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Good morning,everyone! Today I'm going to talk about inventions. Inventions are created every day because people would like to make life are famous inventions like the TV and the provides us with different kinds of information so that we can know more about the watch entertainment programs to relax some learning programs help us with our study. The bicycle is very useful,too. We go to school or work by 's not expensive that most of us can afford makes no pollution,which is good for our 's more ,bicycle riding is a kind of exciting sports which is quite good for our health. Although there have been many great inventions, I wish to invent a kind of pen which can help us write more quickly and we meet problems in doing our homework or taking exams,it will tell us how to solve them. That's all .Thank you very much.


As can be seen from the graph,there have been sharp changes in the age distribution of drug addicts. To be concrete, the teenage addicts only made up 10 percent of all the drugsters in 1982 while the ratio rose up to 65 in 20xx.

The causes for them are not hard to find. First ,teenagers’ fearless curiosity about everything new has led some of them into this marsh. Second, many of the young addicts turned for the first time to drugs for escape either from their failure in the national entrance exams or from their parents’ breakup. And above all, our education in the harmfulness of drugs has been far from adequate to build teenagers’ sound resistance to drugs. To sum up, the causes mentioned above must call for more of our concern, and effective measures should be taken to check the trend.

Obviously the drastic change will exert great impact on inziduals and the whole society.

For one thing, drug-taking does great damage to the health of drug users.. For another, some drug users commit robbery or even murder their parents and relatives to get money to buy drugs, which poses a great threat to the social security and the social stability. Therefore, it is high time we did something to put an end to this trend.

I have a best "friend" -- it doesn't speak, but it makes me knowledgeable. It will not walk, but it will make my day. It has enriched me and made me as mad as mad. I have been deeply enamoured of it. Who is it? - book!

Every day after school, I was in the stacks of books, and I was always in the book store. My mother used to say I was "promiscuous" but said she didn't stop me from reading my favorite books. Every time I find a book I like, it's as if I'm sucked in by a powerful magnet and I get carried away with the plot. Sometimes the bookstore is going to shut down when it is so much fun to watch. To put the book back on the shelf, out of the bookstore, my mind is full of the plot of the book, because want too ecstasy, sometimes also happened some jokes... It is.

Reminds me of this year's summer vacation one day, mother see me plunge into the books all day long, straight at I rang rang: "silly leng in books all day long, and is not good, all into a nerd, I order you go out for a walk now!" Unable to withstand my mother's "bombing", I walked out of the house, looking for a few students nearby to play hide and seek,

May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor’s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let’s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It’s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my favorite day!





I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning ,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my

mother. At about five o’clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o’clock. I’m very happy on weekends.

My Class there are fifty-two students in my class. we have different likes and dislikes, but we all have a great goal. we study together. we play together. we talk to each other. we help each other. we are friendly to each other. our class is like a big family. we are very happy.

we have many teachers. they are very kind. they are always nice to us.

they make us study very very hard. all my teachers always encourage us to learn all subjects well.

在平时的.学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我为大家收集的Blowing Balloons吹气球英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 Blowing balloons is an interesting game. You may have some ideas of it. It is of great value to your health especially to those who are fat. People usually make an airless balloon halfairfilled put it on the hand then blow it hard. Shortly after it flies up his partner blows it away towards the opposite party. And the opposite blows it back. Repeat doing so until the balloon drops onto the party onto whose floor the balloon drops will be the loser. So any party who tries to control the balloon’s direction and blows it with great efforts will make the balloon fly straight to the other party and will have more opportunities to win.


性别歧视指一种性别成员对另一种性别成员的不平等对待,对于这个问题,你们写 英语 作文 时有何独到的见解呢?下面是我给大家整理的性别歧视的 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!

After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principle of equality into are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership discrimination still exist in insidious form today.

Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the job market with female graduates affected the figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female students experience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of believe it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “men only”signs appeared frequently on recruit company,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for same work,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Another statistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leader?That’s recessive gender the absence of gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.

Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girls took strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have children until they have a boy,if they have a girl,they would like to have another or neglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women still encounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many achieve the “equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.

Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage.

It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are

confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.

As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated

unequally. The government can take measures to improve this

situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.

Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped.

Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the

subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the

college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons.

In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises .

At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!

高校 毕业 生招聘中的性别歧视





if i can choose my own sex,i still want to be a love to be a love ware beatiful my long love everything for gils.

Decades ago, Chairman Mao succinctly settled the age-old debate about gender equality when he stated that "woman holds up half of the sky". Male superiority so out of place in this age, when women are said to be equal to men in many aspects. However, we very grieved discovery already said goodbye to feudalism several hundred years China to be still unable get rid of the treatment of woman as inferiors thought the fetter. In this advanced society, phenomenon of female inferiors not only existing stably but also taking control of our minds and indicates in many fields. To begin with, take employment for example, women are excluded from the major department of productions. Many significant occupations such as executive or professional jobs prefer hiring male rather than woman. Moreover, man still holds perception that women should do more household routine, nurture their offspring and take care of pets. Last but not the least, people living in remote areas believed that men are superior to women, until this status does not also get thorough improvement now. When a woman got pregnant, they were begging for a son instead of a daughter.

To prevent these troublesome already mentioned from happen again, we should create feministic atmosphere, promote gender equality and ask man to do household chores, because in a family where roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a certain extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.

Household Servants

When a boy is born in most developing countries, friends and relatives exclaim congratulations. A son means insurance. He will inherit his father's property and get a job to help support the family. When a girl is born, the reaction is very different. Some women weep when they find out their baby is a girl because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India, it's traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying, "The servant of your household has been born."

A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her identity is forged as soon as her family and society limit her opportunities and declare her to be second-rate.

A combination of extreme poverty and deep biases against women creates a remorseless cycle of discrimination that keeps girls in developing countries from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them vulnerable to severe physical and emotional abuse. These "servants of the household" come to accept that life will never be any different.


The developing world is full of poverty-stricken families who see their daughters as an economic predicament困境. That attitude has resulted in the widespread neglect of baby girls in Africa, Asia, and South America. In many communities, it's a regular practice to breastfeed girls for a shorter time than boys so that women can try to get pregnant again with a boy as soon as possible. As a result, girls miss out on life-giving nutrition during a crucial window of their development, which stunts their growth and weakens their resistance to disease.

Statistics show that the neglect continues as they grow up. Young girls receive less food, healthcare and fewer vaccinations overall than boys. Not much changes as they become women. Tradition calls for women to eat last, often reduced to picking over the leftovers from the men and boys.


Even after infancy, the threat of physical harm follows girls throughout their lives. Women in every society are vulnerable to abuse. But the threat is more severe for girls and women who live in societies where women's rights mean practically nothing. Mothers who lack their own rights have little protection to offer their daughters, much less themselves, from male relatives and other authority figures. The frequency of rape and violent attacks against women in the developing world is alarming. Forty-five percent of Ethiopian women say that they have been assaulted in their lifetimes. In 1998, 48 percent of Palestinian women admitted to being abused by an intimate partner within the past year.

In some cultures, the physical and psychological trauma of rape is compounded by an additional stigma. In cultures that maintain strict sexual codes for women, if a woman steps out of bounds—by choosing her own husband, flirting in public, or seeking divorce from an abusive partner—she has brought dishonor to her family and must be disciplined. Often, discipline means execution. Families commit "honor killings" to salvage their reputation tainted by disobedient women.

Appallingly, this "disobedience" includes rape. In 1999, a 16-year-old mentally handicapped girl in Pakistan who had been raped was brought before her tribe's judicial counsel. Although she was the victim and her attacker had been arrested, the counsel decided she had brought shame to the tribe and ordered her public execution. This case, which received a lot of publicity at the time, is not unusual. Three women fall victim to honor killings in Pakistan every day—including victims of rape. In areas of Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe, all responsibility for sexual misconduct falls, by default, to women. How to Help You can help pull down the barriers that keep girls from attending school and begin to bring change for women in developing countries. The most direct way is by easing the financial need that forces families to take their children out of school in the first place.

Dozens of international organizations are working to improve the livelihood of impoverished people. By building infrastructure and providing aid, vocational training, and education programs, they give families in developing countries resources to create healthy and stable lives. That takes the burden of mere survival off young women and gives them the time to get an education. With practical help and encouragement, girls are more likely to enroll and stay in school.

encouraging all international organizations to come up with strategies for girls' education as part of their initial development plans. It has also started a movement to monitor school materials, facilities, and teachers to ensure that girls get a quality education that promotes appropriate perceptions of women, and that female students are given the same privileges as male students. other reputable organizations need now are the resources to fund their efforts.

You can help begin to change the lives of women around the world by making a financial gift or raising awareness about girls in the developing world who want to help raise awareness of the issues tha impact children. You can The need is clear, and though the obstacles to ending gender discrimination are high, they are not insurmountable.


women are essential to ending gender bias, starting by reducing the poverty that makes discrimination even worse in the developing world. The most basic skills in literacy and arithmetic open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education. The longer a girl is able to stay in school, the greater her chances to pursue worthwhile employment, higher education, and a life without the hazards of extreme poverty.

Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and make sure their own children complete school. They also understand hygiene and nutrition better and are more likely to prevent disease by visiting health care facilities. The UN estimates that for every year a woman spends in primary school, the risk of her child dying prematurely is reduced by 8 percent.

Girls' education also means comprehensive change for a society. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in their communities. Status translates into the power to influence their families and societies.

Even bigger changes become possible as girls' education becomes the cultural norm. Women can't defend themselves against physical and sexual abuse until they have the authority to speak against it without fear. Knowledge gives that authority. Women who have been educated are half as likely to undergo harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and four times as likely to protect their daughters from it. The Global Campaign for Education also states that a primary education defends women against HIV/AIDS infection—disproportionately high for women in developing countries—by giving "the most marginalized groups in society—notably young women—the status and confidence needed to act on information and refuse unsafe sex."


每次听到发生大地震,作为一名中学生,你有什么样的感受呢?有没有献出自己的爱心呢?下面是我为您整理的三篇地震自救英语 初中 作文 。以供参考

地震自救 英语作文 初中(一)

There was a big earthquake on April 20th in Yaan . Many houses were broken into pieces and lots of people lost their lives. Some people survived but they lost everything they had. The situation was very serious. To save more people’s lives, the government sent many doctors to Sichuan and a lot of goods and materials were sent there as well. Many people contributed their money and clothes. Many students wrote letters to cheer up the Sichuan people . Our school also took part in these activities, all the students and teachers donated money. I gave my pocket money, too. I also wrote a letter to Sichuan people. I believe with our efforts, we can defeat the hope that there will be a beautiful and colorful world in the future.


April 20th is an ordinary day in 2013,it is in this day that shocking earthquake happened again in Sichuan province, earthquake was can't describle the scene what we saw with any words. Thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers, they longed to have families to continue their am sympathetic to their fate! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change example, there are many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!

What an unbelievable thing it is! Their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans! However, they must keep fighting against the death. Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever. Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there!

But, fortunately, love is around us: the Communist party helps us, the army helps us, the people all over the world help us. They offer us with money, goods, love and so on !

With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future !


On April 20th, a big earthquake happened in Ya’an, Sichuan. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children. Thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes Even foreign friends also give them a hand.

I’m deeply moved by these people. So I’ll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together.


Earthquake is one of the most severe natural disasters. It's shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky ourter shell. Its results can be very horrible.

The Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 and Japan Earthquake in 2011 are the most severe earthquakes in recent years, causing huge casualties and property losses.

But earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Many deaths and injuries in earthquaking result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings.





为大家整理的地震初中英语作文,供大家参考。 地震初中英语作文 Merciless earthquake, the world is love This is how sad! Earthquake, of course, is terrible, but they have - firefighters, the people's own army, doctors and others for earthquake relief to the people of the earthquake, and what terrible? » After the earthquake, there have become ruins. The original buildings, has been moved to the ground. But in this disaster, truly reflect the world of love. In the earthquake, a school teacher did not consider their own safety, struggling rescued two children, but their death, a teacher, felt the earthquake, the conscious decision to go down the steps. She would like to go back one: my students are still inside it, therefore, she firmly back, for whom » Her students » No, that's not only students, or the flowers ah! As the saying goes: "poor parents the world heart." There is a parent…… This is how people touched by Argentine ah! There are other companies have also enthusiastic contributions. Now, received a total of about billion yuan contributions to the world! Now, I truly understand that the "party is difficult, P Plus support earthquake relief, surmount." How will this sentence were moved. In addition, I would like the people in disaster areas, said: "I believe that we surmount. Can be quite the past. Although the disaster can be taken away our lives, but not humans immortal wins the hope this is the eternal light, Encouraging people forward momentum. Let us work together to Sichuan Come on! China for refueling. "


As is often the case when people are attending meetings having meals or waiting for buses you can always find them addicted to their phones completely ignoring others. This is really a common phenomenon in our life. The reason is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to play mobile games and keep in touch with friends through QQ and WeChat. However too much exposure to phones is bad for people in terms of health. Moreover people engaged in phones fail to communicate well with those around them. As far as I am concerned people should wisely make use of their phones to help with their work and study. Meanwhile care more about their family and friends rather than mobile phones.

Recentdecades have seen the rapid development of information technology. It plays asignificant role in our daily life. According, our reading habits changes alot, because there are more and more e-books come to our daily life. There is nodoubt that e-books makes reading more convenient and comfortable. Therefore,there are hot debates about e-books will replace traditional books.最近几十年已经见证了信息技术的飞速发展,电子书将会取代传统书籍 E-books Will Replace Traditional Book英语作文。它在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。随之,我们的阅读习惯改变了很多,因为在我们的日常生活中有越来越多的电子书。毫无疑问,电子书使阅读更方便和舒适。因此,关于电子书会取代传统书籍产生了激烈辩论。Somepeople assert that e-books will replace traditional books. The following viescan support their views. In the first place, we have been used to reading we want to do some reading, we may first search in on the Internet. Moreover,it saves us time and money. With e-books, we don’t have to go to the library toborrow or go to the bookstore to buy. Last but not least, at present, plenty ofpeople like to reading books on the phone or computer, which is convenient to carry.一些人认为电子书会取代传统书籍。以下的理由是支持他们的观点的。首先,我们已经习惯于阅读电子书。当我们想阅读的时候,我们首先可能会先在互联网上搜索。此外,电子书节约时间和金钱。有了电子书,我们不用去图书馆借阅或去书店买。最后但并非最不重要的,如今很多人们喜欢在便于携带的手机或电脑上阅读。Fromthe discussion above, I think in the future, the e-books will replace the traditionalones.通过以上讨

According to the current level of artificial intelligence from the human mind to replace the still very far away even simulation of artificial intelligence are very few human brain cells have the ability to think not. The human mind and the most important point is the ability to create this artificial intelligence is also no way to simulate, and in theory that can not be fundamental. However, in some duplication of effort and the need to calculate the precise control of the area or place where a certain degree of artificial intelligence is role.


Many years ago, as the development of technology, robot was created to facilitate people’s work.


The most obvious advantage of robot is to caculate very quickly.


As robot gets improved all the time, its functions have been largely expanded, most people worry that it will take the place of human brains.


Many movies have explored this topic and they came to the conclusion that robot will not take the place of human being.


One thing for sure is that men can’t compete with robot on caculating or the computer program.

but robot has no feelings, it can’t be the real person.


Even it looks like a man, still it is just the machine.


It is the emotion that makes the difference between man and machine.










1毕业论文属于学术论文。 2只要不是抄的,你写出全世界最差的一篇论文就 可以。 3比着葫芦画瓢,找一篇去年毕业 同学的范文,格式样式,照着写就行了。 4毕业论文的实 质是读后感,选一本书,花一个星期读一遍。边读 边做笔记。把笔记整理一下,按范文格式条理一下,就是很好的论文了。 5问题的关键是:你必须花一周的时间。许多同学不愿花费这个时间,那就没辙了。别的也别谈了。 完了。 6有的同学找朋友帮忙,自已不写,让朋友替自己写一篇。 这当然好,但现在的朋友大都靠不住。你让他写一篇给你,他满口答应,没过两天就送给你一篇。你千恩万谢。可是拿给老师一看,原来是从网上粘下来的,乱码都 还没改。更可气者,一稿多用,他还把这篇“论文”送给好几个人,赚了好几顿饭,造成“雷同抄袭”、频烦吃饭。 7结论:只能自己写,花一周时 间。 8那位问了:“我写得不好怎么 办?”答:“这是伪问题。别管好坏,先写出来就行。老师还怕都写好呢:没法分优良中差了!总之,你写出一篇全球最差的论文就行,只要不是抄的!” 9只要硬着头皮写,傻瓜都能写一篇。 第一章 选题 一、选题的原则 (一)有价值(有品位,内行) (二)有可行性(或操作性,大小适中,难易恰当) (三)有浓厚兴趣(兴趣是动力,必须是自己喜欢的。) 《论语·雍也篇》:“子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 如果你什么都不喜欢,那就更好办:让辅导老师给你一个题目就行。 (四)专业对口(专业专长) 二、 选题的 方法 (一)亟待解决的课题 (二)填补空白的课题 (三)有争议的课题 (四)有矛盾的课题 (五)可综述的课题 第二章 搜集资料 学术研究往往是在前人已有成果的基础上,有所突破。因此,搜集相关文献信息,非常重要。要求能快 速、准确地搜集到所需的资料信息。 一、直接材料的搜集 第 一手材料 二、间接材料的搜集 从文献及网络查取的材料 (二手材料一定要注意核对。) 图书、期刊,纸本索引及网络检索GOOGL、百度网等,关键词检索。 三、材料的分析 让材料自然分类,类聚法。 第三章 写提纲 提纲尽可能详尽,条理清晰,条块分明。 (镶玻璃法: 把内容分成几块,一块块往上填内容就行了。) 一般分为序论、本论、结论三部分。 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。 论证的形式,纵深式(递进式),平列式,综合式。 第四章 写论文 一、格式及要求:前置部分及主体部分 前置部分:标题、署名、指导教师、目录、摘要、关键词 (一)标题:对论文重点的直接呈现。准确得体,通俗易懂,简短精练(不能 简短,可加副标题),符合规范。 (二)署名,在题下。 (三)指导教师:xxx (四)摘要(可复制文中关键句子,稍作修 饰、连缀即可) (五)关键 词,一般3—5个即可,以重要程度为序。 (六)目录 主体部分: 前言、正文、结论、参考文献、致谢 (一)前言(引言,序论,导言,绪言) (二)正文(本论,主体) (三)结论 (四)注释 (五)参考文献 (文献名,作者,出版社,版次) 二、具体方法与规 范 (一)写作的顺序 1按照提纲自首至尾 2先写思考成熟的部分,最后焊接起来。(若不知从何写起,就这样写) 写此不管彼,只求一意法。 (二)引用材料的方法 1直接引用法 引证。推论,尊重,显示自己并非标新立异,不乏同道。(拉赞助) 2先斩后奏法 先概述观点,然后指出某人某文已详言之(加注参见) 3映带法 崇山峻岭,又有清流急湍映带左右。研究韩愈,不妨提及东坡;研究明清诗,也可上溯到汉魏。 4戒剽窃。学会运用,而不是照抄。 (三)论文的整体要求 准确,概括、简练,严谨客观,平实,文采。 不可以孤立的看问题,要注意上下影响。 (四)段落、标点规范 (五)语体的要求 要简约典雅。 第五章 修改、定稿 文不厌改,要改得死去活来。 一、自己反复阅读, (1)改正错误的字、词、句(笔下误)。(2)逻辑错误 (3)修正完善观点(4)论据错误(5)调整结构布局(完美,圆满,面团原理,增删 材料)(6)修饰词句。 面团原理:你如果原打算写五个部分,最后只写成三个部分;那你就说你本来就打算写三个部分,现在如期完成了,很“圆满”。因为没有人知道你的原计划,也 没有人想知道,所以没必要告诉他人。 二、他人审校(吸收他人意见;自己的错误往往看不出)。 互相审阅,互相挑毛病。 第六章 答辩 虚心点就行。自己写的,也不用心虚。















2、 英语专业体裁文本依托文学课程体系改革效果分析景婧外语界2015-08-25期刊















1、加拿大英语文学在中国的译介(1949—2009)——兼论社会文化对文学翻译的制约朱振武; 綦亮上海大学学报(社会科学版)


