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毕业论文用英语的翻译:毕业 论文 迅捷在线翻译:Graduation (毕业) thesis(论文)参考一下

毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺骗性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)







1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。







原文出处:期刊类文献书写方法:[序号]作者(不超过3人,多者用等或et al表示).题(篇)名[J].刊名(版本),出版年,卷次(期次):起止页次。


原文出处:论文集类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.篇名[A].编著者.论文集名[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次。















it is neccessary for traditional schlors to know Chinese tradition painting, calligraohy, the composition of poem and chinese traditional music.


国画是中国文化遗产的重要组成部分。不同于西方画,它是用毛笔(Chinese brush)和墨汁在宣纸(xuan paper)上作画的。精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习, 需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识。绘画前,画家必须在脑海里有一个草图并根据他的想象力和经验进行绘画。许多中国画家既是诗人,又是书法家。他们经常会在自己的画上亲手添加诗作。


Chinese painting is an important part of thecountry's cultural heritage. It distinguishes itselffrom Western painting in that it is drawn on xuanpaper with the Chinese brush and Chinese ink. Toattain proficiency in this art, it is necessary to havea good control of the brush, and certain knowledge of xuan paper and Chinese ink besidesrepeated painting, the painter must have a draft in his mind and drawaccording to his imagination and a Chinese painter is at the same time a poetand calligrapher who often adds a poem with his own hand on the painting.


1.不同于西方画,它是用毛笔和墨汁在宣纸上作画的:“不同于”可译为distinguish oneself from sth.,也可用bedifferent from 表示。“毛笔和墨汁”可译为the Chinesebrush and Chinese ink,此处可同用一个冠词表示整体;“用”可用介词with,表示方式。

2.精通这门艺术需要不断重复的练习,需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识:“精通这门艺术”可译为toattain proficiency in this art,attain意为“获得、获取”,proficiency意为“精通、熟练”。“需要控制好毛笔,需要对宣纸和墨汁有一定的认识”,该句可理解为“控制好毛笔和认识宣纸、墨汁也是必要的”。


维吾尔族(Uygur)是中国的一个少数民族。维吾尔族人喜欢喝奶茶,吃肉和用面粉烤制的馕(nang)。他们有自己的语言和文字。他们的文学具有一种独特的民族风格,其中“阿凡提的故事”(the Story of Afanti) 中国各族人民的喜爱。维吾尔族是个能歌善舞的民族,每逢节日和婚礼,他们都会邀请客人和他们一起跳传统民间舞蹈。他们的民歌优美动听,被广泛传唱。


The Uygur is a Chinese ethnic people like to drink milk tea, eat meat and nang baked with have their own spoken and written literature is of a unique ethnic style, among which the Story of Afanti is favored by all ethnic groups in Uygur people are good at singing and will invite guests to join them in their traditional folk dance in festivals and wedding folk songs sound beautiful and are widely sung.


1.第2句中的定语“用面粉烤制的”较长,可将其处理成后置定语,用分词短语baked with flour来表达,表被动。

2.在第3句中,“语言”侧重指口头的,而“文字”则侧重指书面的,故该句可译为They have their own spoken and written languages。该句也可对应地译为 They have their own languages and characters。

3.在第4句中,“具有……风格”可用be of... style来表达;“其中……”可用among which引导的定语从句来表达,将前后两个分句连接起来,使分句间的语义关系更加紧密。

4.倒数第2句较长,后两个分句“每逢……”和“他们都会……”之间语义联系紧密,可合译为一个句子,第1个分句则单独另成一句。在“维吾尔族是个能歌善舞的民族”中,“能歌善舞”的施动者是“人”,而非“民族”,故需译为 The Uygur people are good at...。“每逢......”作状语,可译为 in festivals and wedding ceremonies,置于句末。


My graduation thesis was named as the excellent graduation thesis 我的毕业论文被评为校优秀毕业论文 Was named 被评为

三好学生Best Students 优秀毕业生Outstanding graduates 优秀党性干部Outstanding party cadres优秀毕业论文Outstanding dissertation


Excellent undergraduate graduation dissertation







In recent years autonomous regions road traffic career has been a rapid development, motor vehicle size in rapid increase. So, on the one hand, as the product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity, on the other hand, if the symbol of lack of effective management means, might also contribute to the economic development of the artery infarction. Therefore, efforts to develop "peace unblocked counties" activities, solve the factors influencing the traffic safety, it is urgent. It firstly expounds "to create safe unblocked counties of background and this paper put forward" the research significance, secondly introduces "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation method. Then from the establishment of urban traffic management evaluation system, selection of purpose and meaning of standard and principle, methods of choosing researche in "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation was studied. Then in urumqi, shihezi, kelamayi city such as, for example, attractors among "to create safe unblocked counties" carry out effect comparing horizontally and vertically. Keywords: to create safe unblocked counties evaluation index system implementation effect assessment

一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability 中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili’s Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译Cultural differences and translation 23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究 On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用The Application of Grice’s Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation 29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍Cultural Obstacles in English Learning32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism33.中英禁忌语比较A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos34.从隐私权看中西文化差异A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions36.言语行为理论及其应用Speech Act and its Application37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics 38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查A Survey on Bilingual Courses’ Learning in Hubei University of Economics39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学 40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in . Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46.English and Chinese Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异47.On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication 中英非语言交际礼俗规范的文化差异研究48.A Comparative Study on the Different Cultural Connotations of Basic Chinese and English Color Words英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究49.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms 中英文习语的特点以及文化差异50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异54.谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观 On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication55.委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用 The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication56.从英汉习语看东西方文化异同 Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms57.中英文化中的礼貌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures58.解析文化差异引起的语用失误The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences59.从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective60.中美商务谈判中的文化因素探析Approach to Cultural Factors for the Sino-American Business Negotiation61.英汉道歉语的对比研究A contrastive study of apologies in English and Chinese62.跨文化交际中颜色词的运用Application of colors in intercultural communication63.英汉寒暄语的差异研究Some difference of small talks between Chinese and English64.不同交际风格中恭维语及其回应的研究Compliment and its response with different communication styles65.英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义对比研究The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English66.英语委婉语的功能与效果研究On functions and effects of euphemism in English67.中外幽默的跨文化对比A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor68.英语副语言交际研究A survey on communication of paralanguage三、语言类毕业论文选题69.语篇分析中的语境功能研究The function of context in discourse analysis70.语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用研究Discourse analysis in the application of teaching English reading 71.英语广告语言特点分析An analysis on the feature of English advertisement72.非语言交际与身势语研究Nov-verbal communication and gesture language73.英语委婉语研究About English euphemism

Regional road transport in recent years also has been rapid development of vehicle ownership increased rapidly. On the one hand is seen as a product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity of the symbol, on the other hand if the lack of effective management tool, it may be the cause of economic development of the infarct artery. Therefore, to create a "safe unimpeded county" activities to address the factors that affect traffic safety, it becomes urgent. Paper first describes the "smooth counties to create peace," made the background and significance of this research, then introduces the "counties to create safe smooth" implementation of the results of the evaluation. Then from the establishment of evaluation system for urban traffic management purpose and meaning, the selected standards and principles, the method chosen three face "to create safe smooth counties," Evaluation of the implementation of a preliminary study. Then in Urumqi, Shihezi, Karamay and other cities, for example, on our region, "the county to create safe smooth" implementation of the results were horizontal, vertical comparison. Keywords: Creating a safe smooth implementation of the county Evaluation Index System

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