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the In China, many industrial ligament developing productivity high precision machining equipments imported from abroad, such as CNC lathe, milling machine, etc, and have several function of machine together in processing center, etc. In this kind of CNC machine greatly enhanced the work product machining accuracy, speed and reduce the labor intensity of work, so popular. But this kind of equipment, the introduction is also very expensive, so many domestic enterprises in the technical personnel of the original old machine, to improve productivity and reduce labor intensity, industrial automation, this kind of improvement is also very popular. I think for ordinary led by a set of machine design on the manipulator, to reduce feeding time, reduce labor intensity. Manipulator is a kind of imitation of the upper body movement machine, it can be scheduled according to request type or holds the automation tool operation of technical equipment, industrial automation, promote the production of industrial production of the further development plays an important role. The powerful vitality and the extensive attention by people, and welcome. Industrial robots can replace the hands of heavy labor, significantly reduce labor intensity, and improve labor productivity and automation level. Industrial production often appears in the heavy work frequently, handling and long-term operation, if not drab robots that labor intensity is high, sometimes even with employees, driving speed greatly retard, this kind of circumstance using manipulator is very effective. In addition, it can be in high temperature, low temperature, water, the universe, reflective and other toxic, environmental pollution condition on the operation. More show its superiority, has broad prospects. 希望对你有帮助,

摘要 在中国工业韧带发展中,很多高生产率高精度的机械加工设备从国外引进,比如数控车床和铣床等,还有把几种机床的功能集中在一起的加工中心等。总之这类 CNC机床大大的提高了工作速度,产品的加工精度,降低了工作的劳动强度,所以大受欢迎。但是这类设备引进费用也是相当的昂贵,所以国内很多企业的技术人员在原先的旧机床上进行改进,来达到提高生产率和降低工人的劳动强度,实现工业自动化,这类改进同样也大受欢迎。 我由引想到为普通机床配套设计一套上料机械手,来起到减少上料的时间,减轻工人劳动强度的目的。机械手是一种模仿人体上肢运动的机器,它能按照预定要求输送工种或握持工具进行操作的自动化技术设备,对实现工业生产自动化,推动工业生产的进一步发展起着重要作用。因而具有强大的生命力,受到人们的广泛重视和欢迎。 工业机械手可以代替人手的繁重劳动,显著减轻工人的劳动强度,提高 劳动生产率和自动化水平。工业生产中经常出现的笨重工件的搬运和长期频繁,单调的操作,如果没有机械手那么工人的劳动强度是很高的,有时候还要用行车员工件,生产速度大大延缓,这种情况采用机械手是很有效的。此外,它能在高温、低温、深水、宇宙、反射性和其他有毒、有污染环境条件上进行操作。更显其优越性,有着广阔的发展前途。关键词:机械手,CNC,自动化 In China, many industrial ligament developing productivity high precision machining equipments imported from abroad, such as CNC lathe, milling machine, etc, and have several function of machine together in processing center, etc. In this kind of CNC machine greatly enhanced the work product machining accuracy, speed and reduce the labor intensity of work, so popular. But this kind of equipment, the introduction is also very expensive, so many domestic enterprises in the technical personnel of the original old machine, to improve productivity and reduce labor intensity, industrial automation, this kind of improvement is also very popular.I think for ordinary led by a set of machine design on the manipulator, to reduce feeding time, reduce labor intensity. Manipulator is a kind of imitation of the upper body movement machine, it can be scheduled according to request type or holds the automation tool operation of technical equipment, industrial automation, promote the production of industrial production of the further development plays an important role. The powerful vitality and the extensive attention by people, and welcome.Industrial robots can replace the hands of heavy labor, significantly reduce labor intensity, and improve labor productivity and automation level. Industrial production often appears in the heavy work frequently, handling and long-term operation, if not drab robots that labor intensity is high, sometimes even with employees, driving speed greatly retard, this kind of circumstance using manipulator is very effective. In addition, it can be in high temperature, low temperature, water, the universe, reflective and other toxic, environmental pollution condition on the operation. More show its superiority, has broad prospects.









Manipulator is often used in the field of industrial automation to automatically capture an operation of the device, and more for the automatic production line, automatic machine loading and unloading, CNC equipment, automatic tool changing device. As the pneumatic technology is compressed air as the medium to gas source for the power of the energy transfer technology, operational reliability, long life, no pollution to environment, so the manipulator drive system are often used in pneumatic technology. Pneumatic robot as a manipulator, it has a simple structure, light weight, fast, stable, reliable, energy-saving advantages and do not pollute the environment has been widely used. Therefore, pneumatic manipulator has important practical value. This is a KNT-P301 Pneumatic Manipulator Training Equipment for the study, using PLC to control the operation of pneumatic manipulator. This paper studies the pneumatic manipulator based on PLC control system. Finally, PLC software programming flow chart for the end of the line hardware and software debugging.

Industrial automatic control manipulator is often used in the field of a kind of automatic crawl, operation of the device used in automatic production line, automata up-down material, nc equipment automatic change device. The pneumatic technology is compressed air as medium, powered by gas transmission technology, its energy, high reliability, long service life, no pollution to environment and so on the drive system using manipulator in pneumatic technology. Pneumatic manipulator as a manipulator, it has simple structure, light weight, rapid and stable, reliable, energy-saving and polluting the environment advantages and widely application. Therefore, the study of pneumatic manipulator has important practical value. This paper is KNT - P301 pneumatic manipulator training device for research object, use PLC to control the operation of pneumatic manipulator.This paper mainly studies the pneumatic manipulator based on PLC control system.









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论文先给你粘一部分看看,再加二十分,发给你一份,或者50元卖给你目录摘要 1第一章 机械手设计任务书 11.1毕业设计目的 11.2本课题的内容和要求 2第二章 抓取机构设计 42.1手部设计计算 42.2腕部设计计算 72.3臂伸缩机构设计 8第三章 液压系统原理设计及草图 113.1手部抓取缸 113.2腕部摆动液压回路 123.3小臂伸缩缸液压回路 133.4总体系统图 14第四章 机身机座的结构设计 154.1电机的选择 164.2减速器的选择 174.3螺柱的设计与校核 17第五章 机械手的定位与平稳性 195.1常用的定位方式 195.2影响平稳性和定位精度的因素 195.3机械手运动的缓冲装置 20第六章 机械手的控制 21第七章 机械手的组成与分类 227.1机械手组成 227.2机械手分类 24第八章 机械手Solidworks三维造型 258.1上手爪造型 268.2螺栓的绘制 30毕业设计感想 35参考资料 36送料机械手设计及Solidworks运动仿真摘要本课题是为普通车床配套而设计的上料机械手。工业机械手是工业生产的必然产物,它是一种模仿人体上肢的部分功能,按照预定要求输送工件或握持工具进行操作的自动化技术设备,对实现工业生产自动化,推动工业生产的进一步发展起着重要作用。因而具有强大的生命力受到人们的广泛重视和欢迎。实践证明,工业机械手可以代替人手的繁重劳动,显著减轻工人的劳动强度,改善劳动条件,提高劳动生产率和自动化水平。工业生产中经常出现的笨重工件的搬运和长期频繁、单调的操作,采用机械手是有效的。此外,它能在高温、低温、深水、宇宙、放射性和其他有毒、污染环境条件下进行操作,更显示其优越性,有着广阔的发展前途。本课题通过应用AutoCAD 技术对机械手进行结构设计和液压传动原理设计,运用Solidworks技术对上料机械手进行三维实体造型,并进行了运动仿真,使其能将基本的运动更具体的展现在人们面前。它能实行自动上料运动;在安装工件时,将工件送入卡盘中的夹紧运动等。上料机械手的运动速度是按着满足生产率的要求来设定。关键字 机械手,AutoCAD,Solidworks 。第一章 机械手设计任务书1.1毕业设计目的毕业设计是学生完成本专业教学计划的最后一个极为重要的实践性教学环节,是使学生综合运用所学过的基本理论、基本知识与基本技能去解决专业范围内的工程技术问题而进行的一次基本训练。这对学生即将从事的相关技术工作和未来事业的开拓都具有一定意义。其主要目的:一、 培养学生综合分析和解决本专业的一般工程技术问题的独立工作能力,拓宽和深化学生的知识。二、 培养学生树立正确的设计思想,设计构思和创新思维,掌握工程设计的一般程序规范和方法。三、 培养学生树立正确的设计思想和使用技术资料、国家标准等手册、图册工具书进行设计计算,数据处理,编写技术文件等方面的工作能力。四、 培养学生进行调查研究,面向实际,面向生产,向工人和技术人员学习的基本工作态度,工作作风和工作方法。1.2本课题的内容和要求(一、)原始数据及资料(1、)原始数据:a、 生产纲领:100000件(两班制生产)b、 自由度(四个自由度)臂转动180º臂上下运动 500mm臂伸长(收缩)500mm手部转动 ±180º(2、)设计要求:a、上料机械手结构设计图、装配图、各主要零件图(一套)b、液压原理图(一张)c、机械手三维造型d、动作模拟仿真e、设计计算说明书(一份)(3、)技术要求主要参数的确定:a、坐标形式:直角坐标系b、臂的运动行程:伸缩运动500mm,回转运动180º。c、运动速度:使生产率满足生产纲领的要求即可。d、控制方式:起止设定位置。e、定位精度:±0.5mm。f、手指握力:392Ng、驱动方式:液压驱动。(二、)料槽形式及分析动作要求( 1、)料槽形式由于工件的形状属于小型回转体,此种形状的零件通常采用自重输送的输料槽,如图1.1所示,该装置结构简单,不需要其它动力源和特殊装置,所以本课题采用此种输料槽。图1.1机械手安装简易图(2、)动作要求分析如图1.2所示动作一:送 料动作二:预夹紧动作三:手臂上升动作四:手臂旋转动作五:小臂伸长动作六:手腕旋转预夹紧手臂上升手臂旋转小臂伸长手腕旋转手臂转回图1.2 要求分析第二章 抓取机构设计


