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欧内斯特·海明威是美国20世纪最杰出的作家之一。他一生充满传奇色彩,最后以自己枪击头部结束了生命。他的一生共创作了17部作品,获得过多项文学大奖。他的作品成为上世纪20年代迷惘一代作品的代表作,对后人产生了深远的影响。 自他的作品问世之日起学术界对他作品的研究就从来没有间断过。美国学界普遍认为海明威的《太阳照常升起》是美国现代小说史上的经典之作。从1926 年小说问世至今,批评者对该小说的研究不断深化。他的创作在欧美文坛产生巨大影响,甚至在美国引起一场文学革命。 在国外的研究中,对《太阳照常升起》的最初评论和研究,受当时的资料限制,以及一战后美国特定的历史文化语境影响,人们多集中在小说与“迷惘的一代”的关系这一话题范围内,将该小说与一战后自我流放到巴黎去的青年人及海明威本人的生活经验联系在一起,称作者是“迷惘的一代”的代言人。20 世纪30 年代,受经济大萧条的影响,人们对《太阳照常升起》的关注较少。20 世纪40 年代,受第二次世界大战的影响,评论界对《太阳照常升起》的评论出现了两种截然不同的观点。艾德蒙·威尔逊认为在《太阳照常升起》中,杰克是惟一一个在痛苦中坚守个人操行准则的人。与威尔逊意见相左的是亨利·赛德尔·肯拜。他将该小说与19 世纪的英美文学传统进行了比较研究后得出结论,认为19 世纪小说中的主人公不管最终是成功还是失败,都具有良好的意志品格,但是“, 在《太阳照常升起》中,所有的人物既缺乏良好的意志品格,也不具备任何形式的意志力。”“他们没有道德责任感,这是一部关于失败主义者的小说。普林斯顿大学的文学教授卡洛斯·贝克的著作《作为艺术家的作家———海明威》是学界第一本专论海明威的著作。贝克首次对《太阳照常升起》中的小说人物进行了细致的心理分析。马克·斯毕尔卡在《< 太阳照常升起> 中的爱情的死亡》一文中则认为,海明威在小说中集中揭示了20世纪20 年代由一战的创伤所带来的爱情死亡这一具有普遍性的主题。海明威的作品紧紧契合着时代的流动脉搏,以深刻的洞察力和感受力,表现了人类在一个特定时代的生存状态以及精神饱受磨励的艰辛历程。 国内对海明威《太阳照常升起》的研究也从未间断。2003年由顾玲发表的他们何以成了飘零的灵魂———《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘的一代”透视。她的论文具体的描述了《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘一代人”的特点。2002年的十堰职业技术Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. In 2002 the vocational and technical Shiyan

文学院的毕业论文,如果想要稳,就是拿个差不多的分,一般还是写比较的论文,就是几个有一定联系的作者或者作品或者意识流派等等的比较分析。这样的文章必定稳,至少过线是可以保证的,至于分数有多高就要看个人的角度还有文采了,这个可以向你导师好好请教。如果是想要出彩的话,还是专门研究一种事物的好,不过这个比较难。因为一般的专业领域都有人在研究,大学四年很难把某个领域的东西吃透,别的不说,就是这个作者的相关作品还有关于他的各种研究观点,你就很难完全领会掌握,更不要说在自己的论文中灵活运用了。所以这种题目一般来说做起来会很费功夫,然后还出不了彩,因为基本上你的观点都是别人研究过的了。不过呢,这种题目还可以走一种偏一点的路子,就是把另一学科的知识或另一种流派的观点拿来分析你定下来的那个作者或作品,就是剑走偏锋啦,这样的文章一般容易出彩,但是也容易出问题,就看你个人的驾驭了。下面以过来人的经验谈谈答辩哈,希望对你有用啊。一定要注意和指导老师保持良好的联系,指导老师一般只要你表现出认真诚恳,乖乖听话,就没问题的。如果答辩的时候遇到自己的指导老师那真是几辈子修的福分啊,因为即使有其他答辩老师故意刁难,你的指导老师都会帮你解围的,谁也不想自己指导的学生在别人面前丢人对吧,而且最后的分数还会超常的高噢。就算答辩时没遇到指导老师,也会出现答辩老师看在你指导老师的面子上放你一马的现象,所以那些分配到在院系位置威望高的指导老师的同学有福了。在写论文的过程中如果可以向你们指导老师求救的话最好,就是你感觉这个是和作弊等火线没有关系的,就像他求救。越是严格的导师一般越是喜欢一个劲请教自己的学生。如果在答辩前,你的导师都不熟悉你,叫不出你的名字,你就惨了。告诉你,你的导师和你的关系简单来说就是同伙。他是你老大,你跟着他走,事事顺她的心,那么关键时刻你老大也不会丢下你不管的 。还有,你的东西做好以后,要仔细询问她,哪些地方是答辩老师会询问的,老师们询问的角度会是什么。他带过那么多届学生,如果你想答辩有一个不错的分数的话就好好向她请教吧。 我们那时写论文,在动笔之前,我们就每一个都是拼命问该怎么做,几乎把每一段的段落分布都问出来了,然后再一稿二稿三稿的让导师过。所以最后我们写的东西都完全是按照老师的思路来的哈哈哈……答辩就是这么回事╮(╯▽╰)╭

以下内容仅供参考:Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.

呵呵,写毕业论文吧,我的给你参考下课题名称 从《太阳照常升起》浅谈美国迷惘一代一、研究的目的和意义《太阳照常升起》向人们展示了一幅战后荒原的画卷,生活在其中的荒原人不仅身体千疮百孔,精神也失去了家园。他们迷惘的,痛苦的,如行尸走肉般的生活着。研究《太阳照常升起》的目的是为了分析美国迷惘一代对于战争和生活的态度:他们之所以对生活失去信念是由于战争的创伤,但他们并未因此失去对人性的渴望。在当今世界,和平和发展成为两大主题的背景下,研究迷惘一代的悲剧生活,意义在于揭示战争的残酷性,发扬中华民族以和为贵精神,指导我们的生活。二、国内外研究现状和发展趋势美国青年巴恩斯在第一次世界大战中脊椎受伤,失去性能力,战后在巴黎任记者时与英国人阿施利夫人相爱,夫人一味追求享乐,而他只能借酒浇愁。两人和一帮男 女朋友去西班牙潘普洛纳参加斗牛节,追求精神刺激。夫人拒绝了犹太青年科恩的苦苦追求,却迷上了年仅十九岁的斗牛士罗梅罗。然而,在相处了一段日子以后, 由于双方年龄实在悬殊,而阿施利夫人又不忍心毁掉纯洁青年的前程,这段恋情黯然告终。夫人最终回到了巴恩斯身边,尽管双方都清楚,彼此永远也不能真正地结 合在一起。这是海明威的第一部长篇小说,作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的代言人,并以此书开创海明威式的独特文风。三、研究的主要内容及预期目标研究迷惘的一代”作家的共同点。第一次世界大战爆发时,他们大多是20岁左右的年轻人。他们在美国政府“拯救世界民主”口号的蛊惑下,怀着民主的理想,奔赴欧洲战场。他们目睹人类空前的大屠杀,发现战争远不是他们原来设想的那种英雄的事业都是人的东西。他们在战争中经历了种种苦难,了解到普通兵士中间的反战情绪。这在他们心灵中留下了无法医治。研究迷惘的一代人的共同点:他们目睹了那场人类空前的大屠杀,生活经历种种苦难,深受“民主”、“光荣”、“牺牲”口号的欺,对社会、人生大感失望。结合现状谈谈研究迷惘一代对现实意义。四、研究的基本方法和基本思路根据作者海明威创作《太阳照常升起》时期的经历,结合当时的政治、经济、文化背景,理解作者的创作意图和创作思想,对美国迷惘一代形成,发展,表现进行全面分析。五、任务完成的阶段内容及进度安排论文初稿阶段,为期 40 天,阅读相关文学最新研究成果,进行理论分析、论证,收集整理相关资料,确定论文提纲,开始撰写论文;论文二稿阶段,为期 60 天,根据导师对初稿的修改意见进行修改、补充和完善,注意论述层次,调整文章结构。论文终稿阶段,为期 30 天,根据导师对二稿的修改意见进行修改,注意语言表达,规范论文格式。七、完成论文所具备的条件收集了有关《太阳照常升起》的资料及相关学术论文,本科阶段学习了英美文学课程,基本掌握文学作品分析批评的基本理论和方法;同时,从选题开题到初稿阶段学生在校,能当面指导文献检索和科研方法,解答理论理解和运用方面的问题;能够方便使用图书馆、阅览室和校园网。



Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。









以下内容仅供参考:Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.


Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. 2002 Shiyan Vocational Technical College, LU Wei and Sun Yuan published a "how they become wandering soul - On" The Sun Also Rises "in a number of prominent figures in the spiritual world," the novels of a few The main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the images," The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" the four characters from the novel image to reveal the theme of the novel. 1996 Journal of Xuchang Teachers College at Choi Wan-sheng, Zhang Hui plant in bloom. "Published prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "Analysis of them from the four analytical point of view," The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University, in a newspaper published by the Health and bamboo, "the two sides were at a loss of life -" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed at a loss of life status. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few three-dimensional, multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises". In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, the performance of his existential philosophy of life: the myth of the world, nothing in the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and To create meaning, the order of the United States.仅供参考,请自借鉴。希望对您有帮助。

文学院的毕业论文,如果想要稳,就是拿个差不多的分,一般还是写比较的论文,就是几个有一定联系的作者或者作品或者意识流派等等的比较分析。这样的文章必定稳,至少过线是可以保证的,至于分数有多高就要看个人的角度还有文采了,这个可以向你导师好好请教。如果是想要出彩的话,还是专门研究一种事物的好,不过这个比较难。因为一般的专业领域都有人在研究,大学四年很难把某个领域的东西吃透,别的不说,就是这个作者的相关作品还有关于他的各种研究观点,你就很难完全领会掌握,更不要说在自己的论文中灵活运用了。所以这种题目一般来说做起来会很费功夫,然后还出不了彩,因为基本上你的观点都是别人研究过的了。不过呢,这种题目还可以走一种偏一点的路子,就是把另一学科的知识或另一种流派的观点拿来分析你定下来的那个作者或作品,就是剑走偏锋啦,这样的文章一般容易出彩,但是也容易出问题,就看你个人的驾驭了。下面以过来人的经验谈谈答辩哈,希望对你有用啊。一定要注意和指导老师保持良好的联系,指导老师一般只要你表现出认真诚恳,乖乖听话,就没问题的。如果答辩的时候遇到自己的指导老师那真是几辈子修的福分啊,因为即使有其他答辩老师故意刁难,你的指导老师都会帮你解围的,谁也不想自己指导的学生在别人面前丢人对吧,而且最后的分数还会超常的高噢。就算答辩时没遇到指导老师,也会出现答辩老师看在你指导老师的面子上放你一马的现象,所以那些分配到在院系位置威望高的指导老师的同学有福了。在写论文的过程中如果可以向你们指导老师求救的话最好,就是你感觉这个是和作弊等火线没有关系的,就像他求救。越是严格的导师一般越是喜欢一个劲请教自己的学生。如果在答辩前,你的导师都不熟悉你,叫不出你的名字,你就惨了。告诉你,你的导师和你的关系简单来说就是同伙。他是你老大,你跟着他走,事事顺她的心,那么关键时刻你老大也不会丢下你不管的 。还有,你的东西做好以后,要仔细询问她,哪些地方是答辩老师会询问的,老师们询问的角度会是什么。他带过那么多届学生,如果你想答辩有一个不错的分数的话就好好向她请教吧。 我们那时写论文,在动笔之前,我们就每一个都是拼命问该怎么做,几乎把每一段的段落分布都问出来了,然后再一稿二稿三稿的让导师过。所以最后我们写的东西都完全是按照老师的思路来的哈哈哈……答辩就是这么回事╮(╯▽╰)╭

欧内斯特·海明威是美国20世纪最杰出的作家之一。他一生充满传奇色彩,最后以自己枪击头部结束了生命。他的一生共创作了17部作品,获得过多项文学大奖。他的作品成为上世纪20年代迷惘一代作品的代表作,对后人产生了深远的影响。 自他的作品问世之日起学术界对他作品的研究就从来没有间断过。美国学界普遍认为海明威的《太阳照常升起》是美国现代小说史上的经典之作。从1926 年小说问世至今,批评者对该小说的研究不断深化。他的创作在欧美文坛产生巨大影响,甚至在美国引起一场文学革命。 在国外的研究中,对《太阳照常升起》的最初评论和研究,受当时的资料限制,以及一战后美国特定的历史文化语境影响,人们多集中在小说与“迷惘的一代”的关系这一话题范围内,将该小说与一战后自我流放到巴黎去的青年人及海明威本人的生活经验联系在一起,称作者是“迷惘的一代”的代言人。20 世纪30 年代,受经济大萧条的影响,人们对《太阳照常升起》的关注较少。20 世纪40 年代,受第二次世界大战的影响,评论界对《太阳照常升起》的评论出现了两种截然不同的观点。艾德蒙·威尔逊认为在《太阳照常升起》中,杰克是惟一一个在痛苦中坚守个人操行准则的人。与威尔逊意见相左的是亨利·赛德尔·肯拜。他将该小说与19 世纪的英美文学传统进行了比较研究后得出结论,认为19 世纪小说中的主人公不管最终是成功还是失败,都具有良好的意志品格,但是“, 在《太阳照常升起》中,所有的人物既缺乏良好的意志品格,也不具备任何形式的意志力。”“他们没有道德责任感,这是一部关于失败主义者的小说。普林斯顿大学的文学教授卡洛斯·贝克的著作《作为艺术家的作家———海明威》是学界第一本专论海明威的著作。贝克首次对《太阳照常升起》中的小说人物进行了细致的心理分析。马克·斯毕尔卡在《< 太阳照常升起> 中的爱情的死亡》一文中则认为,海明威在小说中集中揭示了20世纪20 年代由一战的创伤所带来的爱情死亡这一具有普遍性的主题。海明威的作品紧紧契合着时代的流动脉搏,以深刻的洞察力和感受力,表现了人类在一个特定时代的生存状态以及精神饱受磨励的艰辛历程。 国内对海明威《太阳照常升起》的研究也从未间断。2003年由顾玲发表的他们何以成了飘零的灵魂———《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘的一代”透视。她的论文具体的描述了《太阳照常升起》中的“迷惘一代人”的特点。2002年的十堰职业技术Ernest Hemingway of the United States in the 20th century one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, the last shot in the head by the end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became the 1920s generation at a loss of representative works, the later generations have had a far-reaching consequences. Since the advent of his works from the date of his academic work has never been on the study. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in the United States in the history of modern fiction classic. From the 1926 novel come out so far, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and the United States have an enormous impact in the United States and even lead to a revolution in literature. Study abroad, "The Sun Also Rises" and comment on the initial study, by the time the information restrictions, the United States after the war, as well as a specific historical and cultural context of the impact, it is more focused on the novel "Lost Generation" The topic of the relationship, the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to the young Hemingway and my life experience together, that is the author of "Lost Generation", the spokesman. In the 1930s, the economic impact of the Great Depression, "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. In the 1940s by the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", Jack is the only one in pain in the conduct of individuals adhere to the guidelines. Wilson, who may disagree with the Milken Henglisaide al. He and the novels of the 19th century Anglo-American literary tradition of a comparative study concluded that the novels of the 19th century hero no matter the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, "and" The Sun Also Rises "All of the characters is a lack of good moral character will not have any form of the will." "They do not have the moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University literature professor Carlos Baker's book, "The Artist as a writer Ernest Hemingway ---" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker for the first time, "The Sun Also Rises," the characters had a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi Turka " love of death" in an article that, in the Hemingway novel reveals the concentration of the 1920s by the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of the universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to in-depth insight and sensibility, the performance of a particular era in human existence and the spiritual state of suffering and the pain sharpen the course. Hemingway home on "The Sun Also Rises" has never stopped the study. Gu Ling in 2003 by the publication of why they became a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises," "Lost Generation" perspective. Her description of the specific papers, "The Sun Also Rises," "confused generation" features. In 2002 the vocational and technical Shiyan

Ernest Hemingway is the 20th century, one of the most distinguished writers. His legendary life, and finally shot to the head end of their lives. His life has created 17 works, received many literary awards. His works became confused during the last century generation of 20 representative works of the later generations have had a profound impact. Since the advent of his works from the date of the academic study of his works on has never been interruption. U.S. scholars generally agreed that Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" is the history of modern American fiction classic. From the novel come out so far in 1926, critics of the novel research continued to deepen. His literary creation in Europe and America have a great impact, even in the United States lead to a literary revolution. Study abroad, for "The Sun Also Rises" The initial comments and research, by the time the information restrictions, and a post-war American history and culture-specific context of the impact, it is more concentrated in the novel and the "Lost Generation" of the relationship between the scope of the topic of the novel with a self-imposed exile in Paris after the war to young people and Hemingway's own life experiences linked, saying the author is the "Lost Generation" spokesmen. 30 era of the 20th century, by the economic impact of the Great Depression, people of "The Sun Also Rises" less concern. 40 era of the 20th century by the impact of the Second World War, critics of "The Sun Also Rises" comments appeared in two completely different views. Edmund Wilson in "The Sun Also Rises", the Jack is the only one in pain adhere to the norms of personal conduct of people. Wilson disagreed with the Milken亨利赛德al. His novels of the 19th century with the Anglo-American literary tradition, after a comparative study concluded that the 19th century hero of the novel regardless of the ultimate success or failure, will have a good character, but "in" The Sun Also Rises "All of the figures is the lack of good moral character will not have any form of willpower." "They have no moral sense of responsibility, this is a defeatist on the novel. Princeton University professor of literature Carlos Baker's book "as an artist --- writer Ernest Hemingway" is the first academic monographs Hemingway's writings. Baker, the first of "The Sun Also Rises" characters in a detailed psychological analysis. Max Bi turka in the " Love's death" a text that focus on Hemingway's novels reveal the age of 20 from the 20th century, the trauma of World War I brought about by the death of this universal love theme . Hemingway's works closely fit the flow of the pulse of the times in order to profound insight and sensitivity, showing the humanity in a given era, as well as the survival of the state of the spirit of the hardships suffered mill Patrick course. Domestic Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" Research has never stopped. 2003 published by the Gu Ling How can they become a wandering soul --- "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost Generation" Perspective. Her description of the specific thesis of "The Sun Also Rises" in the "Lost generation" characteristics. Shiyan 2002 Vocational and Technical College, the LU Wei and孙媛published "How can they become a wandering soul - An Analysis of" The Sun Also Rises "in several major figure in the spiritual world" of the novel in several the main character's spiritual world. Alvin Wang in 2002 published "From the characters of" The Sun Also Rises "to reveal the theme of" from his novel of the four main character's image to reveal the theme of the novel. Journal of Xuchang Teachers College in 1996 on Cui Wansheng, Zhang Hui thick. Published "prosperity, war, confusion, to avoid -" The Sun Also Rises "On their analysis from the four angles of" The Sun Also Rises. "1994 Zhejiang University newspaper published Bamboo Health "confused the two sides of life - On" The Sun Also Rises, "" once again discussed the status of a loss of life. Although Hemingway's novels and "The Sun Also Rises" study at home and abroad have made many achievements, but few people three-dimensional, from the multi-angle analysis of "The Sun Also Rises" theme. In fact, the analysis of Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" theme at the same time, on the performance of his existential philosophy of life: In the absurd world, in the emptiness of the environment, people should live actively in the process of discovery and the creation of the significance of the order of the United



当遇到大的题目时,可由以下几点作为考量缩减范围的因素:第一, 由问题某一特殊的面加以申述。第二,将题目限定在特定的时间范围内。第三,从某一特殊事件看此问题。第四,将以上三个因素合并讨论譬如说我们希望研究的问题是有关台湾的少数民族,考虑第一个因素时,我们可以专门讨论台湾少数民族中酋长或妇女的地位,或者他们与平地同胞的融合问题,或者他们的服装与菲律宾原住民的服装有何不同等,就可以将大题目缩减到一个较小的层次。讨论第二个因素时,我们可以研究日据时代台湾少数民族的生活状态等。从第三个角度来看,我们可以讨论在雾社事件中台湾少数民族所扮演的角色等。在第四个范围中,我们可以叙述光复后台湾少数民族经济生活的改变等。以上四种办法都可将一个大的题目局限缩小至某一个层次,乃至于某一范围中,而加以特定的研究。如果能因此而有所成就,这篇论文也就很有价值。(学术堂提供更多论文知识)

创新医学网上对医学论文的写作辅导有很全面的讲解人们常说“眼睛是心灵的窗户”。一篇论文的题目也是论文的眼睛,它是论文总体内容的体现。好的论文题目能引起读者阅读的兴趣,起到很好的宣传作用。但我们发现在老师们撰写的论文中,题目的拟定存在着以下一些问题。一、论文题目过大有人认为题目大的论文写起来比较容易,可参考的资料多,可选择的实例多。但要知道,题目大,在论述的过程中常会重点不突出,在实践中所获得的材料也会捉襟见肘;题目大,往往要说的东西很多,顾这顾不了那,结果什么也讲不深,什么也说不透。尤其我们参加优秀论文评选的论文篇幅一般要求在三千字左右,这很难对一个大题目进行深刻阐述。1、范围过大如《素质教育与师德建设的思考》这个题目就很大,素质教育、师德建设每一个词语的内涵和外延都很大,包括许许多多的内容。这个题目不但要阐述它们各自内容,还要说明他们之间的关系。而抛开题目,就这位老师的论文内容实际是教师职业道德冷漠对实施素质教育的影响。那么,把题目拟成《教师的职业道德冷漠直接影响素质教育的实施》,读者看到了文章的题目就能明白作者的观点了。2、包含内容过多有些教师的论文题目包含几方面的内容,论题不集中。如《浅谈小学数学学困生学困原因的认识及师源因素的分析和对策》我们可以把题目分解一下,它包括三方面内容:①学困生学困原因的认识;②学困生师源因素分析;③减少形成学困生的对策。这三方面问题是所有教师都比较关注的,哪一方面也非浅谈能说清楚的。因此将此论文题目拆分成三个,即①《农村小学(或某某小学)高年级数学学困生学困原因的调查》;②《形成小学高年级数学学困生师源因素的分析》;③《减少小学数学学困生形成的对策》。这样的题目教师写时内容就会比较集中,论述就会比较具体。二、表述不当有些教师对自己拟定的论文题目不斟词酌句,造成论文题目出现多字少字、逻辑混乱、题目残缺、搭配不当等现象;还有的教师为了追求文字的新颖、生动,行文含义模糊,不能很好地表达文章所要讨论的主要问题或主要内容。1、成分残缺题目残缺,有的会造成文题的因果关系阐述不明确,读者看了文题不知文章所讲的内容。如《建立和谐的师生关系》,确定此文题探讨什么问题。谈方法,应拟题为《谈建立和谐师生关系的方法》或《如何建立和谐的师生关系》;如果谈意义,应拟题为《建立和谐的师生关系能提高教学效率(教育的实效性)》。这样补充后的题目就能从文体看出作者要写的内容了。3、搭配不当如《在作文教学中培养学生的“创新”》,“培养”大家习惯与“创新意识”、“创新思维”、“创新能力”等词组搭配。本文作者主要介绍自己在话题作文的指导上如何培养学生的创新思维,训练学生语言创新,所以,文题可改为《如何让学生的话题作文有创新》。再如《培养幼儿的合作意识与能力的探讨》一题,很明显,合作意识、合作能力是两个并列词组,应写完整。“探讨”是一个过程,“培养”与“探讨”搭配不当,也使句子的因果关系出现问题。本题目可改为《怎样培养幼儿的合作意识及合作能力》或《关于培养幼儿的合作意识与合作能力方法的探讨》。4、多字少字《在初中体育教学中教学挂图方法的运用》,本文作者主要是在研究体育课怎样使用挂图,但多了“方法”两个字,使文题所表达的意思就变了。再如《浅谈高中思想政治中的创新教育》思想政治应有好坏之分,与创新教育没有关系,这是由于丢掉“课”或“教学”造成的。《关于在理科综合考试与高中化学教学改革的思考与实践 》这个文体多了一个“在”字,使句子出现了问题。三、标点使用不当有的论文题目也使用标点。题目中使用较多的标点有:逗号、引号、破折号。 用人物的语言命题的文题应加引号,如《“我学习,我快乐”》。在主副标题中间用破折号,我们经常看到较大的论文题目,作者会加一个副标题进一步对主标题加以限定说明,《给孩子一片自己的天空——开展创新教育,培养新型人才》中间的标点就是这种用法,但使用欠正确。因为,后面的限定题目太大。前后词语之间有注释关系时,中间也使用破折号。如《游戏,幼儿健康的法宝》就应改为《游戏——幼儿健康的法宝》四、题目观点不明确或不正确如《激发兴趣,适应现代教学》,这个文题观点欠正确,教学应以学生的发展为目的,现在我们提倡以学生为主体,寻找适应学生的教学方法,而不应训练学生适应我们的教学。又如《浅谈班级管理》这是一个泛泛的题目,不能明确点明论文的观点和论述的内容。以上谈了论文题目中常见到的一些问题。我们还发现有的文题中出现不当的人称代词。如《语文课我有“三求” 》,撰写论文时应避免用第一人称,而以第三者陈述的语气来阐述自己的观点。因此,这个文题应该为《语文课应有“三求”》。还有些老师将工作总结题目或经验交流材料的题目当作论文题目使用,如《为了万紫千红 满园春色——谈如何做好班主任工作》、《敬业爱生 创新》等。题目是论文的重要组成部分,它极引人注目,直接影响论文的质量,因此要重视拟定题目。如何拟定一篇论文的题目呢?由于文章体裁、内容和形式不同,拟定题目的方法也不同。常用的方法是题目直接点出主题或文章的主要内容;有的题目用象征和比喻的方法揭示主题;有的标题不直接点出主题,而是提出题材范围。但无论哪类论文的题目都应是对全文内容最鲜明最精炼的概括,应给读者留下深刻印象。所以,题目的拟定,应考虑如下几点:一、题目要准确首先应保证题目与内容相符,也就是说,题目要能准确的反映论文所研究探讨的内容。有的题目可能明确地点明自己的观点,如《质疑——探究式学习的关键》、《反思教学——教师专业化成长的关键》、《新课程改革需要多元角色的思品教师》,这些题目大家一看就明白了作者的观点;有的题目点明自己要研究的问题和内容,如《小组学习中存在的问题及改进措施》;还有的题目用比喻的方法表述,以达到吸引读者的目的,如《在课改舞台上唱“心” 戏》;还有的用问题的形式,如《如何建立平等和谐的师生关系》等等。无论采用哪种命题方式,但题目一定要能准确地概括文章的主题或研究的主要内容。二、题目要简洁简洁就是简炼、干净、高度概括。简洁明了的题目,使人看了一目了然,马上知道作者所要阐述的问题。如果题目太长或拗口,读者看了会有一种腻烦心理,削弱阅读的兴趣。如《“任务驱动”模式下“教师主导,学生主体”教学思想的实现》,这个题目就太长了。一般文题不应超过20个字,如果自己觉得字数少交代不清,应用副标题加以限制说明。即使题目不长,可有可无的字也一定要舍掉,如《思想政治课应如何激发学生的学习兴趣》,这里 “应”字要删掉。三、题目要新颖新颖应包含两层意思,其一是指随着教育的发展,注意捕捉他人未发现的问题;总结他人未总结过的经验。尽量做到人无我有,人有我新。其二是指在大家讨论的原有问题之外,提出新的问题,或选择新的角度,或有新的立意。如大家常写的兴趣培养问题,有的老师就从另一个角度去写,即《以课堂教学为主阵地,抑制学生英语焦虑》,使读者看到这个文题就有一种阅读文章的愿望。四、题目要具体论文的题目一般不宜过大,对于中小学教师来说,大的题目不容易集中论述,致使论文内容显得肤浅、空泛,没有一定的深度和广度。尤其初写论文的老师,更应选择一些小的题目,以自己的教学实践为基础,使论文的论点更明确,内容更集中,论述更深刻。如《走出合作交流的误区》、《班主任工作的法宝——沟通》。



未来太阳能光伏并网发电对电网的影响【摘要】尽管寻找新能源的工作已经有相当的历史了,但是世界性的环境污染和能源短缺已经迫使人们更加努力的寻找和开发新能源。在寻找和开发新能源的过程中,人们很自然的把目光投向了各种可再生的替代能源。光伏发电就是其中之一。虽然光伏发电的实际应用存在着种种的局限,但是随着光伏发电成本的降低和矿物发电成本的提高以及矿物能源的减少,总有一天光伏发电的成本将会与传统发电成本相当。到时侯,光伏发电将逐步进入商业化阶段。光伏并网发电形成规模后会对电网形成什么样的影响是本文想要探讨的问题。一、光伏发电的基本原理1. 太阳能光伏发电系统的组成太阳能光伏发电系统主要由太阳能光伏电池组,光伏系统电池控制器,蓄电池和交直流逆变器是其主要部件。其中的核心元件是光伏电池组和控制器。各部件在系统中的作用是: 光伏电池:光电转换。控制器:作用于整个系统的过程控制。光伏发电系统中使用的控制器类型很多,如2点式控制器,多路顺序控制器、智能控制器、大功率跟踪充电控制器等,我国目前使用的大都是简单设计的控制器,智能型控制器仅用于通信系统和较大型的光伏电站。蓄电池:蓄电池是光伏发电系统中的关键部件,用于存储从光伏电池转换来的电力。目前我国还没有用于光伏系统的专用蓄电池,而是使用常规的铅酸蓄电池。交直流逆变器:由于它的功能是交直流转换,因此这个部件最重要的指标是可靠性和转换效率。并网逆变器采用最大功率跟踪技术,最大限度地把光伏电池转换的电能送入电网。2. 太阳能光伏电池板:太阳能电池主要使用单晶硅为材料。用单晶硅做成类似二极管中的P-N结。工作原理和二极管类似。只不过在二极管中,推动P-N结空穴和电子运动的是外部电场,而在太阳能电池中推动和影响P-N结空穴和电子运动的是太阳光子和光辐射热(*)。也就是通常所说的光生伏特效应原理。目前光电转换的效率,也就是光伏电池效率大约是单晶硅13%-15%,多晶硅11%-13%。目前最新的技术还包括光伏薄膜电池。3. 太阳能光伏发电系统的分类:目前太阳能光伏发电系统大致可分为三类,离网光伏蓄电系统,光伏并网发电系统及前两者混合系统。A)离网光伏蓄电系统。这是一种常见的太阳能应用方式。在国内外应用已有若干年。系统比较简单,而且适应性广。只因其一系列种类蓄电池的体积偏大和维护困难而限制了使用范围。B)光伏并网发电系统,当用电负荷较大时,太阳能电力不足就向市电购电。而负荷较小时,或用不完电力时,就可将多余的电力卖给市电。在背靠电网的前提下,该系统省掉了蓄电池,从而扩张了使用的范围和灵活性,并降低了造价。C)A, B两者混合系统,这是介于上述两个方之间的系统。该方案有较强的适应性,例如可以根据电网的峰谷电价来调整自身的发电策略。但是其造价和运行成本较上述两种方案高。 二、光伏发电的优点进入70年代后,由于2次石油危机的影响,光伏发电在世界范围内受到高度重视,发展非常迅速。从远期看,光伏发电将以分散式电源进入电力市场,并部分取代常规能源。不论从近期和从近期看,光伏发电可以作为常规能源的补充,在解决特殊应用领域,如通信、信电源,和边远无电地区民用生活用电需求方面,从环境保护及能源战略上都具有重大的意义。光伏发电的优点充分体现在以下几个方面:1. 充分的清洁性。 (如果采用蓄电池方案,要考虑对废旧蓄电池的处理)2. 绝对的安全性。 (并网电压一般在220V以下3. 相对的广泛性。4. 确实的长寿命和免维护性。5. 初步的实用性。6. 资源的充足性及潜在的经济性等。三、光伏发电局限性。任何事物总是具有两面性。目前有太多的文章介绍光伏发电的优点和优势,这里有必要指出光伏发电的一些局限性。太阳能具有能量密度低,稳定性差的弱点,并受到地理分布、季节变化、昼夜交替等影响。光伏发电的局限性包括以下几个方面:1. 时间周期局限。由于光伏发电的条件是出太阳时,光伏发电设备才能正常工作发电。因此,白昼黑夜,一年当中春夏秋冬各个季节对光伏发电的负荷影响巨大。为了应付这个情况,电网不得不配备相应容量的发电机处于旋转备用状态。2. 地理位置局限。光伏发电设备基本上只能依附建筑物安装建设,也就是所谓的光伏屋顶就地供电。如果离开建筑物来建设光伏发电,将会大大增加成本或者破坏环境和生态。3. 气象条件局限。气候对光伏发电影响。采用光伏并网发电无蓄电池方案时,如果一个城市上空的气候大幅变化,将造成电力负荷的大幅波动;当一个城市上空的空气质量比如空气污染,或能见度变差比如雾天,阴天等都将使光伏发电在线或实时出力下降。4. 容量传输局限。在解决了光伏发电的成本问题后,大功率,高电压,远距离从荒漠面积输送电力到负荷中心,由于光伏发电没有传统电机的旋转惯量,调速器及励磁系统,将给交流电网带来新的经济和稳定问题。不论采用交流或是直流高电压大功率远距离从荒漠地区输送电力,由于上述1,2,3的局限性将大大增加单位千瓦的输送成本。下面将会讨论这个问题。5. 光能转换效率偏低。和传统能源(矿物能源,石油,水能,原子能,等)的转换效率相比,光伏能量的转换效率不能令人满意。四、光伏发电未来展望我国光伏产业正以每年30%的速度增长。最近三年全球太阳能电池总产量平均年增长率高达49.8%以上。按照日本新能源计划、欧盟可再生能源白皮书、美国光伏计划等推算,2010年全球光伏发电并网装机容量将达到15GW(1500万千瓦,届时仍不到全球发电总装机容量的1%),至2030年全球光伏发电装机容量将达到300GW(届时整个产业的产值有可能突破3000亿美元),至2040年光伏发电将达到全球发电总量的15%-20%。按此计划推算,2010-2040年,光伏行业的复合增长率将高达25%以上(参看资料:15)。其中并网应用会有较大的发展,从而形成并网发电(约46%)、离网供电(约27%)和通讯机站(约21%)3个主要应用领域(参看资料:16)。太阳的能量对人类而言几乎是无限的,但是实际上,在地球上能够获取太阳能资源的资源是有限的。并不象有些文章中所说的那样巨大。例如,当我们在在屋顶安装太阳能热水器时,就失去了安装太阳能电池的机会。除建筑物和荒漠外,在其他地点建设太阳能电池板群将是不现实和得不偿失。这不仅仅是因为成本巨大的原因,问题是显而易见的,主要的问题是离开建筑物和荒漠来建设光伏发电站将破坏环境和生态,你会发现在太阳能电池板下面将寸草不生。总之,节能降耗是人类的一个永恒话题。从某种意义上讲,淘汰旧技术和产品的同时,也就浪费掉了当初生产这些技术和产品的能源。出国考察的人往往会发现,西方发达国家有些场合还在使用20-30年代的产品和设备,他们并非要保护“古迹”,某种意义上讲是在节约能源。新旧产品和技术的换代是要以耗费能源为代价的,过快的产品更新换代,将加快能源的消耗。当然,这里需要有一个总体的经济指标来判断能耗。我们是否应该考虑节约“used能源”的问题?(**)另一方面,任何先进的技术,进入商业使用的必要条件是价格能为市场所接受。如果使用成本太高,再好的技术必将只能停留在试验室中或者示范工程阶段五、光伏发电并网对未来电网的影响随着我国《可再生能源法》的颁布实施,常规能源价格的不断升高和石油价格逼近$100,世界范围内围绕利用太阳能科技,商业发展非常迅速,其中光伏并网发电技术发展非常快。目前制约光伏发电的主要因素是成本问题。太阳能光伏发电造价高(每千瓦3万元以上),发电成本贵(1.5元/千瓦时以上)。随着光伏发电成本的降低和耗能发电成本的提高,总有一天光伏发电的成本将会与传统发电成本相当。到那时侯,光伏发电将会进入商业化应用阶段。为了提早迎接这一天的到来,我们将有必要提前考虑光伏并网发电对现有发电模式的技术、经济、政策和环境效益的影响。我们先假设这个时代已经到来,并且现有的发电模式并未发生较大的改变。那么光伏发电给我们带来好处的同时将会对现有的电网产生什么样的问题?由于太阳能光伏发电属于能量密度低、稳定差,调节能力差的能源,发电量受天气及地域的影响较大,并网发电后会对电网安全,稳定,经济运行以及电网的供电质量造成一定影响。至于有多大的影响目前尚不清楚。我们知道目前电能是不能大规模低成本储存的,在可以预见的将来也不能大规模低成本储存。这就使得光伏发电的应用受到物理因素的制约,同时也受到地理上的限制。但是随着技术和市场的发展,当光伏发电的上网电量在电网中与火电厂,水电,核电等电厂的发电量处于可比较的数量级和成为不可忽略的一部分时,光伏并网发电将对现有发电模式和电网的技术、经济、政策和环境效益带来如下问题:(如果光伏并网发电系统采用有蓄电池方案,光伏并网发电的优点和优势将大打折扣。但是为光伏并网发电优化配置的蓄电池系统可以部分解决以下1,2和3点提出的问题。)1. 负荷峰谷对电网的影响。由于光伏并网发电系统不具备调峰和调频能力,这将对电网的早峰负荷和晚峰负荷造成冲击。光伏并网发电系统增加的发电能力并不能减少传统旋转机组的拥有量,电网必须为光伏发电系统准备大量的旋转备用机组来解决早峰和晚峰的调峰问题。光伏并网发电系统向电网供电是以机组利用小时数下降为代价的。这当然是发电商所不愿意看到的。2. 昼夜变化,东西部时差以及季节的变化对电网的影响。由于阳光和负荷出现的周期性,光伏并网发电量的增加并不能减少对电网装机容量的需求。3. 气象条件的变化。当一个城市的光伏屋顶并网发电达到一定规模时,如果地理气象出现大幅变化,电网将为光伏并网发电系统提供足够的区域性旋转备用机组和无功补偿容量,来控制和调整系统的频率和电压。在这种情况下,电网将以牺牲经济运行方式为代价来保证电网的安全稳定运行。4. 远距离光伏电能输送。当光伏并网发电远距离输送电力在经济和技术上成为可能时,由于光伏并网发电没有旋转惯量,调速器及励磁系统,它将给交流电网带来新的稳定问题。如果光伏并网发电形成规模采用高压交直流送电,将会给与光伏发电直流输电系统相邻的交流系统带来稳定和经济问题,(专门用于光伏并网发电的输电线路,由于使用效率低,将对荒漠太阳能的利用形成制约。用于借道或者兼顾输送光伏并网发电系统电能的输电线路,由于负荷率低下,显得很不经济。)不论采用高压交流或直流送出,光伏并网发电站都必须配备自动无功调压装置。至于对电网稳定的影响,目前还未见到光伏发电在电网稳定计算中的数学模型(包括电源模型和负荷模型)。光伏并网发电将对电网安全稳定运行有多大的影响目前尚不清楚。5. 降耗问题;光伏并网发电的一个主要优势是可替代矿物燃料的消耗。由于光伏并网发电增加了发电厂旋转发电机的旋转备用或者是热备用,因此,光伏并网发电的实际降耗比率应该扣除旋转备用或热备用损失的能量。光伏并网发电的降耗效率应该考虑到由于光伏并网发电系统提供的电力导致发电公司机组利用小时数降低带来的效率损失。由于电力系统是作为一个整体来运行的,光伏并网发电向电网输送电力将侵害其他发电商的利益,这是作为政策制定者需要考虑的问题。这是由于电网在考虑安全,稳定和经济运行时,不仅仅只由水电厂担任旋转备用。因此,系统中总的光伏并网发电量所等效的理论降耗标煤量前应该乘以一个小于1的系数,并且等比例的减去旋转备用机组的厂用电损耗。6. 环保问题;光伏发电带来的减排效果是否应该只考虑火电排放的二氧化硫和二氧化碳还有待研究,因为当光伏并网发电时,同样电网在考虑电网安全,稳定和经济运行时,往往减少出力的不仅仅是火电厂,而考虑旋转备用时,也不仅仅是水电厂来承担旋转备用的任务(水电厂承当旋转备用任务损失较小)。因此,在考虑光伏并网发电系统的减排贡献时,也应该在理论值前乘以一个小于一的系数。这个结论并不象一些文章中所讲的那么乐观。7. 顺便指出,风力发电也存在环保生态问题。国外有环保人士指出大型的风力发电站往往建在季风的风道上,这往往是候鸟迁徙的最佳路线。结束语光伏发电的优势在于解决离网地区通信,微波等设备的能源动力,分散人口地区的小容量电力消费及为有条件建立光伏屋顶的建筑就地提供电力。未来电网在做发展规划时,对负荷预测应充分考虑离网光伏发电和光伏并网发电对电网的影响和数学模型。离网光伏发电系统可以作为在线有源可变负荷模型来考虑(这里指的是城市中既可由离网的光伏发电系统,也可以由市电网供电的负荷)。光伏并网发电系统如果以110V或220V并网供电时,也可以把光伏并网发电系统考虑为可从负到正变化的有源负荷模型。通过上述分析,光伏并网发电远期定位只能作为电网节能降耗的重要补充手段。如果超出这个战略定位,将造成投资和额外的能源浪费,对减少污染排放量的乐观看法也要大打折扣。麻烦-设.置下-最佳;




