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3.含蓄条件句在商务英语中的作用 3. Implicitly conditional on the role of Business English Implicitly refers to non-conditional conditions IF sentence guide. The most common verbs or other parts of speech have come from changes in terms of sentence structure. Terms of the structure of the sentence often contains conditions, reasons, such as semantic purpose. This is the English meaning of a sentence together. Of the structure of English noun phrases commonly used in English letters, documents in a formal style. Business English the official language, refining, strict terms, standardization, and often a certain format and cliches. This is the practical business of English foreign trade in the inquiry message, one of commonly used sentence: "Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated. As soon as possible if you reply to our specific inquiry, would be grateful." Sentence subject reply comes from the verb changes in the term part of the whole subject with the semantic conditions. 4. The conditions in question the role of business negotiations Question conditions (conditional question) is "a condition of a question sentence +" component, this question can be a special question or general questions. There are two typical sentence: "What + ... if ...?" And "If ... + then?". In international business activities, the use of the conditions of the particular question with a lot of advantages: (1) to obtain other information. Offer in the negotiations and offer stage, the question can be used to test conditions for a better understanding of the specific circumstances of each other in order to modify their offers or offer. For example: Our side asked: What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract? Answer each other: What if we modify our specifications, would you consider a large order? Answer from the other side, we can determine the other concern is the long-term cooperation. Well, after this new information will help the negotiations. (2) mutual concessions. Questions posed by the conditions of offer and acceptance of our proposal is based on the premise of the conditions, in other words, only when the other side to accept our offer when we set up the offer. Therefore, we will not be made unilaterally by the binding site, nor will any party to make unilateral concessions, and only each other concessions in order to be successful transaction. (3) (the search for common ground. If the other party refused the conditions we have, we can pose other conditions of the conditions of the new questions, a new round of offers, the other conditions may also be used to question our offer. Both sides are doing mutual concession after concession, until they reached important common ground. (4) instead of the negative No. In international business negotiations, as far as possible to avoid direct use of "No" to refuse such a blunt tone, it would seem impolite to make negotiations easier, resulting in the failure of negotiations. Such as when we can not agree with the other party's request can be made in the form of question conditions. For example: Large quantities of home-made washing machines have been popular on the local market. The quality is good, and the price per set is just 190 yuan.How can the wshing machining be salable if we import yours at 380 yuan per set? Recently, in the local market a large number of domestic washing machines are very popular. Their quality good, price is only 190 yuan each. If we take the price of 380 each import your products, how can it sell? (Solon, 2001) Do not ask each other because they refuse to lose each other's cooperation, but refused to allow the other their own requirements. This will continue to cooperate to retain the future possibility. (5) to avoid foreign exchange arising from different cultural misunderstanding ambiguity. The culture of countries around the world is not the same. Therefore, in the international business activities, often in different countries due to cultural misunderstanding ambiguous. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstanding, and often the use of the Interpretation Act. Question the use of conditions is a very tactful way. III Conclusion English sentence in terms of business negotiations, and its language features and frequency of use appears that we are worthy of careful study. Business English English as a branch, it is increasingly in the international business activities of its importance. References: [1] Solon: "business English" [M]. Beijing: China Textile Press, 2001, 54,57,58,555 [2] Liu Central: Business English language translation of the characteristics and [J]. Shanghai: foreign language study in June 2006 published in the second half of its [3] Cao Ling Zhao Lei Zhao Xuemei Zhang: Business English negotiation [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001,41 [4] Park, LI Kui Liu Zheng: "International Business Negotiation" (second edition) [M]. Beijing: Foreign Trade and Economic University Press, 2006, 174 ~ 176








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非可 二维数组需要更复杂的策略的大小来确定 非分区比一个用于线性数组。这种复杂性是一种结果 凹凸不平的低密度的大型以及需要获得一个简单的沟通模式之间的细胞。这最后的需求导致了配置 邻居的部分都G-nodes相同宽度在相同的垂直位置 这个G-graph以及部分同样的高度,g-nodes都在同一水平位置,如图8点。例如,如果部分的映射 一个G-node(√√)k,钾大小(n),重度,中度的宽度,然后给我,G-nodes(√k)是重度,和高度的部分(√为G-nodes钾,j),如何- p 曾经,密度不是固定的大型,所以,如果负荷分配到G - 节点(√√k)是钾,接近理想的平均分配,然后加载到至少一次 G-node(我,或(√√)不是k,j。类似的情况下发生的任何其他G-node。 图8点选择一个分区大小的非统一的划分为二维数组。P343 我们提出一种启发式分配策略的二维数组 首先确定大小的G-nodes对角线。一旦这些对角G-nodes有 确定G-nodes大小的确定off-diagonal从十字路口 的宽度和高度的部分倒塌到相应的对角线 节点,如图8点。G-nodes为斜,我们提出以下 方法,也就是在Figure8.25: 。理想的平均负荷计算G-node为整个问题。分配 submeshes,从大型G-node(√k,直到它√钾高于 理想的平均水平。 “排除所有节点的大型垂直或者水平的途径相交 与节点分配给G-node(√√k)k。 一个新的平均负荷的计算每G-node其余部分的大型网络 假设一个数组中

非可 二维数组需要更复杂的策略的大小来确定 非分区比一个用于线性数组。这种复杂性是一种结果 凹凸不平的低密度的大型以及需要获得一个简单的沟通模式之间的细胞。这最后的需求导致了配置 邻居的部分都G-nodes相同宽度在相同的垂直位置 这个G-graph以及部分同样的高度,g-nodes都在同一水平位置,如图8点。例如,如果部分的映射 一个G-node(√√)k,钾大小(n),重度,中度的宽度,然后给我,G-nodes(√k)是重度,和高度的部分(√为G-nodes钾,j),如何- p 曾经,密度不是固定的大型,所以,如果负荷分配到G - 节点(√√k)是钾,接近理想的平均分配,然后加载到至少一次 G-node(我,或(√√)不是k,j。类似的情况下发生的任何其他G-node。 图8点选择一个分区大小的非统一的划分为二维数组。P343 我们提出一种启发式分配策略的二维数组 首先确定大小的G-nodes对角线。一旦这些对角G-nodes有 确定G-nodes大小的确定off-diagonal从十字路口 的宽度和高度的部分倒塌到相应的对角线 节点,如图8点。G-nodes为斜,我们提出以下 方法,也就是在Figure8.25: 。理想的平均负荷计算G-node为整个问题。分配 submeshes,从大型G-node(√k,直到它√钾高于 理想的平均水平。 “排除所有节点的大型垂直或者水平的途径相交 与节点分配给G-node(√√k)k。 一个新的平均负荷的计算每G-node其余部分的大型网络 假设一个数组中(√)ce1ls k-1 k-1、√)。submeshes分配的 对G-node(√剩下的大型k-1 k-1√),直到其负荷高于新平均。 “重复最后两个步骤,直至达到G -节点(左、左),减少每一次 有效的尺寸的大型… 这个结果,应用该技术的LU分解 在数字8.26和8.24相应的估计,性能 注意,与线性案例,对角细胞总是分配 负荷大于理想的平均水平。而且,这个平均增幅从PE(√钾、√k)。 体育(1)。这些结果的不均匀密度的大型的 图8.26负荷细胞在二维均匀,可(n = 200,凯西(16)。 启发式教学,可以改善计算理想的平均负载的平均水平 在对角G-nodes负载得到运用以上新平均在一个新的 对G-nodes submeshes分配。
















1. The Cost Control of the Entire Engineering Project Process in Line with International Standards2. A Brief Introduction to Project Cost Management of Construction Enterprises

The Entire Process Project Cost Control with International StandardDiscussion on the Project Cost Management in Building Construction Enterprises说明:1)根据题意,全过程和工程造价控制不宜分开,即使要分也只能是全过程控制与项目造价分开,即The Entire Process Control of the Project Cost with International Standard;2)与国际接轨用with international standard比较好


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