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《英语广场》内容比较时尚、青春,当中所写的文章都是中学生比较感兴趣的。每期杂志开头都有2页彩色印刷的关于名人的语录。杂志分为“In every issue每期必有”“Readd&Recite美文诵典”“In the news快报""VIP人物”“Discovery发现”“Speak smart脱口而出”“Teen Topic话题”“Over there那边”“Movie上映”“Literary World名篇”“Sports体育”“Read for fun轻松阅读”“Living English实战英语”“Music音乐”“Chicken Soup心灵鸡汤”几个模块。推荐推荐。。。。而且难度不大,并且附有中英文对照,而且有生词解释等.而且价格不高, 《英语角》“说时尚美语的第一选择”“一本地道、时髦、好玩、实用的美语口语杂志”就我个人意见来说《英语角》还是不错的,内容有点像剧本,主要是通过人物之间的对话这种方式去提高口语(表达)能力的——每一篇东东都有列举相关的句型句式并进行剖析,而且针对不同的对话背景有相关的背景介绍(文化)。中英对译。难度不大,适合初中生阅读(阅读年龄:14~20岁)《英语画刊》(初一~初三)针对不同水平的学生而量身定做。主要栏目有名著之窗、国际新闻、风云人物、时文阅读、五洲四海、卡通列车、文娱天地、体育之窗、我们的园地、英语作文、妙语如珠、你问我答、课测练习、学习指导、阅读理解、科技纵横、文化博览、趣味小品、幽默与笑话等众多栏目,并配有与英语教学同步的练习和中、高考复习资料。《疯狂英语中学版》我还是觉得难度稍微大了点,而且可读性不太强(我买过一本,但觉得没有兴趣去看)也不妨可以考虑一下报纸:《二十一世纪学生英文报》有初一~高三版,以阅读材料为主,而且分为8个版面-主版(热点),时事频道,青春校园(讲述校园故事),知识之窗(2版),轻松阅读,英语加油站和文娱空间。最重要的是它的内容与课本内容完全无关,不像《英语周报》《英语辅导报》那样,它旨在提高阅读能力和词句积累,而且有阅读提示"teens点金”——包括中考词汇、考点看台、拓展词汇、真题演练等等,我觉得这个挺不错,强烈推荐,订了2年了..

美国有三本著名的旅游杂志可供你参考: Travel MagazineLeisure MagazineTourist Guide Magazine杂志称magazine是没错的,但名字不一定要有 magazine,如 Vogue, Elle, Better Home and Gardens, National Geographic... 都没用magazine 的


《旅游休闲》创刊于2001年,是一本中英文双语具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。《中国旅游》, 国际流行大16 开本,全部采用进口铜版纸彩色精印,中英文对照。美《国家地理杂志》旅游篇:中国概况及历史(中英双语)_《中国旅游》,中英文结合。具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。中国旅游出版社出版。《旅游休闲》创刊于2001年,是一本中英文双语具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。 杂志口号“行走世界,享受生活” 《旅游休闲GOLF》杂志创刊于2004年,是国内唯一一家集旅游、休闲、高尔夫为一体的双语杂志。



按中文文献处理。一篇文章的引用参考部分包括注释和参考文献两部分,注释是作者自己的解释(转引的参考文献也可以放在注释里),参考文献仅需列出参考书或论文的名称、作者、出版社或发表的期刊、著作时间或期刊期数等。注释用圆圈1 2标注,放脚注,参考文献用[1][2]标注,放尾注。有的刊物要求注释和参考文献都要在内文标注,有的刊物对参考文献不要求内文标注,在尾注列出就行。按最新的CNKI规范的要求应是前者。为保险起见,你还是都标吧。注:参考文献如是著作要标页码,论文只要标出期刊是第几期。例:参考文献:[1]金福海.论建立我国的惩罚性赔偿制度[J].中国法学,1994,(3).[2]杨立新.“王海现象”的民法思考——论消费者权益保护中的惩罚性赔偿金[J].河北法学, 1997,(5).[3]金福海.消费者法论[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005:251.[4]闫玮.完善我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿制度[J].太原师范学院学报,2007,(1).[5]梁慧星.<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[J].民商法论丛,2001,(3).[6]王堃.论我国<消费者权益保护法>中的惩罚性赔偿[J].现代商业,194.[7]梁慧星.关于<消费者权益保护法>第49条的解释适用[N].人民法院报,2001-3-29.[8]孔祥俊.公平交易执法前沿问题研究[M].北京:工商出版社,1998:.仅有中介文献信息的“转引自”类文献例: (8)转引自杨兴培:《危险犯质疑》,载《中国法学》2000年第3期。如“转引自”类文献中有原文献,应将其原文献列入文后参考文献。 外文文献各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:[24]JONES R of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.[25]Marcel des Relations Internationales[M]. 4th ed. Paris: Dalloz,1988.[26]CHERNIK B E. Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M]. Littleton,Colo.:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,1982.[27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M]. 3rd International Office for UBC,1977�[28]Klaus Drite Reich[M].Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,1979.[29]Григорян С В.Рудничная Геохимия[M].Москва: Недра,1992.














许多大型检索工具如EI、CA、SA、MR等,都有刊名缩写与全称的对照表,如CA有CASSI(化学文摘资料来源索引)。现在这些检索工具不再出版印刷本,所以就见不到刊名缩写与全称的对照表了。但在与这些检索工具相对应的检索数据库中都有刊名的缩写。英文期刊名称的缩写有一定的规律,一般从英文单词的第二个章节的辅音字母后截掉。如果这样缩写会引起歧义,则向后延伸一个章节,即从第三个章节的辅音字母后截掉。有些单词在期刊名称中出现频繁,则可以截的更短一些。如“Journal”被缩写为一个字母“J”,“American”被缩写成两个字母“Am”。例如:美国化学学会会志“Journal of the American Chemical Society ”的缩写为“J. Am. Chem. Soc.”。需要注意的是:刊名中的虚词(如介词、冠词等)直接被缩掉。


国内统一刊号的英文缩写是CN;International Standard Serial Number的首字母缩写是ISSN;International Standard Book Number的首字母缩写是ISBN。


CN是国内统一刊号的英文缩写,指的是在我国境内注册、国内公开发行的刊物。也就是说正式注册、能够正式出版的刊物刊号都有CN标志,没有CN的International Standard Serial Number)的简称。为伪期刊。CN就像是一个标签一样,凡在刊物这个圈子里的,都带有这个标签。


ISSN是International Standard Serial Number的首字母缩写,即标准国际连续出版物号,是指在我国境地外(国际)注册,国内、外公开发行的刊物。



ISBN是International Standard Book Number的首字母缩写,指的是国际规范书号的简称,与ISSN一个字母之差,其根本区别在于对象的不同。ISSN是发给刊物出版商的,而ISBN是发给书籍出版商的;此外,ISSN编号有8位,ISBN编号有10位。


1、However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard is not so bad as you looks poorest when you are fault-finder will find faults in your life,poor as it may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man\'s abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a town\'s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. 2、不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为他们很伟大以受之无愧。


The first is a form of courtesy, the second may lead to embarrassment. To snarl at play has something of the beast and seems to have more. Audacious raillery is delightful: to stand it proves power. To show oneself annoyed causes the other to be annoyed. Best leave it alone; the surest way not to put on the cap that might fit. The most serious matters have arisen out of jests. Nothing requires more tact and attention. Before you begin to joke know how far the subject of your joke is able to bear it.

前者是一种雅量,后者会让你陷入尴尬。 在玩乐时动不动就发脾气的人如野兽,甚至比野兽还野蛮。绝妙的玩笑令人心情开朗, 而知道怎样接受玩笑则是才能的标记。若你表现出正在生气,那只会让其他人更多地挑剔你。避免被人当成傻瓜的最可靠方法是,最好不去理会。在玩笑中往往会产生严肃的问题。没有比开玩笑需要更多的警觉和技巧的了。在开玩笑之前,要弄清楚对方能承受你的玩笑的程度。

You talk when you stop being at peace with your thoughts. When you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart, you will talk, and the sound becomes a pastime. And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. Thought is like a bird, and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings, but not fly.


There are people who talk ceaselessly for fear of being alone. And there are those who talk, and unknowingly show a truth about themselves which they themselves do not understand. And there are those who have the truth within them, and know it, and for that very reason don’t try to put it into words.


When you meet a friend on the road or in a market, let your spirit move your lips and direct your tongue. Let the voice within your mind speak to the ear of him. His soul will keep the truth of your heart, just as the taste of the wine is remembered when its colour is forgotten.

当你在路边或市场遇见你的朋友时,让你内心的思想控制你的嘴唇,指挥你的舌头。用你内心的声音说给他的耳朵听。 因为他的灵魂会记住你内心的真话,正如美酒的味道会被记住而颜色却会被淡忘一样。

I think each of us has a place that stands out in our memory. I have such a place that often made me happy many years ago. But sometimes I ask myself if this place would be as beautiful as I remember if I were to go back. Perhaps I’ve made it beautiful in my mind.


This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county I loved and grew up in, and part of my childhood. It is in a town named Pikeville.


Pikeville has been polluted by the coal industry, but has this clean place on a hill. The hill has seven old trees, and in summer is covered with wild flowers. I used to go there to sit on a rock, with the colorful flowers all around me.


I liked to go there to lie down on the grass, listen to the wind, kiss the flowers and watch the leaves moving. The wind seemed part of my breath, the leaves part of my song, and the flowers part of my purity, while the trees were my friends. I used to hug them every time I went there.


The place meant so much to me because it was clean and quiet in a world of noise and dirt. I hope it is still the beautiful place that I remember.


随着全球化与多元 文化 的发展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广泛使用。下面就是我给大家整理的中英文对照 文章 阅读,希望大家喜欢。中英文对照文章阅读:可怕的东西 A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements. It was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood and had intricate carvings all around its base, like moons and stars and other cosmic stuff, I don't really remember it that well except they were very detailed and looked hand carved. We didn't think much of it at the time because we were black widow hunting (not one of our smarter ideas, but it was a rush when we found one). I'd also like to say that we don't drink, do drugs, or anything that would mess with your mind like that. Day turned to night and we had given up our hunt and started playing X-Box. We got bored shortly after. So one of my friends decided to go the board. When he brought it back I swear it had grown at least a foot in all directions from the last time I saw it (not important, it just intrigued me). Anyway we went on to ask it stuff and nothing happened, so my other friend went to his computer and looked up some ancient druid chant to open some vortex thing. I don't know the specifics; no one else went with him. All he did was print out what we were supposed to say, it was mostly just weird word combinations and a few summoning phrases I can't remember. This was almost a year ago, I do remember feeling pretty silly going through with it. This I remember clearly though, the same friend who got the paper all of a sudden asks for it to give us a sign. Of all the stupid things to do... well I was very upset with him, but he defended himself by saying that's what the site told him to do. As it turns out it said not to ask for a sign or anything else like that. It even put it in all caps and bolded, too. Well after that he was pretty embarrassed, but nothing happened for about a half hour. So we just gave up ghosts for the night (our attention spans couldn't handle nothing happening for that long). Later we got back on the X-Box and started playing, I think it was Halo when we heard my friend's parents get home, it was about 9 pm, about an hour early. So he decided to go into the garage and jump out when they got out of the car. Well he waited about 10 minutes just sitting there before he decided to look out a window and no one was there. While he was looking he heard about two inches from his ear someone smacking their lips like they had dry mouth and were preparing to speak. When he spun around there was no one there, which is about when he came walking back to the basement at a very brisk pace. While we were down there we heard a number of doors slamming and knocks over our head like someone was kneeling and punching the floor over and over. Which doesn't sound that scary, but it was the most frightening experience of my life. Then some guy started screaming bloody murder down the hall from us in the basement. When I looked down the hall I saw what looked like a transparent hunchback limping toward us. The way he was moving was not like a normal person would, it was like a glitching computer; he would "jump" forward, backward or to a side, then back to his normal place again. It was just strange. After this I ran faster than my legs could take me out of his house, forgetting my friends until I stopped across the street and noticed they were right behind me. I guess they didn't see the guy, but when they saw me running they felt like they were snapped out of a trance. After that nothing major happened in his house and I was only in his basement long enough to move the TV and X-Box upstairs. It might have been the chant but I am almost sure it was his invitation that provoked it. 一天我和几个朋友玩的时候,在地下室里发现了一块显灵板。那东西很不错,不是那种批量生产的塑胶品,这块显灵板是木制的,底座上布满很精细的 雕刻 图案,好象是月亮星星之类的宇宙中存在的东西,图案我记得不是很清楚了,但我记得那些图案看起来像是手雕的,非常精细。我们当时并没对它太在意,因为正忙着抓黑寡妇蜘蛛。(虽然不是什么好主意,但当我们真的抓住一只的时候,大家都很兴奋。)我想说的是我们没喝酒也没吸毒,没参与任何会让头脑混乱的事情。天黑了,我们便不再抓蜘蛛,开始玩X盒子的游戏,但没玩一会儿,我们就厌倦了。于是,一位朋友提议玩通灵板。 当他把通灵板拿来的时候,我确信它比我刚才看到时面积至少大了一平方英尺(不过没什么大不了的,这倒正好激发我的兴趣)。我们开始对着它提问但什么都没发生。于是,我的另一位朋友便去用他的电脑查了一些能把灵异之物开启的咒语。 我不知道具体细节,他是一个人去的,他只是把我们需要说的话都打印了出来。不过是些诡异的字眼的组合以及一些召唤用语。具体内容我不记得了。这事发生在大约一年前,我只记得当时看那张纸时觉得真是傻极了。我还清楚地记得那个去打印那张纸的朋友突然说让通灵板给他一个暗示,真是奇傻无比,我被他弄得心烦意乱的,但他辩解说网站上就是这样说的。后来事实证明,网站上写的是千万不能向通灵板要什么暗示之类的东西,这警告还是用大写字母,用黑体字特意标出的。 然后,他尴尬极了,半个小时过去了,还是什么都没发生。于是我们便放弃了在那晚见到鬼魂的念头(我们的注意力可没办法忍受那么长时间的无事发生)。我们就又玩起了X盒子。大约九点的时候,我们听到一个朋友的父母回来了,比预期的时间早了一个小时。于是,他藏在车库里,打算等他们下车的时候跳出来吓吓他们。他在车库里坐了大约10分钟,还没等到父母,便探头向窗外望去,但外边根本没人。忽然他听到在他耳边大概两英寸的地方,有人在吧唧着嘴,像是说话前要润润嘴巴似的。他猛地转过身,却没看到人,他吓得赶紧以最快的速度跑回地下室。 中英文对照文章阅读:The goose that laid the golden eggs 下金蛋的鹅 A man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided to kill it in order to secure the whole store of precious metal at once. But when they cut it open they found it was just like any other goose. Thus, they neither got rich all at once, as they had hoped, nor enjoyed any longer the daily addition to their wealth. Much wants more and loses all. 有一对夫妇非常幸运,他们有一只每天下一枚金蛋的鹅。尽管非常幸运,可他们很快就觉得财富增加得还不够快,不仅如此,他们还以为这只鹅的内脏肯定也是金的。于是,他们决定杀掉它,这样就能立刻得到全部珍宝了。然而,他们把鹅开膛破肚之后,却发现和其他鹅没有什么两样。如此,他们既没有像当初希望得那样一夜暴富,也不能再享有与日俱增的好运气了。 贪多必失。 中英文对照文章阅读:Do not throw good things away 不要把好东西扔掉 A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。”然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。



Graduation thesis或Graduation paper




