing, pattern recognition, a number of automation technology, now widely. Car vehicle license plate is clear-cut and precise, the only sign. License plate recognition system can automatically determine the effective extraction plate and the image data and accurately identify the characters on the plate. The system a complete license plate recognition. Include image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image Pre-processing, first of all to have access to the license plate image using the histogram to enhance the principle of widening the contrast of images, making images appear more clearly, and then binary image processing to lay the foundation for follow-up; then Binarization image after the horizontal and vertical scanning to determine the exact location of license plates, and then based on a priori knowledge and the method of progressive scan and normalized partition plate characters; the last use of each character as a number of features extracted in order to character value identification. Character recognition part of the image after pre-treatment using a template matching method and BP neural network method comparison, came to the conclusion that the correct license plate characters

Intelligent transportation system is the world frontier of transportation research, the automatic identification system in intelligent transportation system as an important technology, combined with the image processing and pattern recognition, automation technology, now etc widely car license plate is clear, accurate, the only sign. Vehicle plate recognition system can automatically judge effectively extract and the image data and accurate license plate recognition of the system is put forward a complete vehicle plate recognition method. Mainly includes the image preprocessing and character recognition in two parts. Image preprocessing, to obtain the first vehicle images using the principle of image histograms enhancement of contrast, widening image appears more clearly, the binary image processing for the follow-up work foundation, Then in binary image on the horizontal and vertical scans determine the accurate location, then license to manufacture progre ive-scan prior knowledge and the method and the normalized character, Finally by using the method of extracting characters like several characteristic value in order to character recognition. In character recognition, the image preprocessing after using the template matching method and the BP neural network, and the correct character.


