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在雅思写作中,一个好的开头段不仅抓住读者的注意力,引起阅读兴趣,亦要点明中心论点,统领全文, 其重要性可见一斑。在雅思大作文的写作中, 开头段一般由general statement,argument, thesis statement两部分构成。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。1General StatementGeneral Statement的主要作用是介绍写作背景,引入话题。但是值得注意的是:不能照抄题目,应用同义词、近义词替换题目中的相关词语,并用不同的句子结构来改写题目中的句子结构。例如:Example 1:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers. It is therefore more important for mothers to spend time with children than fathers. Others think fathers make equally good parents. What is your opinion?在这个题目中,首先我们可以看到题干表述用了三个句子,首先我们要区分哪句是general statement, 哪句是arguments. 其实很容易发现,通常句中间有明显阐述观点表达的,就是arguments, 而做客观陈述的就是general statement,其位置一般是题目的第一句。上题中 It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers, 就是我们要拿来做同义改写,放到我们开头段作为背景的句子。同义改写可以采取以下技巧:1 同义句型转换。如 It is widely believed that… 这个句套表达某事情是众所周的,它有很多同义句型,如 It is generally assumed that…, Common knowledge is that…, 等。2 同义词,近义词,同义结构转换。如by nature 这个介词词组表达的含义是,自然天性上的,在原句中作为be动词的表语,我们可以改写为一个同义名词词组,nurturing instinct,自然天性的意思。相应的,前面的谓语动词要发生变化,搭配have。3 造并列结构。有的时候我们可能发现原题中的表述无论词语还是句型都不是很轻易的可以找出同义结构出来,那么我们可以采取并列结构,即并列两个近义词语义,或者反义词再加否定结构。上题中的better parents than 可以改为 better or less dispensable parents than通过上面的三个步骤,我们就可以成功的将原题的背景句改写为我们开头段的general statement。原题:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers.改写完后:It is generally assumed that women have a ‘nurturing instinct’that somehow makes them better or less dispensable parents than fathers Statement常用句型:With the development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in…in the past few years. (虽常用,但已被滥用,建议减少使用)Along with the increasingly rapid _____________, more problems are brought to our issue of whether or not __________ has been widely/ heatedly/ debated currently/ it comes to whether …, some… are strongly against it, claiming….It is generally accepted/ It is indeed the case that most countries have seen an increase in _______ over recent (争议)Argument即为题目表述的观点的立场,不同题目的立场表述大有不同。(1)有的题目中只有一个立场. Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在我们写的开头段,在写完general statement后,直接用One point is that…把原题的立场(countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time) 同义转述即可。值得注意的是,这个题目本身没有背景句,所以写general statement的时候,需要我们根据题目的argument进行总结。亦或者可以general statement 和argument这两个部分合并为一个部分,这个题目可写成:The issue of whether or not countries with a long average working hours are more successful in terms of economic development than those countries which do not have a long working time has been heatedly debated currently. As far as I am concerned, …(2)有的题目中包含两个互相否定或者相关的立场. Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own . Some people think the best way to reduce crimes is to give longer prison sentence. Others,however, think there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss and give your opinion.这样的题目,在开头段写完general statement后,要把题目双方的立场都转述,不可减少或删除一方立场。如 Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.可以转述为:Quite a few people claim that it has brought great benefits. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that it inevitably would has negative Statement (总论点)Thesis Statement简单来说就是作者对某一写作话题所持的明确观点。例如:1 In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned/ To my mind, students should wear uniforms in While the majority may like to live in a large family, I prefer to the small one.在雅思写作中,文章的立场,也就是全文的总论点,主要分两种:有倾向性立场和两边支持有倾向性(一边倒)有倾向性的立场一般在文章的开头即表明本文的立场,同意或者不同意,或者多大程度地同意和不同意。在剑桥雅思的考官范文中,有一个题目涉及对教育免费的商榷:All education,primary, secondary school and further education, should be free to all people and paid for by the government. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?考官在范文的开头段中即明确表明自己的立场:I certainly agree with the statement that this should be the case.当然,有倾向性的立场还包含让步的观点,这种立场的文章多见于以to what extent do you agree or disagree?提问的论题。如:Environmental problems should be solved by the government instead of individuals and private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在考官范文的开头段中,立场是这样表明的:I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the cooperations and individual citizens are essential as well.让步的立场并不需要纠结于在句子中回答到底agree 或者disagree没有, 清楚的说明自己的观点即可。值得注意的是,观点有倾向性并不代表思路有局限性。在辩论中,作者既要证明自己的观点,同时也要回应对方的观点,也就是说能够站在不同的角度看同一个事情,并且能看到各自的优劣。两边都支持这种文章立场一般常见于discuss both view and give your opinion这种提问方式的题目。立场一般建议在结尾段点明,并且要在结尾段明确题干两者之间的关系。(4) 开头段的两种常用写作方法将以上三个部分组合起来,我们步难得出开头段的以下两种写法:A. General Statement – Positive+Negative Idea – Thesis StatementThe issue of whether or not students should take a part-time job has been widely/ heatedly debated currently/ recently. Quite a few people claim that it would not only widen their horizon but also help shape their personalities. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that the task of a student is to make good use of his limited time and acquire necessary knowledge and skill for the future career. As for me/ As far as I am concerned/ In my opinion, I believe that part-time jobs play a positive role in the development of university students.这种方法的一个变形形式是:General Statement – Opposite Idea – Thesis StatementNowadays the incomes of many sport stars are truly astounding. Some people claim that the salaries of athletes are too high and the athletes themselves attract too much attention. Yet, in my opinion, such benefits are well . General Statement – Concession – Thesis StatementWhen it comes to whether students should be allowed to work outside the school hours, some educators vote against it, claiming that part-time work may have a negative influence on their study. Obviously, too large amount of time a student is employed may contribute to a poor academic performance. However, if they do a part-time job over reasonable hours, it is extremely beneficial for them, providing financial support for their study and broadening their evaluating a job applicant, most companies would place much weight on one’s educational certificate. Of course, one’s educational certificate does tell something about the applicant. However, it is not the only means through which we can judge whether the applicant is qualified or not.

一提到雅思写作模板,有人想到的是一大篇完整的 文章 ,其中有少许空缺,用来填上某个特定话题的特定内容,一篇及格的雅思文章即出炉。其实这是对模板的误解。最有效且值得初学者模仿的内容,是 句子 。我为大家分享20种经典的雅思大 作文 开头句模板。


1、According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.

2、There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________.

3、Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________,

while others are inclined to ______________.

4、Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like ______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________.

5、 ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________.

6、Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

7、For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

8、It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________.

9、______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided.

10、______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

11、Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way.. People swarm to ______________.

12、______________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

13、Man is now facing a big problem-______________, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ______________ second, ______________.

14、Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of ______________.

15、It is only during the last years that man has become generally aware that ______________.

16、There is an old saying, ______________. It's the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases ever today.

17、The English proverb says, ______________. This is quite true because ______________.

18、______________ is now______________, and at the same time ______________. These two factors have caused ______________. Then what shall we do to solve ______________ in the face of such a situation.

19、One of our ancient philosophers said, ______________. Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

20、One of the great early writers said that ______________. If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over ______________.

雅思大作文:the old age is more valued , while in some cultures the youth is more valued

雅思大作文题目:In some cultures, the old age is more valued (valuable), while in some cultures the youth is more valued (more useful). Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

作文 范文 :

There have been drastic and constant changes of societies and values in the global context for recent decades. Therefore, some traditional cultures regard old age valuable for their civilization whereas other utilitarian ones may deem the youth, energetic and willing to accept challenges, to more precious.

What the senior brings about to all areas is mainly experience and the sense of security to all. It is well acknowledged that the aged, whichever field they have served, have accumulated more knowledge and skills out of years practice. They may thus grasp some principles that can be utilized in guiding the next generation to cope with matters and, even having undergone modern technological revolutions, ought to be applicablein most cases. Apart from this apparent benefit, another must not be neglected. Everyone without exception goes through the aging process and it is not hard to imagine what it would be like if a society viewed the elderly to be useless and exerted little of its resources in supporting them. Nothing could alleviate the anxiety of the middle-aged and even young adults about their retirement benefits and eventually fade away the sense of security, followed by some possible increase of crime rate.

Cultures think high of the youth, however, can see benefits on social production and renovations. In the first place, the youth are generally way more dynamic, which offer sufficient labor force to carry out productive activities, and if a greater reward and respect can be given and shown to them, this force can be more active and rewarding in return. Moreover, they generally and more quickly can embrace changes in work and life. This indicates the removal of obstacles in implementing challenging policies, promoting certain businesses, developing new technologies, and boosting economy afterwards within a relatively short period.

To my mind, a justifiable government should keep the balance between the pension for the past devotion of the elder and the incentive for the current contribution from the young, to realize social justice and security.

雅思大作文:the world of work is changing rapidly

雅思大作文题目:The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or same conditions of work for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In my country, people used to be constrained to a single workplace for lifelong by social security or welfare system. However, this is no longer the case nowadays when people are free to choose their occupation or have to adapt themselves in different positions.

People now change their works and environment based on several reasons, subjectively and objectively. To pursue a better career or break through a bottleneck, rather than secure a stable income, young people usually opt to change their job. In addition, graduates with little working experience have not developed a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for them to be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to the society and trying to find out their strengths and interests. On the negative side, employers have to qualify themselves every couple of years, or else they may get fired and are forced to get other positions. This is because modern technologies have been revolutionizing since the advent of computer and internet and employers from different industries have to adopt the radically changing needs of the market. They thus must recruit those with advanced skills and specialties and cast out those left behind in order to meet the demand.

For better future career and greater possibilities of being always employed, people can take the following pieces of advice. It is certainly feasible that people exert their lifelong time in acquiring new knowledge and skills. This is especially true and cruel for the veteran workers who may find their specialized knowledge outdated comparing to that brought by the fresh and even new graduates. It is only a matter of attitude of being studious and diligent, otherwise laziness would eventually take its toll. Another piece of suggestion is to stand on solid ground before a job-hop and a promotion, which is mainly aiming at those regarding themselves already fully-prepared to get higher position. If one’s strong sense of responsibility is not fostered, maturity not or ability to tackle problems not developed, the newly-promoted will suffer from both disobedience of reports and doubts of bosses.

To sum up, the swift shifting societies offer people less chance to stay vocationally unchanged. Therefore, the path of a successful career would be more even if one is willing to tgeready and embrace.

雅思大作文:the family have a powerful influence on children 's life

雅思大作文题目:Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life, the influence outside from home isa bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


It is known to people from both western and eastern world that some certain features always run within each family, unlikely to alter even after people have become independent from the original family for long. Therefore, I hardly agree with the indication that the life outside from family has greater impact for people.

Schooling and social experience undeniably affect peoplein various aspects. The most obvious one lies in the environment in whichschool students and social persons have more chances to acquire more knowledge and gain richer experience because of far more sources of input, from friends, teachers, bosses, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. People thus have to foster a variety of relationships and learn to cope with them skilfully. With extensive knowledge and harmonious relationships, a better development maybe maintained and furthered.

However, the family education, or parenting to be exact, turns out to be more profound and root. In the pursuit of knowledge, one has to foster habits like being able to concentrate and to expand quality attention span at the very beginning of school years. These are required by school authorities and sadly and generally realized at home as teachers can only focus on the overall performance of the class rather than each very individual. Some may argue about private sectors and that leads to the second point, the power of money. The amount of resources that one can utilize not only decide the standard of living, which may support private tutoring for better learning habits but also may formulate his or her value towards wealth, which in the long run, intentionally or unexpectedly is passed to the offspring. As well as that, children’s value towards people, right and wrong and even goal of life is deeply affected.

In conclusion, I don’t agree with the opinion that others factors influence more than family itself as the value is formed there and it can be recognized in nearly all aspects in the later part of life.

雅思大作文开头怎么写能拿高分?对于雅思大作文的开头,大家写起来都较为固定和模板化,而这些模板往往不光词汇简单,句型结构也不够复杂,因此很难从考官那里取得高分。那么雅思作文怎么写能拿高分呢?比如,请看下面这道考试的原题:With the development of computer technology, more and more people are working and studying at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?根据通常的雅思写作模板,作文的开头由三个部分构成,即“改写题目或背景+双边观点+我个人认为或这篇文章的观点”。雅思写作答案中最常见的内容结构为:近来越来越多的人在家里工作和学习。一方面,有人认为这给人们的生活带来积极影响。另一方面,有人认为,它对我们的生活是不利的。最后,这篇文章不仅讨论了双边的观点,并且也给出了“我自己”的观点。这样的内容和结构,往往很难把雅思文章写得受到考官的认可。不仅词汇并无良好的表现,句式结构也过分简单。在现实的考试中,这样的开头往往决定了写作分的命运。其实,好的文章不仅体现在文章结构上,用词和表达都应当有所斟酌,这里给大家介绍两则词组的表达,帮助大家取得写作的高分。pale into insignificancePale 这个单词大家肯定都认识,是形容词,意为苍白的。但是大家可能还不知道这个单词也可以做动词,表示变得苍白的,如果再加上 insignificance,就表示:变得不重要。当这个词组连接 when set against something(与......相比),就能够表达出一个很好的句式结构。其准确的用法和应用如下:名词A+pale into insignificance when set against +名词B。意为:与B相比,A微不足道具体举个例子:The shortcomings of computer technology pale into insignificance when set against the great benefits it brings to us - convenience in daily life and office work, and cost saving.日常生活中和办公室工作的方便以及成本的节约是电脑科技带给我们的好处,与此相比,电脑科技的缺点微不足道。这样的表达是不是高大上了?有时,也可以在原本的句式结构上,进行一定程度的调整,让句式看起来更高级。比如,使用 compared to + 名词 替换 when set against +名词 结构。当然,compared to +名词 可以放置于句首,在这个句子结构之上个性化写出自己的句式。那么,下面我们再看另一个句式结构的表达。Much ink has been spilled about + 名词Ink 指墨水,spill 指泼洒,这个句式的字面意思指把笔墨泼洒在某物上。当然,其引申的意思就不止于此了,意为对某事展开了讨论,可以用于替代常用的模板句式 there is a debate about something。再举个例子:Much ink has been spilled about the impact of computer technology on daily life since the application has been popular in the community.自从电脑科技在社会中广泛应用,它对日常生活的影响引起了广泛的争论。这样的写法是不是显得诚意满满呢?那么,高分开头究竟该如何写呢?其实,我们可以把两个句式结构融合在一起,就可以得到一个高大上的开头了。如下:Much ink has been spilled about the impact of computer technology on daily life since the application has been popular in the fact, the shortcomings of computer technology pale into insignificance when set against the great benefits it brings to us - convenience in daily life and office work, and cost saving.在第二个句子开头处的 in fact,表达突出和强调。在这个开头中,首句表达文章所讨论的问题,类似于之前的背景改写。第二句是强调好处大于缺点,所以给出了文章的观点。虽然仅有两句,但是已经给出一个开头应该介绍的内容:文章的话题加文章观点。而且,文章的句式是不是也并不显得简单,反而高大上呢?那么,根据所讲的句式结构,同学们可以自行练习以下两个问题:Q1Multicultural societies, where people of different ethnic groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a what extent do you agree or disagree?Much ink has been spilled about the merits and demerits of cultural diversity due to the escalating trend of traveling fact, the shortcomings of multiculturalism pale into significance when set against the great benefits of people think that increasing the number of police officers on the street is the only effective way to reduce crime. Do you agree or disagree?Much ink has been spilled about training substantial police forces in the hope of improving the security of the general public due to the soaring proportion of crimes, while solving this problem is likely to need more than a simple rise in the number of police officers.是否注意到,第二个问题的开头不仅仅有教过的句式,还插入了 in the hope of 。事实上,这些都可以自由组合和发挥。根据题目的具体意义所表达的合适通顺的开头,才是文章最好的开始。说了那么多,是不是瞬间觉得雅思大作文再也不是难事儿?如果你还想对上述问题了解更多,可以购买新航道雅思英语图书,针对中国学生的考试思路,全面覆盖各项考点,对难点进行重点分析,快速突破提分瓶颈!

很多考生拿到大作文考题都不知道如何动笔去写开头段,有的会把题目原封不动抄下来,但如果这样做,在统计作文字数时,第一段就不被统计在内了.实际上,大作文的第一段是情景铺垫,洛阳大华雅思建议考生在这一段要点明这篇文章要讨论/解决什么问题及问题的背景.作文的首段通常包含以下几个方面:1)场景或背景信息,即题目中出现的)一些人的观点(some people's opinion),这部分在改写文章首段时可要可不要,考生可按照自己的情况来安排.3)个人观点,这一部分在有些文章的开首段中也可以不要.大作文要求字数至少达到250字,在写作中考虑到字数的合理安排,第一段最好写3-5句话,大约40字左右,并且切忌在第一段就掏心掏肺把什么话都说完.因此大作文开首方式通常有以下几种情况:1)题目中包含了背景信息(phenomenon),有时也出现一些人的观点,并且题目中字数较多.这种情况下最保险的办法是将题目中的背景信息及一些人的观点重新表达(paraphrase),可以做:主动语态被动语态主谓宾主系表某些近义词互换Example:At present,it is hard for college students to find people claim that college teachers should give priority to practical courses like computer science and business over such traditional ones as history and what extent do you agree?→ The number of college graduates is surging while a substantial proportion of them have difficulties in finding employment after their people blame this on the university education and believe that more emphasis should be laid on practical courses such as computer science and business than on traditional courses like history and geography.其后再加考生自己的观点即可.2)题目中包含了背景信息,有时出现一些人的观点,但题目中字数较少,若直接重新表达,字数凑不到40字左右.这种情况下推荐以下2种开首方式来保证字数:把笼统信息细节化即通过举例来解释说明题目中的背景信息.Example:International tourism has become a big industry in the the benefits outweigh the problems?→The acceleration of globalization and high-tech development contributes to International tourism's gaining momentum virtually all over the year,millions of tourists from other countries swarm into china to appreciate the scenery and Chinese traditional culture.其后加入考生个人观点即可.追溯历史,过去与现在形成对比.Example:International tourism has become a big industry in the the benefits outweigh the problems?→Prior to the early 1900s,the proportion of people traveling abroad was considerably low and the majority of them preferred domestic advent of the motorized flight has greatly changed our life and it makes international traveling more tourism is gaining momentum and has become a big industry.其后加入考生个人观点即可.3)题目中仅出现一部分人的观点,而没有背景信息.这种情况下,我们可以根据这部分人的观点所涉及的信息在开首段附加对背景信息的描述.Example:The best way to solve the world's environmental problem is to increase the price of you agree or disagree?→In the process of industrialization and urbanization,the scope of environmental problem facing the world is getting Mexico City and New York to Singapore and China new solutions to this problem are being proposed,tried and people believe increasing the price of fuel is the best approach to this problem.其后加入考生个人观点即可.另外,要提醒考生注意的是开首段一定要避免出现语法错误,因为如果语法错误影响文章的理解,那会给考官留下极差的第一印象,而考官也就没有信心继续往下读了,最终大作文的得分也不会很高.


Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion?题目讲解题型类别:议论文类题材类别:哲学理念类参考思路:一方面 支持努力工作和决心是生活成功的观点:1. 在企业危难时刻愿意以额外加班等形式工作的员工往往有较好的忠诚度,对企业善意,因此容易受到提拔和奖励,会更容易成功 2. 例如在改变既定规则,政策等方面的决心在一定程度上决定着创新等意识,从而比同行更容易胜出。另一方面,支持金钱和外表才是成功的观点:1. 人们对外表好看的个体会对其天赋,赚钱能力等有期许,这些人在社交比较频繁的工作中的优势被凸显出来 2. 有钱意味着有很多资源可以实现优化配置,可以更容易实现个人的想法,做出更多的尝试。结尾段 人们更看重铜鼓后天努力取得的成功,因其更加励志。雅思写作大作文范文The proper definition of success is based on our intuition and the concept. But for most people, success is often defined in terms of the attainment of goals. Viewing the definition in this light, whether hard work and determination or money and appearance are of more necessity to lead a successful life will be discussed in this article.对成功的正确定义是基于我们的直觉和概念。但对大多数人来说,成功往往是根据目标的实现来定义的。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论这一定义,无论是努力工作、决心,还是金钱和外表,都是成功生活的必要条件。People who advocate that money and appearance are the key factors of success believe that personal appearance shapes not only people’s attitudes towards their talents, and their ability to make money as well. Compared with those who are not attractive, being good-looking directly increases the chances of making a lot of money on the jobs, especially the ones with frequent social activities. In addition, people who have great fortune can allocate their capital resource in various ways, testifying their ideas with greater freedom and finally find the access to success in a faster way.那些主张金钱和外表是成功的关键因素的人相信,个人外表不仅塑造了人们对他们的天赋的态度,也塑造了他们赚钱的能力。与那些没有吸引力的人相比,长得好看直接增加了在工作中挣很多钱的机会,特别是那些经常有社交活动的人。此外,拥有巨大财富的人可以以各种方式分配他们的资本资源,以更大的自由来证明他们的想法,最终以更快的方式找到成功的途径。



Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks.

Which do you prefer?

Model Answer:

Form my everyday experience and observation I think that all people who succeeded in life had to work hard and gain more knowledge and experience in order to reach their goals. From the other hand, people who all their life do things they already do well and do not improve their knowledge do not move forward. I base my statement on the following points.

First of all, people who want to succeed must constantly improve their knowledge and gain more experience. Moreover, they must be the best at their profession. So, they need to try new things, take risks sometimes and work hard.

Second of all, it is impossible to live without trying new things. Imagine one wants to learn how to drive. He will never be able to do it without learning new things such as driving rules.

Personally, I think that it is very interesting to learn new, to gain more experience, to make new goals and reach them. Life is too short to stay on one place. People need changes because they make our lives more beautiful and exiting. We find out new things, learn new things and dream to know other things. People need challenges because while overcoming obstacles we make new discoveries, become stronger, perfect ourselves and move forward.

To sum up, I believe that people's aspiration for learning new things is the main reason the way we live now. People make many discoveries and inventions that make our lives easier, happier and longer.







A person you know is planning to move to your town or city.

What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why?

Model Answer:

I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It is a very beautiful city that attracts many people every year. My close friend is going to move here after her graduation. She already found a job and she asked me to help her with an apartment. Knowing her very well I think I can enumerate the majority of things she will like and dislike about my city.

First of all, I believe she will like a huge amount of museums, theatres, movie theatres, etc. My friend is from a small town, so, she can not enjoy all these benefits at her native town. Second of all, it seems to me that she will like the way people live here. The pace of life is much faster here then in a small town. People are always in a hurry, they try to catch a bus, and then they run to the nearest subway station, go to an office, meet new people, etc. Also, I think my friend will like people here. They are very friendly and ready to offer a help to those in need.

Unfortunately, my friend will not surely like some things. As a result of a huge amount of cars and factories the air is polluted here. One more thing she will definitely not like is the weather. It is quite humid here.

However, I think she will also like the public transport here. The bus services are run by the Government and it is quite regular. If one in a hurry he can take a taxi, which also is quite cheap and provide a good transport.

In conclusion, I believe that in spite of all mentioned above disadvantages she will like this city.







雅思写作的提高不仅需要自己勤加练习,还要多读多看,以下是我给大家整理的雅思写作 范文 及素材:城市化。希望对大家的雅思写作备考有所帮助

雅思写作大 作文 高分范文城市化的影响


These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city.

Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation ( migration from the country to the city) and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed?

Key words analysis

? rural areas: 郊区, 它的相对词是urban areas

? depopulation: 减少居民,后面括号内的内容是岁这个词的解释

? trend: 趋势,和tide, current同义

? reverse: 使倒转


? 这是属于 议论文 中的problem的类型,通常会在要求学生表达对这个问题的看法和给出一些解决方案。

Possible effects :

? 过于拥挤的城市易影响城市的舒适度

? 过于拥挤的城市可能会导致失业率升高

Possible solutions:

? 政府进行商业性的引导

? 加强农村基础建设,提升生活便利性

Model Essay 1 – Part 1


Rural depopulation is a very important issue in many parts of the world today. In this essay, I will discuss some of the main effects of this problem and also offer some possible solutions to it.

Main body 1

Firstly, it is clear that migration away from the country negatively affects life in the city. Serious environmental and social problems often occur when cities become overcrowded. Problems such as air, water and noise pollution are now increasingly common in urban areas around the world because there are simply too many people living there. Pollution can make city life very uncomfortable indeed and can even cause illness. Beijing is a very good example of this. Overcrowding in cities can also lead to high unemployment (especially in poorer parts of the world) and crime.

Model Essay 1 – Part 2

Main body 2

In order to prevent people from moving away from the country and reduce the size of cities, I feel we must make country life more attractive. In my view, the best way of doing this would be to improve services in the country. One of the main reasons that so many people have left the country is that facilities like shopping centres, cinemas, swimming pools, restaurants, libraries, schools and hospitals are generally better in the city. If such facilities were available in the country, more people would choose to live there. Another effective solution would be for the government to subsidies businesses and workers who move to the country.


n conclusion, I believe we must all recognise how serious this problem is. For the sake of the environment and our own quality of life it is vital that we preserve rural communities.



Since cities have changed a lot, the size ofthe cities has grown enormously. Discuss thecauses and consequence of the enormous sizeof cities.


Nowadays, the maps of cities are updatedfrequently. With the development of city, more andmore suburbs become parts of the city. When thecities in the world are amplifying constantly, peoplediscuss the topic hotly, the causes andconsequence of the enormous cities. Different people have different answers by theirrespective views.

In my opinion, the evolution of society and the development of economy result in thegrowth of the vast size of cities. Since the number of population in every city is increasingcontinually, people need a large amount of space to live in. With the progress of the technology,the output of crops rises sharply. Fewer and fewer farmers are required, as a result, more andmore villages urbanize. The growth of the cities brings us many huge changes.

There are more job opportunities in the cities. For instance, China will hold the OlympicGames in Beijing in 2008. The government is amplifying the size of Beijing to build new gyms inorder to hold it excellently. Obviously, people in the cities could gain a lot of new jobs.

Of course, the enormous size of cities also has bad effects. Pollution is becoming more andmore serious all over the world with the amplification of the cities. For example, thepoisonous gas sent off by factories and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people tobreathe. Water waste keeps pouring into rivers and lakes; as a result, many water species aredying out. Furthermore, more people the city have, more rubbish we can find.

In a word, since each coin has two sides, we should be acquainted clearly with the reasonswhy the size of the cities has grown enormously and what it will bring us. Thus, we could makefull use of the positive effects and overcome the negative effects.



The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that are suitable and livable for people in those times. What problems will this cause today and what can be done to solve these problems?





主体段 1:可能造成的问题

主体段 2:可以采取的 措施

结尾段: 总结 概括




背景句:Globalization and modernization nowadays have considerably outpaced the construction of new cities,which has brought some adverse impacts on people’s life.

话题介绍:Under pressure, the government needs to identify them to reduce complaints from citizens.

主体段 1


主题句:Commercial development gives a facility to urbanization in some cities where the basic infrastructure does not match the needs of enormous flow of dwellers.

平行列举 1:In some cases, the shortage of transportation means that the road would be blocked by vehicles especially during rush hours. This low efficient traffic can have negative implications on business to some extent.

平行列举 2:Apart from stagnated traffic, there are accommodation issues to be considered. This is because the advances of economy surely require large numbers of migrants. If single-storey constructions without necessary facilities including heating, sewage system and even electricity supply take a dominating place in city, it would be difficult for those workers to dwell comfortably.

主体段 2


主题句:To solve the problems identified above, the most influential factor may be the government who is responsible for modifying the old cities.

平行列举:Perhaps viaducts are needed to accommodate more vehicles and underground traffic systems such as railways or underpass tunnels can serve to ease road traffic dramatically. Persuading estate companies to construct more functional concrete jungles would probably be an effective strategy to mitigate the terrible living or working conditions. It would also help to improve the overlook of city if some districts are demolished for central business areas, public parks or statues.


总结概括 文章 内容。

Overall, the governors play a vital role in city development, and tax payers should have the awareness of maintaining their new cities.


impact on... 对...产生影响

to some extent 在某种程度上

it will/would be difficult for sb to do sth 对某人来讲做某事是有困难的

serve to 服务于

play a vital role in 在某方面发挥巨大作用



Some people think a rise in standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities more than rural areas. What problems may those differences cause? How to solve those problems?





主体段 1:可能造成的问题之一

主体段 2:可能造成的问题之二





背景句:The industrialization and urbanization of a country have massively improved the living standard of its citizens. However, many people assert that the developmental achievements have benefited cities much more than rural areas and a series of problems have arisen.

话题介绍:This essay will discuss the problems and then offer feasible solutions to cope with the situation.

主体段 1


主题句:The imbalance of economic and social progress between rural and urban areas is starkly visible and have triggered a number of problems.

平行列举:First, the highly developed metropolitan areas have occupied the quality resources of education, medical service, finance, commerce and entertainment, providing numerous opportunities in employment and business. As a result, a large number of young rural dwellers crowd into the city to pursue education, hunt jobs and make investments, directly leading to the severe shortage of available labour force and capital in the underdeveloped places. The loss in population and finance would inevitably worsen the overall economic development in rural districts.

主体段 2

由于农村和城市居民的受 教育 程度、职业和收入不同,可能导致农村居民进城务工的时候收到歧视。

主题句:The second problem resides in the aftermath of rural-urban migration.

平行列举:As a multicultural destination, the city holds a huge population with diverse backgrounds in terms of education, profession, income, social class, and even accent. Individuals from underdeveloped places tend to have less professional competence and personal wealth, due to the lack of educational and commercial resources in rural areas. Such discrepancy might trigger discrimination towards the rural residents who struggle their way through the urban jungle. What's worse, the widening wealth gap might even force the poorer ones to commit crimes to obtain more material possession.



Several solutions could be taken into account to improve the situation. The government should help rural residents exploiting local resources, such as natural landscape and specialty products, to develop industries in tourism and commercial trade. Once the industries are on the rise, job opportunities would be generated, along with a growing business revenue and average income. In addition, more workforce and fund should be invested into the education system in rural areas. If rural dwellers could obtain a specific skill or a certain academic qualification, they would be more professionally competent and employable. Furthermore, legislation and regulation are also required to fight against conduct related to discrimination and violence.


living standard 生活水平

a series of 一系列

cope with 处理,解决

labour force 劳动力


Simon 写作观点集:Cities 城市化

for Urbanization 城市化的原因

People move to cities in search of job opportunities

Cities offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living

People migrate to cities from the countryside

Traditional activities like farming need fewer workers nowadays

of City Life 城市生活的缺点

Life in cities has its drawbacks

The cost of living is higher than in rural areas

Some people d not manage to find work

Housing is usually much more expensive

Homelessness and poverty are common on cities

There is a gap between rich and poor

Life in cities can be extremely stressful

There are problems like traffic congestion and crime

Cities lack a sense of community

People do not even know their neighbor

Cities are sometimes described as “concrete jungles”.

Areas 人行道

Pedestrian zones in city centre can improve the local environment

Banning cars encourages people to walk or cycle

Many European cities have built bicycle lanes

Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity

People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier

Pedestrian areas are safer and more attractive for both residents and tourists









































写好 作文 开头是学生完成优秀习作的一个重要环节。那么你知道语文 议论文 万能开头有哪些吗?接下来我为你整理了语文议论文万能开头,一起来看看吧。语文议论文万能开头 1、是什么,来得悄无生息,走得不留痕迹,却激起所有色彩的轻舞飞扬? 是什么,走得不留痕迹,来得悄无声息,却留下穿越一季的倾情歌唱? 是什么,轻轻地来了,又轻轻地走了,在收获的季节留下飘垂的金黄? 是什么,悄悄地走了,又轻轻地来了,为沉寂的大地纺出洁白的梦想? 排比妙句(升华主题100字以内) 2、纵然谄媚诬蔑视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执着的选择。 纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,这是豪壮的选择; 纵然一生清苦,终日难饱,也愿怡然自乐,躬耕垄亩,这是高雅的选择。 在一番选择中,帝王将相成其盖世伟业,贤士迁客成其千古 文章 。 而我选择了(填写话题关键词) 3、(话题关键词)是千里大堤一沙一石的凝聚, (话题关键词)是春蚕吐丝一缕一缕的环绕。 (话题关键词)是远航船的帆,有了帆,船才可以到达成功的彼岸。 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”是文天祥的选择; “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”是谭嗣同的选择; 宁肯饿死也不吃美国的救济粮,是朱自清的选择。 而我的选择的是(话题关键词) 4、名句或者 名言 结尾(虎头豹尾100字以内) 大海如果失去了巨浪的翻滚,就会失去雄浑; 沙漠如果失去飞沙的狂舞,就会失去壮观; 人生如果失去(话题关键词),生命也就失去了意义。 5、歌德说:我一生基本上只是辛苦工作,我的年表就是最好的说明。 康德说:人就是不断地进行创造性的工作,工作是使人得到快乐的最好 方法 。 爱因斯坦说:只要有一天你得到一件合理的事情去做,从此你的工作和生活都会有奇异的色彩。 一个普通人说:我们注定要终生吃苦,我们注定活得不轻松,但我们应该(话题关键词) 6、盈盈月光,我选一杯最亮的;落落余辉,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;凄凄芳草,我摘一束最灿的;漫漫人生,我要采撷世间最重要的(话题关键词) 7、诚实守信,是我们中华民族的优良传统。千百年来,人们讲求诚信,推崇诚信。诚信之风质朴醇厚,历史越悠久,诚信之气越充盈中华,诚信之光越普照华夏。诚信早已融入我们民族 文化 的血液,成为文化基因中不可或缺的重要一环。《诚信》 8、青春,是三月争奇斗艳的花朵,是七月缤纷的太阳雨,是十月灼人的红叶;是喷雾的旭日,是竞发的百舸,是搏击长空的雄鹰;是弹着欢乐的琴弦,是一路坎坷,一路执著地奔向大海的小溪,是挺直了躯干,舒展了满怀的葱茏,热烈地拥抱蓝天的白杨(排比点题铺排文气) 9、种子冲破岩层的禁锢影响;迎向光明;雄鹰风暴的阴遏影响,飞向云霄;骏马突破缰绳的束缚影响,奔驰原野;海燕则冲向更猛烈的暴风雨。《自由》 语文议论文万能开头写作方法 一.开门见山法。 这是采用率最高的一种方法。即在文章的一开头就与全文的中心论点保持一致方向,不是亮出观点,就是导出观点。如,“我主张将我们全党的 学习方法 和学习制度改造一下。其理由如下:……”(《改造我们的学习》)本文用一句话,开门见山,既提出了问题,又表明了中心论点,简明明了。 二.欲进先退法。即在议论与传统观点相对的观点时,为了不致引起读者的误解,文章开头先肯定传统观点(退),然后再提出自己的见解(进)。例如,“人们常说:‘失败是成功之母’,这句话确实有道理。但是,反过来说,成功乃失败之母,在某种情况下,此话也讲得通。”这种开头给人耳目一新之感,有新意,自然有吸引力。 三.设喻开篇法。 在文章开头先叙述一个 故事 、一则寓言,或者一段笑话作为譬喻,然后从譬喻中引出 总结 的中心论点。如,“《笑林》上有这样一则笑话:一个人走路时不小心跌了跤,爬起来走了几步,又摔了一跤。于是他懊恼不已,‘早知还要 摔跤 ,当初何必怕起来呢’这样,他坐在路上再也不起来了。这个人是可笑的,他的可笑之处在于,‘一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。’如果每个人都像他一样,新生事物就不可能出现,社会就不可能向前发展。“(《跌跤与摔跤》)一个可笑的故事放与开头一下子吸引了读者,又形象生动,文章的意趣顿生。 四.引用名言法。 在作文开头就直接引用一句 名言警句 或 成语 等,并且用这句话作为全文的中心论点。如,”鲁迅先生说:‘不满足是向上的车轮’。他的话很有道理,对我们很有启发性。不论在学习上,还是在工作上,我们都应该牢记这句至理名言。”(《不满足是向上的车轮》)文章开头所引用的鲁迅名言是全文的中心论点,贴题,集中,统领全文内容。 五.设问开篇法。 就是在文章开头,先就要议论的问题提出疑问,然后在回答问题中提出自己的观点。如,“爱美之心人皆有之。作为90年代的青年,我们应该追求什么样的美?什么样的美才市真正的美呢?繁华似锦的春天,碧绿如茵的草坪……这是大自然的美,它能给人以赏心悦目的感受,陶冶我们的情操,自然美是我们应该追求的环境美的一部分,但并非最主要的美。那么,什么才市我们应该追求的美呢?车尔尼雪夫斯基说:‘美是生活。’人们生活中美的语言,美的行为,美的心灵,美的生活方式,这才识我们所追求的最主要的美。”(《青年应该追求什么样的美?》采用设问,引起读者注意,然后自问自答,在释疑中自然推出全文的中心论点。 六.解释概念法。 与文章开头,就将标题或相关概念的含义解释一下,从而明确全文的中心论点。如,“我国字很早以前就有‘自强’一词了。《易经.上乾》说:‘君子以自强不息。’自强,就是自己努力向上。一个人要有所作为,应具备的品质是:既不要自卑,也不要自负,而要自强。”(《自强.自负.自卑》)文章开头准确解释概念,给人印象清晰明确。 七.叙事开篇法。 也就是在开头先讲一件事情,然后就此时展开议论。如,”《中国青年报》介绍了发生于广西的‘小仙姑’奇案。这小仙姑能够‘手摸治病’,食物经她一摸,就是灵丹妙药。摸一摸,收费三角。成千上万的人拥向小仙姑,最高一天达8000人……“(《小仙姑不必脸红》)开头就讲述一件事情,作为全文立论的依据,这就使得文章说理有椐,议论有本。 议论文开头写作技巧 1.简洁流畅。 简洁是议论文开好头的保证,尤其是复述材料时更是只能对材料进行简要概括,切不可详细叙述。 2.表达主题鲜明,给人印象深刻。 议论文的开头一定要让读者一下子就知道你要说什么,即一定要向读者亮出你的论点。所谓开宗明义就是这个意思。 3.使用一定的表现手法,使开篇富有文采。 写议论文的开头,可以运用修辞手法,如比喻、引用、设问、排比等,使其焕发出夺目的光彩。 4.树立靶子。 写驳论文,最好是在文章的开头就先亮出对方的谬论,并将其当做靶子深入批驳。例如,《个人与集体》这篇文章,作者就是先提出“有人提出这样一种人生哲学,叫‘人人为自己,也就是人人为大家’”,接着便具体分析这种错误的人生观,并进行了抨击。总之,议论文的开头方法多种多样,每种开头的方式都有其优势,学生只要多练习,多思考,就一定能找到适合作文与自己的开头方法。 猜你喜欢: 1. 高考语文作文万能开头50例 2. 高中语文万能开头 3. 高考语文万能作文开头排比篇 4. 高中语文万能作文开头结尾 5. 高考语文作文开头句





















开头: 不要抱怨遭遇过太多的苦难,不要试图躲避面临的挑战,不要惧怕眼前的黑暗,放远视线,向前,向前,向前!成功将不再遥远!

结尾: 向前,是一叶驶向成功彼岸的小舟,迎着黎明第一线曙光,你可嗅到了彼岸的花香?扔掉痛苦的负担,扬起信念之帆,奋勇向前,向前,向前!


开头: 天空是蓝色的,点缀着白云淡淡的闲散;大海也是蓝色的,激起浪花的浩瀚深邃。心情也是有色彩的,火一般的愤怒,金光般的激情,半月似的忧郁……

结尾: “最美不过夕阳红,温馨又从容。”这是白发的爷爷奶奶眼中的色彩。是的,不管追求哪一种快乐,最终都会成为夕阳的色彩,因为有过努力,有过奋斗,所以显得那么鲜艳,那么辉煌,那么光彩夺目。

3、 《寻》




开头: 母亲下岗了。

结尾: 人们常说,世上有一部书是永远写不完的,那就是母爱。如果说,这世上还有一道最美丽的风景线,那,不是别的,那就是母爱这一道!


开头: 温暖是初春的河上泛起的第一道涟漪;温暖是夜晚的庭院满溢的银色月光;温暖是傍晚天际擦过的飞鸿;温暖是令你怦然心动的一抹温存。




结尾: 春夏秋冬,每一个季节都是一道美丽的风景,而且都在我心中长留。


开头: 虽然往事已经淡出我的青春,但他们始终占据着我的记忆。在人生漫漫旅途中,我踏出的每一步都深深印记在心里。







开头: 仰起头,迎着冬日的阳光看着天。眼一晃,觉得清澈的阳光里有大片大片的花开,然后大片大片地凋谢。闭上眼,无数次觉得自己在梦里看的是自己的花开花落……

结尾: 我的季节我做主,有了家长的信任,我的青春更美丽。
























(首) 都说生活的船不能没有理想的帆,都说生活的理想就是为了理想的生活,而理想的生活中最快乐的时光,便是梦想的花季。

(尾) 花季中,我希望自己能永远记住先哲的那句良训:生活的船不能没有理想的帆。生活的理想就是为了理想的生活。(选自湖荆州中考满分文《把梦想带给花季》)



(尾) 我们不能因为屡受伤害就失去与丑恶斗争的信心,因为我们需要守卫我们的精神火种――友善!(选自河南中考满分文《守卫精神的火种》)




二十一世纪,我们是祖国的春天,我们不是我们的父母,热情奔放是我们的性格,我们不需要守那些规矩,打破陈规,让我们脑中的那团热情火燃烧得更猛烈,把我们的笑声、爱心串在一起,让全世界笼罩在爱之中。要笑就笑个痛痛快快,要哭就哭个歇斯底里,不要压抑自己,不要让那陈旧的观念束缚着,不要随便改变自己,请记住我的名言:“我就是我,给我一点阳光就这么灿烂。” (选自福建省中考满分文《给一点阳光就这么灿烂》)





























“一根筷子容易折,十根筷子抱成团 ”。这话不错,在巨大的困难面前,()个人的力量是渺小的,微不足道的,而许许多多个人汇集成集体,才能形成强大的力量,最终赢得胜利

结尾: 雷锋叔叔曾说过:一滴水只有放进大海,才能永不干涸。是?∫桓鋈司拖褚坏嗡一眩咳绻离开了集体这个大海,就将一事无成。 集体的力量是伟大的!


















4、优秀范文开头 :






















开头: 宽容是人类生活中至高无尚的美德。因为宽容包含着人的心灵,因为宽容可以超越一切,因为宽容需要一颗博大的心。因为宽容是人类情感中最重要的一部分,这种情感能融化心头的冰霜。而缺乏宽容,将使个性从伟大堕落成连平凡都不如。

结尾: 生活,往往纷繁,又常常平淡。正因为宽容如水,使纷繁经过过滤变得纯净;正因为宽容似火,使平淡通过锻烧日趋鲜明;更因为有这诗般的宽容,才赋予人生以艺术,赋予生命以永恒。










开头:孤寂人生,谁来聆听你心中的清音?望眼未来,谁来领略你眼中的精彩? 山青青,水盈盈,弹一曲"高山流水",震彻群山,激扬层浪。于是俞伯牙与钟子期共同欣赏这份相遇相知的情。人生得一知己足矣!



















买一本新东方雅思写作教材 里面有写作技巧和范文




Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others believe there are other factors. Discuss the two sides and give your opinion.



The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream of generations of human beings. They have always been puzzled Get Word ("puzzled"); by the essence of happiness. What is happiness? Is it closely related to one’s economic success? Will one’s financial success lead to happiness directly? Personally Get Word ("Personally"), I don’t agree that one’s economic success is the only prerequisite of one’s happiness in life.


Happiness may fall into different categories Get Word ("categories");. An old saying goes like this: “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. Happiness may mean being a successful and respected leader of a company, or a stable and comfortable job in a large international company, or a big flat downtown, a fantastic set of furniture, etc. However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness:spiritualGetWord("hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness: [wv]spiritual"); happiness and materialistic happiness.


One’s materialistic happiness is dependant on one’s economic success, though not completely. Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one. If you aren’t able to afford a house, a car, or even a book, anybody would be horrified at the mere mention of this kind of life. Definitely, some people will feel happy right away if their basic demands for life are satisfied. However, we have to admit that these people still need to be successful materialisticallyGetWord("materialistically"); to some degree.


On the other hand, one’s success in economy may not necessarily lead to one’s spiritual happiness. As we all know, money doesn’t get you everything and some even say that money is the root of all evilsGetWord("evils");. One’s financial success may be built on the sacrifice of time, health and love, which are the three most essential elements of spiritual happiness. All of us are not new to this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.


In my point of view, one’s economic success is only one of the key factors of happiness, but never the only one. To be happy, one needs to be both spiritually and materially satisfied Get Word ("satisfied"); though each of us may have a totally different picture of happiness.




The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It has long been argued amid the community: Which one counts more, authority or academy? Notwithstanding the fact that our current pedagogy is so much clinging to the central committee, the educational system is in a blockbuster amount of outcry for reform. Does the temporary system still embrace rationality? Or is it the ripe juncture to refurnish it out and out? I personally took a deep look in it.

In the showdown between authority and academy, the former arguably outweighs the latter. Politics is a compulsory course in all kinds of enrollment examinations as well as all levels of educational institutions. The government, or a commander-in-chief to be vivid, needs to be held accountable for the stability of society. Education is by all means an almighty tool to incubate a behaving generation. With social development gaining momentum, a farsighted power base generally with a broader scope than the individuals, needs to build up particular majors specializing in fledgling domains involving cleaning energy, high-tech innovation, interpretation, to name but a few. Trained personnel in such fields are usually more fit into the society.

Arguments being articulated above though, academy-oriented teaching methodology is so far still reputed for its own merits. With teachers gaining more says in selecting knowledge, the students will presumably be inculcated with a more objective perception of the curriculum. Without authority barging in, the possibility of the impartiality being jeopardized is excluded for the mission of serving the regime is no longer valid. Only under such circumstance can the intrinsic value of the subject be authentically and manifested to the thirsty learners in an untangled manner. An untarnished and pristine academic ambience is colossally demanding by numerous pundits for the sake of equity and truth.

To sum up, there's no such inception that is appropriate to be dubbed "sheerly right" or "starkly wrong" . The righteous one solely lies in the rationality of adapting it. Authority, in China's case, can never be an outlier standing by the side of academic circle owing to its unique national condition.

雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于教育类的雅思大作文写作模板,希望对大家有所帮助。 1) Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 开头写四段 大学教育好处:我觉得有wider benefits 个人:提高个人知识水平和道德标准,为了今后步入社会训练一些生活技能等。 社会:促进社会的发展,教育水平的提升会让社会有更好的发展,公众道德的提升降低犯罪率。 让步:确实找工作是大学教育的目标之一,但是它不是全部。 总结 2) The government thinks that education system should be up to date. The following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to young people? literature sports mathematics economic physics music psychology history geography foreign languages 物理和数学 开头 最为重要的:物理,数学:是各个学科的基础,提高人的思维能力和对世界的认知 最不重要: 文学和音乐: 只有极少数人从事有关工作不是每个人都需要的,真正要学好文学和音乐的人学要一定的天赋和热爱的。而大多数的人对于音乐和文学的态度是作为一种消遣。所以不需要太多的力气去学习。 让步:当然学和重要没有很清晰的评判标准,但是认为数学和物理比较重要还是一种最为理性的选择。 3) Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 开头:同意一起第一:如果在一个班级是有不同能力的学生组成的一个团体,这样的话会让这些学生之间相互促进, 如果分开的话可能会让那些能力稍微差一些的学生有被歧视的感觉加重心理负担导致学的更差, 让那些能力好的学生有一种不应该有的优越感。第二:就社会而言,整个社会也是有不同能力的人组成的包括公司和社区,如果在一个有比你能力高和比你能力低的人之间保持一个平衡的心态和正式自己的能力这是以后社会生活需要的,因为社会是这样的所以应该从小让孩子在这样的环境中成长。让步:承认对于一些有特殊才能的学生应该区别对待比如说在某个学科。但是这种区别对待也不能完全将其与其他学生隔离。结尾:观点。否则学生可能导致畸形的心理状态。4) Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents on the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?开头:家长影响大第一段:家长跟孩子在一起的时候比较久,有更多的机会去影响小孩子。人的性格的形成可能是在最初的那里年,而在最初的那几年当中对老师的接触比较少。家长除了在言行上对小孩产生影响,还可以根据自己的生活态度和思维方式给小孩创造一个成长的环境。而一个老师通常面对几十个学生,没有那么多精力去照顾每一个学生的成长。第二段:家长比老师对于学生的教育方式更加多样,因为家长有各种惩罚方式,而老师在教育和影响学生的有许多限制。老师能够影响学生的智力无非就是在课上提供更多的知识,而家长除了自己教,还可以给学生在这方面进行更多的投资。家长更加深入。诚然,学生的成长是在老师和家长的共同影响下进行,但是家长占据了绝大部分。

雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于教育类的雅思大作文写作模板,希望对大家有所帮助。1) Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 开头写四段大学教育好处:我觉得有wider benefits个人:提高个人知识水平和道德标准,为了今后步入社会训练一些生活技能等。 社会:促进社会的发展,教育水平的提升会让社会有更好的发展,公众道德的提升降低犯罪率。让步:确实找工作是大学教育的目标之一,但是它不是全部。 总结2) The government thinks that education system should be up to date. The following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to young people? literature sports mathematics economic physics music psychology historygeography foreign languages 物理和数学 开头最为重要的:物理,数学:是各个学科的基础,提高人的思维能力和对世界的认知 最不重要: 文学和音乐: 只有极少数人从事有关工作不是每个人都需要的,真正要学好文学和音乐的人学要一定的天赋和热爱的。而大多数的人对于音乐和文学的态度是作为一种消遣。所以不需要太多的力气去学习。让步:当然学和重要没有很清晰的评判标准,但是认为数学和物理比较重要还是一种最为理性的选择。3) Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 开头:同意一起第一:如果在一个班级是有不同能力的学生组成的一个团体,这样的话会让这些学生之间相互促进,如果分开的话可能会让那些能力稍微差一些的学生有被歧视的感觉加重心理负担导致学的更差,让那些能力好的学生有一种不应该有的优越感。第二:就社会而言,整个社会也是有不同能力的人组成的包括公司和社区,如果在一个有比你能力高和比你能力低的人之间保持一个平衡的心态和正式自己的能力这是以后社会生活需要的,因为社会是这样的所以应该从小让孩子在这样的环境中成长。让步:承认对于一些有特殊才能的学生应该区别对待比如说在某个学科。但是这种区别对待也不能完全将其与其他学生隔离。结尾:观点。否则学生可能导致畸形的心理状态。4) Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents on the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?开头:家长影响大第一段:家长跟孩子在一起的时候比较久,有更多的机会去影响小孩子。人的性格的形成可能是在最初的那里年,而在最初的那几年当中对老师的接触比较少。家长除了在言行上对小孩产生影响,还可以根据自己的生活态度和思维方式给小孩创造一个成长的环境。而一个老师通常面对几十个学生,没有那么多精力去照顾每一个学生的成长。第二段:家长比老师对于学生的教育方式更加多样,因为家长有各种惩罚方式,而老师在教育和影响学生的有许多限制。老师能够影响学生的智力无非就是在课上提供更多的知识,而家长除了自己教,还可以给学生在这方面进行更多的投资。家长更加深入。诚然,学生的成长是在老师和家长的共同影响下进行,但是家长占据了绝大部分。


