CSEE电力与能源系统学报,《CSEE电力与能源系统学报》(Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering Journal of Power and Energy Systems,简称CSEE JPES) 创刊于2015年3月,是中国电
2、投稿咨询方式为:电话,邮箱pcsee@ 参考资料来源: 问:csee jpes是sci几区 答:csee jpes是sci电气与电子工程学科(ENGINEERING,ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC)Q2区。 2019年6月
2022.8 补充 CSEE JPES今年的影响因子破6,超过大多数电气大类的期刊和老牌物理类期刊,性价比很高。
The CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES) is an international quarterly journal published by the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering
6、期刊刊期:半月刊,逢每月1日和2日出版。 2021年1月7日星期四投稿须知 【官网信息】Instructions for Authors Submission Checklist Please: read the Aims & Scope to gain
Editor's Message. As the Editor-in-Chief for the CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, I would like to welcome all of you working in the power and energy
31. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems,IF:2.680 第一年影响因子就达到2.680,期刊是中国电机工程学会旗下的,IEEE检索,看好该期刊的发展,一年4期。 2016年发表论文49篇,高
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C《国际现代物理杂志C》(月刊). International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) is a journal dedicated to&n