期刊名称:Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 期刊类型:SCI 学科领域:人工智能 影响因子:3.120 中科院分区:4区 录用周期:2-3个月 版面
Papers describing applications of AI are also welcome, but the focus should be on how new and novel AI methods advance performance in application a
最近,我们的一篇工作被wiley旗下的国际智能系统杂志录用,在此分享一下投稿过程和经验: 期刊简介 期刊名:International Journal of Intelligent Systems
1、AIS平台投稿:请将排版好的论文全文投稿至艾思投稿系统。 2、论文模板请于艾思系统【会议资料】处下载。 3、论文必须是英文稿件,且论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊
期刊简介 由中国人工智能协会(CAAI)赞助,CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology是一本黄金开放获取期刊,发表有关人工智能技术理论和实验方面
Artificial Intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current
1、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IF:10.048) 顶级期刊,中科院一区,可以算是行业标杆了 2、Medical Image Analysis (IF:8.545) 顶级期刊 中科院一区,IF虽然比TMI稍低,行业