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要。毕业论文中的英文缩写是放在需要中英文对照里,这样一共别人进行阅读。毕业论文(graduation study)是专科及以上学历教育为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前撰写的论文。毕业论文一般安排在修业的最后一学年(学期)进行,论文题目由教师指定或由学生提出,学生选定课题后进行研究,撰写并提交论文,目的在于培养学生的科学研究能力,加强综合运用所学知识、理论和技能解决实际问题的训练,从总体上考查学生大学阶段学习所达到的学业水平。


Human resource plays the pivotal role in social economy development increasingly. 5P model is regarded as a very important model in human resource management, while it delivers the huge purpose and instant effect. But we have to realize that the application of 5P needs to one environment that cooperation of every department and plan the relevant policies, therefore enterprises utilize 5P model depending on practical situation. This anticle tries to realize the huge effect of 5P model very well through both discussing the content of 5P model and 洛北春酒业集团`s suessful experience.

是翻成英文吗 Civil service system is the embodiment of the management system of personnel administration regularity, is promoting the modern government and the development of administrative system of anization design, it is perfect with innovation, related to the government administration quality and efficiency improvement. China in 1993 adopted the national civil service system, began to enter the modern government personnel management track. But overall, pared with foreign countries, the civil service system of our country is still relatively primitive, theoretical research is still relatively weak, and there are many aspects need reform and innovation. Therefore, the reform of the civil service system in China has bee an important task. This paper will be based on the civil service system on the basis of theoretical study, through to the Chinese and foreign civil servants system recorded in the annealing preferred, incentive coordination, the protection mechani *** of the three major aspects of the public servant system at home and abroad, to reveal the similarities and differences, to draw lessons from foreign civil servant system beneficial experience to perfect our civil servant system design. 我只把你摘要的发来了

Abstract The core petitiveness of enterprises is the basis of the sustainable development of enterprise and the source of petitive advatages. As a growth point of China's national economy, Real Estate directly affects the national economic development and the people's livelihood. Therefore, the construction of real estate enterprises'core petitive ability should be paid profound attention. Depending on a bination of core petence theory, this paper is in view of the status quo of the estate enterprise'core petitive ability in China,then bines the author's opinion under the help of the related books,documents and the teacher, and finally turn out the means of the construction of enterprises'core petitive ability . Keywords The Core Competiveness of Enterprises Brand Strategy Enterpise Culture

Urban vulnerable groups is in the interests of the economic system transformation relative damage, marginalized groups, with social transformation, economic restructuring and social factors such as industrial restructuring, urban vulnerable groups is being increasingly prominent, and has affected our economy development and social equity. Based on the situation of vulnerable groups of urban studies, that the size of the vulnerable groups in recent years in increasing the survival of the city status of vulnerable groups have not been effective improvement, therefore, an urgent need for government-led, to establish and improve various policies and mechani *** s to protect the basic rights of vulnerable groups in order to achieve the goal of building a well.

Along with continuous development of market economy and intensive structural reform of publish industry, financial management play a more and more important role on the development and management of publishing enterprise. Publishing enterprises must change their concepts and pay attention to financial management, building and insisting on the sense of innovation and human-oriented financial management, actively exploring and building a sound financial management system which is adaptive to market economic management system and operation mechani *** . Publishing enterprises must try a variety of ways and means to resolve the outstanding issues in financial management, making effort to improve the qualities of financial workers, strengthening the informational construction of financial management, realizing continuous innovation on financial centralized management and aounts receivable management, so as to promote the publishing industry develop in a healthy and good direction.

Abstract: The woman known as half of the sky in an era of growing concern in the feminist context, hold up half the sky in other men - their pressure, their difficulties, their sad, seems to have been used to And even taken for granted. But Chili as one of the representatives of women writers, she works in many men have expressed the concern of this group. Loss of life, questions of love, of self-worth of confusion, as the mon challenge facing the hero. Thus, character. environment. the fate of one man without the image of the intersection in question to the reality: our way is, Where is tomorrow? 摘要还必须包括关键词的。


[Abstract] In the 1980s and 1990s last century, the economy developed at a high speed with the sacrifice of damaging the environments which caused serious environmental problems and social problems. Gov and society began to think about it, therefore in the process of production and manufacturing, enterprises should take the corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the improvement of social system, many enterprises have realized the problem of social responsibility. More and more enterprises find that it is not contradicted beeen achieving the individual economic goal and fulfilling the social goal. To enhance the consciousness and initiative of fulfilling the social responsibility, enterprises should fulfill the social responsibility to convey related information to the society. It plays a key role to develop the social responsibility and social responsibility investments because it can better bring in the public opinion pressure and Gov supervision. High moral standards aord with the enterprises’ long-term benefit which will help gain reputation and trust in the daily operation and long-term cooperation. Enterprises can really catch the advantage of taking the social responsibility, the policy and regulation that push the enterprises to fulfill the social responsibility so that to find appropriate conduct system. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, corporate obligation, significance of social responsibility, harmonious society

This thesis presents a detailed *** ysis of the current situation of the private enterprises of Chaoshan, gave emphasized *** ysis on both the advantage of its development and problems lied in, and found out the advantages as well as limitations of the district of Chaoshan. On the basis of this, this thesis also studied on the New Wenzhou Mode, while in the meantime proposed advices on the future development of private enterprises of Chaoshan district in view of strategy.

Under the new current economic condition, the culture is enterprise'ssoul, is the enterprise core competitive ability importantconstituent. Engulfs the entire world in at present the new economicaltide and our country join WTO under the big background, the harborprofession survival external environment and internal management hasall had the huge change, also welcomed the rare developmentopportunity, simultaneously also was facing keen competition and thestern challenge. Is listed the third Qingdao port as China, must wantin take high tech, the network and the information industries as themain strut, take the whole world economic integration as thedevelopment characteristic new economical time survival development,constructs the new enterprise culture which adapts with thisimperative. This article has analyzed under the new current economic condition theQingdao port enterprise in the production management newcharacteristic, and in this foundation, has analyzed the new economythe challenge and the renewal request which proposed to the Qingdaoport enterprise culture construction, and elaborates the correspondingsolution countermeasure with own viewpoint. Finally in thisfoundation, proposed constructs conforms to the new economicalcharacteristic take "to be able this" as the core three dimensionalenterprise culture new pattern tentative plan.

Under the new economic conditions, culture is the soul of the enterprise, is an important component of the enterprise's core competitiveness. In the current wave of globalization and the new economy, under the general background of China's entry into the WTO. Port industry and the survival of the external environment has undergone tremendous changes in the internal operations, we welcome a rare development opportunity, also facing fierce competition and tough challenges. China ranks third in the port city of Qingdao in Shandong Province in order to technology networks and the information industry as the main support. to the characteristics of the global economic integration to the survival and development of a new economic era. Construction of a new enterprise culture in keeping with this imperative. This paper analyzes the port city under the new economic conditions in production and business activities of the new features, and on this basis, Analysis of the port city of the new economy to the challenges of building and updating the corporate culture, and their own point of view and corresponding countermeasures. Finally on this basis, in line with the new economic characteristics of the building "will, in the" corporate culture at the core of a new three-dimensional model envisaged.


At present, the complex shape stainless steel parts, the hand-polishing, or to occupy a dominant position. Hand-polishing the quality of instability, low efficiency, the impact of the production cycle, thus affecting the competitiveness of their markets. At present, only a small number of large companies use automatic polishing machine grinding. The main reason for the high cost, and only suitable for uniform polishing, so the low rate of return on investment. Existing small polishing machine, the drawback is not a very good position to control the load. Therefore the development of semi-automatic polishing machine for stainless steel has become a viable research direction. Can reduce costs, reduce labor intensity polishing, but also improve efficiency, while at the same time not subject to restrictions on the scale of business operations can be carried out uniformly and non-uniform polishing. In this paper, the development of stainless steel pot and the effect to be achieved by suitable polishing means, and on this basis, the use of AutoCAD software platform for the graphic design of the polishing body design, modeling. Finally, the study of polishing process parameters (spindle speed, feed rate, etc.) on the stainless steel surface roughness effects of knowledge acquisition through the use of forward reasoning mechanism, the establishment of polishing machine wheel machine the overall composition. Key words semi-automatic; load position; polishing;

AbstractWith the development of market economy and globalization, the increasingly fierce market competition, the cable market competition has become fierce. In order to enable the company to better respond to the market competition and the change of the environment of enterprises, to develop an appropriate marketing strategy made reference to the company, is the core problem to be solved in this paper. This paper uses the method of theory with practice, based on the theory described the status quo, Renaissance, the existing problems and corresponding countermeasures. And by using the SWOT analysis method to make a comprehensive analysis of the company, the advantages include: company engaged in cable industry for many years with rich experience, and has a lot of fixed customers, cable industry technology is mature, for management and R & D investment cost is low; the disadvantages include: using the traditional marketing methods, marketing specialist most of the company 's cooperation, the company lacks the internal company salesman, the resulting problems is produced; opportunities mainly include: China's economic system reform further deepening, the power industry to further increase investment, the development of the demand of cable increases; threat: the competitiveness of the industry is more and more strong, the product quality requirements more and more high, enhance the bargaining power of customers; finally, based on the market positioning of the Renaissance, with 4Ps as the main line, the development of the company's product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy and distribution strategy, and put this as a long-term goal of marketing. In order to effectively guarantee the effective implementation of marketing planning, this paper also put forward the implementation of effective measures for : SWOT analysis, marketing strategy, marketing planning




今天给童鞋们详细说明在毕业论文中,中英文摘要的格式及字体要求。当你的毕业论文初稿完成,建议通过papertime论文查重工具进行初稿查重及修改降重。中文摘要部分的标题为“摘要”,用黑体三号字居中。摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,两端对齐,汉字用宋体,外文字用Times New Roman体。



英文摘要部分的标题为“Abstract”,用Times New Roman体三号字加粗。摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman体字书写,两端对齐,标点符号用英文标点符号。“Key Words”与中文摘要部分的关键词对应;每个关键词的每个英文单词的第一个英文字母应大写;每个关键词之间空四个英文字符宽度,不用逗号或其他符号间隔。



Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.,Sect. A

V. Thesis Outline:I. Introduction II. On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High School . Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English Reading . Reasons of Currents Problems in English Reading Ⅲ. Ways to develop Students’ English Reading Skills . Developing Students’ Reading Habits . Specific Measures in developing Reading Broadening Students’ Improving Students’ Reading .Training Students’ Reading Speed While Reading . Choose Proper Reading Materials and Strategies Ⅳ. Extending Students’ Eye Shot in Extracurricular ReadingⅤ. Conclusion




论文里面的注释应该怎么写 是这样的: 比如你参考了某篇论文中的一段话,则在将鼠标光标点在这段话的末尾处,然后点击工具栏里的“插入”——“脚注和尾注”(可能在“引用”里面,视电脑而定)——确定。 这样,在你引用的那段话的末尾,即有了一个小小的编号,光标会自动跳到页末,那里出现了一个小五号字的脚注栏,你可以在里面输入被引用文章的详细具体信息。在你写文章的过程中,脚注尾注会自动调整顺序编号,并跟随正文移动,所以你不用担心会对不上。并且,你将鼠标移到正文中注解处那些小数字上的时候,还会出来一个小框,出现你脚注中的内容。你可以试一下。 至于格式,就是:作者,《XXXX》,出版社,出版年份,引文页码 其实注释除了引文以外,还可以有别的,比如你在文中提及某条法条,可以将法条的具体内容写在注释里。 总之,你有什么想要添加说明,而有觉得直功添加对正文的连贯性无益的,都可以加入注释中。 至于参考文献,则是要放在整篇文章末尾的。格式和引文注释相同。 论文里面的注释应该怎么标怎么写 参考文献加标注一般是在引用文字的末尾点击插入引用——脚注和尾注,选择尾注就可以了,参考文献应该属于尾注,在菜单里选“插入---引用----脚注和尾注”,脚注是在文章的某一页下面的注解,而尾注就是在文章最后了,打开后就可以选编码,即角码。可以自己设定类型、格式。双击编码就可以在文章和参考文献间转换。 在英文输入法状态下输入[1],选中[1].按ctrl+shift++号键 把光标放在引用参考文献的地方,在菜单栏上选“插入|脚注和尾注”,弹出的对话框中选择“尾注”,点击“选项”按钮修改编号格式为 *** 数字,位置为“文档结尾”,确定后Word就在光标的地方插入了参考文献的编号,并自动跳到文档尾部相应编号处请你键入参考文献的说明,在这里按参考文献着录表的格式添加相应文献。参考文献标注要求用中括号把编号括起来,至今我也没找到让Word自动加中括号的方法,需要手动添加中括号。 在文档中需要多次引用同一文献时,在第一次引用此文献时需要制作尾注,再次引用此文献时点“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”选“尾注”,引用内容为“尾注编号(带格式)”,然后选择相应的文献,插入即可。不要以为已经搞定了,我们离成功还差一步。论文格式要求参考文献在正文之后,参考文献后还有发表论文情况说明、附录和致谢,而Word的尾注要么在文档的结尾,要么在“节”的结尾,这两种都不符合我们的要求。解决的方法似乎有点笨拙。首先删除尾注文本中所有的编号(我们不需要它,因为它的格式不对),然后选中所有尾注文本(参考文献说明文本),点“插入|书签”,命名为“参考文献文本”,添加到书签中。这样就把所有的参考文献文本做成了书签。在正文后新建一页,标题为“参考文献”,并设置好格式。光标移到标题下,选“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”为“书签”,点“参考文献文本”后插入,这样就把参考文献文本复制了一份。选中刚刚插入的文本,按格式要求修改字体字号等,并用项目编号进行自动编号。到这里,我们离完美还差一点点。打印文档时,尾注页同样会打印出来,而这几页是我们不需要的。当然,可以通过设置打印页码范围的方法不打印最后几页。这里有另外一种方法,如果你想多学一点东西,请接着往下看。选中所有的尾注文本,点“格式|字体”,改为“隐藏文字”,切换到普通视图,选择“视图|脚注”,此时所有的尾注出现在窗口的下端,在“尾注”下拉列表框中选择“尾注分割符”,将默认的横线删除。同样的方法删除“尾注延续分割符”和“尾注延续标记”。删除页眉和页脚(包括分隔线),选择“视图|页眉和页脚”,首先删除文字,然后点击页眉页脚工具栏的“页面设置”按钮,在弹出的对话框上点“边框”,在“页面边框”选项卡,边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“本节”;“边框”选项卡的边框设置为“无”,应用范围为“段落”。切换到“页脚”,删除页码。选择“工具|选项”,在“打印”选项卡里确认不打印隐藏文字(Word默认)。 参考文献格式: 作者.题名[D].所在城市:保存单位,发布年份. 李琳.住院烧伤患者综合健康状况及其影响因素研究[D].福州:福建医科大学,2009. 其他的: 作者.题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码. 沈平,彭湘粤,黎晓静,等.临床路径应用于婴幼儿呼吸道异物手术后的效果[J].中华护理杂志,2012,47(10):930-932. 作者.书名[M]. 版次.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码. 胡雁.护理研究[M].第4版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2012:38. 作者.题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 丁文祥.数字革命与国际...... 急!求学术论文标准格式,注释和参考文献怎么写 (三)注释注释采用页末注(将注文放在加注页的页脚)或篇末注(将全部注文集中在文章末尾),不可行中加注。注释编号选用带圈 *** 数字,注文使用小五号宋体字。以下为引用各类文献注释格式:专著:注释编号.作者.专著.书名[M].出版社,出版年.起止页码期刊:注释编号 .作者.期刊.题名[J].刊名,出版年(卷、期):起止页码论文集:注释编号.作者.论文名称: 论文集名[C].出版地:出版社,出版年度.起止页码 学位论文:注释编号 .作者.题名[D].保存地点:保存单位,写作年度. 专利文献:注释编号 .专利所有者.题名[P].专利国别:专利号, 出版日期光盘:注释编号.责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识],出版年(光盘序号) 互联网:注释编号.责任者.文献题名.电子文献网址.访问时间(年-月-日)文献作者3名以内的全部列出;3名以上则列出前3名,后加“等”(英文加“etc"”) 写论文时候怎么在Word文档中写引用标注? 插入脚注或尾注 ,引用--脚注--插入脚注; 脚注(尾注)标记使用方括号,用查找替换: 查找内容:^f (如果是尾注:^e) 替换为:[^&] 全部替换。 毕业论文如果是百度百科的脚注怎么写 文如果是百度百科的脚注怎么写 BIJIAO DUO KENDIN GHAO DE 论文注释怎么写 文注释怎么写 了解 急!!!论文引用百度百科的句子,脚注要怎么写?













①与正文部分空出两行;②按照文中的索引编号分别或合并注释;③“注释”采用五号黑体,注释内容汉语采用小五号宋体,英语采用Times New Roman 9号。


①在文中要有引用标注,如××× [1];
















英文摘要应与中文摘要相对应,字体为小四号times new roman。






参考文献要另起一页,一律放在正文后,在文中要有引用标注,如××× [1]。




