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作为一名班主任,要多向有 经验 的教师请教,不断探索提高自身的业务能力。下面是我整理班主任经验论文题目的 范文 ,欢迎阅读! 班主任经验论文题目篇一 一个学期转眼即逝,班主任工作甚为繁琐。平时除了督导学生做好学校布置的各项活动外,还得每天面对个性各异、活生生的、有思想的新型学生。因此我深深地感觉到,过去那种包办代替的保姆式的班主任已不适应这个瞬息万变的时代,只有不断地学习,才能跟上时代,不断地超越自己。本学期,我根据本班实际主要工作, 总结 如下: 一、班级实行目标管理,前面提高学生素质。 a、分层制定目标。 1、集体制定班级总目标。开学初,我班召开了一次“我为三(3)班争光”的主题班会,从而制定了班上的总目标,以此激励学生,鞭策学生朝着既定的方向努力前进。 2、班干部制定目标。班干部是班主任的得力助手。让其制定目标的目的是调动班干部的管理积极性,各自的工作范围。对班干部工作职责、范围都给以明确的划分和规定,而思想上则培养协作精神。 3、各组各科制定目标。由各小组、各科科代表组织同学根据本组、本科的实际情况制定小组、科组目标。以便使班级总目标分解到组、科具体化。 4、个人制定小目标。小目标的制定我以学生经过努力就可以实现为原则。由个人所在的组的组长管理。由我负责检查、督促、落实。如:刘荣鳅、徐英皓,制定在第6周前改变对学习、对事情粗心、马虎、随便应付的坏习惯。(自定目标起,不论是学习还是做班务各方面都有了很大改变)刘圣、叶枫、罗雪妍等同学制定在中段考试中每科都要80分以上。(期中考试他们的目标确实达到了。 b、多种形式落实目标。 制定目标只是开始,落实目标才是目标管理的关键。为此,我根据他们争强好胜的特点,通过各种比赛和活动促进小目标的落实。比如:我开展了四人为一小组的竞赛,看谁的缺点改得最快、最彻底,并用红旗、作业本、笔等作为奖励。鼓励班里学生认真学习,多看课外书,还充分发挥集体优势,把优生和后进生结成 对子 ,限期达标。 c、及时更换目标、巩固目标。 更换目标以原目标为基础,从小到大,从低到高,逐步提高要求。巩固目标即对已达到的小目标采用多种 方法 加以巩固。如:对违纪学生进行法纪 教育 ,帮助他们分清是非界限,引导他们制订出自己下一步努力的目标。加强组织,严格检查,经常鼓励和指导,使他们不断进步。 二、采用新 措施 ,落实特色班方案。 a、设立“小组评比栏。” 学生是班级的真正主人,是班级的管理者。使每一个学生自觉地把自己融于集体之中,为建设良好班风做一些力所能及的事。本人使用不同的方法充分调动起全班同学关心、爱护集体的积极性,于实现学生的自主管理。我做法是:设立“小组评比栏”。把全班学生分成17个小组,每个小组4人。每组一本登记本,让他们分别在登记本首页订出小组各项 规章制度 、组员保证及其奋斗目标。由组员轮流担任小组长,在班主任的指导下,进行小组管理。开展周周评,月月评活动。每周突出一个重点,解决一个问题,达到一个目的。邀请各科任老师给各小组评分,对做得好的前三组给予奖励。这样便能调动起学生的积极性,而他们为了实现本组的目标,获得荣誉,便会自觉地进行你追我赶的竞赛,使学生在这一竞赛中学会自己管理自己,自己教育自己。 b:卫生工作安排“时段性” 由于本班学生为了迎接校庆,参与各项训练的有29人,真可谓“人才济济”。可每天的卫生工作却难于搞好。因此,我突发奇想:由原来的每位同学每周扫一天,改为每天扫一次。即:把不参加训练的安排在早上;把合唱队、舞蹈队的安排在中午;田径、鼓号队象棋队的安排在下午。并给每一时段安排一个负责人,进行监督、检查。这样做,完全解决了时间冲突问题。班级卫生工作不用班主任多费心也能达到满意的效果。 c、创建环保特色班。 鉴于当今日愈恶劣的地球环境,学生环保意识仍较薄弱等问题,为培养学生保护大自然、热爱大自然的意识。自二年级起本班就于创设“环保特色班”为目标,设有“废纸回收箱”“废电池回收箱”,光一学期就回收废纸3大箱;废电池多达3000个。本学期,我班继续完善特色班方案,在各方面都表现得更为突出。 d、成立“班容建设小组” 学校对班容检查得很紧,班容的好坏直接体现了班的整体素质。因此,特成立了“班容建设小组”,挑选5个较得力的、美工好的非班干部,专门负责班容的布置,力求有新意但不花俏。并要求他们不定时的检查个人卫生,课桌面及抽屉等。这样长期坚持不懈,就不怕班容被突击检查了。 e、每月进行一次“小制作、小发明”评比 全社会都在呼吁:每个学校都要爱护和培养学生的好奇心、求知欲,帮助学生自主学习,独立思考,保护学生的探索精神, 创新思维 。我觉得单纯口头上的要求学生多思考、多创造并不能达到实际的效果。只有适时的给学生予表现的机会,展示作品的空间,他们才会真正的把自己所想付诸于行动。因此,我进行了每月“小制作、小发明”评比,鼓励学生动手创造发明。每做一样发明,操行加2~5分不等,并抽出时间让他们介绍作品的构造、性能。既锻炼了学生的动手能力,又大大提高了学生的口头表达能力。 在实施目标管理及环保特色班方案后,学生们互 相学 习,互相监督,争当环保小卫士。我也常和他们一起学习、一起捡垃圾、下棋、打球等,得到了他们的充分信任,使班级形成了一种友好、合作、互助、和谐的关系,德育、智育方面都有了显著的提高。 有好的班风、学风,必然有好的收获,本学期,在19周学生们自愿为海啸灾区人民捐款1444。8元;我班连续三次班报被评为做“优秀”;班容“优秀”; 体操 “优秀”;还经常被评为“明星班”(具体次数不明);连续四个月还被评为“文明班”。 总的说来虽有点进步,但还不尽我意。在总结经验的同时深深体会到自己工作上的不足。仍有个别学生纪律散漫,学习马虎须加强辅导;卫生、安全意识仍需加强;学习成绩有待再进一步的提高。本人将在做好本职工作的同时多向有经验的教师请教,不断探索提高自身的业务能力。在今后的教育、教学工作中,我将更加尽职、尽责,争取出色的成绩。 班主任经验论文题目篇二 过去的一学期里,我班在学校领导的统一组织下,在任课教师的大力支持和配合下,各项工作顺利开展,学习、生活等方面都取得较突出的成绩。现将本学期的 工作总结 如下: 一、加强对学生的思想道德工作,培养学生良好的品质,净化学生的心灵,努力培养又红又专的合格人才。为了配合学校少先队大队部和政教处的工作,我们班积极开展了许多有益于学生身心健康发展的活动。例如,“积极参与感恩父母活动”、“‘为中华之崛起而读书’的主题班会”、“‘美化校园、保护环境从我做起’的实践活动”、“ 黑板报 的创办”等。同时,我也经常利用班会课对学生进行身心教育,帮助学生澄清思想上的模糊认识,及时对学生进行针对性的教育。 二、加强班级管理,培养优秀的学风、班风,深入全面地了解学生,努力培养“求知、立志、活泼、团结”的班集体。在这个学期里,一方面,我慎重地选拔和培养班委成员:第一.大力表扬班委优点,宣传他们的先进 事迹 ,帮助小班委树立威信;第二.在鼓励班委大胆工作,指点他们工作方法的同时,更严格要求班委个人在知识、能力上取得更大进步,在纪律上以身作则,力求从各方面给全班起到模范带头作用,亦即以点带面;第三.培养班委团结协作的精神,通过班委这个小集体建立正确、健全的舆论,带动整个班集体开展批评与自我批评,形成集体的组织性、纪律性和进取心,亦即以面带面。另一方面,我有效地利用好每周一的班会课开展一些专题性的活动,扎实有效地加强一个学生的常规训练。训练的内容包括《小学生守则》和《小学生日常行为规范》要求的常规、课堂常规、集会和出操常规、卫生常规、劳动常规等等诸多方面。务必使每个学生具有服从集体,服从命令的思想,具有自我约束力,形成习惯,保证整个班集体随时表现出活而不乱,严而不死的良好班风班貌。 三、根据学校工作安排和本班实际情况,拟定了全班与小组在知识、能力、情感等方面的远、近期目标,让每一个学生明确到我们全班和小组正在努力奋斗的目标是什么,避免了盲目、低效地学习和生活,从而增强了集体的凝聚力和动力。同时积极抓好后进生的转化工作,尽可能创造条件和机会让后进生表现其优点和长处,使他们品尝到成功的欢乐和喜悦,努力帮助他们消除或减轻种种心理担忧,让他们认识到自己的位置和学习方向。 四、积极开展好文体活动,做好课间操、眼 保健操 ,保护学生视力,增强学生的体质,提高学生的学习效率。五年级学生学习任务比较繁重,进行适当的体育活动不仅有利于学生身体素质的提高,而且也有利于学习效率的提高,每次活动我都亲临现场与学生一起活动并适当予以技术性的指导,这样不仅可以防止意外事故的发生,而且也可以加深与学生感情的交流。 五、积极主动地和各科教师联系,协调学校各方面的教育力量, 发挥好纽带作用。在与任课教师的交往中,我尊重他们的地位,尊重他们的意见,同时又把他们当作班级的主人,视为自己的良伴、知己。凡事都主动地同任课教师协商,倾听、采纳他们的意见。能够慎重地处理学生和任课教师的关系,在处理师生矛盾时,尽量避免了激化矛盾,在这方面,我平时注意到多教育学生,让学生懂礼貌,尊重老师的劳动,树立老师的威信,增进师生情谊。 总之,在这一个学期里,我通过以上几方面的努力,班级工作较以前有了较大起色,学生的整体素质在不断的提高。成绩只能说明过去,教无止境、学无止境,在新的一学期里,我将不断地探索教育管理的方法,及时总结经验教训,虚心向老班主任、老教师学习,以便将自己的管理水平推向更高的层次。 班主任经验论文题目篇三 本学期我担任了五年级一班和二班的语文教学和学校语文教研组的工作与五年级一班的班主任工作,虽然工作量比其他老师多了一倍,但我仍然一如既往地努力搞好自己承担的每一项工作,努力与副班主任同心协力加强班务工作。现将本学期班主任工作作如下回顾与总结: 一、热爱学生,尊重学生,信任学生. 我相信学生在我们两个班主任老师的主导作用下能管好自己,所以,首先,我充分发挥班干部的主体作用.在一定意义上说,创建和谐的班集体,班干部是决定性的因素于是,我着手对管理体制进行“放权”: 通过几次班干部例会,要求班干部敢想,敢做,不仅要做实干家,更要做决策者,只要能发动同学们自觉参与班级管理,有利于同学们的学习和各种 爱好 的发展,什么想法和活动都可以讨论.这样一来发挥了班干部的主体性,调动了班干部的积极性,工作起来轻松许多,而且效果也较好,除了学校组织的活动外,在班内还开展各种活动。本学期每月一期黑板报放手让学生在各组长的带领下,从收集黑板报的内容、版面设计、到板书都让学生独立完成。四个小组各出一期板报,并鼓励同学们积极参加发挥各自的特长。这些活动大都由学生们自己策划,组织,总结,收到较好的效果. 二、以身作则,为人师表 我认识到班主任不仅仅是一个班级的组织者和管理者,更是一个班级的教育者。平时与学生相处的时间比其他老师要多得多,因此班主任的一举一动,都将对学生产生较大的影响。俗话说:“身教重于言教。”老师的外在行为表现对学生具有一种榜样和示范的作用,会对学生产生潜移默化的影响,尤其是对辨别能力、自控能力较差的孩子,影响尤为突出。因此,在平时与学生相处的时时刻刻,我都严格要求自己,做到“要学生做到的,老师先要做到”。比如,要求学生做到讲究卫生,不随便丢纸屑杂物,在平时,我总是把纸屑杂物丢到垃圾箱里;学生出教室下楼做课间操、上体育课,临出教室我都悄悄把灯关上,锁好门;早上进教室打开窗户。学生看在眼里,记在心上,经过几次下来,同学们也养成了一种良好的行为习惯。不开无人灯,教室没人要关好门窗。通过这种无声的教育,使学生受到潜移默化的影响,同时也拉近了学生与老师之间的距离。教育学生讲文明懂礼貌,那么我也会主动跟学生问好,说:“谢谢你”之类的礼貌用语,孩子也会自然地用礼貌用语来回答我。这样的一种正面影响一定能有益学生的发展。 二、加强学生思想品德的教育 班主任的基本任务是对学生进行思想品德教育,使他们的身心得到全面健康的发展。对于五年级的孩子来说,正是接受各方面教育的最佳时机,除了学习,我想更为重要的是教会他们认识世界,明辨是非,学习怎样做人。因此我充分利用 语文教材 和思想品德课上的教学资源,结合学生现实生活中遇到的实际问题,每周四的班队会课,结合国旗下演讲的内容,事先做相应的安排。此外,对待学生,我尽量在学习上和生活上帮助他们,增强为学生服务的意识,把学生与家长作为服务的对象。我在平时经常与学生沟通,做好学生的思想工作,加强对学生的纪律教育和 安全教育 。 三、加强班级管理,培养学生的管理能力。 良好习惯的培养始终是本学期的教育重点之一。那么如何在日常的班级管理中让学生养成良好的习惯呢?我尝试让班级管理成为大家的事,让学生成为 班级管理的主人,也同时在这样的过程中培养他们的能力。因此尝试以下的做法: 1、鼓励班干部敢想,敢做,不仅要做实干家,更要做决策者,只要能发动同学们自觉参与班级管理,有利于同学们的学习和各种爱好的发展,什么想法和活动都可以讨论.这样一来发挥了班干部的主体性,调动了班干部的积极性,工作起来轻松许多,而且效果也较好。本学期我班14个同学参加的庆”六一”活动表演的舞蹈《雪山卓玛》被县上评选后,参加了县上庆祝建党__周年文艺汇演。我班张方敏同学还担任了学校庆祝“六一 儿童 节”活动主持人。除了学校组织的活动外,在班内还开展各种活动,鼓励同学们积极参加,这些活动大都由学生们自己策划,组织,总结,收到较好的效果. 2、清洁卫生由小组负责。 卫生由每个小组负责,采用轮流值日的方法,选好卫生小组长,由组长分派任务,按照值日工作的顺序进行打扫卫生,打扫完毕后,将卫生用具放回原位,然后在卫生值日本上作好相关的记录并由组长负责检查值日情况。 3、鼓励学生展示自我,树立自信 小学生活泼好动,好表现自己,在多种多样的活动中,能够让他们更加迅速快乐地成长。在班级中,我努力搭建学生展示的舞台,利用班会开展一些小活动,诸如: 手抄报 评比, 成语 接龙,讲 童话 故事 比赛,谈 读书心得 等来益智身心,鼓励孩子为大家表演,增强自信。 4、加强家校联系。 孩子的教育离不开老师和家长的共同协作,孩子在家中的表现只能通过家长来获悉,同样学生在学校的表现也应及时反馈给家长,只有双管齐下,才能收到教育的效果。因此,在本学期主动与家长们保持联系,将一些孩子的表现通知家长,共同商量对策,也利用路上见面的机会和打电话、与家长QQ聊天,召开家长会等方式与多位家长进行交流。 5、成立自律小组,以学生管理学生,提高其自我管理的意识. 自律小组各个成员主要工作内容为负责每日班级的考勤,卫生,仪表服装,校会以及课前准备和课堂纪律的监督与劝导,做好宣传工作,制造良好的舆论环境,使班级形成一个有正气,有次序的良好班风,为同学创造一个良好的学习环境.自律小组各个成员各有分工,每日与参加年段评比的同学保持联系,及时发现班级存在的问题,并制定相应的解决办法,及时通知有关同学予以纠正,并定期向全班同学做工作汇报,总结前阶段之成果与不足,对同学提出相应的建议和要求,同时也征求广大同学的意见和建议,制定下阶段的工作重点,不断改进工作方法,进一步调动广大同学的积极性,齐心协力,使班级的各项常规管理正常化,制度化,使全班每一位同学都充分意识到自己作为班级一员的重要作用,自觉为班级争取荣誉,做到自觉自律。 以上就是我个人在近半年的班主任工作中的一点得失体会。当然我做的还很不够,有时是缺少了会发现的眼睛,因此才让班级管理出现了很多不尽人意的地方,可以说班主任工作是任重道远。有人曾说,能发现问题,并解决问题,就是一个成长进步的过程。通过这半年的学习锻炼,相信在以后的日子里我们会做得更好。 四、培养孩子各方面的习惯,进行养成教育。 结合本学期学校《好习惯,伴我成长》的主课题和工作重心,我班以班规、《小学生守则》、《小学生日常行为规范》为载体,开学初还制定了养成教育计划,每个月分别以学习好习惯、礼仪好习惯、生活好习惯、节俭好习惯的为专题,有计划、有步骤地去培养孩子们各方面的良好习惯,大大改变了学生不良行为习惯。 虽然两位班主任老师为了学生的一切,利用一切可利用的时间对学生传授知识的同时加强了班务工作,但在班上仍然出现了有些来自边远山区,租房独立生活,无家长监护的同学,课外互相串门,进网吧、 台球 室等违反班规、校纪的现象。在下期的的教育教学工作中,我们将会以更大的信心和热情投入到工作中,努力使学生起好高年级的先锋模范作用。 看过“班主任经验论文题目”的人还看了: 1. 班主任教育论文题目 2. 班主任工作论文范文3篇 3. 班主任经验论文 4. 初中班主任管理论文题目 5. 班主任工作经验交流论文

在写作班主任 教育 论文时,题目是论文的关键,是一篇论文的重要组成部分。下面是我带来的关于班主任教育论文题目的内容,欢迎阅读参考!班主任教育论文题目(一) 1. 近距离聚焦班级中的“座位” 2. 小学数学“反教育”现象的剖析与 反思 3. 营造积极向上的寝室 文化 促进持续发展 4. 初中少先队辅导员工作的破冰与发展 5. 给问题学生“一米阳光” 6. 童谣 ——孩子心中永恒的歌 7. 万紫千红总是春 8. 不管而“管”,不是 传说 ——班级管理艺术刍议 9. 传承儒家文化,构建和谐班级 10. 无需费心去“杂草” 只需用心种“庄稼” 11. 农村初中生网络成瘾现状及其因素的研究——以龙湾区为例 12. 课外阅读促进城乡结合部学困生主动转化 13. “说学思写”话班主任工作 14. “ 拓展训练 ”班主任工作的又一剂“良方” 15. “全优评价制度”在班级管理中的应用 16. 班主任节激热班主任岗位 17. 进单亲家庭学生 等待花开的美丽 班主任教育论文题目(二) 1. 班主任工作中的“偷懒”艺术 2. “恰”是你是温柔——善用激励进行后进生的教育 3. 倾洒爱的甘露,绽放生命之花 4. 有效分析,促班级学业发展 5. 雁荡镇环城片初中生遭受家庭暴力的调查 报告 6. 班级图书角建设——打开班级文化管理的通道 7. 浅谈寄宿制学校宿舍文化建设与德育工作 8. 信息技术课堂中如何培养学生的“使用道德” 9. 让低年级学生在 故事 中养成习惯 10. 高中生心理问题的科学“干预” 11. “玩物”——让学生课余生活更精彩 12. 当好麦田里的守望者-浅谈班主任工作的苦与乐 13. 为心灵“护航”,为成长“扬帆” 14. 财会学生职业生涯规划教育的实践与反思 15. 农村初中寄宿班学生自主管理的实践与探索 16. 如何培养国际公民“中”气十足 班主任教育论文题目(三) 1. 旁观不袖手 同室可共育 2. 巧借故事代替说教 3. 浅谈小学生中年级良好学习习惯培养 4. 构建学生自主社团的思考及策略分析 5. 凝聚动力 闪亮思维 智行天下 6. 周末的校园怎么静悄悄 7. 瑞安市校外教育与青少年发展问题研究 8. 青春期教育 9. 加强家校沟通,共育时代幼苗——谈信息时代的家访 10. 选择最合适的角色走近学生 11. 中职思品失范新生的行为矫正策略 12. 成长的基石——从细节入手,培养一年级学生良好的行为习惯 13. 生活德育:中职学校有效德育的选择 14. 小学生“整理”习惯养成模式的实践探究 15. 表扬如歌 童心如诗---低段有效表扬之浅见 16. 小博客,大舞台——基于网络环境下的班级德育工作途径的探究与实践 猜你喜欢: 1. 班主任经验总结题目 2. 班主任经验论文题目 3. 班主任德育论文范文 4. 班主任教育论文精彩范文 5. 班主任工作论文范文

班主任管理是一门很值得研究的学问,它不是机械化的模式,还要考虑不同个体的学生的特点,对症下药才能起到良好效果。如果你要写作该方面的论文,不妨看看以下学术堂为你准备的班主任管理论文题目,或许对你有所启发。班主任管理论文题目一:1、高中班主任通过实践活动提升德育能力的研究2、数据挖掘在中职德育管理中的应用3、江门一职班主任工作管理系统的分析与设计4、小学班主任专业成长的叙事研究5、初中德育导师制的实施现状与改进策略6、上海市D中学班主任工作室建设的研究7、班主任专业发展培训现状及改进建议8、初中新任班主任专业能力提升策略研究9、新媒体时代下中职学校班主任德育工作探析10、“生态取向”的小学班主任评价优化的实证研究11、走班制背景下普通高中生管理问题研究12、初中班主任领导力提升策略研究13、小学班主任工作评价研究14、中职学校班主任专业能力存在的问题及对策研究15、中山翠亨小学学生德育评价管理系统的研究与分析16、江门市新会机电职业技术学校学生德育奖惩管理系统的研究与分析17、“特殊教师”的主体身份建构-中小学班主任制度的历史社会学分析18、高中班主任期末评语及学生认同状况研究19、中等职业学校班主任德育工作研究20、全员德育理念下中职学校班级管理策略研究21、论追求本色的学校德育 22、当前中学德育管理中存在的问题与对策研究23、初中英语教师对教材中德育素材的利用问题研究24、初中语文教学中的德育渗透研究25、初中班主任德育功能的理论与实践研究26、转型期中等职业学校班级文化建设策略的研究27、通过班主任工作改善中职生行为习惯的行动研究28、中职班主任专业能力发展现状及对策29、论班主任是学校实施心理健康教育的主力军30、攀枝花市中小学班主任队伍建设现状与对策探讨31、论影响学校德育教育的潜在课程32、论新时期中学班主任素质的培养33、高中学科教师德育作用的调查研究34、我国中小学德育实效性研究35、班级“公正团体”道德教育策略探析36、班主任工作评价研究37、合作竞争共同提高38、初中班级德育活动问题成因及实效性研究39、中小学德育系统性研究40、中学班级德育管理问题研究







《飘》(Gone With The Wind)是一部出版于1936年的美国小说,作者为玛格丽特·米契尔,在1937年获得普利兹奖。这本小说是其作者活着时出版的唯一一部作品,但它成了美国史上最为畅销的小说之一Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies (see list of best-selling books). An American film adaptation, released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking ten Academy Awards. She has been honored by the United States Postal Service with a 1¢ Great Americans series postage lifeMargaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Eugene Mitchell, a lawyer, and Mary Isabelle, much referred to as Maybell, a suffragist of Irish Catholic origin. Mitchell's brother, Stephens, was four years her senior. Her childhood was spent in the laps of Civil War veterans and of her maternal relatives, who had lived through the Civil War.[citation needed]After graduating from Washington Seminary (now The Westminster Schools), she attended Smith College, but withdrew during her freshman year in 1918. She returned to Atlanta to take over the household after her mother's death earlier that year from the great Spanish flu pandemic of afterward, she defied the conventions of her class and times by taking a job at the Atlanta Journal. Under the name Peggy Mitchell she wrote a weekly column for the newspaper's Sunday edition, thereby making her mark as one of the first female columnists at the South's largest newspaper. Mitchell's first professional writing assignment was an interview with an Atlanta socialite, whose couture-buying trip to Italy was interrupted by the Fascist takeover.[citation needed]Mitchell married Berrien “Red” Upshaw in 1922, but they were divorced after it was revealed that he was a bootlegger and an abusive alcoholic. She later married Upshaw's friend, John Marsh, on July 4, 1925; Marsh had been best man at her first wedding and legend has it that both men courted Mitchell in 1921 and 1922, but Upshaw proposed first.[citation needed]She is also the distant cousin to famous gunfighter/dentist, Doc Holliday, who participated in the Gunfight at the . Corral. It is also thought that she modeled Ashley Wilkes, a main character in Gone with the Wind, after Mitchell's scrapbooks from the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia, editor Patrick Allen collected 64 of the columns Mitchell considered her best work. They were published in 2000 under the title Margaret Mitchell, Reporter.[1]Her portraits and personality sketches in particular show a promise of her skill to portray the kind of characters who made Gone With the Wind the second best-selling book, next to the Bible, at the time of publication.[dubious – discuss][2] Even as a supposedly neutral reporter, her irrepressible personality shines through. This collection of Mitchell's journalism transcends fact-gathering, showing Mitchell as a young woman and providing a compelling snapshot of life in the Jazz Age Gone with the WindMitchell is reported to have begun writing bedridden with a broken ankle. The house where Mitchell lived while writing her manuscript is known today as The Margaret Mitchell House and located in Midtown Atlanta. A museum dedicated to Gone with the Wind lies a few miles north of Atlanta, in Marietta, Georgia. It is called "Scarlett On the Square", as it is located on the historic Marietta Square. It houses costumes from the film, screenplays, and many artifacts from Gone With the Wind including Mitchell's collection of foreign editions of her book. The house and the museum are major tourist destinationsPublicationMitchell lived as a modest Atlanta newspaperwoman until a visit from Macmillan editor Harold Latham, who visited Atlanta in 1935.[3] Latham was scouring the South for promising writers, and Mitchell agreed to escort him around Atlanta at the request of her friend, Lois Cole, who worked for Latham. Latham was enchanted with Mitchell, and asked her if she had ever written a book. Mitchell demurred. "Well, if you ever do write a book, please show it to me first!" Latham implored. Later that day, a friend of Mitchell, having heard this conversation, laughed. "Imagine, anyone as silly as Peggy writing a book!" she said. Mitchell stewed over this comment, went home, and found most of the old, crumbling envelopes containing her disjointed manuscript. She arrived at The Georgian Terrace Hotel, just as Latham prepared to depart Atlanta. "Here," she said, "take this before I change my mind!"[citation needed]Latham bought an extra suitcase to accommodate the giant manuscript. When Mitchell arrived home, she was horrified over her impetuous act, and sent a telegram to Latham: "Have changed my mind. Send manuscript back."[citation needed] But Latham had read enough of the manuscript to realize it would be a blockbuster. He wrote to her of his thoughts about its potential success. MacMillan soon sent her a check in advance to encourage her to complete the novel — she had not composed a first chapter. She completed her work in March Brickell, a famous literary critic for the New York Evening Post, reviewed Mitchell's book in an article titled " “Margaret Mitchell’s First Novel, ‘Gone With the Wind,’ a Fine Panorama of the Civil War Period.” His review helped launch Mitchell's career by calling attention to what would become one of the best novels of the Southern Renaissance. Over time, Brickell and Mitchell became extremely close; much of their correspondence has been published and is available in the archives at the University of Mississippi. Brickell was also a correspondent, friend, and adviser to other southern writers including Eudora Welty, Truman Capote, William Alexander Percy, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Zora Neale Hurston, Stark Young and Allen Tate.[4]Gone With the Wind was published on June 30, 1936. The book was dramatized by David O. Selznick, and released three years later. The premiere of the film was held in Atlanta on December 15, with the Wind was such an overnight success that its publisher George Platt Brett, President of Macmillan Publishing, gave all its employees an 18% bonus in was struck by a speeding automobile as she crossed Peachtree Street at 13th Street with her husband, John Marsh, on her way to see the British film A Canterbury Tale at The Peachtree Art Theatre in August 1949. She died at Grady Hospital five days later without regaining consciousness. The driver, Hugh Gravitt, was an off-duty taxi driver. He was driving his personal vehicle at the time, but his occupation led to many erroneous references over the years to Mitchell’s having been struck by a taxi. After the accident, Gravitt was arrested for drunken driving and released on a $5,450 bond until Mitchell's death several days later. Georgia Gov. Herman Talmadge announced that the state would tighten regulations for licensing taxi was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served 11 months in prison. His conviction was controversial because witnesses said Mitchell stepped into the street without looking, and her friends claimed she often did was buried in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta. 1936 original cover of Gone with the WindAuthor Margaret MitchellCountry United StatesLanguage EnglishGenre(s) Historical fiction, Romance, Drama, NovelPublisher Macmillan PublishersPublication date May 1936Media type Print (hardcover and paperback)Pages 1037 (first edition)1024 (Warner Books paperback)ISBN ISBN 0-446-36538-6 (Warner)OCLC Number 28491920Followed by Scarlett作者 玛格丽特·米契尔出版地 美国语言 英文类型 历史小说出版者 Macmillan 出版商出版日期 1936年6月30日媒介 图书页数 1037页(首版)1024页(平装版,华纳出版社)ISBN ISBN 0446365386 (华纳出版社)

该论文主要是对《飘》一书中的女主角郝思嘉的性格进行了分析,她的性格可以分成优点和缺点两个方面。优点包含:坚强勇敢,诚实守信等。性格缺点表现为:自私冷漠,不择手段等。为了更好地支撑该主题,该论文分为五大部分:第一部分地对作者和作品的简介;第二部分集中分析郝思嘉的性格优点;第三部分是对郝思嘉的性格缺点加以分析;第四部分着力分析郝思嘉性格形成的原因;第五部分为结论,重申主题。  关键词:郝思嘉;性格优点;性格缺点;性格形成 AbstractThis present paper concentrates on an analysis of the characters of the heroine: Scarlett in the novel .Her characters can be analyzed by two aspects: the positive characters such as strong will and courage, honesty and keeping promise ; and the demerits in her characters, such as selfishness and coldness, abjection etc. To support the thesis, the paper is divided into five parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to both the author and the novel. The second part makes an analysis of the positive characters of Scarlett. The third part makes an analysis of the demerits in Scarlett’s characters. The fourth part gives the reasons for the formation of Scarlett’s characters. The fifth part is the conclusion, restating the thesis of the Words: Scarlett; Weakness of characteristic; Strength of characteristic; Personality formation   I. A brief Introduction to the authorMargaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949), popularly known as Margaret Mitchell was an American author. She was born in a prominent Atlanta lawyer’s family in Atlanta. The time Mitchell grew up was under the environment of Civil War, she heard a lot of burning of the city, the use of the family house as an army hospital, and the sufferings of the family and their friends during the post-war reconstruction period. Margaret started writing Gone with the Wind in 1926, which is the next year she married John Marsh. The aim of her writing is to write a defensive, chauvinistic account of the South’s war. The whole process of writing lasted almost 10 years. The novel Gone with the Wind was published in 1936, and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 28 million copies. An American film based on this novel was released in 1939, which is one of the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking number of Academy Awards.[Note1] Mitchell drew upon her encyclopedic knowledge of the Civil War and dramatic moments from her own life, and typed her epic novel on an old Remington typewriter. She originally named the heroine "Pansy O'Hara", and Tara was "Fontenoy Hall". She initially considered naming the novel Tote The Weary Load or Tomorrow Is Another Day .[Note 2]  Mitchell wrote for her own enjoyment and with solid support from her husband. In 1949, crossing a street to go to a theater, Margaret Mitchell was killed by a drunken A brief Introduction to the novelThe story of Gone with the Wind revolves around Scarlett O’Hara, who is daughter of Irish landowner Gerald, and who has made the plantation Tara into one of Georgia’s finest. In this novel, Scarlett is in love with Ashley Wilkes, who marries his cousin Melanie. As the civil war begins, Scarlett bears the responsibility to protect her family and the pregnant Melanie. During the time she stays in Atlanta with relatives, she faces Sherman’s army and delivers Melanie’s baby as the city was in danger. During the after-war reconstruction period, Scarlett practically does business with the Yankees and so prospers and restores the fortunes of Tara. In this novel, she marries 3 times with purposes —firstly she married with Charles Hamilton to spite Ashley, a second time to pay off Tara’s postwar taxes, and the third time for fun. Her third husband, Rhett Butler, engages in lucrative deals with the Federal Army from the start of the conflict and right through Reconstruction. He was angry about his wife’s love for Ashley and selfish disengagement from him and their daughter, Bonnie Blue, who dies in a riding accident. The novel ends with Scarlett realizing how much she loves Rhett and resolving to get him back—by returning to her beloved hometown Tara to plan her . An analysis of the positive characters of . Scarlett’s integrity to promise Scarlett’s integrity to promise is evidenced by what she does during the war; she tries her best to look after Ashley’s wife and son, only because she loves Ashley and has promised him to take care of Melanie. Before Ashley leaves to fight for the South, he asked Scarlett to take care of his wife-Melanie. Scarlett agreed and carried her promise till the end of this story. Even though she is in love with Ashley, and jealous on Melanie, she always looks after her and her baby.  After Ashley left, the Yankees finally begin their siege of Atlanta, the city evacuates. Melanie and Scarlett remain behind to leave the dangerous place as Melanie is pregnant and about to give birth. After attempts to get help, Scarlett delivers Melanie's baby herself. When they return back to Tara, Scarlett still constantly offers help to Melanie and her child. Even after Ashley returned back to Tara, Scarlett still offers help to his and her family. It is not only because she loves Ashley, but also because she wants to keep her promise, which she made long time ago. . Scarlett’s loyalty to loveScarlett’s loyalty to love is evidencedattractive to Scarlett, because he is a mystery to Scarlett; she is always trying to get to know Ashley’s real feelings. The things about Ashley, which she could not understand, make her love him more. They know each other since their childhood, Scarlett and Ashley always play together. She has seen him come and go and never gives him a thought, and Ashley has never seemed so very attractive to her at the early stage. Scarlett fell in love with Ashley since “that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years’ Grand Tour in Europe, hand called to pay his respects, she had loved him.” That year she is only 16, she is so attracted and falls in love with him until she is 28. She turns to see Ashley to be that authority figure, which she always respects and loves, but he is not able to be one for her. Her so-called love for Ashley is a kind of child’s love, because he is someone that denied her, so that makes her want it more. “Even now, she could recall each detail of his dress, how brightly his boots shone, the head of a Medusa in cameo on his cravat pin, the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his hand when he saw her.” However, Ashley does never show love to her, even though he knows clearly that she loves him, “And yet- and yet – she knew he loved her. She could not be mistaken about it. Instinct stronger than reason and knowledge born of experience told her that he loved her. Too often she had surprised him when his eyes were neither drowsy nor remote, when he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness, which puzzled her. She knew he loved her.” In fact, Ashley does not love her, but he chooses to keep a vague relationship with her. Although Scarlett knows Ashley does not love her, still wants Ashley to marry her at that time and wishful thinking to be his wife. She even encourages him to run away with her, which is always a nice dream to Scarlett. . Scarlett’s courageScarlett’s courage can be seen from what she does to protect her family and her second marriage to Frank. When Scarlett return Tara, the Tara's former overseer, Yankee Jonas Wilkerson, newly a Scallywag, raises the taxes on Tara to force the O'Haras out so that he and his wife can live there. In order to save Tara, Scarlett goes to Atlanta and gets Rhett to give her the money to pay the taxes. She soon finds out Rhett is in jail and unable to help her. She then runs into Frank Kennedy, who is a successful storeowner. Frank, is unable to resist Scarlett's charms, marries her and gives her the tax money. In all, her courage makes her to marry her second husband, Frank, in order to protect Tara, where her family is. 2. 4. Scarlett’s strong willScarlett’s strong will is reflected when she return back to Tara. At that time, Scarlett finds the house in Tara in ruins, the crops burned, most of the slaves run off, her mother dead, her father demented, and her two sisters sick with typhoid. Some of her npillaging of the Yankees and they share with her all that is possible. Therefore, Scarlett forces her family and the slaves to tend fields and pick cotton. During that reconstruction period, a lone Yankee soldier arrives looking to loot and assault Scarlett, she shoots him. In all, the Scarlett’s strong will makes her to do anything to protect Tara and herself. Scarlett has a practical nature and willingness to step on anyone who doesn't have her family's best interests at heart, including her own sister. For example, in her mind, and the circumstances appear to support her thinking, there simply was no choice if they were to keep Tara. Encouraged by her strong willingness to protect Tara, she had to steal and marry Frank Kennedy herself. In fact, what people hate most about her literally enabled her to save the . 5. Scarlett’s strong sense of responsibilityScarlett has a strong sense of responsibility. During the war, she volunteers to take care of the wounded in Atlanta. She has a strong sense of social responsibility, similar as many white women; she takes an active and educated part in the movement to separate the South from the North. To Scarlett, protecting south means to protect her family and the plantation. Atlanta is completely lost from South after Sherman’s campaign. Many people in Atlanta desert their lands and families and escape to other places. Scarlett’s sense of responsibility could be seen from her loves to family and the whole of Tara. Tara is her land and her backbone; she stays and tries her best to preserve Tara no matter what it costs. Moreover, her responsibility can be seen from how she keeps with her promises. Although she agrees to take care of Melanie because she is in love with Ashley and she does not want to upset him, but she eventually does all her best to keep this promise.  . Scarlett’s pursuit of independenceScarlett is an independent woman to some extent. It can be shown when she returns Tara. She starts her business and practice usury, run timber mill, and illegally employ Negroes. Even though she is abused by the southern royalty to be greedy, selfish, shameless, cruel and cold, she is an adventure, an upstart and a great heroine who has survived in the war. In fact, all the people in Tara including the Ashleys are living on Scarlett’s shoulders. Without her help, Melanie and her child would be dead in the war. Without Scarlett to be an evil, Melanie could not be respected as an angel. Therefore, Scarlett is the real respectable person because of her independence and strong characteristic. It might be arguable that Scarlett is not a fully independent woman at first, because she is a spoiled girl at first, and then she relied on men to get through the challenges in her life. However, eventually after she goes back to Tara, she becomes an independent woman, she owns her business and she looks after her family and other people in Tara with h III. An analysis of Scarlett’s demerits in her . Scarlett’s selfishness and coldnessScarlett’s selfishness and coldness could be reflected from her attempts to get Ashley in any mean. Against the background of war, Scarlett stays in Atlanta and enjoys the company of Rhett; on the other hand, she continues to carry a torch for Ashley. She does not really care about how Melanie feels about her relationship with Ashley, and she is willing to destroy Melanie’s marriage. The day Ashley leaves, Scarlett once again reveals her feelings to him, hoping Ashley will also break down and allow he to tell Scarlett that he loves her too. Ashley makes Scarlett promise that she will look after Melanie and see his family through the upcoming crisis in his absence. Scarlett blindly agrees to his promise. As Ashley intends to leave, Scarlett clings to him desperately and they share a passionate, forbidden embrace. From an ethical point of view, it is not right to destroy anybody else’s family, particularly Melanie is her relative. However, she still does it because she is selfish, she does not care the consequence, she just want to get love from Ashley

Part of Scarlett's enduring charm for women is her feminism, though recent critics have pointed out that many events in the novel are degrading to women. There is Rhett's ravishing of Scarlett (after which Scarlett is shown to have enjoyed herself immensely), Scarlett's apparent need of a man to be happy (whether it's Ashley Wilkes or Rhett Butler), and Melanie's sweet but submissive character (who is much adored by everyone).On the other hand, there have been many defenses for this. First of all, Melanie is not offensive to women, she is simply a more traditional character. Many believe the 'rape scene' quickly becomes consensual (this theory is backed by the novel Scarlett, although it was not written by Mitchell). And again, Scarlett is an individual character, and her need for a man should not be interpreted as is by far the most developed character in Gone with the Wind. She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top," but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of of Scarlett's lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!," "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!", have become modern between Scarlett and the actress who played her (Vivien Leigh) are striking:Both had strong career ambitions, and wanted little to do with motherhood. Both swore they would never again have a 's father was Irish, and her mother was French. Leigh's mother was Irish and father was Scarlett and Leigh were famed for their appearance, their heart-shaped faces, their unusual eyes, and petite body were reputed to be "difficult" in relationships.



